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29th COMPSAC 2005: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Volume 1
- 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, COMPSAC 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 25-28, 2005. Volume 1. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7695-2413-3
- Message from the Standing Committee Chair.
- Message from the General Chair.
- Message from the Program Co-Chairs.
- Committees.
- Reviewers.
Keynote Address I
- Graham Spittle:
Industry Trends and Software Assurance. 3
Software Testing (I)
- Yvan Labiche
Incremental Class Testing from a Class Test Order. 7-12 - Shuhao Li, Ji Wang, Xin Wang, Zhi-Chang Qi:
Configuration-Oriented Symbolic Test Sequence Construction Method for EFSM. 13-18 - Peng Wu:
Iterative Metamorphic Testing. 19-24 - William E. Howden:
Software Test Selection Patterns and Elusive Bugs. 25-32
Process Management
- Scott D. Miller, Aditya P. Mathur, Raymond A. DeCarlo:
DIG: A Tool for Software Process Data Extraction and Grooming. 35-40 - Ching-Pao Chang, Jia-Lyn Lv, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Defect Estimation Approach for Sequential Inspection Using a Modified Capture-Recapture Model. 41-46 - G. Lorenzo Thione, Dewayne E. Perry:
Parallel Changes: Detecting Semantic Interferences. 47-56
Software Architecture and Metric
- Jody L. Sharpe, João W. Cangussu:
A Productivity Metric Based on Statistical Pattern Recognition. 59-64 - Victor K. Y. Chan, W. Eric Wong:
Optimizing and Simplifying Software Metric Models Constructed Using Maximum Likelihood Methods. 65-70 - Tingting Han, Taolue Chen
, Jian Lu:
Structure Analysis for Dynamic Software Architecture Based on Spatial Logic. 71-76 - Swapna S. Gokhale, Sherif M. Yacoub:
Performability Analysis of a Pipeline Software Architecture. 77-82
Panel: High-Assurance Software for Mobile Tele-Health Systems
- Jose C. Lacal:
High-Assurance Software Design for Mobile Tele-Health Systems. 85 - Robert S. H. Istepanian:
Wireless Security for Personalized and Mobile Healthcare Services. 86
Software Reengineering and Service-Based Systems
- Ying Pan, Lei Wang, Lu Zhang, Bing Xie, Fuqing Yang:
An Extended Approach to Improving the Semantic Interoperation Among Reuse Repositories. 89-94 - Dowming Yeh, Pei-Chen Sun, William Cheng-Chung Chu, Chien-Lung Lin, Hongji Yang:
An Empirical Study of a Reverse Engineering Method for Aggregation Relationship Based on Operation Propagation. 95-100 - Wei-Tek Tsai, Yinong Chen
, Raymond A. Paul, Hai Huang, Xinyu Zhou, Xiao Wei:
Adaptive Testing, Oracle Generation, and Test Case Ranking for Web Services. 101-106 - Stephen S. Yau, Dazhi Huang, Haishan Gong, Hasan Davulcu:
Situation-Awareness for Adaptive Coordination in Service-Based Systems. 107-112
Middleware and Agent-Based Systems
- Nader Mohamed:
Self-Configuring Communication Middleware Model for Multiple Network Interfaces. 115-120 - Arnor Solberg, Devon M. Simmonds, Raghu Reddy
, Sudipto Ghosh, Robert B. France:
Using Aspect Oriented Techniques to Support Separation of Concerns in Model Driven Development. 121-126 - Ji Wang, Rui Shen, Hong Zhu:
Agent Oriented Programming Based on SLABS. 127-132 - Shung-Bin Yan, Zu-Nien Lin, Hsun-Jen Hsu, Feng-Jian Wang:
Intention Scheduling for BDI Agent Systems. 133-140
Security and Privacy (I)
- Mohammad Feroz Raihan, Mohammad Zulkernine:
Detecting Intrusions Specified in a Software Specification Language. 143-148 - Hiroyasu Nishiyama:
SecureC: Control-Flow Protection Against General Buffer Overflow Attack. 149-155 - David Llewellyn-Jones, Madjid Merabti, Qi Shi, Bob Askwith:
Buffer Overrun Prevention Through Component Composition Analysis. 156-163 - Ammar Masood, Sahra Sedigh-Ali
, Arif Ghafoor:
Efficiently Managing Security Concerns in Component Based System Design. 164-169
Panel: Industry and Academia: Can They Agree on Best Practice Within Software Engineering?
- J. Barrie Thompson:
Industry and Academia: Can They Agree on Best Practice Within Software Engineering?. 173 - Stephen Chen:
Best Practices in Software Engineering: Does Anybody in Industry or Academia Care? 174 - Pierre Bourque:
Principles Should Underlie Standards and Best Practices. 175
Requirement and Design (I)
- Mechelle Gittens, Yong Kim, David Godwin:
The Vital Few Versus the Trivial Many: Examining the Pareto Principle for Software. 179-185 - Juha Savolainen, Ian Oliver, Mike Mannion
, Hailang Zuo:
Transitioning from Product Line Requirements to Product Line Architecture. 186-195 - Cristina Cerschi Seceleanu
Designing Controllers for Reachability. 196-203 - Yukiteru Yoshihara, Takao Miura:
Melody Classification Using EM Algorithm. 204-210
Formal Methods
- Sukhamay Kundu, Nigel Gwee:
A Formal Approach to Designing a Class-Subclass Structure Using a Partial-Order on the Functions. 213-220 - Yanhui Li, Baowen Xu
, Jianjiang Lu, Dazhou Kang, Peng Wang:
A Family of Extended Fuzzy Description Logics. 221-226 - Weijia Deng, Huimin Lin:
Extended Symbolic Transition Graphs with Assignment. 227-232 - Martin P. Ward
, Hussein Zedan:
MetaWSL and Meta-Transformations in the FermaT Transformation System. 233-238
Networked, Distributed, and Embedded Systems (I)
- Mark Grechanik
, Dewayne E. Perry, Don S. Batory:
Using AOP to Monitor and Administer Software for Grid Computing Environments. 241-248 - Ryosuke Miyoshi, Takao Miura, Isamu Shioya:
Nearest Neighbor Queries on Extensible Grid Files Using Dimensionality Reduction. 249-255 - Austin Armbruster, Michael R. Gosnell, Bruce M. McMillin
, Mariesa L. Crow
Power Transmission Control Using Distributed Max Flow. 256-263
Plenary Panel: Security and Privacy in Distributed Collaborative Systems
- Stephen S. Yau:
Security and Privacy in Collaborative Distributed Systems. 267 - Piero A. Bonatti
Rule Languages for Security and Privacy in Cooperative Systems. 268-269 - Dengguo Feng, Ji Xiang:
Experiences on Intrusion Tolerance Distributed Systems. 270-271
Internet Web Systems
- John Oliver Bailey, Elizabeth Burd:
Tree-Map Visualization for Web Accessibility. 275-280 - Yuh-Jzer Joung
, Cheng Yen, Chung-Tang Huang, Yi-Jhan Huang:
On Personal Data License Design and Negotiation. 281-286 - Michael Ruth, Feng Lin, Shengru Tu:
Adapting Single-Request/Multiple-Response Messaging to Web Services. 287-292 - I-Chen Wu
, Jui-Yuan Su, Loon-Been Chen:
A Web Data Extraction Description Language and Its Implementation. 293-298
Verification and Validation
- Yu Lei, David Chenho Kung, Qizhi Ye:
A Blocking-Based Approach to Protocol Validation. 301-306 - Jinchun Xia, Yujia Ge, Carl K. Chang:
An Empirical Performance Study for Validating a Performance Analysis Approach: PSIM. 307-312 - Yanlong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Sue Greenwood:
Empirical Validation of Website Timeliness Measures. 313-318 - Puntip Pattaraintakorn, Nick Cercone, Kanlaya Naruedomkul:
Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Selecting Attributes for Soft-Computing Analysis. 319-325
Panel: Model-Based Software Testing and Verification
- Aditya P. Mathur:
Model-Based Software Testing and Verification. 329 - Mats Per Erik Heimdahl:
Model-Based Testing: Challenges Ahead. 330 - Ashish Jain:
Model-Based Testing for Enterprise Software Solutions. 331 - T. H. Tse:
Research Directions on Model-Based Metamorphic Testing and Verification. 332
Mobile and Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing
- Geoff A. W. West, Stewart Greenhill
, Svetha Venkatesh
A Probabilistic Approach to the Anxious Home for Activity Monitoring. 335-340 - Alexei Iliasov, Alexander B. Romanovsky
Exception Handling in Coordination-Based Mobile Environments. 341-350 - Jon Davis, Andrew Tierney, Elizabeth Chang
A User-Adaptable User Interface Model to Support Ubiquitous User Access to EIS Style Applications. 351-358 - Insuk Park, Dongman Lee, Soon J. Hyun:
A Dynamic Context-Conflict Management Scheme for Group-Aware Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 359-364
Panel: 21st-Century Global Software Development and Education
- Dick B. Simmons:
Twenty-First Century Software Production Paradigms. 367 - Chris Nelson:
SSI, Academia and Industry Collaboration. 368 - Victoria Livschitz:
Conquering the Crisis in Software Engineering. 369 - James H. Cross II:
21st-Century Global Software Development and Education Position Statement. 370 - Xiaoqing Frank Liu:
Collaborative Global Software Development and Education. 371
Requirement and Design (II)
- Fumiko Nagoya, Shaoying Liu, Yuting Chen:
A Tool and Case Study for Specification-Based Program Review. 375-380 - Mitchell Loeb, Alan L. Tharp:
Tridirectional Computed Chaining: An Efficient Hashing Algorithm for Limited Space Applications. 381-387 - Vicky Nassis, Rajagopal Rajugan, Tharam S. Dillon, J. Wenny Rahayu:
A Requirement Engineering Approach for Designing XML-View Driven, XML Document Warehouses. 388-395 - Matt Ryan, Sojan Markose, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Ying Cheng:
Structured Object-Oriented Co-Analysis/Co-Design of Hardware/Software for the FACTS Power System. 396-402
Reliable Systems
- Koji Ohishi, Hiroyuki Okamura
, Tadashi Dohi
Gompertz Software Reliability Model and Its Application. 405-410 - Jing Zhao, Hongwei Liu, Gang Cui, Xiao-Zong Yang:
Software Reliability Growth Model Considering Testing Profile and Operation Profile. 411-416 - Engelbert Hubbers, Bart Jacobs, Wolter Pieters:
RIES - Internet Voting in Action. 417-424 - Tim Storer, Ishbel Duncan
Two Variations to the mCESG Pollsterless E-Voting Scheme. 425-430
Keynote Address II
- Jeena Srinivas, Stephen Chen:
Towards a Model of Seamless Mobility - User Value and Security in Computing, Content, and Communications. 433-434
Software Testing (II)
- Tafline Murnane, Richard Hall, Karl Reed:
Towards Describing Black-Box Testing Methods as Atomic Rules. 437-442 - Jian Bing Li, James Miller:
Testing the Semantics of W3C XML Schema. 443-448 - Arnaud Gotlieb, Tristan Denmat, Bernard Botella:
Goal-Oriented Test Data Generation for Programs with Pointer Variables. 449-454 - George Devaraj, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Donglin Liang:
Coverage-Directed Test Generation with Model Checkers: Challenges and Opportunities. 455-462 - Jerry Gao, Raquel Espinoza, Jingsha He
Testing Coverage Analysis for Software Component Validation. 463-470
Dependability and Fault Tolerance
- Sergiy A. Vilkomir, David Lorge Parnas, Veena B. Mendiratta, Eamonn Murphy:
Availability Evaluation of Hardware/Software Systems with Several Recovery Procedures. 473-478 - Nik Looker, Malcolm Munro, Jie Xu:
A Comparison of Network Level Fault Injection with Code Insertion. 479-484 - Tiancheng Liu, Gang Huang, Gang Fan, Hong Mei:
The Coordinated Recovery of Data Service and Transaction Service in J2EE. 485-490 - Guohui Li, LihChyun Shu:
A Low-Latency Checkpointing Scheme for Mobile Computing Systems. 491-496
Panel: How Democratic Will E-Democracy Be?
- Stuart Anderson
, Massimo Felici:
How Democratic Will E-Democracy Be? 499 - Ian Brown:
Who Is Enfranchised by Remote Voting? 500 - Peter Ryan
Prospects for E-Voting. 501 - Jacques Bus:
How Democratic Will E-Democracy Be? 502
Security and Privacy (II)
- Michael Maaser, Peter Langendörfer
Automated Negotiation of Privacy Contracts. 505-510 - En Tzu Wang, Guanling Lee, Yu Tzu Lin:
A Novel Method for Protecting Sensitive Knowledge in Association Rules Mining. 511-516 - Engin Kirda, Christopher Krügel:
Protecting Users Against Phishing Attacks with AntiPhish. 517-524 - Fang-Yie Leu, Jia-Chun Lin, Ming-Chang Li, Chao-Tung Yang
A Performance-Based Grid Intrusion Detection System. 525-530
Networked, Distributed, and Embedded Systems (II)
- Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King:
Scoped Broadcast in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks. 533-538 - Kyungsook Bae, Kye Kyung Kim, Yun Koo Chung, Wonpil Yu
Character Recognition System for Cellular Phone with Camera. 539-544 - Egon Teiniker, Robert Lechner, Gernot Schmoelzer, Christian Kreiner
, Zsolt Kovács, Reinhold Weiss:
Towards a Contract Aware CORBA Component Container. 545-550 - Hidenori Umeno, Masato Kiyama, Takafumi Fukunaga, Takashige Kubo:
New Method for Dispatching Waiting Logical Processors in Virtual Machine Systems. 551-560 - Bhavani Thuraisingham:
Trust Management in a Distributed Environment. 561-562
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