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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 24
Volume 24, Number 1, January 1994
- Jian-Bo Yang, Madan G. Singh:
An Evidential Reasoning Approach for Multiple-Attribute Decision Making with Uncertainty. 1-18 - Randy E. Ellis, S. Laurie Ricker:
Two Numerical Issues in Simulating Constrained Robot Dynamics. 19-27 - Ted Hesselroth, Kakali Sarkar, P. Patrick van der Smagt
, Klaus Schulten:
Neural Network Control of a Pneumatic Robot Arm. 28-38 - Daihee Park, Abraham Kandel, Gideon Langholz:
Genetic-Based New Fuzzy Reasoning Models with Application to Fuzzy Control. 39-47 - Sofjan H. Nasution:
Fuzzy Critical Path Method. 48-57 - Yilin Zhao, Chinya V. Ravishankar
, Spencer L. BeMent:
Coping with Limited On-Board Memory and Communication Bandwidth in Mobile-Robot Systems. 58-72 - J. Craig Potts, Terri D. Giddens, Surya B. Yadav:
The Development and Evaluation of an Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on Migration and Artificial Selection. 73-86 - Yuan Yan Tang, Ching Y. Suen:
RPCT Algorithm and its VLSI Implementation. 87-99 - C. M. Khoong, Y. W. Ku:
A Holistic Feasibility Study Framework for Decision Systems. 100-106 - Prabir Bhattacharya, N. P. Mukherjee:
On the Representation of Uncertain Information by Multidimensional Arrays. 107-111 - R. L. Brown:
The Fringe Distance Measure: An Easily Calculated Image Distance Measure with Recognition Results Comparable to Gaussian Blurring. 111-115 - Nirupam Sarkar, B. B. Chaudhuri:
An Efficient Differential Box-Counting Approach to Compute Fractal Dimension of Image. 115-120 - Arthur J. Grunwald, Silvia Kohn:
Visual Field Information in Low-Altitude Visual Flight by Line-of-Sight Slaved Helmet-Mounted Displays. 120-134 - Kevin Tate, Ze-Nian Li:
Depth Map Construction from Range-Guided Multiresolution Stereo Matching. 134-144 - Ze-Nian Li:
Stereo Correspondence Based on Line Matching in Hough Space Using Dynamic Programming. 144-152 - Alastair D. McAulay, Jae Chan Oh
Improving Learning of Genetic Rule-Based Classifier Systems. 152-159 - Kevin M. Passino, Panos J. Antsaklis:
A Metric Space Approach to the Specification of the Heuristic Function for the A* Algorithm. 159-166 - P. Sarat Chandran, K. Matsuoka:
A Comment on Noise Injection into Inputs in Backpropagation. 167
Volume 24, Number 2, February 1994
- Apurba Banerjee, Arun Kumar Majumder, Anupam Basu:
A Knowledge Based System Using Multiple Expert Modules for Monitoring Leprosy - An Endemic Disease. 173-186 - Clyde Chittister, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Assessment and Management of Software Technical Risk. 187-202 - Sunderesh S. Heragu
Group Technology and Cellular Manufacturing. 203-215 - Stacy D. Hill, James C. Spall:
Sensitivity of a Bayesian Analysis to the Prior Distribution. 216-221 - Stephen H. Levine, John G. Kreifeldt, Ming-Chuen Chuang:
Point Pattern Representation Using Imprecise, Incomplete, Nonmetric Information. 222-233 - Todd K. Moon, Scott E. Budge
, Wynn C. Stirling, Jeff B. Thompson:
Epistemic Decision Theory Applied to Multiple-Target Tracking. 234-245 - Sudeep Sarkar
, Kim L. Boyer:
A Computational Structure for Preattentive Perceptual Organization: Graphical Enumeration and Voting Methods. 246-267 - Bradley S. Stewart, Ching-Fang Liaw, Chelsea C. White III:
A Bibliography of Heuristic Search Research Through 1992. 268-293 - Keiichi Abe, Fuyuki Mizutani, Caihua Wang:
Thinning of Gray-Scale Images with Combined Sequential and Parallel Conditions for Pixel Removal. 294-299 - Kuo-Chun Lee, Yoshiyasu Takefuji:
Finding Knight's Tours on an M×N Chessboard with O(MN) Hysteresis McCulloch-Pitts Neurons. 300-306 - Scott McMillan, P. Sadayappan, David E. Orin:
Efficient Dynamic Simulation of Multiple Manipulator Systems with Singular Configurations. 306-313 - Todd K. Moon, Scott E. Budge
Classification Using Set-Valued Kalman Filtering and Levi's Decision Theory. 313-319 - Nageswara S. V. Rao
, E. M. Oblow, Charles W. Glover, Gunar E. Liepins:
N-Learners Problem: Fusion of Concepts. 319-327 - Aaron Shenhar:
Systems Engineering Management: A Framework for the Development of a Multidisciplinary Discipline. 327-332 - Thomas A. Sudkamp, Robert J. Hammell II:
Interpolation, Completion, and Learning Fuzzy Rules. 332-342 - Mark Uebel, Michael Ali, Ioannis Minis:
The Effect of Bandwidth on Telerobot System Performance. 342-348 - Jack R. Zgierski, B. John Oommen
SEATER: An Object-Oriented Simulation Environment Using Learning Automata for Telephone Traffic Routing. 349-356 - Albert Y. Zomaya
Reinforcement Learning for the Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems. 357-363
Volume 24, Number 3, March 1994
- V. V. Vinod, Santanu Chaudhury, J. Mukherjee, Sujoy Ghose:
A connectionist approach for clustering with applications in image analysis. 365-384 - Sushmita Mitra
, Sankar K. Pal:
Self-organizing neural network as a fuzzy classifier. 385-399 - George A. Rovithakis, Manolis A. Christodoulou:
Adaptive control of unknown plants using dynamical neural networks. 400-412 - Jayanta Basak, Bhabatosh Chanda, D. Dutta Majumder:
On edge and line linking with connectionist models. 413-428 - Manfred Joswig:
Knowledge-based seismogram processing by mental images. 429-439 - Corey Kosak, Joe Marks, Stuart M. Shieber:
Automating the layout of network diagrams with specified visual organization. 440-454 - Robert L. Stevenson, Barbara E. Schmitz, Edward J. Delp
Discontinuity preserving regularization of inverse visual problems. 455-469 - Advait M. Mogre
, Robert W. McLaren, James M. Keller, Raghu Krishnapuram:
Uncertainty management for rule-based systems with applications to image analysis. 470-481 - K. Ramamurthi, C. L. Hough Jr.:
A hybrid approach for robust diagnostics of cutting tools. 482-492 - Sukhan Lee:
Subassembly identification and evaluation for assembly planning. 493-503 - J. C. Barker, Tony R. Martinez:
Proof of correctness for ASOCS AA3 networks. 503-510 - Belur V. Dasarathy:
Minimal consistent set (MCS) identification for optimal nearest neighbor decision systems design. 511-517 - Cheol Chang, Myung Jin Chung, Bum Hee Lee:
Collision avoidance of two general robot manipulators by minimum delay time. 517-522 - James K. Mills:
Robotic manipulator control of generalized contact force and position. 523-531 - Prakash Chandra Mali, D. Dutta Majumder:
An analytical comparative study of a class of discrete linear basis transforms. 531-535
Volume 24, Number 4, April 1994
- Peter A. Todd, Izak Benbasat:
The influence of decision aids on choice strategies under conditions of high cognitive load. 537-547 - Hiroshi Narazaki, I. Burhan Türksen:
An integrated approach for syllogistic reasoning and knowledge consistency level maintenance. 548-563 - Christian Ausfelder, Emmanuel Castelain, Jean-Claude Gentina:
A method for hierarchical modeling of the command of flexible manufacturing systems. 564-573 - Noemi M. Paz, William Leigh, Ralph V. Rogers:
The development of knowledge for maintenance management using simulation. 574-593 - S. C. Lee:
Sensor value validation based on systematic exploration of the sensor redundancy for fault diagnosis KBS. 594-605 - William B. Levy, Hakan Deliç:
Maximum entropy aggregation of individual opinions. 606-613 - Ching Y. Suen, J. Guo, Zi-Cai Li:
Analysis and recognition of alphanumeric handprints by parts. 614-631 - Ronald R. Mohler, Kwon Soon Lee, Alexander L. Asachenkov, Gurij Ivanovich Marchuk:
A systems approach to immunology and cancer. 632-642 - Sunro Lee, Robert M. O'Keefe:
Developing a strategy for expert system verification and validation. 643-655 - M. Srinivas, Lalit M. Patnaik:
Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms. 656-667 - Dennis E. Shasha, Jason Tsong-Li Wang, Kaizhong Zhang, Frank Y. Shih:
Exact and approximate algorithms for unordered tree matching. 668-678 - Percy P. C. Yip, Yoh-Han Pao:
A recurrent neural net approach to one-step ahead control problems. 678-683 - Griff L. Bilbro:
Fast stochastic global optimization. 684-689 - Morris Driels, Philip Beierl:
A finite memory model for haptic teleoperation. 690-698 - Manabu Ichino, Hiroyuki Yaguchi:
Generalized Minkowski metrics for mixed feature-type data analysis. 698-708
Volume 24, Number 5, May 1994
- Nageswara S. V. Rao
, E. M. Oblow:
Majority and Location Based Fusers for Systems of PAC Concept Learners. 713-727 - Jun Gu, Xiaofei Huang:
Efficient Local Search With Search Space Smoothing: A Case Study of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). 728-735 - Ying-Chin Lee, Chyi Hwang, Yen-Ping Shih:
A Combined Approach to Fuzzy Model Identification. 736-744 - Suchendra M. Bhandarkar:
A Fuzzy Probabilistic Model for the Generalized Hough Transform. 745-759 - Robert N. Sharpe, Mo-Yuen Chow, Steve Briggs, Larry Windingland:
A Methodology Using Fuzzy Logic to Optimize Feedforward Artificial Neural Network Configurations. 760-768 - P. S. Sastry, Vijay V. Phansalkar, M. A. L. Thathachar:
Decentralized Learning of Nash Equilibria in Multi-Person Stochastic Games With Incomplete Information. 769-777 - Tao Wang, Xinhua Zhuang, Xiaoliang Xing:
Designing Bidirectional Associative Memories with Optimal Stability. 778-790 - Chi Sing Leung
Optimum Learning for Bidirectional Associative Memory in the Sense of Capacity. 791-796 - Gerard F. McLean, B. Prescott, R. Podhorodeski:
Teleoperated System Performance Evaluation. 796-804 - Subhash C. Narula, Leonid Kirilov, Vassil Vassilev:
Reference Direction Approach for Solving Multiple Objective Nonlinear Programming Problems. 804-806 - Mohammad S. Obaidat
, D. T. Macchairolo:
A Multilayer Neural Network System for Computer Access Security. 806-813 - Masaru Ohki, Hiroshi Shinjo, Eiji Oohira, Masahiro Abe:
Design Support to Determine the Range of Design Parameters by Qualitative Reasoning. 813-819 - Kwanghoon Sohn, Winser E. Alexander, Jung H. Kim, Wesley E. Snyder:
A Constrained Regularization Approach to Robust Corner Detection. 820-828 - Cheng Hsu, Lester A. Gerhardt, David Spooner, Alan Rubenstein:
Adaptive Integrated Manufacturing Enterprises: Information Technology for the Next Decade. 828-837
Volume 24, Number 6, June 1994
- Piero P. Bonissone
, Soumitra Dutta, Nancy C. Wood:
Merging Strategic and Tactical Planning in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments. 841-862 - Avelino J. Gonzalez, Lorie Ramos Ingraham:
Automated Exercise Progression in Simulation-Based Training. 863-874 - Mohammad B. Menhaj
, Martin T. Hagan:
Analysis of Delays in Networked Flight Simulators. 875-881 - Koichi Hori:
A System for Aiding Creative Concept Formation. 882-894 - Stephen H. Levine, John G. Kreifeldt:
Uniquely Representing Point Patterns with Minimal Information. 895-900 - Stephen T. C. Wong:
An Open System Knowledge Framework and its Bridge Evaluation Application. 901-917 - Antonio Di Nola, Salvatore Sessa, Witold Pedrycz:
Fuzzy Information in Knowledge Representation and Processing for Frame-Based Structures. 918-925 - Mieke Donk, Carmen Hagemeister:
Visual Instrument Monitoring as Affected by Simultaneous Self-Paced Card Sorting. 926-931 - John V. Draper:
Hand Acceleration Impulse Bandwidth During Target Acquisition: Implications for Teleoperator Bandwidth Requirements. 931-936 - Robert G. Fenton, Fengfeng Xi:
Computational Analysis of Robot Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control using the Algebra of Rotations. 936-942 - Andreas Held, Keiichi Abe, Carlo Arcelli:
Towards a Hierarchical Contour Description via Dominant Point Detection. 942-949
Volume 24, Number 7, July 1994
- Michael P. Beddoes, Zhongzhi Hu:
A Chord Stenograph Keyboard: A Possible Solution to the Learning Problem in Stenography. 953-960 - Michael M. Bridges, Darren M. Dawson, Zhihua Qu, Scott C. Martindale:
Robust Control of Rigid-Link Flexible-Joint Robots with Redundant Joint Actuators. 961-970 - Elias B. Kosmatopoulos, Manolis A. Christodoulou:
Filtering, Prediction, and Learning Properties of ECE Neural Networks. 971-981 - Scott McMillan, P. Sadayappan, David E. Orin:
Parallel Dynamic Simulation of Multiple Manipulator Systems: Temporal Versus Spatial Methods. 982-990 - Weiying Cheng, John Ting-Yung Wen:
A Two-Time-Scale Neural Controller for the Tracking Control of Rigid Manipulators. 991-1000 - Deba Prasad Mandal, C. A. Murthy, Sankar K. Pal:
Theoretical Performance of a Multivalued Recognition System. 1001-1021 - Fengfeng Xi, Robert G. Fenton:
Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Link Manipulators Using the Algebra of Rotations. 1022-1034 - Ronald R. Yager, Dimitar P. Filev, Tom Sadeghi:
Analysis of Flexible Structured Fuzzy Logic Controllers. 1035-1043 - Jen-Yu Shieh, Hanqi Zhuang, Raghavan Sudhakar:
Motion Estimation from a Sequence of Stereo Images: A Direct Method. 1044-1053 - Bernard C. Y. Tan, Krishnamurthy S. Raman, Kwok-Kee Wei:
An Empirical Study of the Task Dimension of Group Support System. 1054-1060 - M. Shashi, K. Raju, P. S. Avadhani:
Reasoning with Fuzzy Censors. 1061-1064 - Chi-Haur Wu, Myong Gi Kim:
Modeling of Part-Mating Strategies for Automating Assembly Operations for Robots. 1065-1074 - Raymond W. Yeung:
On Noiseless Diagnosis. 1074-1082 - Qichao Yin, Yuan F. Zheng:
Performance Analysis of Token Bus LAN in Coordinating Multiple Robots. 1082-1088
Volume 24, Number 8, August 1994
- David J. Cannon:
Experiments With a Target-Threshold Control Theory Model for Deriving Fitts' Law Parameters for Human-Machine Systems. 1089-1098 - Vadim P. Kirillov:
Constructive Stochastic Temporal Reasoning in Situation Assessment. 1099-1113 - LiMin Fu:
Rule Generation from Neural Networks. 1114-1124 - Daniel Raviv, Martin Herman:
A Unified Approach to Camera Fixation and Vision-Based Road Following. 1125-1141 - K. KrishnaKumar, Samir Sawhney, Ricky K. C. Wai:
Neuro-Controllers for Adaptive Helicopter Hover Training. 1142-1152 - Yoshiteru Nakamori, Mina Ryoke:
Identification of Fuzzy Prediction Models Through Hyperellipsoidal Clustering. 1153-1173 - Christian Olivier:
Optimal State Space Partitioning. 1174-1190 - Peter W. Pachowicz:
Semi-Autonomous Evolution of Object Models for Adaptive Object Recognition. 1191-1207 - James C. Moore, H. Raghav Rao, Andrew B. Whinston:
Multi-Agent Resource Allocation: An Incomplete Information Perspective. 1208-1219 - Madjid S. Mousavi, Robert J. Schalkoff:
ANN Implementation of Stereo Vision Using a Multi-Layer Feedback Architecture. 1220-1238 - Jadran Lenarcic, Andreja Umek:
Simple Model of Human Arm Reachable Workspace. 1239-1246 - Rajendra S. Yavatkar, Prashant Pai, Raphael A. Finkel:
A Reservation-Based CSMA Protocol for Integrated Manufacturing Networks. 1247-1258 - Yael Edan
, Gaines E. Miles:
Systems Engineering of Agricultural Robot Design. 1259-1265 - K. H. Kyung, B. H. Lee, M. S. Ko:
Acceleration Based Learning Control of Robotic Manipulators Using a Multi-Layered Neural Network. 1265-1272 - Mitsuhiro Tateda, Hiroshi Naruse, Atsushi Ide, Atsushi Nobiki:
Integration of Overlapping Maps Made by Stereo Vision Using View Field Information. 1273-1279 - Ronald R. Yager, Dimitar P. Filev:
Approximate Clustering Via the Mountain Method. 1279-1284 - Hanqi Zhuang, Zhihua Qu:
A New Identification Jacobian for Robotic Hand/Eye Calibration. 1284-1287
Volume 24, Number 9, September 1994
- Kei Fukuyama, D. Marc Kilgour, Keith W. Hipel:
Systematic Policy Development to Ensure Compliance to Environmental Regulations. 1289-1305 - Om P. Agrawal, Yangsheng Xu:
On the Global Optimum Path Planning for Redundant Space Manipulators. 1306-1316 - John H. Gossett, Bradley D. Clymer, Hooshang Hemami:
Long and Short Delay Feedback on One-Link Nonlinear Forearm with Coactivation. 1317-1327 - Yaron C. Hecker, Ruud M. Bolle:
On Geometric Hashing and the Generalized Hough Transform. 1328-1338 - Ryojun Ikeura, Hikaru Inooka:
Manual Control Approach to the Teaching of a Robot Task. 1339-1346 - Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Yun-Sun Kang:
A Student Model of Katakana Reading Proficiency for a Japanese Language Intelligent Tutoring System. 1347-1357 - S. Ramaswamy, Kimon P. Valavanis:
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Failures in a Materials Handling System with Extended Petri Nets. 1358-1373 - Yulin Yao:
A Petri Net Model for Temporal Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. 1374-1382 - Percy P. C. Yip, Yoh-Han Pao:
A Guided Evolutionary Simulated Annealing Approach to the Quadratic Assignment Problem. 1383-1386 - Brian A. Telfer
, David P. Casasent:
Fast Method for Updating Robust Pseudoinverse and Ho-Kashyap Associative Processors. 1387-1390 - Kuo-Chin Fan, Po-Chang Lui:
Solving Find Path Problem in Mapped Environments Using Modified A* Algorithm. 1390-1396 - Jing-Yue Lin, Dan Ionescu:
A Reachability Synthesis Procedure for Discrete Event Systems in a Temporal Logic Framework. 1397-1406 - Mansooreh Mollaghasemi, Gerald W. Evans:
Multicriteria Design of Manufacturing Systems Through Simulation Optimization. 1407-1411 - Jiah-Shing Chen, Sargur N. Srihari:
Generalized Half-Split Search for Model-Based Diagnosis. 1412-1416 - Debasis Chaudhuri
, C. A. Murthy, B. B. Chaudhuri:
Finding a Subset of Representative Points in a Data Set. 1416-1424
Volume 24, Number 10, October 1994
- Craig W. Kirkwood:
Implementing an Algorithm to Solve Large Sequential Decision Analysis Models. 1425-1432 - Paul A. Fishwick, N. Hari Narayanan, Jon Sticklen, Andrea Bonarini:
A Multimodel Approach to Reasoning and Simulation. 1433-1449 - Giampiero E. G. Beroggi, William A. Wallace:
Operational Risk Management: A New Paradigm for Decision Making. 1450-1457 - Jian-Bo Yang, Pratyush Sen:
A General Multi-Level Evaluation Process for Hybrid MADM With Uncertainty. 1458-1473 - Luca Ferrarini
On the Reachability and Reversibility Problems in a Class of Petri Nets. 1474-1482 - Denis Gracanin
, Padmini Srinivasan, Kimon P. Valavanis:
Parameterized Petri Nets and Their Application to Planning and Coordination in Intelligent Systems. 1483-1497 - Devendra Kumar, Saad Harous
Distributed Simulation of Timed Petri Nets: Basic Problems and their Resolution. 1498-1510 - Nicholas E. Longinow:
Predicting Pilot Look-Angle with a Radial Basis Function Network. 1511-1518 - Dimitris A. Pados, P. Papantoni-Kazakos, Demetrios Kazakos, Achilles G. Koyiantis:
On-Line Threshold Learning for Neyman-Pearson Distributed Detection. 1519-1531 - Keith C. C. Chan
, Andrew K. C. Wong, David K. Y. Chiu:
Learning Sequential Patterns for Probabilistic Inductive Prediction. 1532-1547 - Clarence W. de Silva:
A Criterion for Knowledge Base Decoupling in Fuzzy-Logic Control Systems. 1548-1552 - Jian Guan, James H. Graham:
Diagnostic Reasoning With Fault Propagation Digraph and Sequential Testing. 1552-1558 - Zong-Ben Xu, Yee Leung, Xiang-Wei He:
Asymmetric Bidirectional Associative Memories. 1558-1564 - Willem H. Steyn
Fuzzy Control for a Non-Linear MIMO Plant Subject to Control Constraints. 1565-1571 - S. J. Wan:
Cone Algorithm: An Extension of the Perceptron Algorithm. 1571-1576
Volume 24, Number 11, November 1994
- Gregory M. Provan
Tradeoffs in Knowledge-Based Construction of Probabilistic Models. 1580-1592 - Ann E. Nicholson
, J. Michael Brady:
Dynamic Belief Networks for Discrete Monitoring. 1593-1610 - Alessandro Saffiotti
, Elisabeth Umkehrer:
Inference-Driven Construction of Valuation Systems from First-Order Clauses. 1611-1624 - John W. Egar, Mark A. Musen
Graph-Grammar Assistance for Automated Generation of Influence Diagrams. 1625-1642 - Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Paul E. Lehner:
Metareasoning and the Problem of Small Worlds. 1643-1652 - Kim Leng Poh, Michael R. Fehling, Eric Joel Horvitz:
Dynamic Construction and Refinement of Utility-Based Categorization Models. 1653-1663
Volume 24, Number 12, December 1994
- Hung T. Nguyen, Elbert A. Walker:
A History and Introduction to the Algebra of Conditional Events and Probability Logic. 1671-1675 - Philip G. Calabrese:
A Theory of Conditional Information with Applications. 1676-1684 - I. R. Goodman:
Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Linguistic and Probabilistic Evidence: Two New Approaches to Conditional Event Algebra. 1685-1698 - Elbert A. Walker:
Stone Algebras, Conditional Events, and Three Valued Logic. 1699-1707 - Ernest W. Adams:
Updating on Conditional Information. 1708-1713 - Donald Bamber:
Probabilistic Entailment of Conditionals by Conditionals. 1714-1723 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Conditional Objects as Nonmonotonic Consequence Relationships. 1724-1740 - Angelo Gilio, Romano Scozzafava:
Conditional Events in Probability Assessment and Revision. 1741-1746 - Giulianella Coletti
Coherent Numerical and Ordinal Probabilistic Assessments. 1747-1754 - Marcus Spies:
Conditional Events, Conditioning, and Random Sets. 1755-1763 - Bruno Barigelli:
Data Exploration and Conditional Probability. 1764-1766
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