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Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 95
Volume 95, Number 1, January 2010
- Genserik Reniers, Karel Soudan:
A game-theoretical approach for reciprocal security-related prevention investment decisions. 1-9 - Ryouhei Hayama, Masayasu Higashi, Sadahiro Kawahara, Shirou Nakano, Hiromitsu Kumamoto:
Fault-tolerant automobile steering based on diversity of steer-by-wire, braking and acceleration. 10-17 - H. M. Jagtman:
Cell broadcast trials in The Netherlands: Using mobile phone technology for citizens' alarming. 18-28 - Kjell Hausken:
Defense and attack of complex and dependent systems. 29-42 - Ana Debón
, Andres Carrión
, E. Cabrera, H. Solano:
Comparing risk of failure models in water supply networks using ROC curves. 43-48 - Enrico Zio
, Francesco Di Maio
A data-driven fuzzy approach for predicting the remaining useful life in dynamic failure scenarios of a nuclear system. 49-57
- Jørn Vatn, Terje Aven:
An approach to maintenance optimization where safety issues are important. 58-63
Volume 95, Number 2, February 2010
- Isaac W. Soro, Mustapha Nourelfath
, Daoud Ait-Kadi
Performance evaluation of multi-state degraded systems with minimal repairs and imperfect preventive maintenance. 65-69 - Athena Zitrou, Tim Bedford, Lesley Walls:
Bayes geometric scaling model for common cause failure rates. 70-76 - Mohammad Pourgol-Mohamad, Ali Mosleh, Mohammad Modarres
Methodology for the use of experimental data to enhance model output uncertainty assessment in thermal hydraulics codes. 77-86 - Dong San Kim
, Dong Hyun Baek, Wan Chul Yoon:
Development and evaluation of a computer-aided system for analyzing human error in railway operations. 87-98 - Jussi K. Vaurio:
Ideas and developments in importance measures and fault-tree techniques for reliability and risk analysis. 99-107 - Radouane Laggoune
, Alaa Chateauneuf, Djamil Aïssani
Impact of few failure data on the opportunistic replacement policy for multi-component systems. 108-119 - Zhisheng Ye, Zhizhong Li
, Min Xie
Some improvements on adaptive genetic algorithms for reliability-related applications. 120-126 - Terje Aven, T. E. Nøkland:
On the use of uncertainty importance measures in reliability and risk analysis. 127-133 - María Luz Gámiz, María Dolores Martínez Miranda
Regression analysis of the structure function for reliability evaluation of continuous-state system. 134-142 - Petter Osmundsen, Terje Aven, Asgeir Tomasgard
On incentives for assurance of petroleum supply. 143-148 - S. Hossein Mohammadian, Daoud Ait-Kadi
, François Routhier
Quantitative accelerated degradation testing: Practical approaches. 149-159
Volume 95, Number 3, March 2010
- Won Young Yun, Toshio Nakagawa:
Replacement and inspection policies for products with random life cycle. 161-165 - Saiedeh Safaei Arshi
, Mohammadreza Nematollahi
, Kamran Sepanloo:
Coupling CFAST fire modeling and SAPHIRE probabilistic assessment software for internal fire safety evaluation of a typical TRIGA research reactor. 166-172 - Francesco Cadini, Enrico Zio
, Cristina-Andreea Petrescu:
Optimal expansion of an existing electrical power transmission network by multi-objective genetic algorithms. 173-181 - Emma Sheils, Alan O'Connor
, Denys Breysse, Franck Schoefs
, Sylvie Yotte
Development of a two-stage inspection process for the assessment of deteriorating infrastructure. 182-194 - Terje Aven:
Some reflections on uncertainty analysis and management. 195-201 - Chun-yang Li, Xun Chen, Xiao-shan Yi, Jun-Yong Tao:
Heterogeneous redundancy optimization for multi-state series-parallel systems subject to common cause failures. 202-207 - R. Jiang:
Optimization of alarm threshold and sequential inspection scheme. 208-215 - Joe Silmon, Clive Roberts
Using functional analysis to determine the requirements for changes to critical systems: Railway level crossing case study. 216-225 - Rasa Remenyte-Prescott
, John D. Andrews
, Paul W. H. Chung:
An efficient phased mission reliability analysis for autonomous vehicles. 226-235 - Johannes A. M. van der Weide, Mahesh D. Pandey, Jan M. van Noortwijk:
Discounted cost model for condition-based maintenance optimization. 236-246 - José Villén-Altamirano
RESTART simulation of non-Markov consecutive-k-out-of-n: F repairable systems. 247-254 - Ana Lisbeth Concho, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez:
An evolutionary algorithm for port-of-entry security optimization considering sensor thresholds. 255-266 - B. Jones, Ian Jenkinson, Zaili Yang
, Jin Wang
The use of Bayesian network modelling for maintenance planning in a manufacturing industry. 267-277 - Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Benjamin Rutt, Kyle Metzroth, Aram Hakobyan, Tunc Aldemir, Richard Denning, Sean Dunagan, David Kunsman:
Development of a code-agnostic computational infrastructure for the dynamic generation of accident progression event trees. 278-294
- Jean-Francois Castet, Joseph Homer Saleh:
Single versus mixture Weibull distributions for nonparametric satellite reliability. 295-300 - Charles Tong:
Self-validated variance-based methods for sensitivity analysis of model outputs. 301-309
Volume 95, Number 4, April 2010
- Jean-Francois Castet, Joseph Homer Saleh:
Beyond reliability, multi-state failure analysis of satellite subsystems: A statistical approach. 311-322 - James Winkler, Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio
, Robert Stein, Devika Subramanian
Performance assessment of topologically diverse power systems subjected to hurricane events. 323-336 - Graham Booker, Jacob M. Torres, Seth D. Guikema, Alex Sprintson
, Kelly Brumbelow:
Estimating cellular network performance during hurricanes. 337-344 - Steven J. Landry, Amit V. Lagu, Jouko Kinnari
State-based modeling of continuous human-integrated systems: An application to air traffic separation assurance. 345-353 - Elmar Plischke:
An effective algorithm for computing global sensitivity indices (EASI). 354-360 - Curtis L. Smith
, Dana Kelly, Homayoon Dezfuli:
Probability-informed testing for reliability assurance through Bayesian hypothesis methods. 361-368 - Zineb Simeu-Abazi
, Maria di Mascolo
, Michal Knotek:
Fault diagnosis for discrete event systems: Modelling and verification. 369-378 - Enrico Zio
, Roberta Piccinelli:
Randomized flow model and centrality measure for electrical power transmission network analysis. 379-385 - Nicola Pedroni, Enrico Zio
, George E. Apostolakis:
Comparison of bootstrapped artificial neural networks and quadratic response surfaces for the estimation of the functional failure probability of a thermal-hydraulic passive system. 386-395 - Gregory Levitin, Suprasad V. Amari:
Approximation algorithm for evaluating time-to-failure distribution of k-out-of-n system with shared standby elements. 396-401 - Hehong Fan, Xiaohan Sun:
A multi-state reliability evaluation model for P2P networks. 402-411 - David Marquez, Martin Neil
, Norman E. Fenton
Improved reliability modeling using Bayesian networks and dynamic discretization. 412-425 - Chan Sik Jung, So Young Sohn:
Investigating the relationship between ammunition stockpile information and subsequent performance. 426-430 - Pierre David
, Vincent Idasiak, Frédéric Kratz:
Reliability study of complex physical systems using SysML. 431-450
Volume 95, Number 5, May 2010
- Sang Kyu Ahn, Inn Seock Kim, Kyu Myung Oh:
Deterministic and risk-informed approaches for safety analysis of advanced reactors: Part I, deterministic approaches. 451-458 - Inn Seock Kim, Sang Kyu Ahn, Kyu Myung Oh:
Deterministic and risk-informed approaches for safety analysis of advanced reactors: Part II, Risk-informed approaches. 459-468 - Ben J. M. Ale, L. J. Bellamy, J. Cooper, Dan A. Ababei
, Dorota Kurowicka, O. Morales, J. Spouge:
Analysis of the crash of TK 1951 using CATS. 469-477 - Seth D. Guikema, Terje Aven:
Assessing risk from intelligent attacks: A perspective on approaches. 478-483 - Sidonie Lefebvre, Antoine Roblin, Suzanne Varet, Gérard Durand:
A methodological approach for statistical evaluation of aircraft infrared signature. 484-493 - Mohamed Khalifa, Faisal I. Khan, Mahmoud Haddara:
Reliability based inspection of nickel-based alloy welds in boiling water reactor environment. 494-498 - R. Tyrrell Rockafellar
, Johannes O. Royset:
On buffered failure probability in design and optimization of structures. 499-510 - Jon Ivar Håvold:
Safety culture and safety management aboard tankers. 511-519 - Nader M. Okasha
, Dan M. Frangopol
Redundancy of structural systems with and without maintenance: An approach based on lifetime functions. 520-533 - Luca Podofillini, Enrico Zio
, D. Mercurio, Vinh N. Dang
Dynamic safety assessment: Scenario identification via a possibilistic clustering approach. 534-549 - Philipp Limbourg, Etienne de Rocquigny:
Uncertainty analysis using evidence theory - confronting level-1 and level-2 approaches with data availability and computational constraints. 550-564 - Gregory Levitin, Kjell Hausken:
Influence of attacker's target recognition ability on defense strategy in homogeneous parallel systems. 565-572 - Jakub Montewka
, Tomasz Hinz
, Pentti Kujala, Jerzy Matusiak
Probability modelling of vessel collisions. 573-589
Volume 95, Number 6, June 2010
- Ronald L. Boring
, Stacey M. L. Hendrickson, John A. Forester, Tuan Q. Tran, Erasmia Lois:
Issues in benchmarking human reliability analysis methods: A literature review. 591-605 - Andre Kleyner
, Vitali Volovoi:
Application of Petri nets to reliability prediction of occupant safety systems with partial detection and repair. 606-613 - Seraphin C. Abou:
Performance assessment of multi-state systems with critical failure modes: Application to the flotation metallic arsenic circuit. 614-622 - Terje Aven:
On how to define, understand and describe risk. 623-631 - P. Prempraneerach
, Franz S. Hover, Michael S. Triantafyllou, George E. Karniadakis:
Uncertainty quantification in simulations of power systems: Multi-element polynomial chaos methods. 632-646 - Babak Abbasi
, Seyedeh Zahra Hosseinifard
, David W. Coit:
A neural network applied to estimate Burr XII distribution parameters. 647-654 - Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing:
Reliability and performance of multi-state systems with propagated failures having selective effect. 655-661 - Jan Erik Vinnem:
Risk analysis and risk acceptance criteria in the planning processes of hazardous facilities - A case of an LNG plant in an urban area. 662-670 - Bo Yang
, Xiang Li, Min Xie
, Feng Tan:
A generic data-driven software reliability model with model mining technique. 671-678 - Rui Peng, Gregory Levitin, Min Xie
, Szu Hui Ng:
Defending simple series and parallel systems with imperfect false targets. 679-688 - L. Fjæran Nygaard, Terje Aven:
On the link between risk perspectives and risk regulation - A comparison between two cases concerning base stations and wireless networks. 689-697 - Fausto Pedro García Márquez
, Diego J. Pedregal
, Clive Roberts
Time series methods applied to failure prediction and detection. 698-703 - C. Caroni:
"Failure limited" data and TTT-based trend tests in multiple repairable systems. 704-706
Volume 95, Number 7, July 2010
- Luiz Fernando Oliveira, Rafael Nelson Abramovitch:
Extension of ISA TR84.00.02 PFD equations to KooN architectures. 707-715 - P. Gayathri, K. Umesh, Ranjan Ganguli
Effect of matrix cracking and material uncertainty on composite plates. 716-728 - Daniela M. Hanea, H. M. Jagtman, L. L. M. M. van Alphen, Ben J. M. Ale:
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the expert and non-expert opinion in fire risk in buildings. 729-741 - George J. Besseris:
A methodology for product reliability enhancement via saturated-unreplicated fractional factorial designs. 742-749 - Michael A. Elliott:
Selecting numerical scales for pairwise comparisons. 750-763 - Zhenyu Yan, Yacov Y. Haimes:
Cross-classified hierarchical Bayesian models for risk-based analysis of complex systems under sparse data. 764-776 - Inseok Park, Hemanth K. Amarchinta, Ramana V. Grandhi:
A Bayesian approach for quantification of model uncertainty. 777-785 - Gang Niu, Bo-Suk Yang, Michael G. Pecht
Development of an optimized condition-based maintenance system by data fusion and reliability-centered maintenance. 786-796 - Gyunyoung Heo, Jinkyun Park:
A framework for evaluating the effects of maintenance-related human errors in nuclear power plants. 797-805 - Xiaole Yang, M. Sam Mannan:
The development and application of dynamic operational risk assessment in oil/gas and chemical process industry. 806-815 - Ki Mun Jung, Minjae Park
, Dong Ho Park:
System maintenance cost dependent on life cycle under renewing warranty policy. 816-821
Volume 95, Number 8, August 2010
- Seth D. Guikema, Terje Aven:
Is ALARP applicable to the management of terrorist risks? 823-827 - Enrico Zio
, Francesco Di Maio
, Jiejuan Tong:
Safety margins confidence estimation for a passive residual heat removal system. 828-836 - Xueli Gao, Javad Barabady, Tore Markeset
An approach for prediction of petroleum production facility performance considering Arctic influence factors. 837-846 - Vedat Togan
, Halil Karadeniz, Ayse T. Daloglu:
An integrated framework including distinct algorithms for optimization of offshore towers under uncertainties. 847-858 - Francesco Cadini, J. De Sanctis, T. Girotti, Enrico Zio
, A. Luce, A. Taglioni:
Monte Carlo-based assessment of the safety performance of a radioactive waste repository. 859-865 - Carmen Elena Patiño Rodriguez, Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza
Reliability concepts applied to cutting tool change time. 866-873 - Maxim Finkelstein
, Francois Marais:
On terminating Poisson processes in some shock models. 874-879 - Won Young Yun, Ji Hwan Cha:
Optimal design of a general warm standby system. 880-886 - Claudio M. Rocco Sanseverino, Jose Emmanuel Ramirez-Marquez, Daniel E. Salazar Aponte
Bi and tri-objective optimization in the deterministic network interdiction problem. 887-896 - S. Hossein Mohammadian, Daoud Ait-Kadi
Design stage confirmation of lifetime improvement for newly modified products through accelerated life testing. 897-905 - Toshio Nakagawa, Satoshi Mizutani, Mingchih Chen:
A summary of periodic and random inspection policies. 906-911 - Wenbin Wang, Dragan Banjevic, Michael G. Pecht
A multi-component and multi-failure mode inspection model based on the delay time concept. 912-920 - Xuejing Zhao
, Mitra Fouladirad, Christophe Bérenguer
, Laurent Bordes:
Condition-based inspection/replacement policies for non-monotone deteriorating systems with environmental covariates. 921-934
Volume 95, Number 9, September 2010
- Kamiar Jamali:
Use of risk measures in design and licensing of future reactors. 935-943 - Sharareh Taghipour, Dragan Banjevic, Andrew K. S. Jardine:
Periodic inspection optimization model for a complex repairable system. 944-952 - Ammar M. Sarhan
, David C. Hamilton, Bruce Smith:
Statistical analysis of competing risks models. 953-962 - R. Jiang:
A simple approximation for the renewal function with an increasing failure rate. 963-969 - Ulrich Hauptmanns:
A decision-making framework for protecting process plants from flooding based on fault tree analysis. 970-980 - R. Jiang:
Discrete competing risk model with application to modeling bus-motor failure data. 981-988 - Giuseppe Curcurù, Giacomo Galante, Alberto Lombardo
A predictive maintenance policy with imperfect monitoring. 989-997 - Philipp Limbourg, Etienne de Rocquigny, Guennadi Andrianov:
Accelerated uncertainty propagation in two-level probabilistic studies under monotony. 998-1010
Volume 95, Number 10, October 2010
- Tunc Aldemir, Sergio B. Guarro, Diego Mandelli, Jason Kirschenbaum, L. Anthony Mangan, Paolo Bucci, Michael K. Yau, Eylem Ekici
, D. W. Miller, Xiaodong Sun
, S. A. Arndt:
Probabilistic risk assessment modeling of digital instrumentation and control systems using two dynamic methodologies. 1011-1039 - Glen D. Murphy:
Testing a tri-partite contingent model of engineering cultures: A pilot study. 1040-1049 - Mohammadreza Rajabalinejad:
Bayesian Monte Carlo method. 1050-1060 - Tiedo Tinga
Application of physical failure models to enable usage and load based maintenance. 1061-1075 - Cristina Ibáñez-Llano, Antoine Rauzy
, Enrique Meléndez, Francisco Nieto:
Hybrid approach for the assessment of PSA models by means of binary decision diagrams. 1076-1092 - Alberto Regattieri
, R. Manzini, Daria Battini
Estimating reliability characteristics in the presence of censored data: A case study in a light commercial vehicle manufacturing system. 1093-1102
Volume 95, Number 11, November 2010
- Carlos Guedes Soares
Editorial. 1103 - Joseph Homer Saleh, Karen B. Marais, Efstathios Bakolas, Raghvendra V. Cowlagi:
Highlights from the literature on accident causation and system safety: Review of major ideas, recent contributions, and challenges. 1105-1116 - Terje Aven, R. Steen:
The concept of ignorance in a risk assessment and risk management context. 1117-1122 - Sebastiaan N. Jonkman
, A. Lentz, J. K. Vrijling:
A general approach for the estimation of loss of life due to natural and technological disasters. 1123-1133 - María Carmen Carnero
, Diego J. Pedregal
Modelling and forecasting occupational accidents of different severity levels in Spain. 1134-1141 - Jan Erik Vinnem, Jon Andreas Hestad, Jan Terje Kvaløy, Jon Espen Skogdalen:
Analysis of root causes of major hazard precursors (hydrocarbon leaks) in the Norwegian offshore petroleum industry. 1142-1153 - Marko Gerbec:
A reliability analysis of a natural-gas pressure-regulating installation. 1154-1163 - Ioannis A. Papazoglou, Eftychia C. Marcoulaki
Dependability analysis of a very large volume neutrino telescope. 1164-1173 - Xiaopin Zhong, Mohamed Ichchou
, Alexandre Saidi:
Reliability assessment of complex mechatronic systems using a modified nonparametric belief propagation algorithm. 1174-1185 - Xiaoping Zheng, Mengting Liu:
Forecasting model for pedestrian distribution under emergency evacuation. 1186-1192 - Ahmed-Tidjani Belmansour, Mustapha Nourelfath
An aggregation method for performance evaluation of a tandem homogenous production line with machines having multiple failure modes. 1193-1201 - Ahmad W. Al-Dabbagh, Lixuan Lu:
Reliability modeling of networked control systems using dynamic flowgraph methodology. 1202-1209 - Liudong Xing, Gregory Levitin:
Combinatorial analysis of systems with competing failures subject to failure isolation and propagation effects. 1210-1215 - Géraud Blatman, Bruno Sudret
Efficient computation of global sensitivity indices using sparse polynomial chaos expansions. 1216-1229 - André D. Orcesi
, Christian F. Cremona:
A bridge network maintenance framework for Pareto optimization of stakeholders/users costs. 1230-1243 - Amélie Ponchet
, Mitra Fouladirad, Antoine Grall
Assessment of a maintenance model for a multi-deteriorating mode system. 1244-1254 - Chun-Chen Huang, John Yuan:
A two-stage preventive maintenance policy for a multi-state deterioration system. 1255-1260 - Tony Rosqvist:
On the validation of risk analysis - A commentary. 1261-1265
Volume 95, Number 12, December 2010
- Sebastián Martorell
Editorial. 1267-1268 - Ivonne A. Herrera, Rogier Woltjer
Comparing a multi-linear (STEP) and systemic (FRAM) method for accident analysis. 1269-1275 - Katrina M. Groth
, Chengdong Wang, Ali Mosleh:
Hybrid causal methodology and software platform for probabilistic risk assessment and safety monitoring of socio-technical systems. 1276-1285 - Radim Bris
Exact reliability quantification of highly reliable systems with maintenance. 1286-1292 - Sebastián Martorell
, Maryory Villamizar, Sofía Carlos
, Ana Isabel Sánchez
Maintenance modeling and optimization integrating human and material resources. 1293-1299 - Enrico Zio
, Nicola Pedroni:
An optimized Line Sampling method for the estimation of the failure probability of nuclear passive systems. 1300-1313 - Cristina Ibáñez-Llano, Antoine Rauzy
, Enrique Meléndez, Francisco Nieto:
A reduction approach to improve the quantification of linked fault trees through binary decision diagrams. 1314-1323 - Eva Doménech
, Isabel Escriche
, Sebastián Martorell
Quantification of risk to company's incomes due to failures in food quality. 1324-1334 - Jonas Johansson
, Henrik Hassel:
An approach for modelling interdependent infrastructures in the context of vulnerability analysis. 1335-1344 - Andrea Bobbio
, G. Bonanni, Ester Ciancamerla, R. Clemente, Alessandro Iacomini, Michele Minichino, Alessandro Scarlatti, Roberta Terruggia
, Emilio Zendri:
Unavailability of critical SCADA communication links interconnecting a power grid and a Telco network. 1345-1357 - Dag Eirik Nordgård
, K. Sand:
Application of Bayesian networks for risk analysis of MV air insulated switch operation. 1358-1366
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