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28th AINA Workshops 2014: Victoria, BC, Canada
- Leonard Barolli, Kin Fun Li, Tomoya Enokido, Fatos Xhafa, Makoto Takizawa:
28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, AINA 2014 Workshops, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 13-16, 2014. IEEE Computer Society 2014
The Seventh International Workshop on Bio and Intelligent Computing (BICom 2014)
Session 1: Intelligent Algorithms and Systems
- Carson Kai-Sang Leung
, Richard Kyle MacKinnon, Fan Jiang:
Distributed Uncertain Data Mining for Frequent Patterns Satisfying Anti-monotonic Constraints. 1-6 - Fariba Haddadi, Jillian Morgan, Eduardo Gomes Filho, Nur Zincir-Heywood
Botnet Behaviour Analysis Using IP Flows: With HTTP Filters Using Classifiers. 7-12 - Yuanyao Liu, Zhengping Wu:
Prediction of System Critical Event in Virtualized Medical Applications. 13-18
Session 2: Multimedia and Social Networking
- Yuan-Tse Yu, Chung-Ming Huang, Yun-Tz Lee:
An Intelligent Touring System Based on Mobile Social Network and Cloud Computing for Travel Recommendation. 19-24 - Lung-Jen Wang, Chia-Tzu Shu:
A Fast Efficient Fractional-Pixel Displacement for H.264/AVC Motion Compensation. 25-30 - Ardiana Sula, Evjola Spaho
, Keita Matsuo, Leonard Barolli, Rozeta Miho, Fatos Xhafa:
A Smart Environment and Heuristic Diagnostic Teaching Principle-Based System for Supporting Children with Autism during Learning. 31-36 - Marcio A. de Deus, Paulo H. P. Carvalho, Joao Paulo Leite:
Internet Traffic Engineering: Understanding the Specialist Decision-Making Process for Traffic Management in South America. 37-41
Session 3: Security and Privacy
- Katerina Goseva-Popstojanova
, Ana Dimitrijevikj:
Distinguishing between Web Attacks and Vulnerability Scans Based on Behavioral Characteristics. 42-48 - Wei Lu
, Ling Xue:
A Heuristic-Based Co-clustering Algorithm for the Internet Traffic Classification. 49-54 - Jae-Pil Lee, Young-Hyuk Kim, Jae-Kwang Lee:
SSL Application for Managed Security between the Mobile and HIS Biometric Information Collection Client. 55-60 - Nida Rasheed
, Shoab A. Khan, Adnan Khalid:
Tracking and Abnormal Behavior Detection in Video Surveillance Using Optical Flow and Neural Networks. 61-66
Session 4: Wireless and Mobile Networks
- Gustavo Furquim
, Filipe Neto, Gustavo Pessin
, Jo Ueyama
, João Porto de Albuquerque
, Maria Clara Fava, Eduardo M. Mendiondo
, Vladimir C. B. de Souza, Desislava C. Dimitrova, Torsten Braun
Combining Wireless Sensor Networks and Machine Learning for Flash Flood Nowcasting. 67-72 - Marwa Ayad, Mohamed Taher
, Ashraf M. Salem
Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing: A Case Study in Face Recognition. 73-78 - Osamu Ohashi, Eiji Ochiai, Yuka Kato
A Remote Control Method for Mobile Robots Using Game Engines. 79-84
The Second International Workshop on Collaborative Enterprise Systems (COLLABES 2014)
(COLLABES 2014) Session 1: Trust Coputing and Social Networking
- Laurent Cailleux, Ahmed Bouabdallah, Jean-Marie Bonnin:
Building a Confident Advanced Email System Using a New Correspondence Model. 85-90 - Mohammed Hussain, Mohamed Basel Al-Mourad
Effective Third Party Auditing in Cloud Computing. 91-95 - Ta Yuan Hsu, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Min Shen:
Modeling User Interactions in Social Communication Networks with Variable Social Vector Clocks. 96-101 - Yoshio Kakizaki
, Yoji Maeda, Hidekazu Tsuji:
E-butler: A User-Centric High Reliability Personal Portal Site. 102-107
Session 2: Service Management and Context-Aware Systems
- Hao-Hsiang Ku, Si-Yuan Huang:
Digital Convergence Services for Situation-Aware POI Touring. 108-113 - Mahdi Sharifi
, Azizah Abdul Manaf, Ali Memariani, Homa Movahednejad, Haslina Md Sarkan, Amir Vahid Dastjerdi:
Multi-criteria Consensus-Based Service Selection Using Crowdsourcing. 114-120 - Allan Goncalves, Carlos Silva, Patricia Morreale
Design of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network Communication App for Disaster Recovery. 121-126 - Carlos A. B. de Queiroz Filho, Rossana M. de Castro Andrade
, Lincoln S. Rocha, Reinaldo Bezerra Braga
, Carina Teixeira de Oliveira
ConExT-U: A Context-Aware Exception Handling Mechanism for Task-Based Ubiquitous Systems. 127-132
The First International Workshop on Device Centric Cloud (DC2 2014)
The First International Workshop on Device Centric Cloud (DC2 2014) Session 1: Device Centric Cloud I
- Jaehoon Jeong, Eunseok Lee
VCPS: Vehicular Cyber-physical Systems for Smart Road Services. 133-138 - Inchul Hwang, Sunhee Youm, Soohong Park, Hwajung Kim:
UDP-DC2: User Data Processing Platform Based on Device-centric Cloud. 139-143 - Fragkiskos Sardis, Glenford E. Mapp, Jonathan Loo
, Mahdi Aiash:
Dynamic Edge-Caching for Mobile Users: Minimising Inter-AS traffic by Moving Cloud Services and VMs. 144-149
Session 2: Device Centric Cloud II
- Inchul Hwang, Jonggyu Ham:
WWF: Web Application Workload Balancing Framework. 150-153 - Jose Sinti, Fowzan Jiffry, Mahdi Aiash:
Investigating the Impact of Live Migration on the Network Infrastructure in Enterprise Environments. 154-159 - Mahdi Aiash, Glenford E. Mapp, Orhan Gemikonakli
Secure Live Virtual Machines Migration: Issues and Solutions. 160-165 - Anan Sawabe, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Yuji Oie:
QoS-Aware Packet Chunking Schemes for M2M Cloud Services. 166-173
The Seventh International Workshop on Data Management for Wireless and Pervasive Communications (DMWPC 2014)
(DMWPC 2014) Session 1: Data Management and Communication Protocol
- Wendy Osborn:
A First Look at Caching during TIP-Tree Navigation for Location Based Services. 174-179 - Wataru Kobayashi, Yuta Maruoka, Kazunori Ueda:
Routing Method Based on Relationships between Neighboring Nodes in Wireless Mesh Networks. 180-184 - Akimitsu Kanzaki, Shinya Kondo, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio:
Energy-Efficient Data Gathering Using Sleep Scheduling and Spatio-temporal Interpolation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 185-190
Session 2: Context Aware Systems and Services
- Abayomi Moradeyo Otebolaku, Maria Teresa Andrade
Context-Aware Media Recommendations. 191-196 - Mayu Iwata, Hiroki Miyamoto, Takahiro Hara, Kentaro Shimatani, Tomohiro Mashita, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Shojiro Nishio, Haruo Takemura
A Menu-Based Content Search System Based on Relationships between Mobile User Context and Information Needs. 197-202 - Hiroshi Honda, Kosuke Takano:
A 3DCG Distribution System with Personalized Ranking for Augmented Reality User Interface. 203-208
Session 3: Special Session for Project Report on Efficient Data Processing Techniques for Mobile Sensor Networks
- Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio:
Data Allocation Techniques for Mobile Sensor Networks. 209-214 - Tomoki Yoshihisa, Shojiro Nishio:
Data Transmission Techniques for Mobile Sensor Networks. 215-220 - Akimitsu Kanzaki, Shojiro Nishio:
Communication Techniques for Mobile Sensor Networks. 221-226
The First International Workshop on Engineering Energy Efficient WSNs (EEEWSN 2014)
(EEEWSN 2014) Session 1: Wireless Sensor Networks
- Krishna Doddapaneni, Fredrick A. Omondi, Enver Ever
, Purav Shah
, Orhan Gemikonakli
, Roberto Gagliardi:
Deployment Challenges and Developments in Wireless Sensor Networks Clustering. 227-232 - Clifford Sule, Purav Shah
, Krishna Doddapaneni, Orhan Gemikonakli
, Enver Ever
On Demand Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. 233-238 - Ning Cao, Russell Higgs
, Gregory M. P. O'Hare
Intelligent Evaluation Models Based on the Single-Hop Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. 239-244
Session 2: Network Applications
- Nadeem Qaisar Mehmood
, Rosario Culmone
, Leonardo Mostarda:
An Ontology Driven Software Framework for the Healthcare Applications Based on ANT+ Protocol. 245-250 - Ki-Deok Kwon, Hyunwoo Ju, Younghwan Yoo:
DA-DCT: Data Aggregation Using Discrete Cosine Transform in Wireless Sensor Networks. 251-254 - Rand Raheem, Aboubaker Lasebae, Jonathan Loo
Performance Evaluation of LTE Network via Using Fixed/Mobile Femtocells. 255-260
The Tenth International Symposium on Frontiers of Information Systems and Network Applications (FINA 2014)
(FINA 2014) Session 1: Security and Intrusion Detection Systems
- Bassam Sayed, Issa Traoré:
Protection against Web 2.0 Client-Side Web Attacks Using Information Flow Control. 261-268 - M. Tarek Ibn Ziad
, Amr Al-Anwar
, Yousra Alkabani, M. Watheq El-Kharashi, Hassan Bedour:
E-Voting Attacks and Countermeasures. 269-274 - Jen-Fa Huang, Sheng-Hui Meng, Kai-Sheng Chen
, Ying-Chen Lin:
Securing Optical Network Access with Post-switching Coding Scheme of Signatures Reconfiguration. 275-280 - Wei-Bin Lee, Tzungher Chen, Wei-Rung Sun, Kevin I.-J. Ho:
An S/Key-like One-Time Password Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards for Smart Meter. 281-286
Session 2: Internet Computing and Web Applications
- Masanori Fujita, Yoshiaki Tokiwa, Osamu Ohashi, Yuka Kato
A Virtual Campus Tour Service Using Mobile Robots. 287-292 - Arnon Rungsawang, Tanaphol Suebchua, Bundit Manaskasemsak:
Thai Related Foreign Language-Specific Website Segment Crawler. 293-298 - Nicolas Hidalgo
, Erika Rosas, Veronica Gil-Costa
, Mauricio Marín
Assessing Energy Efficiency in ISP and Web Search Engine Collaboration. 299-304 - Lourival Aparecido de Góis, Gabriel B. Casella, Eliana C. M. Ishikawa:
Defining Computational Resources Prices Based on the Expectations Equilibrium of Consumers and Providers from a Desktop Grid. 305-309
Session 3: Wireless Sensor Networks
- Ricardo Kehrle Miranda, João Paulo Carvalho Lustosa da Costa
, Marco A. M. Marinho
, Edison Pignaton de Freitas
, Rafael de Freitas Ramos, Kefei Liu, Hing-Cheung So, Leonardo Gomes Baltar, Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior
Evaluation of Space-Time-Frequency (STF)-Coded MIMO-OFDM Systems in Realistic Channel Models. 310-315 - Won-Suk Kim
, Sang-Hwa Chung, Chang-Woo Ahn, Mi-Rim Do:
Seamless Handoff and Performance Anomaly Reduction Schemes Based on OpenFlow Access Points. 316-321 - Sok Chhorn, Si-o Seo, Mustafa Habibu Mohsini
, Hyong-Woo Lee, Choong-Ho Cho, Se-Jin Kim, Seungwan Ryu:
Co-channel Interference Mitigation Based on Location Information in LTE Femtocell Systems. 322-327 - Alaa Salman, Imad H. Elhajj
, Ali Chehab
, Ayman I. Kayssi:
DAIDS: An Architecture for Modular Mobile IDS. 328-333
Session 4: Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Nils Müllner, Oliver E. Theel, Martin Fränzle:
Composing Thermostatically Controlled Loads to Determine the Reliability against Blackouts. 334-341 - Liang Zhao, Wen-Zhan Song
, Lang Tong, Yuan Wu:
Monitoring for Power-Line Change and Outage Detection in Smart Grid via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. 342-346 - Kwangjin Hong, Jinuk Kim, Hongwon Lee, Jihoon Lee, Jiwoong Heo, Sunchul Kim, Keechul Jung:
Data-Driven Computer Go Based on Hadoop. 347-351 - Mehdi Sliem, Nabila Salmi, Malika Ioualalen
An Approach for Performance Modelling and Analysis of Multi-tiers Autonomic Systems. 352-357 - Wei Zhou, Li Li, Min Luo
, Wu Chou:
REST API Design Patterns for SDN Northbound API. 358-365
Session 5: Wireless Sensor and Mesh Networks
- Siddharth Watwe, Ashutosh Bhatia, R. C. Hansdah:
A Design for Performance Improvement of Clock Synchronization in WSNs Using a TDMA-Based MAC Protocol. 366-371 - Muhammad Babar Rasheed, Nadeem Javaid
, Arsalan Haider, Umar Qasim, Zahoor Ali Khan
, Turki Ali Alghamdi
An Energy Consumption Analysis of Beacon Enabled Slotted CSMA/CA IEEE 802.15.4. 372-377 - Ashutosh Bhatia, R. C. Hansdah:
RD-TDMA: A Randomized Distributed TDMA Scheduling for Correlated Contention in WSNs. 378-384 - HyungWon Kim, Mohamed Gamal Ahmed Mohamed
Utilization-Aware Channel Allocation and Routing for Mesh Networks for Battery-Powered Surveillance Cameras. 385-390
Session 6: Virtualization and Cloud Computing
- Seyedmehdi Hosseinimotlagh
, Farshad Khunjush
, Seyedmahyar Hosseinimotlagh:
Migration-less Energy-Aware Task Scheduling Policies in Cloud Environments. 391-397 - Waltenegus Dargie
, Jianjun Wen:
Power-Latency Trade-offs in Virtualized Environments. 398-403 - Wael Sellami, Hatem Hadj Kacem
, Ahmed Hadj Kacem:
Towards a Multi-tenancy Aware Cloud Service Composition. 404-409 - Khadija Bousselmi
, Zaki Brahmi
, Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi:
Cloud Services Orchestration: A Comparative Study of Existing Approaches. 410-416
Session 7: Vehicular Networks and IoT
- Ahmed Serageldin, Axel W. Krings:
The Impact of Dissimilarity and Redundancy on the Reliability of DSRC Safety Applications. 417-424 - Dongchen Zhang, Shoufeng Wang, Xiaoyan Xu, Xingzheng Li, Wenwen Yao, Tinglan Wang:
A Novel Long Term Traffic Forecast Algorithm and Case Study for China. 425-430 - Mingmei Li, Atsushi Tagami:
A Study of Contact Network Generation for Cyber-bullying Detection. 431-436 - Vangelis Gazis
, Konstantinos Sasloglou, Andreas Merentitis, Kostas Mathioudakis
On the Role of Semantic Descriptions for Adaptable Protocol Stacks in the Internet of Things. 437-443 - Stelios Sotiriadis, Nik Bessis
, Eleana Asimakopoulou, Navonil Mustafee
Towards Simulating the Internet of Things. 444-448
Session 8: Network Protocols and Schemes
- Yangmin Lee, Jaekee Lee:
Improving and Optimizing the Operation Layer Algorithm of NETCONF Protocol. 449-455 - Fariha Baloch, Ravi Pendse:
A New Transmission Control Protocol for Active RFID Networks. 456-461 - Hae-Ryong Cho, Min Choi:
Replacing Socket Communication by REST Open API for Acquisition Tax Analyzer Development. 462-468 - Edgar E. Báez Esquivel, Mario E. Rivero-Angeles
, Alfonso Fernández-Vázquez:
Priority Scheme for Mobile Nodes in P2P Bit-Torrent Based Networks. 469-473
The Tenth International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (HWISE 2014)
(HWISE 2014) Session 1: Wireless Sensor and Body Networks
- Azam Afridi, Nadeem Javaid
, Shawana Jamil, Mariam Akbar, Zahoor Ali Khan
, Umar Qasim:
HEAT: Horizontal Moveable Energy-efficient Adaptive Threshold-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks. 474-478 - Mohsin Raza Jafri
, Nadeem Javaid
, N. Amjad, Mariam Akbar, Zahoor Ali Khan
, Umar Qasim:
Impact of Acoustic Propagation Models on Depth-Based Routing Techniques in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. 479-485 - Israel Leyva-Mayorga
, Mario E. Rivero-Angeles
, Chadwick Carreto Arellano:
Performance Analysis of a Non-preemptive Hybrid WSN Protocol in Mobile Environments. 486-491
Session 2: Wireless Communication Systems
- João Paulo Bodanese, Gustavo Medeiros de Araújo, Guilherme Steup, Guilherme V. Raffo
, Leandro Buss Becker
Wireless Communication Infrastructure for a Short-Range Unmanned Aerial. 492-497 - Roberto Sadao Yokoyama, Bruno Yuji Lino Kimura, Luz Marina Santos Jaimes, Edson dos Santos Moreira:
A Beaconing-Based Opportunistic Service Discovery Protocol for Vehicular Networks. 498-503 - Masanori Terada, Kunitake Kaneko, Fumio Teraoka:
Impacts of Periodical Burst Packet Loss on Streaming Applications - Focusing on a Mobile Network in a High-Speed Train. 504-511
Session 3: Security and Privacy
- Rajan Ma, Hemant Kumar Rath, Balamuralidhar P:
Design of a Mix Network Using Connectivity Index - A Novel Privacy Enhancement Approach. 512-517 - Takumi Yamamoto, Kiyoto Kawauchi, Shoji Sakurai:
Proposal of a Method Detecting Malicious Processes. 518-523 - Maziar Janbeglou, Habib Naderi, Nevil Brownlee
Effectiveness of DNS-Based Security Approaches in Large-Scale Networks. 524-529 - Sanjay K. Dhurandher, Isaac Woungang, Issa Traoré:
C-SCAN: An Energy-Efficient Network Layer Security Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 530-535
International Workshop on Informatics for Intelligent Context-Aware Enterprise Systems (ICAES 2014)
(ICAES 2014) Session 1: Intelligent Context-Aware Systems
- Philip Moore
, Fatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli:
Semantic Valence Modeling: Emotion Recognition and Affective States in Context-Aware Systems. 536-541 - Jagdev Bhogal
, Philip Moore
Towards Object-Oriented Context Modeling: Object-Oriented Relational Database Data Storage. 542-547 - Thomas Lancaster
, Robert Clarke:
An Initial Analysis of the Contextual Information Available within Auction Posts on Contract Cheating Agency Websites. 548-553 - William M. Campbell, Philip Moore
, Mak Sharma
Cultural Transformation to Support the Adoption of Green IT. 554-559
The Seventh International Workshop on Information Technology for Innovative Services (ITIS 2014)
(ITIS 2014) Session ITIS: Innovative Services and Systems
- Abayomi Moradeyo Otebolaku, Maria Teresa Andrade
Context-Aware User Profiling and Multimedia Content Classification for Smart Devices. 560-565 - Pankaj Kamthan:
Towards Understanding the Use of Wiki in Agile Software Development. 566-571 - Takaya Okamoto, Akio Koyama:
A Proposal and Evaluation of Electricity Reduction Method in Home. 572-577 - Tatsuro Hachiya, Masaki Bandai
SmartLocService: Place Identification Method Using Space Dependent Information for Indoor Location-Based Services. 578-581 - Masashi Inoue, Sakie Sakuma:
Analysis of the Film Selection Process for a Film Festival. 582-587
The Sixth International Workshop on Disaster and Emergency Information Network Systems (IWDENS 2014)
(IWDENS 2014) Session IWDENS-1: Disaster Information System
- Hiroaki Yuze, Shinichi Nabeta, Masao Izumi:
Light-Weight Safety Confirmation System for Large-Scale Disasters. 588-592 - Tomoyuki Ishida, Yoichiro Shimizu, Kazuhiro Takahagi, Akira Sakuraba, Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Construction of Integrated Safety Confirmation System Using the IC Card. 593-598 - Yagiz Onat Yazir, Josh Erickson, Yvonne Coady:
Parallel Infrastructures and Systems for Near-Field Tsunami Detection and Impact Assessment. 599-604 - Imane Benkhelifa, Nadia Nouali-Taboudjemat, Samira Moussaoui:
Disaster Management Projects Using Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview. 605-610
Session IWDENS-2: Disaster Information Network
- Goshi Sato, Noriki Uchida, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Performance Evaluation of PC Router Based Cognitive Wireless Network for Disaster-Resilient WANs. 611-616 - Saneatsu Arimura, Yoshitaka Shibata, Yuji Ohhashi, Noriki Uchida:
A New Wireless Micro-balloon Network for Disaster Use. 617-622 - Go Hirakawa, Phyu Phyu Kywe, Kenta Ito, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Automotive Sensor Network Platform for Disaster Information System. 623-626 - Kenta Ito, Go Hirakawa, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Omnidirectional Video and Sensor Data Collection and Distribution System on Challenged Communication Environment. 627-632 - Noriki Uchida, Noritaka Kawamura, Kazuo Takahata, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Proposal of Dynamic FEC Controls with Population Estimation Methods for Delay Tolerant Networks. 633-638
The 2014 International Symposium on Mining and Web (MAW 2014)
(MAW 2014) Session 1: Recommendation Systems
- Tin Huynh, Atsuhiro Takasu, Tomonari Masada, Kiem Hoang:
Collaborator Recommendation for Isolated Researchers. 639-644 - Sheng-Tzong Cheng, Jian-Pan Li, Gwo-Jiun Horng:
Game Theory Based Recommendation Mechanism for Taxi-Sharing. 645-650 - Masato Kasahara, Shu Li, Kosuke Takano:
A Database Selection Method for Cherry Blossom Movies Based on Changing Trend of Color Frequency. 651-656
Session 2: Social Networks
- Eun Hee Ko, Diego Klabjan:
Semantic Properties of Customer Sentiment in Tweets. 657-663 - Liyi Zheng, Tian Nie, Ichiro Moriya, Yusuke Inoue, Takakazu Imada, Takehito Utsuro, Yasuhide Kawada, Noriko Kando
Comparative Topic Analysis of Japanese and Chinese Bloggers. 664-669 - Laura MacLeod:
Reputation on Stack Exchange: Tag, You're It! 670-674
Session 3: Pattern Mining and Classification
- Cheng-Lin Yang, Nuttakorn Benjamasutin, Yun-Heh Chen-Burger
Mining Hidden Concepts: Using Short Text Clustering and Wikipedia Knowledge. 675-680 - David Rusk, Yvonne Coady:
Location-Based Analysis of Developers and Technologies on GitHub. 681-685 - Gulnar Ali, Kin Fun Li:
Consumer Transactions on the Web. 686-689
The Second International Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring (NetMM 2014)
(NetMM 2014) Session 1: Network Management and Monitoring
- Yasusi Kanada:
Controlling Network Processors by Using Packet-Processing Cores. 690-695 - Patricia Takako Endo
, André Vitor de Almeida Palhares, Marcelo Anderson Santos, Glauco Estácio Gonçalves
, Djamel Fawzi Hadj Sadok, Judith Kelner, Azimeh Sefidcon, Fetahi Zebenigus Wuhib:
Role-Based Self-Appointment for Autonomic Management of Resources. 696-701 - Jorge López, Xiaoping Che, Stéphane Maag, Gerardo Morales:
A Distributed Monitoring Approach for Trust Assessment Based on Formal Testing. 702-707 - Diego Adrada, Esteban Salazar, Julian Rojas, Juan Carlos Corrales
Automatic Code Instrumentation for Converged Service Monitoring and Fault Detection. 708-713
Ninth Workshop on Performance Analysis and Enhancement of Wireless Networks (PAEWN 2014)
- Tony Ducrocq, Michaël Hauspie, Nathalie Mitton, Sara Pizzi:
On the Impact of Network Topology on Wireless Sensor Networks Performances: Illustration with Geographic Routing. 719-724 - Jaime Calle-Sánchez, David De-Antonio-Monte, Mariano Molina García, José I. Alonso
Theoretical Analysis and Performance Simulation of In-Band LTE Mobile Relays in Railway Environments. 725-730 - Ahsan Adeel, Hadi Larijani, Ali Ahmadinia:
Performance Analysis of Artificial Neural Network-Based Learning Schemes for Cognitive Radio Systems in LTE-UL. 731-736 - Oussama Ghorbel
, Mohamed Abid, Hichem Snoussi:
Kernel Principal Subspace Based Outlier Detection Method in Wireless Sensor Networks. 737-742
The Forth International Workshop on Protocols and Applications with Multi-homing Support (PAMS 2014)
Session PAMS-1: General Challenges and Mechanisms Impact of Path Selection and Scheduling Policies on MPTCP Performance743
- Behnaz Arzani, Alexander J. T. Gurney, Shuotian Cheng, Roch Guérin, Boon Thau Loo
Impact of Path Characteristics and Scheduling Policies on MPTCP Performance. 743-748 - Fan Yang, Qi Wang, Paul D. Amer:
Out-of-Order Transmission for In-Order Arrival Scheduling for Multipath TCP. 749-752 - Simone Ferlin Oliveira
, Thomas Dreibholz
, Ozgu Alay, Amund Kvalbein:
Measuring the QoS Characteristics of Operational 3G Mobile Broadband Networks. 753-758
Session PAMS-2: Use-Case-Specific Mechanisms
- Ralf Globisch, Yago Sánchez de la Fuente, Thomas Schierl, Keith L. Ferguson, Thomas Wiegand:
Retransmission Timeout Estimation for Low-Delay Applications Using Multipath RTP. 759-764 - Hakim Adhari, Sebastian Werner, Thomas Dreibholz
, Erwin Paul Rathgeb:
LEDBAT-MP - On the Application of "Lower-than-Best-Effort" for Concurrent Multipath Transfer. 765-771 - Karl-Johan Grinnemo, Anna Brunström, Jun Cheng:
Using Concurrent Multipath Transfer to Improve the SCTP Startup Behavior for PSTN Signaling Traffic. 772-778
International Workshop on Pervasive Internet of Things and Smart Cities (PITSaC 2014)
(PITSaC 2014) Session PITSaC-1: Big Data - Understanding the City
- Maria Fazio
, Antonio Celesti
, Massimo Villari
, Antonio Puliafito:
The Need of a Hybrid Storage Approach for IoT in PaaS Cloud Federation. 779-784 - Antonio J. Jara
, Dominique Genoud, Yann Bocchi:
Big Data in Smart Cities: From Poisson to Human Dynamics. 785-790 - María Victoria Moreno Cano
, José Luis Hernández Ramos
, Antonio F. Skarmeta
A New Location-Aware Authorization Mechanism for Indoor Environments. 791-796 - Sébastien Ziegler, Cedric Crettaz
, Ian Thomas:
IPv6 as a Global Addressing Scheme and Integrator for the Internet of Things and the Cloud. 797-802
Session PITSaC-2: Smart Cities - Real Deployments and Augmented Reality
- Boris Pokric, Srdjan Krco, Maja Pokric:
Augmented Reality Based Smart City Services Using Secure IoT Infrastructure. 803-808 - Vittorio Miori, Dario Russo
Domotic Evolution towards the IoT. 809-814 - María Victoria Moreno Cano
, José Luis Hernández Ramos
, Antonio F. Skarmeta
, Michele Nati
, Nick Palaghias, Alexander Gluhak, Rob Van Kranenburg:
A Framework for Citizen Participation in the Internet of Things. 815-820 - Tomás Robles, Ramón Alcarria
, Diego Martín de Andrés
, Augusto Morales Dominguez, Mariano Navarro de la Cruz, Rodrigo Calero, Sofía Iglesias, Manuel López:
An Internet of Things-Based Model for Smart Water Management. 821-826 - Ronan Dutra Mendonça
, Thais R. M. Braga Silva, Fabrício A. Silva, Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro:
Dynamic Bandwidth Distribution for Entertainment Vehicular Networks Applications. 827-832
The Eighth International Symposuim on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment (SMPE 2014)
(SMPE 2014) Session SMPE-1: Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment
- Mark-John Burke, Anne V. D. M. Kayem:
K-Anonymity for Privacy Preserving Crime Data Publishing in Resource Constrained Environments. 833-840 - Mahdi Aiash, Glenford E. Mapp, Aboubaker Lasebae, Jonathan Loo
A Secure Framework for Communications in Heterogeneous Networks. 841-846 - Erez Gilady, Dale Lindskog, Shaun Aghili:
Intent Biometrics: An Enhanced Form of Multimodal Biometric Systems. 847-851 - Julian L. Rrushi:
A Steganographic Approach to Localizing Botmasters. 852-859 - Xin Hong, Chunming Rong
Multiple Data Integration Service. 860-865
Session SMPE-2: Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment
- Chia-Mei Chen, Peng-Yu Yang, Ya-Hui Ou, Han-Wei Hsiao:
Targeted Attack Prevention at Early Stage. 866-870 - Sarah Abughazalah, Konstantinos Markantonakis, Keith Mayes:
Enhancing the Key Distribution Model in the RFID-Enabled Supply Chains. 871-878 - S. M. Kamruzzaman
, Abdullah S. Alghamdi:
A Resource Reservation Scheme in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks for C4I Systems. 879-886 - Heung Ki Lee, Kyung Jin Ahn, Jaehee Jung, Gangman Yi:
Performance Optimization by Simplification of Relationship in Scalable Layer Stream. 887-894 - Hwa-Young Jeong
, Jong Hyuk Park, Jae Dong Lee:
The Cloud Storage Model for Manufacturing System in Global Factory Automation. 895-899
The Eighth International Workshop on Telecommunication Networking, Applications and Systems (TeNAS 2014)
Applications and Systems (TeNAS 2014) Network Technologies and Big Data
- Shahadate Rezvy, Shahedur Rahman, Aboubaker Lasebae, Jonathan Loo
Instant Channel Allocation Technique to Improve System Throughput in Joint LTE Cellular Network. 900-904 - Rubem Pereira, Ella Grishikashvili Pereira
Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP and Progressive Download: Comparative Considerations. 905-909 - Wun-Yuan Huang, Ta-Yuan Chou, Jen-Wei Hu
, Te-Lung Liu:
Automatical End to End Topology Discovery and Flow Viewer on SDN. 910-915 - William Hurst
, Madjid Merabti, Paul Fergus
Big Data Analysis Techniques for Cyber-threat Detection in Critical Infrastructures. 916-921 - Chelsea Dobbins
, Madjid Merabti, Paul Fergus
, David Llewellyn-Jones:
The Big Data Obstacle of Lifelogging. 922-926
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