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10th ETFA 2005: Catania, Italy
- Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2005, September 19-22, 2005, Catania, Italy. IEEE 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9401-1
- Fumio Harashima:
Human Adaptive Mechatronics - Interaction and Intelligence. - Cássia Yuri Tatibana, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Carlos Montez
Dynamic guarantee in component-based distributed real-time systems. - Sandro Santos Andrade, Raimundo José de Araújo Macêdo:
A component-based real-time architecture for distributed supervision and control applications. - Patricia Della Méa Plentz, Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Carlos Montez:
Scheduling of the distributed thread abstraction with timing constraints using RTSJ. - Mohamed Khalgui, Xavier Rebeuf, Francesco Zampognaro:
Adaptable OPC-XML contracts taking into account network traffic. - Kleanthis Thramboulidis, A. Zoupas:
Real-time Java in control and automation: a model driven development approach. - Y. Veryha:
Going beyond performance limitations of OPC DA implementation. - Lucia Lo Bello, Orazio Mirabella:
Communication techniques and architectures for Bluetooth networks in industrial scenarios. - R. Brito, Yeqiong Song
A dispatching mechanism providing REMPLI applications with QoS. - Nicolas Krommenacker, Vincent Lecuire:
Building industrial communication systems based on IEEE 802.11g wireless technology. - Andreas Willig:
Scheduling multiple streams with (m, k)-firm deadlines having different importance over Markovian channels. - Andreas Miaoudakis, A. Lekkas, Grigorios Kalivas, Stavros A. Koubias:
Radio channel characterization in industrial environments and spread spectrum modem performance. - Paulo Bartolomeu
, José Alberto Fonseca, Pedro Duarte, Paulo Maria Rodrigues, Luís Miguel Girão:
MIDI over Bluetooth. - Arndt Lüder, Christian Schwab, Marcus Tangermann, Jörn Peschke:
Formal models for the verification of IEC 61499 function block based control applications. - D. Pollmacher, Wolf Zimmermann, Hans-Michael Hanisch:
Translation validation for model-based code-generators for PLCs. - Andrei Lobov, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Reijo Tuokko:
On controller and plant modeling for model-based formal verification. - Valeriy Vyatkin, Hans-Michael Hanisch:
Reuse of components in formal modeling and verification of distributed control systems. - Robert Wójcik, Krzysztof Bzdyra, Manuel M. Crisóstomo, Zbigniew Antoni Banaszak:
Constraint programming approach to design of deadlock-free schedules in concurrent production systems. - A. Wegrzyn:
Parallel algorithm for computation of deadlocks and traps in Petri nets. - Francesco M. Raimondi, T. Raimondi, P. Barretta:
Neural Petri control: an application on a mobile robot. - Nicola Cesario, M. Lavorgna, Francesco Pirozzi:
Modelling on-off virtual lambda sensors based on multi-spread probabilistic neural networks. - Guido Maione, Michele Ottomanelli
A preliminary Petri net model of the transshipment processes in the Taranto container terminal. - Luigi Fortuna, Salvatore Graziani, Maria Gabriella Xibilia:
Cross correlation analysis of residuals for the selection of the structure of virtual sensors in a refinery. - Francesco M. Raimondi, Ludovico S. Ciancimino, Maurizio Melluso:
On-line adaptive neural network in very remote control system. - Riccardo Caponetto, Luigi Fortuna, Alessandro Rizzo:
Neural network modelling of fuel cell systems for vehicles. - Kenzo Kurihara, Nobuyuki Nishiuchi, Jun Hasegawa, Kazuaki Masuda:
Mobile robots path planning method with the existence of moving obstacles. - Jorge Manuel Simões de Almeida, Anibal T. de Almeida, Rui Araújo:
Tracking multiple moving objects for mobile robotics navigation. - Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Francesco La Rosa, Pietro Lanzafame:
An edge-based segmentation technique for 2D still-image with cellular neural networks. - Herbert F. Schweinzer, Peter Krammer:
Scene analysis with ultrasonic sensors. - Armando J. Sousa, Paulo José Costa, A. Paulo Moreira, A. S. Carvalho:
Self localization of an autonomous robot: using an EKF to merge odometry and vision based landmarks. - Salvatore Pennacchio, Davide Rizzo:
Intelligent traction control for wheeled space vehicles. - Alfred C. Weaver:
Distributed Data Security for Factory Automation. 243-244 - K. Loeis, Mohammed Bani Younis, Georg Frey:
Application of symbolic and bounded model checking to the verification of logic control systems. - G. Pratl:
A bionic approach to artificial perception and representation in factory automation. - Daniela Micucci, Marco Oldani, Francesco Tisato:
Real-time reasoning: the case of surveillance systems. - K. M. Deliparaschos, F. I. Nenedakis, Spyros G. Tzafestas:
A fast digital fuzzy logic controller: FPGA design and implementation. - Marek Miskowicz:
Sampling of signals in energy domain. - Francesco Basile, Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu:
Decentralized supervisory control of Petri nets with monitor places. - Daniele Corona, Alessandro Giua, Carla Seatzu:
Quantized optimal control of discrete-time systems. - José Yépez, Pau Martí, J. Ayza, Josep M. Fuertes:
LEF closed-loop scheduling policy for real-time control systems. - Luís Gomes, João Paulo Barros, Anikó Costa
, Rui Pais, Filipe Moutinho
Towards usage of formal methods within embedded systems co-design. - Vincenza Carchiolo, Alessandro Longheu, Michele Malgeri:
Production workflows: a model for reuse. - Ulrich Berger, Raffaello Lepratti, Martin May:
An approach for the automatic generation of robot paths from CAD-data. - Atanasko Tuneski, Darko Babunski
Adaptive identification of the environment characteristics in the contact tasks. - E. R. Cassemiro, João Maurício Rosário, Didier Dumur:
Robot axis dynamics control using a virtual robotics environment. - Luca Ferrarini, Carlo Veber, Giuseppe Fogliazza:
IEC 61499 implementation of a modular control model for manufacturing systems. - Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Andrei Lobov, L. Godinho:
Closed loop control using an IEC 61499 application generator for scan-based controllers. - Manfredi Bruccoleri, C. D'Onofrio, U. La Commare, Francesco M. Raimondi:
UML design and AWL programming for reconfigurable control software development of a robotic manipulator. - Dan Hong Zhang, Jing-Bing Zhang, Yi Zhi Zhao, Ming Mao Wong:
Event-based communications for equipment supervisory control. - Yi Zhi Zhao, Jing-Bing Zhang, Liqun Zhuang, Dan Hong Zhang:
Service-oriented architecture and technologies for automating integration of manufacturing systems and services. - S. Apolloni, M. M. Savino, V. Scocca:
An approach to define quality pointers for a quality management system in ISO9000 environment. - Angelo Furfaro, Libero Nigro:
Model checking hierarchical communicating real-time state machines. - Fabiano Costa Carvalho, Ingrid Jansch-Pôrto, Edison Pignaton de Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Pereira:
The TinyCAN: an optimized CAN controller IP for FPGA-based platforms. - M. J. B. Calha, J. A. G. Fonseca:
Data streams - an analysis of the interactions between real-time tasks. - J. O. Coronel, Francisco Blanes, Ginés Benet, José E. Simó, Pascual Pérez, Miguel Albero Gil:
CAN-based distributed control architecture using the SCoCAN communication protocol. - S. A. Manesis, P. M. Michael:
Fuzzy supervisory control of air flow and temperature in industrial tunnel furnaces. - Matthew C. Trigg, H. Dehbonei, C. V. Nayar:
Digital sinusoidal PWM generation using a low-cost micro-controller based single-phase inverter. - Tullio Facchinetti, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Luís Almeida:
A flexible visual simulator for wireless ad-hoc networks of mobile nodes. - Fu-Shin Lee, Po-Jia Chen, Shao-Chin Tseng:
Prototyping of a rotary/linear ultrasonic motor. - R. S. Marques, Nicolas Navet, Françoise Simonot-Lion:
Configuration of in-vehicle embedded systems under real-time constraints. - J. A. Carvalho, A. S. Carvalho, Paulo Portugal
Assessment of PROFIBUS networks using a fault injection framework. - Francisco Borges Carreiro, Ricardo de Moraes, José Alberto Fonseca, Francisco Vasques
Real-time communication in unconstrained shared Ethernet networks: the virtual token-passing approach. - Javier Silvestre-Blanes, Víctor-M. Sempere-Payá, Teresa Albero-Albero:
Impact of the use of large frame sizes in fieldbuses for multimedia applications. - Patrick Loschmidt, Georg Gaderer, Thilo Sauter
A software platform architecture for multi-protocol, hardware supported clock synchronization in heterogeneous networks. - Jan Kiszka, Bernardo Wagner:
RTnet - a flexible hard real-time networking framework. - Connor Upton, Gavin J. Doherty:
Designing usable decision support systems for HVM. - Alexandre Dolgui, I. Ihnatsenka:
Machining lines with multi-spindle workstations: a new optimization problem. - Mariagrazia Dotoli, Maria Pia Fanti, Agostino Marcello Mangini, G. Tempone:
Fuzzy multi-objective optimization for network design of logistic and production systems. - David Servat, Fabien Chiron, Khalid Kouiss, Thomas Meurisse, Guy Souchet:
CLIPS: experiments on model-driven engineering for production systems. - Jörn Peschke, Arndt Lüder, Hermann Kühnle:
The PABADIS'PROMISE architecture - a new approach for flexible manufacturing systems. - John V. Gialelis, Athanasios P. Kalogeras, A. Kaklis
, Stavros A. Koubias:
RosettaNet-based implementation for a collaborative continuous replenishment planning model utilizing Web services and ontologies. - Juan J. Gude, Evaristo Kahoraho, Julián Hernández, Josu Etxaniz
Automation and control issues applied to a heat exchanger prototype. - Enrico S. Canuto, Fabio Musso, Luca Massotti:
Automation and control of Fabry-Perot interferometers. - Juan M. Escano
, Manuel G. Ortega, Francisco R. Rubio
Position control of a pneumatic levitation system. - W. Amer, Qaisar Ahsan, Roger I. Grosvenor, Paul W. Prickett:
Machine tool condition monitoring system using tooth rotation energy estimation (TREE) technique. - K. M. Al-Zahrani, Muhammad Shafiq
Adaptive inverse control with IMC structure implementation on robotic arm manipulator. - Fotis N. Koumboulis, George E. Panagiotakis:
Exact model matching and disturbance rejection for general linear time delay systems via measurement output feedback. - Paolo Lino, Bruno Maione, Alessandro Rizzo:
A control-oriented model of a Common Rail injection system for diesel engines. - Guido Maione:
Combining loop-shaping and Laguerre development for rational approximation of a noninteger order, integral, analog controller. - Paolo Arena, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca, Giuseppe Lo Turco, Luca Patané, Rosario Russo:
A new simulation tool for action-oriented perception systems. - Ana Fernández, Lara González
, Iñigo Bediaga, Ainhoa Gastón, Javier Hernández:
Automatic fault detection and diagnosis implementation based on intelligent approaches. - Carlos Bernal Ruiz, F. E. Garcia-Tapias, Bonifacio Martín-del-Brío, Antonio Bono-Nuez, Nicolás J. Medrano-Marqués:
Microcontroller implementation of a voice command recognition system for human-machine interface in embedded systems. - José Luis López Cuadrado, Israel González-Carrasco, Ángel García-Crespo, H. Ruiz-Mezcua, Y. Fernandez-Heijnen, J. L. Cantero-Guisandez:
Applying an expert system to factory budget calculations. - Omar López, Jose L. Martinez Lastra:
Service-based methodology for controlling reconfigurable mechatronic devices. - Uwe Schmidtmann, Gerd von Cölln, Gerhard Kreutz, Bodo Wenker, Rainer Koers:
Incremental development of production units using HW/SW-encapsulation and simulation supported by a complete toolset. - François Jammes, Harm Smit, Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Ivan M. Delamer:
Orchestration of service-oriented manufacturing processes. - Antoneta I. Bratcu, Alexandre Dolgui, Sana Belmokhtar:
Reconfigurable transfer lines cost optimization - a linear programming approach. - Paulo Leitão, Armando W. Colombo:
An approach towards the development life-cycle of agent-based production control applications. - Jonathan E. Luntz, James R. Moyne, Dawn M. Tilbury:
On-line control reconfiguration at the machine and cell levels: case studies from the reconfigurable factory testbed. - Jean-Pierre Thomesse:
Fieldbus Technology and Industrial Automation. 651-653 - Christian Peter, Helmut Beikirch, Eric Ebert, Matthias Voss:
Wireless sensor network for "intelligent" acquisition and processing of physiological information. - Martino Fornasa, Massimo Maresca, Nicola Zingirian, Lucia Ballardin, Sonia Bedin:
Development of a service-oriented architecture for the dynamic integration of mobile remote software components. - Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Marc Boyer, Jérôme Ermont, Christian Fraboul:
TTCAN over mixed CAN/switched Ethernet architecture. - Jörg Kaiser, Hubert Piontek:
Self-describing devices in COSMIC. - Alfred C. Weaver:
A security architecture for data privacy and security. - Thomas Nolte, Guillermo Rodríguez-Navas, Julián Proenza, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Hans Hansson:
Towards analyzing the fault-tolerant operation of server-CAN. - Mario Barbera, Salvatore Incardona, Giovanni Schembra:
Energy evolution of wireless sensor networks: an analytical approach. - Marco Ortolani, Luca Gatani, Giuseppe Lo Re, Alfonso Urso, Salvatore Gaglio:
An efficient retransmission strategy for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. - Massimo Bergamasco, S. Perotti, Carlo Alberto Avizzano
, Marcello Angerilli, Marcello Carrozzino, Emanuele Ruffaldi:
Fork-lift truck simulator for training in industrial environment. - Christine Gertosio, Emilie Grandgirard:
Modelling of distributed system in one single simulation model: a way to study communications within distributed systems. - Taivo Kangilaski:
Virtual organization and supply chain management. - Sotiris Makris, Dimitris Mourtzis
, Nikolaos Papakostas, George Chryssolouris:
e-collaboration for ship repair supply chain management. - Pedro F. Santana, José Barata, Hildebrando Cruz, António Mestre, João Lisboa, Luís Flores:
A multi-robot system for landmine detection. - Pedro F. Santana, José Barata
Unmanned helicopters applied to humanitarian demining. - Daniele Caltabiano, Giovanni Muscato, Angelo Orlando, Cinzia Federico, Gaetano Giudice, Sergio Guerrieri:
Architecture of a UAV for volcanic gas sampling. - Wilfried Elmenreich, Stefan Krywult:
A comparison of fieldbus protocols: LIN 1.3, LIN 2.0, and TTP/A. - Cédric Wilwert, Françoise Simonot-Lion, Yeqiong Song
, Françoise Simonot:
Quantitative evaluation of the safety of X-by-Wire architecture subject to EMI perturbations. - Eric Armengaud
, Andreas Steininger
, Martin Horauer:
Efficient stimulus generation for testing embedded distributed systems the FlexRay example. - Daniel Boto-Giralda, Míriam Antón-Rodríguez
, Francisco Javier Díaz Pernas, José Fernando Díez Higuera, David González Ortega, Mario Martínez-Zarzuela:
Intelligent system for dynamic transport fleet management. - A. Bruno, Salvatore Rinaudo, S. F. Liotta, Eva Sciacca:
High-level factory environment for process simulation: an open architecture. - Thomas Werner, Claus Vetter:
Data integrity in electric utility IT systems: a case study. - Javier Silvestre, Rubén Pérez, Javier Muñoz:
Systems integration of a mixed fibre detection process in raw yarn packages by computer vision. - Gianluca Cena, Ivan Cibrario Bertolotti, Adriano Valenzano:
Modelling CANopen communications according to the socket paradigm. - Stefan Pitzek, Wilfried Elmenreich:
Plug-and-play: bridging the semantic gap between application and transducers. - Michael Mock, Stefan Couturier:
Middleware - integration of small devices. - Jürgen Jasperneite, J. Feld:
PROFINET: an integration platform for heterogeneous industrial communication systems. - Marcus Tangermann, Christian Schwab, Arndt Lüder:
Aspect orientation and object orientation of control application code for distributed control systems in TORERO. - Teresa Albero-Albero, Víctor-M. Sempere-Payá, Javier Silvestre-Blanes, P. Dabbas:
Environmental control system based on mobile devices. - Carlos Eduardo Pereira, H. A. Ataide, G. O. Kunz, Edison Pignaton de Freitas, Elias Teodoro Silva Jr.
, Fabiano Costa Carvalho:
Performance evaluation of Java architectures in embedded real-time systems. - Angelo Corsaro, Corrado Santoro:
The analysis and evaluation of design patterns for distributed real-time Java software. - Rui Pais, S. P. Barros, Luís Gomes:
A tool for tailored code generation from Petri net models. - Simeon Veloudis, Nimal Nissanke:
An approach to modelling and analysis of coordinated atomic actions. - Fauze Valério Polpeta, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich:
On the automatic generation of SoC-based embedded systems. - Benoît Miramond
, Jean-Marc Delosme:
Decision guide environment for design space exploration. - Kosmas Alexopoulos, A. Mamassioulas, Dimitris Mourtzis
, George Chryssolouris:
Volume and product flexibility: a case study for a refrigerators producing facility. - C. Lalas, Dimitris Mourtzis
, Nikolaos Papakostas, George Chryssolouris:
A combinatory approach to order release and shop scheduling in discrete manufacturing environments. - Fabrício Junqueira, Emília Villani, Paulo Eigi Miyagi
A platform for distributed modeling and simulation of productive systems based on Petri nets and object-oriented paradigm. - Manos J. Georgoudakis, Athanasios P. Kalogeras, Christos Alexakos, Konstantinos J. Charatsis, Stavros A. Koubias:
A holonic ontology-based multi-agent system for the distributed scheduling and monitoring of industrial processes. - Caterina Genua, Silvestro Giuffrida, Salvatore Rinaudo:
"Gantt charts for production flow": a performance analysis framework for shop floor control effectiveness evaluation and monitoring. - Adamo Castelnuovo, Luca Ferrarini:
Petri net models of agent-based control of a FMS with randomly generated recipes. - Francisco Jurado
, Manuel Valverde
Inverter for microturbines based on multiobjective genetic algorithm. - Soizick Calvez, Pascal Aygalinc, Patrice Bonhomme
Proactive/reactive approach for maintenance tasks in time critical systems. - Muhammad Shafiq
, N. R. Butt:
U-model based adaptive IMC for nonlinear dynamic plants. - Luis Rubio, Manuel de la Sen
, Asier Ibeas:
An expert mill cutter selection system. - Ramez M. Daoud, Hassanein H. Amer, Hany M. Elsayed:
Fault tolerant two-level pyramid networked control systems. - Fotis N. Koumboulis:
On the heuristic design of common PI controllers for multi-model plants. - Thomas Nolte, Hans Hansson, Lucia Lo Bello:
Automotive communications-past, current and future. - Salvatore Cavalieri:
Outdoor location detection based on signal propagation models. - Christos P. Antonopoulos, Spilios Giannoulis, Stavros A. Koubias, Ioannis Lymperopoulos:
The effect of power consumption on the real time performance of routing protocols for ad hoc wireless networks. - Giancarlo Iannizzotto, Carlo Costanzo, Pietro Lanzafame, Francesco La Rosa:
A vision-based user interface for real-time controlling toy cars. - Spilios Giannoulis, Christos P. Antonopoulos, Evangelos Topalis, Stavros A. Koubias:
ZRP versus DSR and TORA: a comprehensive survey on ZRP performance. - Thomas Fritz, Marc Ségura, Mario Südholt, Egon Wuchner, Jean-Marc Menaud:
Automating adaptive image generation for medical devices using aspect-oriented programming. - Luigi Fortuna:
Waves and locomotion control of bio-inspired robots. - Manuel G. Gericota
, Gustavo R. Alves
, José M. Ferreira:
A self-healing real-time system based on run-time self-reconfiguration. - Qaisar Ahsan, W. Amer, Roger I. Grosvenor, Paul W. Prickett:
A compact monitoring system for process valves. - Åsa Haglund, Anders Larsson, Piotr Jedrasik, Johan S. Gustavsson:
Sub-wavelength surface grating application for high-power fundamental-mode and polarization stabilization of the VCSELs. - Munir Merdan, Ivanka Terzic, Alois Zoitl, Bernard Favre-Bulle:
Intelligent reconfiguration using knowledge based agent system. - Luís Brito Palma, Fernando Vieira Coito, R. N. da Silva:
Process fault diagnosis approach based on neural observers. - Georg Neugschwandtner
, Wolfgang Kastner, Martin Kögler:
Programming fieldbus nodes: a RAD approach to customizable applications. - Jürgen Greifeneder, Georg Frey:
Probabilistic delay time analysis in networked automation systems. - Pedro M. Fonte
, J. C. Quadrado:
ANN approach to WECS power forecast. - Akihiro Koretsune, Shingo Aoki, Takefumi Konzo, Hiroshi Tsuji, S. Shimano, Eiji Mimura:
DEA-based data mining for energy consumption. - Seong-Ho Song:
Thermal data correction algorithm for electrical components using infrared camera. - Ana Antunes, Paulo Pedreiras, Alexandre Manuel Mota:
Adapting the sampling period of a real-time adaptive distributed controller to the bus load. - F. R. de la Rocha, R. S. de Oliveira:
A real-time task model based on ideal instant. - Andrea Bottino, Aldo Laurentini:
A practical iterative algorithm for sensor positioning. - Masayuki Nakano, Ryosuke Saga, Hiroshi Tsuji:
Hotel room allocation for sales channel by dynamic programming. - Masanori Akiyoshi, Mariko Matsumoto, Hironori Oka, Norihisa Komoda:
Negotiation protocol for bilateral semi-competitive trading environments. - Masaki Samejima, Shingo Tamura, Yoshitomo Ikkai, Norihisa Komoda:
A scheduling method in multi-item production adjusting to urgent orders based on job modifiability. - Koshichiro Mitsukuni, Yuichi Nakamura, Tomoyuki Aoki:
Total SCM innovation for business globalization based on coupling point inventory planning.
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