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SIAM Review, Volume 34
Volume 34, Number 1, 1992
- James P. Keener, John J. Tyson
The Dynamics of Scroll Waves in Excitable Media. 1-39 - Paul L. Butzer, Rudolf L. Stens:
Sampling Theory for not Necessarily Band-Limited Functions: A Historical Overview. 40-53 - Qiang Du
, Max D. Gunzburger, Janet S. Peterson:
Analysis and Approximation of the Ginzburg-Landau Model of Superconductivity. 54-81 - Joseph W. H. Liu:
The Multifrontal Method for Sparse Matrix Solution: Theory and Practice. 82-109 - John E. Angus:
Some Bounds on the Error in Approximating Transition Probabilities in Continuous-Time Markov Processes. 110-113 - M. Goldberg, D. L. Powers:
A Machine-Tool Design. 114-117 - Ahmed I. Zayed:
Existence of a Boundary-Value Problem with Prescribed Eigenvalues. 118-119 - Andy Liu:
On Winning in the Game of Lotto. 120 - D. J. Newman:
Expected Type of Triangle. 120 - A. A. Jagers, E. M. J. Hinessen:
A Definite Integral Arising in Ohmic Dissipation. 120 - Murray S. Klamkin:
Extreme Gravitational Attraction. 120-121 - William F. Ford:
A Third-Order Differential Equation (M. A. Abdelkader). 121-122 - Peter Wagner:
Limit of a Definite Integral (C. A. Oster). 122-123 - James A. Wilson:
An Identity for Sums of Binomial Coefficients (Masaaki Sibuya). 123-126 - A Definite Integral Arising in Ohmic Dissipation (Quickie). 126
- Errata. 126
- Reuben Hersh:
In Memoriam: Nicholas D. Kazarinoff. 127 - Alejandro Uribe:
Pseudo-Differential Operators (S. R. Simanca). 128-129 - S. P. Hastings:
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (Lawrence Perko). 129-131 - Chunqing Lu:
Reaction-Diffusion Equations. (K. J. Brown and A. A. Lacey, eds.). 131-132 - Donald Kershaw:
Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology Volume 4. Integral Equations and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology (Robert Dautray and Jacques-Louis Lions) (John C. Amson translator). 132-134 - Stuart S. Antman:
Mechanics: From Newton's Laws to Deterministic Chaos (Florian Scheck). 135-137 - Guizhang Tu:
Integrable Systems of Classical Mechanics and Lie Algebras. Vol. I (A. M. Perelomov; A. G. Reyman, trans.). 137-138 - Allen C. Pipkin:
Fluid of Dynamics of Viscoelastic Liquids (D. D. Joseph). 138 - Russel Caflisch:
Two Phase Flows and Waves (Daniel D. Joseph and David G. Schaeffer, eds.). 138-140 - John C. Butcher:
Difference Equations from Differential Equations (W. J. Lick). 140 - Ellis Cumberbatch:
A Concrete Approach to Mathematical Modelling (Michael Mesterton-Gibbons). 140-141 - Percy Deift:
Direct and Inverse Problems: Potentials in Quantum Scattering. (Boris Zakhariev and Allina Suzko; G. Pontecorvo, trans.). 141-142 - Robert E. O'Malley Jr.:
Singular Perturbations I. Spaces and Singular Perturbations on Manifolds without Boundaries (L. S. Frank). 142 - Peter L. Antonelli:
The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants (Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Aristid Lindenmayer). 142-143 - Kris Sikorski:
Handbook of Numerical Analysis. Volume 1: Finite Difference Methods (Part 1) and Solution of Equations in Rn (Part 1) (P. G. Ciarlet and J L. Lions, eds.). 143-146 - Emanuel Parzen:
A Statistical Model: Frederick Mosteller's Contributions to Statistics, Science, and Public Policy (S. E. Fienberg D. C. Hoaglin, W. H. Kruskal and J. M. Tanur, eds.). 147 - Rick Durrett:
Probability Metrics and the Stability of Stochastic Models (Sveltozar T. Racheu). 147 - M. Luisa McAllister:
Possibility Theory: An Approach to Computerized Processing of Uncertainty (Didier Dubois and Henri Prade with the collaboration o f Henri Farreny, Roger Martin-Clouaire, and Claudette Testemale; E. F. Handing, trans.). 147-148 - John W. Woods:
Random Signals and Systems (Richard E. Mortensen). 148-149 - Jaroslav Stark:
Non-linear Series: A Dynamical System Approach (Howell Tong). 149-151 - Bryan Ellickson:
The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data (Tony Lancaster). 151-152 - Zvi Artstein:
Existence and Optimality of Competitive Equilibria (Charalambos Aliprantis, Donald Brown, and Owen Burkinshaw). 152-153 - Grace L. Yang:
Stochastic Processes in Epidemic Theory (J.-P. Gabriel, C. Léfvre and P. Picard). 153-155 - Emanuel Parzen:
Forecasting, Structural Time Series and the Kalman Filter (Andrew C. Harvey). 155-156 - William P. Coleman:
Nonlinear Estimation (Gavin J. S. Ross). 156-157 - Kenneth N. Berk:
Regression Analysis (Ashish Sen and Muni Srivastava). 157-158 - Nicholas D. Kazarinoff:
IBM's 360 and Early 370 Systems (Emerson W. Pugh, Lyle R. Johnson, and John H. Palmer). 158 - Philippe G. Ciarlet:
Author's reply to the review of Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimisation (P. G. Ciarlet). 159 - John Nash:
The Reviewer's Response to Ciarlet's Reply. 159
Volume 34, Number 2, 1992
- Clóvis C. Gonzaga:
Path-Following Methods for Linear Programming. 167-224 - Victor Y. Pan:
Complexity of Computations with Matrices and Polynomials. 225-262 - Asen L. Dontchev
, Frank Lempio:
Difference Methods for Differential Inclusions: A Survey. 263-294 - Frank Morgan:
Calculus, Planets, and General Relativity. 295-299 - David Tudor:
Modeling the Effect of Public Health Campaigns on the Spread of Aids. 300-303 - John E. Angus:
An Alternative Derivation of Asymptotic Normality for Sample Quantiles. 304-306 - J. O. Fellman:
Maximum Value of a Shear Stress. 307 - Carl C. Grosjean:
Three Infinite Sums. 307-308 - K. S. Murray:
A Set of Maxima Problems. 308 - Paul Erdös:
An Extremal Problem. 308 - Mark A. Pinsky:
Asymptotic Solution of the Telegraph Equation. 308-309 - Paul Erdös:
Optimum Multiple Access Coding (D.B. Jevtić). 309-310 - David Allwright:
Variational Problem for Overlapping Laser Pulses (C. E. Carroll). 310-312 - A. R. Miller:
A Probability Integral (Larry G. Blaine). 312-315 - Robert B. Israel:
Even Minus Odd Involutions in the Symmetric Group (Frank Schmidt and Rodica Simion). 315-317 - Ignace I. Kolodner:
Convexity for the Self-Circumference of a Unit Disk. 317-323 - A Set of Maxima Problems (Quickie). 323-324
- Kenneth N. Berk:
Subset Selection in Regression (A. J. Miller). 325-326 - Frederick J. Beutler:
Computer Networks and Systems: Queueing Theory and Performance Evaluation (Thomas G. Robertazzi). 326-327 - Alan K. Jones:
Geometric & Solid Modeling: An Introduction (Christoph M. Hoffman). 327-329 - Peter D. Scott:
Minimalist Mobile Robotics. A Colony-Style Architecture for an Artificial Creature (Jonathan H. Connell). 329-330 - George A. Baker Jr.:
Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics: Continuous Systems (D. Ya. Petrina, V. I. Gerasimenko, and P. V. Malyshev). 330-331 - H. K. Cheng:
Airfoil Design and Data (Richard Eppler). 331-333 - Robert L. Devaney:
Fractals: An Animated Discussion with Edward Lorenz and Benoit Mandelbrot. 333-335 - J. H. B. Kemperman:
Random Walk in Random and Non-Random Environments (Pál Revesz). 335 - Murray S. Klamkin:
Unsolved Problems in Intuitive Mathematics, Vol. II, Unsolved Problems in Geometry (H. T. Croft, K. J. Falconer, and R. K Guy). 335-338 - Charles J. Mode:
Random Number Generators and Simulation (Istvan Deak). 338-341 - Roger Pinkham:
Applied Nonparametric Regression (Wolfgang Hardle). 341-342 - Daniel Port:
A Course in Simulation (Sheldon M. Ross). 342-343 - Tudor S. Ratiu:
Convexity Methods in Hamiltonian Mechanics (Ivar Ekeland). 343-345 - Matti Ruohonen:
Engineering Risks: Evaluation and Valuation (Ulrich Hauptmanns and Wolfgang Werner). 345-346 - Lars B. Wahlbin:
Nonlinear Elliptic and Evolution Problems and Their Finite Element Approximations (A. łeniŔek). 346-347 - Donald B. White:
Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications (Paul Levy and Stanley Lemeshow). 347-349
Volume 34, Number 3, 1992
- Marc A. Berger:
Random Affine Iterated Function Systems: Curve Generation and Wavelets. 361-385 - Clark Jeffries:
A New Conservation Law for Classical Electrodynamics. 386-405 - Rudolf Schmid:
Strings, Knots, and Quantum Groups: A Glimpse at Three 1990 Fields Medalists. 406-425 - Frank C. Hoppensteadt:
Signal Processing by Model Neural Networks. 426-444 - Ovide Arino:
Some Spectral Properties for the Asymptotic Behavior of Semigroups Connected to Population Dynamics. 445-476 - Stephen P. Huestis:
Interpolation Formulas for Oversampled Band-Limited Functions. 477-481 - Brian J. McCartin:
An Alternative Analysis of Duffing's Equation. 482-491 - Paul B. Massell:
A Quick Way to Prove the Existence of Centers in Two-Dimensional Almost Linear Systems. 492-495 - Malts Henkel:
On Alternating Multiple Sums. 496 - Mark Stamp
Circular Binary Sequences. 496-497 - Gerhard Metzen, Cecil C. Rousseau:
A Family of Cubic Equations. 497 - Dusan B. Jevtic:
Optimum Disjoint Constant-Weight Codebooks for Multiple-Access OR Channels. 497-498 - M. Aslam Chaudhry, S. M. Zubair:
Two Integrals Arising in Generalized Inverse Gaussian Model and Heat Conduction Problems. 498 - R. E. Terrell:
Exponentials of Certain Hilbert Space Operators (M. L. Glasser). 498-500 - Michael Renardy:
Linear System with Positive Solutions (Peter Thejll). 500-502 - A. A. Jagers:
An Inequality for a Family of Means (H.-J. Seiffert). 502 - Richard Askey:
Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications (James B. Seaborn). 503 - Dimitri Beskos:
Elastic Contact Analysis by Boundary Elements (S. Takahasi). 503-504 - C. Corduneanu:
Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delay (Y. Hino, S. Murakami, and T.Naito). 504-506 - L. C. A. Corsten:
Statistical Methods: The Geometric Approach (David J. Saville and Graham R. Wood). 506-508 - William J. Firey:
Geometric Etudes in Combinatorial Mathematics (Vladimir G. Boltyanski and Alexander Soifer). 508 - Ronald B. Guenther:
Augustin-Louis Cauchy: A Biography (Bruno Belhoste). 508-509 - Harry Hochstadt:
Integral Equations, A Practical Treatment, From Spectral Theory to Applications (David Porter and David S. G. Stirling). 509-511 - D. S. Jones:
The Scientific Letters and Papers of James Clerk Maxwell Volume 1: 1846-1862. (P. M. Harman ed.). 511-513 - Gearoid P. Mac Sithigh:
Mathematical Elasticity Volume One: Three-Dimensional Elasticity (Phillipe G. Ciarlet). 513-514 - Joseph Mecke:
Factorization Calculus and Geometric Probability (R. V. Ambartzumian). 514 - Joseph O'Rourke:
Mathematics in Action (Stan Wagon). 515-516 - Steven J. Pflederer:
Numerical Control: Making a New Technology (J. Francis Reintjes). 517 - Rainer Picard
Singular Electromagnetic Fields and Sources (J. van Bladel). 517-518 - Tzvi Raz:
The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling (Raj Jain). 518-519 - Michael J. Wester
Mathematics: A System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, Second Edition (Stephen Wolfram). 519-522
Volume 34, Number 4, 1992
- S. Jonathan Chapman
, Sam D. Howison, John R. Ockendon:
Macroscopic Models for Superconductivity. 529-560 - Per Christian Hansen:
Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the L-Curve. 561-580 - Jinchao Xu:
Iterative Methods by Space Decomposition and Subspace Correction. 581-613 - Mojdeh Hajmirzaahmad, Allan M. Krall:
Singular Second-Order Operators: The Maximal and Minimal Operators, and Selfadjoint Operators in Between. 614-634 - Louise E. Moser:
Calculus and Probability Determine the Performance of a Disk Drive. 635-641 - Stephen P. Huestis:
Smallest Nonnegative Solutions to Linear Inverse Problems. 642-647 - Augustus J. E. M. Janssen, Jan B. M. Melissen:
An Unexpected Result in Classical Electrostatics. 648 - Dusan B. Jevtic:
Optimum Time to Empty a Random Access FHMA System. 648-649 - Carl C. Grosjean:
A Finite Sum of Products of Binomial Coefficients. 649 - Johann Walter:
World Lines of Photons and Distributional Solutions with Small Support of the Homogeneous Wave Equation. 649 - Peter R. Graves-Morris:
A Determinant Identity. 649-650 - John Quinn:
A Center of Gravity Perturbation (M. S. Klamkin). 650-652 - Haitze J. Broersma, Andy Liu, L. V. Saxton:
An Affirmative Action Graph (D. J. Newman). 652-653 - John Todd, Bill Braden, Bernard Danloy, Frank Schmidt:
Inequality of the AGM and the Logarithmic Mean (B. C. Carlson and M. Vuorinen). 653-654 - John Melville:
A Linear Integro-Differential Equation (John Melville). 654-656 - J. Boersma, Pieter J. de Doelder:
A Finite Part Integral (B. Bertram and O. G. Ruehr). 656-658 - H. L. Abbott:
Approximation for the Location of the Center of a Disk (M. L. Glasser and J. Koplowitz). 658-661 - Brian Alspach:
An Introduction to Combinatorics (Alan Slomson). 662 - David C. Arney:
Practical Time-Stepping Schemes (W. L. Wood). 663 - Guanrong Chen:
Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance (Stephen P. Boyd and Craig H. Barratt). 663-665 - Luca Disci:
The Riccati Equation (S. Bittanti, A. J. Laub, and J C. Willems). 665-666 - Richard Durrett:
Intersections of Random Walks (Gregory F. Lawler). 666 - Desmond J. Higham:
Order Stars (A. Iserles and S. P. Nørsett). 666-668 - Robert B. Kelman:
Algorithms for Discrete Fourier Transform and Convolution (Richard Tolimieri, Myoung An, and Chao Lu). 668-669 - Lucien Le Cam:
Comparison of Statistical Experiments (Erik Torgersen). 669-671 - Robert F. Ling:
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. I: Regression and Experimental Design (J. D. Jobson). 671-673 - François Loeser:
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions (Bernard Dwork). 673-675 - Jorma Louko:
An Introduction to General Relativity (L. P. Hughston and K. P. Tod). 675 - Daniel F. McCaffrey:
Generalized Additive Models (T. J. Hastie and R. J. Tibshirani). 675-678 - Anthony N. Michel:
Code Recognition and Set Selection with Neural Networks (Clark Jeff fries). 678-679 - John R. Ockendon:
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 4 (Avner Friedman). 679-680 - Clark Robinson:
Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems (Milos Marek and Igor Schreiber). 680-681 - Richard Rochberg:
Wavelets and Singular Integrals on Curves and Surfaces (Guy David). 681-682 - Emilio Roxin:
Stability of Functional Differential Equations (V. B. Kolmanovskii and V. R. Nosov). 682-684 - Ramalingam Shanmugam:
Point Processes and Their Statistical Inference (Alan F. Karr). 684 - Brian D. Sleeman:
Two Parameter Eigenvalue Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations (M. Faierman). 684-687 - P. S. Symonds:
Introduction to Optimization of Structures (N. V. Banichuk). 687-689 - Henry Warchall:
Solitons in Physics, Mathematics, and Nonlinear Optics (P. J. Olver and D. H. Sattinger, eds.). 689-691 - Huseyin Küçak:
Natural Minimal Surfaces: Via Theory and Computation With David Hoffman. 691-692
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