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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 2014
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
How Can More Women-Owned Technology Businesses Get Funding? 1-2 - Jesse Fox
, Katie M. Warber:
Social Networking Sites in Romantic Relationships: Attachment, Uncertainty, and Partner Surveillance on Facebook. 3-7 - Sarah M. Coyne, Laura M. Padilla-Walker, Randal D. Day, James Harper, Laura Stockdale:
A Friend Request from Dear Old Dad: Associations Between Parent-Child Social Networking and Adolescent Outcomes. 8-13 - Lutz Wartberg, Rudolf Kammerl, Moritz Rosenkranz, Lena Hirschhäuser, Sandra Hein, Christiane Schwinge, Kay-Uwe Petersen, Rainer Thomasius:
The Interdependence of Family Functioning and Problematic Internet Use in a Representative Quota Sample of Adolescents. 14-18 - David Hagström, Viktor Kaldo
Escapism Among Players of MMORPGs - Conceptual Clarification, Its Relation to Mental Health Factors, and Development of a New Measure. 19-25 - Snezhanka Kazakova, Veroline Cauberghe, Mario Pandelaere
, Patrick De Pelsmacker
Players' Expertise and Competition with Others Shape the Satisfaction of Competence Needs, Gaming Gratifications, and Contingent Self-Esteem in a Gaming Context. 26-32 - Won-Moo Hur, Hanna Kim
, Wan-Min Kim:
The Moderating Roles of Gender and Age in Tablet Computer Adoption. 33-39 - Fatih Canan, Osman Yildirim, Tuba Yildirim Ustunel, Gjergji Sinani, Arzu Hisarvant Kaleli, Cemalettin Gunes, Ahmet Ataoglu:
The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Body Mass Index in Turkish Adolescents. 40-45 - Diana Guertler
, Anja Broda, Anja Bischof
, Nadin Kastirke, Gert-Jan Meerkerk
, Ulrich John
, Christian Meyer
, Hans-Juergen Rumpf
Factor Structure of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale. 46-51 - Yu Guo
, Yiwei Li, Naoya Ito:
Exploring the Predicted Effect of Social Networking Site Use on Perceived Social Capital and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese International Students in Japan. 52-58 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 59 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 60
Volume 17, Number 2, February 2014
- Harald Dreßing, Josef Bailer, Anne Anders, Henriette Wagner, Christine Gallas:
Cyberstalking in a Large Sample of Social Network Users: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Impact Upon Victims. 61-67 - Wen-Bin Chiou
, Szu-Wei Chen, Da-Chi Liao:
Does Facebook Promote Self-Interest? Enactment of Indiscriminate One-to-Many Communication on Online Social Networking Sites Decreases Prosocial Behavior. 68-73 - Anouk den Hamer, Elly A. Konijn, Micha G. Keijer:
Cyberbullying Behavior and Adolescents' Use of Media with Antisocial Content: A Cyclic Process Model. 74-81 - Gregor Petric
Perceived Quality of Conversations in Online Communities: Conceptual Framework, Scale Development, and Empirical Validation. 82-90 - Olatz Lopez-Fernandez
, Maria Luisa Honrubia-Serrano, Montserrat Freixa-Blanxart, William Gibson:
Prevalence of Problematic Mobile Phone Use in British Adolescents. 91-98 - Lutz Wartberg, Kay-Uwe Petersen, Rudolf Kammerl, Moritz Rosenkranz, Rainer Thomasius:
Psychometric Validation of a German Version of the Compulsive Internet Use Scale. 99-103 - Mike Z. Yao
, Jing He, Deborah M. Ko, Kaichung Pang:
The Influence of Personality, Parental Behaviors, and Self-Esteem on Internet Addiction: A Study of Chinese College Students. 104-110 - Yajun Li, Xinghui Zhang, Furong Lu, Qin Zhang, Yun Wang
Internet Addiction Among Elementary and Middle School Students in China: A Nationally Representative Sample Study. 111-116 - In Jeong Hwang, Bong Gyou Lee, Ki Youn Kim:
Information Asymmetry, Social Networking Site Word of Mouth, and Mobility Effects on Social Commerce in Korea. 117-124 - Pawel Dobrowolski
, Grzegorz Pochwatko
, Maciek Skorko
, Maksymilian Bielecki
The Effects of Virtual Experience on Attitudes Toward Real Brands. 125-128 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 129 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 130
Volume 17, Number 3, March 2014
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
The Role of Psychology in Enhancing Cybersecurity. 131-132 - Emily K. Vraga
, Leticia Bode, Chris Wells, Kevin Driscoll, Kjerstin Thorson:
The Rules of Engagement: Comparing Two Social Protest Movements on YouTube. 133-140 - Rachel Kowert
, Ruth Festl
, Thorsten Quandt
Unpopular, Overweight, and Socially Inept: Reconsidering the Stereotype of Online Gamers. 141-146 - Olivia Metcalf
, Kristen Pammer
Impulsivity and Related Neuropsychological Features in Regular and Addictive First Person Shooter Gaming. 147-152 - Emily Collins
, Jonathan Freeman:
Video Game Use and Cognitive Performance: Does It Vary with the Presence of Problematic Video Game Use? 153-159 - Yoojung Kim, Wei-Na Lee:
Networking for Philanthropy: Increasing Volunteer Behavior via Social Networking Sites. 160-165 - Rozane De Cock
, Jolien Vangeel
, Annabelle Klein, Pascal Minotte, Omar Rosas
, Gert-Jan Meerkerk
Compulsive Use of Social Networking Sites in Belgium: Prevalence, Profile, and the Role of Attitude Toward Work and School. 166-171 - Chun-Lin Lee, Ming-Kuei Huang:
The Influence of Computer Literacy and Computer Anxiety on Computer Self-Efficacy: The Moderating Effect of Gender. 172-180 - Jo Cranwell
, Steve Benford
, Robert J. Houghton
, Michael Golembewski, Joel E. Fischer, Martin S. Hagger
Increasing Self-Regulatory Energy Using an Internet-Based Training Application Delivered by Smartphone Technology. 181-186 - Shannon M. Rauch, Cara Strobel, Megan Bella, Zachary Odachowski, Christopher Bloom:
Face to Face Versus Facebook: Does Exposure to Social Networking Web Sites Augment or Attenuate Physiological Arousal Among the Socially Anxious? 187-190 - Wim Veling
, Willem-Paul Brinkman
, Emily Dorrestijn, Mark Van Der Gaag
Virtual Reality Experiments Linking Social Environment and Psychosis: A Pilot Study. 191-195 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 196 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 197-198
Volume 17, Number 4, April 2014
- Evelyn P. Meier, James Gray:
Facebook Photo Activity Associated with Body Image Disturbance in Adolescent Girls. 199-206 - Ann DeSmet
, Charlene Veldeman, Karolien Poels
, Sara Bastiaensens
, Katrien Van Cleemput, Heidi Vandebosch, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij:
Determinants of Self-Reported Bystander Behavior in Cyberbullying Incidents Amongst Adolescents. 207-215 - John M. Grohol, Joseph Slimowicz, Rebecca Granda:
The Quality of Mental Health Information Commonly Searched for on the Internet. 216-221 - Adam Lobel, Isabela Granic, Rutger C. M. E. Engels
Stressful Gaming, Interoceptive Awareness, and Emotion Regulation Tendencies: A Novel Approach. 222-227 - Andrew K. Przybylski
Who Believes Electronic Games Cause Real World Aggression? 228-234 - Mao H. Vang, Jesse Fox
Race in Virtual Environments: Competitive Versus Cooperative Games with Black or White Avatars. 235-240 - Patrice Renaud, Dominique Trottier, Kévin Nolet, Joanne L. Rouleau, Mathieu Goyette
, Stéphane Bouchard
Sexual Self-Regulation and Cognitive Absorption as Factors of Sexual Response Toward Virtual Characters. 241-247 - Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee, Clifford I. Nass, Jeremy N. Bailenson
Does the Mask Govern the Mind?: Effects of Arbitrary Gender Representation on Quantitative Task Performance in Avatar-Represented Virtual Groups. 248-254 - Yeon Kyoung Joo, Jong-Eun Roselyn Lee:
Can "The Voices in the Car" Persuade Drivers to Go Green?: Effects of Benefit Appeals from In-Vehicle Voice Agents and the Role of Drivers' Affective States on Eco-Driving. 255-261 - Chan-Bin Park, Jung-Seok Choi, Su Mi Park, Jun-Young Lee
, Hee Yeon Jung, Jin-Mi Seol, Jae Yeon Hwang, Ah Reum Gwak, Jun Soo Kwon:
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Virtual Cue Exposure Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nicotine Dependence. 262-267 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 268 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 269-270
Volume 17, Number 5, May 2014
- S. Mo Jang, Hoon Lee, Yong Jin Park:
The More Friends, the Less Political Talk? Predictors of Facebook Discussions Among College Students. 271-275 - Terri H. Chan:
Facebook and its Effects on Users' Empathic Social Skills and Life Satisfaction: A Double-Edged Sword Effect. 276-280 - Jenn Anderson
, Mary Bresnahan
, Catherine Musatics:
Combating Weight-Based Cyberbullying on Facebook with the Dissenter Effect. 281-286 - Rebecca Dredge
, John F. M. Gleeson
, Xochitl de la Piedad Garcia
Risk Factors Associated with Impact Severity of Cyberbullying Victimization: A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Online Social Networking. 287-291 - Héctor Fuster
, Andrés Chamarro
, Xavier Carbonell
, Robert J. Vallerand
Relationship Between Passion and Motivation for Gaming in Players of Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. 292-297 - Lukasz D. Kaczmarek
, Dariusz Drazkowski
MMORPG Escapism Predicts Decreased Well-Being: Examination of Gaming Time, Game Realism Beliefs, and Online Social Support for Offline Problems. 298-302 - Lotte Vermeulen, Elena Patricia Núñez Castellar, Jan Van Looy
Challenging the Other: Exploring the Role of Opponent Gender in Digital Game Competition for Female Players. 303-309 - Anna Felnhofer
, Oswald D. Kothgassner
, Thomas Hetterle, Leon Beutl, Helmut Hlavacs, Ilse Kryspin-Exner:
Afraid to Be There? Evaluating the Relation Between Presence, Self-Reported Anxiety, and Heart Rate in a Virtual Public Speaking Task. 310-316 - Sean D. Young
, Abbas Shakiba, Justin Kwok, Mohammad Sadegh Montazeri:
The Influence of Social Networking Technologies on Female Religious Veil-Wearing Behavior in Iran. 317-321 - Jeffrey A. Hall:
First Comes Social Networking, Then Comes Marriage? Characteristics of Americans Married 2005-2012 Who Met Through Social Networking Sites. 322-326 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 327 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 328
Volume 17, Number 6, June 2014
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Giuseppe Riva
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
How Can Virtual Reality Interventions Help Reduce Prescription Opioid Drug Misuse? 331-332 - Robert Madelin:
Personalizing Therapy. 333 - David A. Thomas:
Virtual Reality Research Continues to Progress at the National Institutes of Health. 334 - Stefano Triberti
, Claudia Repetto
, Giuseppe Riva
Psychological Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Analgesia: A Systematic Review. 335-345 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Kenneth Gao, Camelia Sulea, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Virtual Reality as a Distraction Technique in Chronic Pain Patients. 346-352 - Desirée Loreto-Quijada, José Gutiérrez-Maldonado
, Rubén Nieto
, Olga Gutiérrez-Martínez, Marta Ferrer-García
, Carmina Saldaña
, Adela Fusté-Escolano
, Liudmila Liutsko
Differential Effects of Two Virtual Reality Interventions: Distraction Versus Pain Control. 353-358 - Mark D. Wiederhold, Kenneth Gao, Brenda K. Wiederhold
Clinical Use of Virtual Reality Distraction System to Reduce Anxiety and Pain in Dental Procedures. 359-365 - Bomyi Jeon
, Sungkun Cho, Jang-Han Lee:
Application of Virtual Body Swapping to Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Pilot Study. 366-370 - José Luis Mosso-Vázquez
, Kenneth Gao, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Virtual Reality for Pain Management in Cardiac Surgery. 371-378 - Rocio Herrero
, Azucena García-Palacios
, Diana Castilla
, Guadalupe Molinari
, Cristina Botella
Virtual Reality for the Induction of Positive Emotions in the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Study over Acceptability, Satisfaction, and the Effect of Virtual Reality on Mood. 379-384 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Kenneth Gao, Lingjun Kong, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Mobile Devices as Adjunctive Pain Management Tools. 385-389 - Wendy A. Powell
, Maureen J. Simmonds:
Virtual Reality and Musculoskeletal Pain: Manipulating Sensory Cues to Improve Motor Performance During Walking. 390-396 - Hunter G. Hoffman, Walter J. Meyer III, Maribel Ramirez, Linda Roberts, Eric J. Seibel, Barbara Atzori, Sam R. Sharar, David R. Patterson:
Feasibility of Articulated Arm Mounted Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Goggles for Adjunctive Pain Control During Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Burn Patients. 397-401 - Camelia Sulea, Ahmad Soomro, Chelsie Boyd, Brenda K. Wiederhold
Pain Management in Virtual Reality: A Comprehensive Research Chart. 402-413 - Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Ahmad Soomro, Giuseppe Riva
, Mark D. Wiederhold:
Future Directions: Advances and Implications of Virtual Environments Designed for Pain Management. 414-422 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 423 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 424
Volume 17, Number 7, July 2014
- Russell B. Clayton
The Third Wheel: The Impact of Twitter Use on Relationship Infidelity and Divorce. 425-430 - Michelle F. Wright:
Predictors of Anonymous Cyber Aggression: The Role of Adolescents' Beliefs About Anonymity, Aggression, and the Permanency of Digital Content. 431-438 - Robert N. McLay, Vasudha Ram, Jennifer Webb-Murphy, James L. Spira, Dennis Patrick Wood, Mark D. Wiederhold, Brenda K. Wiederhold
, Scott Johnston, Dennis Reeves:
Effect of Virtual Reality PTSD Treatment on Mood and Neurocognitive Outcomes. 439-446 - Rachel Kowert
, Emese Domahidi, Thorsten Quandt
The Relationship Between Online Video Game Involvement and Gaming-Related Friendships Among Emotionally Sensitive Individuals. 447-453 - Karen Long, Xiao Zhang:
The Role of Self-Construal in Predicting Self-Presentational Motives for Online Social Network Use in the UK and Japan. 454-459 - Chi-Wen Chen, Chiun-Sin Lin:
Building a Sense of Virtual Community: The Role of the Features of Social Networking Sites. 460-465 - Ki Joon Kim
, S. Shyam Sundar:
Does Screen Size Matter for Smartphones? Utilitarian and Hedonic Effects of Screen Size on Smartphone Adoption. 466-473 - Antonia Barke
, Nele Nyenhuis, Birgit Kröner-Herwig:
The German Version of the Generalized Pathological Internet Use Scale 2: A Validation Study. 474-482 - Dohyun Ahn
, Youngnam Seo, Minkyung Kim, Joung Huem Kwon, Younbo Jung, Jungsun Ahn, Doohwang Lee:
The Effects of Actual Human Size Display and Stereoscopic Presentation on Users' Sense of Being Together with and of Psychological Immersion in a Virtual Character. 483-487 - Santosh Vijaykumar, Ricardo J. Wray, Trent Buskirk, Himakshi Piplani, Joya Banerjee
, Michael Furdyk, Reshma Pattni:
Youth, New Media, and HIV/AIDS: Determinants of Participation in an Online Health Social Movement. 488-495 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 496 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 497
Volume 17, Number 8, August 2014
- Matthew Grizzard
, Ron Tamborini, Robert J. Lewis, Lu Wang, Sujay Prabhu:
Being Bad in a Video Game Can Make Us Morally Sensitive. 499-504 - Christian Laier, Jaro Pekal, Matthias Brand
Cybersex Addiction in Heterosexual Female Users of Internet Pornography Can Be Explained by Gratification Hypothesis. 505-511 - Elizabeth L. Cohen, Alexander L. Lancaster:
Individual Differences in In-Person and Social Media Television Coviewing: The Role of Emotional Contagion, Need to Belong, and Coviewing Orientation. 512-518 - Jinhui Li
, Yin-Leng Theng
, Schubert Foo
Game-Based Digital Interventions for Depression Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 519-527 - Artemis Tsitsika
, Mari Janikian
, Tim M. Schoenmakers
, Eleni C. Tzavela, Kjartan Ólafsson
, Szymon Wójcik
, George Florian Macarie, Chara Tzavara, Clive Richardson:
Internet Addictive Behavior in Adolescence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Seven European Countries. 528-535 - Allyson Dale, Anthony Murkar, Nicolle Miller, Joshua Black:
Comparing the Effects of Real Versus Simulated Violence on Dream Imagery. 536-541 - Sung-Wei Chen
, Susan Shur-Fen Gau
, Hynek Pikhart
, Anne Peasey
, Shih-Tse Chen, Ming-Chen Tsai:
Work Stress and Subsequent Risk of Internet Addiction Among Information Technology Engineers in Taiwan. 542-550 - Eric Rutger Leukfeldt:
Phishing for Suitable Targets in The Netherlands: Routine Activity Theory and Phishing Victimization. 551-555 - Pedro Gamito
, Jorge Oliveira
, André Baptista, Diogo Morais
, Paulo Lopes, Pedro J. Rosa
, Nuno Santos, Rodrigo Brito
Eliciting Nicotine Craving with Virtual Smoking Cues. 556-561 - Graham G. Scott, Jason Sinclair, Emma Short, Gillian Bruce
It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It: Language Use on Facebook Impacts Employability But Not Attractiveness. 562-566 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 567 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 568
Volume 17, Number 9, September 2014
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Cyberbullying and LGBTQ Youth: A Deadly Combination. 569-570 - Jayeon Lee
Are Some People Less Influenced by Others' Opinions? The Role of Internal Political Self-Efficacy and Need for Cognition in Impression Formation on Social Networking Sites. 571-577 - Wonsun Shin
, Nurzali Ismail
Exploring the Role of Parents and Peers in Young Adolescents' Risk Taking on Social Networking Sites. 578-583 - Enrica Ciucci
, Andrea Baroncelli:
Emotion-Related Personality Traits and Peer Social Standing: Unique and Interactive Effects in Cyberbullying Behaviors. 584-590 - Yukari Seko, Sean Kidd, David Wiljer
, Kwame McKenzie
Youth Mental Health Interventions via Mobile Phones: A Scoping Review. 591-602 - Frederik De Grove:
Youth, Friendship, and Gaming: A Network Perspective. 603-608 - Susan Tortolero, Melissa Peskin, Elizabeth R. Baumler, Paula M. Cuccaro
, Marc N. Elliott, Susan L. Davies, Terri H. Lewis, Stephen W. Banspach, David E. Kanouse, Mark A. Schuster:
Daily Violent Video Game Playing and Depression in Preadolescent Youth. 609-615 - Birte Walther, Reiner Hanewinkel
, Matthis Morgenstern:
Effects of a Brief School-Based Media Literacy Intervention on Digital Media Use in Adolescents: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. 616-623 - Diana C. M. Seitz, Christine Knaevelsrud, Gabriele Duran, Sabine Waadt, Lutz Goldbeck:
Internet-Based Psychotherapy in Young Adult Survivors of Pediatric Cancer: Feasibility and Participants' Satisfaction. 624-629 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 630-631 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 632
Volume 17, Number 10, October 2014
- Antti Oulasvirta
, Tiia Suomalainen, Juho Hamari
, Airi Lampinen, Kristiina Karvonen:
Transparency of Intentions Decreases Privacy Concerns in Ubiquitous Surveillance. 633-638 - Adam Lobel, Isabela Granic, Lisanne L. Stone, Rutger C. M. E. Engels
Stressful Gaming, Interoceptive Awareness, and Emotion Regulation Tendencies: A Novel Approach. 639-643 - Christin R. Müller, Jan Pfetsch
, Angela Ittel:
Ethical Media Competence as a Protective Factor Against Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization Among German School Students. 644-651 - Igor Pantic
Online Social Networking and Mental Health. 652-657 - Hyondong Kim, Yang Woon Chung:
The Use of Social Networking Services and Their Relationship with the Big Five Personality Model and Job Satisfaction in Korea. 658-663 - Aditi Paul:
Is Online Better Than Offline for Meeting Partners? Depends: Are You Looking to Marry or to Date? 664-667 - Michael Laakasuo, Jussi Palomäki
, Mikko Salmela:
Experienced Poker Players Are Emotionally Stable. 668-671 - Georgios Floros, Konstantinos Siomos, Ariadni Stogiannidou, Ioannis Giouzepas, Georgios Garyfallos:
The Relationship Between Personality, Defense Styles, Internet Addiction Disorder, and Psychopathology in College Students. 672-676 - Matt C. Howard:
Creation of a Computer Self-Efficacy Measure: Analysis of Internal Consistency, Psychometric Properties, and Validity. 677-681 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 682 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 683
Volume 17, Number 11, November 2014
- Jesse Fox, Courtney Anderegg:
Romantic Relationship Stages and Social Networking Sites: Uncertainty Reduction Strategies and Perceived Relational Norms on Facebook. 685-691 - Annika Scholl, Kai Sassenberg
"While You Still Think, I Already Type": Experienced Social Power Reduces Deliberation During E-Mail Communication. 692-696 - Yoonkyung Kim, Young Min Baek
When Is Selective Self-Presentation Effective? An Investigation of the Moderation Effects of "Self-Esteem" and "Social Trust". 697-701 - Noor Ismawati Jaafar
, Bobby Darmawan, Mohd Yahya Mohamed Ariffin:
Face-to-Face or Not-to-Face: A Technology Preference for Communication. 702-708 - Kiho Kim, Kevin Kiwon Park, Jang-Han Lee:
The Influence of Arousal and Expectation on Eyewitness Memory in a Virtual Environment. 709-713 - Manuel Gámez-Guadix
Depressive Symptoms and Problematic Internet Use Among Adolescents: Analysis of the Longitudinal Relationships from the Cognitive-Behavioral Model. 714-719 - Kwok-Kei Mak, Ching-Man Lai
, Hiroko Watanabe, Dong-Il Kim, Norharlina Bahar, Milen S. Ramos, Kimberly S. Young, Roger C. M. Ho, Na-Rae Aum, Cecilia Cheng
Epidemiology of Internet Behaviors and Addiction Among Adolescents in Six Asian Countries. 720-728 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 729 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 730
Volume 17, Number 12, December 2014
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Social Networking: A Force for Good in Responsible Research. 733-734 - Joseph Miller
, Ivanka Prichard
, Amanda Hutchinson
, Carlene Wilson
The Relationship Between Exposure to Alcohol-Related Content on Facebook and Predictors of Alcohol Consumption Among Female Emerging Adults. 735-741 - James G. Phillips, James Sargeant
, Rowan P. Ogeil, Yang-Wai Chow
, Alex Blaszczynski:
Self-Reported Gambling Problems and Digital Traces. 742-748 - Orsolya Király, Mark D. Griffiths
, Róbert Urbán, Judit Farkas, Gyöngyi Kökönyei
, Zsuzsanna Elekes, Domokos Tamás, Zsolt Demetrovics
Problematic Internet Use and Problematic Online Gaming Are Not the Same: Findings from a Large Nationally Representative Adolescent Sample. 749-754 - Cecilia Cheng
, Angel Yee-lam Li:
Internet Addiction Prevalence and Quality of (Real) Life: A Meta-Analysis of 31 Nations Across Seven World Regions. 755-760 - Thomas A. Fergus
, Sara L. Dolan
Problematic Internet Use and Internet Searches for Medical Information: The Role of Health Anxiety. 761-765 - Béatrice S. Hasler, Gilad Hirschberger
, Tal Shani-Sherman, Doron A. Friedman:
Virtual Peacemakers: Mimicry Increases Empathy in Simulated Contact with Virtual Outgroup Members. 766-771 - Joris Van Ouytsel
, Koen Ponnet
, Michel Walrave
The Associations Between Adolescents' Consumption of Pornography and Music Videos and Their Sexting Behavior. 772-778 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 779 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 780
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