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7th PerCom 2009: Galveston, Texas, USA
- Seventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, PerCom 2009, 9-13 March 2009, Galveston, TX, USA. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-3304-9
- Klara Nahrstedt, Gergely V. Záruba:
Message from the General and Vice-General Chairs. - Chatschik Bisdikian, Silvia Giordano
, Chandra Narayanaswami, Albrecht Schmidt
Message from the Technical Program Chairs. - Cecilia Mascolo
, Daniela Nicklas:
Message from the Work-in-Progress Chairs. - Ben Lee, Hao Chu:
Message from the Workshop Co-Chairs. - Conference Organization.
Keynote 1
- Gregory D. Abowd:
Make IT Matter: The Opportunities and Responsibilities of Pervasive Computing Research.
Session S1a: Pervasive Middleware Technologies
- Hubert Pham, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Umar Saif, Christopher Stawarz, Chris Terman, Steve Ward:
A Dynamic Platform for Runtime Adaptation. 1-10 - Arup Acharya, Nilanjan Banerjee, Dipanjan Chakraborty, Koustuv Dasgupta, Archan Misra
, Shachi Sharma, Xiping Wang, Charles Wright:
Programmable Presence Virtualization for Next-Generation Context-Based Applications. 1-10 - Venkatraman Ramakrishna, Peter L. Reiher, Leonard Kleinrock:
Distributed Policy Resolution Through Negotiation in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 1-10
Session S2a: Pervasive Applications and Systems
- Miika Valtonen, Jaakko Mäentausta, Jukka Vanhala
TileTrack: Capacitive Human Tracking using Floor Tiles. 1-10 - Ahmad Rahmati, Clayton Shepard, Lin Zhong:
NoShake: Content Stabilization for Shaking Screens of Mobile Devices. 1-6 - Felix von Reischach, Florian Michahelles, Dominique Guinard, Elgar Fleisch:
A Mobile Product Recommendation System Interacting with Tagged Products. 1-6 - Matthias Gauger, Olga Saukh, Pedro José Marrón:
Talk to Me! On Interacting with Wireless Sensor Nodes. 1-8
Session S2b: Security for Pervasive Communications
- Arun Kumar, Nitesh Saxena, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun:
Caveat Emptor: A Comparative Study of Secure Device Pairing Methods. 1-10 - Brent Lagesse
, Mohan Kumar, Justin Mazzola Paluska, Matthew K. Wright
DTT: A Distributed Trust Toolkit for Pervasive Systems. 1-8 - Feng Zhu
, Wei Zhu:
RationalExposure: a Game Theoretic Approach to Optimize Identity Exposure in Pervasive Computing Environments. 1-8 - Sye Loong Keoh
, Emil C. Lupu
, Morris Sloman
Securing Body Sensor Networks: Sensor Association and Key Management. 1-6
Work-in-Progress Session
- Andreas Brodt, Sailesh Sathish:
Together we are strong - Towards Ad-Hoc Smart Spaces. 1-4 - Thomas Winkler, Bernhard Rinner:
Pervasive Smart Camera Networks exploiting heterogeneous wireless Channels. 1-4 - Ralph Lange
, Nazario Cipriani, Lars Geiger, Matthias Großmann, Harald Weinschrott, Andreas Brodt, Matthias Wieland, Stamatia Rizou
, Kurt Rothermel:
Making the World Wide Space Happen: New Challenges for the Nexus Context Platform. 1-4 - Sourish Dasgupta, Satish Bhat, Yugyung Lee:
Event Driven Service Composition for Pervasive Computing. 1-6 - Li Zhang, Gang Pan, Zhaohui Wu, Shijian Li, Cho-Li Wang:
SmartShadow: Modeling A User-centric Mobile Virtual Space. 1-4 - Lasse Kaila, Jouni Hyvönen, Markus Ritala, Ville Mäkinen, Jukka Vanhala
Development of a Location-Aware Speech Control and Audio Feedback System. 1-4 - Angela Dalton, Christine Julien
Towards Adaptive Resource-Driven Routing. 1-4 - Hiroshi Hanano, Yoshihiro Murata, Naoki Shibata
, Keiichi Yasumoto
, Minoru Ito:
Video Ads Dissemination through WiFi-Cellular Hybrid Networks. 1-6 - Giulio Zecca, Paul Couderc, Michel Banâtre, Roberto Beraldi
Swarm Robot Synchronisation Using RFID Tags. 1-4 - Dongmin Yang, Jongmin Shin, Jeonggyu Kim, Cheeha Kim:
Asynchronous Probing Scheme for the Optimal Energy-Efficient Neighbor Discovery in Opportunistic Networking. 1-4 - Cristiano André da Costa
, Felipe Kellermann, Rodolfo Stoffel Antunes
, Luciano Cavalheiro da Silva, Adenauer C. Yamin, Cláudio Fernando Resin Geyer:
Continuum: A Service-Based Software Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing. 1-4 - Marcello Caleffi
, Luigi Paura:
P2P over MANET: Indirect Tree-based Routing. 1-5
Demos Session
- Amir Krifa, Mohamed Karim Sbai, Chadi Barakat
, Thierry Turletti:
BitHoc: A content sharing application for Wireless Ad hoc Networks. 1-3 - Wilfried Jouve, Julien Bruneau, Charles Consel:
DiaSim: A Parameterized Simulator for Pervasive Computing Applications. 1-3 - Vikram P. Munishwar, Shailendra Singh, Christopher Mitchell, Xiaoshuang Wang, Kartik Gopalan
, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
RFID Based Localization for a Miniaturized Robotic Platform for Wireless Protocols Evaluation. 1-3 - Miika Valtonen, Jukka Vanhala
Human Tracking Using Electric Fields. 1-3 - Lun-Wu Yeh, Che-Yen Lu, Yu-Hsuan Lin, Jia-Liang Liao, Yu-Chee Tseng, Chien Chen, Chih-Wei Yi
iLamp: A Sensor-Enhanced Lamp with Surface-Tracking Capability Based on Light Intensity. 1-3 - Reza Farivar, Mirko Montanari, Ellick Chan, Roy H. Campbell:
An Automatic User Study Demo in Indoor Environments and Its Privacy Implications. 1-3 - Christian Nastasi, Paolo Pagano
, Mauro Marinoni
, Giuseppe Lipari
, Francesco Focacci, Paolo Gai
, Simone Mannori, Roberto Bucher:
Model based Real-Time networked applications for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-3 - Raphael Zender, Enrico Dressler, Ulrike Lucke, Djamshid Tavangarian:
Multi-level Interoperability for Pervasive Communication Networks. 1-3 - Mehdi Mani, Anh-Minh Ngyuen, Noël Crespi:
What's up: P2P Spontaneous Social Networking. 1-2 - Miika Valtonen, Antti-Matti Vainio, Jukka Vanhala
Proactive and Adaptive Fuzzy Profile Control for Mobile Phones. 1-3 - Bo Xing, Karim Seada, Nalini Venkatasubramanian:
Proximiter: Enabling Mobile Proximity-Based Content Sharing on Portable Devices. 1-3 - Sinem Güven, Ohan Oda, Mark Podlaseck, Harry Stavropoulos, Sai Kolluri, Gopal Pingali:
Social Mobile Augmented Reality for Retail. 1-3 - Jung Wook Park, Yoo Suk Jung, Hui Jung Park, Soon Dong Kim, We-Duke Cho:
WIS: A Well-being Index based Health Care System in Smart home. 1-3
Keynote 2
- Andrew T. Campbell:
After Motes and Multihop: Mobile Phones and the Global Mobile Sensor Network. 1
Session S3a: Best Paper Candidates
- Wen-Zhan Song
, Renjie Huang, Behrooz A. Shirazi, Richard LaHusen:
TreeMAC: Localized TDMA MAC Protocol for Real-time High-data-rate Sensor Networks. 1-10 - Ilias Leontiadis, Paolo Costa, Cecilia Mascolo
Persistent Content-based Information Dissemination in Hybrid Vehicular Networks. 1-10 - Jiayang Liu, Zhen Wang, Lin Zhong, Jehan Wickramasuriya, Venu Vasudevan:
uWave: Accelerometer-based Personalized Gesture Recognition and Its Applications. 1-9
Session S4a: Context-Awareness
- Dinh Q. Phung
, Brett Adams, Kha Tran, Svetha Venkatesh
, Mohan Kumar:
High Accuracy Context Recovery using Clustering Mechanisms. 1-9 - Yu Huang, Xiaoxing Ma
, Jiannong Cao
, XianPing Tao, Jian Lu:
Concurrent Event Detection for Asynchronous Consistency Checking of Pervasive Context. 1-9 - Juan Ye
, Lorcan Coyle, Simon Dobson
, Paddy Nixon:
Using Situation Lattices in Sensor Analysis. 1-11
Session S4b: Mobile Sensor Applications
- Stephan Bosch
, Mihai Marin-Perianu, Raluca Marin-Perianu, Hans Scholten, Paul J. M. Havinga:
FollowMe! Mobile Team Coordination in Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks. 1-11 - Robert L. Lidowski, Barry E. Mullins, Rusty O. Baldwin:
A Novel Communications Protocol Using Geographic Routing for Swarming UAVs Performing a Search Mission. 1-7 - Eskindir Asmare, Anandha Gopalan, Morris Sloman
, Naranker Dulay, Emil Lupu
A Policy-Based Management Architecture for Mobile Collaborative Teams. 1-6
PhD Forum Session
- Hui Kang:
Improving Packet Reception Performance in High Traffic Sensor Networks. 1-2 - Yong Liu:
Towards an Open Ubiquitous Computing Environment. 1-2 - Zhiqiang Zhang:
Ubiquitous Human Motion Capture using Wearable Micro-sensors. 1-2 - Marcello Caleffi
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: the DHT paradigm. 1-2 - Torben Godsk:
Positioning for Herd Management. 1-2 - Manuel J. Huber:
Parasitic Tracking: Enabling Ubiquitous Tracking through existing Infrastructure. 1-2 - Vaskar Raychoudhury:
Efficient and Fault Tolerant Service Discovery in MANET using Quorum-based Selective Replication. 1-2 - Aislan Gomide Foina:
SmarTV - A Multi-Person User's Behaviour Analysis and Program Recommendation System with iTV. 1-2 - William O. Plymale:
Pebbles and Urns: A Tangible, Presence-Based Messaging Service. 1-2 - Jens Kamenik:
Energy Optimized Fault Tolerance for Pervasive Communication Spaces. 1-2 - Nirmalya Roy:
Quality-of-Inference Aware Context Determination. 1-2 - Sourish Dasgupta:
A Logic-based Formalism for Pervasive Workflow. 1-2 - Ronen Vaisenberg:
Exploiting Semantics for Event Detection Systems. 1-2 - Jun-Won Ho:
Zone-Based Trust Management in Sensor Networks. 1-2 - Gleneesha M. Johnson:
Towards Shrink-Wrapped Security: A Taxonomy of Security-Relevant Context. 1-2 - Brent Lagesse
Trust and Security in Dynamic Systems. 1-2 - Jing Wang:
Asynchronous Computing and Communication Architecture Toward Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-2 - Hyun Jung Choe:
QoS-Aware Data Report Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-2 - Sean Reilly:
Multi-Event Handlers for Sensor-Driven Ubiquitous Computing Applications. 1-2
Panel Session
- Christian Becker:
Pervasive Computing: Key Technologies and Adoption. 1
Session S5a: Quality of Information (QoI)
- Iñigo Urteaga, Kevin Barnhart, Qi Han:
REDFLAG: A Run-timE, Distributed, Flexible, Lightweight, And Generic Fault Detection Service for Data-Driven Wireless Sensor Applications. 1-9 - Ralph Lange
, Tobias Farrell, Frank Dürr
, Kurt Rothermel:
Remote Real-Time Trajectory Simplification. 1-10 - Lei Chen, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Joel W. Branch:
Auction-Based Congestion Management for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1-10
Session S6a: Pervasive Networking
- Xi Chen, Prateek Gangwal, Daji Qiao:
Practical Rate Adaptation in Mobile Environments. 1-10 - Hyojeong Shin, Elmurod Talipov, Hojung Cha:
IPv6 Lightweight Stateless Address Autoconfiguration for 6LoWPAN using Color Coordinators. 1-9 - Mikko Pitkänen, Teemu Kärkkäinen, Janico Greifenberg, Jörg Ott:
Searching for Content in Mobile DTNs. 1-10
Session S6b: Pervasive Privacy
- Bijit Hore, Jehan Wickramasuriya, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Daniel Massaguer:
Privacy-Preserving Event Detection in Pervasive Spaces. 1-10 - Qingsong Yao
, Yong Qi, Jinsong Han, Jizhong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu:
Randomizing RFID Private Authentication. 1-10 - Ge Zhong, Urs Hengartner:
A Distributed k-Anonymity Protocol for Location Privacy. 1-10
Session S7a: Topics in Sensor-based Solutions
- Aaron B. Kiely, Mingsen Xu, Wen-Zhan Song
, Renjie Huang, Behrooz A. Shirazi:
Adaptive Linear Filtering Compression on Realtime Sensor Networks. 1-10 - Tao Gu
, Zhanqing Wu, XianPing Tao, Hung Keng Pung, Jian Lu:
epSICAR: An Emerging Patterns based Approach to Sequential, Interleaved and Concurrent Activity Recognition. 1-9 - Dian Zhang, Lionel M. Ni:
Dynamic Clustering for Tracking Multiple Transceiver-free Objects. 1-8
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