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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 1991
- Ikuo Nakata, Masataka Sassa:
Programming with Streams in a Pascal-Like Language. 1-9 - L. Beth Protsko, Paul G. Sorenson, J. Paul Tremblay, Douglas A. Schaefer:
Towards the Automatic Generation of Software Diagrams. 10-21 - Nick Roussopoulos, Leo Mark, Timos K. Sellis
, Christos Faloutsos
An Architecture for High Performance Engineering Information Systems. 22-33 - Ben A. Blake, Karsten Schwan:
Experimental Evaluation of a Real-Time Scheduler for a Multiprocessor System. 34-44 - Kuo-Chung Tai, Richard H. Carver, Evelyn E. Obaid:
Debugging Concurrent Ada Programs by Deterministic Execution. 45-63 - Norman C. Hutchinson, Larry L. Peterson:
The x-Kernel: An Architecture for Implementing Network Protocols. 64-76 - Timos K. Sellis
, Leonard D. Shapiro:
Query Optimization for Nontraditional Database Applications. 77-86 - Xiaodong Zhang:
Performance Measurement and Modeling to Evaluate Various Effects on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor. 87-93 - Mark Moriconi, Timothy C. Winkler:
Correction to "Approximate Reasoning About the Semantic Effects of Program Changes". 94
Volume 17, Number 2, February 1991
- Sadatoshi Kumagai, Tadao Murata, Shojiro Nishio:
Guest Editors' Introduction Special Section on Petri Net Performance Models. 97-98 - Gerard Florin, Stéphane Natkin:
Generalization of Queueing Network Product Form Solutions to Stochastic Petri Nets. 99-107 - William Henderson, Peter G. Taylor
Embedded Processes in Stochastic Petri Nets. 108-116 - Javier Campos
, Giovanni Chiola, Manuel Silva Suárez:
Ergodicity and Throughput Bounds of Petri Nets with Unique Consistent Firing Count Vector. 117-125 - Itsuo Hatono, Keiichi Yamagata, Hiroyuki Tamura:
Modeling and On-Line Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Stochastic Petri Nets. 126-132 - Jason Gait:
Stability, Availability and Response in Network File Service. 133-140 - Richard W. Selby, Victor R. Basili:
Analyzing Error-Prone System Structure. 141-152 - James M. Purtilo, Pankaj Jalote:
An Environment for Developing Fault-Tolerant Software. 153-159 - Carlo Ghezzi, Dino Mandrioli, Sandro Morasca
, Mauro Pezzè
A Unified High-Level Petri Net Formalism for Time-Critical Systems. 160-172 - Timothy J. Shimeall, Nancy G. Leveson:
An Empirical Comparison of Software Fault Tolerance and Fault Elimination. 173-182 - Naftaly H. Minsky:
The Imposition of Protocols Over Open Distributed Systems. 183-195 - Watts S. Humphrey, Nozer D. Singpurwalla:
Predicting (Individual) Software Productivity. 196-207
Volume 17, Number 3, March 1991
- Alan M. Davis, Peter Freeman:
Guest Editors' Introduction Requirements Engineering. 210-211 - Pamela Zave:
An Insider's Evaluation of PAISLey. 212-225 - Howard B. Reubenstein, Richard C. Waters:
The Requirements Apprentice: Automated Assistance for Requirements Acquisition. 226-240 - Matthew S. Jaffe, Nancy G. Leveson, Mats Per Erik Heimdahl, Bonnie E. Melhart:
Software Requirements Analysis for Real-Time Process-Control Systems. 241-258 - Bernard Berthomieu, Michel Diaz:
Modeling and Verification of Time Dependent Systems Using Time Petri Nets. 259-273 - Farhad S. Etessami, Gurdeep S. Hura:
Rule-Based Design Methodology for Solving Control Problems. 274-282 - Dewayne E. Perry, Gail E. Kaiser:
Models of Software Development Environments. 283-295 - Ghassan Z. Qadah, Lawrence J. Henschen, Jung J. Kim:
Efficient Algorithms for the Instantiated Transitive Closure Queries. 296-309 - Fevzi Belli, Piotr Jedrzejowicz:
An Approach to the Reliability Optimization of Software with Redundancy. 310-312
Volume 17, Number 4, April 1991
- Nozer D. Singpurwalla:
Determining an Optimal Time Interval for Testing and Debugging Software. 313-319 - Waleed A. Muhanna:
Composite Programs: Hierarchical Construction, Circularity, and Deadlocks. 320-333 - Karama Kanoun, Marta Rettelbusch de Bastos Martini, Jorge Moreira de Souza:
A Method for Software Reliability Analysis and Prediction Application to the TROPICO-R Switching System. 334-344 - Fatemeh Zahedi, Noushin Ashrafi:
Software Reliability Allocation Based on Structure, Utility, Price, and Cost. 345-356 - Alessandro Braccini, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Enrico Vicario
Interprocess Communication Dependency on Network Load. 357-369 - Jean-Claude Laprie, Karama Kanoun, Christian Béounes, Mohamed Kaâniche:
The KAT (Knowledge-Action-Transformation) Approach to the Modeling and Evaluation of Reliability and Availability Growth. 370-382 - Richard A. DeMillo, Richard J. Lipton:
Defining Software by Continuous, Smooth Functions. 383-384
Volume 17, Number 5, May 1991
- Alexander Thomasian, In Kyung Ryu:
Performance Analysis of Two-Phase Locking. 386-402 - Edward W. Krauser, Aditya P. Mathur, Vernon Rego:
High Performance Software Testing on SIMD Machines. 403-423 - Douglas E. Harms, Bruce W. Weide:
Copying and Swapping: Influences on the Design of Reusable Software Components. 424-435 - Boyan Dimitrov, Zohel Khalil, Nikolay Kolev
, Peter Petrov:
On the Optimal Total Processing Time Using Checkpoints. 436-442 - Dipak Ghosal, Giuseppe Serazzi, Satish K. Tripathi:
The Processor Working Set and Its Use in Scheduling Multiprocessor Systems. 443-453 - Martin D. Fraser, Kuldeep Kumar, Vijay K. Vaishnavi:
Informal and Formal Requirements Specification Languages: Bridging the Gap. 454-466 - Udo Hahn, Matthias Jarke, Thomas Rose:
Teamwork Support in a Knowledge-Based Information Systems Environment. 467-482 - Yoshihiro Tohma, Hisashi Yamano, Morio Ohba, Raymond Jacoby:
The Estimation of Parameters of the Hypergeometric Distribution and Its Application to the Software Reliability Growth Model. 483-489
Volume 17, Number 6, June 1991
- Yoheved Dotan, Benjamin Arazi
Using Flat Concurrent Prolog in System Modeling. 493-512 - Fevzi Belli, Karl-Erwin Großpietsch:
Specification of Fault-Tolerant System Issues by Predicate/Transition Nets and Regular Expressions-Approach and Case Study. 513-526 - Stanley Lee, Suzanne Sluizer:
An Executable Language For Modeling Simple Behavior. 527-543 - Pai-Cheng Chu:
A Contingency Approach to Estimating Record Selectivities. 544-552 - Roy S. Freedman
Testability of Software Components. 553-564 - Allen S. Parrish, Stuart H. Zweben:
Analysis and Refinement of Software Test Data Adequacy Properties. 656-581 - Michiel van Genuchten:
Why is Software Late? An Empirical Study of Reasons For Delay in Software Development. 582-590 - Susumu Fujiwara, Gregor von Bochmann, Ferhat Khendek
, Mokhtar Amalou, Abderrazak Ghedamsi:
Test Selection Based on Finite State Models. 591-603 - Cheng Hsu, M'hamed Bouziane, Laurie Rattner, Lester Yee:
Information Resources Management in Heterogeneous, Distributed Environments: A Metadatabase Approach. 604-625 - John R. Callahan, James M. Purtilo:
A Packaging System For Heterogeneous Execution Environments. 626-635 - John C. Cherniavsky, Carl H. Smith:
On Weyuker's Axioms For Software Complexity Measures. 636-638
Volume 17, Number 7, July 1991
- John F. Beetem, Anne F. Beetem:
Incremental Scanning and Parsing With Galaxy. 641-651 - Zbigniew M. Wójcik, Barbara E. Wójcik:
Rough Grammar For Efficient and Fault-Tolerant Computing on a Distributed System. 652-668 - Terry Shepard, J. A. Martin Gagné:
A Pre-Run-Time Scheduling Algorithm For Hard Real-Time Systems. 669-677 - Witold Litwin, Nick Roussopoulos, Gérald Lévy, Wang Hong:
Trie Hashing With Controlled Load. 678-691 - Dave E. Eckhardt, Alper K. Caglayan, John C. Knight, Larry D. Lee, David F. McAllister, Mladen A. Vouk, John P. J. Kelly:
An Experimental Evaluation of Software Redundancy as a Strategy For Improving Reliability. 692-702 - Elaine J. Weyuker, Bingchiang Jeng:
Analyzing Partition Testing Strategies. 703-711 - Ugur Halici
, Asuman Dogac
An Optimistic Locking Technique For Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases. 712-724 - Thomas Kunz:
The Influence of Different Workload Descriptions on a Heuristic Load Balancing Scheme. 725-730 - Subhada K. Mishra, Vijay V. Raghavan, Nian-Feng Tzeng:
Efficient Algorithms For Selection of Recovery Points in Tree Task Models. 731-734
Volume 17, Number 8, August 1991
- Alexander D. Stoyenko, V. Carl Hamacher, Richard C. Holt:
Analyzing Hard-Real-Time Programs For Guaranteed Schedulability. 737-750 - Keith Brian Gallagher
, James R. Lyle:
Using Program Slicing in Software Maintenance. 751-761 - Timo Niemi, Kalervo Järvelin:
Prolog-Based Meta-Rules For Relational Database Representation and Manipulation. 762-788 - Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Mukesh Singhal:
Invariant-Based Verification of a Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm. 789-799 - Yoëlle S. Maarek, Daniel M. Berry, Gail E. Kaiser:
An Information Retrieval Approach For Automatically Constructing Software Libraries. 800-813 - Gilbert Babin, François Lustman, Peretz Shoval:
Specification and Design of Transactions in Information Systems: A Formal Approach. 814-829 - Takeshi Nakajo, Hitoshi Kume:
A Case History Analysis of Software Error Cause-Effect Relationships. 830-838 - Louis M. Taff, James W. Borchering, W. Richard Hudgins Jr.:
Estimeetings: Development Estimates and a Front-End Process For a Large Project. 839-849
Volume 17, Number 9, September 1991
- Fujio Nishida, Shinobu Takamatsu, Yoneharu Fujita, Tadaaki Tani:
Semi-Automatic Program Construction From Specifications Using Library Modules. 853-871 - Dong-Guk Shin, Keki B. Irani:
Fragmenting Relations Horizontally Using a Knowledge-Based Approach. 872-883 - Alberto Coen-Porisini
, Flavio De Paoli
, Carlo Ghezzi, Dino Mandrioli:
Software Specialization Via Symbolic Execution. 884-899 - Richard A. DeMillo, A. Jefferson Offutt:
Constraint-Based Automatic Test Data Generation. 900-910 - Mohamed G. Gouda, Ted Herman:
Adaptive Programming. 911-921 - C. Gary Rommel:
The Probability of Load Balancing Success in a Homogeneous Network. 922-933 - Daniel Hoffman, Paul A. Strooper
Automated Module Testing in Prolog. 934-943 - Ouri Wolfson
, Soumitra Sengupta, Yechiam Yemini:
Managing Communication Networks by Monitoring Databases. 944-953 - Yuri Breitbart, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
, Marek Rusinkiewicz, Abraham Silberschatz:
On Rigorous Transaction Scheduling. 954-960 - Sergio Cárdenas-García, Marvin V. Zelkowitz:
A Management Tool For Evaluation of Software Designs. 961-971 - Michael D. Vose:
A Linear Algorithm For Generating Random Numbers With a Given Distribution. 972-975 - Sylvia C. Boyd, Hasan Ural:
On the Complexity of Generating Optimal Test Sequences. 976-978 - Goetz Graefe:
Heap-Filter Merge Join: A New Algorithm For Joining Medium-Size Inputs. 979-982
Volume 17, Number 10, October 1991
- Ishfaq Ahmad, Arif Ghafoor:
Semi-Distributed Load Balancing For Massively Parallel Multicomputer Systems. 987-1004 - Nihal Yazici-Pekergin, Jean-Marc Vincent:
Stochastic Bounds on Execution Times of Parallel Programs. 1005-1012 - Anurag Gupta, Ian F. Akyildiz, Richard Fujimoto:
Performance Analysis of Time Warp With Multiple Homogeneous Processors. 1013-1027 - Ivan P. Radivojevic, Jayantha A. Herath:
Executing DSP Applications in a Fine-Grained Dataflow Environment. 1028-1041 - Rajive L. Bagrodia, Chien-Chung Shen:
MIDAS: Integrated Design and Simulation of Distributed Systems. 1042-1058 - Xiaodong Zhang, Xiaohan Qin:
Performance Prediction and Evaluation of Parallel Processing on a NUMA Multiprocessor. 1059-1068 - János Sztrik, Demetres D. Kouvatsos:
Asymptotic Analysis of a Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System in a Randomly Changing Environment. 1069-1075 - Wesley W. Chu, Chi-Man Sit, Kin K. Leung:
Task Response Time For Real-Time Distributed Systems With Resource Contentions. 1076-1092 - Brigitte Plateau, Karim Atif:
Stochastic Automata Network For Modeling Parallel Systems. 1093-1108 - Gerald M. Karam, Raymond J. A. Buhr:
Temporal Logic-Based Deadlock Analysis For Ada. 1109-1125 - Kanth Miriyala, Mehdi T. Harandi:
Automatic Derivation of Formal Software Specifications From Informal Descriptions. 1126-1142
Volume 17, Number 11, November 1991
- Teresa F. Lunt, Deborah M. Cooper:
Introduction: Security and Privacy. 1145-1146 - Paul A. Karger, Mary Ellen Zurko, Douglas W. Bonin, Andrew H. Mason, Clifford E. Kahn:
A Retrospective on the VAX VMM Security Kernel. 1147-1165 - Richard A. Kemmerer, Phillip A. Porras:
Covert Flow Trees: A Visual Approach to Analyzing Covert Storage Channels. 1166-1185 - Jeremy Jacob:
A Uniform Presentation of Confidentiality Properties. 1186-1194 - Gary W. Smith:
Modeling Security-Relevant Data Semantics. 1195-1203 - George S. Avrunin, Ugo A. Buy, James C. Corbett, Laura K. Dillon, Jack C. Wileden:
Automated Analysis of Concurrent Systems With the Constrained Expression Toolset. 1204-1222
Volume 17, Number 12, December 1991
- Kar-Wing Edward Lor, Daniel M. Berry:
Automatic Synthesis of SARA Design Models From System Requirements. 1229-1240 - Jiawei Han, Ling Liu:
Efficient Evaluation of Multiple Linear Recursions. 1241-1252 - Julio César Sampaio do Prado Leite
, Peter Freeman:
Requirements Validation Through Viewpoint Resolution. 1253-1269 - Nazim H. Madhavji, Wilhelm Schäfer:
Prism-Methodology and Process-Oriented Environment. 1270-1283 - Geoffrey K. Gill, Chris F. Kemerer:
Cyclomatic Complexity Density and Software Maintenance Productivity. 1284-1288 - K. B. Lakshmanan, S. Jayaprakash, P. K. Sinha:
Properties of Control-Flow Complexity Measures. 1289-1295
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