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17. DICTA 2015: Adelaide, Australia
- 2015 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2015, Adelaide, Australia, November 23-25, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-6795-0
- Adrian Johnston, Gustavo Carneiro
, Ren Ding, Luiz Velho:
3-D Modeling from Concept Sketches of Human Characters with Minimal User Interaction. 1-8 - Anastasia Miros, Arnold Wiliem
, Kim Holohan, Lauren Ball, Peter Hobson, Brian C. Lovell
A Benchmarking Platform for Mitotic Cell Classification of ANA IIF HEp-2 Images. 1-6 - Leonard G. C. Hamey
A Functional Approach to Border Handling in Image Processing. 1-8 - Samuel J. Davey, Brian Cheung:
A Linear Complexity Approximate Method for Multi-Target Particle Filter Track before Detect. 1-6 - Robin Huang
, Lei Bi
, ChangYang Li, Younhyun Jung, Jinman Kim, Michael J. Fulham
, David Dagan Feng:
A Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentation of Low-Contrast Computed Tomography (CT) Image. 1-7 - Nyma Alamgir, Wageeh W. Boles
, Vinod Chandran:
A Model Integrating Fire Prediction and Detection for Rural-Urban Interface. 1-8 - Amin Gharipour, Alan Wee-Chung Liew
A Multi-Kernel Local Level Set Image Segmentation Algorithm for Fluorescence Microscopy Images. 1-5 - Csaba Molnar
, Zoltan Kato, Ian H. Jermyn
A New Model for the Segmentation of Multiple, Overlapping, Near-Circular Objects. 1-5 - Hao Cheng, Jian Zhang
, Ping An, Zhi Liu:
A Novel Saliency Model for Stereoscopic Images. 1-7 - Yi Zhou
, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li
A Revisit of Methods for Determining the Fundamental Matrix with Planes. 1-7 - Hayden Faulkner, Ergnoor Shehu, Zygmunt L. Szpak
, Wojciech Chojnacki
, Jules-Raymond Tapamo
, Anthony R. Dick
, Anton van den Hengel
A Study of the Region Covariance Descriptor: Impact of Feature Selection and Image Transformations. 1-8 - Bin Liang
, Lihong Zheng
A Survey on Human Action Recognition Using Depth Sensors. 1-8 - Chiung-Yao Fang, Hsin-Hung Hsieh, Sei-Wang Chen:
A Vision-Based Infant Respiratory Frequency Detection System. 1-8 - Dmitri Kamenetsky, Jamie Sherrah:
Aerial Car Detection and Urban Understanding. 1-8 - Hayden Faulkner, Anthony R. Dick
AFL Player Detection and Tracking. 1-8 - Pallab Kanti Podder, Manoranjan Paul
, Tanmoy Debnath
, M. Manzur Murshed
An Analysis of Human Engagement Behaviour Using Descriptors from Human Feedback, Eye Tracking, and Saliency Modelling. 1-8 - Jan Horácek, Martin Horák, Jan Kolomazník
, Josef Pelikán
An Automatic Algorithm for Tracking Small Intestine in CT Enterography. 1-8 - Stefan Becker, Norbert Scherer-Negenborn, Pooja Thakkar, Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Arens:
An Evaluation of Background Subtraction Algorithms on Fused Infrared-Visible Video Streams. 1-6 - Asser Samak, Arnold Wiliem
, Peter Hobson, Michael Walsh, Ted Ditchmen, Arne Troskie, Sarah Barksdale, Rhonda Edwards, Anthony Jennings, Brian C. Lovell
An Optimization Approach to Scanning Skin Direct Immunofluorescence Specimens. 1-8 - Samuel C. Hames, Marco Ardigò, H. Peter Soyer, Andrew P. Bradley
, Tarl W. Prow
Anatomical Skin Segmentation in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy with Weak Labels. 1-8 - Carmine Pontecorvo, Jamie Sherrah:
Anomaly Detection of Man-Made Objects in Large Aerial Images. 1-8 - Siddarth Jain, Katherine A. Barsness, Brenna D. Argall:
Automated and Objective Assessment of Surgical Training: Detection of Procedural Steps on Videotaped Performances. 1-6 - Neeraj Dhungel
, Gustavo Carneiro
, Andrew P. Bradley
Automated Mass Detection in Mammograms Using Cascaded Deep Learning and Random Forests. 1-8 - Yuriko Harai, Toshiyuki Tanaka:
Automatic Diagnosis Support System Using Nuclear and Luminal Features. 1-8 - Erum Fida, Junaid Baber
, Maheen Bakhtyar, Muhammad Javid Iqbal:
Automatic Image Segmentation Based on Maximal Similarity Based Region Merging. 1-8 - Boyan Zhang, Zhiyong Wang, Dacheng Tao, Xian-Sheng Hua, David Dagan Feng:
Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos. 1-6 - Md. Akter Hussain, Alauddin Bhuiyan, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao
Automatic Retinal Minimum Distance Band (MDB)Computation from SD-OCT Images. 1-8 - Sareh Abolahrari Shirazi, Conrad Sanderson, Chris McCool
, Mehrtash Tafazzoli Harandi
Bags of Affine Subspaces for Robust Object Tracking. 1-7 - Yingying Liu, Yang Wang
, Arcot Sowmya:
Batch Mode Active Learning for Object Detection Based on Maximum Mean Discrepancy. 1-7 - Maedeh Beheshti, Jolon Faichney, Amin Gharipour:
Bio-Cell Image Segmentation Using Bayes Graph-Cut Model. 1-5 - Xueyan Dong, Philip Eichinski, Michael W. Towsey, Jinglan Zhang, Paul Roe:
Birdcall Retrieval from Environmental Acoustic Recordings Using Image Processing. 1-6 - Hussein Haggag, Mohammed Hossny
, Saeid Nahavandi, Sherif Haggag, Douglas C. Creighton:
Body Parts Segmentation with Attached Props Using RGB-D Imaging. 1-8 - Kaibin Zong, Arcot Sowmya, John C. Trinder
Building Change Detection Based on Markov Random Field: Exploiting Both Pixel and Corner Features. 1-7 - Michael Zhu, Anthony R. Dick
, Anton van den Hengel
Camera Network Topology Estimation by Lighting Variation. 1-6 - Ligang Zhang, Brijesh K. Verma
Class-Semantic Textons with Superpixel Neighborhoods for Natural Roadside Vegetation Classification. 1-8 - Jack Valmadre
, Sridha Sridharan, Simon Denman, Clinton Fookes
, Simon Lucey
Closed-Form Solutions for Low-Rank Non-Rigid Reconstruction. 1-6 - T. Kirishanthy, Amirthalingam Ramanan
Creating Compact and Discriminative Visual Vocabularies Using Visual Bits. 1-6 - Song Liu, Wanqing Li
, Philip Ogunbona
, Yang-Wai Chow
Creating Simplified 3D Models with High Quality Textures. 1-8 - Ross Kyprianou, Peter Schachte
, Bill Moran:
Dauphin: A Signal Processing Language - Statistical Signal Processing Made Easy. 1-8 - Xiaoshui Huang, Jian Zhang
, Qiang Wu
, Chun Yuan, Lixin Fan:
Dense Correspondence Using Non-Local DAISY Forest. 1-8 - Krisztian Koos, József Molnár, Péter Horváth:
DIC Microscopy Image Reconstruction Using a Novel Variational Framework. 1-7 - Kourosh Khoshelham
Direct 6-DoF Pose Estimation from Point-Plane Correspondences. 1-6 - Amir H. Rouhi:
Enhanced-IPMH as a Robust Visual Descriptor from H.264/AVC and Evaluation of Parameters Effects. 1-8 - Amir H. Rouhi:
Evaluating Spatio-Temporal Parameters in Video Similarity Detection by Global Descriptors. 1-8 - Rabaa Youssef
, Anne Ricordeau, Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila
, Amel Benazza-Benyahia:
Evaluation Protocol of Skeletonization Applied to Grayscale Curvilinear Structures. 1-6 - Alex M. Pagnozzi
, Nicholas D. H. Dowson
, Andrew P. Bradley
, Roslyn N. Boyd
, Pierrick Bourgeat
, Stephen E. Rose:
Expectation-Maximization with Image-Weighted Markov Random Fields to Handle Severe Pathology. 1-6 - Ahmed Sohaib, Antonio Robles-Kelly:
Exposure Adjustment for Hyperspectral Cameras. 1-7 - Mustafa M. Alrjebi, Wanquan Liu
, Ling Li
Face Recognition against Mouth Shape Variations. 1-7 - Antoni Liang, Chathurdara Sri Nadith Pathirage, Chenyu Wang, Wanquan Liu
, Ling Li
, Jinming Duan:
Face Recognition Despite Wearing Glasses. 1-8 - T. Sunil Kumar
, Vivek Kanhangad:
Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform. 1-7 - Dena Bazazian, Josep R. Casas
, Javier Ruiz Hidalgo:
Fast and Robust Edge Extraction in Unorganized Point Clouds. 1-8 - Vinith B., Akhila M. K., Narmada Naik, G. N. Rathna:
GPU Accelerated Face Recognition System with Enhanced Local Ternary Patterns Using OpenCL. 1-7 - Jiayan Qiu, Yuchao Dai, Yuhang Zhang, Jose M. Alvarez:
Hierarchical Aggregation Based Deep Aging Feature for Age Prediction. 1-5 - Muhammad Burhan Khan, Humaira Nisar
, Choon Aun Ng, Po Kim Lo:
Illumination Compensated Segmentation of Microscopic Images of Activated Sludge Flocs. 1-5 - Bharat Lal Jangid, K. K. Biswas, Madasu Hanmandlu, Girija Chetty
Illumination Invariant Efficient Face Recognition Using a Single Training Image. 1-7 - Hrishikesh Sharma
, Adithya Vellaiappan, Tanima Dutta, P. Balamuralidhar:
Image Analysis-Based Automatic Utility Pole Detection for Remote Surveillance. 1-7 - Takahiro Ishida, Kazuhiro Hotta:
Image Labeling by Integrating Local, Middle and Global Information. 1-8 - Honey Gupta, Daniel Sanju Antony, Rathna G. N.:
Implementation of Gaussian and Box Kernel Based Approximation of Bilateral Filter Using OpenCL. 1-5 - Gaurush Hiranandani, Harish Karnick:
Improved Classification and Reconstruction by Introducing Independence and Randomization in Deep Neural Networks. 1-8 - Hugh L. Kennedy
Improved IIR Low-Pass Smoothers and Differentiators with Tunable Delay. 1-7 - Duc-Son Pham
Improved Impulse Noise Removal with Generalized Median Filter. 1-8 - Sina Aminmansour, Frédéric Maire, Grégoire S. Larue, Christian Wullems:
Improving Near-Miss Event Detection Rate at Railway Level Crossings. 1-8 - Alex Olsen, Sunghyu Han, Brendan Calvert, Peter Ridd, Owen Kenny:
In Situ Leaf Classification Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients. 1-8 - Iftikhar Majeed, Omar Arif:
Kernel Subspace Integral Image Based Probabilistic Visual Object Tracking. 1-7 - Mona Shakerdonyavi, Jamshid Shanbehzadeh, Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh:
Large-Scale Image Retrieval Using Local Binary Patterns and Iterative Quantization. 1-5 - Fu-Chun Hsu, Jayavardhana Gubbi, Marimuthu Palaniswami
Learning Efficiently- The Deep CNNs-Tree Network. 1-7 - Iman Abbasnejad, Sridha Sridharan, Simon Denman, Clinton Fookes
, Simon Lucey
Learning Temporal Alignment Uncertainty for Efficient Event Detection. 1-8 - Amin Gharipour, Alan Wee-Chung Liew
Level Set Based Segmentation of Cell Nucleus in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Correntropy-Based K-Means Clustering. 1-5 - Hasan Firdaus M. Zaki, Faisal Shafait, Ajmal S. Mian
Localized Deep Extreme Learning Machines for Efficient RGB-D Object Recognition. 1-8 - Junaid Baber
, Erum Fida, Maheen Bakhtyar, Humaira Ashraf:
Making Patch Based Descriptors More Distinguishable and Robust for Image Copy Retrieval. 1-8 - Fei Ma, Limin Yu, Mariusz Bajger
, Murk J. Bottema
Mammogram Mass Classification with Temporal Features and Multiple Kernel Learning. 1-7 - Jinglan Tian, Ling Li
, Wanquan Liu
Monocular Human Motion Tracking with Non-Connected Body Part Dependency. 1-7 - Cai Meng, Jiao Xue, Zhan Hu:
Monocular Position-Pose Measurement Based on Circular and Linear Features. 1-8 - Afaf Tareef
, Yang Song
, Min-Zhao Lee, David Dagan Feng, Mei Chen, Tom Weidong Cai
Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Partially Overlapping Cell Segmentation. 1-7 - Xiangzhi Bai, Miaoming Liu, Zhiguo Chen, Peng Wang, Yu Zhang:
Morphology and Active Contour Model for Multi-Focus Image Fusion. 1-6 - George Stamatescu, Anthony R. Dick
, Langford B. White:
Multi-Camera Tracking of Intelligent Targets with Hidden Reciprocal Chains. 1-8 - Salman H. Khan, Muhammad Ali Akbar:
Multi-Factor Authentication on Cloud. 1-7 - Xin Zhang, Dinh Q. Phung
, Svetha Venkatesh
, Duc-Son Pham
, Wanquan Liu
Multi-View Subspace Clustering for Face Images. 1-7 - Muhammad Hanif
, Abd-Krim Seghouane
Non-Local Noise Estimation for Adaptive Image Denoising. 1-5 - Peter Boyi Zhang, Yeung Sam Hung:
Non-Rigid Structure from Motion through Estimation of Blend Shapes. 1-7 - John See
, Saimunur Rahman
On the Effects of Low Video Quality in Human Action Recognition. 1-8 - Adrian Rechy Romero, Srimal Jayawardena, Mark Cox
, Paulo Vinicius Koerich Borges:
Partitioning the Input Domain for Classification. 1-8 - Tasneem Rahman
, Murat Tahtali
, Mark R. Pickering:
Performance Evaluation of a Newly Proposed Novel L-SPECT System for SPECT Imaging. 1-6 - Luke Lincoln, Ruben Gonzalez:
Plane-Tree Low-Bitrate Mesh Compression. 1-5 - Dadhichi Shukla, Özgür Erkent, Justus H. Piater:
Probabilistic Detection of Pointing Directions for Human-Robot Interaction. 1-8 - Vipula Dissanayake
, Sachini Herath, Sanka Rasnayaka
, Sachith Seneviratne
, Rajith Vidanaarachchi
, Chandana Gamage:
Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Performance and Robustness of Image Stitching Algorithms. 1-6 - Dariusz Borkowski
, Katarzyna Janczak-Borkowska:
Random NL-Means to Restoration of Colour Images. 1-8 - Ali Zia
, Jun Zhou
, Yongsheng Gao
Relative Depth Estimation from Hyperspectral Data. 1-7 - Ignazio Gallo, Alessandro Zamberletti, Lucia Noce:
Robust Angle Invariant GAS Meter Reading. 1-7 - Kaneswaran Anantharajah, Simon Denman, Dian Tjondronegoro, Sridha Sridharan, Clinton Fookes
Robust Automatic Face Clustering in News Video. 1-8 - Hiromasa Takada, Kazuhiro Hotta:
Robust Human Tracking to Occlusion in Crowded Scenes. 1-8 - Priyabrata Karmakar
, Shyh Wei Teng
, Guojun Lu
, Dengsheng Zhang
Rotation Invariant Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification. 1-8 - Ross Marchant:
Scale Adaptive Filters. 1-8 - Shelda Sajeev
, Mariusz Bajger
, Gobert N. Lee
Segmentation of Breast Masses in Local Dense Background Using Adaptive Clip Limit-CLAHE. 1-8 - Stephen Tierney, Yi Guo, Junbin Gao
Selective Multi-Source Total Variation Image Restoration. 1-8 - Fahimeh Fooladgar, Shohreh Kasaei
Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Images Using 3D and Local Neighbouring Features. 1-7 - Yasmeen M. George
, Mohammad Aldeen
, Rahil Garnavi:
Skin Hair Removal for 2D Psoriasis Images. 1-8 - William X. Liu, Tat-Jun Chin:
Smooth Globally Warp Locally: Video Stabilization Using Homography Fields. 1-8 - Chathurdara Sri Nadith Pathirage, Ling Li
, Wanquan Liu
, Min Zhang
Stacked Face De-Noising Auto Encoders for Expression-Robust Face Recognition. 1-8 - Md. Musfequs Salehin, Manoranjan Paul
Summarizing Surveillance Video by Saliency Transition and Moving Object Information. 1-8 - Brianna L. Martin
, Murk J. Bottema
Textons for 3D Binary Data with Applications to Classifying Cancellous Bone. 1-6 - Uma Kandaswamy:
Texture Content Based Successive Approximations for Image Compression and Recognition. 1-7 - S. B. Carr, Lawrence S. Bernstein, Steven M. Adler-Golden:
The Quick Atmospheric Correction (QUAC) Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Processing: Extending QUAC to a Coastal Scene. 1-8 - Duncan Eason, Jamie Heather, Gadi Ben-Tal:
Towards Fast 3D Reconstruction Using Silhouettes and Sparse Motion. 1-8 - Samuel J. Davey, Travis Bessell, Brian Cheung, Mark Rutten:
Track before Detect for Space Situation Awareness. 1-7 - Rabaa Youssef
, Sylvie Sevestre-Ghalila
Unified Lowering Decision of Parametric Thinning in the Hypothesis Test Framework. 1-6 - Jakub Sochor, Adam Herout
Unsupervised Processing of Vehicle Appearance for Automatic Understanding in Traffic Surveillance. 1-8 - Xiaolin Tang, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
, Son Lam Phung
Video Classification Based on Spatial Gradient and Optical Flow Descriptors. 1-8 - Muhammad Rizwan Khokher
, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum
, Son Lam Phung
Violent Scene Detection Using a Super Descriptor Tensor Decomposition. 1-8
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