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International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January 2006
- Yvonne Rogers, Henk L. Muller:
A framework for designing sensor-based interactions to promote exploration and reflection in play. 1-14 - Mihye Kim, Paul Compton
The perceived utility of standard ontologies in document management for specialized domains. 15-26 - Marcelo Gabriel Armentano
, Daniela Godoy
, Analía Amandi
Personal assistants: Direct manipulation vs. mixed initiative interfaces. 27-35 - Richard E. Mayer, W. Lewis Johnson, Erin Shaw, Sahiba Sandhu:
Constructing computer-based tutors that are socially sensitive: Politeness in educational software. 36-42 - Steven E. Stern, John W. Mullennix, Ilya Yaroslavsky:
Persuasion and social perception of human vs. synthetic voice across person as source and computer as source conditions. 43-52
Volume 64, Number 2, February 2006
- Heshan Sun, Ping Zhang
The role of moderating factors in user technology acceptance. 53-78 - Kasper Hornbæk:
Current practice in measuring usability: Challenges to usability studies and research. 79-102 - Jantawan Noiwan, Anthony F. Norcio:
Cultural differences on attention and perceived usability: Investigating color combinations of animated graphics. 103-122 - Julien Cegarra, Jean-Michel Hoc:
Cognitive styles as an explanation of experts' individual differences: A case study in computer-assisted troubleshooting diagnosis. 123-136 - Shih-Wen Hsiao, Jyh-Rong Chou
A Gestalt-like perceptual measure for home page design using a fuzzy entropy approach. 137-156
Volume 64, Number 3, March 2006
- John R. Wilson:
Interaction with virtual environments. 157 - John R. Wilson, Mirabelle D'Cruz:
Virtual and interactive environments for work of the future. 158-169 - Hilko Hoffmann, Oliver Stefani, Harshada Patel:
Extending the desktop workplace by a portable virtual reality system. 170-181 - Jukka Rönkkö, Jussi Markkanen, Raimo Launonen, Marinella Ferrino, Enrico Gaia, Valter Basso, Harshada Patel, Mirabelle D'Cruz, Seppo Laukkanen:
Multimodal astronaut virtual training prototype. 182-191 - Victor Bayon, Gareth Griffiths, John R. Wilson:
Multiple decoupled interaction: An interaction design approach for groupware interaction in co-located virtual environments. 192-206 - Harshada Patel, Oliver Stefani
, Sarah Sharples
, Hilko Hoffmann, Ioannis Karaseitanidis
, Angelos Amditis
Human centred design of 3-D interaction devices to control virtual environments. 207-220 - Dimitris Grammenos
, Alexandros Mourouzis, Constantine Stephanidis
Virtual prints: Augmenting virtual environments with interactive personal marks. 221-239 - Gareth Griffiths, Sarah Sharples
, John R. Wilson:
Performance of new participants in virtual environments: The Nottingham tool for assessment of interaction in virtual environments (NAÏVE). 240-250 - Ioannis Karaseitanidis
, Angelos Amditis
, Harshada Patel, Sarah Sharples
, Evangelos Bekiaris
, Alexander H. Bullinger, Jolanda G. Tromp:
Evaluation of virtual reality products and applications from individual, organizational and societal perspectives - The "VIEW" case study. 251-266 - Harshada Patel, Sarah Sharples
, Séverine Letourneur, Emma Johansson, Hilko Hoffmann, Jean Lorisson, Dennis Saluäär, Oliver Stefani:
Practical evaluations of real user company needs for visualization technologies. 267-279
Volume 64, Number 4, April 2006
- Kirsten N. Whitley, Laura R. Novick, Doug Fisher:
Evidence in favor of visual representation for the dataflow paradigm: An experiment testing LabVIEW's comprehensibility. 281-303 - Xudong Luo
, Nicholas R. Jennings
, Nigel Shadbolt:
Acquiring user tradeoff strategies and preferences for negotiating agents: A default-then-adjust method. 304-321 - Agneta Gulz
, Magnus Haake
Design of animated pedagogical agents - A look at their look. 322-339 - Chris Crockford, Harry W. Agius:
An empirical investigation into user navigation of digital video using the VCR-like control set. 340-355 - Pedram Sadeghian, Mehmed M. Kantardzic
, Oleksandr Lozitskiy, Walaa M. Sheta
The frequent wayfinding-sequence (FWS) methodology: Finding preferred routes in complex virtual environments. 356-374 - Alistair G. Sutcliffe, Sri Kurniawan, Jae Eun Shin:
A method and advisor tool for multimedia user interface design. 375-392
Volume 64, Number 5, May 2006
- Jonathan Ling
, Paul van Schaik:
The influence of font type and line length on visual search and information retrieval in web pages. 395-404 - Johannes Petersen, Michael May
Scale transformations and information presentation in supervisory control. 405-419 - Victoria S. Uren
, Simon Buckingham Shum
, Michelle Bachler, Gangmin Li
Sensemaking tools for understanding research literatures: Design, implementation and user evaluation. 420-445 - Richard D. Johnson
, George M. Marakas
, Jonathan W. Palmer:
Differential social attributions toward computing technology: An empirical investigation. 446-460 - Stephen J. Payne, William R. Reader:
Constructing structure maps of multiple on-line texts. 461-474 - Francesco Curatelli, Chiara Martinengo:
A powerful pseudo-syllabic text entry paradigm. 475-488
Volume 64, Number 6, June 2006
- Vera Louise Roberts, Deborah I. Fels:
Methods for inclusion: Employing think aloud protocols in software usability studies with individuals who are deaf. 489-501 - Misha W. Vaughan, Andrew Dillon:
Why structure and genre matter for users of digital information: A longitudinal experiment with readers of a web-based newspaper. 502-526 - David B. Kaber
, Melanie C. Wright
, Mohamed A. Sheik-Nainar:
Investigation of multi-modal interface features for adaptive automation of a human-robot system. 527-540 - Ruiqi Ma, David B. Kaber
Presence, workload and performance effects of synthetic environment design factors. 541-552 - Jinjuan Feng
, Andrew Sears, Clare-Marie Karat:
A longitudinal evaluation of hands-free speech-based navigation during dictation. 553-569
Volume 64, Number 7, July 2006
- Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Luis A. Guerrero:
Theoretical and empirical advances in groupware research. 571-572 - Robert O. Briggs
On theory-driven design and deployment of collaboration systems. 573-582 - James Tam, Saul Greenberg:
A framework for asynchronous change awareness in collaborative documents and workspaces. 583-598 - Stephan G. Lukosch
, Till Schümmer:
Groupware development support with technology patterns. 599-610 - Gwendolyn L. Kolfschoten, Robert O. Briggs
, Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Peter H. M. Jacobs, Jaco H. Appelman:
A conceptual foundation of the thinkLet concept for Collaboration Engineering. 611-621 - Thanasis Daradoumis
, Alejandra Martínez-Monés
, Fatos Xhafa
A layered framework for evaluating on-line collaborative learning interactions. 622-635
Volume 64, Number 8, August 2006
- Nicola Cranley, Philip Perry, Liam Murphy
User perception of adapting video quality. 637-647 - Matthias Nückles, Anna Ertelt:
The problem of describing a problem: Supporting laypersons in presenting their queries to the Internet-based helpdesk. 648-669 - Michael Bauerly, Yili Liu:
Computational modeling and experimental investigation of effects of compositional elements on interface and design aesthetics. 670-682 - Juan Carlos Roca, Chao-Min Chiu, Francisco José Martínez:
Understanding e-learning continuance intention: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. 683-696 - Elizabeth Sillence, Pamela Briggs
, Peter R. Harris
, Lesley Fishwick:
A framework for understanding trust factors in web-based health advice. 697-713 - Sudhendar Hanumantharao, Martha Grabowski:
Effects of introducing collaborative technology on communications in a distributed safety-critical system. 714-726 - Elpiniki Papageorgiou
, Chrysostomos D. Stylios, Peter P. Groumpos:
Unsupervised learning techniques for fine-tuning fuzzy cognitive map causal links. 727-743 - Anna Dickinson, Peter Gregor:
Computer use has no demonstrated impact on the well-being of older adults. 744-753 - Mark Howell, Steve Love, Mark Turner
Visualisation improves the usability of voice-operated mobile phone services. 754-769 - Catherine S. Weir, James N. Anderson, Mervyn A. Jack:
On the role of metaphor and language in design of third party payments in eBanking: Usability and quality. 770-784
Volume 64, Number 9, September 2006
- Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah
, Ping Zhang
, Scott McCoy, Mun Yong Yi:
Human-computer interaction research in the management information systems discipline. 787-788 - Helen S. Du, Christian Wagner
Weblog success: Exploring the role of technology. 789-798 - James Y. L. Thong
, Se-Joon Hong, Kar Yan Tam
The effects of post-adoption beliefs on the expectation-confirmation model for information technology continuance. 799-810 - Wingyan Chung:
Studying information seeking on the non-English Web: An experiment on a Spanish business Web portal. 811-829
- Wolmet Barendregt
, Mathilde M. Bekker, Don Bouwhuis, Ester Baauw:
Identifying usability and fun problems in a computer game during first use and after some practice. 830-846 - Wenhui Liao, Weihong Zhang, Zhiwei Zhu, Qiang Ji, Wayne D. Gray
Toward a decision-theoretic framework for affect recognition and user assistance. 847-873 - Henriette C. van Vugt, Johan F. Hoorn
, Elly A. Konijn, Athina de Bie Dimitriadou:
Affective affordances: Improving interface character engagement through interaction. 874-888 - Meng-Hsiang Hsu, Chia-Hui Yen, Chao-Min Chiu, Chun-Ming Chang:
A longitudinal investigation of continued online shopping behavior: An extension of the theory of planned behavior. 889-904 - Pei-Luen Patrick Rau
, Duye Chen:
Effects of watermark and music on mobile message advertisements. 905-914 - Kim Man Lui, Keith C. C. Chan
Pair programming productivity: Novice-novice vs. expert-expert. 915-925 - Jung-Yu Lai:
Assessment of employees' perceptions of service quality and satisfaction with e-business. 926-938
Volume 64, Number 10, October 2006
- Antti Oulasvirta
, Pertti Saariluoma:
Surviving task interruptions: Investigating the implications of long-term working memory theory. 941-961 - Kwan Min Lee, Younbo Jung, Jaywoo Kim, Sang Ryong Kim:
Are physically embodied social agents better than disembodied social agents?: The effects of physical embodiment, tactile interaction, and people's loneliness in human-robot interaction. 962-973 - Nicole J. J. P. Koenderink
, Jan L. Top, Lucas J. van Vliet
Supporting knowledge-intensive inspection tasks with application ontologies. 974-983 - Yael Fisher, Orit Bendas-Jacob:
Measuring Internet usage: The Israeli case. 984-997 - Hilary Johnson, Lucy Carruthers:
Supporting creative and reflective processes. 998-1030 - Aline Chevalier
, Maud Kicka:
Web designers and web users: Influence of the ergonomic quality of the web site on the information search. 1031-1048 - David Dinka, Jonas Lundberg
Identity and role - A qualitative case study of cooperative scenario building. 1049-1060 - Sissel Guttormsen Schär
, Johannes Kaiser:
Revising (multi-) media learning principles by applying a differentiated knowledge concept. 1061-1070
Volume 64, Number 11, November 2006
- Noam Tractinsky
, Avivit Cokhavi, Moti Kirschenbaum, Tal Sharfi:
Evaluating the consistency of immediate aesthetic perceptions of web pages. 1071-1083 - Alexander Serenko
The use of interface agents for email notification in critical incidents. 1084-1098 - Will Bridewell, Javier Nicolás Sánchez, Pat Langley, Dorrit Billman:
An interactive environment for the modeling and discovery of scientific knowledge. 1099-1114 - Cheri Speier:
The influence of information presentation formats on complex task decision-making performance. 1115-1131 - Robert P. Schumaker, Ying Liu, Mark Ginsburg, Hsinchun Chen:
Evaluating mass knowledge acquisition using the ALICE chatterbot: The AZ-ALICE dialog system. 1132-1140 - Udo Konradt, Timo Christophersen, Ute Schaeffer-Kuelz:
Predicting user satisfaction, strain and system usage of employee self-services. 1141-1153 - Clara Mancini
, Simon Buckingham Shum
Modelling discourse in contested domains: A semiotic and cognitive framework. 1154-1171
Volume 64, Number 12, December 2006
- Hye-Seung Kang, Hee-Dong Yang:
The visual characteristics of avatars in computer-mediated communication: Comparison of Internet Relay Chat and Instant Messenger as of 2003. 1173-1183 - Hatice Gunes, Massimo Piccardi
Assessing facial beauty through proportion analysis by image processing and supervised learning. 1184-1199 - Sherry Y. Chen, Gheorghita Ghinea, Robert D. Macredie
A cognitive approach to user perception of multimedia quality: An empirical investigation. 1200-1213 - Nick Milton
, David Clarke, Nigel Shadbolt:
Knowledge engineering and psychology: Towards a closer relationship. 1214-1229 - Jeng-Yi Tzeng:
Matching users' diverse social scripts with resonating humanized features to create a polite interface. 1230-1242
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