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8th ICPADS 2001: KyongJu City, Korea
- Eigth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, ICPADS 2001, KyongJu City, Korea, June 26-29, 2001. IEEE Computer Society 2001, ISBN 0-7695-1153-8
A1: Parallel Algorithm 1
- A. S. Nepomniaschaya:
Efficient Implementation of Edmond's Algorithm for Finding Optimum Branchings on Associative Parallel Processors. 3-8 - Chan-Ik Park, Tae-Young Choe:
An Optimal Scheduling Algorithm Based on Task Duplication. 9-14 - Soon Myoung Chung, Arindam Chatterjee:
Adaptive Parallel Distributive Join Algorithm for Skewed Data. 15-22 - Maria J. Blesa, Lluís Hernàndez, Fatos Xhafa
Parallel Skeletons for Tabu Search Method. 23-30
B1: Distributed Systems 1
- Kin Leung, Junho Shim, Dmitri Tcherevik, Anders Vinberg:
A Scalable yet Transparent Infrastructure for Distributed Applications: Core Design of Jasmine ii Framework. 31-36 - Giwon On, Michael Zink, Michael Liepert, Carsten Griwodz, Jens B. Schmitt, Ralf Steinmetz:
Replication for a Distributed Multimedia System. 37-44
C1: Mobile Computing and Communication 1
- Romain Boichat, Laurence Duchien:
Network Membership: A Partition Model for Reliable Mobile Communication. 45-52 - Taesoon Park, Namyoon Woo, Heon Young Yeom:
An Efficient Recovery Scheme for Mobile Computing Environments. 53-60 - SungSuk Kim, IlYoung Chung, Soon Young Jung, Chong-Sun Hwang:
Optimistic Transaction Processing Algorithms in Pure-Push and Adaptive Broadcast Environments. 61-68 - Ruay Shiung Chang, Hsiang-Chou Ting:
Improving the Performance of Broadcasting in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 69-76
A2: Parallel Algorithm 2
- Chuanwen Chiang, Chungnan Lee, Mingjyh Chang:
A Dynamic Grouping Scheduling for Heterogeneous Internet-Centric Metacomputing System. 77-82 - Ahmed Yassin Al-Dubai
, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
An Efficient Adaptive Broadcast Algorithm for the Mesh Network. 83-90 - Gur Saran Adhar:
Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Cut Vertices, Bridges, and Hamiltonian Path in Bounded Interval Tolerance Graphs. 91-98 - Jung-Hwan Chang, Jinsoo Kim:
Ring Embedding in Faulty (n, k)-Star Graphs. 99-108
B2: Concurrency Control
- David Chen, Chengzheng Sun:
Optional Instant Locking in Distributed Collaborative Graphics Editing Systems. 109-116 - Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
Optimization of Nested Invocation on Replicas in Object-Based Systems. 117-124 - Yoshifumi Manabe:
A Distributed Consistent Global Checkpoint Algorithm for Distributed Mobile Systems. 125-134
C2: Mobile Computing and Communication 2
- Sun-Jin Oh, Yoon-Jeong Kim, Ihn-Han Bae:
A Fuzzy Multicast Method Providing Linguistic Guarantee of Disruption Free Service in Mobile Wireless Networks. 135-140 - Akira Idoue, Hidetoshi Yokota, Toshihiko Kato:
Mobile IP Network Supporting Private IP Addresses Utilizing Regional Registration and NAT Function. 141-146 - Venu K. Murthy:
Seamless Mobile Transaction Processing: Models, Protocols and Software Tools. 147-156
A3: Parallel Systems 1
- Fangyu Chen, Shikharesh Majumdar:
Performance of Parallel I/O Scheduling Strategies on a Network of Workstations. 157-164 - Yong Cheol Kim, Minsoo Jeon, Dongseung Kim, Andrew Sohn:
Communication-Efficient Bitonic Sort on a Distributed Memory Parallel Computer. 165-170 - Sung Woo Chung, Hyong-Shik Kim, Chu Shik Jhon:
Accelerating the Continuous Data in a SCI-Based Multimedia System. 171-178
B3: Workflow Management Sytem
- Kwang-Hoon Kim, Dong-Soo Han:
Performance and Scalability Analysis on Client-Server Workflow Architecture. 179-186 - Stefan Jablonski, Ralf Schamburger, Christian Hahn, Stefan Horn, Rainer Lay, Jens Neeb, Michael Schlundt:
A Comprehensive Investigation of Distribution in the Context of Workflow Management. 187-192 - Hwa-Young Jeong
, Jong-Hoon Kim, Kumhee Han:
Development and Implementation of an Operation Efficiency Management System Using the UPH According to Operation Start Time. 193-197 - Vlad Ingar Wietrzyk, Makoto Takizawa
, Mehmet A. Orgun
, Vijay Varadharajan:
A Secure Transaction Environment for Workflows in Distributed Systems. 198-208
C3: Multicast
- Seok Joo Koh, Shin-Gak Kang:
Enhancement of the CBT Multicast Routing Protocol. 209-213 - Fumiaki Sato, Shin-ya Tanaka:
A Push-Based Key Distribution and Rekeying Protocol for Secure Multicasting. 214-219 - Tae Young Byun:
SIMMT-II: Implementation of Network Simulator for IP Multicast Using Mutiple MCSs on the ATM Networks. 220-225 - Miae Choi, Byung-Won On, Hyunki Baik, Myong-Soon Park:
An Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol for Mobile Hosts. 226-234
A4: Parallel Systems 2
- Hisashi Oguma, Yasuichi Nakayama:
A Scheduling Mechanism for Lock-Free Operation of a Lightweight Process Library for SMP Computers. 235-242 - Kyung-Hee Seo, Sung-Chun Kim:
A Reliable Processor-Allocation Strategy for Mesh-Connected Parallel Systems. 243-248 - Jipeng Zhou, Francis C. M. Lau:
Optimal Data Reduction on Reconfigurable Tori. 249-258
B4: Parallel Language/Programming/Compiler
- Ioannis Drositis, Theodore Andronikos, Aggelos Kokorogiannis, George K. Papakonstantinou, Nectarios Koziris:
Geometric Scheduling of 2-D Uniform Dependence Loops. 259-264 - Jeong-Si Kim, Dong-Soo Han
, Chan-Su Yu:
Parallel Loop Transformation Technique for Efficient Rate Detection. 265-272 - Slo-Li Chu, Tsung-Chuan Huang, Lan-Chi Lee:
Improving Workload Balance and Code Optimization in Processor-in-Memory Systems. 273-278 - Wei Jie
, Wentong Cai
, Stephen John Turner
Dynamic Load-Balancing in a Data Parallel Object-Oriented System. 279-288
C4: Caching and Location Management
- SungHun Nam, IlYoung Chung, Chong-Sun Hwang:
An Efficient Cache Invalidation Scheme for Mobile Wireless Environments. 289-296 - Rajan Shankaran
, Vijay Varadharajan, Michael Hitchens
A Distributed Location Management Scheme for Mobile Hosts. 297-304 - Noriyuki Harashima, Tadashi Okoshi, Jin Nakazawa, Yoshito Tobe, Hideyuki Tokuda:
AMRB: Toward Location and Migration Transparency of Services. 305-314
A5: Fault Tolerant Systems
- Yamin Li, Shietung Peng:
Fault-Tolerant Routing and Disjoint Paths in Dual-Cube: A New Interconnection Network. 315-322 - Jipeng Zhou, Francis C. M. Lau:
Multiphase Minimal Fault-Tolerant Wormhole Routing in 2D Meshes. 323-330 - Jie Wu, Xiaola Lin, Jiannong Cao, Weijia Jia:
An Extended Fault-Tolerant Link-State Routing Protocol in the Internet. 331-337 - Eunseuk Oh, Jianer Chen:
Parallel Routing in Hypercube Networks with Faulty Nodes. 338-345 - Hyeong-Ok Lee, Jung-Hoi Hur, Hee-Chang Chung, Chung-Ho Cho:
Fault Diameter and Fault Tolerance of HCN(n, n). 346-354
B5: Distributed Systems 2
- Youhei Timura, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
Causal Precedent Relations among Messages in Object-Based Systems. 355-362 - Keiji Izaki, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
Information Flow Control in Role-Based Model for Distributed Objects. 363-370 - Janche Sang, Gregory J. Follen, Chan M. Kim, Isaac Lopez, Scott Townsend:
CORBA Wrapping of Legacy Scientific Applications Using Remote Variable Scheme. 371-378 - Ibrahim Türkoglu
, Ahmet Arslan:
Optimisation of the Performance of Neural Network Based Pattern Recognition Classifiers with Distributed Systems. 379-384
C5: Theoretical Issue of Networks
- Hung-Yu Chien, Jinn-ke Jan, Yuh-Min Tseng:
RSA-Based Partially Blind Signature with Low Computation. 385-389 - Jun Kiniwa:
Avoiding Faulty Privileges in Self-Stabilizing Depth-First Token Passing. 390-397 - Yun-kyung Lee, Sunggu Lee:
Path Selection Algorithms for Real-Time Communication. 398-404 - Andréa M. Matsunaga, Maurício O. Tsugawa, Sergio Takeo Kofuji
Evaluation of Emerging High Speed Networks on Brazos Software DSM System. 405-414
A6: Parallel Systems 3
- Satoshi Fujita, Lei Deng, Shigeaki Tagashira:
An Active Scheduler: Autonomous Concurrency Control of Parallel Programs in a Distributed Environment. 415-422 - Hirotaka Inoue, Hiroyuki Narihisa:
Parallel and Distributed Mining with Ensemble Self-Generating Neural Networks. 423-428 - Haruki Inoue, Yutaka Funyu, Kiyotaka Kishino, Tsuyoshi Jinguji, Masami Shiozawa, Satoru Yoshikawa, Takashi Nakao:
Development of Artificial Life Based Optimization System. 429-436 - Mehmet Kaya, Ahmet Arslan:
Parallel and Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. 437-444
B6: Programming Language
- Gabriel Antoine Louis Paillard, Felipe Maia Galvão França
, Juarez Muylaert Filho:
A Distributed Implementation of Structured Gamma. 445-450 - Jung Gyu Park, Arthur H. Lee:
Specializing the Java Object Serialization Using Partial Evaluation for a Faster RMI. 451-458 - Jongwook Woo, Jehak Woo, Isabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Jean-Luc Gaudiot, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Alias Analysis for Java with Reference-Set Representation. 459-466 - Sheng-De Wang, Yuhder Lin:
Jato: A Compact Binary File Format for Java Class. 467-476
- Jae-Chang Namgoong, Chan-Ik Park:
Design and Implementation of a Fibre Channel Network Driver for SAN-Attached RAID Controllers. 477-483 - Xavier Molero, Federico Silla, Vicente Santonja, José Duato:
On the Switch Architecture for Fibre Channel Storage Area Networks. 484-491 - Yong Kyu Lee, Shin Woo Kim, Gyoung Bae Kim, Bum Joo Shin:
Metadata Management of the SANtopia File System. 492-499 - Chang Soo Kim, Gyoung Bae Kim, Bum Joo Shin:
Volume Management in SAN Environment. 500-508
A7: Interconnection Networks 1
- Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Ahmad Khonsari, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
Analysis of Deterministic Routing in k-Ary n-Cubes with Virtual Channels. 509-516 - Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Lewis M. Mackenzie, Selim G. Akl:
On Some Properties of k-Ary n-Cubes. 517-524 - Jung-Sheng Fu, Gen-Huey Chen, Dyi-Rong Duh:
Combinatorial Properties of Hierarchical Cubic Networks. 525-532 - Jong-Seok Kim, Hyeong-Ok Lee, Yeong-Nam Heo:
Embedding amgong HCN(n, n), HFN(n, n) and Hypercube. 533-542
B7: Multimedia Systems 1
- Ing-Ray Chen, Sheng-Tun Li:
A Cost-Based Admission Control Algorithm for Handling Mixed Workloads in Multimedia Server Systems. 543-548 - Keun-Hyung Kim, Seog Park:
Schemes for Utilizing Efficiently Disk Bandwidth and Buffer in Video Server. 549-554 - Jung-Min Choi, Seung-Won Lee, Ki-Dong Chung:
A Multicast Delivery Scheme for VCR Operations in a Large VOD System. 555-561 - Jin Soo Jang, Woo Hyun Ahn, Daeyeon Park:
A Server Framework for Scheduling Multimedia Applications in Open System Environment. 562-572
C7: Internet Protocols
- MoonSang Kwon, Jiman Hong, Yookun Cho:
Ethernet Wrapper: Extension of the TCP Wrapper. 573-580 - Yuan-Cheng Lai:
Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas in a Heterogeneous Environment. 581-587 - Woochool Park, Sangjun Park, Byungho Rhee:
Tightening of Cell Discarding Method in RED for Improving TCP over ATM Network. 588-591 - Pi-Chung Wang
, Chia-Tai Chan, Yaw-Chung Chen:
A Fast Table Update Scheme for High-Performance IP Forwarding. 592-600
A8: Interconnection Networks 2
- Xinchen Liu, Qian-Ping Gu:
Multicasts on WDM All-Optical Multistage Interconnection Networks. 601-608 - MinHwan Ok, Myong-Soon Park:
An Alternate Dimension-Order Collective Communications Scheme on Packet-Switched 2D-Mesh Network. 609-614 - Ali Karci:
Recursive Construction of Hierarchical Fibonacci Cubes and Hierarchical Extended Fibonacci Cubes. 615-620 - Ali Karci:
Algebraic Expression for Extra Degree Added to Hypercube Interconnection Network in Case of Multiple Edge-Faults. 621-626
B8: Multimedia Systems 2
- Motokazu Yokoyama, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa:
QoS-Based Method for Compensating Multimedia Objects. 627-632 - Donghwan Son, Chansu Yu, Heung-Nam Kim:
Dynamic Voltage Scaling on MPEG Decoding. 633-640 - Hyunki Baik, Myong-Soon Park:
FRD-FPRED: A Novel Re-Decode Based Error Compensation Method Using Fast Re-Decoding and Fast Prediction Algorithm. 641-644 - Myoung-Kyoung Ji, So-Hyun Lee, Tae-uk Choi, Seong-Ho Park, Jeong-Gu Kang, Ki-Dong Chung:
Selecting an Audio Redundancy Codec Combination for Error Control in Internet Telephony. 645-652
- Ben-Jye Chang, Ren-Hung Hwang
Dynamic Update of Aggregated Routing Information for Hierarchical QoS Routing in ATM Networks. 653-660 - Chung-Ming Huang, Pei-Chuan Liu, Rey-Lun Chang:
QoS Streaming Based on Media Filtering System. 661-666 - Yuan-Cheng Lai, Sheng-Fu Tsai:
Unfairness of Measurement-Based Admission Controls in a Heterogeneous Environment. 667-674 - Chang-Wook Kim, Jung-Ahn Han, Hwan-Gyu Lee, Woo-Zoo Kim, Byunggi Kim, Moon-Ho Lee, Joo-Myoung Seok, Jong-Hyub Lee:
An Efficient Buffer Control and Packet Scheduling for the Acces Point of IP Networks and ATM Network. 675-680
A9: Multi Agent Systems
- Zhou Wang, Jochen Seitz:
An Agent-Based Distributed Service Model for Nomadic Users. 681-688 - Yugyung Lee, Younki Cho, Jerrold F. Stach, Eun Kyo Park:
Collaborative and Secure Resource Management with Distributed Agents. 689-697 - Andrew B. Williams, Todd A. Krygowski, Thomas L. Casavant:
I-DOCS: Distributed Agent-Assisted Knowledge Fusion for Disease Gene Discovery. 698-705 - Hyeok Chan Kwon, Jong Tai Lee, Heunghwan Kim, Kwan Jong Yoo:
A Migration Strategy of Mobile Agent. 706-712 - Soon-Hee Myoung, Jung-Min Choi, In-Cheol Kim
BClassifier: A Personal Agent for Bookmark Classification. 713-720
B9: Distributed Database System/Cluster Systems
- Keiichi Tamura, Yuya Nakano, Kunihiko Kaneko, Akifumi Makinouchi:
The Parallel Processing of Spatial Selection for Very Large Geo-Spatial Databases. 721-726 - Taiyong Jin, Kunihiko Kaneko, Akifumi Makinouchi:
Cost-Based Transaction Coordinator Algorithm Implemented at Persistent Distributed Shared Virtual Memory. 727-732 - Sangman Moh, Chansu Yu, Hee Yong Youn, Ben Lee, Dongsoo Han:
Mapping Strategies for Switch-Based Cluster Systems of Irregular Topology. 733-740 - Jung-Lok Yu, Moon-Sang Lee, Seung Ryoul Maeng:
An Efficient Implementation of Virtual Interface Architecture using Adaptive Transfer Mechanism on Myrinet. 741-747 - Hae-Sun Shin, Sook-Heon Lee, Myong-Soon Park:
Multicast-Based Distributed LVS (MD-LVS) for Improving Scalability and Availability. 748-756
C9: Internet Technology
- Seh Chul Park, Yong Woon Park, Yoo Ek Son:
A Proxy Server Management Scheme for Continuous Media Objects Based on Object Partitioning. 757-762 - Han-seung Yoo, Ju-wook Jang:
An Improved Packet Pair Method for Filtering Estimation Noise and Fast Convergence in Measuring Bottleneck Bandwidth. 763-767 - Won Bo Shim, Seog Park:
Implementing Web Access Control System for the Multiple Web Servers in the Same Domain Using RBAC Concept. 768-773 - Suntae Hwang, Bongsik Yoon:
An Adaptive and Dynamic Timer Design to Maintain Soft State in RSVP. 774-779 - Kyungbaek Kim, Daeyeon Park:
Least Popularity-per-Byte Replacement Algorithm for a Proxy Cache. 780-788
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