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16th SOCO 2021: Bilbao, Spain
- Hugo Sanjurjo-González, Iker Pastor-López, Pablo García Bringas, Héctor Quintián
, Emilio Corchado:
16th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, SOCO 2021, Bilbao, Spain, 22-24 September, 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1401, Springer 2022, ISBN 978-3-030-87868-9
Machine Learning
- Manuel Luis González Hernandez, Javier Sedano, Ángel Miguel García-Vico, José Ramón Villar
A Comparison of Techniques for Virtual Concept Drift Detection. 3-13 - Luis Alfonso Fernández-Serantes, José Luís Casteleiro-Roca
, Hubert Berger, Dragan Simic, José Luís Calvo-Rolle
Dimensional Reduction on an Intelligent Model for Efficiency Improvement of Switching Modes Detection. 14-23 - Unai Armentia, Irantzu Barrio
, Javier Del Ser:
Performance and Explainability of Reservoir Computing Models for Industrial Prognosis. 24-36 - Alejandro Zornoza Martínez
, Jesus Martínez-Gómez
, José A. Gámez:
A Data-Driven Approach for Components Useful Life Estimation in Wind Turbines. 37-47 - Víctor Sánchez-Anguix, Juan M. Alberola, Vicente Julián:
Towards Adaptive Gamification in Small Online Communities. 48-57 - Juan Pedro Llerena
, Jesús García
, José Manuel Molina
LSTM vs CNN in Real Ship Trajectory Classification. 58-67 - David Griol, Zoraida Callejas:
A Comparison of Learning Approaches to Dialogue Management in Conversational Systems. 68-77 - Asmaa Hashem Sweidan, Nashwa El-Bendary, Haytham Al-Feel:
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Drug Reviews Based on Hybrid Feature Learning. 78-87
Smart Cities and IOT
- Enol García González
, José Ramón Villar
, Enrique A. de la Cal:
Low-Cost Deep Learning-Based Prototype for Automatic Identification of Traffic Signs in Vehicles. 91-100 - Angel X. Astudillo Aguilar, Stefano Rosso, Karina Gibert, Alfredo Vellido:
Visual Mining of Industrial Gas Turbines Sensor Data as an Industry 4.0 Application. 101-111 - Nuño Basurto
, Carlos Cambra
, Álvaro Herrero
Visually Monitoring the Performance of a Component-Based Robot. 112-121 - Nerea Gómez Larrakoetxea, Borja Sanz-Urquijo, Iker Pastor-López, Jon García-Barruetabeña
, Pablo García Bringas:
Optimizing Communication Data Streams in Edge Computing Systems Using Bayesian Algorithms. 122-131
Temporal Data Analysis
- Fernando Sánchez Lasheras
, Paulino José García Nieto
, Esperanza García Gonzalo
, Gregorio Fidalgo Valverde
, Alicja Krzemien
Time Series Forecasting of Gold Prices with the Help of Its Decomposition and Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines. 135-144 - Esperanza García Gonzalo
, Paulino José García Nieto
, Gregorio Fidalgo Valverde
, Pedro Riesgo Fernández
, Fernando Sánchez Lasheras
Time Series Analysis for the COMEX Gold Spot Price Forecasting by Using NARX DE/SVR and DE/GPR Techniques. 145-154 - Alena Pozdílková
, Jaroslav Marek
Data Mines in Real Estate Web Pages: Investigation of Changes in the Czech Real Estate Market Based on Elasticity and on Modified Price Volume Indicator. 155-164
Soft Computing Applications
- Dmitriy Alexandrov, Nikolay Butakov, Timur Sokhin:
The Weak Supervision Approach for Question Answering over Text Using Triplets Recovering with QA-Based Rankers. 167-177 - Sofía Martín
, Víctor Álvarez, Beatriz García-López
, Víctor M. González, José R. Villar
VR-Photosense: A Virtual Reality Photic Stimulation Interface for the Study of Photosensitivity. 178-186 - Miroslav Dvorak, Petr Dolezel
, Dominik Stursa, Mohamed Chouai:
Guidance of Unmanned Surface Vehicle Fleet Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach. 187-197 - Iztok Fister Jr.
, Andrés Iglesias
, Akemi Gálvez, Iztok Fister:
Toward Reusing the Numerical Association Rule Mining Models. 198-206 - Paolo Fosci
, Giuseppe Psaila:
Powering Soft Querying in J-CO-QL with JavaScript Functions. 207-221 - Akemi Gálvez, Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister Jr.
, Andrés Iglesias
Image Reconstruction of Colored Bitmap Fractal Images Through Bat Algorithm and Color-Based Image Clustering. 222-232 - José Almeida
, João P. Soares
, Bruno Canizes
, Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Zita A. Vale
Intraday Energy Resource Scheduling for Load Aggregators Considering Local Market. 233-242 - Luis Gomes
, Zita A. Vale
Energy Predictions for System on a Chip Solutions. 243-250 - Virginia Riego-Del Castillo
, Lidia Sánchez-González
, Alexis Gutiérrez-Fernández
Texture Descriptors for Automatic Classification of Surface Defects of the Hot-Rolled Steel Strip. 251-260 - Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio, José Gaviria de la Puerta, Patricia García, Hugo Sanjurjo-González, Borja Sanz, Montserrat Maritxalar, Eneko Agirre:
PhrasIS: Phrase Inference and Similarity Benchmark. 261-272 - Luis Íñiguez, Mikel Galar:
A Scalable and Flexible Open Source Big Data Architecture for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. 273-282 - Guillermo Hernández, Angélica González Arrieta, Paulo Novais, Sara Rodríguez:
Codebook-Based Near-Duplicate Video Detection. 283-293 - Daniel Amigo, David Sánchez Pedroche, Jesús García, José M. Molina:
Automatic Individual Tree Detection from Combination of Aerial Imagery, LiDAR and Environment Context. 294-303 - Enrique A. de la Cal, Alberto Gallucci, José Ramón Villar
, Kaori Yoshida, Mario Koeppen:
A First Prototype of an Emotional Smart Speaker. 304-313 - Dragan Simic
, José Luís Calvo-Rolle
, José R. Villar
, Vladimir Ilin
, Svetislav D. Simic
, Svetlana Simic
A New Information Infrastructure Approach for End-To-End Supply Chain Management. 314-323
Special Session - Applications of Machine Learning in Computer Vision
- Esteban J. Palomo
, Jesús Benito-Picazo, Enrique Domínguez, Ezequiel López-Rubio, Francisco Ortega-Zamorano:
Hierarchical Color Quantization with a Neural Gas Model Based on Bregman Divergences. 327-337 - Mohamed Chouai
, Mostefa Merah, José-Luis Sancho-Gómez
, Petr Dolezel
Autoencoder and Modified YOLOv3 Based Firearms Object Detection in X-ray Baggage Images to Enhance Aviation Safety. 338-347 - Byron Guerrero Rodríguez, Jaime Salvador-Meneses, José García Rodríguez:
Predicting Landslides with Machine Learning Methods Using Temporal Sequences of Meteorological Data. 348-357 - Christian Mejía Escobar, Miguel Cazorla, Ester Martínez-Martín:
Webpage Categorization Using Deep Learning. 358-368 - Luis Lucas, David Tomás, José García Rodríguez:
Exploiting the Relationship Between Visual and Textual Features in Social Networks for Image Classification with Zero-Shot Deep Learning. 369-378 - Byron Guerrero Rodríguez, Jaime Salvador-Meneses, José García Rodríguez:
Improving Landslides Prediction: Meteorological Data Preprocessing Using Random Forest-Based Feature Selection. 379-387 - Jorge García-González
, Juan Miguel Ortiz-de-Lazcano-Lobato, Rafael Marcos Luque Baena, Ezequiel López-Rubio:
Foreground Segmentation Improvement by Image Denoising Preprocessing Applied to Noisy Video Sequences. 388-397 - Mauricio-Andrés Zamora-Hernández, Jose Andrez Chaves Ceciliano, Alonso Villalobos Granados, José García Rodríguez, Jorge Azorín López:
Predicting Human Actions in the Assembly Process for Industry 4.0. 398-407 - Dominik Stursa, Petr Dolezel
, Bruno Baruque Zanon:
Medical Catheters Grasping Point Detection with Quality Control. 408-418 - Luis Lucas, David Tomás, José García Rodríguez:
Sentiment Analysis and Image Classification in Social Networks with Zero-Shot Deep Learning: Applications in Tourism. 419-428 - Iván San Martín Fernández, Sergiu Oprea, John Alejandro Castro-Vargas, Pablo Martinez-Gonzalez, José García Rodríguez:
Estimating Context Aware Human-Object Interaction Using Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition Architectures. 429-438
Special Session - Soft Computing Applied to Autonomous Robots and Renewable Energy Systems
- Mikel Rico Abajo, Jesús Enrique Sierra-García, Matilde Santos:
Evolutive Tuning Optimization of a PID Controller for Autonomous Path-Following Robot. 451-460 - Carlos L. Serrano-Barreto
, Jesús Enrique Sierra-García
, Matilde Santos
Intelligent Hybrid Controllers for the Blade Angle of Floating Wind Turbines. 461-470 - Marcos Millán, Jesús Enrique Sierra-García, Matilde Santos:
Generation of Restricted Zones for AGVs Routes by Clustering Algorithms. 471-479 - Jesús Enrique Sierra-García, Marcos Millán, Matilde Santos:
Iterative Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Mobile Robots. 480-488
Special Session - Optimization, Modeling and Control by Soft Computing Techniques (OMCS)
- Pablo Díez-Arrizabalaga
, César Hernández-Hernández
, Matilde Santos
Descent of a Suborbital Rocket: A Simulation Case Study Using CFD, Parametric Models and Neural Networks. 491-501 - Noémi Gaskó, Tamás Képes, Mihai Suciu, Rodica Ioana Lung:
Critical Node Detection for Maximization of Connected Components: An Extremal Optimization Approach. 502-511 - Javier Díez-González
, Rubén Álvarez
, Paula Verde
, Rubén Ferrero-Guillén
, Alberto Martínez-Gutiérrez
, Hilde Pérez
Optimal Node Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks Considering Sensor Selection. 512-522
Special Session - Challenges and New Approaches Towards Artificial Intelligence Deployments in Real-World Scenarios
- Maria Arostegi, Diana Manjarres, Sonia Bilbao, Javier Del Ser:
Machine Learning Based Soft Sensing Tool for the Prediction of Leaf Wetness Duration in Precision Agriculture. 525-535 - Juan Luis Ferrando Chacón
, Ander García Gangoiti, Xabier Oregui Biain, Andoni Bilbao, Eneko Fernandez, Zelmar Etxegoien:
Temperature-Effect Compensation for Leak Detectors by Using Machine Learning Techniques. 536-545 - Carlos Puerto-Santana
, Pedro Larrañaga
, Javier Diaz-Rozo, Concha Bielza
An Online Feature Selection Methodology for Ball-Bearing Harmonic Frequencies Based on HMMs. 546-555 - Telmo Fernández de Barrena
, Juan Luis Ferrando
, Ander García, Pedro José Arrazola
, José Manuel Abete, Diego Herrero
A Novel Methodology for the Characterization of Cutting Conditions in Turning Processes Using Machine Learning Models and Acoustic Emission Signals. 556-566 - Miguel Angel Bermeo Ayerbe, David Antonio Cruz-Rangel, Javier Diaz-Rozo, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez:
Non-intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Event Detection and Unsupervised Learning for Airport Baggage Handling Systems. 567-577 - Hyung-Jun Moon, Seok-Jun Bu, Sung-Bae Cho:
Mutagenic Prediction for Chemical Compound Discovery with Partitioned Graph Convolution Network. 578-587 - Javier Franco
, Ander García, Amaia Gil:
Multivariate Adaptive Downsampling Algorithm for Industry 4.0 Data Visualization. 588-597 - Gye-Bong Jang, Sung-Bae Cho:
Anomaly Detection for Health Monitoring of Heavy Equipment Using Hierarchical Prediction with Correlative Feature Learning. 598-608 - Javier Andión
, Juan C. Dueñas
, Félix Cuadrado
Discrete-Event-Simulation Based on Machine Learning Predictive Agents. 609-619 - Cristián Lira, Bastián Véjar, Fernando Ordóñez, Sebastián A. Ríos:
Enhancing Short-Term Velocity Forecasting Models by Using ML Models and Traffic Patterns Information. 620-629
Special Session - Time Series Forecasting in Industrial and Environmental Applications (TSF)
- Mikhail Sarafanov, Nikolay O. Nikitin, Anna V. Kalyuzhnaya:
Automated Data-Driven Approach for Gap Filling in the Time Series Using Evolutionary Learning. 633-642 - Mariusz Czekala
, Jacek Jagodzinski
, Jakub Przybylski, Dawid Zaraza, Karol Ziólkowski:
Forecasting a Fashion Collection with the Optimization of Costs of Overestimation and Underestimation of Demand. 643-653 - Manuel Carranza-García
, Pedro Lara-Benítez, José María Luna-Romera
, José C. Riquelme:
Feature Selection on Spatio-Temporal Data for Solar Irradiance Forecasting. 654-664 - A. Melara, José F. Torres, Alicia Troncoso
, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez
Electricity Generation Forecasting in Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power Plants with Ensemble Learning. 665-674 - Belén Vega-Márquez, Javier Solís-García, Isabel A. Nepomuceno-Chamorro, Cristina Rubio-Escudero:
An Extensive Comparative Between Univariate and Multivariate Deep Learning Models in Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting. 675-684 - José A. Gallardo, Miguel García-Torres, Francisco Gómez-Vela, Félix Morales, Federico Divina, David Becerra-Alonso, Gustavo Velázquez, Federico Daumas-Ladouce, José Luis Vázquez Noguera, Carlos Sauer Ayala, Diego P. Pinto-Roa, Pedro E. Gardel-Sotomayor, Julio César Mello Román
Forecasting Electricity Consumption Data from Paraguay Using a Machine Learning Approach. 685-694 - Hans Carrillo, Edna Segura, Rosario María López
, Iván Pérez
, Juan Félix San-Juan
Hybrid Orbit Propagator Based on Neural Networks. Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Approach. 695-705 - José María Luna-Romera
, Manuel Carranza-García
, David Gutiérrez-Avilés, José Cristóbal Riquelme Santos:
Study Case of Household Electricity Consumption Patterns in London by Clustering Methodology. 706-716 - Joaquin Roiz-Pagador, Andres Chacon-Maldonado, Roberto Ruiz
, Gualberto Asencio-Cortés:
Earthquake Prediction in California Using Feature Selection Techniques. 728-738 - Dalil Hadjout, José F. Torres, Abderrazak Sebaa
, Francisco Martínez-Álvarez
Medium-Term Electricity Consumption Forecasting in Algeria Based on Clustering, Deep Learning and Bayesian Optimization Methods. 739-748
Special Session - Soft Computing Methods in Manufacturing and Management Systems
- Wojciech Bozejko
, Radoslaw Grymin
, Jaroslaw Pempera
, Mieczyslaw Wodecki
Efficient Tabu Search Algorithm for the Cyclic Inspection Problem. 751-757 - Wojciech Bozejko
, Jaroslaw Pempera
, Mariusz Uchronski
, Mieczyslaw Wodecki
Parallel Block-Based Simulated Annealing for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Scheduling Problem. 758-765 - Anna Burduk
, Lukasz Lampika
, Dagmara Lapczynska
, Kamil Musial
The Improvement of Machining Process Scheduling with the Use of Heuristic Algorithms. 766-776 - Karol Dziki
, Damian Krenczyk
Sequencing for Improving Mixed-Model Assembly Line Supply Using Heuristic Algorithms. 777-788 - Czeslaw Smutnicki, Jaroslaw Pempera:
Job Shop Scheduling with Transport by Automated Guided Vehicles. 789-799
Special Session - Applied Machine Learning
- José A. Blanco, Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros
Supervised Machine Learning Techniques in the Bitcoin Transactions. A Case of Ransomware Classification. 803-810 - Anita Herrera
, Ángel Arroyo
, Alfredo Jiménez
, Álvaro Herrero
Analysis of the Tourism Industry in Ecuador by Means of Soft Computing Techniques. 811-820 - Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros
, Luís Correia
, Rocío Leal-Díaz:
Attribute Subset Selection for Image Recognition. Random Forest Under Assessment. 821-827
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