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14th JCDL (TPDL) 2014: London, UK
- IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, JCDL 2014, London, United Kingdom, September 8-12, 2014. IEEE Computer Society 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-5569-5
Preservation strategies
- Charles L. Cartledge, Michael L. Nelson
When should I make preservation copies of myself? 1-10 - Catherine C. Marshall, Frank M. Shipman III:
An argument for archiving Facebook as a heterogeneous personal store. 11-20 - Michael Day
, Ann MacDonald, Maureen Pennock
, Akiko Kimura:
Implementing Digital Preservation Strategy: Developing content collection profiles at the British Library. 21-24 - Mat Kelly
, Michael L. Nelson
, Michele C. Weigle
The Archival Acid Test: Evaluating archive performance on advanced HTML and JavaScript. 25-28
Recommendation and indexing
- Monika Akbar, Clifford A. Shaffer, Weiguo Fan
, Edward A. Fox
Recommendation based on Deduced Social Networks in an educational digital library. 29-38 - Tim Gollub, Michael Völske, Matthias Hagen, Benno Stein:
Dynamic taxonomy composition via keyqueries. 39-48 - Arantxa Otegi
, Eneko Agirre
, Paul D. Clough:
Personalised PageRank for making recommendations in digital cultural heritage collections. 49-52 - Tanja Friedrich
, Andreas Oskar Kempf:
Making research data findable in digital libraries: A layered model for user-oriented indexing of survey data. 53-56
Publication impacts
- Glauber D. Gonçalves, Flavio V. D. de Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida, Marcos André Gonçalves
Characterizing scholar popularity: A case study in the Computer Science research community. 57-66 - Thiago H. P. Silva, Mirella M. Moro
, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Wagner Meira Jr., Alberto H. F. Laender:
Community-based endogamy as an influence indicator. 67-76 - Denilson Alves Pereira
, Eduardo Emanuel Braga da Silva, Ahmed A. A. Esmin:
Disambiguating publication venue titles using association rules. 77-86
Personal DL Design
- Sandra Trullemans, Beat Signer
From user needs to opportunities in personal information management: A case study on organisational strategies in cross-media information spaces. 87-96 - Su Inn Park, Frank Shipman:
PerCon: A personal digital library for heterogeneous data. 97-106 - Annika Hinze
, Hayat Alqurashi, Nicholas Vanderschantz
, Claire Timpany
, Saad Alzahrani:
Social information behaviour in physical libraries: Implications for the design of digital libraries. 107-116
Building systems
- Zhaohui Wu, Jian Wu, Madian Khabsa, Kyle Williams, Hung-Hsuan Chen, Wenyi Huang, Suppawong Tuarob
, Sagnik Ray Choudhury
, Alexander Ororbia, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
Towards building a scholarly big data platform: Challenges, lessons and opportunities. 117-126 - Bolette Ammitzbøll Jurik, Asger Askov Blekinge, Rune Bruun Ferneke-Nielsen, Per Møldrup-Dalum:
Bridging the gap between real world repositories and Scalable Preservation Environments. 127-136 - Yinlin Chen, Edward A. Fox
Using ACM DL paper metadata as an auxiliary source for building educational collections. 137-140 - Zhaohui Wu, Wenyi Huang, Chen Liang
, C. Lee Giles
Crowd-sourcing Web knowledge for metadata extraction. 141-144
Browsing and searching
- Dana McKay
, Wally Smith
, Shanton Chang:
Lend me some sugar: Borrowing rates of neighbouring books as evidence for browsing. 145-154 - Javier Lacasta, Francisco J. López-Pellicer, Walter Renteria-Agualimpia, Javier Nogueras-Iso
Improving the visibility of geospatial data on the Web. 155-164 - Martyn Harris, Mark Levene, Dell Zhang, Dan Levene:
The anatomy of a search and mining system for digital humanities. 165-168 - Õnne Mets, Silvia Gstrein
, Veronika Gründhammer:
Increasing the visibility of library records via consortial search engine. 169-172
Item identification
- Alan Filipe Santana, Marcos André Gonçalves
, Alberto H. F. Laender, Anderson A. Ferreira
Combining domain-specific heuristics for author name disambiguation. 173-182 - David A. Smith, Ryan Cordell, Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Nick Stramp, John Wilkerson:
Detecting and modeling local text reuse. 183-192 - Biligsaikhan Batjargal
, Takeo Kuyama, Fuminori Kimura, Akira Maeda
Identifying the same records across multiple Ukiyo-e image databases using textual data in different languages. 193-196 - Norman Meuschke
, Bela Gipp
Reducing computational effort for plagiarism detection by using citation characteristics to limit retrieval space. 197-200
Quality Data and Metadata
- Daniel Hasan Dalip, Harlley Lima, Marcos André Gonçalves
, Marco Cristo, Pável Calado
Quality assessment of collaborative content with minimal information. 201-210 - Pengcheng Gao
, Jiangqin Wu, Yuan Lin, Yang Xia, Tianjiao Mao, Baogang Wei:
Fast Image-based Chinese Calligraphic Character Retrieval on Large Scale Data. 211-220 - Saeed Majidi, Gregory R. Crane:
Human and machine error analysis on dependency parsing of ancient Greek texts. 221-224 - Hung-Hsuan Chen, Madian Khabsa, C. Lee Giles
The feasibility of investing in manual correction of metadata for a large-scale digital library. 225-228
Topics, evolution, and relationships
- Adam Jatowt
, Kevin Duh:
A framework for analyzing semantic change of words across time. 229-238 - Nikolaos Aletras, Timothy Baldwin, Jey Han Lau, Mark Stevenson:
Representing topics labels for exploring digital libraries. 239-248 - Han Xu, Eric Martin, Ashesh Mahidadia:
Topical establishment leveraging literature evolution. 249-252 - Fuminori Kimura, Akira Maeda
Method for supporting analysis of personal relationships through place names extracted from documents. 253-256
Knowledge Infrastructure and Repositories
- Christine L. Borgman
, Peter T. Darch, Ashley E. Sands
, Jillian C. Wallis, Sharon Traweek:
The ups and downs of knowledge infrastructures in science: Implications for data management. 257-266 - Carl Lagoze, Lars Vilhuber
, Jeremy Williams, Benjamin Perry, William C. Block:
CED2AR: The Comprehensive Extensible Data Documentation and Access Repository. 267-276 - Carlin St. Pierre, David Bainbridge, Bill Rogers:
Big Brother is Watching You - But in a Good Way. 277-280 - Suenje Dallmeier-Tiessen, Artemis Lavasa
, Patricia Herterich
, Laura Rueda
, Rachael Kotarski
, Elizabeth Newbold
A comparative analysis of disciplinary data management workflows. 281-284 - Ioanna-Ourania Stathopoulou, Panagiotis Stathopoulos, Haris Georgiadis
, Nikos Houssos
, Vangelis Banos, Evi Sachini:
An Open Cultural Digital Content Infrastructure. 285-288
Data transformation and description
- Ciro Mattia Gonano, Francesca Tomasi, Francesca Mambelli, Fabio Vitali, Silvio Peroni:
Zeri e LODE. Extracting the Zeri photo archive to linked open data: formalizing the conceptual model. 289-298 - Luyuan Li, Yongtao Wang, Liangcai Gao, Zhi Tang, Ching Y. Suen:
Comic2CEBX: A system for automatic comic content adaptation. 299-308 - Tim Crawford, Ben Fields, David Lewis, Kevin R. Page
Explorations in Linked Data practice for early music corpora. 309-312 - João Aguiar Castro
, João Rocha da Silva
, Cristina Ribeiro
Creating lightweight ontologies for dataset description practical applications in a cross-domain research data management workflow. 313-316 - Katrina Fenlon
, Colleen Fallaw
, Timothy W. Cole
, Myung-Ja Han
A preliminary evaluation of hathitrust metadata: Assessing the sufficiency of legacy records. 317-320
Web archives and memory
- Justin F. Brunelle, Mat Kelly
, Hany SalahEldeen, Michele C. Weigle
, Michael L. Nelson
Not all mementos are created equal: Measuring the impact of missing resources. 321-330 - Hugo C. Huurdeman
, Anat Ben-David
, Jaap Kamps
, Thaer Samar, Arjen P. de Vries
Finding pages on the unarchived Web. 331-340 - Nattiya Kanhabua, Tu Ngoc Nguyen, Claudia Niederée
What triggers human remembering of events? A large-scale analysis of catalysts for collective memory in Wikipedia. 341-350
Citation, citation, citation
- Tanmoy Chakraborty
, Suhansanu Kumar, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly
, Animesh Mukherjee:
Towards a stratified learning approach to predict future citation counts. 351-360 - Xiaozhong Liu, Yingying Yu, Chun Guo, Yizhou Sun, Liangcai Gao:
Full-text based context-rich heterogeneous network mining approach for citation recommendation. 361-370 - Wenyi Huang, Zhaohui Wu, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
RefSeer: A citation recommendation system. 371-374 - Hamed Alhoori
, Richard Furuta:
Do altmetrics follow the crowd or does the crowd follow altmetrics? 375-378
Education and collaboration
- Md. Arafat Sultan, Steven Bethard, Tamara Sumner:
Towards automatic identification of core concepts in educational resources. 379-388 - Yanru Guo, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Brendan Luyt:
Using affective embodied agents in information literacy education. 389-398 - Dana McKay
Bend me, shape me: A practical experience of repurposing research data. 399-402 - Mark R. Costa, Jian Qin
, Jun Wang:
Research networks in data repositories. 403-406
- Michele Artini
, Claudio Atzori
, Alessia Bardi
, Sandro La Bruzzo
, Paolo Manghi
TagTick: A tool for annotation tagging over solr indexes. 407-408 - Michele Artini
, Claudio Atzori
, Paolo Manghi
Keeping your aggregative infrastructure under control. 409-410 - Yannis Kargakis, Yannis Tzitzikas
Epimenides: An information system offering automated reasoning for the needs of digital preservation. 411-412 - Helge Holzmann
, Thomas Risse:
Extraction of evolution descriptions from the web. 413-414 - Francesco Osborne
, Enrico Motta
Rexplore: Unveiling the dynamics of scholarly data. 415-416 - Mark M. Hall
Explore the stacks: A system for exploration in large digital libraries. 417-418 - Ingo Frommholz
, David Graves, Haiming Liu, Ashwin Kumar, Gordon Brady:
Great War stories told by the people - Crowdsourced cultural heritage in digital museums. 419-420 - Steffan Safey, David Bainbridge:
When catalogs collide: A mashup of the bibliographic records from New Zealand's National Bibliography and the HathiTrust. 421-422 - Timo Sztyler, Jakob Huber, Jan Noessner, Jaimie Murdock, Colin Allen, Mathias Niepert
LODE: Linking digital humanities content to the web of data. 423-424 - Kresimir Duretec, Artur Kulmukhametov, Michael Kraxner, Markus Plangg, Christoph Becker, Luis Faria
The SCAPE preservation lifecycle. 425-426 - Ray R. Larson, Daniel Pitti, Adrian Turner:
SNAC: The Social Networks and Archival Context project - Towards an archival authority cooperative. 427-428 - Sukjin You
, Joel DesArmo
, Xiangming Mu, Sukwon Lee, Jessica C. Neal:
Visualized Related Topics (VRT) system for health information retrieval. 429-430
- Katerina El Raheb
, Yannis E. Ioannidis:
Modeling abstractions for dance digital libraries. 431-432 - Hirohito Shibata, Kentaro Takano:
Reading from paper versus reading from a touch-based tablet device in proofreading. 433-434 - Michelle Barker
, Donald Brower, Natalie Meyers
Vector-Borne Disease Network digital library. 435-436 - Yingzhen Zhu, Xinyi Cao, Yali Bian, Jiangqin Wu:
CKGHV: a comprehensive knowledge graph for history visualization. 437-438 - Filipe Ferreira, Ricardo Vieira, José Borbinha:
The value of risk management for data management in science and engineering. 439-440 - Tracy Bergstrom, Donald Brower, Natalie Meyers
Utilizing digital humanities methods for quantifying Howell's State Trials. 441-442 - Daniel Pop
, Marian Neagul, Dana Petcu
On Cloud deployment of digital preservation environments. 443-444 - Kentaro Takano, Hirohito Shibata, Junko Ichino
, Tomonori Hashiyama, Shun'ichi Tano:
Microscopic analysis of document handling while reading: Classification of behavior toward paper document. 445-446 - Shansong Yang, Weiming Lu, Baogang Wei, Wenjia An:
Amplifying scientific paper's abstract by leveraging data-weighted reconstruction. 447-448 - S. M. Shamimul Hasan, Sandeep Gupta, Edward A. Fox
, Keith R. Bisset, Madhav V. Marathe:
Data mapping framework in a digital library with computational epidemiology datasets. 449-450 - Ke Zhou, Richard Tobin, Claire Grover:
Extraction and analysis of referenced web links in large-scale scholarly articles. 451-452 - Kahyun Choi, Jin Ha Lee
, J. Stephen Downie:
What is this song about anyway?: Automatic classification of subject using user interpretations and lyrics. 453-454 - Pablo Barrio, Gonçalo Simões, Helena Galhardas
, Luis Gravano:
REEL: A Relation Extraction Learning framework. 455-456 - Andias Wira Alam, Andreas Oskar Kempf, Benjamin Zapilko
Linking the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences to the Web of Linked Data. 457-458 - Rudolf Mayer
, Andreas Rauber, Gonçalo Antunes
A context model for digital preservation of processes and its application to a digital library system. 459-460 - Angela Di Iorio, Marco Schaerf
The Organization information integration in the management of a Digital Library System. 461-462 - Teru Agata, Yosuke Miyata
, Emi Ishita
, Atsushi Ikeuchi, Shuichi Ueda
Life span of web pages: A survey of 10 million pages collected in 2001. 463-464 - José G. Moreno, Gaël Dias:
PageRank-based Word Sense Induction within Web Search Results Clustering. 465-466 - Jiangping Chen, Olajumoke Azogu, Ryan Knudson:
Enabling multilingual information access to digital collections: An investigation of metadata records translation. 467-468 - Mat Kelly
, Michael L. Nelson
, Michele C. Weigle
Mink: Integrating the live and archived web viewing experience using web browsers and memento. 469-470 - Xiao Hu
, Yi-Hsuan Yang:
Cross-cultural mood regression for music digital libraries. 471-472 - Dagmar Kern, Peter Mutschke, Philipp Mayr
Establishing an online access panel for interactive information retrieval research. 473-474 - Stephanie Rossi, Jin Ha Lee
, Rachel Ivy Clarke
Mood metadata for video games and interactive media. 475-476 - Sukjin You
, Joel DesArmo
, Xiangming Mu, Alexandra Dimitroff:
Balancing factors affecting Virtual Reference Services: Identified from academic Librarians' perspective. 477-478 - Melius Weideman:
Articles, papers, chapters, theses - who wins the visibility wars? 479-480 - Rachel Ivy Clarke
, Jin Ha Lee
, Jacob Jett, Simone Sacchi
Exploring relationships among video games. 481-482 - Rob Koopman, Shenghui Wang
Where should I publish? Detecting journal similarity based on what have been published there. 483-484 - Hong Zhang, Xiao Hu
A quantitative comparison on file folder structures of two groups of information workers. 485-486 - Ogheneovo Dibie, Keith E. Maull
, Tamara Sumner:
A computational approach to understanding and predicting the behavior of educators using an online curriculum planning tool. 487-488 - Biligsaikhan Batjargal
, Garmaabazar Khaltarkhuu
, Fuminori Kimura, Akira Maeda
An approach to named entity extraction from historical documents in traditional mongolian script. 489-490 - Pavel Kats, Marcin Mielnicki, Petr Knoth
, Markus Muhr, Georgios Mamakis, Marcin Werla
Design of Europeana Cloud technical infrastructure. 491-492 - Clare Llewellyn, Laine Ruus, Ros Burnett, Steve Kirkwood
, Mark Smith, Rocio von Jungenfeld:
Building a dataset of sensitive information. 493-494
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