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25th MODELS 2022: Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Companion Proceedings
- Thomas Kühn, Vasco Sousa:
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, MODELS 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 23-28, 2022. ACM 2022, ISBN 978-1-4503-9467-3
Tools and demonstration track
- Rakshit Mittal
, Dominique Blouin:
OSATE-DIM solves the instance model-view update problem in AADL. 1-6 - Jörg Holtmann, Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Henrik Lönn:
Migrating from proprietary tools to open-source software for EAST-ADL metamodel generation and evolution. 7-11 - Ning Ge
, Yunduo Wang, Yuan Wang, Yong Wang:
Towards the practical adoption of LIDL: a toolchain for modeling human-machine interface software interactions. 12-16 - Shinobu Saito:
Digital TwinCity: a holistic approach towards comparative analysis of business processes. 17-21 - Joan Giner-Miguelez
, Abel Gómez, Jordi Cabot:
DescribeML: a tool for describing machine learning datasets. 22-26 - Enes Yigitbas, Maximilian Schmidt
, Antonio Bucchiarone
, Sebastian Gottschalk, Gregor Engels:
Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual reality. 27-31 - Carlos Cano-Genoves
, Emilio Insfrán, Silvia Abrahão
A value-based goal model analysis tool. 32-36 - Eric Wete
, Joel Greenyer, Daniel Kudenko, Wolfgang Nejdl, Oliver Flegel, Dennes Eisner:
A tool for the automation of efficient multi-robot choreography planning and execution. 37-41 - Sarah Foss, Tatiana Urazova, Ramon Lawrence:
Learning UML database design and modeling with AutoER. 42-45 - Aurélien Ducoin, Eugene Syriani:
Graphical projectional editing in gentleman. 46-50 - Sean Kristian Remond Harbo, Emil Palmelund Voldby, Jonas Madsen, Michele Albano
A diagram-centric modeling tool for systems of systems. 51-55 - Alfa Yohannis, Dimitris S. Kolovos
, Antonio García-Domínguez, Carlos Javier Fernández Candel
Picto web: a tool for complex model exploration. 56-60 - Torben Eckwert, Michael Guckert, Gabriele Taentzer:
EvolveDB: a tool for model driven schema evolution. 61-65 - José Antonio Hernández López, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado:
Using the ModelSet dataset to support machine learning in model-driven engineering. 66-70 - Han Liu, Xufei Wang, Bin Wang, Huixuan Zheng, Xuchao Liu:
TMI: tokenomics made easy for web3 applications. 71-76
Posters track
- Jati H. Husen
, Hironori Washizaki, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Yoshiaki Fukazawa:
Modeling tool for managing canvas-based models traceability in ML system development. 77-78 - Bert Van Acker, Joachim Denil:
Contract-based product-assembly co-design. 79-80 - Márton Búr, Kurt Stirewalt:
ORM ontologies with executable derivation rules to support semantic search in large-scale data applications. 81-82 - Robert Thorburn, Vladimiro Sassone, Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, Leonardo Aniello, Michael J. Butler, Dana Dghaym, Thai Son Hoang:
A lightweight approach to the concurrent use and integration of SysML and formal methods in systems design. 83-84 - Tien N. Nguyen:
SimuV: model-based configuration management for Simulink models. 85-86
Educators symposium
- Christian Zöllner, Christian M. Adriano, Simon Wietheger
, Leen Lambers, Holger Giese:
Tool support for the teaching of state-based behavior modeling. 87-94 - Younes Boubekeur, Prabhsimran Singh, Gunter Mussbacher:
A DSL and model transformations to specify learning corpora for modeling assistants. 95-102 - Daniel Calegari
, Andrea Delgado:
Purpose-driven model-driven engineering education. 103-106 - Michel Zam:
Teaching modeling to anyone the aristotelian way: anyone can cook a sound model. 107-114 - Arthur Rump, Vadim Zaytsev
A refined model of ill-definedness in project-based learning. 115-122 - Jean-Christophe Bach, Antoine Beugnard, Jean-Loup Castaigne, Julien Mallet, Salvador Martínez Perez, Maria-Teresa Segarra:
An analysis of software design understanding & motivation of engineering students. 123-130 - Dimitris S. Kolovos
, Antonio García-Domínguez:
The Epsilon Playground. 131-137 - Timur Saglam
, Sebastian Hahner
, Jan Willem Wittler
, Thomas Kühn:
Token-based plagiarism detection for metamodels. 138-141 - Tong Li, Yiting Wang
, Congkai Geng:
Detection of anomalous modeling behavior: a goal-driven data mining approach. 142-145
Doctoral symposium
- Mufasir Muthaher Mohammed:
Dynamic adaptation for distributed systems in model-driven engineering. 146-151 - Felix Beringhoff:
Towards realizing test conditions for automated vehicles. 152-157 - Andreas Waldvogel
Towards qualifiable graphical editing of complex domain-specific models in safety-critical avionics. 158-163 - Roman Trentinaglia
Deriving model-based safety and security assurance cases from design rationale of countermeasure patterns. 164-169 - Asbathou Biyalou-Sama:
Simplify model design in MDE approaches. 170-175 - MohammadAmin Zaheri:
Towards consistency management in low-code platforms. 176-181 - Paula Muñoz:
Measuring the fidelity of digital twin systems. 182-188 - Mario Fuksa:
ViMoTest: a low code approach to specify ViewModel-based tests with a projectional DSL using JetBrains MPS. 189-194 - Mirza Rehenuma Tabassum:
Addressing non-functional requirements of adaptive IoT systems: a model-driven approach. 195-200
ACM student research competition
- Paula Muñoz:
How alike are my physical and digital twins? 201-204 - Manouchehr Zadahmad Jafarlou:
Domain-specific model differencing for graphical domain-specific languages. 205-208 - Thomas Godfrey:
Participatory agent-based modelling in healthcare: a domain-specific modelling language approach. 209-212 - Malvina Latifaj:
The path towards the automatic provision of blended modeling environments. 213-216 - Rijul Saini:
Automated, traceable, and interactive domain modelling. 217-220 - Rakshit Mittal
The instance model-view update problem in AADL. 221-224 - Corinne Pulgar:
Eat your own DevOps: a model driven approach to justify continuous integration pipelines. 225-228 - Maximilian Schiedermeier:
Pushing the boundaries of planned reuse with concern specific modelling languages. 229-232 - Claudio Di Sipio:
Automating the design of recommender systems: from foundational aspects to actual development. 233-236
14th System analysis and modelling conference (SAM)
- Iulia Dragomir
, Carlos Redondo, Tiago Jorge, Laura Gouveia, Iulian Ober, Ivan Kolesnikov, Marius Bozga, Maxime Perrotin:
Model-checking of space systems designed with TASTE/SDL. 237-246 - Maxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec:
Interactive highlighting for digital UML class diagrams: a new feature. 247-256 - Prabhsimran Singh, Younes Boubekeur, Gunter Mussbacher:
Detecting mistakes in a domain model. 257-266 - Andrii Kovalov, Girish Patil, Vishav Bansal, Andreas Gerndt
Model checking message delivery times in SpaceWire networks. 267-275 - Saheed Popoola
, Xin Zhao, Jeff Gray
, Antonio García-Domínguez:
Classifying changes to models via changeset metrics. 276-285 - Juan Marcelo Parra Ullauri, Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo, Luis Hernán García Paucar:
History-aware explanations: towards enabling human-in-the-loop in self-adaptive systems. 286-295 - Christos Kotronis
, Mara Nikolaidou, Cleopatra Bardaki:
QoS-aware model-based systems design using systems modeling language. 296-305 - Sanaa A. Alwidian:
Towards extending the goal-oriented requirements language with emotion-oriented goals to support socio-technical systems. 306-311 - Jalves Nicácio, Fábio Petrillo:
An approach to build consistent software architecture diagrams using devops system descriptors. 312-321 - Andreas Prinz, Themis Dimitra Xanthopoulou, Terje Gjøsæter, Birger Møller-Pedersen:
On abstraction in the OMG hierarchy: systems, models, and descriptions. 322-330 - Fabian Giertzsch
, Oliver C. Eichmann, Hartmut Hintze, Ralf God:
An approach for a simulation-based analysis of business processes using the systems modeling language (SysML). 331-340 - Romain Delabeye, Olivia Penas, Régis Plateaux
Scalable ontology-based V&V process for heterogeneous systems and applications. 341-350
4th MDE intelligence workshop (MDE intelligence)
- Luis Palacios Medinacelli, Florian Noyrit, Chokri Mraidha:
Augmenting model-based systems engineering with knowledge. 351-358 - Nils Baumann, Evgeny Kusmenko, Jonas Ritz, Bernhard Rumpe, Moritz Benedikt Weber:
Dynamic data management for continuous retraining. 359-366 - Yechuan Shi, Jörg Kienzle, Jin L. C. Guo:
Feature-oriented modularization of deep learning APIs. 367-374 - Johan Bergelin, Per Erik Strandberg:
Industrial requirements for supporting AI-enhanced model-driven engineering. 375-379 - Jörg Christian Kirchhof, Evgeny Kusmenko, Jonas Ritz, Bernhard Rumpe, Armin Moin, Atta Badii, Stephan Günnemann, Moharram Challenger
MDE for machine learning-enabled software systems: a case study and comparison of MontiAnna & ML-Quadrat. 380-387 - Stefan John, Jens Kosiol, Gabriele Taentzer:
Towards a configurable crossover operator for model-driven optimization. 388-395 - Song Yang
, Houari A. Sahraoui:
Towards automatically extracting UML class diagrams from natural language specifications. 396-403
9th International workshop on multi-level modelling
- Daniel Töpel, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß:
Towards flexible creation of multi-level models: bottom-up change support in the modeling and programming environment XModeler. 404-413 - Manfred A. Jeusfeld
, Gergely Mezei, Sándor Bácsi:
DeepTelos and DMLA: a contribution to the MULTI 2022 collaborative comparison challenge. 414-423 - Ulrich Frank, Tony Clark
Peculiarities of language engineering in multi-level environments or: Design by elimination: a contribution to the further development of multi-level modeling methods. 424-433 - Thomas Kühne
, Arne Lange
Melanee and DLM: a contribution to the MULTI collaborative comparison challenge. 434-443 - Mira Balaban, Igal Khitron, Azzam Maraee, Michael Kifer:
Mediation-based MLM in FOModeLer. 444-452 - Ferenc Attila Somogyi
, Gergely Mezei:
Practical application of the multi-level modeling playground. 453-457 - Sebastian Gruber
, Bernd Neumayr, Jan David Smeddinck
Towards integration-preserving customization of just-in-time adaptive interventions with composite clabjects in RDF and SHACL. 458-462
2nd International workshop on model-driven engineering for digital twins (ModDiT 2022)
- Gijs Walravens, Hossain Muhammad Muctadir
, Loek Cleophas:
Virtual soccer champions: a case study on artifact reuse in soccer robot digital twin construction. 463-467 - Richard J. Somers
, Andrew G. Clark, Neil Walkinshaw
, Robert M. Hierons
Reliable counterparts: efficiently testing causal relationships in digital twins. 468-472 - Nikolena Christofi
, Xavier Pucel:
A novel methodology to construct digital twin models for spacecraft operations using fault and behaviour trees. 473-480 - Loek Cleophas, Thomas Godfrey, Djamel Eddine Khelladi, Daniel Lehner, Benoît Combemale, Mark van den Brand, Michael Vierhauser, Manuel Wimmer, Steffen Zschaler:
A community-sourced view on engineering digital twins: a report from the EDT.Community. 481-485 - Sarah Stieß, Steffen Becker, Florian Ege, Stefan Höppner, Matthias Tichy:
Coordination and explanation of reconfigurations in self-adaptive high-performance systems. 486-490 - Randy Paredis
, Hans Vangheluwe
Towards a digital Z framework based on a family of architectures and a virtual knowledge graph. 491-496 - Yining Huang
, Saadia Dhouib, Luis Palacios Medinacelli, Jacques Malenfant:
Enabling semantic interoperability of asset administration shells through an ontology-based modeling method. 497-502 - Paula Muñoz, Manuel Wimmer, Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo:
Using trace alignments for measuring the similarity between a physical and its digital twin. 503-510 - Philipp Grimmeisen, Andreas Wortmann, Andrey Morozov:
Case study on automated and continuous reliability assessment of software-defined manufacturing based on digital twins. 511-518
Workshop on models and evolution (ME 2022)
- Saheed Popoola
, Jeff Gray
, Antonio García-Domínguez, Dimitris S. Kolovos
Analyzing model changes with Loupe. 519-528 - Sultan Almutairi, Athanasios Zolotas
, Dimitris S. Kolovos:
Towards round-trip engineering of code fragments embedded in models. 529-538 - Akila Loganathan, Richard F. Paige:
An investigation into the effect of cluster-based preprocessing on software migration. 539-545 - André Conrad, Philipp Utzmann, Meike Klettke, Uta Störl:
Metamodels to support database migration between heterogeneous data stores. 546-551
Modeling in automotive system and software engineering workshop (MASE 2022)
- Stefan Resmerita:
Fine-grained timed software in Simulink models. 552-561 - Nick Polanco, Betty H. C. Cheng:
Situational crime prevention for automotive cybersecurity. 562-568 - Maribel Acosta
, Sebastian Hahner
, Anne Koziolek
, Thomas Kühn
, Raffaela Mirandola
, Ralf H. Reussner
Uncertainty in coupled models of cyber-physical systems. 569-578 - Thomas Chiang
, Rodrigo Gomez Mendoza, Johan Mahmood, Richard F. Paige
Towards the adoption of model based system safety engineering in the automotive industry. 579-587
19th Workshop on model driven engineering, verification and validation (MoDeVVa 2022)
- Henri Thölke, Jens Kosiol:
A multiplicity-preserving crossover operator on graphs. 588-597 - Philipp Körner, Florian Mager:
An embedding of B in Clojure. 598-606 - Kunxiang Jin, Kevin Lano:
OCL-based test case prioritisation using AgileUML. 607-611 - Baptiste Gueuziec, Jean-Pierre Gallois, Frédéric Boulanger:
Qualitative models for the supervision of CPS simulations. 612-616 - Asfand Yar
, Akram Idani
, Yves Ledru, Simon Collart Dutilleul:
Visual animation of B specifications using executable DSLs. 617-626 - Vanessa Tietz
, Constantin Frey, Julian Schoepf, Björn Annighöfer:
Why the use of domain-specific modeling in airworthy software requires new methods and how these might look like? 627-632
4th Multi-paradigm modeling for cyber-physical systems workshop (MPM4CPS 2022)
- Milan Cornelis, Yon Vanommeslaeghe
, Bert Van Acker, Paul De Meulenaere
An ontology DSL for the co-design of mechatronic systems. 633-642 - Stijn Bellis, Joachim Denil:
Challenges and possible approaches for sustainable digital twinning. 643-648 - Andreas Fend, Dominik Bork:
CPSAML: a language and code generation framework for digital twin based monitoring of mobile cyber-physical systems. 649-658 - Qiwei Chen, Tiexin Wang, Chengjie Lu, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali:
Enhancing the realism of autonomous driving simulation with real-time co-simulation. 659-667 - Raheleh Biglari
, Joachim Denil:
Model validity and tolerance quantification for real-time adaptive approximation. 668-676 - Eric Senn, Lucie W. J. Bourdon, Dominique Blouin:
Multi-paradigm modeling for early analysis of ROS-based robotic applications using a library of AADL models. 677-683 - Ada Diaconescu
, Étienne Houzé
, Jean-Louis Dessalles
, Hans Vangheluwe
, Romain Franceschini
Multi-scale model-based explanations for cyber-physical systems: the urban traffic case. 684-691 - Marko Mijalkovic, Burak Karaduman
, Sadaf Mustafiz, Moharram Challenger
Traceability analysis of wireless sensor network based IoT systems. 692-701 - Yon Vanommeslaeghe
, David Ceulemans
, Bert Van Acker, Joachim Denil, Stijn Derammelaere
, Paul De Meulenaere
Validation and uncertainty in model-based design space exploration: an experience report. 702-711
4th International workshop on modeling language engineering (MLE 2022)
- Léo Olivier, Lou-Anne Sauvetre, Erwan Bousse
, Gerson Sunyé:
A tool-assisted approach to engineer domain-specific languages (DSLs) using Rust. 712-721 - Joeri Exelmans
, Simon Van Mierlo
, Hans Vangheluwe
A statecharts interpreter and compiler with semantic variability. 722-727 - Gregor Wrobel
, Robert Scheffler
Classification and mapping of layout algorithms for usage in graph-like modeling languages. 728-736 - Rohit Gupta
, Nico Jansen, Nikolaus Regnat
, Bernhard Rumpe
Design guidelines for improving user experience in industrial domain-specific modelling languages. 737-748 - Liam Walsh, Juergen Dingel, Karim Jahed:
A general architecture for client-agnostic hybrid model editors as a service. 749-754 - Moussa Amrani, Abdelkader Ouared, Pierre-Yves Schobbens
Towards the systematic design of model animation: key ingredients and general guidelines. 755-765 - Holger Stadel Borum, Morten Tychsen Clausen
Transforming domain models to efficient C# for the Danish pension industry. 766-773
3rd DevOps at MODELS workshop
- Johan Bergelin, Antonio Cicchetti:
Towards continuous modelling to enable DevOps: a preliminary study with practitioners. 774-783 - Alessandro Colantoni, Luca Berardinelli, Antonio Garmendia, Johannes Bräuer:
Towards blended modeling and simulation of DevOps processes: the Keptn case study. 784-792
3rd LowCode workshop (LowCode 2022)
- Raquel Araújo de Oliveira, Mario Cortes Cornax, Agnès Front, Alexandre Demeure:
A low-code approach to support method engineering. 793-797 - Sebastian Gottschalk, Rakshit Bhat, Nils Weidmann, Jonas Kirchhoff, Gregor Engels:
Low-code experimentation on software products. 798-807 - Lachlan Anderson, Briana Barker, Alice Reid, Kaijie Lin, Hourieh Khalajzadeh
, John C. Grundy:
Node-read: a visually accessible low-code software development extension. 808-815 - Jonas Kirchhoff, Nils Weidmann, Stefan Sauer, Gregor Engels:
Situational development of low-code applications in manufacturing companies. 816-825 - Ilirian Ibrahimi, Dimitris Moudilos:
Towards model reuse in low-code development platforms based on knowledge graphs. 826-836 - Nicolas Hili, Raquel Araújo de Oliveira:
A light-weight low-code platform for back-end automation. 837-846
21st International workshop on OCL and textual modeling (OCL 2022)
- Lars Hamann
, Martin Gogolla, Mustafa Al-Lail:
Categorization of approaches to extend and reuse OCL. 847-851 - Kunxiang Jin, Kevin Lano:
Design and classification of mutation operators for OCL specification. 852-861 - Vanessa Tietz
, Björn Annighöfer:
A formally defined and formally provable EBNF-based constraint language for use in qualifiable software. 862-871 - Edward D. Willink:
Challenges for code generated OCL execution. 872-881 - Edward D. Willink:
Support for OCL libraries and static features. 882-888 - Frédéric Jouault, Maxime Méré, Matthias Brun, Théo Le Calvar, Matthias Pasquier, Ciprian Teodorov:
From OCL-based model static analysis to quick fixes. 889-893 - Kevin Lano, Shekoufeh Kolahdouz Rahimi, Kunxiang Jin:
OCL libraries for software specification and representation. 894-898 - Mustafa Al-Lail, Antonio Rosales
, Hector Cardenas, Lars Hamann
, Alfredo J. Perez
Transformation of TOCL temporal properties into OCL. 899-907 - Jordi Cabot, David Delgado, Lola Burgueño:
Combining OCL and natural language: a call for a community effort. 908-912
6th International workshop on human factors in modeling / modeling of human factors (HuFaMo 2022)
- Maxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec, Philippe A. Palanque, Célia Martinie, Arnaud Blouin
, Frédéric Jouault, Mickael Clavreul, Thibault Raffaillac:
Mining human factors general trends from +100k UML class diagrams. 913-922 - Reyhaneh Kalantari
, Timothy C. Lethbridge:
Preliminary results of measuring flow experience in a software modeling tool: UmpleOnline. 923-928 - Hourieh Khalajzadeh
, John C. Grundy, Jennifer McIntosh:
Vision: developing collaborative model-driven apps for personalised care plans. 929-933 - Sabine Janssens, Vadim Zaytsev
Go with the flow: software engineers and distractions. 934-938
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