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IDAACS 2011: Prague, Czech Republic
- IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, IDAACS 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-17, 2011, Volume 2. IEEE 2011
- Jonathan D. Beezley, Jan Mandel, Loren Cobb:
Wavelet ensemble Kalman filters. 514-517 - Oleksii Baranovskyi
Content - Monitoring as a new trend in quantitative evaluation of changes in social processes. 518-521 - Radovan Hájovský, Stepán Ozana
Long term temperature monitoring and thermal processes prediction within mining dumps. 522-526 - Ivan Nagy, Evgenia Suzdaleva, Tereza Mlynarova:
Comparison of state estimation using finite mixtures and hidden Markov models. 527-531 - Sebastian Gansemer, Uwe Großmann:
Analysis on variable electricity pricing models and the influence on load curves of household customers. 532-535 - Gerold Bausch, Helmut Beikirch:
An unsupervised method for realtime spike sorting. 536-539 - Laura Pomponio
, Marc Le Goc
, Eric Pascual, Alain Anfosso:
Resident's activity at different abstraction levels: Proposition of a general theoretical framework. 540-545 - Gediminas Danilevicius, Darius Ezerskis, Leonas Balasevicius Kaunas:
Data structures and interfaces for automated PLC applications development process. 546-549 - Yury V. Kolokolov, Anna V. Monovskaya, Pavel Ustinov, Abdelaziz Hamzaoui, Najib Essounbouli
New technique of experimental data analysis for early detection of PWM converter faults owing to nonlinear phenomena. 550-555 - I. V. Baranova
, Y. V. Parfenenko
, V. G. Nenja:
Complex mathematical model for computer calculation of delivery and heat distribution in pipeline system. 556-559 - Tomás Brychcín
, Miloslav Konopík:
Morphological based language models for inflectional languages. 560-563 - Veska Gancheva
, Bogdan Shishedjiev, Elena Kalcheva-Yovkova
An approach to convert scientific data description. 564-568 - Alexander M. Prokhorenkov, Alexander S. Sovlukov, Roman A. Istratov:
Application of forecasting models for control of heat supply systems. 569-573 - Vitaliy D. Pavlenko, Viktor O. Speranskyy
, Volodymyr I. Lomovoy:
Modelling of radio-frequency communication channels using Volterra model. 574-579 - Tadeusz Witkowski
, Pawel Antczak
, Arkadiusz Antczak:
Machine learning - Based classification in manufacturing system. 580-585 - Taras Boyko
, Tetiana Bubela
Uncertainty of measurement results in the process of product qualitative level identification. 586-589 - Larisa S. Globa
, Rina Novogrudska
The services and informational resources of Internet portal in the field of strength of materials collaboration. 590-593 - Tomasz Owczarek
Collaboration and competition in complex environment - An agent-based approach. 594-597 - Giuseppe C. Frega, Francesco Lamonaca
, Mario Falace:
First result in comparing soil erosion by water and slope instability using a spatial distributed data GIS model. 598-603 - Mykola Dyvak
, Andriy Pukas
, Myroslav Komar
Methods and tools for reducing the risk of damage the reverse laryngeal nerve during the surgical operation on a thyroid. 604-607 - Vladimir A. Oleshchuk:
Ontology-based service matching and discovery. 609-612 - Miki Sirola, Jaakko Talonen:
New visualization techniques and their assessment. 613-617 - Min-Hsiang Li, Vitaly Klyuev, Shih-Hung Wu
A novel approach to sentence alignment from comparable corpora. 618-623 - Alexander A. Blazhko, Stanislav Marulin, Victoria Kalashnikova:
Data exchange technology between electronic documents and relation databases. 624-628 - Alexandra Suzana Cernian, Iuliana Florea, Dorin Carstoiu, Valentin Sgarciu:
The design and validation of an automatic email clustering system based on semantics. 629-632 - Orest Ivakhiv, Petro Mushenyk, Orest Bazylevych:
Intelligent system for testing of object information state. 633-636 - Taras Lendyuk
, Sergey Rippa:
Information portal of E-learning system in Semantic Web environment. 637-641 - Yuriy P. Kondratenko
, Sylvia B. Encheva, Eugene V. Sidenko
Synthesis of intelligent decision support systems for transport logistics. 642-646 - M. S. Shibut, V. S. Yakovishin:
Selection and aggregation of sentences in the knowledge formation process. 647-650 - Jan Kaluski:
Game-theoretical model for resources management in mining industry. 651-654 - Miki Ueno, Naoki Mori, Keinosuke Matsumoto:
Novel chatterbot system utilizing Web information for estimating current user interests. 656-659 - Antons Patlins
, Nadezhda Kunicina
, Leonids Ribickis
Information tools for education of electrical engineers. 660-665 - Volodymyr Turchenko
, Patrizia Beraldi
, Francesco De Simone
, Lucio Grandinetti:
Short-term stock price prediction using MLP in moving simulation mode. 666-671 - Dejan Petelin, Jan Sindelár, Jan Prikryl
, Jus Kocijan
Financial modeling using Gaussian process models. 672-677 - Piotr Bilski, Robert Lukaszewski, Krzysztof Mroczek:
Implementation of measurement applications using flexible hardware. 678-683 - I. V. Baranova
, O. V. Aleksenko
, K. A. Omelianenko, V. V. Shendryk
The specifics of vane pump firmness features research by means of COSMOSWorks. 684-687 - Jan Zidek, Petr Bilik
, Tomas Wittassek:
Application of graphical programming and benefit of virtual instrumentation in teaching of state-of-the-art instrumentation. 688-691 - Roman M. Pasichnyk, Andriy Melnyk
, Natalia A. Pasichnyk, Iryna V. Turchenko
Method of adaptive control structure learning based on model of test's complexity. 692-695 - Adrian Kapczynski
, Arkadiusz Banasik
Biometric logical access control enhanced by use of steganography over secured transmission channel. 696-699 - Oana Geman
, Cornel Turcu:
Data Mining Tools and deep brain stimulation target evaluation. 701-705 - Igor V. Kotenko
, Olga Polubelova:
Verification of security policy filtering rules by Model Checking. 706-710 - Charuwalee Huadmai:
Verification of routing policies by using model checking technique. 711-716 - Pavlo Bykovyy
, Yuriy R. Pigovsky, Volodymyr Kochan
, Nadiya Vasylkiv
, Andriy F. Karachka:
Assessment of probabilistic parameters of alarm security detectors taking uncertain noise into account. 717-721 - Vladimir A. Golovko
, Sergei V. Bezobrazov
, Vasilii Melianchuk, Myroslav Komar
Evolution of immune detectors in intelligent security system for malware detection. 722-726 - Vladimir Simov Jotsov
Machine self-learning applications in security systems. 727-732 - Albert H. Carlson, Robert E. Hiromoto, Richard B. Wells:
Breaking block and product ciphers applied across byte boundaries. 733-736 - (Withdrawn) Security risk analysis for cloud computing systems. 737-742
- Roman Oliynykov
, Ivan Gorbenko
, Victor Dolgov, Dmytro Kaidalov:
Improvement for distinguisher efficiency of the 3-round Feistel network and a random permutation. 743-746 - George Markowsky:
Universal asset assessment system based on excel™. 747-752 - Jiri Schafer, Michal Drozd:
Detecting network attacks using behavioural models. 753-758 - Stefan Balogh
, Matej Pondelik:
Capturing encryption keys for digital analysis. 759-763 - Pavel Bzoch, Jirí Safarík
Security and reliability of distributed file systems. 764-769 - Sergiy Lysenko
, Oleg Savenko
The technique for computer systems Trojan diagnosis in the monitor mode. 770-774 - Michal Drozd, Maros Barabas
, Matej Grégr, Petr Chmelar:
Buffer overflow attacks data acquisition. 775-779 - Jonathan David Farley, George Markowsky:
Evolutionary dynamics of revolution: Opinion modeling in society based on graphs and rules. 780-784 - Andrii Borovyi, Volodymyr Kochan
, Theodore Laopoulos, Anatoly Sachenko
Time-domain analysis of ARM7TDMI core instructions. 785-790 - Uliana Yatsykovska, Mykola Karpinski, Ihor V. Vasyltsov, Pavlo Bykovyy
The monitoring system of DoS/DDoS attacks in the global network. 791-794 - Iryna Golyash, Svitlana Sachenko
, Sergey Rippa:
Improving the information security audit of enterprise using XML technologies. 795-798 - Marcin Sobota
, Adrian Kapczynski
, Arkadiusz Banasik
Application of quantum cryptography protocols in authentication process. 799-802 - Arkadiusz Banasik
, Adrian Kapczynski
Fuzzy evaluation of biometric authentication systems. 803-806 - Eileen Kuehn
, Jens Reinhardt, Stephan Bergemann, Jürgen Sieck:
Multimedia and wireless communication in culture and creative industries. 808-811 - Ingo Kunold, Markus Kuller, Jörg Bauer, Nursi Karaoglan:
A system concept of an energy information system in flats using wireless technologies and smart metering devices. 812-816 - Jan-Philipp Kohlbrecher, Syuzanna Hakobyan, Johannes Pickert, Uwe Grossmann:
Visualizing energy information on mobile devices. 817-822 - Andreas Fink, Helmut Beikirch:
Hybrid indoor tracking with Bayesian sensor fusion of RF localization and inertial navigation. 823-827 - Andreas Bilke, Jürgen Sieck:
Recognition of movable objects. 828-831 - Axel Sikora:
Wireless network and gateway architectures for home care applications. 832-836 - Ghannam Aljabari, Evren Eren:
Virtualization of wireless LAN infrastructures. 837-841 - Gabriel Girban, Mircea Popa:
WSN testing environment with energy consumption monitoring and simulation of sensed data. 842-847 - R. Sumathi
, R. Srinivasan:
RSS-based location estimation in mobility assisted wireless sensor networks. 848-852 - Alexey Lagunov
Features of using geometrical theory to standard IEEE 802.11 network construction indoors. 853-856 - Ruxandra-Ioana Rusnac, Aurel Stefan Gontean
Evaluation of wireless sensor networks localization algorithms. 857-862 - Vasyl Yatskiv
, Su Jun, Nataliya Yatskiv
, Anatoly Sachenko
, Olexandr Osolinskiy
Multilevel method of data coding in WSN. 863-866 - Strutu Mircea Ionel, Dan Popescu:
Wireless sensor network for monitoring applications. 867-871 - Domenico Luca Carnì
, Giancarlo Fortino
, Raffaele Gravina
, Domenico Grimaldi
, Antonio Guerrieri
, Francesco Lamonaca
Continuous, real-time monitoring of assisted livings through wireless body sensor networks. 872-877 - Rao Aamir Khan
, Konrad Spang:
Critical success factors for international projects. 879-883 - Peter J. A. Reusch, Muhammad Khushnood
, Sergio Vasquez Kaufmann:
Concepts on competences in project management. 884-889 - Jose Ramon Otegi-Olaso
, Luis Del Rio:
Simulation, a tool to boost understanding and innovation in Project Management. 890-891 - Bassam A. Hussein
Quasi-experimental method to identify the impact of ambiguity and urgency on project participants in the early project phase. 892-897 - Werner Wetekamp:
Net Present Value (NPV) as a tool supporting effective project management. 898-900 - Katrin Loehr, Rao Aamir Khan
Project finance - On new standards for processes in project and Program Management. 901-905 - Wolfgang Tysiak:
Risk management in projects: The Monte Carlo approach versus PERT. 906-910 - Peter J. A. Reusch:
New standards for project audit and the impact on existing standards for project management. 911-914 - Bassam A. Hussein
, Saeed Ramazani, Sara Haji Kazemi:
Preliminary investigation of project success criteria in Norway. 915-918 - Carsten Wolff
, Idania Gorrochategui, Markus Bucker:
Managing large HW/SW Codesign projects. 919-922 - Laura Esmeralda Garcia Moreno:
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) in DESERTEC - Analysis of technologies to secure and affordable Energy Supply. 923-926 - Wieslaw Winiecki, Piotr Zawistowski:
Project management methodology for measurement and control systems. 927-932 - Vladimir Bezruchenko, Sergey Rippa:
Conceptual framework of the project for state financial monitoring system. 933-936 - Sylvie Reusch, Peter J. A. Reusch, Michael Meschede:
Project thesaurus 2020 - Linguistic and ontological aspects. 937-941 - Katarzyna Jakowska-Suwalska, Adam Sojda
, Maciej Wolny
Evolutional algorithm in stock control. 942-946 - Andon Coleman, Janusz Zalewski:
Intelligent fault detection and diagnostics in solar plants. 948-953 - Sigeru Omatu:
Diagnosis of mechanical devices by the ICA with sub-band filter. 954-958 - Oksana Pomorova
, Tetyana Hovorushchenko
Research of artificial neural network's component of software quality evaluation and prediction method. 959-962 - Michal Sojka
, Pavel Písa, Ondrej Spinka, Zdenek Hanzálek
Measurement automation and result processing in timing analysis of a Linux-based CAN-to-CAN gateway. 963-968 - Jan Sobotka
, Jirí Novák
, Jan Malinsky:
Analytic model of FlexRay synchronization mechanism. 969-974 - Petr Petvaldsky, Petr Bilik
Automated testing of measurement instruments. 975-978
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