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IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, March 2017
- Bram Vanderborght:
The Impact of Hardware and Open-Source Initiatives on Robotics [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Robotics Leads Social Innovation Without Border for the Future of Humanity [President's Message]. 6 - Sandro Rama Fiorini, Julita Bermejo-Alonso
, Paulo Jorge Sequeira Gonçalves
, Edison Pignaton de Freitas
, Alberto Olivares Alarcos, Joanna Isabelle Olszewska, Edson Prestes, Craig Schlenoff, S. Veera Ragavan, Signe A. Redfield, Bruce Spencer, Howard Li:
A Suite of Ontologies for Robotics and Automation [Industrial Activities]. 8-11 - Martin Hägele:
Double-Digit Growth Highlights a Boom in Robotics [Industrial Activities]. 12-14 - Laura Margheri:
Scientific Communication, Networking, and Women In Robotics [Women in Engineering]. 16-17 - Aaron M. Dollar, Claudio Semini
, Kyujin Cho, Matei T. Ciocarlie:
Bringing Together Researchers in Robot Mechanisms and Design [TC Spotlight]. 18-19 - Hyungpil Moon, Yu Sun, Jacky Baltes, Si Jung Kim:
The IROS 2016 Competitions [Competitions]. 20-29 - Aaron M. Dollar
, Francesco Mondada, Alberto Rodriguez, Giorgio Metta:
Open-Source and Widely Disseminated Robot Hardware [From the Guest Editors]. 30-31 - Raymond R. Ma
, Aaron M. Dollar
Yale OpenHand Project: Optimizing Open-Source Hand Designs for Ease of Fabrication and Adoption. 32-40 - Ian Fitzner, Yue Sun, Vikram Sachdeva, Shai Revzen:
Rapidly Prototyping Robots: Using Plates and Reinforced Flexures. 41-47 - Cosimo Della Santina
, Cristina Piazza
, Gian Maria Gasparri, Manuel Bonilla
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Giorgio Grioli
, Manolo Garabini
, Antonio Bicchi
The Quest for Natural Machine Motion: An Open Platform to Fast-Prototyping Articulated Soft Robots. 48-56 - Donal P. Holland, Colette Abah, Marielena Velasco-Enriquez, Maxwell Herman, Gareth J. Bennett
, Emir Augusto Vela
, Conor James Walsh:
The Soft Robotics Toolkit: Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to the Wide Dissemination of Soft-Robotic Hardware. 57-64 - Michael C. Yip, Jonas Forsslund:
Spurring Innovation in Spatial Haptics: How Open-Source Hardware Can Turn Creativity Loose. 65-76 - Francesco Mondada
, Michael Bonani, Fanny Riedo, Manon Briod, Léa Pereyre, Philippe Rétornaz, Stéphane Magnenat
Bringing Robotics to Formal Education: The Thymio Open-Source Hardware Robot. 77-85 - Cesar Vandevelde, Francis Wyffels, Bram Vanderborght
, Jelle Saldien
Do-It-Yourself Design for Social Robots: An Open-Source Hardware Platform to Encourage Innovation. 86-94 - Megan Emmons:
Are You a Pessibot or an Optibot? [Student's Corner]. 95-96 - Quan Zhou:
The 2016 IEEE Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar [Chapter News]. 97-98 - XiaoQi Chen
2016 Workshop on Robotics and Automation [Chapter News]. 98-99 - Adrian Villarroel:
The 2016 IEEE National Symposium of New Technologies [Chapter News]. 99-100 - Raja Chatila, Kay Firth-Butterfield, John C. Havens, Konstantinos Karachalios:
The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems [Standards]. 110 - Francesco Mondada:
Can Robotics Help Move Researchers Toward Open Science? [From the Field]. 111-112
Volume 24, Number 2, June 2017
- Nora Ayanian, Robert Fitch
, Antonio Franchi, Lorenzo Sabattini:
Multirobot Systems [TC Spotlight]. 12-16 - Federico Campisano
, Francesco Gramuglia, Imro R. Dawson, Christopher T. Lyne
, Michelle L. Izmaylov, Sarthak Misra, Elena De Momi
, Douglas R. Morgan, Keith L. Obstein, Pietro Valdastri
Gastric Cancer Screening in Low?-Income Countries: System Design, Fabrication, and Analysis for an Ultralow-Cost Endoscopy Procedure. 73-81 - Andrea Lince, Marco Paleari:
Results of the 2016 Entrepreneurship Forum and Start-Up Contest [Industrial Activities]. 9-10 - Arianna Menciassi, Laura Margheri:
Surgical Robotics and Allied Technologies [Women in Engineering]. 19-21 - Erwin Prassler, Tamas Hadiegger:
Riding the New Wave of Robotics [Industrial Activities]. 8-9 - Robert D. Merrifield, Russell H. Taylor:
The Surgical Robot Challenge [From the Guest Editors]. 22-23 - Amy Reeder:
Welcome to the New IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Student Chapters [Society News]. 88 - Bram Vanderborght:
Open the Door [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Amy Reeder:
Talks from Oussama Khatib and Launch of Tech4Good for the IEEE RAS Egypt Chapter [Chapter News]. 84 - Robert D. Merrifield:
U.K. Robotics Week [Competitions]. 17-18 - Peter Francis
, Kyle W. Eastwood
, Vivek Bodani, Karl Price, Kunj Upadhyaya, Dale Podolsky, Hamidreza Azimian, Thomas Looi, James M. Drake:
Miniaturized Instruments for the da Vinci Research Kit: Design and Implementation of Custom Continuum Tools. 24-33 - Konrad Leibrandt
, Christos Bergeles
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Concentric Tube Robots: Rapid, Stable Path-Planning and Guidance for Surgical Use. 42-53 - Anish S. Naidu
, Michael D. Naish
, Rajni V. Patel
A Breakthrough in Tumor Localization: Combining Tactile Sensing and Ultrasound to Improve Tumor Localization in Robotics-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery. 54-62 - Lin Zhang
, Menglong Ye, Petros Giataganas
, Michael Hughes
, Adrian Bradu, Adrian Gh. Podoleanu, Guang-Zhong Yang:
From Macro to Micro: Autonomous Multiscale Image Fusion for Robotic Surgery. 63-72 - Robert D. Merrifield:
A Journey to the Surgical Robot Challenge [History]. 90 - Megan Emmons:
New Cochairs, Expanding to New Activities [Student's Corner]. 82-83 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
IEEE Society Review Committee Listed 18 Best Practices [President's Message]. 6-18 - Vincent Groenhuis
, Jeroen Veltman, Francoise J. Siepel, Stefano Stramigioli
Stormram 3: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Compatible Robotic System for Breast Biopsy. 34-41 - Thomas Eder:
Nokia Saving Lives Project Wins the UAE Drones for Good Award 2017 [Humanitarian Technology]. 91-92
Volume 24, Number 3, September 2017
- Bram Vanderborght:
Publication Impact Factors and Submission-to-Decision Times [From the Editor's Desk]. 4-6 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Diversity: The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Culture [President's Message]. 7 - Erwin Prassler, Arturo Baroncelli:
2017 IEEE\/IFR Award for IERA [Industrial Activities]. 8-11 - Federico L. Moro, Luis Sentis, Jaeheung Park, Christopher G. Atkeson, Michael Gienger, Ambarish Goswami, Shuuji Kajita
, Oussama Khatib, James Kuffner, David E. Orin, Christian Ott, Jerry E. Pratt, Ludovic Righetti
, Bruno Siciliano, Russ Tedrake, Eiichi Yoshida:
Whole-Body Control [TC Spotlight]. 12-14 - Keng Peng Tee, Herman van der Kooij
The ICRA 2017 Robot Challenges [Competitions]. 15-21 - Laura Margheri:
About Chairing the IEEE RAS Women in Engineering Committee [Women in Engineering]. 20-21 - Gerrit A. Folkertsma
, Wessel Straatman
, Nico Nijenhuis, Cornelis Henricus Venner, Stefano Stramigioli
Robird: A Robotic Bird of Prey. 22-29 - Paolo Salaris
, Naoko Abe, Jean-Paul Laumond:
Robot Choreography: The Use of the Kinetography Laban System to Notate Robot Action and Motion. 30-40 - Dina Youakim, Pere Ridao
, Narcís Palomeras
, Francesco Spadafora, David Ribas, Maurizio Muzzupappa:
MoveIt!: Autonomous Underwater Free-Floating Manipulation. 41-51 - Stefan J. Witwicki, José Carlos Castillo
, João V. Messias
, Jesús Capitán
, Francisco S. Melo, Pedro U. Lima
, Manuela M. Veloso:
Autonomous Surveillance Robots: A Decision-Making Framework for Networked Muiltiagent Systems. 52-64 - Claude Aynaud, Coralie Bernay-Angeletti, Romuald Aufrère, Laurent Lequievre, Christophe Debain, Roland Chapuis:
Real-Time Multisensor Vehicle Localization: A Geographical Information System?Based Approach. 65-74 - Cosimo Della Santina
, Matteo Bianchi
, Giorgio Grioli
, Franco Angelini
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Manolo Garabini
, Antonio Bicchi
Controlling Soft Robots: Balancing Feedback and Feedforward Elements. 75-83 - Jianhua Su, Hong Qiao, Chuankai Liu, Yongbo Song, Ailong Yang:
Grasping Objects: The Relationship Between the Cage and the Form-Closure Grasp. 84-96 - David Ball, Patrick Ross, Andrew English, Peter Milani, Daniel Richards, Andrew Bate, Ben Upcroft, Gordon F. Wyeth
, Peter Corke
Farm Workers of the Future: Vision-Based Robotics for Broad-Acre Agriculture. 97-107 - Mustafa Ersen
, Erhan Öztop
, Sanem Sariel
Cognition-Enabled Robot Manipulation in Human Environments: Requirements, Recent Work, and Open Problems. 108-122 - Ester Martínez-Martín
, Angel P. del Pobil
Object Detection and Recognition for Assistive Robots: Experimentation and Implementation. 123-138 - Alexei Grinbaum
, Raja Chatila
, Laurence Devillers, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
, Catherine Tessier, Max Dauchet:
Ethics in Robotics Research: CERNA Mission and Context. 139-145 - Nick Hawes
, Christopher Burbridge, Ferdian Jovan
, Lars Kunze
, Bruno Lacerda
, Lenka Mudrová, Jay Young, Jeremy L. Wyatt, Denise Hebesberger, Tobias Körtner, Rares Ambrus
, Nils Bore, John Folkesson
, Patric Jensfelt, Lucas Beyer
, Alexander Hermans
, Bastian Leibe
, Aitor Aldoma, Thomas Faulhammer, Michael Zillich, Markus Vincze, Eris Chinellato, Muhannad Al-Omari, Paul Duckworth, Yiannis Gatsoulis, David C. Hogg
, Anthony G. Cohn, Christian Dondrup, Jaime Pulido Fentanes, Tomás Krajník, João Machado Santos, Tom Duckett
, Marc Hanheide
The STRANDS Project: Long-Term Autonomy in Everyday Environments. 146-156 - Joel M. Esposito:
The State of Robotics Education: Proposed Goals for Positively Transforming Robotics Education at Postsecondary Institutions. 157-164 - Peter Corke
Robot Manipulator Capability in MATLAB: A Tutorial on Using the Robotics System Toolbox [Tutorial]. 165-166 - Malika Meghjani
, Albert J. Causo, I-Ming Chen:
ICRA 2017 in Singapore [Society News]. 173-175 - Edson Prestes:
IEEE Standards Association P7007 ? Call for Participation [Standards]. 176 - Fabio Bonsignorio
A New Kind of Article for Reproducible Research in Intelligent Robotics [From the Field]. 178-182 - Amy Reeder:
Calendar [Calendar]. 183
Volume 24, Number 4, December 2017
- Bram Vanderborght:
Cybathlon 2016 [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Erwin Prassler, Arturo Baroncelli:
Interview with Ottobock's Exoskeleton Team Leader [Industrial Activities]. 6-8 - Erwin Prassler, Arturo Baroncelli:
Team ReWalk Ranked First in the Cybathlon 2016 Exoskeleton Final [Industrial Activities]. 8-10 - Thomas R. Wedlick:
Considering the Business of Robotics?RoboBusiness 2017 [Industrial Activities]. 12-13 - Laura Margheri, Catherine Ball:
She Flies: Women in the World of Drones [Women in Engineering]. 14-15 - Toshio Fukuda, Alois C. Knoll, H. Harry Asada, Qiang Huang, Qing Shi:
Cyborg and Bionic Systems [TC Spotlight]. 16-17 - Xiaorui Zhu, Zongren Li:
Robotics and Automation Society Activities in Southern China [Regional]. 18-20 - Minora Asada:
A Report on RoboCup 2017 [Competitions]. 21-23 - Domen Novak, Peter Wolf
, Eugenio Guglielmelli:
Cybathlon 2016: Showcasing Advances in Assistive Technologies Through Competition [From the Guest Editors]. 24-122 - Janez Podobnik
, Jure Rejc, Sebastjan Slajpah
, Marko Munih
, Matjaz Mihelj
All-Terrain Wheelchair: Increasing Personal Mobility with a Powered Wheel-Track Hybrid Wheelchair. 26-36 - Shuro Nakajima
A New Personal Mobility Vehicle for Daily Life: Improvements on a New RT-Mover that Enable Greater Mobility are Showcased at the Cybathlon. 37-48 - Constantin Wiesener
, Thomas Schauer
The Cybathlon RehaBike: Inertial-Sensor-Driven Functional Electrical Stimulation Cycling by Team Hasomed. 49-57 - Antônio Padilha Lanari Bó
, Lucas O. da Fonseca
, Juliana A. Guimaraes
, Emerson Fachin-Martins
, Miguel E. G. Paredes
, George A. Brindeiro
, Ana Carolina Cardoso de Sousa
, Marien Narvaez Dorado
, Felipe Moreira Ramos
Cycling with Spinal Cord Injury: A Novel System for Cycling Using Electrical Stimulation for Individuals with Paraplegia, and Preparation for Cybathlon 2016. 58-65 - Robert J. Griffin
, Tyson Cobb, Travis Craig, Mark Daniel, Nick van Dijk, Jeremy Gines, Koen Kramer, Shriya Shah, Olger Siebinga
, Jesper Smith, Peter D. Neuhaus:
Stepping Forward with Exoskeletons: Team IHMC?s Design and Approach in the 2016 Cybathlon. 66-74 - Jungsu Choi
, Byeonghun Na, Pyeong-Gook Jung, Dong-wook Rha
, Kyoungchul Kong
WalkON Suit: A Medalist in the Powered Exoskeleton Race of Cybathlon 2016. 75-86 - Cristina Piazza
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Sasha B. Godfrey
, Matteo Rossi, Giorgio Grioli
, Matteo Bianchi
, Kristin D. Zhao, Antonio Bicchi
The SoftHand Pro-H: A Hybrid Body-Controlled, Electrically Powered Hand Prosthesis for Daily Living and Working. 87-101 - Chakaveh Ahmadizadeh
, Lukas-Karim Merhi, Brittany Pousett
, Sohail Sangha, Carlo Menon
Toward Intuitive Prosthetic Control: Solving Common Issues Using Force Myography, Surface Electromyography, and Pattern Recognition in a Pilot Case Study. 102-111 - Paul Oh, Hannes Hoeppner, M. Ani Hsieh:
The 2017 IEEE RAS Technical Education Program Activites: A Snapshot [Education]. 112-113 - Megan Emmons:
Work Balance [Student's Corner]. 114-115 - Peter Wolf:
Interview with Ana Matran-Fernandez from Team BrainStormers, Ranked Third in the Cybathlon 2016 Brain-Computer Interface Final [Student's Corner]. 116-117 - Peter Wolf:
Interview with Stefan Schrade from Team VariLeg, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Ranked Fifth at Cybathlon 2016 [Student's Corner]. 117-119 - Amy Reeder:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Congratulates Recently Elevated Senior Members [Society News]. 120 - Amy Reeder:
Call for IEEE Fellow Nominations, Class of 2019 [Society News]. 121 - Amy Reeder:
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Award [Society News]. 121 - Amy Reeder:
Six Regional Student Representatives Appointed [Society News]. 122 - Amy Reeder:
Welcome to Eight New Region 9 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Chapters [Chapter News]. 123 - Amy Reeder:
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan, Student Branch Chapter [Chapter News]. 123 - Amy Reeder:
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences-Karachi, Pakistan, Student Branch Chapter [Chapter News]. 124 - Amy Reeder:
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Tunisia Section Chapter?A Year in Pictures [Chapter News]. 125 - Peter Wolf:
Interview with Robert Riener, Initiator of the Cybathlon [History]. 126-130 - Raj Madhavan, Alexandre M. Amory
, Edson Prestes, Renan Guedes
, Augusto Bergamin, Renata Neuland, Mathias Mantelli, Diego Kindin
, Fernanda Rodrigues:
The 2017 Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge [Humanitarian Technology]. 127-129 - Amy Reeder:
[Calendar]. 130
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