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The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume 66
Volume 66, Number 1, March 2001
- Peter Cholak, Carl G. Jockusch Jr., Theodore A. Slaman:
On The Strength of Ramsey's Theorem for Pairs. 1-55 - Jacques Duparc:
Wadge Hierarchy and Veblen Hierarchy Part I: Borel Sets of Finite Rank. 56-86 - M. Randall Holmes:
Strong Axioms of Infinity in NFU. 87-116 - Koichiro Ikeda:
Minimal But Not Strongly Minimal Structures with Arbitrary Finite Dimensions. 117-126 - Daniel Lascar, Anand Pillay:
Hyperimaginaries and Automorphism Groups. 127-143 - Daniel Evan Seabold:
Chang's Conjecture and The Non-Stationary Ideal. 144-170 - Michael Alekhnovich, Samuel R. Buss, Shlomo Moran, Toniann Pitassi:
Minimum Propositional Proof Length Is NP-Hard to Linearly Approximate. 171-191 - Reed Solomon:
PI11-CA0 and Order Types of Countable Ordered Groups. 192-206 - Vera Stebletsova, Yde Venema:
Undecidable Theories of Lyndon Algebras. 207-224 - Loïc Colson, Serge Grigorieff:
Syntactical Truth Predicates For Second Order Arithmetic. 225-256 - Milos S. Kurilic:
Cohen-Stable Families of Subsets of Integers. 257-270 - Vera Puninskaya:
Modules with Few Types over A Hereditary Noetherian Prime Ring. 271-280 - Rosalie Iemhoff:
On The Admissible Rules of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. 281-294 - Daniel Lehmann, Menachem Magidor, Karl Schlechta:
Distance Semantics for Belief Revision. 295-317 - Janusz Pawlikowski:
Cohen Reals From Small Forcings. 318-324 - Benoît Mariou:
Modèles Saturés et Modèles Engendrés Par des Indiscernables. 325-348 - Zofia Adamowicz, Teresa Bigorajska:
Existentially Closed Structures and Gödel's Second Incompleteness Theorem. 349-356 - Sanjay Jain, Jochen Nessel:
Some Independence Results for Control Structures in Complete Numberings. 357-382 - Paul C. Gilmore:
An Intensional Type Theory: Motivation and Cut-Elimination. 383-400 - Su Gao
A Remark on Martin's Conjecture. 401-406 - René David, Walter Py:
lambda mu - Calculus and Böhm's Theorem. 407-413 - Alberto Zanardo, Amílcar Sernadas, Cristina Sernadas:
Fibring: Completeness Preservation. 414-439
Volume 66, Number 2, June 2001
- Denis R. Hirschfeldt:
Degree Spectra of Intrinsically C.E. Relations. 441-469 - Russell Miller:
The delta02-Spectrum of A Linear Order. 470-486 - A. R. D. Mathias:
Slim Models of Zermelo Set Theory. 487-496 - Robert Goldblatt
Quasi-Modal Equivalence of Canonical Structures. 497-508 - Mario Piazza:
Exchange Rules. 509-516 - Herman Jurjus, Harrie C. M. de Swart:
Implication with Possible Exceptions. 517-535 - Dan E. Willard:
Self-Verifying Axiom Systems, The Incompleteness Theorem and Related Reflection Principles. 536-596 - Andreja Prijatelj:
Free Ordered Algebraic Structures Towards Proof Theory. 597-608 - Andreas Weiermann:
Some Interesting Connections Between The Slow Growing Hierarchy and The Ackermann Function. 609-628 - Arthur W. Apter:
Supercompactness and Measurable Limits of Strong Cardinals. 629-639 - Steve Jackson:
The Weak Square Property. 640-657 - Howard Becker, Steve Jackson:
Supercompactness within The Projective Hierarchy. 658-672 - Peter J. Cameron
, Wilfrid Hodges:
Some Combinatorics of Imperfect Information. 673-684 - Martin Otto:
Two Variable First-Order Logic over Ordered Domains. 685-702 - Frank Wagner:
Fields of Finite Morley Rank. 703-706 - Saharon Shelah
, Juris Steprans:
The Covering Numbers of Mycielski Ideals Are All Equal. 707-718 - Anand Pillay:
A Note on Existentially Closed Difference Fields with Algebraically Closed Fixed Field. 719-721 - Luis Jaime Corredor:
Fusion of 2-Elements in Groups of Finite Morley Rank. 722-730 - Frank Stephan
On The Structures Inside Truth-Table Degrees. 731-770 - Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann
Elementary Properties of Power Series Fields over Finite Fields. 771-791 - Aleksander Blaszczyk
, Saharon Shelah
Regular Subalgebras of Complete Boolean Algebras. 792-800 - Itay Neeman, Jindrich Zapletal
Proper Forcing and L(Real). 801-810 - James E. Baumgartner, András Hajnal:
Polarized Partition Relations. 811-821 - Byunghan Kim:
Simplicity, and Stability in There. 822-836 - Marko Djordjevic:
Finite Variable Logic, Stability and Finite Models. 837-858 - Ludomir Newelski
Small Profinite Groups. 859-872 - Tamara Lakins Hummel, Carl G. Jockusch Jr.:
Ramsey's Theorem for Computably Enumerable Colorings. 873-880 - Peter Cholak, Marcia J. Groszek, Theodore A. Slaman:
An Almost Deep Degree. 881-901 - Su Gao
Some Dichotomy Theorems for Isomorphism Relations of Countable Models. 902-922 - Eberhard Herrmann:
Infinite Chains and Antichains in Computable Partial Orderings. 923-934 - Gerhard Jäger, Thomas Strahm:
Upper Bounds for Metapredicative Mahlo in Explicit Mathematics and Admissible Set Theory. 935-958 - Renling Jin:
Existence of Some Sparse Sets of Nonstandard Natural Numbers. 959-973
Volume 66, Number 3, September 2001
- Carlos Areces
, Patrick Blackburn
, Maarten Marx
Hybrid Logics: Characterization, Interpolation and Complexity. 977-1010 - Mark Reynolds
An Axiomatization of Full Computation Tree Logic. 1011-1057 - Greg Hjorth:
A Boundedness Lemma for Iterations. 1058-1072 - Gerhard Jäger:
First Order Theories for Nonmonotone Inductive Definitions: Recursively Inaccessible and Mahlo. 1073-1089 - John M. Vickers, Philip D. Welch
On Elementary Embeddings from An Inner Model to The Universe. 1090-1116 - Zoé Chatzidakis, Peter Pappas:
A Note on The Isomorphism Problem for SK[G]. 1117-1120 - J. Todd Wilson:
An Intuitionistic Version of Zermelo's Proof That Every Choice Set Can Be Well-Ordered. 1121-1126 - Enrique Casanovas
, Martin Ziegler:
Stable Theories with A New Predicate. 1127-1140 - Timothy J. Surendonk
Canonicity for Intensional Logics with Even Axioms. 1141-1156 - Dieter Spreen:
Can Partial Indexings be Totalized? 1157-1185 - Joel David Hamkins
Unfoldable Cardinals and The GCH. 1186-1198 - Sebastiaan Terwijn, Domenico Zambella:
Computational Randomness and Lowness. 1199-1205 - Daniel Pitteloud:
Existence of Prime Elements in Rings of Generalized Power Series. 1206-1216 - Neil Immerman, Jonathan F. Buss, David A. Mix Barrington:
Number of Variables Is Equivalent to Space. 1217-1230 - Philp Ehrlich:
Number Systems with Simplicity Hierarchies: A Generalization of Conway's Theory of Surreal Numbers. 1231-1258 - Michael Hrusák
, Juris Steprans, Yi Zhang:
Confinitary Groups, Almost Disjoint and Dominating Families. 1259-1276 - Arnold Beckmann:
Exact Bounds for Lengths of Reductions in Typed lambda-Calculus. 1277-1285 - Tapani Hyttinen, Saharon Shelah
Main Gap for Locally Saturated Elementary Submodels of A Homogeneous Structure. 1286-1302 - Jan Kraszewski
Properties of Ideals on The Generalized Cantor Spaces. 1303-1320 - P. V. Andreev, E. I. Gordon:
An Axiomatics for Nonstandard Set Theory, Based on von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel Theory. 1321-1341 - Gregory L. Cherlin, Niandong Shi:
Forbidden Subgraphs and Forbidden Substructures. 1342-1352 - Christopher Hardin, Daniel J. Velleman:
The Mean Value Theorem in Second Order Arithmetic. 1353-1358 - Saharon Shelah
, Lee J. Stanley:
Forcing Many Positive Polarized Partition Relations Between A Cardinal and Its Powerset. 1359-1370 - Rodney G. Downey, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Steffen Lempp, Reed Solomon:
A delta02 Set with No Infinite Low Subset in Either It or Its Complement. 1371-1381 - Bektur Sembiuly Baizhanov:
Expansion of A Model of A Weakly O-Minimal Theory by A Family of Unary Predicates. 1382-1414 - Frank Wolter
, Michael Zakharyaschev
Decidable Fragments of First-Order Modal Logics. 1415-1438 - Steve Warner:
The Cofinality of The Random Graph. 1439-1446 - Julia F. Knight:
Minimality and Completions of PA. 1447-1457 - Andrei S. Morozov
, John Kenneth Truss:
On Computable Automorphisms of The Rational Numbers. 1458-1470 - Francis Oger:
Elementary Equivalence for Abelian-By-Finite and Nilpotent Groups. 1471-1480 - Ralf-Dieter Schindler:
Proper Forcing and Remarkable Cardinals II. 1481-1492 - Ingo Brigandt
Quantifier Elimination in Tame Infinite p-ADIC Fields. 1493-1503
Volume 66, Number 4, December 2001
- Ernest Schimmerling
, W. Hugh Woodin:
The Jensen Covering Property. 1505-1523 - Misao Nagayama, Mitsuhiro Okada:
A New Correctness Criterion for The Proof Nets of Non-Commutative Multiplicative Linear Logics. 1524-1542 - Timothy H. McNicholl:
On The Convergence of Query-Bounded Computations and Logical Closure Properties of C.E. Sets. 1543-1560 - Martin W. Bunder, Wil Dekkers:
Pure Type Systems with More Liberal Rules. 1561-1580 - Sven Ove Hansson, Eduardo L. Fermé
, John Cantwell, Marcelo A. Falappa
Credibility Limited Revision. 1581-1596 - William P. R. Mitchell, Harold Simmons:
Monoid Based Semantics for Linear Formulas. 1597-1619 - Xavier Caicedo, Roberto Cignoli:
An Algebraic Approach to Intuitionistic Connectives. 1620-1636 - Bruno Poizat:
Quelques Modestes Remarques A Propos D'Une Conséquence Inattendue D'Un Résultat Surprenant de Monsieur Frank Olaf Wagner. 1637-1646 - Bruno Poizat:
L'Égalité au Cube. 1647-1676 - Tapani Hyttinen, Mika Rautila:
The Canary Tree Revisited. 1677-1694 - Douglas S. Bridges, Ayan Mahalanobis
Bounded Variation Implies Regulated: A Constructive Proof. 1695-1700 - Timothy Bays:
On Tarski on Models. 1701-1726 - J. Zashev:
On The Recursion Theorem in Iterative Operative Spaces. 1727-1748 - Douglas A. Cenzer, André Nies:
Initial Segments of The Lattice of PI01 Classes. 1749-1765 - Ali Enayat:
Power-Like Models of Set Theory. 1766-1782 - Christopher Lee Miller:
Expansions of Dense Linear Orders with The Intermediate Value Property. 1783-1790 - William C. Calhoun
, Manuel Lerman:
Embedding Finite Lattices into The Ideals of Computably Enumerable Turing Degrees. 1791-1802 - Sara Negri, Jan von Plato:
Sequent Calculus in Natural Deduction Style. 1803-1816 - Joseph Johns:
An Open Mapping Theorem for O-Minimal Structures. 1817-1836 - Matthew Foreman, Menachem Magidor, Ralf-Dieter Schindler:
The Consistency Strength of Successive Cardinals with The Tree Property. 1837-1847 - Sergei Tupailo:
Realization of Analysis into Explicit Mathematics. 1848-1864 - Chaz Schlindwein:
Shelah's Work on Non-Semi-Proper Iterations, II. 1865-1883 - Steven Buechler, Colleen Hoover:
The Classification of Small Types of Rank omega, Part I. 1884-1898 - Timothy Bays:
Partitioning Subsets of Stable Models. 1899-1908 - José Iovino:
On The Maximality of Logics with Approximations. 1909-1918 - Arthur W. Apter:
Some Structural Results Concerning Supercompact Cardinals. 1919-1927 - J. Donald Monk:
Continuum Cardinals Generalized to Boolean Algebras. 1928-1958 - Volker Halbach:
Disquotational Truth and Analyticity. 1959-1973
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