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24th MODELS 2021: Fukuoka, Japan - Companion Proceedings
- ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion, MODELS 2021 Companion, Fukuoka, Japan, October 10-15, 2021. IEEE 2021, ISBN 978-1-6654-2484-4
HoWCoM: First International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling 2021
- Istvan David, Eugene Syriani, Antonio García-Domínguez:
Preface to the 1st International Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling (HoWCoM 2021). 1-2 - Mohammadreza Sharbaf, Bahman Zamani, Gerson Sunyé:
Towards Personalized Change Propagation for Collaborative Modeling. 3-7 - Dilshodbek Kuryazov, Florian Schmalriede, Christian Schönberg, Kevin Meyer, Andreas Winter:
Mind Maps sans Frontières. 8-15 - Samuël Noah Voogd, Kousar Aslam, Louis van Gool, Bart Theelen, Ivano Malavolta
Real-Time Collaborative Modeling across Language Workbenches - a Case on Jetbrains MPS and Eclipse Spoofax. 16-26 - Steven Kelly
, Juha-Pekka Tolvanen
Collaborative modelling and metamodelling with MetaEdit+. 27-34 - Rijul Saini, Gunter Mussbacher:
Towards Conflict-Free Collaborative Modelling using VS Code Extensions. 35-44
LowCode: 2nd LowCode Workshop
- Davide Di Ruscio
, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Juan de Lara, Massimo Tisi, Manuel Wimmer:
LowCode 2021: 2nd Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms. 45-46 - Bárbara Lopes, Sérgio Amorim, Carla Ferreira
Solution Discovery over Feature Toggling with Built-in Abstraction in OutSystems. 47-56 - Alexander C. Bock, Ulrich Frank:
In Search of the Essence of Low-Code: An Exploratory Study of Seven Development Platforms. 57-66 - Fulya Gürcan, Gabriele Taentzer:
Using Microsoft PowerApps, Mendix and OutSystems in Two Development Scenarios: An Experience Report. 67-72 - Felicien Ihirwe
, Arsene Indamutsa, Davide Di Ruscio
, Silvia Mazzini, Alfonso Pierantonio:
Cloud-based modeling in IoT domain: a survey, open challenges and opportunities. 73-82 - Qurat ul ain Ali, Benedek Horváth
, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Konstantinos Barmpis
, Ákos Horváth:
Towards Scalable Validation of Low-Code System Models: Mapping EVL to VIATRA Patterns. 83-87 - Michiel Overeem, Slinger Jansen
Proposing a Framework for Impact Analysis for Low-Code Development Platforms. 88-97 - Dominik Schneider
, Alexander Weinert
Towards Automated Semantic Grouping in Workflows for Multi-Disciplinary Analysis. 98-107 - João Ramalho, Hugo Lourenço, João Costa Seco
From Builders to Editors: Bidirectional Transformations of Low-code Models. 108-117 - Arsene Indamutsa, Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio
, Alfonso Pierantonio:
MDEForgeWL: Towards cloud-based discovery and composition of model management services. 118-127 - Nitish Patkar
, Andrei Chis, Nataliia Stulova, Oscar Nierstrasz:
Interactive Behavior-driven Development: a Low-code Perspective. 128-137 - João Pacheco, Stoyan Garbatov, Miguel Goulão
Improving Collaboration Efficiency Between UX/UI Designers and Developers in a Low-Code Platform. 138-147
MDE Intelligence: 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering
- Loli Burgueño, Marouane Kessentini, Manuel Wimmer, Steffen Zschaler
MDE Intelligence 2021: 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-Driven Engineering. 148-149 - Viola Wenz, Arno Kesper, Gabriele Taentzer:
Detecting Quality Problems in Data Models by Clustering Heterogeneous Data Values. 150-159 - Panagiotis Kourouklidis
, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Joost Noppen, Nicholas Matragkas:
A Model-Driven Engineering Approach for Monitoring Machine Learning Models. 160-164 - Vishnudas Raveendran, Sapan Shah, Sreedhar Reddy:
A Model Driven Approach to Building Domain Specific Search Engines. 165-172 - Kevin Lano, Sobhan Yassipour Tehrani, Muhammad Aminu Umar
Automated Requirements Formalisation for Agile MDE. 173-180
15th International Workshop on Models@run.time
- Sebastian Götz, Antonio Bucchiarone
, Nelly Bencomo:
Preface of the 15th International Workshop on Models@run.time'21. 1 - Tobias Brockhoff, Malte Heithoff, István Koren, Judith Michael
, Jérôme Pfeiffer, Bernhard Rumpe, Merih Seran Uysal, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
, Andreas Wortmann:
Process Prediction with Digital Twins. 182-187 - Vladimir A. Shekhovtsov, Claudia Steinberger, Christian Kop:
Model Based Coupling of Context Aware Middleware and Ambient Assisted Healthcare Systems. 188-196 - Anton V. Uzunov, Mohan Baruwal Chhetri
, John Wondoh
GOURMET: A Methodology for Realizing Goal-Driven Self-Adaptation. 197-202 - Harry McCarthy, Vladimir Podolskiy, Michael Gerndt, Panos Patros:
Consistent Resource Utilization for Cross-Platform and Replicable Load-Testing: a Position Paper. 203-209
ModDiT'21: 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering of Digital Twins
- Francis Bordeleau, Loek Cleophas, Benoît Combemale, Romina Eramo
, Mark van den Brand
, Manuel Wimmer, Andreas Wortmann:
MoDDiT 2021: 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Digital Twins. 1-2 - Paula Muñoz
, Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo:
Using UML and OCL Models to Realize High-Level Digital Twins. 212-220 - Istvan David, Jessie Galasso
, Eugene Syriani:
Inference of Simulation Models in Digital Twins by Reinforcement Learning. 221-224 - Mark van den Brand, Loek Cleophas, Raghavendran Gunasekaran
, Boudewijn R. Haverkort
, David A. Manrique Negrin
, Hossain Muhammad Muctadir
Models Meet Data: Challenges to Create Virtual Entities for Digital Twins. 225-228 - Hari Shankar Govindasamy, Ramya Jayaraman, Burcu Taspinar, Daniel Lehner, Manuel Wimmer:
Air Quality Management: An Exemplar for Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering. 229-232 - David A. Manrique Negrin
, Loek Cleophas, Mark van den Brand:
Using Ptolemy II as a Framework for Virtual Entity Integration and Orchestration in Digital Twins. 233-236 - Matthew S. Bonney
, Marco de Angelis
, David J. Wagg
, Mattia Dal Borgo
Digital Twin Operational Platform for Connectivity and Accessibility using Flask Python. 237-241
MoDeVVa 2021: 18th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation
- Saad bin Abid, Raquel Araújo de Oliveira, Iulian Ober:
Summary of Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa'21). 242-243 - Martin Gogolla, Robert Clarisó, Bran Selic, Jordi Cabot:
Towards Facilitating the Exploration of Informal Concepts in Formal Modeling Tools. 244-248 - Ioannis Stefanakos
, Simos Gerasimou, Radu Calinescu:
Software Performance Engineering with Performance Antipatterns and Code-level Probabilistic Analysis. 249-253 - Alessio Bucaioni, Enxhi Ferko, Henrik Lönn:
Trace-based Timing Analysis of Automotive Software Systems: an Experience Report. 254-263 - Malte Heithoff, Evgeny Kusmenko, Bernhard Rumpe:
Synchronous Execution Semantics for Component & Connector Models. 264-273 - Megha Quamara
, Gabriel Pedroza, Brahim Hamid:
Multi-layered Model-based Design Approach towards System Safety and Security Co-engineering. 274-283
MPM4CPS'21: 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems
- Moussa Amrani, Dominique Blouin, Moharram Challenger
, Julien Deantoni, Robert Heinrich, Manuel Wimmer:
Preface to the 3rd Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS 2021). 284-285 - Hao Feng, Cláudio Gomes
, Michael Sandberg
, Casper Thule, Kenneth Lausdahl, Peter Gorm Larsen
Developing a Physical and Digital Twin: An Example Process Model. 286-295 - Burak Karaduman
, Istvan David, Moharram Challenger
Modeling the Engineering Process of an Agent-based Production System: An Exemplar Study. 296-305 - Burak Karaduman
, Sadaf Mustafiz, Moharram Challenger
FTG+PM for the Model-Driven Development of Wireless Sensor Network based IoT Systems. 306-316 - João Cambeiro, Julien Deantoni, Vasco Amaral:
Supporting the Engineering of Multi-Fidelity Simulation Units With Simulation Goals. 317-321 - Stefan Klikovits
, Paolo Arcaini
On the Need for Multi-Level ADS Scenarios. 322-326 - Bert Van Acker, Joachim Denil, Alexander De Cock, Hans Vangheluwe
, Moharram Challenger
Knowledge Base Development and Application Processes Applied on Product-Assembly Co-design. 327-335
HuFaMo' 21: Fifth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling
- Hourieh Khalajzadeh
, Rodi Jolak
, Miguel Goulão
, Silvia Abrahão
, John C. Grundy, Bran Selic, Xavier Le Pallec, Emmanuel Renaux:
Fifth International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling / Modeling of Human Factors (HuFaMo'21). 337-340 - Filippos Ventirozos
, Riza Batista-Navarro, Sarah Clinch
, Damian Arellanes:
IoT Cooking Workflows for End-Users: A Comparison Between Behaviour Trees and the DX-MAN Model. 341-350 - Gregor Wrobel, Robert Scheffler
, Timo Kehrer:
Rethinking the Traditional Design of Meta-Models: Layout Matters for the Graphical Modeling of Technical Systems. 351-360 - Alexander Ragnarsson, Shalini Chakraborty, Grischa Liebel:
ModRec: A Tool to Support Empirical Study Design for Papyrus and the Eclipse Modeling Framework. 361-369 - Judith Michael
, Bernhard Rumpe
, Lukas Tim Zimmermann:
Goal Modeling and MDSE for Behavior Assistance. 370-379 - Guus J. Ramackers, Pepijn P. Griffioen, Martijn B. J. Schouten, Michel R. V. Chaudron:
From Prose to Prototype: Synthesising Executable UML Models from Natural Language. 380-389 - Adriana Meza Soria
, André van der Hoek:
The Design of a Study Concerning the Capture of Important Design Bits at the Whiteboard. 390-399
ME: Workshop on Models and Evolution
- MohammadAmin Zaheri, Michalis Famelis, Eugene Syriani:
Towards Checking Consistency-Breaking Updates between Models and Generated Artifacts. 400-409 - Timur Saglam
, Thomas Kühn:
Towards the Co-Evolution of Models and Artefacts of Industrial Tools Through External Views. 410-416 - Inês Pina Fernandes, Miguel Terra-Neves, João Costa Seco
Automated Refactoring of Unbounded Queries in Software Automation Platforms. 417-426 - Bhisma Adhikari, Eric J. Rapos, Matthew Stephan:
Simulink Model Transformation for Backwards Version Compatibility. 427-436 - Gökhan Kahraman, Loek Cleophas, Ramon R. H. Schiffelers:
Modeling Relationships Between Feature Model Views. 437-446
DevOps@Models 2021
- Alessandro Colantoni, Benedek Horváth
, Ákos Horváth, Luca Berardinelli, Manuel Wimmer:
Towards Continuous Consistency Checking of DevOps Artefacts. 449-453 - Romain Belafia, Pierre Jeanjean, Olivier Barais
, Gurvan Le Guernic, Benoît Combemale:
From Monolithic to Microservice Architecture: The Case of Extensible and Domain-Specific IDEs. 454-463 - Robert Karban, Robbie Robertson, Ahsan Qamar, Erich Lee:
Preface to the OpenMBEE International Workshop. 464
OpenMBEE: 2nd International Workshop on Open Model Based Engineering Environments
- Daniel Siegl:
Bridging the Gap between OpenMBEE and Git. 465-466 - Marcel Verhoef, Sam Gerené, Alex Vorobiev, Nathanael Smiechowski, Stephan Jahnke, Jan Knippschild, Sven Weikert, Marc Becker, Stéphane Paquay, Juan Pablo Hernandez Vogt, Ivan Fontaine:
Digital Engineering Hub Pathfinder. 467-476 - Riccardo Rubei, Juri Di Rocco
, Davide Di Ruscio
, Phuong T. Nguyen
, Alfonso Pierantonio:
A Lightweight Approach for the Automated Classification and Clustering of Metamodels. 477-482 - Björn Annighöfer, Matthias Brunner, Bastian Luettig, Julian Schoepf:
EOQ: An Open Source Interface for a More DAMMMMN Domain-specific Model Utilization. 483-492
MULTI 2021: The 8th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling
- Bernd Neumayr, Gergely Mezei, Victorio Albani de Carvalho:
Preface to the 8th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (MULTI 2021). 493-494 - Gergely Mezei, Thomas Kühne
, Victorio Carvalho, Bernd Neumayr:
The MULTI Collaborative Comparison Challenge. 495-496 - João Paulo A. Almeida, Victorio Albani de Carvalho, Claudenir M. Fonseca
, Giancarlo Guizzardi:
A Note on Properties in Multi-Level Modeling. 497-501 - Daniel Töpel:
Associations in Multi-Level-Modelling: Motivation, Conceptualization, Modelling Guidelines, and Implications for Model Management. 502-510 - Harald König, Uwe Wolter:
A General Methodology for Internalising Multi-Level Model Typing. 511-520 - Ulrich Frank:
Prolegomena of a Multi-Level Modeling Method Illustrated with the FMMLx. 521-530 - Sybren de Kinderen, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß, Kristina Rosenthal:
Towards an Empirical Perspective on Multi-Level Modeling and a Comparison with Conventional Meta Modeling. 531-535 - Manfred A. Jeusfeld
, Ulrich Frank:
Unifying multi-level modeling: A position paper. 536-540 - Sebastian Gruber
, Bernd Neumayr, Michael Schrefl, Josef Niebauer:
Towards Multi-level Modeling of Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health. 541-545 - Maria Teresa Rossi
, Martina Dal Molin
, Ludovico Iovino
, Martina De Sanctis, Manuel Wimmer:
Leveraging Multi-Level Modeling for Multi-Domain Quality Assessment. 546-555 - Sándor Bácsi, Arne Lange
, Thomas Kühne
, Gergely Mezei, Colin Atkinson
Melanee and DMLA - A Contribution to the MULTI 2021 Collaborative Comparison Challenge. 556-565
MLE 2021: 3rd International Workshop on Modelling Language Engineering
- Nick DiGennaro, Matthew Stephan, Eric J. Rapos:
SuMo: A Supportive Modeling Language Environment for Guided Model Transformations. 566-575 - Jérôme Pfeiffer, Andreas Wortmann:
Towards the Black-Box Aggregation of Language Components. 576-585 - Damiano Di Vincenzo
, Juri Di Rocco, Davide Di Ruscio
, Alfonso Pierantonio:
Enhancing syntax expressiveness in domain-specific modelling. 586-594
Tools and Demos
- Rijul Saini, Gunter Mussbacher, Jin L. C. Guo, Jörg Kienzle:
DoMoBOT: An AI-Empowered Bot for Automated and Interactive Domain Modelling. 595-599 - Pablo Gómez-Abajo
, Andrés Rico-Fernández, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara:
Wodel-Edu: An MDE Solution for the Generation and Evaluation of Diagram-based Exercises. 600-604 - Antonio Bucchiarone
, Tommaso Martorella
, Diego Colombo, Antonio Cicchetti, Annapaola Marconi:
POLYGLOT for Gamified Education: Mixing Modelling and Programming Exercises. 605-609 - Muhamed Smajevic, Dominik Bork:
From Conceptual Models to Knowledge Graphs: A Generic Model Transformation Platform. 610-614 - Frédéric Jouault, Valentin Sebille, Valentin Besnard, Théo Le Calvar
, Ciprian Teodorov, Matthias Brun, Jérôme Delatour:
AnimUML as a UML Modeling and Verification Teaching Tool. 615-619 - Majid Babaei
, Juergen Dingel:
MRegTest: A Replay-Based Regression Testing Tool for Distributed UML-RT Models. 620-624 - Maximilian Schiedermeier, Bowen Li, Ryan Languay, Greta Freitag, Qiutan Wu, Jörg Kienzle, Hyacinth Ali, Ian Gauthier, Gunter Mussbacher:
Multi-Language Support in TouchCORE. 625-629 - Maxime Savary-Leblanc, Xavier Le Pallec, Sébastien Gérard:
A modeling assistant for cognifying MBSE tools. 630-634 - Pavel Koupil
, Martin Svoboda, Irena Holubová
MM-cat: A Tool for Modeling and Transformation of Multi-Model Data using Category Theory. 635-639
- Robert Thorburn
, Federica Paci, Vladimiro Sassone, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon
Connecting Regulatory Requirements to Audit Outcomes: A Model-driven Approach to Auditable Compliance. 641-642 - Jati H. Husen
, Hnin Thandar Tun, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa:
Goal-Oriented Machine Learning-Based Component Development Process. 643-644 - Mikhail Barash:
Towards a Spreadsheet-Based Language Workbench. 645-646
Doctoral Symposium
- Qurat ul ain Ali:
Heterogeneous Model Query Optimisation. 648-653 - Thomas Godfrey:
Domain-Specific Modelling Languages for Participatory Agent-Based Modelling in Healthcare. 654-659 - Sorour Jahanbin:
Efficient Model Loading through Static Analysis. 660-665 - Tim Kräuter
Towards behavioral consistency in heterogeneous modeling scenarios. 666-671 - Paulo César F. Melo:
A model-driven middleware approach to reduce the semantic gap between application domains and the generic infrastructure of smart cities. 672-677 - Noama Fatima Samreen:
Secure MDE for Ethereum-based Decentralized Applications (ÐApps) Development. 678-683 - Vincenzo Stoico
A Model-Driven Approach for Early Verification and Validation of Embedded Systems. 684-688 - Vanessa Tietz
Development of a Meta-language and its Qualifiable Implementation for the Use in Safety-critical Software. 689-694
17th Educators Symposium
- Catherine Dubois, Steffen Zschaler
17th Educators Symposium at MODELS 2021. 695 - Mario Fuksa, Steffen Becker:
Mini Programming Worlds: Teaching MDSD via the Hamster Simulator. 696-701 - Dominik Bork, Andreas Fend, Dominik Scheffknecht, Gerti Kappel, Manuel Wimmer:
From In-Person to Distance Learning: Teaching Model-Driven Software Engineering in Remote Settings. 702-711 - Loli Burgueño, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Elena Planas:
An empirical study on the impact of introducing a modeling tool in a Requirement Engineering course. 712-720 - Antonio Bucchiarone
, Antonio Cicchetti, Simone Bassanelli
, Annapaola Marconi:
How to merge gamification efforts for programming and modelling: a tool implementation perspective. 721-726
SAM2021: System Analysis and Modelling: Agility and DevOps
- Nelly Bencomo:
Modeling Autonomic Systems in the time of ML, DevOps and Microservices. 731 - Reinhard Gotzhein:
On the Conception of Executable Design Languages for Distributed Real-time Systems. 732-740 - Xavier Pi i Palomés, Pere Tuset-Peiró, Pau Fonseca i Casas:
Combining Low-Code Programming and SDL-Based Modeling with Snap! in the Industry 4.0 Context. 741-750 - Qurat ul ain Ali, Dimitris S. Kolovos, Konstantinos Barmpis
Identification and Optimisation of Type-Level Model Queries. 751-760 - Iván Alfonso
, Kelly Garcés, Harold Castro, Jordi Cabot:
Modeling self-adaptative IoT architectures. 761-766 - Paul Boutot, Mirza Rehenuma Tabassum, Sadaf Mustafiz:
UCM4IoT: A Use Case Modelling Environment for IoT Systems. 767-776 - Jan Laufer
, Zoltán Ádám Mann, Andreas Metzger:
Modelling Data Protection in Fog Computing Systems using UMLsec and SysML-Sec. 777-786 - Edouard R. Batot, Jordi Cabot, Sébastien Gérard:
(Not) Yet Another Metamodel For Traceability. 787-796 - Oussama Ben Sghaier, Houari A. Sahraoui, Michalis Famelis:
Metamodel Refactoring using Constraint Solving: a Quality-based Perspective. 797-806 - Juan Marcelo Parra Ullauri, Antonio García-Domínguez, Nelly Bencomo:
From a Series of (Un)fortunate Events to Global Explainability of Runtime Model-Based Self-Adaptive Systems. 807-816 - Saheed Popoola
, Jeff Gray
Artifact Analysis of Smell Evolution and Maintenance Tasks in Simulink Models. 817-826 - Alexandra Lapointe-Boisvert
, Sébastien Mosser
, Sylvie Trudel:
Towards Modelling Acceptance Tests as a Support for Software Measurement. 827-832
International Workshop on Modeling for Vehicle/IoT/Robotics System Education (MOVE)
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