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ICMLA 2009: Miami Beach, Florida, USA
- M. Arif Wani, Mehmed M. Kantardzic, Vasile Palade, Lukasz A. Kurgan, Yuan (Alan) Qi:
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2009, Miami Beach, Florida, USA, December 13-15, 2009. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3926-3
Machine Learning in Image Processing
- Johannes Hartz:
Learning Probabilistic Structure Graphs for Classification and Detection of Object Structures. 5-11 - Yiming Wu, Xiuwen Liu, Washington Mio:
Linear Representation Learning Using Sphere Factor Analysis. 12-17 - Sharif M. A. Bhuiyan, Jesmin F. Khan, Nii O. Attoh-Okine, Reza R. Adhami:
Study of Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Various Radial Basis Function Surface Interpolators. 18-24 - Jukka Perkiö, Tinne Tuytelaars
, Wray L. Buntine
Exploring Scale-Induced Feature Hierarchies in Natural Images. 25-31
Machine Learning in Multimedia
- Omar Arif, Patricio A. Vela
Robust Target Localization and Segmentation Using Graph Cut, KPCA and Mean-Shift. 35-40 - Yangfeng Ji, Tong Lin, Hongbin Zha:
Mahalanobis Distance Based Non-negative Sparse Representation for Face Recognition. 41-46 - Jonathan T. Purnell, Malik Magdon-Ismail:
Learning American English Accents Using Ensemble Learning with GMMs. 47-52 - Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Raviv Raich, Xiaoli Z. Fern:
A Syllable-Level Probabilistic Framework for Bird Species Identification. 53-59
Feature Extraction, Selection, and Neural Networks
- Benjamin Labbé, Romain Hérault
, Clément Chatelain
Learning Deep Neural Networks for High Dimensional Output Problems. 63-68 - Mani Malekesmaeili, Mehrdad Fatourechi, Rabab K. Ward:
Video Copy Detection Using Temporally Informative Representative Images. 69-74 - Aleksey Fadeev, Oualid Missaoui, Hichem Frigui:
Dominant Audio Descriptors for Audio Classification and Retrieval. 75-78
Evolutionary Algorithms and Genetic Programming
- Ryouei Takahashi:
A Hybrid Method of Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. 81-88 - Pietari Pulkkinen:
A Multiobjective Genetic Fuzzy System for Obtaining Compact and Accurate Fuzzy Classifiers with Transparent Fuzzy Partitions. 89-94 - Onay Urfalioglu, Orhan Arikan
Randomized and Rank Based Differential Evolution. 95-100 - Fatemeh Vafaee
, Peter C. Nelson:
A Genetic Algorithm that Incorporates an Adaptive Mutation Based on an Evolutionary Model. 101-107
Statistical Learning
- Bert Huang, Tony Jebara:
Exact Graph Structure Estimation with Degree Priors. 111-118 - Lipi R. Acharya, Dongxiao Zhu:
Estimating an Optimal Correlation Structure from Replicated Molecular Profiling Data Using Finite Mixture Models. 119-124 - Nacim Fateh Chikhi, Bernard Rothenburger, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
Community Structure Identification: A Probabilistic Approach. 125-130 - Peter McCullagh, Vladimir Vovk
, Ilia Nouretdinov, Dmitry Devetyarov, Alex Gammerman
Conditional Prediction Intervals for Linear Regression. 131-138
Supervised Learning
- Sriraam Natarajan, Prasad Tadepalli
, Gautam Kunapuli
, Jude W. Shavlik:
Learning Parameters for Relational Probabilistic Models with Noisy-Or Combining Rule. 141-146 - Jeroen H. M. Janssens, Ildikó Flesch, Eric O. Postma:
Outlier Detection with One-Class Classifiers from ML and KDD. 147-153 - Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Bert Huang, David L. Waltz:
Discovering Characterization Rules from Rankings. 154-161 - Manuel Loth, Philippe Preux, Samuel Delepoulle, Christophe Renaud:
ECON: A Kernel Basis Pursuit Algorithm with Automatic Feature Parameter Tuning, and its Application to Photometric Solids Approximation. 162-169 - Aydin Ulas
, Olcay Taner Yildiz
An Incremental Model Selection Algorithm Based on Cross-Validation for Finding the Architecture of a Hidden Markov Model on Hand Gesture Data Sets. 170-177 - Oualid Missaoui, Hichem Frigui, Paul D. Gader:
Discriminative Multi-stream Discrete Hidden Markov Models. 178-183 - Luca Cazzanti, Maya R. Gupta:
Regularizing the Local Similarity Discriminant Analysis Classifier. 184-189 - Lijun Zhang, Hichem Frigui, Paul D. Gader:
Context-Dependent Fusion of Multiple Algorithms with Minimum Classification Error Learning. 190-195 - Thashmee Karunaratne, Henrik Boström:
Graph Propositionalization for Random Forests. 196-201 - Sandeep K. Namilikonda, Nihar R. Mahapatra:
An Instance-Based Learning Approach for Available-Memory Non-minimal Cost-Bounded Search. 202-207 - Ingo Glöckner:
Finding Answer Passages with Rank Optimizing Decision Trees. 208-214
Feature Selection and Clustering
- Bing Yin, Greg Hamerly
Hierarchical Stability-Based Model Selection for Clustering Algorithms. 217-222 - Sambu Seo, Johannes Mohr, Klaus Obermayer:
A New Incremental Pairwise Clustering Algorithm. 223-228 - Dario García-García, Emilio Parrado-Hernández
, Fernando Díaz-de-María
Sequence Segmentation via Clustering of Subsequences. 229-234 - Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Kehan Gao:
Feature Selection with Imbalanced Data for Software Defect Prediction. 235-240 - Wilker Altidor, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar, Amri Napolitano:
Wrapper-Based Feature Ranking for Software Engineering Metrics. 241-246 - Sherif Abdelazeem:
A Novel Domain-Specific Feature Extraction Scheme for Arabic Handwritten Digits Recognition. 247-252
Text Mining
- Jian Zhang, Shobhit S. Shakya:
Knowledge Transfer for Feature Generation in Document Classification. 255-260 - Cristina Giannone, Danilo Croce
, Roberto Basili
Semantic Word Spaces for Robust Role Labeling. 261-266 - Keita Imada, Katsuhiko Nakamura:
Learning Context Free Grammars by Using SAT Solvers. 267-272 - Chris H. Q. Ding, Tao Li, Dingding Wang:
Label Propagation on K-partite Graphs. 273-278
Support Vector Machines
- Pannagadatta K. Shivaswamy, Tony Jebara:
Structured Prediction with Relative Margin. 281-287 - Alexey Nefedov, Jiankuan Ye, Casimir A. Kulikowski, Ilya B. Muchnik, Kenton Morgan:
Comparative Analysis of Support Vector Machines Based on Linear and Quadratic Optimization Criteria. 288-293 - Khaled Boukharouba, Laurent Bako, Stéphane Lecoeuche
Incremental and Decremental Multi-category Classification by Support Vector Machines. 294-300 - Andrew G. Howard, Tony Jebara:
Transformation Learning Via Kernel Alignment. 301-308
Reinforcement Learning
- Tim C. Kietzmann, Martin A. Riedmiller:
The Neuro Slot Car Racer: Reinforcement Learning in a Real World Setting. 311-316 - Stéphane Ross, Masoumeh T. Izadi, Mark Mercer, David L. Buckeridge:
Sensitivity Analysis of POMDP Value Functions. 317-323 - Mark Kroon, Shimon Whiteson:
Automatic Feature Selection for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Factored MDPs. 324-330 - Alejandro Agostini, Enric Celaya:
Exploiting Domain Symmetries in Reinforcement Learning with Continuous State and Action Spaces. 331-336 - Marek Grzes, Daniel Kudenko:
Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Reward Shaping in Reinforcement Learning. 337-344 - Scott Proper, Prasad Tadepalli
Multiagent Transfer Learning via Assignment-Based Decomposition. 345-350
- Sangoh Jeong, Swaroop Kalasapur, Doreen Cheng, Henry Song, Hyuk Cho:
Clustering and Naive Bayesian Approaches for Situation-Aware Recommendation on Mobile Devices. 353-358 - Philip Gross, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Haimonti Dutta, Albert Boulanger
Ranking Electrical Feeders of the New York Power Grid. 359-365 - Sildomar T. Monteiro
, Fabio T. Ramos, Peter Hatherly:
Conditional Random Fields for Rock Characterization Using Drill Measurements. 366-371 - Guénaël Cabanes
, Younès Bennani
, Frédéric Dufau-Joël:
Mining Customers' Spatio-Temporal Behavior Data Using Topographic Unsupervised Learning. 372-377 - Haoming Xu, John James Collins:
Estimating the Odometry Error of a Mobile Robot by Neural Networks. 378-385 - Adrien Combaz, Nikolay V. Manyakov
, Nikolay Chumerin
, Johan A. K. Suykens
, Marc M. Van Hulle
Feature Extraction and Classification of EEG Signals for Rapid P300 Mind Spelling. 386-391 - Kristof Van Laerhoven
, Eugen Berlin, Bernt Schiele
Enabling Efficient Time Series Analysis for Wearable Activity Data. 392-397 - Guopeng Zhao, Zhiqi Shen, Chunyan Miao
ELM-Based Intelligent Resource Selection for Grid Scheduling. 398-403 - Yasin Yilmaz, Suleyman Serdar Kozat:
An Extended Version of the NLMF Algorithm Based on Proportionate Krylov Subspace Projections. 404-408 - Christos Dimitrakakis
, Aikaterini Mitrokotsa
Statistical Decision Making for Authentication and Intrusion Detection. 409-414 - Pretesh B. Patel, Tshilidzi Marwala:
Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Inference System, Support Vector Machines for Call Performance Classification. 415-420
ICMLA Challenge: Machine Learning in Functional Clustering
- Dario García-García, Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
Spectral Clustering and Feature Selection for Microarray Data. 425-428 - Meir Perez, Jonathan Featherston, David M. Rubin
, Tshilidzi Marwala, Lesley E. Scott, Wendy S. Stevens
Differentially Expressed Gene Identification Based on Separability Index. 429-434 - Ilia Nouretdinov, Brian Burford, Alex Gammerman
Application of Inductive Confidence Machine to ICMLA Competition Data. 435-438 - Aleksey Fadeev, Oualid Missaoui, Hichem Frigui:
Ensemble Possibilistic K-NN for Functional Clustering of Gene Expression Profiles in Human Cancers Challenge. 439-442 - Rami N. Mahdi, Eric C. Rouchka:
Feature Selection in Cancer Classification from mRNA Data Based on Localized Dimension Reduction. 443-448
Special Session: Machine Learning Methods for Modeling Treatment Outcomes in Cancer and Radiation Therapy
- Florian Buettner, Sarah Gulliford, Steve Webb, Mike Partridge:
Using Bayesian Logistic Regression with High-Order Interactions to Model Radiation-Induced Toxicities Following Radiotherapy. 451-456 - Hao Howard Zhang, Leyuan Shi, Robert R. Meyer, Warren D. D'Souza:
Machine Learning for Modeling Dose-Related Organ-at-Risk Complications after Radiation Therapy. 457-462 - Warren D. D'Souza, Kathleen Malinowski, Hao Howard Zhang:
Machine Learning for Intra-Fraction Tumor Motion Modeling with Respiratory Surrogates. 463-467 - Ruijiang Li, John H. Lewis, Steve B. Jiang:
Markerless Fluoroscopic Gating for Lung Cancer Radiotherapy Using Generalized Linear Discriminant Analysis. 468-472 - Xun Jia, Yifei Lou
, Ruijiang Li, Xuejun Gu, John Levis, Steve B. Jiang:
A Dynamic CT Image Reconstruction Method by Inducing Prior Information from PCA Analysis. 473-477 - Jung Hun Oh
, Rawan Al-Lozi, Issam El-Naqa
Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Radiation Pneumonitis in Lung Cancer Patients. 478-483 - Jung Hun Oh
, Issam El-Naqa
Bayesian Network Learning for Detecting Reliable Interactions of Dose-Volume Related Parameters in Radiation Pneumonitis. 484-488 - Jorg Rottmann, Michalis Aristophanous
, Sang-June Park, Aileen Chen
, Ross Berbeco:
Multi-Region Tracking for Lung Tumor Motion Assessment. 489-493 - Andre Dekker
, Cary Dehing-Oberije, Dirk De Ruysscher, Philippe Lambin, Kartik Komati, Glenn Fung, Shipeng Yu, Andrew Hope, Wilfried De Neve, Yolande Lievens:
Survival Prediction in Lung Cancer Treated with Radiotherapy: Bayesian Networks vs. Support Vector Machines in Handling Missing Data. 494-497 - Todd W. Schiller, Yixin Chen, Issam El-Naqa
, Joseph O. Deasy
Improving Clinical Relevance in Ensemble Support Vector Machine Models of Radiation Pneumonitis Risk. 498-503 - Weerayuth Chanapai, Panrasee Ritthipravat:
Adaptive Thresholding based on SOM Technique for Semi-Automatic NPC Image Segmentation. 504-508 - Leif E. Peterson
Maximum Likelihood Logistic Regression Using Metaheuristics. 509-514
Special Session: Machine Learning in System Security
- Tiago A. Almeida
, Akebo Yamakami
, Jurandy Almeida
Evaluation of Approaches for Dimensionality Reduction Applied with Naive Bayes Anti-Spam Filters. 517-522 - Melissa Danforth
Towards a Classifying Artificial Immune System for Web Server Attacks. 523-527 - Miho Itoh:
Contextual Analysis Processing Able to Interpret Coherence of Knowledge Representations Related to Reputation. 528-535
Machine Learning Applications in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Yi Zhang, Erliang Zeng
, Tao Li, Giri Narasimhan
Weighted Consensus Clustering for Identifying Functional Modules in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks. 539-544 - Rukshan Batuwita, Vasile Palade
A New Performance Measure for Class Imbalance Learning. Application to Bioinformatics Problems. 545-550 - Raúl Santos-Rodríguez
, Dario García-García, Jesús Cid-Sueiro
Cost-Sensitive Classification Based on Bregman Divergences for Medical Diagnosis. 551-556 - Helyane Bronoski Borges
, Júlio C. Nievola:
Dimensionality Reduction in Gene Expression Database through the Random Projection Method. 557-562 - Stephan Simmuteit, Frank-Michael Schleif
, Thomas Villmann, Thomas Elssner:
Tanimoto Metric in Tree-SOM for Improved Representation of Mass Spectrometry Data with an Underlying Taxonomic Structure. 563-567
Special Session: Machine Learning with Multimedia Data
- Roberto Paredes, Adrian Ulges, Thomas M. Breuel:
Fast Discriminative Linear Models for Scalable Video Tagging. 571-576 - Maria-Cristina V. Marinescu
, Rafael Ramírez
A Timing-Based Classification Method for Human Voice in Opera Recordings. 577-582 - Daniel Gärtner, Christian Dittmar:
Vocal Characteristics Classification of Audio Segments: An Investigation of the Influence of Accompaniment Music on Low-Level Features. 583-589 - Adrian Weller, Daniel P. W. Ellis, Tony Jebara:
Structured Prediction Models for Chord Transcription of Music Audio. 590-595 - Liping Zhou, Chengcui Zhang, Wen Wan, Jeffrey B. Birch, Wei-bang Chen:
An Image Clustering and Retrieval Framework Using Feedback-Based Integrated Region Matching. 596-601 - Ching-Wei Chen, Kyogu Lee, Ho-Hsiang Wu:
Towards a Class-Based Representation of Perceptual Tempo for Music Retrieval. 602-607
Special Session: Machine Learning in Energy Applications
- Ilhami Colak, Mehmet Demirtas
, Güngör Bal, Hamdi Tolga Kahraman
A Parameter Determination System for Wind Turbines Based on Naive Bayes Classification Algorithm. 611-616 - Hasan H. Onder:
An Expert System to Estimate the Capacity of Harvesting Energy from Biogas and its Capacity in TRNC. 617-622 - N. T. Isembergenov, B. T. Matkarimov:
Using Genetic Algorithm for Finding Switching Angles of a Single-Phase Multilevel DC/AC Converter on Solar Modules. 623-625 - Seref Sagiroglu, Ramazan Bayindir
, Orhan Kaplan
, Hamdi Tolga Kahraman
Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System for Determining the Efficiency of Shunt Active Power Filter. 626-631 - Raissa Onanena, Faicel Chamroukhi
, Latifa Oukhellou
, Denis Candusso
, Patrice Aknin
, Daniel Hissel
Estimation of Fuel Cell Life Time Using Latent Variables in Regression Context. 632-637 - Fujio Kurokawa, Hidenori Maruta, Tomoyuki Mizoguchi, Akihiro Nakamura, Hiroyuki Osuga:
A New Digital Control DC-DC Converter with Multi-layer Neural Network Predictor. 638-643 - Silviu Ionita:
Multi Agent Holonic Based Architecture for Communication and Learning about Power Demand in Residential Areas. 644-649
Poster Papers
- R. Mahesh K. Sinha:
Learning Disambiguation of Hindi Morpheme 'vaalaa' with a Sparse Corpus. 653-657 - Stéphan Clémençon, Marine Depecker, Nicolas Vayatis:
Bagging Ranking Trees. 658-663 - Eren Esgin, Pinar Senkul
A Hybrid Approach to Process Mining: Finding Immediate Successors of a Process by Using From-To Chart. 664-668 - Ilhami Colak, Ramazan Bayindir
, Hamdi Tolga Kahraman
, Mehmet Yesilbudak:
Design of an Intelligent Decision Making System for a Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motor. 669-672 - Jirí Isa, Zuzana Reitermanová, Ondrej Sýkora:
On the Complexity of General Solution DAGs. 673-678 - Yuheng He, Attila Michael Bilgic:
Learning Geographic Regions using Location Based Services in Next Generation Networks. 679-684 - Feras N. Al-Obeidat
, Nabil Belacel, Prabhat Mahanti, Juan A. Carretero
Discretization Techniques and Genetic Algorithm for Learning the Classification Method PROAFTN. 685-688 - Nistor Grozavu, Younès Bennani
A New Competitive Strategy for Self Organizing Map Learning. 689-692 - Amany Abdelhalim, Issa Traoré:
A New Method for Learning Decision Trees from Rules. 693-698 - William Lyles, Winard Britt, David M. Bevly:
Evolution of Parameters for an Autonomous Canine Control Algorithm. 699-704 - Yan Tang, Kunwu Feng, Kendra M. L. Cooper, João W. Cangussu:
Requirement Engineering Techniques Selection and Modeling. 705-709 - Kevin Dela Rosa, Jeffrey Ellen
Text Classification Methodologies Applied to Micro-Text in Military Chat. 710-714 - Yilmaz Yoru, T. Hikmet Karakoc
, Arif Hepbasli:
Application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Method to Exergy Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems. 715-718 - Axinia Radeva, Cynthia Rudin, Rebecca J. Passonneau, Delfina Isaac:
Report Cards for Manholes: Eliciting Expert Feedback for a Learning Task. 719-724 - Bert Huang, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Philip Gross:
Alive on Back-feed Culprit Identification via Machine Learning. 725-730 - Wei Fan, Toyohide Watanabe, Koichi Asakura:
Mining Interesting Ratio Patterns over a Stream Sliding Window. 731-734 - Iyad Batal, Milos Hauskrecht:
A Supervised Time Series Feature Extraction Technique Using DCT and DWT. 735-739 - Gürsel Serpen
, Santhosh Pathical:
Classification in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces: Random Subsample Ensemble. 740-745 - Ricardo Gamelas Sousa
, Beatriz Mora, Jaime S. Cardoso
An Ordinal Data Method for the Classification with Reject Option. 746-750 - Yalcin Durmusoglu
, Tanzer Satir
, Cengiz Deniz
, Alper Kilic:
A Novel Energy Saving and Power Production System Performance Analysis in Marine Power Plant Using Waste Heat. 751-754 - Sirvan Khalighi
, Parisa Tirdad, Hamid R. Rabiee
, Mehdi Parviz
A Novel OCR System for Calculating Handwritten Persian Arithmetic Expressions. 755-758 - Yannick Le Bras, Philippe Lenca, Sorin Moga, Stéphane Lallich:
All-Monotony: A Generalization of the All-Confidence Antimonotony. 759-764 - Emna Bahri, Stéphane Lallich:
Improving Prediction by Weighting Class Association Rules. 765-770 - Sampath Deegalla, Henrik Boström:
Improving Fusion of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Nearest Neighbor Classification. 771-775 - Po-Hsiang Chiu, Manfred Huber:
Clustering Similar Actions in Sequential Decision Processes. 776-781 - Vipul Agarwal
, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, Thirumale Niranjan, Sai Susarla:
Discovering Rules from Disk Events for Predicting Hard Drive Failures. 782-786 - Ramazan Bayindir
, Ilhami Colak, Ersan Kabalci
, Erdal Irmak
The Fuzzy Logic Control of a Multilevel Converter in a Variable Speed Wind Turbine. 787-790 - Fawad Jamshed, Christian R. Huyck:
Grounding Symbols: Labelling and Resolving Pronoun Resolution with fLIF Neurons. 791-794 - Arunkumar Balakrishnan
Development of an Ontology of Learning Strategies and its Application to Generate Open Learner Models. 795-798 - Cesar Souza, Ednaldo Pizzolato, Renata Gonçalves Mendes
, Audrey Borghi-Silva, Mauricio Machado
, Paulo Correa:
Artificial Neural Networks Prognostic Evaluation of Post-Surgery Complications in Patients Underwent to Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. 799-803
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