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SCA 2017: Tangier, Morocco
- Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir:
Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications - Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Applications, Tangier, Morocco, October 15-27, 2017. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 37, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-74499-5
The 2nd Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Applications
- Acia Izem, Mohamed Wakrim, Abderrahim Ghadi
Logical Model of AS Implementing IPv6 Addressing. 3-16 - Khadija Sabiri
, Faouzia Benabbou
, Adil Khammal:
Model Driven Modernization and Cloud Migration Framework with Smart Use Case. 17-27 - Zahid Soufiane
, Abdeslam En-Nouaary, Slimane Bah:
SDL Modeling and Validation of Home Area Network in Smart Grid Systems. 28-43 - Ayoub El Khammal, El Mokhtar En-Naimi
, Mohamed Kanas, Jaber El Bouhdidi
, Anass El Haddadi
Automatics Tools and Methods for Patents Analysis: Efficient Methodology for Patent Document Clustering. 44-53 - Asma Sbaï
, Fattehallah Ghadi:
Impact of Aggregation and Deterrence Function Choice on the Parameters of Gravity Model. 54-66 - Bouchra Bouihi
, Mohamed Bahaj
A Semantic Web Architecture for Context Recommendation System in E-learning Applications. 67-73 - Abdelhay Haqiq
, Bouchaib Bounabat:
BECAMEDA: A Customizable Method to Specify and Verify the Behavior of Multi-agent Systems. 74-86 - Malika Sedra
, Samir Bennani
Ontology of the CBA: Towards Operationalization and Implementation. 87-94 - Mohammed Salim Benqatla
, Meryam Belhiah, Dikra Chikhaoui, Bouchaib Bounabat:
IT Collaboration Based on Actor Network Theory: Actors Identification Through Data Quality. 95-106 - Nisrine Mouhrim, Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui, Jaouad Boukachour
, Dalila Boudebous:
Allocation of Static and Dynamic Wireless Power Transmitters Within the Port of Le Havre. 107-121 - Nihad El Ghouch, El Mokhtar En-Naimi
, Abdelhamid Zouhair
, Mohammed Al Achhab:
Using the CBR Dynamic Method to Correct the Generates Learning Path in the Adaptive Learning System. 122-128 - Salma El Fellah, Salwa Lagdali, Mohammed Rziza
, Mohamed El Haziti:
Noisy Satellite Image Segmentation Using Statistical Features. 129-135 - Kenza Sakout Andaloussi
, Laurence Capus
, Ismail Berrada:
Including Personality Traits, Inferred from Social Networks, in Building Next Generation of AEHS. 136-148 - Adil Iguider
, Mouhcine Chami, Oussama Elissati, Abdeslam En-Nouaary:
Embedded Systems HW/SW Partitioning Based on Lagrangian Relaxation Method. 149-160 - Mounir Gouiouez, Meryeme Hadni:
Multi-Agent System for Arabic Text Categorization. 161-174 - Mohamed Akram Zaytar, Chaker El Amrani, Abderrahman El Kharrim
, Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Mohammed Bouhorma
A Data Processing System to Monitor Emissions from Thermal Plants in Morocco. 175-187 - Soussi Ilham, Abderrahim Ghadi
Detection and Classification of Malwares in Mobile Applications. 188-199 - Soukaina Chraa Mesbahi
, Mohamed Adnane Mahraz
, Jamal Riffi, Hamid Tairi
Head Gesture Recognition Using Optical Flow Based Background Subtraction. 200-211 - Amine Elyacoubi, Hicham Attariuas, Noura Aknin:
An Intelligent Model for Enterprise Resource Planning Selection Based on BP Neural Network. 212-222 - El Bouazzaoui Cherraqi
, Nadia Oukrich
, Soufiane El Moumni
, Abdelilah Maach:
Discrete Wavelet Transform and Classifiers for Appliances Recognition. 223-232 - Sanou Landry, Anouar Dalli
, Seddik Bri:
Cloud-Based Integrated Information System for Medical Offices. 233-241 - Iman El Mir
, Abdelkrim Haqiq
, Dong Seong Kim
A Game Theoretic Approach for Cloud Computing Security Assessment Using Moving Target Defense Mechanisms. 242-254 - Fatima Sifou, Ahmed Hammouch, Ali Kartit:
Ensuring Security in Cloud Computing Using Access Control: A Survey. 255-264 - Aziz Mahboub, El Mokhtar En-Naimi
, Mounir Arioua, Hamid Barkouk:
Fuzzy C-Means Based Hierarchical Routing Approach for Homogenous WSN. 265-275 - Mohamed-Amine Abrache
, Aimad Qazdar
, Abdelkrim Bendou, Chihab Cherkaoui:
The Allocation of Submissions in Online Peer Assessment: What Can an Assessor Model Provide in This Context? 276-287 - Younes Dhassi
, Abdellah Aarab:
Combined Mean Shift and Interactive Multiple Model for Visual Tracking by Fusing Multiple Cues. 288-297 - Naoufal Er-raji, Faouzia Benabbou
, Ahmed Eddaoui:
A New Task Scheduling Algorithm for Improving Tasks Execution Time in Cloud Computing. 298-304 - Lamrani Kaoutar, Abderrahim Ghadi
, Florent Kunalè Kudagba:
Big Data: Methods, Prospects, Techniques. 305-312 - Hicham Boukhriss, Mustapha Hedabou, Omar Boutkhoum
CDT to Detect Co-residence in Cloud Computing. 313-323 - Abderrahim Zannou
, Abdelhak Boulaalam
, El Habib Nfaoui
A Multi-layer Architecture for Services Management in IoT. 324-334 - Anas El Korchi
, Youssef Ghanou:
Backpropagation Issues with Deep Feedforward Neural Networks. 335-343 - Abdelkrim Bendou
, Mohamed-Amine Abrache
, Chihab Cherkaoui:
Contribution of Pedagogical Agents to Motivate Learners in Online Learning Environments: The Case of the PAOLE Agent. 344-356 - Khaoula Hassoune
, Wafaa Dachry, Fouad Moutaouakkil
, Hicham Medromi:
A Modular Multi-agent Architecture for Smart Parking System. 357-365 - Hicham Lahdili
, Zine El Abidine Alaoui Ismaili
Visual Vehicle Localization System for Smart Parking Application. 366-378 - Abdelhakim El Fatmi, Arakil Chentoufi, Ali Bekri, Said Benhlima
, Mohamed Sabbane
RNA Secondary Structure an Overview. 379-388 - Jun Yu, Wei Zhang:
A Game Theoretical Based Self-organization Dispatching Mechanism with IEEE802.16 Mesh Networks in Public Bicycle Station Scheduling. 389-396 - Meryam Telmem, Youssef Ghanou:
Amazigh Speech Recognition System Based on CMUSphinx. 397-410 - El Asame Maryam, Wakrim Mohamed, Amal Battou:
An Improved Competency Meta-model for Adaptive Learning Systems. 411-419 - Ahmed El-Yahyaoui
, Mohamed Dafir Ech-Chrif El Kettani:
A Noise-Free Homomorphic Evaluation of the AES Circuits to Optimize Secure Big Data Storage in Cloud Computing. 420-431 - Mohamed Tarbouch, Abdelkebir El Amri, Hanae Terchoune, Ouadiaa Barrou:
Compact CPW-Fed Microstrip Octagonal Patch Antenna with Hilbert Fractal Slots for WLAN and WIMAX Applications. 432-444 - Khalid El Makkaoui
, Abderrahim Beni Hssane, Abdellah Ezzati
MultiPrime Cloud-RSA Scheme to Promote Data Confidentiality in the Cloud Environment. 445-452 - Ayodeji E. Oke
, Clinton Ohis Aigbavboa
, Taniele K. Cane:
Relationship Between Smart City Drivers and Socially Cohesive Societies. 453-462 - Ayodeji E. Oke
, Clinton Ohis Aigbavboa
, Taniele K. Cane:
Appraisal of Smartization of Major Cities in South Africa. 463-469 - Mohamed El Hamdouni, Hamza Hanafi
, Adil Bouktib, Mohamed Bahra
, Abdelhadi Fennan
Sentiment Analysis in Social Media with a Semantic Web Based Approach: Application to the French Presidential Elections 2017. 470-482 - Arakil Chentoufi
, Abdelhakim El Fatmi, Ali Bekri, Said Benhlima
, Mohamed Sabbane
A General Overview of 3D RNA Structure Prediction Approaches. 483-489 - Abdelali Zbakh
, Zoubida Alaoui Mdaghri, Mourad El Yadari, Abdelillah Benyoussef, Abdellah El Kenz:
Proposition of a Parallel and Distributed Algorithm for the Dimensionality Reduction with Apache Spark. 490-501 - Yassine Karouani
, Elhoussaine Ziyati
Toward an Intelligent Traffic Management Based on Big Data for Smart City. 502-514 - Aouatif Ibnelouad, Abdeljalil El Kari, Hassan Ayad, Mostafa Mjahed:
Comparison of Fuzzy and Neural Networks Controller for MPPT of Photovoltaic Modules. 515-527 - Aimad Karkouch, Hajar Mousannif
, Hassan Al Moatassime:
A Ubiquitous Students Responses System for Connected Classrooms. 528-537 - Youssef Hamdaoui
, Abdelilah Maach:
A Cyber-Physical Power Distribution Management System for Smart Buildings. 538-550 - Samir Amri
, Zenkouar Lahbib, Outahajala Mohamed:
Amazigh PoS Tagging Using Machine Learning Techniques. 551-562 - Samir Amri
, Zenkouar Lahbib, Outahajala Mohamed:
Training and Evaluation of TreeTagger on Amazigh Corpus. 563-573 - Waleed Lagrab
, Noura Aknin:
Knowledge-Based Multicriteria Spatial Decision Support System (MC-SDSS) for Trends Assessment of Settlements Suitability. 574-586 - Imane El Alaoui
, Youssef Gahi
, Rochdi Messoussi, Alexis Todoskoff, Abdessamad Kobi:
Big Data Analytics: A Comparison of Tools and Applications. 587-601 - Dhekra Rezgui, Jouhaina Chaouachi Siala, Wassila Aggoune-Mtalaa
, Hend Bouziri:
Towards Smart Urban Freight Distribution Using Fleets of Modular Electric Vehicles. 602-612 - Abdelaaziz Mahdaoui
, Aziz Bouazi, Abdellah Marhraoui Hsaini, El Hassan Sbai:
Entropic Method for 3D Point Cloud Simplification. 613-621 - Nadia Oukrich, El Bouazzaoui Cherraqi, Abdelilah Maach:
Human Daily Activity Recognition Using Neural Networks and Ontology-Based Activity Representation. 622-633 - Atimad El Khaouat
, Laila Benhlima:
Analysis of Energy Production and Consumption Prediction Approaches in Smart Grids. 634-642 - Zineb Aarab
, Asmae El Ghazi
, Rajaa Saidi
, Moulay Driss Rahmani
Toward a Smart Tourism Recommender System: Applied to Tangier City. 643-651 - Siham Kichou, Abdessalam Ait Madi
, Hassan Erguig:
Iris Recognition Algorithm Analysis and Implementation. 652-663 - Gibet Tani Hicham
, El Amrani Chaker:
Optimization of Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing: A Review. 664-672 - Karim Aoulad Abdelouarit
, Boubker Sbihi, Noura Aknin:
Improving Online Search Process in the Big Data Environment Using Apache Spark. 673-683
The 2nd International Workshop on Smart Learning and Innovative Educations: SLIED'17
- Mohammed l'Bachir El Kbiach, Loubna Bounab, Abderrahim Tahiri, Khalil El Hajjaji, Francisco Esquembre, Hassan Ezbakhe:
An E-learning Labs Platform for Moroccan Universities. 687-696 - Hasnaa Chaabi
, Abdellah Azmani, Amina Azmani:
Using Decision Making AHP Method for the Choice of the Best Pedagogical Method for Developing Reading Skills for Young and Illiterate Public. 697-709 - Othman Bakkali Yedri
, Lotfi El Aachak
, Amine Belahbib, Hassan Zili
, Mohammed Bouhorma
Learners' Motivation Analysis in Serious Games. 710-723 - Tarik Hajji
, Zakaria Itahriouan
, Mohammed Ouazzani Jamil, El Miloud Jaâra:
Scoring Candidates in the Adaptive Test. 724-731 - Mohammed Ouadoud
, Amel Nejjari
, Mohamed Yassin Chkouri
, Kamal Eddine El Kadiri:
Learning Management System and the Underlying Learning Theories. 732-744
The 1st International Workshop on Smart Healthcare: S-Health'17
- Ibrahim Mohamed Ahmed Ali:
Knowledge Acquisition for an Expert System for Diabetic. 747-758 - Ahmed El Mouna Ould Mohamed Yeslem
, Moussa Ould Cheibetta, Jilali Ghassoun, Oum Keltoum Hakam, Slimane Semghouli, Abdelmajid Choukri
Quality Control Results for Linear Accelerator at Oncology Center in Nouakchott. 759-765 - Allaouzi Imane
, Mohamed Ben Ahmed
A Hybrid Approach for French Medical Entity Recognition and Normalization. 766-777 - Hajar Saoud, Abderrahim Ghadi
, Mohamed Ghailani:
Analysis of Evolutionary Trends of Incidence and Mortality by Cancers. 778-788 - Mbarek Marwan
, Ali Kartit, Hassan Ouahmane:
Simplified and Efficient Framework for Securing Medical Image Processing Over Cloud Computing. 789-802 - Abdelilah Bouslama, Yassin Laaziz
AWS for Health Care System. 803-809 - Youssef Bouidi, Mostafa Azzouzi Idrissi, Noureddine Rais:
Comparative Study of Different Open-Source Hospital Information Systems in Order to Develop an Application for the Healthcare Institution's Needs in Morocco. 810-823 - Mbarek Marwan
, Ali Kartit, Hassan Ouahmane:
Using Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud-Based Medical Image Processing: Opportunities and Challenges. 824-835
The 1st International Workshop on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing: WI4SM
- Jihane Abdessadak, Houda Youssouf, Akram El Hachimi, Kamal Reklaoui, Abdelatif Benabdellah:
Impact of the Multi-criteria Methods in Supporting. 839-851 - Ibrahim Hadj Baraka
, Oussama Aiadi, Yassir Zardoua, Mohammed Jbilou, Benaissa Amami
Computer Vision Control System for Food Industry. 852-872 - El Fekri Yassine
, Mustapha Ouardouz, Bel Fekih Abdelaziz, Abdessamad Bernoussi:
Improvement of Scheduling, Assignment of Tools on Assembly Machines Connected to a Supervision Interface. 873-883 - Derboul Ahmed, Ibrahim Hadj Baraka
, Chafik Khalid
Contribution of Industrial Information Systems to Industrial Performance: Case of Industrial Supervision. 884-901 - Mohammed Abattouy
, Mustapha Ouardouz
, Abdes-Samed Bernoussi:
Prediction of Temperature Gradient on Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Part Using 3-Dimensional Finite Element Method. 902-909
The 1st International Workshop on Mathematics for Smart City: MCS'17
- El Hachloufi Mostafa, Driss Ezouine
, Mohammed El-Haddad:
Interaction Between the VaR of Cash Flow and the Interest Rate Using the ALM. 913-918 - Abderrahim El Attar
, Mostafa El Hachloufi, Zine El Abidine Guennoun:
Optimal Reinsurance Under CTV Risk Measure. 919-930 - Redouane Assoudi
, Khalid Lamzoud
, Mohamed Chaoui
Influence of Wall Deformation on a Slip Length. 931-936 - Boubker Azeroual
, Abderrahim Zertiti:
Existence of Sign Changing Radial Solutions for Elliptic Equation Involving the p-Laplacian on Exterior Domains. 937-960 - Hassan Outouzzalt:
On the Linear Essential Spectrum Operator. 961-965 - Yassir Rouchdi, Khalid El Yassini
, Kenza Oufaska
Complex Event Processing and Role-Based Access Control Implementation in ESN Middleware. 966-975 - Mariam Moufaddal
, Asmaa Benghabrit
, Imane Bouhaddou:
Big Data Analytics for Supply Chain Management. 976-986 - Badreddine El Goumi
, Mohammed El Khomssi, Amine Jamali Alaoui
Modeling and Resolution of Consumer Behavior Problem in both Periods Active/Retired. 987-996 - Ghizlane Kouaiba
, Moulay-Driss Saikak:
The Pricing of Interest Rate Derivatives: Caps/Floors and the Construction of the Yield Curve. 997-1005 - Amine Jamali Alaoui
, Mohammed El Khomssi, Badreddine El Goumi:
Stochastic Model of Economic Growth with Heterogeneous Technology and Technological Upgrading. 1006-1014 - Mohamed Tifroute, Hassane Bouzahir
Optimization of Design of Wind Farm Layout for Maximum Wind Energy Capture: A New Constructive Approach. 1015-1027 - M'hamed El-Louh, Fatima Ezzaki:
Some Properties of Pettis Integrable Multivalued Martingales. 1028-1034 - Jamal Zahi, Merieme Samaoui:
Optimization of Actuarial Calculation Processes by Application of Stochastic Methods. 1035-1041
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