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12th ICAART 2020: Valletta, Malta - Volume 2
- Ana Paula Rocha, Luc Steels, H. Jaap van den Herik:
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2020, Volume 2, Valletta, Malta, February 22-24, 2020. SCITEPRESS 2020, ISBN 978-989-758-395-7
Invited Speakers
- Carles Sierra:
Responsible Agency. ICAART (1) 2020: 5 - Marie-Christine Rousset:
Reasoning on Data: Challenges and Application. ICAART (1) 2020: 7 - Bart Selman:
A 20-Year Roadmap for AI Research. ICAART (1) 2020: 9 - Rineke Verbrugge:
Testing and Training Theory of Mind for Hybrid Human-agent Environments. ICAART (1) 2020: 11
Artificial Intelligence
- Sulaf Elshaar
, Samira Sadaoui:
Detecting Bidding Fraud using a Few Labeled Data. 17-25 - Nicos Isaak, Loizos Michael:
Winventor: A Machine-driven Approach for the Development of Winograd Schemas. 26-35 - David Bechtold, Alexander Wendt, Axel Jantsch:
Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Methods for a Self-learning System. 36-47 - Sichen Zhang, Axel Heßler, Ming Zhang:
Classification, Localization and Captioning of Dangerous Situations using Inception-v3 Network and CAM. 48-57 - Adrian Robert, David Genest, Stéphane Loiseau:
Temporal Cognitive Maps. 58-68 - William Myers, Tyler Etchart, Nancy Fulda:
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs. 69-78 - Otakar Trunda, Roman Barták
Deep Learning of Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning. 79-88 - Trung-Kien Vu, Teeradaj Racharak, Satoshi Tojo, Ha-Thanh Nguyen
, Le Minh Nguyen:
Progressive Training in Recurrent Neural Networks for Chord Progression Modeling. 89-98 - Luís Ferreira
, André Luiz Pilastri, Carlos Martins, Pedro Santos, Paulo Cortez:
An Automated and Distributed Machine Learning Framework for Telecommunications Risk Management. 99-107 - Rui Zhang
, Peter Schneider-Kamp
, Arthur Zimek
Improving Semantic Similarity of Words by Retrofitting Word Vectors in Sense Level. 108-119 - Syed Mohtashim Abbas Bokhari, Oliver E. Theel:
Design of Scenario-based Application-optimized Data Replication Strategies through Genetic Programming. 120-129 - Felipe Melo Soares, Ticiana L. Coelho da Silva, José A. F. de Macêdo:
Sentence Compression on Domains with Restricted Labeled Data Availability. 130-140 - Julius Lauw, Dominique Macias, Akshay Trikha, Julia Vendemiatti, George D. Montañez:
The Bias-Expressivity Trade-off. 141-150 - Miguel Sanz-Narrillos, Stefano Masneri
, Mikel Zorrilla:
Combining Video and Wireless Signals for Enhanced Audience Analysis. 151-161 - Jing Peng, Alex J. Aved:
Information Preserving Discriminant Projections. 162-171 - Herbert van Leeuwen, Yingqian Zhang
, Kalliopi Zervanou
, Shantanu Mullick, Uzay Kaymak
, Tom de Ruijter:
Lost and Found: Predicting Airline Baggage At-risk of Being Mishandled. 172-181 - Pavel Surynek:
On Satisfisfiability Modulo Theories in Continuous Multi-Agent Path Finding: Compilation-based and Search-based Approaches Compared. 182-193 - Yoonkyu Hwang, Masato Ishikawa:
Generative Locomotion Model of Snake Robot with Hierarchical Networks for Topological Representation. 194-202 - Kilho Shin, Kenta Okumoto, David Lawrence Shepard, Tetsuji Kuboyama, Takako Hashimoto, Hiroaki Ohshima:
A Fast Algorithm for Unsupervised Feature Value Selection. 203-213 - Eldane Vieira Junior, Rita Maria da Silva Julia, Elaine Ribeiro de Faria
Adapting the Markov Chain based Algorithm M-DBScan to Detect Opponents' Strategy Changes in the Dynamic Scenario of a StarCraft Player Agent. 214-223 - Vitaliy Milke, Cristina Luca
, George B. Wilson
, Arooj Fatima:
Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Raw Data to Model Intraday Trading Market Behaviour. 224-231 - Dongfang Liu, Yaqin Wang, Eric T. Matson:
Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: Motion-aid Feature Calibration Network. 232-239 - Fusun Yaman, Thomas C. Eskridge, Aaron Adler, Michael Atighetchi, Borislava I. Simidchieva
, Sarah Jeter, Jennifer Cassetti, Jeffrey DeMatteis:
An Autonomous Resiliency Toolkit for Cyber Defense Platforms. 240-248 - Massimo Ruffolo, Francesco Visalli:
A Weak-supervision Method for Automating Training Set Creation in Multi-domain Aspect Sentiment Classification. 249-256 - Saleh Mozaffari, Mohammad Al-Naser, Pascal Klein, Stefan Küchemann, Jochen Kuhn, Thomas Widmann, Andreas Dengel:
Classification of Visual Strategies in Physics Vector Field Problem-solving. 257-267 - Telmo Barros
, Alexandra Oliveira, Henrique Lopes Cardoso
, Luís Paulo Reis
, Ana Cristina Caldeira, João Pedro Machado:
Generation and Optimization of Inspection Routes for Economic and Food Safety. 268-278 - Tobias Eljasik-Swoboda, Wilhelm Demuth:
Leveraging Clustering and Natural Language Processing to Overcome Variety Issues in Log Management. 281-288 - Denis Kiselev:
An AI using Construction Grammar: Automatic Acquisition of Knowledge about Words. 289-296 - Shinsuke Uda:
Approximate Conditional Independence Test using Residuals. 297-304 - Natalia Palomares, Rony Cueva, Manuel Tupia, Mariuxi Bruzza:
Implementation of a Memetic Algorithm to Optimize the Loading of Kilns for the Sanitary Ware Production. 305-312 - Norihiro Kamide:
An Extended Description Logic for Inconsistency-tolerant Ontological Reasoning with Sequential Information. 313-321 - Mahdi Bidar, Malek Mouhoub, Samira Sadaoui:
Discrete Focus Group Optimization Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 322-330 - Sven Löffler, Ke Liu, Petra Hofstedt:
Exploring Properties of the Instant Insanity Puzzle with Constraint Satisfaction Approach. 331-338 - Wael Korani, Malek Mouhoub:
Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social Network. 339-346 - Anton Fuxjaeger, Vaishak Belle:
Scaling up Probabilistic Inference in Linear and Non-linear Hybrid Domains by Leveraging Knowledge Compilation. 347-355 - Hong-Seok Park, Dinh Son Nguyen:
AI 3D Printing Process Parameters Optimization. 356-361 - Kai Shuang, Hao Hu, Wentao Zhang, Zhixuan Zhang, Peng Xu:
Gated Graph Convolutional Network for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Emphasizing on Relational Reasoning. ICAART (2) 2020: 362-369 - Yuki Nakamura, Takeshi Shibuya:
Topological Visualization Method for Understanding the Landscape of Value Functions and Structure of the State Space in Reinforcement Learning. 370-377 - Alessandro Paolo Capasso, Giulio Bacchiani, Daniele Molinari:
Intelligent Roundabout Insertion using Deep Reinforcement Learning. 378-385 - Eugene Kagan
, Alexander N. Rybalov, Ronald R. Yager:
Subjective Markov Process with Fuzzy Aggregations. 386-394 - Noritaka Yamada, Takeshi Shibuya:
Inferring Underlying Manifold of Low Density Data using Adaptive Interpolation. 395-402 - Ayman Yafoz
, Malek Mouhoub:
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text. 403-412 - Honglong Cai, Yuedong Fang, Zhiguan Wang, Tingchun Yeh, Jinxing Cheng:
VMRFANet: View-specific Multi-Receptive Field Attention Network for Person Re-identification. 413-420 - Qi Li:
Search for Robust Policies in Reinforcement Learning. 421-428 - Yosuke Fukuchi
, Yusuke Takimoto, Michita Imai:
Adaptive Enhancement of Swipe Manipulations on Touch Screens with Content-awareness. 429-436 - Hassen Dhrif, Stefan Wuchty:
Stable Feature Selection for Gene Expression using Enhanced Binary Particle Swarm Optimization. 437-444 - Mickaël Bettinelli, Damien Genthial, Michel Occello:
Cohesion as a Tool for Maintaining the Functional Integrity of a Multi-agent System. 445-452 - Moldir Zholdasbayeva, Vasilios Zarikas
, Stavros Poulopoulos:
Bayesian Networks based Policy Making in the Renewable Energy Sector. 453-462 - Monique Simplicio Viana, Orides Morandin Junior, Rodrigo Colnago Contreras
Transgenic Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Makespan in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem. 463-474 - Rémi Besson, Erwan Le Pennec, Emmanuel Spaggiari, Antoine Neuraz, Julien Stirnemann, Stéphanie Allassonnière:
Optimization of a Sequential Decision Making Problem for a Rare Disease Diagnostic Application. 475-482 - Avi Bleiweiss:
Predicting a Song Title from Audio Embeddings on a Pretrained Image-captioning Network. 483-493 - Ankit Pal, Muru Selvakumar, Malaikannan Sankarasubbu:
MAGNET: Multi-Label Text Classification using Attention-based Graph Neural Network. 494-505 - Maria Mihaela Trusca, Gerasimos Spanakis
Hybrid Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks (HTCNN) Text Sentiment Classification. 506-513 - Slim Hamdi, Samir Bouindour, Kais Loukil, Hichem Snoussi, Mohamed Abid:
Two-streams Fully Convolutional Networks for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos. 514-521 - Andreas Sedlmeier, Thomas Gabor, Thomy Phan, Lenz Belzner, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien:
Uncertainty-based Out-of-Distribution Classification in Deep Reinforcement Learning. 522-529 - Lu Chen, Masayuki Murata:
Mitigate Catastrophic Forgetting by Varying Goals. 530-537 - Ladislav Lenc, Pavel Král:
Improving Face Recognition Methods based on POEM Features. 538-545 - Quentin Houbre
, Alexandre Angleraud
, Roel Pieters
Exploration and Exploitation of Sensorimotor Contingencies for a Cognitive Embodied Agent. 546-554 - Tomihiro Kimura, Kokolo Ikeda:
High-performance Algorithms using Deep Learning in Turn-based Strategy Games. 555-562 - Marcio Aurelio dos Santos Alencar
, José Francisco de Magalhães Netto:
Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment. 563-569 - Toyoaki Kuwahara, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Model Smoothing using Virtual Adversarial Training for Speech Emotion Estimation using Spontaneity. 570-577 - Rishabh Budhouliya, Rajendra Kumar Sharma, Harjeet Singh:
Recognition of Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Strokes using Convolutional Neural Networks. 578-586 - Masashi Aizawa, Ryohei Orihara, Yuichi Sei, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN. 587-594 - Conor Ryan, Meghana Kshirsagar, Purva Chaudhari, Rushikesh Jachak:
GETS: Grammatical Evolution based Optimization of Smoothing Parameters in Univariate Time Series Forecasting. 595-602 - Rui Valente de Almeida, Fernando Crivellaro, Maria Narciso, Ana Isabel Sousa, Pedro Vieira
Bee2Fire: A Deep Learning Powered Forest Fire Detection System. 603-609 - Yining Yang, Branislav Vuksanovic, Hongjie Ma:
Effects of Region Features on the Accuracy of Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition. 610-617 - Qiushi Cao, Ahmed Samet, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, François de Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich:
Combining Evidential Clustering and Ontology Reasoning for Failure Prediction in Predictive Maintenance. 618-625 - Aline de Faria Lemos, Nagy Balázs Vince:
A Markerless Joint Detection through a Hand Geometric Representation. 626-633 - Amina Annane, Mouna Kamel, Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles:
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring. 634-643 - Marek Medved', Radoslav Sabol, Ales Horák:
Improving RNN-based Answer Selection for Morphologically Rich Languages. 644-651 - Alexander K. Seewald:
Revisiting End-to-end Deep Learning for Obstacle Avoidance: Replication and Open Issues. 652-659 - Deepika Verma, Kerstin Bach
, Paul Jarle Mork:
Clustering of Physical Behaviour Profiles using Knowledge-intensive Similarity Measures. 660-667 - Kazeem Alli, Jie Zhang:
Adaptive Modelling of Fed-batch Processes with Extreme Learning Machine and Recursive Least Square Technique. 668-674 - Cesar A. Pena Fernandez, A. B. B. F. Cunha, M. A. Alves:
NARMA-L2-based Antiviral Therapy for Infected CD4+ T Cells in a Nonlinear Model for HIV Dynamics: Protease Inhibitors-based Approach. 675-683 - Ahmed Dridi, Salma Sassi, Richard Chbeir, Sami Faïz:
A Flexible Semantic Integration Framework for Fully-integrated EHR based on FHIR Standard. 684-691 - Maximillian Kirsch
, Victor Mataré, Alexander Ferrein, Stefan Schiffer
Integrating golog++ and ROS for Practical and Portable High-level Control. 692-699 - Erick L. Trentini, Ticiana L. Coelho da Silva, Leopoldo Melo Junior
, José A. F. de Macêdo:
Model-centered Ensemble for Anomaly Detection in Time Series. 700-707 - Gopalakrishnan Krishnasamy Sivaprakasam, Giora Slutzki:
Secrecy-preserving Reasoning in ELH Knowledge Bases using MapReduce Algorithm. 708-716 - Nathalie Chetcuti-Sperandio, Alix Goudyme, Sylvain Lagrue, Tiago de Lima:
First Steps for Determining Agent Intention in Dynamic Epistemic Logic. 717-724 - Or Aviv Yarom, Sören Scherler, Marian Göllner, Xiaobo Liu-Henke:
Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning for Model-based Design of an Automated Vehicle Guidance System. 725-733 - Ondrej Subrt, Martin Bodlák, Matous Jandek, Vladimír Jarý, Antonín Kveton, Josef Nový, Miroslav Virius, Martin Zemko:
Reinforcement Learning in the Load Balancing Problem for the iFDAQ of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN. 734-741 - Felipe Mateus Marcolla, Rafael de Santiago, Rudimar L. S. Dazzi:
Novel Lie Speech Classification by using Voice Stress. ICAART (2) 2020: 742-749 - Yutaro Yamanaka, Eichi Takaya, Satoshi Kurihara:
Tactile Tile Detection Integrated with Ground Detection using an RGB-Depth Sensor. 750-757 - Taisuke Sato, Chiaki Sakama, Katsumi Inoue:
From 3-valued Semantics to Supported Model Computation for Logic Programs in Vector Spaces. 758-765 - Takanari Seito, Satoshi Munakata:
Production Scheduling based on Deep Reinforcement Learning using Graph Convolutional Neural Network. 766-772 - Markus Germann, Constantin Rieder, Klaus-Peter Scherer:
Ontology based Information Management for Industrial Applications. 773-779 - Gopi Battineni, Nalini Chintalapudi, Francesco Amenta:
Comparative Machine Learning Approach in Dementia Patient Classification using Principal Component Analysis. ICAART (2) 2020: 780-784 - Tyler Sam, Jake Williams, Abel Tadesse, Huey Sun, George D. Montañez:
Decomposable Probability-of-Success Metrics in Algorithmic Search. 785-792 - Weixing Xiong, Li Ma, Hongtao Liao:
An Efficient Approach based on BERT and Recurrent Neural Network for Multi-turn Spoken Dialogue Understanding. 793-800 - Aaron Hunter, Rodrigo Mora:
Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality. 801-805 - Jelena Mitrovic, Cliff O'Reilly, Randy Allen Harris, Michael Granitzer:
Cognitive Modeling in Computational Rhetoric: Litotes, Containment and the Unexcluded Middle. 806-813 - N. Strain, Joanna I. Olszewska:
Naive Bayesian Network for Automated, Fashion Personal Stylist. 814-821 - Mare Koit:
Arguments in Parliamentary Negotiation: A Study of Verbatim Records. 822-828 - Daniel Zaroni, Arthur Piazzi, Tamás Tettamanti, Ádám Sleisz:
Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market. 829-835 - Prabir Sen:
Self-organized Cognitive Algebraic Neural Network. 836-845 - Sagir Muhammad Yusuf, Chris Baber:
Conflicts Resolution and Situation Awareness in Heterogeneous Multi-agent Missions using Publish-subscribe Technique and Inferential Reasoning. 846-851 - Radek Bumbálek, Michal Stolba, Antonín Komenda:
Secure Multi-agent Planning via Sharemind. 852-859 - Belhedi Wiem, Hannachi Marwa:
Supervised Hardware/Software Partitioning Algorithms for FPGA-based Applications. 860-864 - Francisco Quinga-Socasi
, Ronny Velastegui, Luis Zhinin-Vera, Rafael Valencia-Ramos, Francisco Ortega-Zamorano, Oscar Chang:
Digital Cryptography Implementation using Neurocomputational Model with Autoencoder Architecture. 865-872 - Nabil Belacel, Guangze Wei, Yassine Bouslimani:
The k Closest Resemblance Classifier for Amazon Products Recommender System. 873-880 - Sagir Muhammad Yusuf, Chris Baber:
Handling Uncertainties in Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems using Bayesian Inferential Reasoning. 881-888 - Jiazhen Hu, Chenglu Wu, Miaoyu Yang:
Improving the Learning Efficiency of DQN by an Unsupervised Auxiliary Task. ICAART (2) 2020: 889-894 - Luc Steels, Björn Wahle:
Perceiving the Focal Point of a Painting with AI: Case Studies on Works of Luc Tuymans. 895-901 - Megumi Fujita, Yu Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Hayashi:
On Nonintrusive Monitoring of Electrical Appliance Load Via Restricted Boltzmann Machine with Temporal Reservoir. 902-909 - Alexander Zeckey, Martin Langner
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines. 910-917 - Damian Konrad Kowalczyk
, Lars Kai Hansen
The Complexity of Social Media Response: Statistical Evidence for One-dimensional Engagement Signal in Twitter. 918-925 - Seunghwan Song, Jun-Geol Baek:
New Anomaly Detection in Semiconductor Manufacturing Process using Oversampling Method. 926-932 - Mara Pudane, Arturs Ardavs
, Egons Lavendelis, Leonards Elksnis, Aiga Andrijanova, Peteris Ecis, Arturs Oniscenko, Agris Nikitenko:
A Design of the ViaBots Model for Industrial Assembly Line Application. 933-940 - Sean Latrelle Bravo, Cedric Jose Herrera, Edward Carlo Valdez, Klint John Poliquit, Jennifer C. Ureta, Jocelynn Cu, Judith J. Azcarraga, Joanna Pauline Rivera:
CATE: An Embodied Conversational Agent for the Elderly. 941-948 - Charlotte Gonçalves Frasco, Maxime Radmacher, René Lacroix, Roger Cue, Petko Valtchev, Claude Robert, Mounir Boukadoum, Marc-André Sirard, Abdoulaye Baniré Diallo:
Towards an Effective Decision-making System based on Cow Profitability using Deep Learning. 949-958 - Marta Vomlelová, Jindrich Vodrázka, Roman Barták
, Lukás Chrpa:
Automated Acquisition of Control Knowledge for Classical Planners. 959-966 - Cécile Carra, Karim Tabia:
Smart Home for Seniors: Opportunities and Challenges for AI. ICAART (2) 2020: 967-973 - Yunseon Byun, Jun-Geol Baek:
Mixed Pattern Recognition Methodology on Wafer Maps with Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks. 974-979 - Pedro Sandoval Segura, Julius Lauw, Daniel Bashir, Kinjal Shah, Sonia Sehra, Dominique Macias, George D. Montañez:
The Labeling Distribution Matrix (LDM): A Tool for Estimating Machine Learning Algorithm Capacity. 980-986 - Marvin A. Conn, Darsana Josyula:
Adaptive Classifiers: Applied to Radio Waveforms. 987-994 - Daiki Koizumi
Credible Interval Prediction of a Nonstationary Poisson Distribution based on Bayes Decision Theory. 995-1002 - Roussanka Loukanova:
Algorithmic Eta-reduction in Type-theory of Acyclic Recursion. 1003-1010
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