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SIAM Review, Volume 35
Volume 35, Number 1, 1993
- Sunetra Gupta, Roy M. Anderson
, Robert M. May:
Mathematical Models and the Design of Public Health Policy: Hiv and Antiviral Therapy. 1-16 - Nozer D. Singpurwalla, Simon Wilson:
The Warranty Problem: Its Statistical and Game-Theoretic Aspects. 17-42 - John A. Jacquez, Carl P. Simon:
Qualitative Theory of Compartmental Systems. 43-79 - James P. Keener:
The Perron-Frobenius Theorem and the Ranking of Football Teams. 80-93 - Jack Macki, Paolo Nistri
, Pietro Zecca
Mathematical Models for Hysteresis. 94-123 - Joel E. Cohen:
Erratum: Subadditivity, Generalized Products of Random Matrices and Operations Research. 124 - J. William Dold:
A Note on Integral Properties of Periodic Orbits. 125-129 - Graham F. Carey, Hung T. Dinh:
A Grid Anomaly in Quadrilateral Elements. 130-134 - David L. Powers:
Probabilities for a Cuboctahedral Die. 135-136 - Marvin Marcus:
A Convex Set. 136 - K. S. Murray:
Ellipsoid of Inertia of a Regular Simplex. 136 - M. L. Glasser:
Two Definite Integrals Arising in Light Transmission Through a Crystal. 136 - Robert B. Cooper:
An Infinite Sum of Erlang Loss Functions. 137 - Michael Renardy:
On Winning in the Game of Lotto (Andy Liu). 137-139 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Expected Type of Triangle (D. J. Newman). 139-141 - Ellipsoid of Inertia of a Regular Simplex (Quickie). 141
- David H. Bailey:
Computational Frameworks for the Fast Fourier Transform (Charles Van Loan). 142-143 - George Bojadziev:
Systems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applications to Biology and Engineering (Anthony W. Leung). 143-145 - Peter J. Bryant:
Weak Chaos and Quasi-Regular Patterns (G. M. Zaslavsky, R. Z. Sagdeev, D. A. Usikov, and A. A. Chernikov). 145-146 - Bradley P. Carlin:
Tools for Statistical Inference: Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods (Martin A. Tanner). 146-147 - George Cybenko:
Computation & Cognition (C. William Gear). 147-148 - Bernard Fluky:
A User's Guide to Principal Components (Edward Jackson). 148-149 - H. Leon Harter:
Order Statistics and Inference: Estimation Methods (N. Balakrishnan and A. Clifford Cohen). 149-150 - Christiaan Heij:
Implicit Linear Systems (J. D. Aplevich). 150-151 - Reuben Hersh:
Ethnomathematics: A Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas (Marcia Ascher). 151-153 - Alexander H. G. Rinnooy Kan, A. van Vliet:
Probabilistic Analysis of Packing and Partitioning Algorithms (E. G. Coffman, Jr. and George S. Lueker). 153-154 - Klaus Kirchgässner:
Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems (Pierre Collet and Jean-Pierre Eckmann). 154-155 - Janusz Kowalik, Karel Zikan:
Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization; Volume 1 (Philip E. Gill, Walter Murray, and Margaret H. Wright). 155-158 - Jean Mawhin:
Non-Linear Phenomena in Science and Engineering (George Rowlands). 158-159 - J. H. McCabe:
History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants (Claude Brezinski). 159-160 - Yoh-Han Pao:
Statistical Pattern Recognition. Second edition (Keinosuke Fukunaga). 161 - Alexander G. Ramm:
Short-Wavelength Diffraction Theory (V. M. Babič and V. S. Buldyrev). 161-164 - J. N. Reddy:
Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (Franz Ziegler). 164-165 - Badrinath Roysam:
Computational Vision (Harry Wechsler). 165-166 - Andrew L. Rukhin:
Bayesian Estimation and Experimental Design in Linear Regression Models (Jürgen Pilz). 166-167 - Rüdiger Seydel:
The Art of Modeling Dynamic Systems: Forecasting for Chaos, Randomness, and Determinism (Foster Morrison). 167-168 - G. W. Stewart:
Topics in Matrix Analysis (Roger A. Horn and Charles R. Johnson). 168-169 - John Urbas:
Regularity Theory for Quasilinear Elliptic Systems and Monge-Ampere Equations in Two Dimensions (Friedmar Schulz). 169-172 - Wolfgang Wetterling:
Parametric Optimization: Singularities, Pathfollowing and Jumps (J. Guddat and F. Guerra Vasquez with H. Th. Jongen). 172 - Stephen Whitaker:
Interfacial Transport Phenomena (John C. Slattery). 172-174 - Ralph A. Willoughby:
Numerical Mathematics (Günther Hämmerline and Karl-Heinz Hoffman). 174-175
Volume 35, Number 2, 1993
- R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
Lagrange Multipliers and Optimality. 183-238 - Andrea L. Bertozzi
, James McKenna:
Multidimensional Residues, Generating Functions, and Their Application to Queueing Networks. 239-268 - Karl Sigman, Ronald W. Wolff:
A Review of Regenerative Processes. 269-288 - John Miles:
The Electric Bell Revisited. 289-293 - Tamás Lengyel:
A Combinatorial Identity and the World Series. 294-297 - Bill Sands:
A Maximum Volume. 298 - John Billingham:
An Infinite Integral. 298 - A. A. Jagers:
A Constrained Minimum Problem. 298 - Steven Laffin:
All Purpose Stamp Design. 299 - M. L. Glasser:
An Infinite Integral of Four Bessel Functions. 299 - Russell L. Mallet:
Maximum Value of a Shear Stress (J. O. Fellman). 299-304 - W. B. Jordan, Carl C. Grosjean:
Three Infinite Sums (C. C. Grosjean). 304-306 - Michael Renardy:
Asymptotic Solution of the Telegraph Equation (Mark A. Pinsky). 306-307 - An Infinite Integral (Quickie). 307
- Hassan Aref:
Transition to Chaos: The Orbit Diagram and the Mandelbrot Set, with Robert L. Devaney. 308-309 - Rudolf Beran:
Statistical Intervals: A Guide for Practitioners (Gerald J. Hahn and William Q. Meeker). 309-310 - Paul Blanchard:
Iteration of Rational Functions (Alan F. Beardon). 310-312 - M. E. Brewster:
An Introduction to Wavelets (Charles K. Chui). 312-313 - Václav Dupac:
Adaptive Algorithms and Stochastic Approximations (A. Benveniste, M. Métivier, and P. Priouret). 313-314 - Bryson Brown:
A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime (John A. Wheeler). 314-315 - Peter L. Duren:
Inequalities: Fifty Years on from Hardy, Littlewood and Pólya (W. Norrie Everitt, ed.). 315-316 - Alex Figotin:
Spectral Theory of Random Schrödinger Operators (René Carmona and Jean Lacroix). 316-318 - George J. Fix:
Scientific Computations on Mathematical Problems and Conjectures (Richard S. Varga). 318-320 - Daniel P. Heyman:
Stochastic Models in Queueing Theory (J. Medhi). 320-321 - John F. Hughes:
Oriented Projective Geometry: A Framework for Geometric Computations (Jorge Stolfi). 321-323 - Norm C. Kenkel:
Mathematical Ecology of Plant Species Competition: A Class of Deterministic Models for Binary Mixtures of Plant Genotypes (Anthony G. Pakes and R. A. Maller). 323-324 - Malgorzta M. Klosek:
Markov Processes: An Introduction for Physical Scientists (Daniel T. Gillespie). 324-325 - Kumar Joag-Dev:
Functional Equations in Probability Theory (B. Ramachandran and Ka-Sing Lau). 325-326 - Arjen K. Lenstra:
Uses of Randomness in Algorithms and Protocols (Joe Kilian). 326-328 - Joseph F. McGrath:
A Primer on Integral Equations of the First Kind: The Problem of Deconvolution and Unfolding (G. Milton Wing with the assistance of John D. Zahrt). 328-330 - Peter Orlik:
Verification of Sequential and Concurrent Programs (Krzysztof R. Apt and Ernst-Rudiger Olderog). 330-331 - Peter Orlik:
Matroid Applications (Neil White, ed.). 331 - P. D. Panagiotopoulos:
Convex Models of Uncertainty in Applied Mechanics (Yakov Ben-Haim and Isaac Elishakoff). 331-332 - Nigel Perry:
Lazy Functional Languages: Abstract Interpretation and Compilation (Geoffrey Burn). 332-334 - Tudor S. Ratiu:
Tensors and Manifolds (Robert H. Wasserman). 334-335 - Doris Schattschneider:
Crystalline Symmetries: An Informal Mathematical Introduction (Marjorie Senechal). 335-336 - J. C. Simo:
Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods (Franco Brezzi and Michel Fortin). 336-339 - Bikas K. Sinha:
Minimax Solutions in Sampling from Finite Populations (Siegfried Gabler). 339-340 - Deborah Sulsky:
Multigrid and Defect Correction for the Steady Navier-Stokes Equations Applications to Aerodynamics (Barry Koren). 340-341 - John A. Synowiec:
Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications (Lokenath Debnath and Piotr Mikusiński). 341-342 - Iradj Tadjbakhsh:
Strength of Structural Elements (Z. Brzoska, Z. Kaczkowski, J. Lipka, Z. Olesiak, and M. Zyczkowski). 342-343 - Andrew Vogt:
Quantum Mechanics, Algebras and Distributions (D. A. Dubin and M. A. Hennings). 343-345 - David Francis Walnut:
Wavelets: A Tutorial in Theory and Applications (Charles K. Chui, ed.). 345-348
Volume 35, Number 3, 1993
- W. G. Pritchard:
Mathematical Models of Running. 359-379 - Rainer Hettich, Kenneth O. Kortanek:
Semi-Infinite Programming: Theory, Methods, and Applications. 380-429 - David S. Watkins:
Some Perspectives on the Eigenvalue Problem. 430-471 - Allen R. Miller, Emanuel Vegh:
Exact Result for the Grazing Angle of Specular Reflection from a Sphere. 472-480 - Pierre T. Kabamba:
A Note on Navigation Accuracy. 481-487 - Rudolf X. Meyer:
A Unique Vector Sum. 488 - Carl C. Grosjean:
A Sextuple Integral from a Cosmological Model. 488 - Richard B. Evans:
An Integral Relation for Successive Eigenvalues. 489 - Dusan B. Jevtic:
A Number Theory Problem from Multiple-Access Adder Channels. 489-490 - John Billingham:
Two Integrals Arising from a Reaction-Diffusion Problem. 490 - W. B. Jordan:
Limit of a Sequence (M. Gaviano). 490-492 - D. K. Bhargava:
A Resistance Problem (E. N. Gilbert and L. A. Shepp). 492-493 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Existence of a Boundary-Value Problem with Prescribed Eigenvalues (Ahmed I. Zayed). 493-497 - J. Boersma, Pieter J. de Doelder:
On Alternating Multiple Sums (Malte Henkel and R. A. Weston). 497-500 - F. Schmidt:
Circular Binary Sequences (Mark Stamp). 500-502 - Dennis C. Jespersen:
A Family of Cubic Equations (Gerhard Metzen and Cecil Rousseau). 503 - M. L. Glasser:
Two Integrals Arising in Generalized Inverse Gaussian Model and Heat Conduction Problems (M. A. Chaudry AND S. M. Zubair). 503-504 - A Sextuple Integral From a Cosmological Model (Quickie). 504-505
- Errata: A Linear Integro-Differential Equation (John Melville). 505
- Calvin D. Ahlbrandt:
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations (U. Brechtken-Mandersheid; P. G. Engstrom. trans.). 506-507 - Peter Alfeld:
Zweidimensionale Spline-Interpolation-Algorithmen (H. Spath). 507-509 - Faiz A. Al-Khayyal, Panos M. Pardalos:
Global Optimization (Aimo Törn and Antanas Žilinskas). 509-510 - Krishna B. Athreya:
The Construction Theory of Denumerable Markov Processes (Xiang-Qun Yang). 510-513 - Erhan Çinlar:
Stochastic Flows and Stochastic Differential Equations (Hiroshi Kunita). 513-514 - Rick Durrett:
From Markov Chains to Nonequilibrium Particle Systems (Mu Fa Chen). 514 - Richard S. Falk:
Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods (Franco Brezzi and Michel Fortin). 514-517 - Gerald E. Farin:
Geometric Modelling for Numerically Controlled Machining (K. Marciniak). 517-518 - A. M. Fink:
Optimality and Equilibria in Stochastic Games (F. Thuijsman). 518-519 - Peter C. Fishburn:
Combinatorics and Partially Ordered Sets: Dimension Theory (William T. Trotter). 519-520 - Judith D. Gardiner:
Fundamentals of Matrix Computations (David S. Watkins). 520-521 - J. Brian Gray:
Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis (Michel Jambu). 521-524 - F. Haake:
Foundations of Synergetics II, Complex Patterns (A. S. Mikhailov and A. Yu. Loskutov). 524-525 - Paul S. Horn:
A First Course in Order Statistics (Barry C. Arnold, N. Balakrishnan, and H. N. Nagaraja). 525 - Olav Kallenberg:
Lectures on the Coupling Method (Torgny Lindvall). 525-527 - J. P. Keating:
Quantum Signatures of Chaos (Fritz Haake). 527-529 - Joseph P. S. Kung:
Matroid Decomposition (K. Truemper). 529-531 - Randall J. LeVeque:
Adaptive Finite Element Solution Algorithm for the Euler Equations (R. A. Shapiro). 531-532 - Jim Pitman:
Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion (Daniel Revuz and Mare Yor). 532-533 - Anthony Ralston:
Microcomputer Algorithms, Action from Algebra (John P. Killingbeck). 533-534 - Robert Schreiber:
Very Large Scale Computation in the 21st Century (Jill P. Mesirov, ed.). 534-535 - Nozer D. Singpurwalla:
Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data (M. J. Crowder, A. C. Kimber, R. L. Smith, and T. J. Sweeting). 535-538 - Allen R. Tannenbaum:
H∞-Optimal Control and Related Minimax Design Problems (Tamer Basar and Pierre Bernhard). 538-540 - Alexander F. Vakakis:
Theory of Vibration: I. An Introduction and II: Discrete and Continuous Systems (A. A. Shabana). 540-541 - James S. Wolper:
Algebraic-Geometric Codes (M. A. Tsfasman and S. G. Vladui). 541-543
Volume 35, Number 4, 1993
- G. W. Stewart:
On the Early History of the Singular Value Decomposition. 551-566 - Donald F. Winter:
On the Stem Curve of a Tall Palm in a Strong Wind. 567-579 - Alan Kenneth Head, Sam D. Howison, John R. Ockendon, S. P. Tighe:
An Equilibrium Theory of Dislocation Continua. 580-609 - Harry E. Moses, Reese T. Prosser:
Propagation of an Electromagnetic Field Through a Planar Slab. 610-620 - Masaaki Kijima:
Numerical Calculation of Ruin Probabilities for Skip-Free Markov Chains. 621-624 - Mansour Eslami:
Optimization of a Stability Bound. 625-630 - Shaun Bullett, Jaroslav Stark:
Renormalizing the Simple Pendulum. 631-640 - Hong Zhang, Xiaohuan Wang:
Optimal Sensor Placement. 641 - Peter J. Costa:
Matrix Differentiation Identities. 642 - Walter Böhm:
An Operator Limit. 642 - K. M. Seymour:
Maximum Gravitational Attraction. 642 - Graham M. L. Gladwell:
A Unique Real Root. 643 - P. C. Schuur, Rolf Richberg:
An Unexpected Result in Classical Electrostatics (A. J. E. M. Janssen and J. B. M. Melissen). 643-645 - Philippe Flajolet, Bruno Salvy, Helmut Prodinger:
A Finite Sum of Products of Binomial Coefficients (C. C. Grosjean). 645-647 - Johann Walter:
World Lines of Photons and Distributional Solutions with Small Support of the Homogeneous Wave Equation (Johann Walter). 647-649 - Chris F. Woodcock, Peter R. Graves-Morris:
A Determinant Identity (P. R. Graves-Morris). 649-651 - Ravi P. Agarwal:
The Double Mellin-Barnes Type Integrals and Their Applications to Convolution Theory (Nguyen Thanh Hai and S. B. Yakubovich). 652 - Joseph A. Ball:
Minimum Entropy H∞ Control (D. Mustafa and K. Glover). 652-655 - T. A. Burton:
A Course on Integral Equations (A. C. Pipkin). 655-656 - Stephen L. Campbell:
Methods of Solving Singular Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations (Y. Boyarintsev). 656-658 - J. M. Anthony Danby:
Ordinary Differential Equations (G. F. Carrier and E. E. Pearson). 658-659 - Robert W. Easton:
Introduction to Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems and the N-Body Problem (K. R. Meyer and G. R. Hall). 659 - Richard J. Fateman:
Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application (Andreas Griewank and George F. Corliss, eds.). 659-660 - Ricardo D. Fierro:
The Total Least Squares Problem: Computational Aspects and Analysis (S. Van Huffel and J. Vandewalle). 660-662 - Joseph Gruendler:
Nonlinear Systems (P. G. Drazin). 662-663 - Jerome A. Goldstein:
Attractors for Semigroups and Evolution Equations (Olga Ladyzhenskaya). 664-666 - Christopher Heil:
Ten Lectures on Wavelets (Ingrid Daubechies). 666-669 - Mike Hurley:
The Global Dynamics of Cellular Automata (Andrew Wuensche and Mike Lesser). 669-670 - Harold J. Kushner:
Stability of Stochastic Differential Equations with Respect to Semi-martingales (X. Mao). 670-671 - Y. Meyer:
Pseudodifferential Operators and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (M. E. Taylor). 671-672 - Walter D. Morris Jr.:
The Linear Complementarily Problem (R. W. Cottle, J.-S. Pang, and R. E. Stone). 673-674 - Ira S. Moskowitz:
Information Theory (Robert B. Ash). 674-675 - Peter J. Olver:
Geometrical Aspects of Partial Differential Equations (V. V. Zharinov). 675-676 - Joe Pimbley:
Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors (H. Haug and Stephan W. Koch). 676-677 - George Seifert:
Oscillation Theory of Delay Differential Equations (I. Györi and G. Ladas); Oscillation Theory for Neutral Differential Equations with Delay (D. D. Bainov and D. P. Mishev). 677-678 - David J. Shippy:
The Boundary Integral Approach to Static and Dynamic Contact Problems (H. Antes and P. D. Panagiotopoulos). 678-680 - Ian H. Sloan:
Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (H, Niederreiter). 680-681 - Andrew J. Sommese:
Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms-An Introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (D. Cox, J. Little, and D. O'Shea). 682 - Frank Stenger:
Sinc Methods for Quadrature and Differential Equations (J. Lund and K. L. Bowers). 682-683 - David Terman:
Patterns and Waves (Peter Grindrod). 683-684 - Pamela H. Vance:
Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and Computer Implementations (S. Martello and P. Toth). 684-685
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