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Neural Computation, Volume 9
Volume 9, Number 1, January 1997
- Sepp Hochreiter, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Flat Minima. 1-42
- Jianfeng Feng:
Lyapunov Functions for Neural Nets with Nondifferentiable Input-Output Characteristics. 43-49
- Gary Strangman
Detecting Synchronous Cell Assemblies with Limited Data and Overlapping Assemblies. 51-76 - Tomoki Fukai
, Shigeru Tanaka:
A Simple Neural Network Exhibiting Selective Activation of Neuronal Ensemblies: From Winner-Take-All to Winners-Share-All. 77-97 - Pal Rujan:
Playing Billiards in Version Space. 99-122 - Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano:
Partial BFGS Update and Efficient Step-Length Calculation for Three-Layer Neural Networks. 123-141 - Hrushikesh Narhar Mhaskar, Nahmwoo Hahm:
Neural Networks for Functional Approximation and System Identification. 143-159 - Lisa M. Belue, Kenneth W. Bauer Jr., Dennis W. Ruck:
Selecting Optimal Experiments for Multiple Output Multilayer Perceptrons. 161-183 - Rudy Setiono:
A Penalty-Function Approach for Pruning Feedforward Neural Networks. 185-204 - Rudy Setiono:
Extracting Rules from Neural Networks by Pruning and Hidden-Unit Splitting. 205-225
Volume 9, Number 2, February 1997
- Padhraic Smyth
, David Heckerman, Michael I. Jordan:
Probabilistic Independence Networks for Hidden Markov Probability Models. 227-269
- Peter Dayan, Geoffrey E. Hinton:
Using Expectation-Maximization for Reinforcement Learning. 271-278
- Wolfgang Maass:
Fast Sigmoidal Networks via Spiking Neurons. 279-304 - Doron Tal, Eric L. Schwartz:
Computing with the Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron: Logarithmic Computation and Multiplication. 305-318 - Khashayar Pakdaman, C. P. Malta, Clodoaldo Grotta Ragazzo
, Jean-François Vibert:
Effect of Delay on the Boundary of the Basin of Attraction in a Self-Excited Single Graded-Response Neuron. 319-336 - Eduardo D. Sontag:
Shattering All Sets of k Points in 'General Position' Requires (k - 1)/2 Parameters. 337-348 - Vijay Balasubramanian:
Statistical Inference, Occam's Razor, and Statistical Mechanics on the Space of Probability Distributions. 349-368 - Robert A. Jacobs
Bias/Variance Analyses of Mixtures-of-Experts Architectures. 369-383 - Andrew Chi-Sing Leung, Lai-Wan Chan:
The Behavior of Forgetting Learning in Bidrectional Associative Memory. 385-401 - Martin Eldracher, Alexander Staller, René Pompl:
Adaptive Encoding Strongly Improves Function Approximation with CMAC. 403-417 - John G. Elias, David P. M. Northmore
, Wayne Westerman:
An Analog Memory Circuit for Spiking Silicon Neurons. 419-440 - Sean B. Holden, Mahesan Niranjan
Average-Case Learning Curves for Radial Basis Function Networks. 441-460 - Yingwei Lu, Narasimhan Sundararajan, Paramasivan Saratchandran:
A Sequential Learning Scheme for Function Approximation Using Minimal Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. 461-478
Volume 9, Number 3, April 1997
- Harpreet S. Kwatra, Francis J. Doyle III, Ilya A. Rybak, James S. Schwaber
A Neuro-Mimetic Dynamic Scheduling Algorithm for Control: Analysis and Applications. 479-502
- Alain Destexhe:
Conductance-Based Integrate and Fire Models. 503-514 - Richard Bertram:
A Simple Model of Transmitter Release and Facilitation. 515-523 - Silvio P. Sabatini, Luigi Raffo
, Giacomo M. Bisio:
Functional Periodic Intracortical Couplings Induced by Structured Lateral Inhibition in a Linear Cortical Network. 525-531
- Pierre-Yves Burgi
, Norberto M. Grzywacz:
Possible Roles of Spontaneous Waves and Dendritic Growth for Retinal Receptive Field Development. 533-553 - Klaus Obermayer, Gary G. Blasdel:
Singularities in Primate Orientation Maps. 555-575 - Joseph Sirosh, Risto Miikkulainen:
Topographic Receptive Fields and Patterned Lateral Interaction in a Self-Organizing Model of the Primary Visual Cortex. 577-594 - Marc M. Van Hulle:
The Formation of Topographic Maps Which Maximize the Average Mutual Information of the Output Responses to Noiseless Input Signals. 595-606 - Siming Lin, Jennie Si
, A. B. Schwartz:
Self-Organization of Firing Activities in Monkey's Motor Cortex: Trajectory Computation from Spike Signals. 607-621 - Akio Utsugi:
Hyperparameter Selection for Self-Organizing Maps. 623-635 - Ramesh R. Sarukkai:
Supervised Networks Which Self-Organize Class Outputs. 637-648 - David Golomb
, John A. Hertz, Stefano Panzeri, Barry J. Richmond, Alessandro Treves
How Well Can We Estimate the Information Carried in Neuronal Responses from Limited Samples? 649-665 - Ali A. Minai
Covariance Learning of Correlated Patterns in Competitive Networks. 667-681 - Sageev Oore
, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Gregory Dudek:
A Mobile Robot that Learns its Place. 683-699
Volume 9, Number 4, May 1997
- Shimon Edelman, Sharon Duvdevani-Bar:
Similarity, Connectionism, and the Problem of Representation in Vision. 701-721
- Rajesh P. N. Rao
, Dana H. Ballard:
Dynamic Model of Visual Recognition Predicts Neural Response Properties in the Visual Cortex. 721-763
- Wee Sun Lee, Peter L. Bartlett, Robert C. Williamson:
Correction to 'Lower Bounds on the VC-Dimension of Smoothly Parametrized Function Classes'. 765-769 - Yossi Erlich, Dan Chazan, Scott Petrack, Avi Levi:
Lower Bound on VC-Dimension by Local Shattering. 771-776
- Bartlett W. Mel:
SEEMORE: Combining Color, Shape and Texture Histogramming in a Neurally-Inspired Approach to Visual Object Recognition. 777-804 - DeLiang L. Wang, David Terman:
Image Segmentation Based on Oscillatory Correlation. 805-836 - Lance R. Williams, David W. Jacobs:
Stochastic Completion Fields: A Neural Model of Illusory Contour Shape and Salience. 837-858 - Lance R. Williams, David W. Jacobs:
Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields. 859-881 - Guy M. Wallis
, Roland Baddeley:
Optimal, Unsupervised Learning in Invariant Object Recognition. 883-894 - Jim Kay, William A. Phillips:
Activation Functions, Computational Goals and Learning Rules for Local Processors with Contextual Guidance. 895-910 - David J. Willshaw, John Hallam, Sarah Gingell, Soo Leng Lau:
Marr's Theory of the Neocortex as a Self-Organizing Neural Network. 911-936
Volume 9, Number 5, July 1997
- Jeong-Woo Lee, Jun-Ho Oh:
Hybrid Learning of Mapping and its Jacobian in Multilayer Neural Network. 937-958
- Christian Piepenbrock, Helge J. Ritter, Klaus Obermayer:
The Joint Development of Orientation and Ocular Dominance: Role of Constraints. 959-970 - Todd W. Troyer
, Kenneth D. Miller:
Physiological Gain Leads to High ISI Variability in a Simple Model of a Cortical Regular Spiking Cel. 971-983
- Guido Bugmann, Chris Christodoulou
, John G. Taylor:
Role of Temporal Integration and Fluctuation Detection in the Highly Irregular Firing of a Leaky Integrator Neuron Model with Partial Reset. 985-1000 - Gary R. Holt, Christof Koch:
Shunting Inhibition Does Not Have a Divisive Effect on Firing Rates. 1001-1013 - Werner M. Kistler, Wulfram Gerstner
, J. Leo van Hemmen:
Reduction of the Hogkin-Huxley Equations to a Single-Variable Threshold Model. 1015-1045 - Michael E. Rudd, Lawrence G. Brown:
Noise Adaptation in Integrate -and -Fire Neurons. 1047-1069 - Daniel J. Amit, Stefano Fusi
, Volodya Yakovlev:
Paradigmatic Working Memory (Attractor) Cell in IT Cortex. 1071-1092 - Yves Grandvalet, Stéphane Canu, Stéphane Boucheron:
Noise Injection: Theoretical Prospects. 1093-1108 - Zhiyu Tian, Ting-Ting Y. Lin, Shiyuan Yang, Shibai Tong:
The Faulty Behavior of Feedforward Neural Networks with Hard-limiting Activation Fuction. 1109-1126 - Alan D. Blair
, Jordan B. Pollack:
Analysis of Dynamical Recognizers. 1127-1142 - Michael J. Kearns:
A Bound on the Error of Cross Validation Using the Approximation and Estimation Rates, with Consequences for the Training-test Split. 1143-1161 - Michiaki Taniguchi, Volker Tresp:
Averaging Regularized Estimators. 1163-1178
Volume 9, Number 6, August 1997
- Michael L. Hines, Nicholas T. Carnevale:
The NEURON Simulation Environment. 1179-1209
- David H. Wolpert:
On Bias Plus Variance. 1211-1243
- Cyril Goutte
Note on Free Lunches and Cross-validation. 1245-1249
- Roger D. Traub, Miles A. Whittington, John G. R. Jefferys
Gamma Oscillation Model Predicts Intensity Coding by Phase Rather Than Frequency. 1251-1264 - Purvis Bedenbaugh, George L. Gerstein:
Multiunit Normalized Cross Correlation Differs From The Average Single Unit Normalized Correlation. 1265-1275 - Thad A. Polk, Martha J. Farah:
A Simple Common Contexts Explanation For The Development Of Abstract Letter Identities. 1277-1289 - Geoffrey J. Goodhill
, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
A Unifying Objective Function for Topographic Mappings. 1291-1303 - Juan K. Lin, David G. Grier
, Jack D. Cowan:
Faithful Representation Of Separable Input Distributions. 1305-1320 - Teuvo Kohonen, Samuel Kaski, Harri Lappalainen:
Self-organized Formation of Various Invariant-feature Filters in the Adaptive-subspace SOM. 1321-1344 - Sung-Bae Cho:
Self-Organizing Map with Dynamical Node Splitting: Application to Handwritten Digit Recognition. 1345-1355 - Ryotaro Kamimura:
Information Controller to Maximize and Minimize Information. 1357-1380 - Kwabena Agyepong, Ravi Kothari:
Controlling Hidden Layer Capacity Through Lateral Connections. 1381-1402
Volume 9, Number 7, October 1997
- Fernando J. Pineda:
Mean-Field Theory For Batched-TD(l). 1403-1419
- Jean-Pierre Nadal
, Néstor Parga:
Redundancy Reduction and Independent Component Analysis: Conditions on Cumulants and Adaptive Approaches. 1421-1456 - Howard Hua Yang, Shun-ichi Amari:
Adaptive On-line Learning Algorithms for Blind Separation-Maximization Entropy and Minimum Mutual Information. 1457-1482 - Aapo Hyvärinen, Erkki Oja:
A Fast Fixed-Point Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis. 1483-1492 - Nanda Kambhatla, Todd K. Leen:
Dimension Reduction by Local Principal Component Analysis. 1493-1516 - James R. Williamson:
A Constructive, Incremental-learning Network for Mixture Modeling and Classification. 1517-1543 - Yali Amit, Donald Geman:
Shape Quantization And Recognition With Randomized Trees. 1545-1588 - Martin Lagerholm, Carsten Peterson, Bo Söderberg:
Airline Crew Scheduling With Potts Neurons. 1589-1599 - Jason A. S. Freeman, David Saad:
Online Learning in Radial Basis Function Networks. 1601-1622
Volume 9, Number 8, November 1997
- Song Chun Zhu, Ying Nian Wu, David Mumford:
Minimax Entropy Principle and Its Application to Texture Modeling. 1627-1660
- Ralph Linsker:
A Local Learning Rule That Enables Information Maximization for Arbitrary Input Distributions. 1661-1665 - Yizong Cheng:
Convergence and Ordering of Kohonen's Batch Map. 1667-1676
- David Horn
, Irit Opher:
Solitary Waves of Integrate-and-Fire Neural Fields. 1677-1690 - Athanasios Kehagias, Vassilios Petridis:
Time-Series Segmentation Using Predictive Modular Neural Networks. 1691-1709 - Yoram Singer:
Adaptive Mixtures of Probabilistic Transducers. 1711-1733 - Sepp Hochreiter, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Long Short-Term Memory. 1735-1780 - Radford M. Neal, Peter Dayan:
Factor Analysis Using Delta-Rule Wake-Sleep Learning. 1781-1803 - Marcelo Blatt, Shai Wiseman, Eytan Domany:
Data Clustering Using a Model Granular Magnet. 1805-1842
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