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CVPR 1996: San Francisco, CA, USA
- 1996 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR '96), June 18-20, 1996 San Francisco, CA, USA. IEEE Computer Society 1996, ISBN 0-8186-7258-7
TM1: Segmentation and Low-Level Processing
- Stan Z. Li, Kap Luk Chan, Han Wang
Bayesian image restoration and segmentation by constrained optimizatio. 1-6 - Michael J. Donahue, Davi Geiger, Tyng-Luh Liu, Robert A. Hummel:
Sparse Representations for Image Decomposition with Occlusions. 7-12 - T. D. Alter, Ronen Basri:
Extracting Salient Curves from Images: An Analysis of the Saliency Network. 13-20 - Koen L. Vincken, Wiro J. Niessen, Max A. Viergever:
Blurring Strategies for Image Segmentation Using a Multiscale Linking Model. 21-26 - James H. Elder, Steven W. Zucker:
Space Scale Localization, Blur, and Contour-Based Image Coding. 27-34
Object Recognition and Pose Recover
- Stéphane Herbin:
Recognizing 3D Objects by Generating Random Actions. 35-40 - Claus B. Madsen:
Viewpoint Variation in the Noise Sensitivity of Pose Estimation. 41-46 - Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock:
Gauging Relational Consistency and Correcting Structural Errors. 47-54 - John Krumm:
Eigenfeatures for planar pose measurement of partially occluded objects. 55-60 - Anand S. Bedekar, Robert M. Haralick:
Finding Corresponding Points Based on Bayesian Triangulation. 61-66
Human and Articulated Motion
- Trevor Darrell, Baback Moghaddam, Alex Pentland:
Active Face Tracking and Pose Estimation in an Interactive Room. 67-72 - Dariu Gavrila, Larry S. Davis:
3-D model-based tracking of humans in action: a multi-view approach. 73-80 - Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Model-based estimation of 3D human motion with occlusion based on active multi-viewpoint selection. 81-87 - Yuntao Cui, John (Juyang) Weng:
Hand segmentation using learning-based prediction and verification for hand sign recognition. 88-93 - David Sinclair, K. Zesar:
Further constraints on visual articulated motions. 94-99
Target Recognition and Applications
- Katsushi Ikeuchi, Takeshi Shakunaga, Mark D. Wheeler, Taku Yamazaki:
Invariant histograms and deformable template matching for SAR target recognition. 100-105 - Songnian Rong, Bir Bhanu
Modeling Clutter and Context for Target Detection in Infrared Images. 106-113 - LipChen Alex Chan, Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Vincent Mirelli:
Multi-Stage Target Recognition Using Modular Vector Quantizers and Multilayer Perceptrons. 114-119 - Philippe Burlina, Bruce Lin, Rama Chellappa:
On a spectral attentional mechanism. 120-127 - Lawrence B. Wolff:
Polarization Phase-Based Method for Material Classification and Object Recognition in Computer Vision. 128-135
Contour Reconstruction
- Jayant Shah:
A Common Framework for Curve Evolution, Segmentation and Anisotropic Diffusio. 136-142 - Michael D. Heath, Sudeep Sarkar, Thomas A. Sanocki, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Comparison of Edge Detectors: A Methodology and Initial Study. 143-148 - Stefano Casadei, Sanjoy K. Mitter:
A hierarchical approach to high resolution edge contour reconstruction. 149-154 - Davi Geiger, Krishnan Kumaran, Laxmi Parida:
Visual Organization for Figure/Ground Separation. 155-160 - Lance R. Williams, David W. Jacobs:
Local Parallel Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields. 161-168
Active and Real-Time Vision
- Éric Marchand, François Chaumette:
Controlled camera motions for scene reconstruction and exploration. 169-176 - Héctor Rotstein, Ehud Rivlin:
Optimal servoing for active foveated vision. 177-182 - Luc Berthouze, Sebastien Rougeaux, Florent Chavand, Yasuo Kuniyoshi:
Calibration of a Foveated Wide-Angle Lens on an Active Vision Head. 183-188 - Kentaro Toyama, Gregory D. Hager:
Incremental Focus of Attention for Robust Visual Tracking. 189-195 - Takeo Kanade, Atsushi Yoshida, Kazuo Oda, Hiroshi Kano, Masaya Tanaka:
A Stereo Machine for Video-Rate Dense Depth Mapping and Its New Applications. 196-202
Face Detection and Recognition
- Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, Takeo Kanade:
Neural Network-Based Face Detection. 203-208 - Ingemar J. Cox
, Joumana Ghosn, Peter N. Yianilos:
Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture-Distance. 209-216 - Steve Lawrence, C. Lee Giles
, Ah Chung Tsoi
Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition. 217-222 - Michael C. Burl, Pietro Perona:
Recognition of Planar Object Classes. 223-230 - Douglas DeCarlo, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
The Integration of Optical Flow and Deformable Models with Applications to Human Face Shape and Motion Estimation. 231-238
Matching and Calibration
- Steven Gold, Anand Rangarajan
Graph matching by graduated assignment. 239-244 - Jean-Philippe Thirion:
Non-Rigid Matching Using Demons. 245-251 - Xiaoguang Wang, Yong-Qing Cheng, Robert T. Collins, Allen R. Hanson:
Determining Correspondences and Rigid Motion of 3-D Point Sets with Missing Data. 252-257 - Haim Schweitzer, Radha Krishnan:
Structure from Multiple 2D Affine Correspondences without Camera Calibration. 258-263 - Frederic Devernay
, Olivier D. Faugeras:
From projective to Euclidean reconstruction. 264-269
Shape Representation
- Peter N. Belhumeur, David J. Kriegman:
What is the set of images of an object under all possible lighting conditions? 270-277 - Parag Havaldar, Gérard G. Medioni:
Inference of segmented, volumetric shape from three intensity images. 278-284 - Luc Van Gool, Theo Moons, Marc Proesmans:
Mirror and Point Symmetry under Perspective Skewing. 285-292 - Thomas O'Donnell, Terrance E. Boult, Alok Gupta:
Global Models with Parametric Offsets as Applied to Cardiac Motion Recovery. 293-299 - James V. Miller, Charles V. Stewart:
MUSE: Robust Surface Fitting using Unbiased Scale Estimates. 300-306
Motion Estimation and Structure from Motion
- Shanon X. Ju, Michael J. Black, Allan D. Jepson:
Skin and Bones: Multi-layer, Locally Affine, Optical Flow and Regularization with Transparency. 307-314 - Tina Yu Tian, Carlo Tomasi, David J. Heeger:
Comparison of Approaches to Egomotion Computation. 315-320 - Yair Weiss, Edward H. Adelson:
A Unified Mixture Framework for Motion Segmentation: Incorporating Spatial Coherence and Estimating the Number of Models. 321-326 - B. Vijayakumar, David J. Kriegman, Jean Ponce:
Structure and motion of curved 3D objects from monocular silhouettes. 327-334 - John Oliensis:
Structure from Linear or Planar Motions. 335-342
- Daniel Scharstein, Richard Szeliski:
Stereo Matching with Non-Linear Diffusion. 343-350 - Dinkar N. Bhat, Shree K. Nayar:
Ordinal Measures for Visual Correspondence. 351-357 - Robert T. Collins:
A Space-Sweep Approach to True Multi-Image Matching. 358-363 - Sing Bing Kang, Richard Szeliski:
3-D Scene Data Recovery using Omnidirectional Multibaseline Stereo. 364-370 - Yuichi Nakamura, Tomohiko Matsuura, Kiyohide Satoh, Yuichi Ohta:
Occlusion Detectable Stereo - Occlusion Patterns in Camera Matrix. 371-378
Systems and Integration
- Arun Krishnan, Narendra Ahuja:
Panoramic Image Acquisition. 379-384 - Sanghoon Sull, Banavar Sridhar:
Runway Obstacle Detection by Controlled Spatiotemporal Image Flow Disparity. 385-390 - Kevin S. Woods, Kevin W. Bowyer, W. Philip Kegelmeyer:
Combination of Multiple Classifiers Using Local Accuracy Estimates. 391-396 - T. N. Tan, Geoffrey D. Sullivan, Keith D. Baker:
Efficient Image Gradient-Based Object Localisation and Recognitio. 397-402 - Gregory D. Hager, Peter N. Belhumeur:
Real-time tracking of image regions with changes in geometry and illumination. 403-410
Texture and Shading
- A. James Stewart, Michael S. Langer:
Towards Accurate Recovery of Shape from Shading under Diffuse Lighting. 411-418 - Lizhi Wang, Glenn Healey:
Illumination and geometry invariant recognition of texture in color images. 419-424 - Wei-Ying Ma, B. S. Manjunath:
Texture Features and Learning Similarity. 425-430 - Masahiro Watanabe, Shree K. Nayar:
Minimal operator set for passive depth from defocus. 431-438
Image Database and Document Analysis
- Ramin Zabih
, Justin Miller, Kevin Mai:
Video Browsing Using Edges and Motion. 439-446 - Thomas P. Minka, Rosalind W. Picard:
Interactive Learning with a "Society of Models" . 447-452 - Ales Leonardis, Horst Bischof:
Dealing with occlusions in the eigenspace approach. 453-458 - Gyeonghwan Kim, Venu Govindaraju:
Recognition of Handwritten Phrases as Applied to Street Name Images. 459-464
Feature Extraction and Detection
- Tony Lindeberg:
Edge Detection and Ridge Detection with Automatic Scale Selection. 465-470 - Shree K. Nayar, Simon Baker, Hiroshi Murase:
Parametric Feature Detection. 471-477 - Sudeep Sarkar
, Kim L. Boyer:
Quantitative Measures of Change based on Feature Organization: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. 478-483 - Xavier Pennec
, Nicholas Ayache:
Randomness and Geometric Features in Computer Vision. 484-491 - Giorgio Bonmassar, Eric L. Schwartz:
Lie groups, Space-Variant Fourier Analysis and the Exponential Chirp Transform. 492-498
Shape Representation
- Yuan C. Hsieh:
SiteCity: A Semi-Automated Site Modelling System. 499-506 - Kaleem Siddiqi, Benjamin B. Kimia:
A shock grammar for recognition. 507-513 - Zhibin Lei, David B. Cooper:
New, faster, more controlled fitting of implicit polynomial 2D curves and 3D surfaces to data . 514-519 - Peter J. Olver, Guillermo Sapiro, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Affine Invariant Detection: Edges, Active Contours, and Segments. 520-525 - Heung-Yeung Shum, Martial Hebert, Katsushi Ikeuchi:
On 3D Shape Similarity. 526-531
Pattern Recognition
- Hassan Shekarforoush, Marc Berthod, Josiane Zerubia:
Subpixel Image Registration by Estimating the Polyphase Decomposition of Cross Power Spectrum. 532-537 - Jing Peng, Bir Bhanu
Closed-Loop Object Recognition Using Reinforcement Learning. 538-543 - Simon Baker, Shree K. Nayar:
Pattern Rejection. 544-549 - Hichem Frigui, Raghu Krishnapuram:
A Robust Clustering Algorithm Based on Competitive Agglomeration and Soft Rejection of Outliers. 550-555 - Yaorong Ge, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Extraction of maximal inscribed disks from discrete Euclidean distance maps. 556-561 - Daniel Reisfeld:
Constrained Phase Congruency: Simultaneous Detection of Interest Points and of their Scales. 562-567 - Yun Weng, Qiuming Zhu:
Nonlinear Shape Restoration For Document Images. 568-573 - Lucia Sardo, Josef Kittler:
Complexity analysis of RBF networks for Pattern Recognition. 574-579 - Per Gunnar Auran, Kjell E. Malvig:
Real-time Extraction of connected Components in 3-D Sonar Range Images. 580-585
- Robert G. Uhl Jr., Niels da Vitoria Lobo:
A Framework for Recognizing a Facial Image from a Police Sketch. 586-593 - Senthil Kumar, Dmitry B. Goldgof:
Recovery of Global Nonrigid Motion - Based Approach Without Point Correspondences. 594-599 - Juan F. Arias, Atul K. Chhabra, Vishal Misra:
Interpreting and representing tabular documents. 600-605 - Sridhar R. Kundur, Daniel Raviv:
Novel active-vision-based visual-threat-cue for autonomous navigation tasks. 606-612 - Kwok-Wai Cheung
, Dit-Yan Yeung, Roland T. Chin:
Competitive Mixture of Deformable Models for Pattern Classification. 613-618 - Pietro Parodi, Giulia Piccioli:
A fast and flexible statistical method for text extraction in document pages. 619-624 - Gareth Funka-Lea, Alok Gupta:
The use of hybrid models to recover cardiac wall motion in tagged MR images. 625-630 - R. Manmatha, Chengfeng Han, Edward M. Riseman:
Word Spotting: A New Approach to Indexing Handwriting. 631-637 - Baback Moghaddam, Chahab Nastar, Alex Pentland:
Bayesian face recognition using deformable intensity surfaces. 638-645 - Simone Santini, Ramesh C. Jain:
Similarity Queries in Image Database. 646-651
Edge, Contour and Surface Detection and Recovery
- Jason Merron, Michael Brady:
Isotropic Gradient Estimatio. 652-659 - Djemel Ziou, Shengrui Wang:
Isotropic Processing for Gradient Estimation. 660-665 - Laurent D. Cohen, Ron Kimmel:
Global Minimum for Active Contour Models: A Minimal Path Approach. 666-673 - Christos Davatzikos, Jerry L. Prince:
Convexity Analysis of Active Contour Problems. 674-679 - Guillermo Sapiro:
Vector-Valued Active Contours. 680-685 - Song Chun Zhu, Ying Nian Wu, David Mumford:
FRAME: Filters, Random fields, and Minimax Entropy - Towards a Unified Theory for Texture Modeling. 686-693 - Jiping Lu, Jim Little:
Geometric and Photometric Constraints for Surface Recovery. 694-700
Active and Real-Time Vision
- Franco Callari, Frank P. Ferrie:
Autonomous recognition: driven by ambiguit. 701-707 - Konstantinos Daniilidis, Jörg Ernst:
Active Intrinsic Calibration Using Vanishing Points. 708-713 - Sugata Ghosal, Douglas C. McKee:
Target Detection in Foveal ATR Systems. 714-719 - Fenglei Du, Andrew Izatt, Cesar Bandera:
An MIMD Computing Platform for a Hierarchical Foveal Machine Vision System. 720-725 - Carl-Fredrik Westin, Carl-Johan Westelius, Hans Knutsson, Gösta H. Granlund:
Attention Control for Robot Vision. 726-733 - Roger E. Kahn, Michael J. Swain, Peter N. Prokopowicz, R. James Firby:
Gesture recognition using the Perseus architecture. 734-741
Physics and Geometry for Low-Level Vision
- Bruce A. Maxwell, Steven A. Shafer:
Physics-Based Segmentation: Moving Beyond Color. 742-749 - Glenn Healey, Amit Jain:
Using physics-based invariant representations for the recognition of regions in multispectral satellite images. 750-755 - Zarina Myles, Niels da Vitoria Lobo:
Recovering Affine Motion and Defocus Blur Simultaneously. 756-763 - Muhittin Gökmen, Anil K. Jain:
λτ-space representation of images and generalized edge detector. 764-769 - David Slater, Glenn Healey:
Using a spectral reflectance model for the illumination-invariant recognition of local image structure. 770-775 - Jean Ponce, Yakup Genc
Epipolar Geometry and Linear Subspace Methods: A New Approach to Weak Calibration. 776-781 - Pierre Breton, Steven W. Zucker:
Shadows and shading flow fields. 782-789 - Ruth Rosenholtz
, Jan J. Koenderink:
Affine Structure and Photometry. 790-795
Motion Analysis
- Benny Rousso, Shai Avidan, Amnon Shashua, Shmuel Peleg:
Robust Recovery of Camera Rotation from Three Frames. 796-802 - Long Quan, Takeo Kanade:
A Factorization Method for Affine Structure from Line Correspondences. 803-808 - Yacov Hel-Or, Patrick C. Teo:
Canonical Decomposition of Steerable Functions. 809-816 - Stefano Soatto, Pietro Perona:
Motion from fixation. 817-824 - Stefano Soatto, Pietro Perona:
Reducing "structure from motion". 825-832 - Kalle Åström
, Anders Heyden:
Multilinear Constraints in the Infinitesimal-time Cas. 833-838 - François G. Meyer, R. Todd Constable, Albert J. Sinusas, James S. Duncan:
Dense Nonrigid Motion Tracking from a Sequence of Velocity Fields. 839-844 - Bill Triggs:
Factorization Methods for Projective Structure and Motion. 845-851 - Daniel Scharstein:
Stereo Vision for View Synthesis. 852-858
Recognition and Pose Recovery
- Sameer A. Nene, Shree K. Nayar:
Closest Point Search in High Dimensions. 859-865 - Yoshihiko Nomura, Dili Zhang, Yuko Sakaida, Seizo Fujii:
3-D Object Pose Estimation by Shading and Edge Data Fusion - Simulating virtual manipulation on mental images. 866-871 - Cordelia Schmid, Roger Mohr:
Combining greyvalue invariants with local constraints for object recognition. 872-877 - Daniel P. Huttenlocher, Liana M. Lorigo:
Recognizing Three-Dimensional Objects by Comparing Two-Dimensional Images. 878-884 - Peter D. Lauren, N. Nandhakumar:
Recovering the viewing parameters of random, translated and noisy projections of asymmetric objects. 885-890 - J. Brian Burns:
Recognition via consensus of local moments of brightness and orientation. 891-898 - Anthony N. A. Schwickerath, J. Ross Beveridge:
Coregistration of Range and Optical Images Using Coplanarity and Orientation Constraints. 899-906 - Clark F. Olson:
Connectionist networks for feature indexing and object recognition. 907-912 - Jin-Long Chen, George C. Stockman:
Indexing to 3D Model Aspects using 2D Contour Features. 913-920 - David Beymer:
Feature Correspondence by Interleaving Shape and Texture Computations. 921-928
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