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International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, 2014
- Myeong-Hun Jeong
, Matt Duckham
, Allison Kealy
, Harvey J. Miller
, Andrej Peisker:
Decentralized and coordinate-free computation of critical points and surface networks in a discretized scalar field. 1-21 - Bi Yu Chen
, Hui Yuan, Qingquan Li, William H. K. Lam
, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ke Yan:
Map-matching algorithm for large-scale low-frequency floating car data. 22-38 - Gang Liu
, Yongshu Li, Jun Yang, Guolin Cai, Xiping Zhang:
Gravitational field routing strategy considering the distribution of traffic flow. 39-55 - Nieves R. Brisaboa
, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces
, M. Andrea Rodríguez
, Diego Seco
An inconsistency measure of spatial data sets with respect to topological constraints. 56-82 - Spiros Karakostas, Dimitrios Economou:
Enhanced multi-objective optimization algorithm for renewable energy sources: optimal spatial development of wind farms. 83-103 - Ying Song, Harvey J. Miller
Simulating visit probability distributions within planar space-time prisms. 104-125 - Bisheng Yang
, Yunfei Zhang, Feng Lu:
Geometric-based approach for integrating VGI POIs and road networks. 126-147 - Xiaoping Liu, Lei Ma
, Xia Li
, Bin Ai, Shaoying Li
, Zhijian He:
Simulating urban growth by integrating landscape expansion index (LEI) and cellular automata. 148-163 - David C. Folch, Seth E. Spielman
Identifying regions based on flexible user-defined constraints. 164-184 - Jinghai Xu
, Timothy L. Nyerges, Gaozhong Nie:
Modeling and representation for earthquake emergency response knowledge: perspective for working with geo-ontology. 185-205
- Anne Knowles:
The contested nature of historical GIS. 206-211
Volume 28, Number 2, 2014
- Jingwei Hou
, Wenbao Mi, Jiulin Sun:
Optimal spatial allocation of water resources based on Pareto ant colony algorithm. 213-233 - Yimin Chen
, Xia Li
, Xiaoping Liu, Bin Ai:
Modeling urban land-use dynamics in a fast developing city using the modified logistic cellular automaton with a patch-based simulation strategy. 234-255 - Alex Singleton
A GIS approach to modelling CO2 emissions associated with the pupil-school commute. 256-273
- Kirby Calvert, Peter Luciani, Warren Mabee
Thematic land-cover map assimilation and synthesis: the case of locating potential bioenergy feedstock in eastern Ontario, Canada. 274-295 - Eun-Hye Enki Yoo:
Site-specific prediction of West Nile virus mosquito abundance in Greater Toronto Area using generalized linear mixed models. 296-313 - Takeshi Shirabe:
A path that buys time to decide where to go. 314-325 - Francis Markham
, Bruce J. Doran
, Martin Young
Estimating gambling venue catchments for impact assessment using a calibrated gravity model. 326-342 - Monir H. Sharker, Hassan A. Karimi:
Computing least air pollution exposure routes. 343-362 - Susanne Bleisch
, Matt Duckham
, Antony Galton, Patrick Laube
, Jarod Lyon:
Mining candidate causal relationships in movement patterns. 363-382 - Patrick J. Kennelly, A. James Stewart:
General sky models for illuminating terrains. 383-406 - Ricardo Olanda
, Mariano Pérez
, Juan Manuel Orduña
, Silvia Rueda
Terrain data compression using wavelet-tiled pyramids for online 3D terrain visualization. 407-425
Volume 28, Number 3, 2014
- Sanjay K. Srivastava, Sameer Saran, Rolf A. de By, V. K. Dadhwal
A geo-information system approach for forest fire likelihood based on causative and anti-causative factors. 427-454 - Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers
Vario-scale data structures supporting smooth zoom and progressive transfer of 2D and 3D data. 455-478 - Taras Agryzkov, José Luis Oliver
, Leandro Tortosa
, José-Francisco Vicent
Analyzing the commercial activities of a street network by ranking their nodes: a case study in Murcia, Spain. 479-495 - Yihong Yuan
, Martin Raubal:
Measuring similarity of mobile phone user trajectories- a Spatio-temporal Edit Distance method. 496-520 - Peng Ti, Zhilin Li
Generation of schematic network maps with automated detection and enlargement of congested areas. 521-540 - Kostas Kalabokidis
, Nikolaos Athanasis
, Christos Vasilakos
, Palaiologos Palaiologou
Porting of a wildfire risk and fire spread application into a cloud computing environment. 541-552 - Rafael Suárez-Vega
, Dolores-Rosa Santos-Peñate
The use of GIS tools to support decision-making in the expansion of chain stores. 553-569 - Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Kangping Si:
The total operating characteristic to measure diagnostic ability for multiple thresholds. 570-583 - Irene Walde, Sören Hese, Christian Berger
, Christiane Schmullius:
From land cover-graphs to urban structure types. 584-609 - Bakhtiar Feizizadeh
, Thomas Blaschke
An uncertainty and sensitivity analysis approach for GIS-based multicriteria landslide susceptibility mapping. 610-638
Volume 28, Number 4, 2014
- Amin Tayyebi
, Phillips Christian Perry, Amir Hossein Tayyebi:
Predicting the expansion of an urban boundary using spatial logistic regression and hybrid raster-vector routines with remote sensing and GIS. 639-659 - Binbin Lu
, Martin Charlton
, Paul Harris
, A. Stewart Fotheringham:
Geographically weighted regression with a non-Euclidean distance metric: a case study using hedonic house price data. 660-681 - Hannes Römer, Jens Kersten
, Ralph Kiefl, Stefan Plattner, Alexander Mager, Stefan Voigt:
Airborne near-real-time monitoring of assembly and parking areas in case of large-scale public events and natural disasters. 682-699 - Hongchao Fan, Alexander Zipf
, Qing Fu, Pascal Neis:
Quality assessment for building footprints data on OpenStreetMap. 700-719 - Jiangfu Liao, Lina Tang
, Guofan Shao, Quanyi Qiu, Cuiping Wang, Shuanning Zheng, Xiaodan Su:
A neighbor decay cellular automata approach for simulating urban expansion based on particle swarm intelligence. 720-738 - Eric Kergosien, Bernard Laval, Mathieu Roche
, Maguelonne Teisseire
Are opinions expressed in land-use planning documents? 739-762 - Bong-Joo Jang, Suk Hwan Lee
, Sanghun Lim
, Ki-Ryong Kwon:
Progressive vector compression for high-accuracy vector map data. 763-779 - Jianming Liang
, Jianhua Gong, Wenhang Li, Ibrahim Abdoul Nasser:
A visualization-oriented 3D method for efficient computation of urban solar radiation based on 3D-2D surface mapping. 780-798 - Lucas Benedicic, Felipe A. Cruz, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Peter Korosec
A GRASS GIS parallel module for radio-propagation predictions. 799-823 - Xiaohua Tong, Dan Liang, Yanmin Jin:
A linear road object matching method for conflation based on optimization and logistic regression. 824-846
- David L. Tulloch:
Crowdsourcing geographic knowledge: volunteered geographic information (VGI) in theory and practice. 847-849
Volume 28, Number 5, 2014
- Mei-Po Kwan
, Tijs Neutens:
Space-time research in GIScience. 851-854 - Jed A. Long, Trisalyn A. Nelson
, Farouk S. Nathoo:
Toward a kinetic-based probabilistic time geography. 855-874 - Joni A. Downs, Mark W. Horner, Garrett Hyzer, David S. Lamb
, Rebecca W. Loraamm:
Voxel-based probabilistic space-time prisms for analysing animal movements and habitat use. 875-890 - Roeland Scheepens
, Huub van de Wetering
, Jarke J. van Wijk:
Contour based visualization of vessel movement predictions. 891-909 - Paul J. Doherty, Qinghua Guo
, Wenkai Li
, Jared Doke:
Space-time analyses for forecasting future incident occurrence: a case study from Yosemite National Park using the presence and background learning algorithm. 910-927 - Feixiong Liao
, Soora Rasouli
, Harry J. P. Timmermans:
Incorporating activity-travel time uncertainty and stochastic space-time prisms in multistate supernetworks for activity-travel scheduling. 928-945 - Ruojing W. Scholz, Yongmei Lu
Detection of dynamic activity patterns at a collective level from large-volume trajectory data. 946-963 - Paul M. Torrens:
High-resolution space-time processes for agents at the built-human interface of urban earthquakes. 964-986 - Dylan Keon, Ben Steinberg, Harry Yeh, Cherri M. Pancake, Dawn J. Wright
Web-based spatiotemporal simulation modeling and visualization of tsunami inundation and potential human response. 987-1009 - Jiawei Yi
, Yunyan Du, Fuyuan Liang, Chenghu Zhou, Di Wu, Yang Mo:
A representation framework for studying spatiotemporal changes and interactions of dynamic geographic phenomena. 1010-1027 - Kai Cao
, Bo Huang
, Manchun Li
, Wenwen Li:
Calibrating a cellular automata model for understanding rural-urban land conversion: a Pareto front-based multi-objective optimization approach. 1028-1046 - Nico Van de Weghe
, Berdien De Roo, Yi Qiang
, Mathias Versichele, Tijs Neutens, Philippe De Maeyer
The continuous spatio-temporal model (CSTM) as an exhaustive framework for multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis. 1047-1060 - Didier G. Leibovici
, Christophe Claramunt, Damien Le Guyader
, David Brosset:
Local and global spatio-temporal entropy indices based on distance-ratios and co-occurrences distributions. 1061-1084 - Alejandro Llaves, Werner Kuhn:
An event abstraction layer for the integration of geosensor data. 1085-1106 - Eric Delmelle, Coline Dony
, Irene Casas, Meijuan Jia, Wenwu Tang
Visualizing the impact of space-time uncertainties on dengue fever patterns. 1107-1127 - Cassandra Lee, Rodolphe Devillers
, Orland Hoeber
Navigating spatio-temporal data with temporal zoom and pan in a multi-touch environment. 1128-1148 - Charles Travis
Transcending the cube: translating GIScience time and space perspectives in a humanities GIS. 1149-1164 - Timothy L. Nyerges, Mary J. Roderick, Steven D. Prager
, David Bennett, Nina Lam:
Foundations of sustainability information representation theory: spatial-temporal dynamics of sustainable systems. 1165-1185 - Bo Wu
, Rongrong Li, Bo Huang
A geographically and temporally weighted autoregressive model with application to housing prices. 1186-1204
Volume 28, Number 6, 2014
- May Yuan, Sara Irina Fabrikant:
Editorial. 1205-1208 - André Skupin
Making a Mark: a computational and visual analysis of one researcher's intellectual domain. 1209-1232 - F. Benjamin Zhan, Xi Gong, Xingjian Liu
Mark on the globe: a quest for scientific bases of geographic information and its international influence. 1233-1245 - Andrew G. Turk, David Stea:
David Mark's contribution to ethnophysiography research. 1246-1263 - Peter A. Rogerson:
Place matters in sports: effects of the length of championship series on winning probabilities for the team with home field advantage. 1264-1271 - Curdin Derungs, Ross S. Purves:
From text to landscape: locating, identifying and mapping the use of landscape features in a Swiss Alpine corpus. 1272-1293 - Chen-Chieh Feng
, Alexandre Sorokine
Comparing English, Mandarin, and Russian hydrographic and terrain categories. 1294-1315
Volume 28, Number 7, 2014
- Xuecao Li
, Xiaoping Liu, Le Yu
A systematic sensitivity analysis of constrained cellular automata model for urban growth simulation based on different transition rules. 1317-1335 - V. F. Rodriguez-Galiano
, Mario Chica-Olmo
, Mario Chica-Rivas:
Predictive modelling of gold potential with the integration of multisource information based on random forest: a case study on the Rodalquilar area, Southern Spain. 1336-1354 - Dieudonné Tsatcha, Eric Saux, Christophe Claramunt:
A bidirectional path-finding algorithm and data structure for maritime routing. 1355-1377 - Lei Fan, Joel A. Smethurst
, Peter M. Atkinson
, William Powrie:
Propagation of vertical and horizontal source data errors into a TIN with linear interpolation. 1378-1400 - Gert W. Wolf
Knowledge diffusion from GIScience to other fields: the example of the usage of weighted surface networks in nanotechnology. 1401-1424 - Yikang Rui, Yifang Ban:
Exploring the relationship between street centrality and land use in Stockholm. 1425-1438 - Ehab ElGindy, Alia I. Abdelmoty
Enriching user profiles using geo-social place semantics in geo-folksonomies. 1439-1458 - Jizhe Xia, Chaowei Yang
, Zhipeng Gui
, Kai Liu, Zhenglong Li:
Optimizing an index with spatiotemporal patterns to support GEOSS Clearinghouse. 1459-1481 - Fuyu Hu, Saini Yang, Wei Xu:
A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for the location and districting planning of earthquake shelters. 1482-1501 - Atsushi Masuyama:
Total locational surplus for facility users distributed continuously along a network. 1502-1522
- David J. Unwin:
GIS fundamentals, by Stephen Wise, Boca Raton. 1523-1524 - Thomas Jekel:
Teaching science and investigating environmental issues with geospatial technology: designing effective professional development for teachers, by J. MaKinster, N. Trautmann, and M. Barnet. 1524-1526
Volume 28, Number 8, 2014
- Shawn William Laffan
, Andrew K. Skidmore
, Janet Franklin:
Species distribution and diversity, habitat selection and connectivity: introduction to the Third Special Issue on Spatial Ecology. 1527-1530 - María C. Mateo Sánchez, Samuel A. Cushman, Santiago Saura
Scale dependence in habitat selection: the case of the endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain). 1531-1546 - Matthew P. Peters
, Stephen N. Matthews
, Louis Iverson, Anantha M. Prasad:
Delineating generalized species boundaries from species distribution data and a species distribution model. 1547-1560 - Bray J. Beltrán, Janet Franklin, Alexandra D. Syphard
, Helen M. Regan, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint:
Effects of climate change and urban development on the distribution and conservation of vegetation in a Mediterranean type ecosystem. 1561-1589 - Anthony J. McCue, Michael J. McGrath, Yolanda F. Wiersma
Benefits and drawbacks of two modelling approaches for a generalist carnivore: can models predict where Wile E. Coyote will turn up next? 1590-1609 - Javier Martínez-López
, María F. Carreño
, José A. Palazón-Ferrando, Julia Martínez-Fernández
, Miguel A. Esteve:
Free advanced modeling and remote-sensing techniques for wetland watershed delineation and monitoring. 1610-1625 - Alexander Hohl
, Tomás Václavík, Ross K. Meentemeyer
Go with the flow: geospatial analytics to quantify hydrologic landscape connectivity for passively dispersed microorganisms. 1626-1641 - Marc H. Hanke
, J. David Lambert, Kelly J. Smith:
Utilization of a multicriteria least cost path model in an aquatic environment. 1642-1657 - Giovanni di Virgilio
, Shawn W. Laffan
Using maps of continuous variation in species compositional turnover to supplement uniform polygon species range maps. 1658-1673 - Gilad Bino
, Daniel Ramp
, Richard T. Kingsford
Identifying minimal sets of survey techniques for multi-species monitoring across landscapes: an approach utilising species distribution models. 1674-1708 - Neftalí Sillero
, Luis Gonçalves-Seco
Spatial structure analysis of a reptile community with airborne LiDAR data. 1709-1722 - Gentile Francesco Ficetola
, Anna Bonardi, Caspar A. Mücher, Niels L. M. Gilissen, Emilio Padoa-Schioppa
How many predictors in species distribution models at the landscape scale? Land use versus LiDAR-derived canopy height. 1723-1739
Volume 28, Number 9, 2014
- Nicholas J. Tate:
In memoriam: Prof Peter Fisher. 1741-1743
- Alexander Gocht, Norbert Röder
Using a Bayesian estimator to combine information from a cluster analysis and remote sensing data to estimate high-resolution data for agricultural production in Germany. 1744-1764 - Haibo Hu:
An algorithm for converting weather radar data into GIS polygons and its application in severe weather warning systems. 1765-1780 - Kwanho Kim, Kyuhyup Oh, Yeong Kyu Lee, Sungho Kim, Jae-Yoon Jung:
An analysis on movement patterns between zones using smart card data in subway networks. 1781-1801 - Daniel R. Montello, Alinda Friedman, Daniel W. Phillips
Vague cognitive regions in geography and geographic information science. 1802-1820 - Çetin Koca, Ugur Güdükbay:
A hybrid representation for modeling, interactive editing, and real-time visualization of terrains with volumetric features. 1821-1847 - Thomas Houet
, Noémie Schaller, Mathieu Castets
, Cédric Gaucherel:
Improving the simulation of fine-resolution landscape changes by coupling top-down and bottom-up land use and cover changes rules. 1848-1876 - Marta Fort
, Joan Antoni Sellarès
, Nacho Valladares:
A parallel GPU-based approach for reporting flock patterns. 1877-1903 - Michael Kuntz, Marco Helbich:
Geostatistical mapping of real estate prices: an empirical comparison of kriging and cokriging. 1904-1921 - Zhe Zhang
, Urska Demsar
, Jaako Rantala, Kirsi Virrantaus:
A fuzzy multiple-attribute decision-making modelling for vulnerability analysis on the basis of population information for disaster management. 1922-1939 - Mohamed Bakillah, Steve H. L. Liang, Amin Mobasheri
, Jamal Jokar Arsanjani
, Alexander Zipf
Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest. 1940-1963 - Javier Lacasta, Francisco Javier López-Pellicer
, Aneta J. Florczyk, Francisco Javier Zarazaga-Soria, Javier Nogueras-Iso
Population of a spatio-temporal knowledge base for jurisdictional domains. 1964-1987 - Tao Pei, Stanislav Sobolevsky
, Carlo Ratti, Shih-Lung Shaw, Ting Li, Chenghu Zhou:
A new insight into land use classification based on aggregated mobile phone data. 1988-2007
Volume 28, Number 10, 2014
- Gennady L. Andrienko
, Sara Irina Fabrikant, Amy L. Griffin
, Jason Dykes, Jochen Schiewe:
GeoViz: interactive maps that help people think. 2009-2012 - Ulanbek D. Turdukulov
, Andres Oswaldo Calderon Romero, Otto Huisman, Vasilios Retsios:
Visual mining of moving flock patterns in large spatio-temporal data sets using a frequent pattern approach. 2013-2029 - Sebastian Pasewaldt, Amir Semmo
, Matthias Trapp
, Jürgen Döllner:
Multi-perspective 3D panoramas. 2030-2051 - Thomas C. van Dijk, Jan-Henrik Haunert
Interactive focus maps using least-squares optimization. 2052-2075 - Christoph Kinkeldey:
Development of a prototype for uncertainty-aware geovisual analytics of land cover change. 2076-2089 - Aidan Slingsby
, Jason Dykes, Jo Wood
, Robert Radburn:
Designing an exploratory visual interface to the results of citizen surveys. 2090-2125
Volume 28, Number 11, 2014
- Cheng-Zhi Qin
, Li-Jun Zhan, A-Xing Zhu, Chenghu Zhou:
A strategy for raster-based geocomputation under different parallel computing platforms. 2127-2144 - Mohammad H. Vahidnia
, Ali A. Alesheikh
Plain move predicate and its consistency concerning the moving agents in a network. 2145-2177 - Chen Zhong
, Stefan Müller Arisona, Xianfeng Huang, Michael Batty, Gerhard Schmitt:
Detecting the dynamics of urban structure through spatial network analysis. 2178-2199 - Qiuping Li, Hongchao Fan, Xuechen Luan, Bisheng Yang
, Lin Liu:
Polygon-based approach for extracting multilane roads from OpenStreetMap urban road networks. 2200-2219 - Eduardo Cunha, Bruno Martins
Using one-class classifiers and multiple kernel learning for defining imprecise geographic regions. 2220-2241 - Yumin Chen
, Qiming Zhou
, Sheng Li
, Fanrui Meng, Xiaomei Bi, John P. Wilson, Zisheng Xing, Junyu Qi, Qiang Li
, Chengfu Zhang:
The simulation of surface flow dynamics using a flow-path network model. 2242-2260 - Luc Anselin, Sergio J. Rey
, Wenwen Li:
Metadata and provenance for spatial analysis: the case of spatial weights. 2261-2280 - Khila Raj Dahal, T. Edwin Chow
An agent-integrated irregular automata model of urban land-use dynamics. 2281-2303 - Andrej Osterman, Lucas Benedicic, Patrik Ritosa:
An IO-efficient parallel implementation of an R2 viewshed algorithm for large terrain maps on a CUDA GPU. 2304-2327 - Bailang Yu
, Song Shu, Hongxing Liu, Wei Song
, Jianping Wu, Lei Wang, Zuoqi Chen
Object-based spatial cluster analysis of urban landscape pattern using nighttime light satellite images: a case study of China. 2328-2355 - Isabel Pôças
, João F. Gonçalves
, Bruno Marcos
, Joaquim M. Alonso
, Pedro Castro
, João P. Honrado
Evaluating the fitness for use of spatial data sets to promote quality in ecological assessment and monitoring. 2356-2371
Volume 28, Number 12, 2014
- Bojan Savric
, Bernhard Jenny
A new pseudocylindrical equal-area projection for adaptive composite map projections. 2373-2389 - Kaveh Khalili Damghani
, Bahram Aminzadeh-Goharrizi, Saeed Rastegar, Babak Aminzadeh-Goharrizi:
Solving land-use suitability analysis and planning problem by a hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm. 2390-2416 - Annette Hey, Ralf Bill
Placing dots in dot maps. 2417-2434 - Linwang Yuan, Zhaoyuan Yu, Wen Luo, Lin Yi, Guonian Lü:
Multidimensional-unified topological relations computation: a hierarchical geometric algebra-based approach. 2435-2455 - Haosheng Huang
, Silvia Klettner, Manuela Schmidt, Georg Gartner
, Sven Leitinger, Andreas Wagner, Renate Steinmann:
AffectRoute - considering people's affective responses to environments for enhancing route-planning services. 2456-2473 - Marc Pons
, Peter A. Johnson
, Martí Rosas, Eric Jover:
A georeferenced agent-based model to analyze the climate change impacts on ski tourism at a regional scale. 2474-2494 - Yizhong Sun, Chi Yao, Shixiang Zhao, Mingzhu Xu:
Unique identification of vector geographic objects by location and geometry. 2495-2510 - Seung Man An, Ho-Young Lee, Byungsoo Kim
, Chae-Yeon Yi, Jeong-Hee Eum, Jung-Hun Woo
Geospatial spreadsheets with microscale air quality visualization and synchronization for supporting multiple-scenario visual collaboration. 2511-2532 - Sunghwan Cho, M. Xavier Punithan, Jonggun Gim, Yong Huh:
Tagging-the-triangle algorithm for partitioning features with inconsistent boundaries. 2533-2550
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