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ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 35
Volume 35, Number 1, January 2010
- Larry Bernstein:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 4 - Mark A. Ardis, Peter B. Henderson:
Software engineering education (SEEd). 4-5 - Nayan B. Ruparelia:
The history of version control. 5-9 - Sutap Chatterjee:
The waterfall that won't go away. 9-10 - Michael Wing:
On sales and engineering. 10 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 11-20 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 21-30 - Sharon DeReamer:
Teaching computer science: a Neumont philosophy. 31-34
- Alexandre Alvaro, Eduardo Santana de Almeida, Silvio Romero de Lemos Meira:
A software component quality framework. 1-18 - Peter Gorm Larsen
, Nick Battle, Miguel Alexandre Ferreira, John S. Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lausdahl, Marcel Verhoef:
The overture initiative integrating tools for VDM. 1-6 - Ben Swarup Medikonda, P. Seetha Ramaiah:
Integrated safety analysis of software-controlled critical systems. 1-7 - Anish Mittal, Kamal Parkash, Harish Mittal
Software cost estimation using fuzzy logic. 1-7 - T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, R. Selvarani:
Estimation of software reusability: an engineering approach. 1-6 - Yogesh Singh, Anju Saha:
Improving the testability of object oriented software through software contracts. 1-4
- Igor Gvero:
Advanced data structures by Peter Brass, and published by Cambridge University Press 2008, 978-0-521- 88037-4, 456pp. 36-37 - Brian A. Lawler:
Computational complexity: a conceptual perspective written by Oded Goldreich, and published by Cambridge University Press 2008, ISBN 978-0-521-88473-0, 606 pages. 37-38 - David S. Rogers:
Modelling systems: practical tools and techniques in software development, second edition written by John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen and published by Cambridge University Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-521-89911-6 hardback, 288 pp. 38
Volume 35, Number 2, March 2010
- Larry Bernstein:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 3-4 - Mark A. Ardis:
Software engineering education (SEEd). 4 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 5-14 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 15-24
- Tony Gorschek, Samuel Fricker, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Christof Ebert:
Third international workshop on software product management -- IWSPM'09. 25-29 - Anup Kumar Bandyopadhyay:
Modeling of state transition rules and its application. 1-7 - Rajesh Kumar Bhatia, Mayank Dave
, Ramesh Chandra Joshi:
Ant colony based rule generation for reusable software component retrieval. 1-5 - Luiz Fernando Capretz, Faheem Ahmed:
Why do we need personality diversity in software engineering? 1-11 - Steven Chodkowski:
Recommendations for the information architect's book shelf. 1-5 - Deepak Dahiya:
Teaching software engineering: a practical approach. 1-5 - Thiago C. de Sousa, Jorge R. Almeida Jr., Sidney Viana, Judith Pavón:
Automatic analysis of requirements consistency with the B method. 1-4 - Amit Gupta, Rajesh Kumar Bhatia:
Testing functional requirements using B model specifications. 1-7 - Sivamuni Kalaimagal
, Rengaramanujam Srinivasan:
Q'Facto 12: an improved quality model for COTS components. 1-4 - Mohammad Reza Nami, Jila Saneipour:
Self-* e-nursing: a new idea in nursing. 1-4 - Shamim Hasnat Ripon:
Process algebraic support for web service composition. 1-7 - Madhumita S. Neogi, Vandana Bhattacherjee:
Evaluating the effectiveness of VOSDM: a vision oriented approach. 1-8 - Nasib Singh Gill, Pradeep Tomar:
Modified development process of component-based software engineering. 1-6 - M. Keith Wright, Charles J. Capps III:
Information systems development project performance in the 21st century. 1-10
- Joe Saur:
Simulation-Based Engineering of Complex Systems, Second Edition is written by John R. Clymer, and published by John Wiley & Sons, (c) 2009, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-470-40129-3, 503 pp. 33-34 - Will Tribbey:
F# for Scientists is written by Jon Harrop, and published by Wiley-Interscience , (c) 2008, hardback, ISBN 0470242116 , 368pp. 34-35
Volume 35, Number 3, May 2010
- David Notkin:
ACM TOSEM: FAQs and Figures. 5-6 - Larry Bernstein, Hákon Ágústsson:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 6-7 - Mike Wing:
Poetry in code. 7-8 - Nayan B. Ruparelia:
Software development lifecycle models. 8-13 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 14-23 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 24-32
- Alok Mishra
, Jürgen Münch, Deepti Mishra:
A report on the "information systems in distributed environments" (ISDE) workshop at the OTM 2009 conferences. 33-34 - Behzad Bastani:
Low-level dynamic system formation with high-level automation: extending UML in support of UPnP. 1-10 - Kiev Gama, Didier Donsez:
A survey on approaches for addressing dependability attributes in the OSGi service platform. 1-8 - Konstantina Georgieva:
Conducting FMEA over the software development process. 1-5 - Hagen Höpfner, Christian Bunse:
Energy aware data management on AVR micro controller based systems. 1-8 - Marcel Krizevnik, Matjaz B. Juric:
Improved SOA persistence architectural model. 1 - Krishna Kumar, Rajesh Prasad, Suneeta Agarwal:
Software maintenance by multi-patterns parameterized string matching with q-gram. 1-5 - Zude Li, Mechelle Gittens, Syed Shariyar Murtaza, Nazim H. Madhavji:
A towards an extended relational algebra for software architecture. 1-4 - Dharmalingam Jeya Mala, Vasudev Mohan:
Quality improvement and optimization of test cases: a hybrid genetic algorithm based approach. 1-14 - Ruchika Malhotra, Arvinder Kaur, Guru Gobind Singh:
Application of machine learning methods for software effort prediction. 1-6 - Chris Mattmann, Amy Braverman, Daniel J. Crichton:
Understanding architectural tradeoffs necessary to increase climate model intercomparison efficiency. 1-6 - T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, V. Suma:
A paradigm for metric based inspection process for enhancing defect management. 1 - R. K. Pandey:
Architectural description languages (ADLs) vs UML: a review. 1-5 - Rajesh Prasad, Suneeta Agarwal:
Parameterized string matching: an application to software maintenance. 1-5 - Kanchana Rajaram, Chitra Babu:
Evolution of a simple vehicle registration system to an SOA based e-governance application: a case study. 1-7 - V. B. Singh, P. K. Kapur, Abhishek Tandon:
Measuring reliability growth of software by considering fault dependency, debugging time Lag functions and irregular fluctuation. 1-11 - P. K. Suri, Gurdev Singh:
DG-metrics formulization for DGML-based software design. 1-8
- Mordechai Ben-Menachem:
Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and its Applications, is written by Alfred Inselberg, and published by Springer; (c) 2009; ISBN 978-0-387-21507-5; pp. 580. 39 - Vladimir O. Safonov
Microsoft Windows communication foundation: hands-on!, is written by Craig McMurtry, Marc Mercuri and Nigel Watling, and published by Sams Publishing, (c) 2006 (paperback), ISBN 0- 672-32877-1, 539 pp., $39.99. 40
Volume 35, Number 4, July 2010
- Larry Bernstein, Hákon Ágústsson:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 3-4 - Mike Wing:
Burt doesn't manage. 4-6 - Mark A. Ardis, Peter B. Henderson:
Software engineering education (SEEd). 6-7 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 8-16 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 17-23
- Dino Mandrioli, Stephen Fickas, Carlo A. Furia, Mehdi Jazayeri, Matteo Rossi, Michal Young:
SCORE: the first student contest on software engineering. 24-30 - Juliana Pinheiro Campos, José Luís Braga, Antânio Maria Pereira de Resende, Carlos Henrique Osório Silva:
Identification of aspect candidates by inspecting use cases descriptions. 1-9 - Tony Lee:
Optimizing IT process management. 1-10 - Hendrik Teixeira Macedo:
Model driven development approach to natural language generation systems. 1-7 - Dipankar Majumdar, Sabnam Sengupta, Ananya Kanjilal, Swagata Kundu, Swapan Bhattacharya:
A mathematical reusability model for quantifying the reduction in development effort. 1-8 - Shrddha Sagar, N. W. Nerurkar, Arun Sharma:
A soft computing based approach to estimate reusability of software components. 1-4 - V. Radhakishan, Yaser Farook, S. Selvakumar:
CRAYSE: design and implementation of efficient text search algorithm in a web crawler. 1-8 - Ratneshwer Gupta, Anil Kumar Tripathi:
Dependence analysis of software component. 1-9 - Yogesh Singh, Arvinder Kaur, Bharti Suri:
Test case prioritization using ant colony optimization. 1-7 - Sim-Hui Tee
Method efficiency model based on value relevancy. 1-3
- Larry Bernstein:
Characterizing people as non-linear, first-order components in software development, is written by Alistair A.R. Cockburn and published in Humans and Technology, HaT Technical Report 1999.03, Oct 21, 1999. 33-34 - Mordechai Ben-Menachem:
Managing and Leading Software Projects is written by Richard Fairley and published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. with IEEE Computer Society (c) 2009, (hardback), ISBN 978-0470-29455-0, pp.510. 34 - Mordechai Ben-Menachem:
Reactive Systems: Modelling, Specification and Verification; is written by L. Aceto, et al; and published by Cambridge University Press; distributed by Cambridge University Press; (c) 2007, (hardback), ISBN 978-0-521-87546-2, pp. 300. 34-35 - David S. Rogers:
Geometric Spanner Networks is written by Giri Narasimhan and Michael Smid, and published by Cambridge University Press, 2007, Hardback ISBN 978-0-521-81513-0, 500 pp., $105. 35
Volume 35, Number 5, September 2010
- Larry Bernstein, Hákon Ágústsson:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 4-5 - Brian Berliner, Nayan B. Ruparelia:
Early days of CVS. 5-6 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 8-17 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 18-24
- Wing Kwong Chan, Christof J. Budnik, Gregory M. Kapfhammer:
Software testing research in practice: report on the 5th international workshop on the automation of software test. 25-26 - Yvonne Dittrich, Helen Sharp, Heike Winshiers-Theophilus, Cleidson R. B. de Souza, Mikko Korpela, Janice Singer:
Cooperative and human aspects of software engineering: CHASE 2010. 27-29 - Grace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, Andreas Metzger, Andrea Zisman, Marco Pistore:
Report of the 2nd international workshop on principles of engineering service-oriented systems (PESOS 2010). 30-33 - Kurt Geihs, Stefan Gruner, Kay Römer:
Report about 1st ICSE workshop on software engineering for sensor network applications (SESENA 2010). 34-37 - Patricia Lago, Paris Avgeriou, Philippe Kruchten:
Organizing a software architecture body of knowledge: summary of the 5th SHARK workshop, at ICSE 2010. 37-40 - Jon G. Hall, Lucia Rapanotti, Liping Zhao, James Naish:
2010 ICSE international workshop on advances and applications of problem orientation (WAAPO-2010). 40-41 - Charles D. Knutson, Jonathan L. Krein, Lutz Prechelt, Natalia Juristo Juzgado:
Report from the 1st international workshop on replication in empirical software engineering research (RESER 2010). 42-44 - Christoph Treude
, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Kate Ehrlich, Arie van Deursen:
Workshop report from Web2SE: first workshop on web 2.0 for software engineering. 45-50 - Gerardo Canfora, Giulio Concas, Michele Marchesi, Ewan D. Tempero, Hongyu Zhang
2010 ICSE workshop on emerging trends in software metrics. 51-53 - C. Banerjee, S. K. Pandey:
Research on software security awareness: problems and prospects. 1-5 - Ram Chatterjee, Kalpana Johari:
A prolific approach for automated generation of test cases from informal requirements. 1-11 - Fazal-e-Amin
, Ahmad Kamil Bin Mahmood, Alan Oxley:
Proposal for evaluation of software reusability assessment approach employing a mixed method. 1-4 - Nasib Singh Gill, Sunil Sikka:
New complexity model for classes in object oriented system. 1-7 - Brad Long
Towards the design of a set-based Java collections framework. 1-7 - N. W. Nerurkar, Avadhesh Kumar, Pallavi Shrivastava:
Assessment of reusability in aspect-oriented systems using fuzzy logic. 1-5 - Shrddha Sagar, N. W. Nerurkar, Arun Sharma:
A soft computing based approach to estimate reusability of software components. 1-5 - Ashish Sharma, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha:
Early estimation of software complexity using requirement engineering document. 1-7 - Yogesh Singh, Pradeep Kumar
Application of feed-forward neural networks for software reliability prediction. 1-6 - Nitin Upadhyay, Bharat M. Deshpande, Vishnu P. Agarwal:
Developing maintainability index of a software component: a digraph and matrix approach. 1-11 - Hashem Yazbek:
A concept of quality assurance for metrics in CASE-tools. 1-8
- Sonal Dekhane:
Install anywhere tutorial and reference guide by Zero G Team. 57 - David A. Werden:
TCP/IP architecture, design, and implementation in linux by Sameer Seth and M. Ajaykumar Venkatesulu. 57 - Will Tracz:
Making it big in software: get the job, work the org, become great by Sam Lightstone. 58 - Will Tracz:
Remarkable engineers: from Riquet to Shannon by Ioan James. 58 - Will Tracz:
The design of design: essays of a computer scientist by Frederick R. Brooks, Jr. 58
Volume 35, Number 6, November 2010
- Larry Bernstein, Hákon Ágústsson:
Pithy software engineering quotes. 5 - Mike Wing:
The making of "Burt doesn't manage". 5-7 - Mark A. Ardis, Peter B. Henderson:
Software Engineering Education (SEEd). 7-8 - Mark Doernhoefer:
Surfing the net for software engineering notes. 9-18 - Peter G. Neumann:
Risks to the public. 19-26
- Anup Kumar Bandyopadhyay:
Spatial ordering of messages in a cyclic architecture. 1-6 - Anup Kumar Bandyopadhyay, Nibedita Lenka:
Application of TLRO to dining philosophers problem. 1-6 - D. R. Shubha Bhat, Vindhya P. Malagi, Krishnan Rangarajan, Ramesh Babu:
Computer vision based guidance in UAVs: software engineering challenges. 1-6 - Sanjay Kumar Dubey, Ajay Rana:
Assessment of usability metrics for object-oriented software system. 1-4 - Brad Long:
Towards the design of a set-based Java collections framework. 1-7 - Amit Mishra, Sanjay Misra:
People management in software industry: the key to success. 1-4 - Sirsendu Mohanta, Gopika Vinod, A. K. Ghosh, Rajib Mall:
An approach for early prediction of software reliability. 1-9 - T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, B. Sri Aravindh, R. Selvarani:
Design property metrics to maintainability estimation: a virtual method using functional relationship mapping. 1-6 - Chhabi Rani Panigrahi
, Rajib Mall:
Model-based regression test case prioritization. 1-7 - Robert Schaefer:
The limits of systems-making organizations. 1-20 - Abhik Sengupta, Vivek Nandey, Sabnam Sengupta:
ETDSOA: a model for event and time driven service oriented architecture. 1-9 - P. K. Suri, Gurdev Singh:
Automatic generation of design search keywords from software specifications to improve design search results. 1-8 - Sim-Hui Tee
Measuring class cohesion using mutant methods. 1-4
- Will Tribbey:
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing (3rd Edition) is written by William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery, and published by Cambridge University Press, (c) 2007, hardback, ISBN 978-0-521-88068-8, 1235 pp. 30-31
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