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IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, January 1991
- Christian Rocken, James M. Johnson, Ruth E. Neilan, M. Cerezo, J. R. Jordan, M. J. Falls, L. D. Nelson, Randolph H. Ware, M. Hayes:
The measurement of atmospheric water vapor: radiometer comparison and spatial variations. 3-8 - Abdel Razik Sebak, Lotfollah Shafai, Yogadhish Das:
Near-zone fields scattered by three-dimensional highly conducting permeable objects in the field of an arbitrary loop. 9-15 - Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, James A. Smith:
The least-squares mixing models to generate fraction images derived from remote sensing multispectral data. 16-20 - James B. Mead, Robert E. McIntosh:
Polarimetric backscatter measurements of deciduous and coniferous trees at 225 GHz. 21-28 - Charles E. Livingstone, Mark R. Drinkwater
Springtime C-band SAR backscatter signatures of Labrador Sea marginal ice: measurements versus modeling predictions. 29-41 - Weng Cho Chew, Kenneth J. Olp, Gregory P. Otto:
Design and calibration of a large broadband dielectric measurement cell. 42-47 - Kuang-Fu Han, Chalmers M. Butler, Liang-Chi Shen, Helen Y. He, Mark A. Harris:
High-frequency, complex dielectric permittivity of saline solution at elevated temperatures. 48-56 - John P. Kerekes
, David A. Landgrebe:
Parameter trade-offs for imaging spectroscopy systems [remote sensing]. 57-65 - James R. Irons, Kenneth Jon Ranson, Darrel L. Williams, Richard R. Irish, Frederick G. Huegel:
An off-nadir-pointing imaging spectroradiometer for terrestrial ecosystem studies. 66-74 - Philip E. Ardanuy, Daesoo Han, Vincent V. Salomonson:
The moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS) science and data system requirements. 75-88 - Arnold G. Dekker, Timothy J. Malthus
, Ersin Seyhan:
Quantitative modeling of inland water quality for high-resolution MSS systems. 89-95 - Claus Buschmann, Ursula Rinderle, Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler:
Detection of stress in coniferous forest trees with the VIRAF spectrometer. 96-100 - Fred A. Kruse, Phoebe L. Hauff:
Identification of illite polytype zoning in disseminated gold deposits using reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction-potential for mapping with imaging spectrometers. 101-104 - Paris W. Vachon, R. Keith Raney:
Resolution of the ocean wave propagation direction in SAR imagery. 105-112 - Frank M. Monaldo:
The consequences of sampling variability on the estimation of wave number and propagation direction from spaceborne SAR image spectra. 113-119 - Claus Brüning, Werner Alpers, Jens G. Schroter:
On the focusing issue of synthetic aperture radar imaging of ocean waves. 120-128 - Scott R. Chubb, Gaspar R. Valenzuela, David A. Greenberg:
Radar surface signatures based on the two-dimensional tidal circulation of Phelps Bank. 129-134 - Roman E. Glazman:
Statistical problems of wind-generated gravity waves arising in microwave remote sensing of surface winds. 135-142 - Jean-Paul Giovanangeli, Larry F. Bliven, O. Le Calve:
A wind-wave tank study of the azimuthal response of a Ka-band scatterometer. 143-148 - James K. E. Tunaley, Eric H. Buller, K. H. Wu, Maria T. Rey:
The simulation of the SAR image of a ship wake. 149-156 - T. W. Dawson, B. A. Hughes:
Comparisons between measured and theoretical results for C- and Ku-bands backscatter from naturally occurring internal wave current patterns. 156-166 - Scott J. Shaffer, Roy Scott Dunbar, S. Vincent Hsiao, David G. Long
A median-filter-based ambiguity removal algorithm for NSCAT. 167-174 - Jean-François Cayula, Peter C. Cornillon, Ronald J. Holyer, Sarah H. Peckinpaugh:
Comparative study of two recent edge-detection algorithms designed to process sea-surface temperature fields. 175-177 - Alireza Moghaddamjoo:
Estimation of the number of segments in a well-log signal via the information theoretic approach. 177-178 - Paul E. Racette, Richard R. Forster, Richard K. Moore:
Limitations of the Luneburg lens as a calibration target for a dual-antenna radar system. 179-180 - Dirk H. Hoekman:
Speckle ensemble statistics of logarithmically scaled data [radar]. 180-182 - Hyo Joon Eom, Wolfgang-Martin Boerner:
Statistical properties of the phase difference between two orthogonally polarized SAR signals. 182-184 - R. A. Neville, S. M. Till:
MEIS FM: a multispectral imager for forestry and mapping. 184-186 - Kenneth L. Davidson, Charles E. Skupniewicz:
Wind-stress surface truth measurements for NORCSEX. 186-189 - Simon Haykin, Carl Krasnor, Tim J. Nohara, Brian W. Currie, David Hamburger:
A coherent dual-polarized radar for studying the ocean environment. 189-191 - E. A. Reutov:
On intercommunication between microwave and infrared radiation fields and the condition of natural objects. 191-193
Volume 29, Number 2, March 1991
- Yoshio Yamaguchi
, Yasuichi Maruyama, Atsushi Kawakami, Masakazu Sengoku, Takeo Abe:
Detection of objects buried in wet snowpack by an FM-CW radar. 201-208 - David M. Pai:
Induction log modeling using vertical eigenstates. 209-213 - Ce Liu, Liang C. Shen:
Response of electromagnetic-pulse logging sonde in axially symmetrical formation. 214-221 - Jezching Ton, Jon Sticklen, Anil Kumar Jain:
Knowledge-based segmentation of Landsat images. 222-232 - Duane T. Eppler, L. Dennis Farmer:
Texture analysis of radiometric signatures of new sea ice forming in Arctic leads. 233-241 - Leung Tsang, Kung-Hau Ding:
Polarimetric signatures of a layer of random nonspherical discrete scatterers overlying a homogeneous half-space based on first- and second-order vector radiative transfer theory [geophysical radar remote sensing]. 242-253 - Sergio Barbarossa
, Guido Levrini:
An antenna pattern synthesis technique for spaceborne SAR performance optimization. 254-259 - David J. McLaughlin, Robert E. McIntosh, Andrew L. Pazmany, László Hévizi, Eugene Boltniew:
A C-band scatterometer for remote sensing the air-sea interface. 260-267 - David G. Long
, Jerry M. Mendel:
Identifiability in wind estimation from scatterometer measurements. 268-276 - Andrew Lewis Maffett, Christopher C. Wackerman:
The modified beta density function as a model for synthetic aperture radar clutter statistics. 277-283 - A. Laurence Gray, Lyn D. Arsenault:
Time-delayed reflections in L-band synthetic aperture radar imagery of icebergs. 284-291 - Yoichi Seto, Koichi Homma, Fuminobu Komura:
Geometric correction algorithms for satellite imagery using a bi-directional scanning sensor. 292-299 - John Durkin:
Earth conductivity estimates from through-the-Earth electromagnetic transmission tests. 300-307 - Weng Cho Chew, Zaiping Nie, Qing-Huo Liu
, Barbara Anderson:
An efficient solution for the response of electrical well logging tools in a complex environment. 308-313 - Mester Sitepu, David Victor Thiel:
The surface impedance anomaly resulting from a subsurface, infinitely long conductive wire. 314-320 - Mohammad Reza Taherian, David J. Yuen, Tarek M. Habashy, Jin Au Kong:
A coaxial-circular waveguide for dielectric measurement. 321-330 - Diego Fabián Lozano-Garcia
, R. Norberto Fernández, Chris J. Johannsen:
Assessment of regional biomass-soil relationships using vegetation indexes. 331-339 - Chong-Yung Chi:
A robustness test for the MVD filter and MLD algorithm. 340-342 - Yogadhish Das, John E. McFee:
A simple analysis of the electromagnetic response of buried conducting objects. 342-344 - James R. Wait:
The surface impedance for a vertically striated half-space. 344-346
Volume 29, Number 3, May 1991
- William D. Philpot
The derivative ratio algorithm: avoiding atmospheric effects in remote sensing. 350-357 - Robert D. Palmer, J. R. Cruz, Dusan S. Zrnic:
Enhanced autoregressive moving average spectral estimation applied to the measurement of Doppler spectral width. 358-368 - Katherine M. Hansen:
Head-banging: robust smoothing in the plane. 369-378 - William J. Done, Rodney Lynn Kirlin, Alireza Moghaddamjoo:
Two-dimensional coherent noise suppression in seismic data using eigendecomposition. 379-384 - Richard Bamler:
Doppler frequency estimation and the Cramer-Rao bound. 385-390 - Piotr Sobieski, Albert Guissard, Christine Baufays:
Synergic inversion technique for active and passive microwave remote sensing of the ocean. 391-406 - Andreas S. Spanias, Stefan B. Jonsson, Samuel D. Stearns:
Transform methods for seismic data compression. 407-416 - Søren Nørvang Madsen, Erik Lintz Christensen, Niels Skou, Jørgen Dall
The Danish SAR system: design and initial tests. 417-426 - Yousif Ali Hussin, Robin M. Reich, Roger M. Hoffer:
Estimating splash pine biomass using radar backscatter. 427-431 - N. D. Taket, S. M. Howarth, Ronald E. Burge:
A model for the imaging of urban areas by synthetic aperture radar. 432-443 - Stephen L. Durden, Jeffrey D. Klein, Howard Allan Zebker:
Polarimetric radar measurements of a forested area near Mt. Shasta. 444-450 - Thomas Bayer, Rudolf Winter, Gunter Schreier:
Terrain influences in SAR backscatter and attempts to their correction. 451-462 - David R. Lyzenga, John R. Bennett:
Estimation of ocean wave spectra using two-antenna SAR systems. 463-465 - Lee S. Miller, Gary S. Brown, Lawrence W. Choy:
Multibeam radar altimetry: spaceborne feasibility. 465-469 - James R. Wait:
Radiowave propagation in a coal seam with inhomogeneous rock walls. 469-472
Volume 29, Number 4, July 1991
- Kyungsook Kim, Melba M. Crawford:
Adaptive parametric estimation and classification of remotely sensed imagery using a pyramid structure. 481-493 - Chulhee Lee, David A. Landgrebe:
An adaptive reconstruction system for spatially correlated multispectral multitemporal images. 494-508 - Chulhee Lee, David A. Landgrebe:
Fast likelihood classification. 509-517 - Byungyong Kim, David A. Landgrebe:
Hierarchical classifier design in high-dimensional numerous class cases. 518-528 - Alberto Moreira
Improved multilook techniques applied to SAR and SCANSAR imagery. 529-534 - Jong-Sen Lee, Mitchell R. Grunes, Stephen A. Mango:
Speckle reduction in multipolarization, multifrequency SAR imagery. 535-544 - Jong-Hun Lee, William D. Philpot:
Spectral texture pattern matching: a classifier for digital imagery. 545-554 - John B. Schneider, John Brew, Irene C. Peden:
Electromagnetic detection of buried dielectric targets. 555-562 - Chih-Ming Chen, Marwan A. Simaan
Velocity filters for multiple interferences in two-dimensional geophysical data. 563-570 - Henry E. Fleming, Norman C. Grody, Eugene J. Kratz:
The forward problem and corrections for the SSM/T satellite microwave temperature sounder. 571-583 - Mongi Marzoug, Paul Amayenc:
Improved range-profiling algorithm of rainfall rate from a spaceborne radar with path-integrated attenuation constraint. 584-592 - Kültegin Aydin, Yuan-Ming Lure:
Millimeter wave scattering and propagation in rain: a computational study at 94 and 140 GHz for oblate spheroidal and spherical raindrops. 593-601 - Robert Lutz, Thomas T. Wilheit, J. R. Wang, R. K. Kakar:
Retrieval of atmospheric water vapor profiles using radiometric measurements at 183 and 90 GHz. 602-609 - Zoran B. Banjanin, Dusan S. Zrnic:
Clutter rejection for Doppler weather radars which use staggered pulses. 610-620 - Christine M. H. Unal, Paul Snoeij, Peter J. F. Swart:
The polarization-dependent relation between radar backscatter from the ocean surface and surface wind vector at frequencies between 1 and 18 GHz. 621-626 - Narinder S. Chauhan, Roger H. Lang, Kenneth Jon Ranson:
Radar modeling of a boreal forest. 627-638 - Guoqing Sun, David S. Simonett, Alan H. Strahler:
A radar backscatter model for discontinuous coniferous forests. 639-650 - Hazem M. Raafat
, Qinghan Xiao, David A. Gauthier:
An extended relational database for remotely sensed image data management within GIS. 651-655 - Fangju Wang:
Integrating GIS's and remote sensing image analysis systems by unifying knowledge representation schemes. 656-664 - Nesim Halyo, Haldun Direskeneli, Bruce R. Barkstrom:
An information theory approach for evaluating Earth radiation budget (ERB) measurements: nonuniform sampling of diurnal longwave flux variations. 665-673 - Guido Schmuck, Jean Verdebout, C. Koechler, Ismaël Moya
, Yves Goulas:
Laser-induced time-resolved fluorescence of vegetation. 674-678 - Ari H. Sihvola, Esko Alanen:
Studies of mixing formulae in the complex plane. 679-687
Volume 29, Number 5, September 1991
- Toshiaki Kozu, Kenji Nakamura, Robert Meneghini, Wayne C. Boncyk:
Dual-parameter radar rainfall measurement from space: a test result from an aircraft experiment. 690-703 - Jun-ichi Kudoh, Shoichi Noguchi:
Identification of fog with NOAA AVHRR images. 704-709 - Imad L. Al-Qadi
, Deepak K. Ghodgaonkar
, Vijay K. Varada, Vasundara V. Varadan:
Effect of moisture on asphaltic concrete at microwave frequencies. 710-717 - J. Patrick Fitch, Sean K. Lehman, Farid U. Dowla, S. Y. Lu, Erik M. Johansson, Dennis M. Goodman:
Ship wake-detection procedure using conjugate gradient trained artificial neural networks. 718-726 - Kazuo Ouchi, R. A. Cordey:
Statistical analysis of azimuth streaks observed in digitally processed CASSIE imagery of the sea surface. 727-735 - Jun-ichi Kudoh, Shoichi Noguchi:
A study of a three-dimensional histogram using the NOAA AVHRR images. 736-741 - Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, Sami Bannour:
Two-dimensional adaptive block Kalman filtering of SAR imagery. 742-753 - R. Keith Raney:
Considerations for SAR image quantification unique to orbital systems. 754-760 - Anthony Freeman:
A new system model for radar polarimeters. 761-767 - Steven A. Arcone:
Dielectric constant and layer-thickness interpretation of helicopter-borne short-pulse radar waveforms reflected from wet and dry river-ice sheets. 768-777 - Qinglin Wang, Sivaprasad Gogineni:
A numerical procedure for recovering scattering coefficients from measurements with wide-beam antennas. 778-783 - Jakob J. van Zyl, Charles F. Burnette:
Data volume reduction for single-look polarimetric imaging radar data. 784-786 - Toshiaki Kozu:
Effects of signal decorrelation on pulse-compressed waveforms for nadir-looking spaceborne radar. 786-790 - Chang-Yung Chi, Wu-Tan Chen:
Maximum-likelihood blind deconvolution: non-white Bernoulli-Gaussian case. 790-795 - Ce Liu, Liang C. Shen:
Numerical simulation of subsurface radar for detecting buried pipes. 795-798 - Einar Mæland:
Seismic migration in stratified media. 798-800
Volume 29, Number 6, November 1991
- JoBea Way, Jack Paris, M. Craig Dobson, Kyle McDonald, Fawwaz T. Ulaby, James A. Weber, Susan L. Ustin
, Vern C. Vanderbilt, Eric Stewart Kasischke:
Diurnal change in trees as observed by optical and microwave sensors: the EOS synergism study. 807-821 - D. Casey, JoBea Way:
Orbit selection for the Eos mission and its synergism implications. 822-835 - D. M. Gates:
Water relations of forest trees. 836-842 - Susan L. Ustin
, Scott N. Martens, Vern C. Vanderbilt:
Canopy architecture of a walnut orchard. 843-851 - Kyle C. McDonald, M. Craig Dobson, Fawwaz T. Ulaby:
Modeling multi-frequency Diurnal backscatter from a walnut orchard. 852-863 - James A. Weber, Susan L. Ustin
Diuranl water relations of walnut trees: implications for remote sensing. 864-874 - Vern C. Vanderbilt, Susan L. Ustin
, Kevin M. Berger, William F. Caldwell, Jenny A. Clark, B. D. Gamapol, Eric S. Kasischke, Scott N. Martens, Rita E. Pettigrew, Robert A. Rousseau:
Biophysical information in asymmetric and symmetric Diurnal bidirectional canopy reflectance. 875-889 - Yoshio Karasawa, Takashi Matsudo:
One-minute rain rate distributions in Japan derived from AMeDAS one-hour rain rate data. 890-898 - Motoyuki Sato, Rudolf Thierbach:
Analysis of a borehole radar in cross-hole mode. 899-904 - Jeffrey D. Banfield:
Automated tracking of ice floes: a stochastic approach. 905-911 - Henry C. Wong, Andreas Antoniou:
Characterization and decomposition of waveforms for Larsen 500 airborne system. 912-921 - Lars M. H. Ulander
, Robert K. Hawkins, Charles E. Livingstone, Thomas I. Lukowski:
Absolute radiometric calibration of the CCRS SAR. 922-933 - Claudio Maria Prati, Fabio Rocca
, Yuval Kost, Elvio Damonti:
Blind deconvolution for Doppler centroid estimation in high frequency SAR. 934-941 - Howard Allan Zebker, Jakob J. van Zyl, Stephen L. Durden, Lynne Norikane:
Calibrated imaging radar polarimetry: technique, examples, and applications. 942-961 - JoBea Way, Elizabeth Atwood Smith:
The evolution of synthetic aperture radar systems and their progression to the EOS SAR. 962-985 - Jean-Marc Nasr, Daniel Vidal-Madjar:
Image simulation of geometric targets for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar. 986-996 - Richard Bamler, Hartmut Runge:
PRF-ambiguity resolving by wavelength diversity. 997-1003 - Ross McConnell, Ronald Kwok, John C. Curlander, Wolfgang Kober, Shirley S. Pang:
ψ-s correlation and dynamic time warping: two methods for tracking ice floes in SAR images. 1004-1012 - Dayalan Kasilingam:
Comments on 'On the focusing issue of synthetic aperture radar imaging of ocean waves' by C. Bruning et al. 1013-1014 - A. Jay Palmer:
Surface current mapping performance of bistatic and monostatic Δk-radars. 1014-1016
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