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11th FG 2015: Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, FG 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 4-8, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-6026-2
- Thomas Vandal, Daniel McDuff, Rana El Kaliouby:
Event detection: Ultra large-scale clustering of facial expressions. 1-8 - Malcolm Dcosta, Dvijesh J. Shastri, Ricardo Vilalta, Judee K. Burgoon, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
Perinasal indicators of deceptive behavior. 1-8 - Yale Song, Daniel McDuff, Deepak Vasisht, Ashish Kapoor:
Exploiting sparsity and co-occurrence structure for action unit recognition. 1-8 - Fernando De la Torre, Wen-Sheng Chu, Xuehan Xiong, Francisco Vicente, Xiaoyu Ding, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
IntraFace. 1-8 - Makarand Tapaswi, Martin Bäuml, Rainer Stiefelhagen:
Improved weak labels using contextual cues for person identification in videos. 1-8 - Yu Kong, Behnam Satarboroujeni, Yun Fu:
Hierarchical 3D kernel descriptors for action recognition using depth sequences. 1-6 - Lilei Zheng, Khalid Idrissi, Christophe Garcia, Stefan Duffner, Atilla Baskurt:
Triangular similarity metric learning for face verification. 1-7 - Miriam Redi, Nikhil Rasiwasia, Gaurav Aggarwal, Alejandro Jaimes:
The beauty of capturing faces: Rating the quality of digital portraits. 1-8 - Handong Zhao, Zhengming Ding, Yun Fu:
Block-wise constrained sparse graph for face image representation. 1-6 - Zhengming Ding, Sungjoo Suh, Jae-Joon Han, Changkyu Choi, Yun Fu:
Discriminative low-rank metric learning for face recognition. 1-6 - Yan Li, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen:
Hierarchical hybrid statistic based video binary code and its application to face retrieval in TV-series. 1-8 - Xudong Yang, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang, Liming Chen:
Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric scattering representation. 1-6 - Kaoning Hu, Lijun Yin:
Multiple feature representations from multi-layer geometric shape for hand gesture analysis. 1-7 - Hanjie Wang, Xiujuan Chai, Yu Zhou
, Xilin Chen:
Fast sign language recognition benefited from low rank approximation. 1-6 - Dong Yi, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li:
Shared representation learning for heterogenous face recognition. 1-7 - Peng Liu, Lijun Yin:
Spontaneous facial expression analysis based on temperature changes and head motions. 1-6 - Zhefan Ye, Yin Li, Yun Liu, Chanel Bridges, Agata Rozga, James M. Rehg
Detecting bids for eye contact using a wearable camera. 1-8 - Xiangyu Zhu, Junjie Yan, Dong Yi, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li:
Discriminative 3D morphable model fitting. 1-8 - Negar Hassanpour, Liang Chen:
A hierarchical training and identification method using Gaussian process models for face recognition in videos. 1-8 - Radu-Laurentiu Vieriu, Sergey Tulyakov, Stanislau Semeniuta, Enver Sangineto
, Nicu Sebe
Facial expression recognition under a wide range of head poses. 1-7 - Nataraj Jammalamadaka, Andrew Zisserman, C. V. Jawahar
Human pose search using deep poselets. 1-8 - Mojtaba Khomami Abadi, Juan Abdon Miranda Correa, Julia Wache, Heng Yang, Ioannis Patras
, Nicu Sebe
Inference of personality traits and affect schedule by analysis of spontaneous reactions to affective videos. 1-8 - Mahdi Jampour
, Thomas Mauthner, Horst Bischof:
Pairwise linear regression: An efficient and fast multi-view facial expression recognition. 1-8 - Rui Li, Jared Curhan
, Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque:
Predicting video-conferencing conversation outcomes based on modeling facial expression synchronization. 1-6 - Ming Shao, Zhengming Ding, Yun Fu:
Sparse low-rank fusion based deep features for missing modality face recognition. 1-6 - Neslihan Kose
, Ludovic Apvrille, Jean-Luc Dugelay
Facial makeup detection technique based on texture and shape analysis. 1-7 - Seyed Morteza Safdarnejad, Xiaoming Liu, Lalita Udpa, Brooks Andrus, John Wood, Dean Craven:
Sports Videos in the Wild (SVW): A video dataset for sports analysis. 1-7 - Jeffrey M. Girard
, Jeffrey F. Cohn, László A. Jeni, Simon Lucey
, Fernando De la Torre:
How much training data for facial action unit detection? 1-8 - Xing Zhang, Lijun Yin, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Three dimensional binary edge feature representation for pain expression analysis. 1-7 - Meng Yang, Weiyang Liu, LinLin Shen:
Joint regularized nearest points for image set based face recognition. 1-7 - Xi Peng, Junzhou Huang
, Qiong Hu, Shaoting Zhang
, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Three-dimensional head pose estimation in-the-wild. 1-6 - Van-Toi Nguyen, Thi-Lan Le
, Thanh-Hai Tran, Rémy Mullot, Vincent Courboulay:
A new hand representation based on kernels for hand posture recognition. 1-6 - Arnaud Dapogny, Kevin Bailly
, Séverine Dubuisson:
Dynamic facial expression recognition by joint static and multi-time gap transition classification. 1-6 - Samuel Berlemont, Grégoire Lefebvre, Stefan Duffner, Christophe Garcia:
Siamese neural network based similarity metric for inertial gesture classification and rejection. 1-6 - Sharifa Alghowinem
, Roland Goecke
, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Michael Wagner, Gordon Parker
, Michael Breakspear
Cross-cultural detection of depression from nonverbal behaviour. 1-8 - Arnaud Lienhard, Alice Caplier, Patricia Ladret
Fully automated facial picture evaluation using high level attributes. 1-6 - Jie Liang, Jun Zhou
, Yongsheng Gao
3D local derivative pattern for hyperspectral face recognition. 1-6 - Chongliang Wu, Shangfei Wang, Qiang Ji:
Multi-instance Hidden Markov Model for facial expression recognition. 1-6 - Shan Wu, Shangfei Wang, Jun Wang:
Enhanced facial expression recognition by age. 1-6 - Jun Li, Shasha Li, Jiani Hu, Weihong Deng:
Adaptive LPQ: An efficient descriptor for blurred face recognition. 1-6 - Xiaolong Wang, Chandra Kambhamettu:
Age estimation via unsupervised neural networks. 1-6 - Toni Fetzer, Christian Petry, Frank Deinzer, Karsten Huffstadt:
3D interaction design: Increasing the stimulus-response correspondence by using stereoscopic vision. 1-6 - Nuri Murat Arar
, Hua Gao, Jean-Philippe Thiran
Robust gaze estimation based on adaptive fusion of multiple cameras. 1-7 - Taleb Alashkar, Boulbaba Ben Amor
, Stefano Berretti
, Mohamed Daoudi
Analyzing trajectories on Grassmann manifold for early emotion detection from depth videos. 1-6 - Jeong-Jik Seo, Jisoo Son, Hyungil Kim
, Wesley De Neve, Yong Man Ro
Efficient and effective human action recognition in video through motion boundary description with a compact set of trajectories. 1-6 - Matthaeus Schumacher, Volker Blanz:
Exploration of the correlations of attributes and features in faces. 1-8 - Patrick J. Flynn, Kevin W. Bowyer
, P. Jonathon Phillips:
Lessons from collecting a million biometric samples. 1-8 - Ajjen Joshi, Camille Monnier, Margrit Betke, Stan Sclaroff:
A random forest approach to segmenting and classifying gestures. 1-7 - Iftekhar Naim, Mohammad Iftekhar Tanveer, Daniel Gildea, Mohammed (Ehsan) Hoque:
Automated prediction and analysis of job interview performance: The role of what you say and how you say it. 1-6 - Davoud Shahlaei, Volker Blanz:
Realistic inverse lighting from a single 2D image of a face, taken under unknown and complex lighting. 1-8 - Shyam Sundar Rajagopalan
, O. V. Ramana Murthy
, Roland Goecke
, Agata Rozga:
Play with me - Measuring a child's engagement in a social interaction. 1-8 - Yelin Kim, Jixu Chen, Ming-Ching Chang, Xin Wang, Emily Mower Provost
, Siwei Lyu:
Modeling transition patterns between events for temporal human action segmentation and classification. 1-8 - Yasushi Makihara, Al Mansur, Daigo Muramatsu, Md. Zasim Uddin, Yasushi Yagi:
Multi-view discriminant analysis with tensor representation and its application to cross-view gait recognition. 1-8 - Pavlo Molchanov, Shalini Gupta, Kihwan Kim, Kari Pulli:
Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition. 1-8 - Heng Zhang, Vishal M. Patel, Sumit Shekhar, Rama Chellappa:
Domain adaptive sparse representation-based classification. 1-8 - Naimul Mefraz Khan, Xiaoming Nan, Azhar Quddus, Edward Rosales, Ling Guan:
On video based face recognition through adaptive sparse dictionary. 1-6 - Zahoor Zafrulla, Himanshu Sahni, Abdelkareem Bedri, Pavleen Thukral, Thad Starner:
Hand detection in American Sign Language depth data using domain-driven random forest regression. 1-7 - Harald Hanselmann, Hermann Ney:
Speeding up 2D-warping for pose-invariant face recognition. 1-7 - Robert Walecki, Ognjen Rudovic, Vladimir Pavlovic
, Maja Pantic:
Variable-state latent conditional random fields for facial expression recognition and action unit detection. 1-8 - Wen Wang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen:
Probabilistic nearest neighbor search for robust classification of face image sets. 1-7 - Leonardo A. Cament, Francisco J. Galdames
, Kevin W. Bowyer
, Claudio A. Perez
Face recognition under pose variation with active shape model to adjust Gabor filter kernels and to correct feature extraction location. 1-6 - Deepak Pathak, Sai Nitish Satyavolu, Vinay P. Namboodiri
Where is my friend? - Person identification in social networks. 1-8 - Philip Krejov
, Andrew Gilbert, Richard Bowden
Combining discriminative and model based approaches for hand pose estimation. 1-7 - László A. Jeni, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade:
Dense 3D face alignment from 2D videos in real-time. 1-8 - Federico M. Sukno
, Mario A. Rojas, John L. Waddington, Paul F. Whelan:
On the quantitative analysis of craniofacial asymmetry in 3D. 1-8 - Jiangning Gao, Adrian N. Evans
Expression robust 3D face recognition by matching multi-component local shape descriptors on the nasal and adjoining cheek regions. 1-8 - Nesrine Fourati, Catherine Pelachaud:
Multi-level classification of emotional body expression. 1-8 - Heng Zhang, Vishal M. Patel, Rama Chellappa:
Robust multimodal recognition via multitask multivariate low-rank representations. 1-8 - Xiaolong Wang, Guodong Guo
, M. V. Rohith, Chandra Kambhamettu:
Leveraging geometry and appearance cues for recognizing family photos. 1-8 - Zhongjun Wu, Jiayu Li, Jiani Hu, Weihong Deng:
Pose-invariant face recognition using 3D multi-depth generic elastic models. 1-6 - Tung-Ying Lee, Tzu-Shan Chang, Shang-Hong Lai
Correcting radial and perspective distortion by using face shape information. 1-8 - Ahmed Osman, Jay Turcot, Rana El Kaliouby:
Supervised learning approach to remote heart rate estimation from facial videos. 1-6 - Abhinav Dhall, Jyoti Joshi
, Karan Sikka, Roland Goecke
, Nicu Sebe
The more the merrier: Analysing the affect of a group of people in images. 1-8 - Tobias Gehrig, Ziad Al-Halah
, Hazim Kemal Ekenel
, Rainer Stiefelhagen:
Action unit intensity estimation using hierarchical partial least squares. 1-6 - Songfan Yang, Le An, Mehran Kafai, Bir Bhanu
To skip or not to skip? A dataset of spontaneous affective response of online advertising (SARA) for audience behavior analysis. 1-8 - Henry Z. Lo, Joseph Paul Cohen
, Wei Ding
Prediction gradients for feature extraction and analysis from convolutional neural networks. 1-6 - Iryna Anina, Ziheng Zhou, Guoying Zhao
, Matti Pietikäinen:
OuluVS2: A multi-view audiovisual database for non-rigid mouth motion analysis. 1-5 - J. Ross Beveridge, Hao Zhang, Bruce A. Draper, Patrick J. Flynn, Zhenhua Feng
, Patrik Huber
, Josef Kittler, Zhiwu Huang, Shaoxin Li, Yan Li, Meina Kan, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen, Haoxiang Li, Gang Hua, Vitomir Struc, Janez Krizaj
, Changxing Ding, Dacheng Tao, P. Jonathon Phillips:
Report on the FG 2015 Video Person Recognition Evaluation. 1-8 - Andreas Lanitis
, Nicolas Tsapatsoulis
, Kleanthis Soteriou, Daiki Kuwahara, Shigeo Morishima
FG2015 age progression evaluation. 1-6 - Bin Yang, Junjie Yan, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li:
Fine-grained evaluation on face detection in the wild. 1-7 - Jiwen Lu
, Junlin Hu
, Venice Erin Liong, Xiuzhuang Zhou, Andrea Bottino
, Ihtesham Ul Islam, Tiago Figueiredo Vieira
, Xiaoqian Qin, Xiaoyang Tan, Songcan Chen, Shahar Mahpod
, Yosi Keller, Lilei Zheng, Khalid Idrissi, Christophe Garcia, Stefan Duffner, Atilla Baskurt, Modesto Castrillón Santana
, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro
The FG 2015 Kinship Verification in the Wild Evaluation. 1-7 - Jun Shiraishi, Takeshi Saitoh
Optical flow based lip reading using non rectangular ROI and head motion reduction. 1-6 - Shiyang Cheng, Ioannis Marras, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Maja Pantic:
Active nonrigid ICP algorithm. 1-8 - Epameinondas Antonakos, Anastasios Roussos
, Stefanos Zafeiriou:
A survey on mouth modeling and analysis for Sign Language recognition. 1-7 - Malcolm Dcosta, Dvijesh J. Shastri, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
Perinasal indicators of malevolence. 1-4
Demo session
- Toni Fetzer, Christian Petry:
3D interaction design: Increasing the stimulus-response correspondence by using stereoscopic vision. 1 - László A. Jeni, Jeffrey M. Girard
, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade:
Real-time dense 3D face alignment from 2D video with automatic facial action unit coding. 1 - Terence Sim
, Li Zhang:
Controllable face privacy. 1 - Martin Savc, Damjan Zazula, Jurij Munda, Bozidar Potocnik:
Semi-transparent mirror with hidden camera to assess human emotions. 1 - Jixu Chen, Ming-Ching Chang, Peter H. Tu:
A live video analytic system for affect analysis in public space. 1 - Stepán Mrácek, Radim Dvorak, Jan Vana, Tomas Novotny, Martin Drahanský
3D face recognition utilizing a low-cost depth sensor. 1 - José Mennesson
, Benjamin Allaert
, Ioan Marius Bilasco
, Nico Van der Aa, Alexandre Denis, Samuel Cruz-Lara:
Faces and thoughts: An empathic dairy. 1 - Oya Çeliktutan, Evangelos Sariyanidi, Hatice Gunes:
Let me tell you about your personality!: Real-time personality prediction from nonverbal behavioural cues. 1 - Tim M. den Uyl, H. Emrah Tasli, Paul Ivan, Mariska Snijdewind:
Who do you want to be? Real-time face swap. 1 - H. Emrah Tasli, Tim M. den Uyl, Hugo Boujut, Titus B. Zaharia:
Real-time facial character animation. 1
Biometrics in the Wild (B-WILD 2015)
- Bir Bhanu
, Abdenour Hadid, Qiang Ji, Mark S. Nixon, Vitomir Struc:
Foreword - Biometrics in the Wild 2015. 1-2 - Michal Uricár
, Vojtech Franc
, Diego Thomas, Akihiro Sugimoto, Václav Hlavác
Real-time multi-view facial landmark detector learned by the structured output SVM. 1-8 - Ioan Buciu, Shmuel Goldenberg:
Oscillating patterns based face antispoofing approach against video replay. 1-6 - Amanda Sgroi, Hannah Garvey, Kevin W. Bowyer
, Patrick J. Flynn:
Location matters: A study of the effects of environment on facial recognition for biometric security. 1-7 - Kevin W. Bowyer
, Estefan Ortiz, Amanda Sgroi:
Trial Somaliland voting register de-duplication using iris recognition. 1-8 - Andrea Bottino, Ihtesham Ul Islam, Tiago Figueiredo Vieira
A multi-perspective holistic approach to Kinship Verification in the Wild. 1-6 - Simon Dobrisek, Vitomir Struc, Janez Krizaj, France Mihelic:
Face recognition in the wild with the Probabilistic Gabor-Fisher Classifier. 1-6 - Mehran Kafai, Kave Eshghi, Le An, Bir Bhanu
A reference-based framework for pose invariant face recognition. 1-8 - Abdelmalik Ouamane, Messaoud Bengherabi
, Abdenour Hadid, Mohamed Cheriet:
Side-Information based Exponential Discriminant Analysis for face verification in the wild. 1-6
Context Based Affect Recognition (CBAR 2015)
- Zakia Hammal, Merlin Teodosia C. Suarez
Towards context based affective computing introduction to the third international CBAR 2015 workshop. 1-2 - Ursula Hess
, Shlomo Hareli:
The influence of context on emotion recognition in humans. 1-6 - Maria Francesca O'Connor, Laurel D. Riek
Detecting social context: A method for social event classification using naturalistic multimodal data. 1-7 - Jonathan Aigrain, Séverine Dubuisson, Marcin Detyniecki, Mohamed Chetouani
Person-specific behavioural features for automatic stress detection. 1-6 - Hanan Salam
, Mohamed Chetouani
A multi-level context-based modeling of engagement in Human-Robot Interaction. 1-6
De-Identification for Privacy Protection in Multimedia (DeID 2015)
- Terrance E. Boult, Fernando De la Torre, Slobodan Ribaric, Vitomir Struc:
Foreword - De-identification for Privacy Protection in Multimedia 2015. 1-2 - Slobodan Ribaric, Nikola Pavesic:
An overview of face de-identification in still images and videos. 1-6 - Terence Sim, Li Zhang:
Controllable Face Privacy. 1-8 - Zongji Sun
, Li Meng
, Aladdin M. Ariyaeeinia:
Distinguishable de-identified faces. 1-6 - Panteleimon Chriskos, Olga Zoidi, Anastasios Tefas
, Ioannis Pitas:
De-identifying facial images using projections on hyperspheres. 1-6 - Tadej Justin, Vitomir Struc, Simon Dobrisek, Bostjan Vesnicer, Ivo Ipsic
, France Mihelic:
Speaker de-identification using diphone recognition and speech synthesis. 1-7 - Lin Yuan
, Pavel Korshunov, Touradj Ebrahimi
Secure JPEG scrambling enabling privacy in photo sharing. 1-6 - Margherita Bonetto, Pavel Korshunov, Giovanni Ramponi, Touradj Ebrahimi
Privacy in mini-drone based video surveillance. 1-6
Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in Continuous Time and Space (EmoSPACE 2015)
- Noam Amir, Reut Rubinstein, Adi Shlomov, Gary Diamond
Comparing categorical and dimensional ratings of emotional speech. 1-5 - Ghada Zamzmi, Gabriel Ruiz, Dmitry B. Goldgof, Rangachar Kasturi, Yu Sun, Terri Ashmeade:
Pain assessment in infants: Towards spotting pain expression based on infants' facial strain. 1-5 - Kevin El Haddad, Stéphane Dupont
, Nicolas D'Alessandro, Thierry Dutoit:
An HMM-based speech-smile synthesis system: An approach for amusement synthesis. 1-6 - Yona Falinie A. Gaus, Hongying Meng
, Asim Jan, Fan Zhang, Saeed Turabzadeh:
Automatic affective dimension recognition from naturalistic facial expressions based on wavelet filtering and PLS regression. 1-6 - Asim Jan, Hongying Meng
Automatic 3D facial expression recognition using geometric and textured feature fusion. 1-6 - Shiro Kumano, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Ryo Ishii, Junji Yamato
Automatic gaze analysis in multiparty conversations based on Collective First-Person Vision. 1-8 - Wenxuan Mou, Oya Çeliktutan, Hatice Gunes:
Group-level arousal and valence recognition in static images: Face, body and context. 1-6
Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis ChallengeHALLENGE (FERA)
- Michel F. Valstar, Gary McKeown
, Marc Mehu, Lijun Yin, Maja Pantic, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
FERA 2014 chairs' welcome. iii - Jérémie Nicolle, Kevin Bailly
, Mohamed Chetouani
Facial Action Unit intensity prediction via Hard Multi-Task Metric Learning for Kernel Regression. 1-6 - Tadas Baltrusaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, Peter Robinson:
Cross-dataset learning and person-specific normalisation for automatic Action Unit detection. 1-6 - Zuheng Ming, Aurélie Bugeau, Jean-Luc Rouas
, Takaaki Shochi
Facial Action Units intensity estimation by the fusion of features with multi-kernel Support Vector Machine. 1-6 - Anil Yüce, Hua Gao, Jean-Philippe Thiran
Discriminant multi-label manifold embedding for facial Action Unit detection. 1-6 - Shashank Jaiswal
, Brais Martínez, Michel François Valstar:
Learning to combine local models for facial Action Unit detection. 1-6 - Amogh Gudi
, H. Emrah Tasli, Tim M. den Uyl, Andreas Maroulis:
Deep learning based FACS Action Unit occurrence and intensity estimation. 1-5 - Michel François Valstar, Timur R. Almaev, Jeffrey M. Girard
, Gary McKeown
, Marc Mehu, Lijun Yin, Maja Pantic, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
FERA 2015 - second Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis challenge. 1-8
Understanding Human Activities Through 3D Sensors (UHA3DS 2015)
- Ludovico Minto, Giulio Marin, Pietro Zanuttigh:
3D hand shape analysis for palm and fingers identification. 1-6 - Maxime Devanne, Hazem Wannous, Pietro Pala, Stefano Berretti, Mohamed Daoudi
, Alberto Del Bimbo:
Combined shape analysis of human poses and motion units for action segmentation and recognition. 1-6 - Alexandros André Chaaraoui, José Ramón Padilla-López, Francisco Flórez-Revuelta
Abnormal gait detection with RGB-D devices using joint motion history features. 1-6 - Enrico Bondi, Pietro Pala, Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo:
Reconstructing high-resolution face models from Kinect depth sequences acquired in uncooperative contexts. 1-6 - Meng Meng, Hassen Drira
, Mohamed Daoudi
, Jacques Boonaert:
Human-object interaction recognition by learning the distances between the object and the skeleton joints. 1-6 - Antonio Fratini
, Francesco Gargiulo, Francesca Lampognana, Vincenzo Moscato, Carlo Sansone
, Mario Sansone
Suitability of a low cost system for quantitative motion capture applications. 1-8 - Najmeh Sadoughi, Yang Liu, Carlos Busso
MSP-AVATAR corpus: Motion capture recordings to study the role of discourse functions in the design of intelligent virtual agents. 1-6
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