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Mathematics of Computation, Volume 72
Volume 72, Number 241, 2003
- Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan, Joseph E. Pasciak:
Overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for indefinite time harmonic Maxwell equations. 1-15 - Andrew Knyazev, Olof B. Widlund:
Lavrentiev regularization + Ritz approximation = uniform finite element error estimates for differential equations with rough coefficients. 17-40 - Rob P. Stevenson:
A stable, direct solver for the gradient equation. 41-53 - Rob P. Stevenson:
An analysis of nonconforming multi-grid methods, leading to an improved method for the Morley element. 55-81 - Zakaria Belhachmi, Faker Ben Belgacem:
Quadratic finite element approximation of the Signorini problem. 83-104 - L. Vardapetyan, Leszek F. Demkowicz:
Full-wave analysis of dielectric waveguides at a given frequency. 105-129 - Ramaz Botchorishvili, Benoit Perthame, Alexis F. Vasseur:
Equilibrium schemes for scalar conservation laws with stiff sources. 131-157 - Yen-Hsi Richard Tsai, Yoshikazu Giga, Stanley J. Osher:
A level set approach for computing discontinuous solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. 159-181 - Albert Cohen, Sidi Mahmoud Kaber, Siegfried Müller, Marie Postel:
Fully adaptive multiresolution finite volume schemes for conservation laws. 183-225 - Hailiang Liu:
The l global decay to discrete shocks for scalar monotone schemes. 227-245 - Anthony J. Roberts:
A holistic finite difference approach models linear dynamics consistently. 247-262 - Howard C. Elman, Alison Ramage:
A characterisation of oscillations in the discrete two-dimensional convection-diffusion equation. 263-288 - Othmar Koch, Ewa Weinmüller:
The convergence of shooting methods for singular boundary value problems. 289-305 - Lung-An Ying:
Convergence study of the Chorin-Marsden formula. 307-333 - Ming-Jun Lai, Larry L. Schumaker:
Macro-elements and stable local bases for splines on Powell-Sabin triangulations. 335-354 - Marko Huhtanen:
Orthogonal polyanalytic polynomials and normal matrices. 355-373 - Tai-Lin Wang, William B. Gragg:
Convergence of the unitary QR algorithm with a unimodular Wilkinson shift. 375-385 - Colin Percival:
Rapid multiplication modulo the sum and difference of highly composite numbers. 387-395 - Enrique González-Jiménez, Josep González:
Modular curves of genus 2. 397-418 - Avram Sidi:
A convergence and stability study of the iterated Lubkin transformation and the Theta-algorithm. 419-433 - Annegret Weng:
Constructing hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 suitable for cryptography. 435-458 - Reinhold Hübl, Irena Swanson:
Normal cones of monomial primes. 459-475 - Berit Skjernaa:
Satoh's algorithm in characteristic 2. 477-487 - Patrick J. Costello:
New amicable pairs of type (2, 2) and type (3, 2). 489-497 - Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Hugh C. Williams:
New quadratic polynomials with high densities of prime values. 499-519 - Alfred J. van der Poorten, Herman J. J. te Riele, Hugh C. Williams:
Corrigenda and addition to "Computer verification of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla conjecture for all primes less than 100 000 000 000". 521-523
Volume 72, Number 242, 2003
- So-Hsiang Chou, Do Y. Kwak, Kwang Y. Kim:
Mixed finite volume methods on nonstaggered quadrilateral grids for elliptic problems. 525-539 - Zhiming Chen, Thomas Y. Hou:
A mixed multiscale finite element method for elliptic problems with oscillating coefficients. 541-576 - Bernardo Cockburn, Mitchell Luskin, Chi-Wang Shu, Endre Süli:
Enhanced accuracy by post-processing for finite element methods for hyperbolic equations. 577-606 - Yuki Matsuzawa, Takashi Suzuki, Takuya Tsuchiya:
Finite element approximation of H - surfaces. 607-617 - Tarek P. Mathew, Giovanni Russo:
Maximum norm stability of difference schemes for parabolic equations on overset nonmatching space-time grids. 619-656 - Ping Lin:
Theoretical and numerical analysis for the quasi-continuum approximation of a material particle model. 657-675 - Gerard L. G. Sleijpen, Jasper van den Eshof, Paul Smit:
Optimal a priori error bounds for the Rayleigh-Ritz method. 677-684 - Michael S. Floater:
One-to-one piecewise linear mappings over triangulations. 685-696 - Marc Nico Spijker, S. Tracogna, Bruno D. Welfert:
About the sharpness of the stability estimates in the Kreiss matrix theorem. 697-713 - Ren-Cang Li:
On perturbations of matrix pencils with real spectra, a revisit. 715-728 - Sheon-Young Kang, Israel Koltracht, George Rawitscher:
Nyström-Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature for integral equations with discontinuous kernels. 729-756 - Jianwei Dian, R. Baker Kearfott:
Existence verification for singular and nonsmooth zeros of real nonlinear systems. 757-766 - Masaaki Sugihara:
Near optimality of the sinc approximation. 767-786 - Peter B. Borwein, Michael J. Mossinghoff:
Newman polynomials with prescribed vanishing and integer sets with distinct subset sums. 787-800 - Shuhong Gao:
Factoring multivariate polynomials via partial differential equations. 801-822 - Xiaoqun Wang:
Strong tractability of multivariate integration using quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms. 823-838 - Oliver D. King:
A mass formula for unimodular lattices with no roots. 839-863 - Takeyoshi Kogiso, Go Miyabe, Miyuki Kobayashi, Tatsuo Kimura:
Relative invariants of some 2-simple prehomogeneous vector spaces. 865-889 - Marc Conrad, Daniel R. Replogle:
Nontrivial Galois module structure of cyclotomic fields. 891-899 - Qiang Wu:
On the linear independence measure of logarithms of rational numbers. 901-911 - René Schoof:
Class numbers of real cyclotomic fields of prime conductor. 913-937 - Mariano García:
The first known type (7, 1) amicable pair. 939-940 - Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz, Michel Olivier:
Constructing complete tables of quartic fields using Kummer theory. 941-951 - Antoine Joux, Reynald Lercier:
Improvements to the general number field sieve for discrete logarithms in prime fields. A comparison with the gaussian integer method. 953-967 - Tsuyoshi Itoh:
A computation of minimal polynomials of special values of Siegel modular functions. 969-973 - J. William Hoffman, James J. Madden, Hong Zhang:
Pseudozeros of multivariate polynomials. 975-1002 - Ku-Young Chang, Soun-Hi Kwon:
The class number one problem for some non-abelian normal CM-fields of degree 48. 1003-1017 - Richard Blecksmith, John Brillhart:
Linear quintuple-product identities. 1019-1033 - David L. Applegate, Jeffrey C. Lagarias:
Lower bounds for the total stopping time of 3x + 1 iterates. 1035-1049 - Giovanni Resta, Jean-Charles Meyrignac:
The smallest solutions to the diophantine equation x6 + y6 = a6 + b6 +c6 + d6 + e6. 1051-1054
Volume 72, Number 243, 2003
- Yunqing Huang, Jinchao Xu:
A conforming finite element method for overlapping and nonmatching grids. 1057-1066 - Pedro Morin, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Kunibert G. Siebert:
Local problems on stars: A posteriori error estimators, convergence, and performance. 1067-1097 - Erwin Hernández, Rodolfo Rodríguez:
Finite element approximation of spectral problems with Neumann boundary conditions on curved domains. 1099-1115 - Faker Ben Belgacem, Yves Renard:
Hybrid finite element methods for the Signorini problem. 1117-1145 - Zhimin Zhang:
Finite element superconvergence on Shishkin mesh for 2-D convection-diffusion problems. 1147-1177 - Ilaria Perugia, Dominik Schötzau:
The hp-local discontinuous Galerkin method for low-frequency time-harmonic Maxwell equations. 1179-1214 - Caroline Lasser, Andrea Toselli:
An overlapping domain decomposition preconditioner for a class of discontinuous Galerkin approximations of advection-diffusion problems. 1215-1238 - Robert C. Kirby:
On the convergence of high resolution methods with multiple time scales for hyperbolic conservation laws. 1239-1250 - Günther Grün:
On the convergence of entropy consistent schemes for lubrication type equations in multiple space dimensions. 1251-1279 - Ralf Hiptmair:
Analysis of multilevel methods for eddy current problems. 1281-1303 - Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov:
How to prove that a preconditioner cannot be superlinear. 1305-1316 - Yu-Hong Dai:
A family of hybrid conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization. 1317-1328 - Albrecht Böttcher, Mark Embree, V. I. Sokolov:
The spectra of large Toeplitz band matrices with a randomly perturbed entry. 1329-1348 - Jungho Yoon:
Lp-error estimates for "shifted'' surface spline interpolation on Sobolev space. 1349-1367 - Xuli Han:
Piecewise quadratic trigonometric polynomial curves. 1369-1377 - Rick Kreminski:
Newton-Cotes integration for approximating Stieltjes (generalized Euler) constants. 1379-1397 - Andreas Rieder, Thomas Schuster:
The approximate inverse in action II: convergence and stability. 1399-1415 - J. E. Cremona, D. Rusin:
Efficient solution of rational conics. 1417-1441 - Richard P. Brent, Samuli Larvala, Paul Zimmermann:
A fast algorithm for testing reducibility of trinomials mod~2 and some new primitive trinomials of degree 3021377. 1443-1452 - Josef Leydold:
Short universal generators via generalized ratio-of-uniforms method. 1453-1471 - Nick Howgrave-Graham, Phong Q. Nguyen, Igor E. Shparlinski:
Hidden number problem with hidden multipliers, timed-release crypto, and noisy exponentiation. 1473-1485 - Gregory P. Dresden:
Sums of heights of algebraic numbers. 1487-1499 - Hong You, Sheng Chen:
The tame kernel of imaginary quadratic fields with class number 2 or 3. 1501-1509 - Bettina Eick, Gretchen Ostheimer:
On the orbit-stabilizer problem for integral matrix actions of polycyclic groups. 1511-1529 - Florian Hess, Sebastian Pauli, Michael E. Pohst:
Computing the multiplicative group of residue class rings. 1531-1548 - Paul M. Jenkins:
Odd perfect numbers have a prime factor exceeding 107. 1549-1554 - Richard E. Crandall, Ernst W. Mayer, Jason S. Papadopoulos:
The twenty-fourth Fermat number is composite. 1555-1572
Volume 72, Number 244, 2003
- Constantin Bacuta, James H. Bramble, Jinchao Xu:
Regularity estimates for elliptic boundary value problems in Besov spaces. 1577-1595 - Nikolai Yu. Bakaev, Vidar Thomée, Lars B. Wahlbin:
Maximum-norm estimates for resolvents of elliptic finite element operators. 1597-1610 - Francesca Fierro, Andreas Veeser:
On the a posteriori error analysis for equations of prescribed mean curvature. 1611-1634 - Ville Havu, Juhani Pitkäranta:
Analysis of a bilinear finite element for shallow shells. II: Consistency error. 1635-1653 - Tianxiao Zhou:
Stabilized hybrid finite element methods based on the combination of saddle point principles of elasticity problems. 1655-1673 - Bo Li:
Finite element analysis of a class of stress-free martensitic microstructures. 1675-1688 - Song Wang, Zi-Cai Li:
A nonconforming combination of the finite element and volume methods with an anisotropic mesh refinement for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equation. 1689-1709 - Barbara Kaltenbacher:
V-cycle convergence of some multigrid methods for ill-posed problems. 1711-1730 - Xu-Dong Liu, Thomas C. Sideris:
Convergence of the ghost fluid method for elliptic equations with interfaces. 1731-1746 - Kirill A. Kopotun, Marian Neamtu, Bojan Popov:
Weakly nonoscillatory schemes for scalar conservation laws. 1747-1767 - Begoña Cano, Ángel Durán:
Analysis of variable-stepsize linear multistep methods with special emphasis on symmetric ones. 1769-1801 - Begoña Cano, Ángel Durán:
A technique to construct symmetric variable-stepsize linear multistep methods for second-order systems. 1803-1816 - Philippe P. Pébay, Timothy J. Baker:
Analysis of triangle quality measures. 1817-1839 - S. H. Lui:
A pseudospectral mapping theorem. 1841-1854 - Gradimir V. Milovanovic, Miodrag M. Spalevic:
Error bounds for Gauss-Tur'an quadrature formulae of analytic functions. 1855-1872 - Scott N. Kersey:
On the problems of smoothing and near-interpolation. 1873-1885 - Peter Fleischmann, Markus Chr. Holder, Peter Roelse:
The black-box Niederreiter algorithm and its implementation over the binary field. 1887-1899 - Peter B. Borwein, Christopher G. Pinner, Igor E. Pritsker:
Monic integer Chebyshev problem. 1901-1916 - Roel J. Stroeker, Nikolaus Tzanakis:
Computing all integer solutions of a genus 1 equation. 1917-1933 - Alfred J. van der Poorten:
A Note on NUCOMP. 1935-1946 - Roger T. Alexander:
Index-doubling in sequences by Aitken extrapolation. 1947-1961 - Werner Bley:
Computation of Stark-Tamagawa units. 1963-1974 - John W. Jones, David P. Roberts:
Septic fields with discriminant +- 2a3b. 1975-1985 - Joachim von zur Gathen:
Irreducible trinomials over finite fields. 1987-2000 - M. K. Bos:
Coding the principal character formula for affine Kac-Moody lie algebras. 2001-2012 - Klaus Bongartz, Thomas Fritzsche:
On minimal disjoint degenerations for preprojective representations of quivers. 2013-2042 - Alexander Stoimenow:
On the unknotting number of minimal diagrams. 2043-2057 - Jeffrey J. Holt:
The minimal number of solutions to phi(n) = phi(n + k). 2059-2061 - Peter B. Borwein, Petr Lisonek, Colin Percival:
Computational investigations of the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott Problem. 2063-2070 - Karsten Blankenagel, Walter Borho, Axel vom Stein:
New amicable four-cycles. 2071-2076 - Douglas E. Iannucci, Ronald M. Sorli:
On the total number of prime factors of an odd perfect number. 2077-2084 - Zhenxiang Zhang, Min Tang:
Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases II. 2085-2097 - Michael J. Jacobson Jr., Ákos Pintér, P. G. Walsh:
A computational approach for solving y2 =1k + 2k + ... + xk. 2099-2110
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