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12th DEXA Workshop 2001: Munich, Germany
- A Min Tjoa, Roland R. Wagner:
12th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2001), 3-7 September 2001, Munich, Germany. IEEE Computer Society 2001, ISBN 0-7695-1230-5
W01: WEBH - First International Workshop on Electronic Business Hubs: XML, Metadata, Ontologies, and Business Knowledge on the Web
Opening Session
- Borys Omelayenko:
Preliminary Ontology Modeling for B2B Content Integration. 7-13 - Christoph Bussler:
Semantic B2B Integration Server Technology as Infrastructure for Electronic Hubs. 14-18
Session 1: Mediation
- Silvana Castano
, Valeria De Antonellis, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Michele Melchiori:
Designing a Three-Layer Ontology in a Web-based Interconnection Scenario. 21-26 - Liang Huai Yang
, Shiwei Tang, Dongqing Yang, Lijun Chen:
Efficient XML Query Processing in Mediators. 27-31 - Bing Li, Zhengding Lu, Weijun Xiao, Ruixuan Li, Wei Zhang, Mudar Sarem:
An Architecture for Multidatabase Systems Based on CORBA and XML. 32-37
Session 2: Applications
- Zoé Lacroix:
Building Portals for E-Biology. 41-49 - Allen Moulton, Stuart E. Madnick, Michael D. Siegel:
Knowledge Representation Architecture for Context Interchange Mediation: Fixed Income Securities Investment Examples. 50-54 - Paul Brown, Martin Herbach, Akmal B. Chaudhri, Alexander Koerner:
Requirements for XML Functionality in Relational Database Management Systems - An Informix Perspective. 55-57
Session 3: Query and Storage
- Joseph Fong, Francis Pang, Chris Bloor:
Converting Relational Database into XML Document. 61-65 - François Bry
, Dan Olteanu, Sebastian Schaffert:
Towards Grouping Constructs for Semistructured Data. 66-70 - Zaijun Hu, Gerhard Vollmar:
Towards XML Metamodel Patterns for XML Data Modeling. 71-74
Session 4: E-Business
- Irene S. Y. Kwan:
An E-Store Developing Model for Minimizing the Impact of Procedural and Cultural Change within an Enterprise. 79-83 - Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Wieland Schwinger, Edgar R. Weippl, Josef Altmann, Werner Winiwarter:
Agent Solutions for E-Business Transactions. 84-86
W02: PaDD - Fourth International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Databases: Innovative Applications and New Architectures
Session 1: Inivted Address
- Philipp Tomsich
Modeling Parallel and Distributed Computing Resources Using Structured Metadata. 95-99
Session 2: Parallelism Aspects
- Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio, Jim Smith, Norman W. Paton, Paul Watson:
Experimenting with Object Navigation in Parallel Object Databases. 103-109 - Odej Kao:
Parallel and Distributed Methods for Image Retrieval with Dynamic Feature Extraction on Cluster Architectures. 110-114 - Leonid B. Sokolinsky
Design and Evaluation of Database Multiprocessor Architecture with High Data Availability. 115-120
Session 3: Distributed Aspects
- Ehsan Vossough, Janusz R. Getta:
Block Level Query Scrambling Algorithm within Distributed Multidatabase Environment. 123-127 - Bogdan D. Czejdo, Johann Eder
, Tadeusz Morzy, Robert Wrembel
Design of a Data Warehouse over Object-Oriented and Dynamically Evolving Data Sources. 128-132 - Elio Masciari
, Clara Pizzuti, Giuseppe Raimondo, Domenico Talia:
Using an Out-of-Core Technique for Clustering Large Data Sets. 133-137
Session 4: Emergent Projects
- Harald Kosch, László Böszörményi, Hermann Hellwagner
Modeling and Querying Content Description and Quality Adaptation Capabilities of Audio-Visual Data. 141-145 - Lionel Brunie, David Coquil, Serge Simon:
Software Architectures for Collaborative Proxies in Wide Area Information Systems. 146-150
W03: NbiS - Fourth International Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems
Session 1: Algorithms and Protocols
- Leonard Barolli, Akio Koyama, Takako Yamada, Shoichi Yokoyama, Takuo Suganuma, Norio Shiratori:
A Fuzzy Admission Control Scheme for High-Speed Networks. 157-161 - Bhed Bahadur Bista, Norio Shiratori:
Construction of A Multiple Entities Communication Protocol by Compositional Approach. 162-166 - Saneyasu Yamaguchi, Katsumi Maruyama:
Autonomous Load Balance System for Distributed Servers using Active Objects. 167-171
Session 2: Distributed Objects
- Hea-Sook Park, O-Hoon Choi, Doo-Kwon Baik:
CORBA based Approach to the Development of an Advanced Architecture in TINA Service Management System. 175-179 - Yue-Shan Chang, Shyan-Ming Yuan
A Framework for Integrating Information Retrieval on CORBA. 180-184 - Motokazu Yokoyama, Katsuya Tanaka, Makoto Takizawa
QoS-Based Method for Compensating Multimedia Objects. 185-189
Session 3: Mobile Systems
- Takashi Watanabe
, Makoto Hara:
Network Status Observation for A Dynamic Object Relocation Protocol. 193-197 - Akio Koyama, Akira Sasaki, Leonard Barolli, Zixue Cheng:
An Agent Based Education System for Cellular Phone. 198-202 - Akihiro Miyakawa, Kaoru Sugita, Koji Hashimoto, Tomoe Fukamachi, Yoshitaka Shibata:
Traditional Japanese Crafting Presentation System by Kansei Information Processing Over Japan Gigabit Network. 203-207
Session 4: Network Applications
- Nobuyoshi Sato, Minoru Uehara, Yoshifumi Sakai, Hideki Mori:
A Distributed Search Engine for Fresh Information Retrieval. 211-216 - Petr Kroha, Lars Gemeinhardt:
Using XML in a Web-Oriented Information System. 217-211 - Jason Dongwon Kwak, Ramez Elmasri, Wook Choi, Rung-Chi Ye, Ajit Mahareddy:
ADTP: A New Protocol for Data Processing over the Internet. 222-226 - Saneyasu Yamaguchi, Masao Takimoto, Hitoshi Aida, Tadao Saito:
Cooperative Backgroud Task Spaces and its Evaluation. 227-231
W04: LUMIS - Third International Workshop on Logical and Uncertainty Models for Information Systems
- Peter Bruza
, Dawei Song:
Informal Inference via Information Flow. 237-241 - Sándor Dominich:
Parallel Between Situation and Interaction Retrieval. 242-246 - David E. Losada
, Alvaro Barreiro:
Rating the Impact of Logical Representations on Retrieval Performance. 247-253 - François Lepage:
Partial Probabilistic Interpretations and General Imaging. 254-258
W05: MIW - Second International Workshop on Management of Information on the Web
- Yves Kodratoff:
Finding Associations between Concepts in an Unstructured Corpus of Texts (invited Address). 265-269 - Wantao Deng, Wendy Xihyu Wu:
Document Categorization and Retrieval Using Semantic Microfeatures and Growing Cell Structures. 270-274 - Pierpaolo Vittorini
, Paolino Di Felice:
Statistical Analysis of Web Documents: A Proposal and a Case Study. 275-281 - Kai Yu, Zhong Wen, Xiaowei Xu, Martin Ester:
Feature Weighting Methods for Improving the Accuracy of Collaborative Filtering (Invited Address). 285-290 - Qiang Yang, Zhen Zhang:
Model Based Predictive Prefetching. 291-295 - Paul A. Cairns
, Christian R. Huyck, Ian Mitchell, Wendy Xihyu Wu:
A Comparison of Categorisation Algorithms for Predicting the Cellular Localisation Sites of Proteins. 296-300 - Nawaz Khan
, Shahedur Rahman, Trevor G. Clarkson:
An Approach to Develop Human Gene Disorder Database for Intelligent Variance Analysis of Genes and its Products. 301-305
W06: Electronic Government - Second International Workshop on Electronic Government
Opening and Framework I
- Roland Traunmüller, Maria Wimmer:
Directions in E-Government: Processes, Portals, Knowledge. 313-317 - Dimitris Gouscos, Gregoris Mentzas
, Panagiotis Georgiadis:
PASSPORT, A Novel Architectural Model for the Provision of Seamless Cross-Border e-Government Services. 318-322 - Arthur Csetenyi:
Information Technology for Redesigning Government. 323-326
Framework II
- Francesco Virili
The Italian E-Government Action Plan: from Gaining Efficiency to Rethinking Government. 329-333 - Paul Jackson, Noah Curthoys:
E-Government: Developments in the US and UK. 334-342
System Security
- Fernando Galindo
Public Key Certification Providers and E-Government Assurance Agencies. An Appraisal of Trust on the Internet. 345-349 - Maria Wimmer, Bianca von Bredow:
E-Government: Aspects of Security on Different Layers. 350-355
- Efthimios Tambouris
An Integrated Platform for Realising One-Stop Government: The eGOV Project. 359-363 - Ján Paralic, Tomas Sabol
Implementation of e-Government Using Knowledge-Based System. 364-368 - Peter Ebenhoch:
Legal Knowledge Representation using the Ressource Description Framework (RDF). 369-373
System Integration
- Reinhard Riedl:
Limitations for Interstate e-Government and for Interdisciplinary Projects. 377-382 - Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka
Electronic Government and Software Confederations. 383-387 - Anthony Watson, Vincent Cordonnier:
Information Technology Improves Most of the Democratic Voting Processes. 388-393
Service Delivery
- Lothar Fischmann, Gerhard Jakisch, Rainer Riedel:
e-Vienna Living Situation Based eGovernment and eDemocracy. 397-401 - Agis Papantoniou, Ezz Hattab, Foto N. Afrati, Eleftherios Kayafas, Vassilis Loumos:
Change Management, a Critical Success Factor for e-Government. 402-406 - Franco Arcieri
, Elettra Cappadozzi, Enrico Nardelli, Maurizio Talamo
SIM: a working example of an e-government service infrastructure for mountain cummunities (extended abstract). 407-411 - Georg Aichholzer, Regina Sperlich:
Electronic Government Services for the Business Sector in Austria. 412-416
Emerging Patterns
- Gerald Quirchmayr, Jill Slay
Identifying Emerging Web-Communication Patterns Between Government and Citizens. 419-422 - Nicolae Costake:
E-Governance and the Judicial System. A Point of View. 423-427 - Dimitrios S. Stamoulis, Drakoulis Martakos:
Early Evidence for the Governments' Gradually Declining Role into the Cyberspace. 428-432
W07: TAKMA - Second International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management
Session 1
- Alfs T. Berztiss:
Dimensions of the Knowledge Management Process. 437-441 - Andreas Abecker
, Gregoris Mentzas
, Maria Legal, Spyridon Ntioudis, Giorgos Papavassiliou
A Business-Process Oriented Delivery of Knowledge through Domain Ontologies. 442-446
Session 2
- Michael Dain, Jack R. Brzezinski:
MEME: An Adaptive Email-based Information Sharing System for Educational Institutions. 449-453 - S. Iritano, Massimo Ruffolo
Managing the Knowledge contained in Electronic Documents: a Clustering Method for Text Mining. 454-458 - Maria Wimmer, Roland Traunmüller:
Reflecting Distributed Knowledge in IT Systems: A Tree Layers Concept. 459-464
Session 3
- Beate List, Josef Schiefer, Robert M. Bruckner:
Measuring Knowledge with Workflow Management Systems. 467-471 - Knud Steiner, Wolfgang Eßmayr, Roland R. Wagner:
Topic Maps - An Enabling Technology for Knowledge Management. 472-476
Another View on Knowledge
- Kai Cheng, Yahiko Kambayashi, Mukesh K. Mohania:
Efficient Management of Data in Proxy Cache. 479-483
W08: WBC - First International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration
Session 1: Survey of Cooperative Systems
- Des Casey:
Building Internet Learning Communities. 491-495 - Georgia Bafoutsou, Gregoris Mentzas
A Comparative Analysis of Web-based Collaborative Systems. 496-500 - Christian Zirpins, Harald Weinreich, Andreas Bartelt, Winfried Lamersdorf:
Advanced Concepts for Next Generation Portals. 501-506
Session 2: Approaches to Cooperation Modeling
- Mihhail Matskin:
Collaborative Advertising over Internet with Agents. 509-513 - Willy Picard:
Collaborative Document Edition in a Highly Concurrent Environment. 514-518 - Cornelia Haber:
Modeling Cooperative Applications with Multiuser Interactions. 519-523
Session 3: Cooperative Applications
- Ludwin Fuchs, Steven E. Poltrock, Ingrid Wetzel:
TeamSpace: An Environment for Team Articulation Work and Virtual Meetings. 527-531 - Dominique Carrega, Hendrik Decker, Hervé Muyal, Michael Wallbaum:
Integrating Voice and Data Services for Mobile Internet Collaboration with the MOVE Middleware Architecture. 532-536 - Sergi Jordà
, Otto Wüst:
FMOL: A System for Collaborative Music Composition over the Web. 537-542
W09: MDDS - Fourth International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems
Session 1: Invited Address
- Ayse Yasemin Seydim
, Margaret H. Dunham, Vijay Kumar:
An Architecture for Location Dependent Query Processing. 549-555
Session 2: Mobile Databases
- Richard Vlach:
Mobile Database Procedures in MDBAS. 559-563 - Ahmad S. Al-Mogren, Margaret H. Dunham:
BUC, a Simple yet Efficient Concurrency Control technique for Mobile Data Broadcast Environment. 564-569 - Le Gruenwald, Shankar M. Banik:
A Power-aware Technique to Manage Real-time Database Transactions in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. 570-574
Session 3: Mobile Agents
- Sergio Ilarri
, Eduardo Mena
, Arantza Illarramendi
A System based on Mobile Agents for Tracking Objects in a Location-dependent Query Processing Environment. 577-581 - Sea Ling, Seng Wai Loke:
Verification of Itineraries for Mobile Agent Enabled Interorganizational Workflow. 582-586 - Panayiotis Kotzanikolaou
, Mike Burmester, Vassilios Chrissikopoulos:
Dynamic Multi-signatures for Secure Autonomous Agents. 587-591
Session 4
- Patricia Serrano-Alvarado, Claudia Roncancio
, Michel E. Adiba:
Analyzing Mobile Transaction Supports for DBMS. 595-600
W10: HoloMas - Second International Workshop on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems
- Vladimír Marík, Michal Pechoucek
Holons & Agents: Recent Development and Mutual Impacts. 605-607
Holonic Manufacturing Systems I
- Robert W. Brennan
, Martyn Fletcher, Douglas H. Norrie:
Reconfiguring Real-time Holonic Manufacturing Systems. 611-615 - Nirav Navinchandra Chokshi, Duncan C. McFarlane:
Rationales for Holonic Manufacturing Systems in Chemical Process Industries. 616-620
Holonic Manufacturing Systems II
- Martyn Fletcher, Robert W. Brennan
, Douglas H. Norrie:
Deadline Control in Holonic Manufacturing using Mobile Agents. 623-627 - Klaus Glanzer, Alexander Hämmerle, Ralf Geurts:
The Appliance of ZEUS Agents in Manufacturing Systems. 628-632
Agent-Based Solutions
- Pavel Vrba, Vaclav Hrdonka:
Material Handling Problem: FIPA Compliant Agent Implementation. 635-639 - Ales Ríha, Michal Pechoucek
, Hana Krautwurmová, Petr Charvát, Adamantios Koumpis
Adoption of an Agent-Based Production Planning Technology in the Manufacturing Industry. 640-646
Design & Modeling
- Carlos Aguirre
, Fernando J. Corbacho, Ramón Huerta
A Realistic Substrate for Small-World Networks Modelling. 649-653 - Gustavo Nucci Franco, Antonio Batocchio:
Towards an Axiomatic Framework to Support the Design of an Holonic System. 654-659
W11: INBOSA - First International Workshop on Internet Bots: Systems and Applications
Session 1: Internet Bots
- Dickson K. W. Chiu
Script Language for Generating Internet-bots. 667-671 - Feifei Li, Zehua Liu, Yangfeng Huang, Wee Keong Ng
An Information Concierge for the Web. 672-676 - Paulo Marques, Raul Fonseca, Paulo Simões
, Luís Moura Silva, João Gabriel Silva:
Integrating Mobile Agents into Off-the-Shelf Web Servers: the M&M approach. 677-681
Session 2: Mobile Agents
- Do Van Thanh:
Using Mobile Agents in Telecommunications. 685-688 - Nils P. Sudmann, Dag Johansen:
Supporting Mobile Agent Applications Using Wrappers. 689-695 - Erlend L. Kvalvaag, Do Van Thanh:
Facility Provision Using Mobile Agents. 696-700
Session 3: Agent Negotiation and Systems
- Lei Zhao, Wee Keong Ng
, Ee-Peng Lim
Cooperative Multi-Attribute Bilateral Online Negotiation for E-Commerce. 703-707 - Fernando Lopes
, Nuno J. Mamede
, Augusto Q. Novais, Helder Coelho:
Conflict Management and Negotiation among Intentional Agents. 708-714 - Wan Suwu, Amitabha Das:
An Agent System Architecture for E-Commerce. 715-719
W12: E-Negotiations - Second International Workshop on Negotiations in Electronic Markets: Beyond Price Discovery
- Giacomo Piccinelli, Chris Preist, Claudio Bartolini:
E-Service Composition: Supporting Dynamic Definition of Process-oriented Negotiation Parameters (Invited Address). 727-731 - Jean-Marc Andreoli, Stefania Castellani:
Towards a Flexible Middleware Negotiation Facility for Distributed Components. 732-736 - Morad Benyoucef, Hakim Alj, Rudolf K. Keller:
An Infrastructure for Rule-Driven Negotiating Software Agents. 737-741 - Michael Rebstock:
Efficiency and Flexibility of Multi-Attribute Negotiations - The Role of Business Object Frameworks. 742-746 - Bartel A. Van de Walle, Sven Heitsch, Peyman Faratin:
Coping with One-to-Many Multi-Criteria Negotiations in Electronic Markets. 747-751 - Nadja Linketscher, Mike Child:
Trust Issues and User Reactions to E-Services and E-Marketplaces: A Customer Survey. 752-756
W13: LISA - International Workshop on Legal Information Systems and Applications
Inivted Address
- Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon
The Ideal Audience and Artificial Intelligence and Law. 763-767
Session 1
- Aspassia Daskalopulu
, T. S. E. Maibaum:
Towards Electronic Contract Performance. 771-777 - Antonio Cammelli, Elio Fameli:
Legal Information Access on the WEB: A Project for an Information System Model. 778-783
Session 2
- Alexander Boer:
MILE Assessment: Turning Legal Information into Legal Advice. 787-791 - Daniela Tiscornia:
Ontology-driven Access to Legal Information. 792-796
Session 3
- José Félix Muñoz:
Electronic Documents in Legal Works. 799-803 - Erich Schweighofer, Andreas Rauber, Michael Dittenbach:
Improving the Quality of Labels for Self-Organising Maps Using Fine-Tuning. 804-808
W14: QPMIDS - Fifth International Workshop on Query Processing and Multimedia Issues in Distributed Systems
Multimedia Model and Processing Session
- Stefan Katzenbeisser:
On the Design of Copyright Protection Protocols for Multimedia Distributioni Using Symmetric and Public-Key Watermarking. 815-819 - Cyrus F. Nourani:
The TAIM Intelligent Visual Database. 820-824 - Vito Cappellini, Franco Bartolini, Roberto Caldelli
, Alessia De Rosa, Alessandro Piva, Mauro Barni:
Robust Frame-Based Watermarking For Digital Video. 825-829
Multimedia Tool and Multimedia Design Session
- Hiroshi Ishikawa, Shohei Yokoyama, Seiji Isshiki, Manabu Ohta:
Xanadu: XML- and Active-Database-Unified Approach to Distributed E-Commerce. 833-837 - Susanne Naegele-Jackson, Nadja L. M. Eschbaum, Peter Holleczek:
Distributed Television Production for Distance Education with a Customizable Internet Platform. 838-842 - Cesar C. Machado, Gustavo L. Federizzi, Paulo Blauth Menezes:
Definition and Application of Rules for the Adequate Designing of XML Documents for the Hyper-Automaton System. 843-847
Special Track on Image=Based Geospatial Databases
- Ilya Zaslavsky, Amarnath Gupta, Bertram Ludäscher, Shabbar Tambawala:
Query Evaluation and Presentation Planning within a Spatial Mediator: Extending XML-based Mediation to Heterogeneous Sources of GIS and Imagery Data (Invited Address). 853-855 - Chiara Ghirardini, Soon Ae Chun
, Vijayalakshmi Atluri
, Ibrahim Kamel, Nabil R. Adam:
A Study on the Indexing of Satellite Images at NASA Regional Application Center. 859-864 - Anthony Stefanidis, Panos Partsinevelos, Kristin Eickhorst, Peggy Agouris:
Spatiotemporal Lifelines in Support of Video Queries. 865-869 - Peter Baumann
Web-Enabled Raster GIS Services for Large Image and Map Databases. 870-874 - Fiona Lee, Chu Yee Liau, Stéphane Bressan:
Registration of Maps using Deformable Contours in a Global Atlas. 875-879
W15: KEES - First International Workshop on Knowledge Extraction for Enterprise Services
Session 1
- Anália Lourenço
, Joaquim Gonçalves, Orlando Belo
Agent-Based Knowledge Extraction Services Inside Enterprise Data Warehousing Systems Environments. 887-891 - Ching-Shen James Dong, Grace SauLan Loo:
Flexible Web-based Decision Support System Generator (FWDSSG) Utiolising Software Agents. 892-897
Session 2
- Robert M. Bruckner, Beate List, Josef Schiefer, A Min Tjoa
Modeling Temporal Consistency in Data Warehouses. 901-905 - Faisal Akkawi, Atef Bader, Tzilla Elrad:
Aspect-Oriented Technology for Business Applications: A Case Study in Stock Trading. 906-908 - Grace SauLan Loo, Philip C. H. Lee:
A Soft Systems Methodology Model for Clinical Decision Support Systems (SSMM-CDSS). 909-914
Session 3
- Paulo César Moreira Gottgtroy, Márcia de Paiva Bastos Gottgtroy:
Significant Conceptual Modelling - A Health Care Enterprise Case Study. 917-921 - Gaihua Fu, Jianhua Shao, Suzanne M. Embury, W. A. Gray, Xingkun Liu:
A Framework for Business Rule Presentation. 922-926
W16: Dlib - First International Workshop on Digital Libraries
Session 1: Metadata
- Michael G. Bauer, Günther Specht:
The Object Oriented Document Model of a Meta System for Existing Digital Libraries. 933-936 - Chrisa Tsinaraki
, Stratos Papadomanolakis, Stavros Christodoulakis:
Towards a Two-Layered Video Metadata Model. 937-941 - Ana Maria de Carvalho Moura, Luís Alexandre Estevão da Silva, Maria Luiza Machado Campos:
A Metadata Approach for Designing Configurable Interfaces in Digital Libraries. 942-947
Session 2: Retrieval
- Ryen White, Ian Ruthven, Joemon M. Jose:
Web Document Summarisation: A Task-oriented Evaluation. 951-955 - Hang Cui, Osmar R. Zaïane:
Hierarchically Structural Approach to Improving the Browsability of Web Search Engine Results. 956-960 - Ying Ding, Robert Engels:
IR and AI: Using co-occurrence Theory to Generate Lightweight Ontologies. 961-965
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