Crime by Night is a 1944 crime film directed by William Clemens, starring Jane Wyman and Jerome Cowan. It tells the story of Sam Campbell (Jerome Cowan) and his secretary Robbie Vance (Jane Wyman), who take a vacation and uncover a murder.
Crime by Night is a 1944 crime film directed by William Clemens, starring Jane Wyman and Jerome Cowan. It tells the story of Sam Campbell (Jerome Cowan) and his secretary Robbie Vance (Jane Wyman), who take a vacation and uncover a murder. (en)
Crime by Night is a 1944 crime film directed by William Clemens, starring Jane Wyman and Jerome Cowan. It tells the story of Sam Campbell (Jerome Cowan) and his secretary Robbie Vance (Jane Wyman), who take a vacation and uncover a murder. (en)