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4th ICCCN 1995: Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN '95), September 20-23, 1995, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1995, ISBN 0-8186-7180-7
Keynote Address
- Tony Pressley:
The Impact of the Network on Both DoD and Industry.
Performance Modeling I
- George Anastasios Spanos, Tracy Bradley Maples:
Performance Study of a Selective Encryption Scheme for the Security of Networked, Real-Time Video. 2 - Hiroshi Saito:
Adaptive CACs using Bayesian performance estimation. 11 - Andrew A. Hanish, Tharam S. Dillon:
Object-oriented modelling of communication protocols for re-use. 18
Protocol I
- Kwang-Hui Lee:
A group communication protocol architecture for distributed network management systems. 28 - Hong Liu, Raymond E. Miller:
Reachability Problems for Cyclic Protocols. 32 - Z. P. Tao, Gregor von Bochmann, Rachida Dssouli:
An efficient method for protocol conversion. 40
Traffic Management
- Patrick Brown, Denis Collange, Caroline Fenzy:
A discrete time analysis of TCP in presence of cross traffic. 50 - Wuxu Peng, Kia Makki:
On Reachability Analysis of Communicating Finite State Machines. 58 - Xiaohua Jia, Chan-Hee Lee, Jim M. Ng, Edward Chan:
Routing multicast connections with optimal network cost in ATM networks. 66
Internet Service
- Prasasth Palnati, Emilio Leonardi, Mario Gerla:
Bidirectional shufflenet: a multihop topology for backpressure flow control. 74 - Werner Storz, G. Beling:
Transmitting Time-critical Data over Heterogeneous Subnetworks Using Standardized Protocols. 82 - Kai-Yeung Siu, Hong-Yi Tzeng:
On the Latency in Client/Server Networks. 88
Network Security
- Aviel D. Rubin:
Extending NCP for protocols using public keys. 94 - Stephen Keung, Kai-Yeung Siu:
Efficient protocols secure against guessing and replay attacks. 105
Invited Talk
- Benjamin Leon:
Research Issues in Network Management.
Keynote Address
- M. Tamer Özsu:
Changing Infrastructure - New Demands on Distributed Data Management.
ATM Networking I
- Yann-Hang Lee, Randy Chow, Sandra E. Cheung:
Circular window control schemes in fast packet switches. 116 - Vijay Srinivasan, Anoop Ghanwani, Erol Gelenbe:
A simulation study of schemes for block loss reduction in ATM networks using FEC and buffer management. 124 - Jose Roberto Fernandez, Matt W. Mutka:
A Burst-Oriented Traffic Control Framework for ATM Networks. 132
- Suresh Subramaniam, Arun K. Somani:
Multicasting in ATM networks using MINs. 142 - Liming Wei, Deborah Estrin:
Multicast routing in dense and sparse modes: simulation study of tradeoffs and dynamics. 150 - Haifeng Qian, Jie Wu:
Unicast, Multicast, and Broadcast on Enhanced Fibonacci Cubes. 158 - Mehrdad Parsa, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves:
Scalable Internet multicast routing. 162
- Virginia Conway:
Industrial Panel.
Distributed Multimedia Applications
- Mauro Draoli, Maurizio Lancia, Antonio Laureti Palma:
Video conferencing on a LAN/MAN interconnected system: QoS evaluation. 170 - Stefan Böcking, Vera Seidel, Per Vindeby:
CHANNELS: a run-time system for multimedia protocols. 178 - Larry T. Chen, Leslee Xu, Tatsuya Suda, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Koji Obinata:
A reflective object-oriented distributed system for heterogeneous multimedia environments. 186 - Rolf J. Velthuys, Kelly A. Lyons, Ian Parsons:
Multireception service for a multimedia news application. 194
- Sujata Banerjee, Panos K. Chrysanthis
Data sharing and recovery in gigabit-networked databases. 204 - Arnold W. Bragg, Wushow Chou:
Real-time computation of empirical autocorrelation, and detection of non-stationary traffic conditions in high-speed networks. 212 - Hiroshi Masuyama, Toshihiko Sasama, Hiroyuki Hashimoto:
The maximum dimensional fault-free subcube allocatable in faulty hypercube. 220 - David W. Petr, Ann Demirtjis:
How to encourage cheating with virtual path policing in ATM networks. 225
Invited Talk
- George W. Zobrist:
erformance Evaluation and Migration to an Optical Fiber Network.
Keynote Address
- Barry M. Leiner:
Haterogeneity Challenges in the Global Information Infrastructure.
Performance Modeling II
- Cheoul-Shin Kang, Byung-Seok Park, Jong-Dug Shin, Min-Yong Jeon, El-Hang Lee:
A quantitative performance comparison study of optical ring networks with different header speeds. 232 - Kelvin K. Lee, Samuel T. Chanson:
Transient analysis of cell loss control mechanisms in ATM networks. 240 - Jonathan L. Wang:
Impact of self-similarity on the go-back-N ARQ protocols. 250 - Hong Shi, Naeem Abbasi, Charles A. Zukowski, Omar Wing:
Buffer size trade-offs in input/output buffered ATM switches under various conditions. 258
Network Management
- N. Nakamura, N. Kashimura, K. Motomura:
CMIP to SNMP translation technique based on rule description. 266 - Robert Konopka, Markus Trommer:
A multilayer-architecture for SNMP-based, distributed and hierarchical management of local area networks. 272 - Sailesh Chutani, Henri J. Nussbaumer:
Network management and system-level diagnosis. 280 - Jianxin Li, Benjamin J. Leon:
A Formal Approach to Model SNMP Network Management Systems. 284
Invited Talk
- David H. Su:
Interoperability Testing for ATM Networks.
Mobile Communication
- Arkady B. Zaslavsky, L. H. Yeo, Simon J. Lai, Boris Mitelman:
Petri nets analysis of transaction and submitter management protocols in mobile distributed computing environment. 292 - Yongguang Zhang, Son K. Dao:
A "persistent connection" model for mobile and distributed systems. 300
- Y. Chang, Nada Golmie, David H. Su:
Study of interoperability between EFCI and ER switch mechanisms for ABR traffic in an ATM network. 310 - Han Zhou, Chong Hwa Ghang, Da Tong Han:
A dynamic bandwidth allocation scheme for ATM networks. 316
Invited Talk
- Sourav Bhattacharya:
Real-Time Communication Benchmark.
Keynote Address
- Avi Silberschatz:
On the Storage and Retrieval of Continiuous Media Data.
Switching I
- Max Roger Pokam, Jean-Francois Guillaud, Gérard Michel:
ATM Networks Allow Multimedia in Process Control Systems. 324 - Manju V. Hegde, Morteza Naraghi-Pour, Y. Li:
The deflecting multicast switch. 332 - Derek Chi-Wai Pao, S. C. Leung:
Sharing Buffer in an Input-Output Buffered ATM Switch without Scaling up Memory Bandwidth Requirement. 339 - Latha A. Kant, William H. Sanders:
Loss process analysis of the knockout switch using stochastic activity networks. 344
Protocol II:
- W. Melody Moh, Yu-Jen Chien, Irene Zhang, Teng-Sheng Moh:
Delay performance evaluation of high speed protocols for multimedia communications. 352 - Jay J. Lee, Kwi-Yung Jung:
An algorithm for determining the feasibility of SONET/ATM rings in broadband networks. 356 - Russell J. Clark, Mostafa H. Ammar, Kenneth L. Calvert:
Protocol discovery in multiprotocol networks. 361 - Jörg Ottensmeyer, Peter Martini:
Improving the demand-priority protocol. 369
- Barry Liner:
Flow Control
- Gilberto Mayor, John A. Silvester:
The multi-level leaky bucket mechanism. 380 - Shun Yan Cheung, Mostafa H. Ammar:
Using destination set grouping to improve the performance of window-controlled multipoint connections. 388 - Aruna Kumar Kompella, Indra Widjaja:
Burst-level admission control protocols with multirate traffic and arbitrary network topology. 396
Switching II
- Sushil Aryal, James S. Meditch:
Design of a large ATM switch with trunk grouping. 406 - Youngbok Choi, Hideki Tode, Hiromi Okada, Hiromasa Ikeda:
A Large Capacity Photonic ATM Switch for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Networks. 414 - Jin Li, Chuan-lin Wu:
A modular growth architecture for an ATM switch. 420 - Debashis Basak, Abhijit K. Choudhury, Ellen L. Hahne:
Sharing memory in multistage ATM switches. 424
Invited Talk
- Ahmed K. Elmagarmid:
Experiences with Research and Development in Multidatabase Systems: An Agenda for Future Work.
Banquet Speech
- Pat Gary:
Internetworking ATM LAN's, MAN's and WAN's.
Keynote Address
- W. David Sincoskie:
Development of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure.
LAN and PC Performance
- Xiaoxin Qiu, Victor O. K. Li:
Performance analysis of PCS mobility management database system. 434 - Verna J. Friesen, Johnny W. Wong:
A case study in local area migration to ATM. 442 - Amr Elsaadany, Mukesh Singhal, Ming T. Liu:
Performance study of buffering within switches in local area networks. 451 - Rod Fatoohi:
Performance evaluation of communication networks for distributed computing. 456
- Gerd Keiser, David Freeman, Carrie Carter:
ATM test traffic generation algorithms. 462 - Abdelghani Bellaachia, Abdou Youssef:
Personalized broadcasting in banyan-hypercube networks. 470 - Mohamed Naimi:
Parallel assignment to distinct identities in arbitrary networks. 475 - Hamid R. Arabnia:
A distributed stereocorrelation algorithm. 479
Invited Talk
- Kimon P. Valavanis:
Intelligent Robotic Systems: Theory, Design and Applications.
Internetworking I and FDDI
- Yakov Rekhter, Dilip D. Kandlur:
Phasing ATM technology into an IP environment. 486 - Tan Kok Keong Tony, K. R. Subramanian, Tee-Hiang Cheng:
FDDI-ATM Internetworking Simulation. 494 - Sijing Zhang, Alan Burns:
n the Schedulability of Synchronous Message Sets with the Minimum Message Deadline Less than 2*TTRT in an FDDI Network. 498 - David C. Etherton, Michael M. Johnson, George C. Polyzos:
Approximating the FDDI synchronous mode. 502
Quality of Services
- Hanrijanto Sariowan, Rene L. Cruz, George C. Polyzos:
Scheduling for quality of service guarantees via service curves. 512 - Manish Malhotra, Malathi Veeraraghavan:
Performability-based quality of service metrics for communication services. 521 - Gerrit Kalkbrenner, Teodor Pirkmayer, Arnd Van Dornik, Peter Hofmann:
Quality of Service (QoS) in Distributed Hypermedia-Systems. 529
Invited Talk
- Imrich Chlamtac:
Robust Communication in Multi-Hop Mobile Networks.
Keynote Address
- David Lee:
Feature Testing of Communications Protocols.
- Izhak Rubin, Kirk K. Chang:
Video Quality Control Under Cell-Discarding Algorithms in an ATM Network Supporting Layer-Encoded Video Streams. 538 - Wai Chung Chan, Evaggelos Geraniotis:
Limiting the Access Bandwidth of the Video Source: Model and Performance Analysis. 546 - Zhongyong Guo, Jian Ni, Tao Yang:
Traffic Smoothing and Bandwidth Allocation for VBR MPEG-2 Video Connections in ATM Networks. 554 - Hoon Choi, Kidong Nam, Sun You Kim:
Specification of video-on-demand service using object oriented technique. 562
Network Queueing
- Priya N. Werahera, Anura P. Jayasumana, Duane C. Boes:
A delay model for priority classes of FDDI based on M/G/1 with vacations. 568 - Jianxun Jason Ding, Laxmi N. Bhuyan:
valuation of multi-queue buffered multistage interconnection networks under uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns. 576 - Po-Chi Hu, Leonard Kleinrock:
A queueing model for wormhole routing with timeout. 584
Invited Talks
- Virginia Conway, William Wong:
TAFIM Status and Direction, TAFIM and Interoperability.
ATM Traffic Control II
- Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli, Mario Marchese:
Simple schemes for traffic integration at call set-up level in ATM networks. 598 - Aditya Agrawal, Magdy A. Bayoumi, Amr Elchouemi:
A new ATM congestion control scheme for shared buffer switch architectures. 604 - Hon-Wai Chu
, Danny H. K. Tsang, Tao Yang:
Bandwidth allocation for VBR video traffic in ATM networks. 612 - Orly Kremien:
Buying and selling computational power over the network. 616
- Nima Ahmadvand, Terence D. Todd:
Dual-hop LANs using station wavelength routing. 622 - Cengiz Alaettinoglu, Ibrahim Matta, A. Udaya Shankar:
A scalable virtual circuit routing scheme for ATM networks. 630 - Kenneth L. Calvert, Ellen W. Zegura, Michael J. Donahoo:
Core selection methods for multicast routing. 638 - Laurent Franck, B. Sales:
QoS based routeing for ATM networks. 647
Internetworking II
- Wuxu Peng:
Deadlock Detection in Communicating Finite State Machines by Even Reachability Analysis. 656 - Lily Cheng, Herman D. Hughes:
Call admission control issues in a wireless ATM network. 663 - Wen-Shyen E. Chen, Chun-Hong Lin:
Libra: an object-oriented ATM network simulato. 667 - Young-Keun Park, Gyungho Lee:
ATM cell scheduling with queue length-based priority scheme. 671
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