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IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume 2
Volume 2, Number 1, February 2008
- Ananthram Swami, Randall A. Berry
, Akbar M. Sayeed, Vahid Tarokh, Qing Zhao:
Introduction to the Issue on Signal Processing and Networking for Dynamic Spectrum Access. 1-3 - Rahul Tandra, Anant Sahai:
SNR Walls for Signal Detection. 4-17 - Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan
, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Cooperative Sensing for Primary Detection in Cognitive Radio. 18-27 - Zhi Quan, Shuguang Cui
, Ali H. Sayed:
Optimal Linear Cooperation for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 28-40 - Amir Ghasemi, Elvino Silveira Sousa:
Interference Aggregation in Spectrum-Sensing Cognitive Wireless Networks. 41-56 - Zhi-Quan Luo, Shuzhong Zhang:
Dynamic Spectrum Management: Complexity and Duality. 57-73 - Fan Wang, Marwan Krunz, Shuguang Cui
Price-Based Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks. 74-87 - Rui Zhang
, Ying-Chang Liang
Exploiting Multi-Antennas for Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks. 88-102 - Sriram Sridharan, Sriram Vishwanath:
On the Capacity of a Class of MIMO Cognitive Radios. 103-117
Volume 2, Number 2, April 2008
- Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Suhas N. Diggavi, Hamid Jafarkhani
, Zixiang Xiong, Michele Zorzi:
Introduction to the Issue on MIMO-Optimized Transmission Systems for Delivering Data and Rich Content. 121-123 - Manav R. Bhatnagar
, Are Hjørungnes, Lingyang Song:
Precoded Differential Orthogonal Space-Time Modulation Over Correlated Ricean MIMO Channels. 124-134 - Baptiste Vrigneau, Jonathan Letessier, Philippe Rostaing
, Ludovic Collin, Gilles Burel
Extension of the MIMO Precoder Based on the Minimum Euclidean Distance: A Cross-Form Matrix. 135-146 - Min Lin, Luxi Yang, Wei-Ping Zhu
, Min Li:
An Open-Loop Adaptive Space-Time Transmit Scheme for Correlated Fading Channels. 147-158 - Ahmed Iyanda Sulyman, Mohamed Ibnkahla:
Performance of MIMO Systems With Antenna Selection Over Nonlinear Fading Channels. 159-170 - Yue Rong
, Yingbo Hua:
Space-Time Power Scheduling of MIMO Links - Fairness and QoS Considerations. 171-180 - Sam P. Alex, Louay M. A. Jalloul:
Performance Evaluation of MIMO in IEEE802.16e/WiMAX. 181-190 - Davud Asemani, Jacques Oksman, Pierre Duhamel
Subband Architecture for Hybrid Filter Bank A/D Converters. 191-201 - Sanket Dusad, Suhas N. Diggavi, Naofal Al-Dhahir, A. Robert Calderbank:
Diversity Embedded Codes: Theory and Practice. 202-219 - Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh, Hamid Jafarkhani
, Farzad Etemadi:
Transmission of Progressive Images Over Noisy Channels: An End-to-End Statistical Optimization Framework. 220-231 - Mehrdad Valipour, Farshad Lahouti:
Multiple Descriptions With Symbol Based Turbo Codes Over Noisy Channels With Packet Loss: Design and Performance Analysis. 232-242 - Rui Zhang
Optimal Dynamic Resource Allocation for Multi-Antenna Broadcasting With Heterogeneous Delay-Constrained Traffic. 243-255
Volume 2, Number 3, June 2008
- Dan Schonfeld, John Goutsias, Ilya Shmulevich, Ioan Tabus
, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Introduction to the Issue on Genomic and Proteomic Signal Processing. 257-260 - Patrick E. Meyer, Colas Schretter, Gianluca Bontempi
Information-Theoretic Feature Selection in Microarray Data Using Variable Complementarity. 261-274 - Farzad Parvaresh, Haris Vikalo
, Sidhant Misra, Babak Hassibi:
Recovering Sparse Signals Using Sparse Measurement Matrices in Compressed DNA Microarrays. 275-285 - Haris Vikalo, Babak Hassibi, Arjang Hassibi:
Modeling and Estimation for Real-Time Microarrays. 286-296 - Sun-Yuan Kung, Man-Wai Mak
Feature Selection for Self-Supervised Classification With Applications to Microarray and Sequence Data. 297-309 - Mahmood Akhtar, Julien Epps
, Eliathamby Ambikairajah
Signal Processing in Sequence Analysis: Advances in Eukaryotic Gene Prediction. 310-321 - Kuo-ching Liang, Xiaodong Wang:
A Deterministic Sequential Monte Carlo Method for Haplotype Inference. 322-331 - Raman Arora
, William A. Sethares, James A. Bucklew:
Latent Periodicities in Genome Sequences. 332-342 - Jamal Tuqan, Ahmad A. Rushdi:
A DSP Approach for Finding the Codon Bias in DNA Sequences. 343-356 - Nidhal Bouaynaya, Dan Schonfeld:
Nonstationary Analysis of Coding and Noncoding Regions in Nucleotide Sequences. 357-364 - Changjin Hong, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Efficient Updating of Biological Sequence Analyses. 365-377 - Parameswaran Ramachandran, Andreas Antoniou:
Identification of Hot-Spot Locations in Proteins Using Digital Filters. 378-389 - Yonatan Savir, Tsvi Tlusty
Optimal Design of a Molecular Recognizer: Molecular Recognition as a Bayesian Signal Detection Problem. 390-399 - Byung-Jun Yoon, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Fast Structural Alignment of RNAs by Optimizing the Adjoining Order of Profile-csHMMs. 400-411 - Babak Faryabi
, Jean-François Chamberland
, Golnaz Vahedi, Aniruddha Datta, Edward R. Dougherty:
Optimal Intervention in Asynchronous Genetic Regulatory Networks. 412-423 - David Correa Martins Jr., Ulisses M. Braga-Neto, Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto
, Michael L. Bittner, Edward R. Dougherty:
Intrinsically Multivariate Predictive Genes. 424-439
Volume 2, Number 4, August 2008
- Hamid K. Aghajan, Richard P. Kleihorst, Bernhard Rinner, Wayne H. Wolf:
Introduction to the Issue on Distributed Processing in Vision Networks. 445-447 - Henry Medeiros
, Johnny Park, Avi Kak:
Distributed Object Tracking Using a Cluster-Based Kalman Filter in Wireless Camera Networks. 448-463 - Jian Zhao, Sen-Ching S. Cheung, Thinh P. Nguyen:
Optimal Camera Network Configurations for Visual Tagging. 464-479 - Martin Hoffmann, Michael Wittke, Jörg Hähner
, Christian Müller-Schloer:
Spatial Partitioning in Self-Organizing Smart Camera Systems. 480-492 - Thiago Teixeira, Andreas Savvides:
Lightweight People Counting and Localizing for Easily Deployable Indoors WSNs. 493-502 - Huiyu Zhou
, Murtaza Taj
, Andrea Cavallaro:
Target Detection and Tracking With Heterogeneous Sensors. 503-513 - Cheng-Yao Chen, Tai-Ming Lin, Wayne H. Wolf:
A Visible/Infrared Fusion Algorithm for Distributed Smart Cameras. 514-525 - Hyungjin Kim, Mohammad H. Rahimi, Dong-U Lee, Deborah Estrin, John D. Villasenor:
Energy-Aware High Resolution Image Acquisition via Heterogeneous Image Sensors. 526-537 - Andreas Klausner, Allan Tengg, Bernhard Rinner:
Distributed Multilevel Data Fusion for Networked Embedded Systems. 538-555 - Diego Ruiz, Benoît Macq:
Exploitation of Interframe Redundancy for Real-Time Volumetric Reconstruction of Arbitrary Shapes. 556-567 - Anil M. Cheriyadat, Richard J. Radke
Detecting Dominant Motions in Dense Crowds. 568-581 - Bi Song, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury:
Robust Tracking in A Camera Network: A Multi-Objective Optimization Framework. 582-596 - Brian A. Stancil, Cha Zhang, Tsuhan Chen
Active Multicamera Networks: From Rendering to Surveillance. 597-605
Volume 2, Number 5, October 2008
- Amir Leshem
, Julian Christou
, Brian D. Jeffs, Ercan E. Kuruoglu
, Alle-Jan van der Veen
Introduction to the Issue on Signal Processing for Space Research and Astronomy. 609-612 - Stefan J. Wijnholds
, Alle-Jan van der Veen
Fundamental Imaging Limits of Radio Telescope Arrays. 613-623 - Stephen John Weddell, Russell Y. Webb:
Reservoir Computing for Prediction of the Spatially-Variant Point Spread Function. 624-634 - Brian D. Jeffs, Karl F. Warnick, Jonathan Landon, Jacob Waldron, David Jones, J. Richard Fisher, Roger D. Norrod:
Signal Processing for Phased Array Feeds in Radio Astronomical Telescopes. 635-646 - Tim J. Cornwell, Kumar Golap, Sanjay Bhatnagar
The Noncoplanar Baselines Effect in Radio Interferometry: The W-Projection Algorithm. 647-657 - Federico S. Cattivelli, Polly Estabrook, Edgar H. Satorius, Ali H. Sayed:
Carrier Recovery Enhancement for Maximum-Likelihood Doppler Shift Estimation in Mars Exploration Missions. 658-669 - Chen Ben-David, Amir Leshem
Parametric High Resolution Techniques for Radio Astronomical Imaging. 670-684 - Simon P. Wilson
, Ercan E. Kuruoglu
, Emanuele Salerno
Fully Bayesian Source Separation of Astrophysical Images Modelled by Mixture of Gaussians. 685-696 - Jorge Igual, Raul Llinares:
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization of Laboratory Astrophysical Ice Mixtures. 697-706 - Daniel A. Mitchell
, Lincoln J. Greenhill, Randall B. Wayth
, Robert J. Sault, Colin J. Lonsdale
, Roger J. Cappallo, Miguel F. Morales
, Stephen M. Ord
Real-Time Calibration of the Murchison Widefield Array. 707-717 - Jérôme Bobin, Jean-Luc Starck
, Roland Ottensamer
Compressed Sensing in Astronomy. 718-726 - Diego Herranz
, José Luis Sanz:
Matrix Filters for the Detection of Extragalactic Point Sources in Cosmic Microwave Background Images. 727-734 - Jean-François Cardoso
, Maude Le Jeune, Jacques Delabrouille, Marc Betoule, Guillaume Patanchon:
Component Separation With Flexible Models - Application to Multichannel Astrophysical Observations. 735-746 - Rita Belén Barreiro
, Patricio Vielva
, Carlos Hernandez-Monteagudo, Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez
A Linear Filter to Reconstruct the ISW Effect From CMB and LSS Observations. 747-754 - Mark D. Butala
, Farzad Kamalabadi, Richard A. Frazin
, Yuguo Chen:
Dynamic Tomographic Imaging of the Solar Corona. 755-766 - Guy Le Besnerais, Sylvestre Lacour
, Laurent M. Mugnier
, Éric Thiébaut, Guy Perrin
, Serge Meimon:
Advanced Imaging Methods for Long-Baseline Optical Interferometry. 767-780 - Peter J. Hampton, Pan Agathoklis, Colin Bradley:
A New Wave-Front Reconstruction Method for Adaptive Optics Systems Using Wavelets. 781-792 - Tim J. Cornwell:
Multiscale CLEAN Deconvolution of Radio Synthesis Images. 793-801 - Thomas Rodet, François Orieux
, Jean-François Giovannelli
, Alain Abergel:
Data Inversion for Over-Resolved Spectral Imaging in Astronomy. 802-811
Volume 2, Number 6, December 2008
- Tülay Adali, Z. Jane Wang, Martin J. McKeown
, Philippe Ciuciu, Lars Kai Hansen
, Andrzej Cichocki
, Vincent D. Calhoun
Introduction to the Issue on fMRI Analysis for Human Brain Mapping. 813-816 - Quang Minh Tieng, Peter Ullmann, Graham J. Galloway
, Jürgen Hennig, Gary J. Cowin
, Viktor Vegh
An Approach of Deriving Relative Sensitivity Profiles for Image Reconstruction in MRI. 817-827 - Brian Lenoski, Leslie C. Baxter
, Lina J. Karam
, José Maisog, Josef Debbins:
On the Performance of Autocorrelation Estimation Algorithms for fMRI Analysis. 828-838 - Anandi Mahadevan, Soumyadipta Acharya, Daniel Sheffer, Dale H. Mugler
Ballistocardiogram Artifact Removal in EEG-fMRI Signals Using Discrete Hermite Transforms. 839-853 - Ali Gholipour, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Kaundinya S. Gopinath, Richard W. Briggs:
Cross-Validation of Deformable Registration With Field Maps in Functional Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging. 854-869 - Yadong Liu, Dewen Hu, Zongtan Zhou, Hui Shen, Xiang Wang:
fMRI Noise Reduction Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Surrogate Test. 870-878 - Ian C. Atkinson, Farzad Kamalabadi, Douglas L. Jones, Keith R. Thulborn
Blind Estimation for Localized Low Contrast-to-Noise Ratio BOLD Signals. 879-890 - Joakim Rydell, Hans Knutsson, Magnus Borga
Bilateral Filtering of fMRI Data. 891-896 - Dimitri Van De Ville
, Michael Unser
False Discovery Rate for Wavelet-Based Statistical Parametric Mapping. 897-906 - Ashish Uthama, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Samantha J. Palmer, Anthony Traboulsee
, Martin J. McKeown
SPHARM-Based Spatial fMRI Characterization With Intersubject Anatomical Variability Reduction. 907-918 - Malin Björnsdotter Åberg
, Johan Wessberg:
An Evolutionary Approach to the Identification of Informative Voxel Clusters for Brain State Discrimination. 919-928 - Philippe Ciuciu, Patrice Abry
, Cécile Rabrait, Herwig Wendt
Log Wavelet Leaders Cumulant Based Multifractal Analysis of EVI fMRI Time Series: Evidence of Scaling in Ongoing and Evoked Brain Activity. 929-943 - Sonia I. Gonçalves
, Fetsje Bijma, Petra J. W. Pouwels, Marianne A. Jonker, Joost P. A. Kuijer
, Rob M. Heethaar, Fernando Henrique Lopes da Silva, Jan C. de Munck
A Data and Model-Driven Approach to Explore Inter-Subject Variability of Resting-State Brain Activity Using EEG-fMRI. 944-953 - Pieter F. Buur, David G. Norris, Christian W. Hesse:
Extraction of Task-Related Activation From Multi-Echo BOLD fMRI. 954-964 - Wolfgang Mader
, David Feess, Rüdiger Lange, Dorothee Saur
, Volkmar Glauche, Cornelius Weiller
, Jens Timmer, Björn Schelter:
On the Detection of Direct Directed Information Flow in fMRI. 965-974 - Zheng Ma, Z. Jane Wang, Martin J. McKeown
Probabilistic Boolean Network Analysis of Brain Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease. 975-985 - Alexandre R. Franco
, Josef Ling, Arvind Caprihan, Vincent D. Calhoun
, Rex E. Jung
, Gregory L. Heileman, Andy R. Mayer:
Multimodal and Multi-Tissue Measures of Connectivity Revealed by Joint Independent Component Analysis. 986-997 - Nicolle M. Correa, Yi-Ou Li, Tülay Adali, Vincent D. Calhoun
Canonical Correlation Analysis for Feature-Based Fusion of Biomedical Imaging Modalities and Its Application to Detection of Associative Networks in Schizophrenia. 998-1007 - Thomas Rodet, François Orieux
, Jean-François Giovannelli
, Alain Abergel:
Correction to "Data Inversion for Over-Resolved Spectral Imaging in Astronomy" [Oct 08 802-811]. 1008-1009
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