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AICCSA 2005: Cairo, Egypt
- 2005 ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2005), January 3-6, 2005, Cairo, Egypt. IEEE Computer Society 2005, ISBN 0-7803-8735-X
- Yale N. Patt:
The microprocessor of the year 2014: do Pentium 4, Pentium M, and Power 5 provide any hints? 1 - Song Ci, Mohsen Guizani:
A dynamic resource scheduling scheme for CDMA2000 systems. 7 - Joongseok Park, Sartaj Sahni:
Maximum lifetime broadcasting in wireless networks. 8 - Guangzhi Qu, Salim Hariri, Mazin S. Yousif:
Multivariate statistical analysis for network attacks detection. 9 - Dana Vrajitoru, Jason DeBoni:
Consistent graph layout for weighted graphs. 13 - Ahmed A. Belal, Amr Elmasry:
Finding maximum-cost minimum spanning trees. 14 - Alex Fit-Florea, David W. Matula:
Determining all pairs edge connectivity of a 4-regular graph in O(|V|). 15 - Faisal N. Abu-Khzam, Michael A. Langston, W. Henry Suters:
Fast, effective vertex cover kernelization: a tale of two algorithms. 16 - Oscar Escalante, Tania Pérez, Julio Solano-González
, Ivan Stojmenovic:
RNG-based searching and broadcasting algorithms over Internet graphs and peer-to-peer computing systems. 17 - H. Masuyama, Etsuko Masuyama:
An all-to-all broadcasting algorithm for faulty hypercubes. 18 - Ashit Talukder, Rajankumar Bhatt, Lavanya Chandramouli, Syed Muhammad Ali, Rishi Pidva, S. Monacos:
Autonomous resource management and control algorithms for distributed wireless sensor networks. 19 - Antoine Tarault, Jamal Atif, Xavier Ripoche, Patrick Bourdot
, Angel Osorio:
Classification of radiological exams and organs by belief theory. 20 - Mustapha Bourahla, Mohamed Benmohamed:
Efficient partition of state space for parallel reachability analysis. 21 - Fatih Kocan, Mehmet Hadi Gunes:
Acyclic circuit partitioning for path delay fault emulation. 22 - Nahid Emad, Olfa Hamdi-Larbi, Z. Mahjoub:
On sparse matrix-vector product optimization. 23 - Octavian Paul Rotaru, Marian Dobre:
Reusability metrics for software components. 24 - N. A. R. Yousri
, Khalil M. Ahmed, Nagwa M. El-Makky
Algorithms for selecting materialized views in a data warehouse. 27 - Ahlem Nabli, Jamel Feki, Faïez Gargouri
Automatic construction of multidimensional schema from OLAP requirements. 28 - A. S. Sawires, Nagwa M. El-Makky
, Khalil M. Ahmed:
Multilevel chunking of multidimensional arrays. 29 - Adrian Tanasescu, Omar Boussaid, Fadila Bentayeb:
Preparing complex data for warehousing. 30 - Xuanfu Wu, Zhengxin Chen:
Toward dynamic ensembles: the BAGA approach. 31 - Mohamed Nadif
, Gérard Govaert:
Block clustering via the block GEM and two-way EM algorithms. 32 - Fadi A. Thabtah, Peter I. Cowling
, Yonghong Peng:
MCAR: multi-class classification based on association rule. 33 - A. Aslinger, S. H. Son:
Efficient replication control in distributed real-time databases. 34 - Ahmad S. Al-Mogren, Margaret H. Dunham:
Data broadcast classification. 35 - Praveen Madiraju, Rajshekhar Sunderraman:
An efficient constraint planning algorithm for multidatabases. 36 - Vijay Kumar, Nitin Prabhu, Panos K. Chrysanthis
HDC - hot data caching in mobile database systems. 37 - Ashraf M. Abdelbar:
Towards an improved twin-page method for rapid transaction undo recovery. 38 - Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Plínio Roberto Souza Vilela, Mário Jino:
Mapping faults to failures in SQL manipulation commands. 39 - Takahiro Hara, M. Nakadori, Wataru Uchida, Kazuhiko Maeda, Shojiro Nishio:
Update propagation based on tree structure in peer-to-peer networks. 40 - Moustafa Ghanem, Alexandros Chortaras, Yike Guo, Anthony Rowe, Jon Ratcliffe:
A grid infrastructure for mixed bioinformatics data and text mining. 41 - Krzysztof Pancerz
, Zbigniew Suraj
Automated discovering concurrent models from data tables - an overview of algorithms. 43 - Sidi Mohamed Benslimane
, Djamel Amar Bensaber, Mimoun Malki
Towards a multi-representation ontology-based information systems mediation. 44 - José Fernando Rodrigues Jr., Agma J. M. Traina, Caetano Traina Jr.
Enhanced visual evaluation of feature extractors for image mining. 45 - Mohamed A. Sharaf, Panos K. Chrysanthis
, Alexandros Labrinidis:
Preemptive rate-based operator scheduling in a data stream management system. 46 - A. A. Abdel-Aziz, Hussien Oakasha:
Mapping XML DTDs to relational schemas. 47 - J. Mizher, Margaret H. Dunham, Lin Lu, Yongqiao Xiao:
Scalability of OAT. 48 - Mohamed E. El-Sharkawi, N. A. El-Hadi El Tazi:
LNV: relational database storage structure for XML documents. 49 - Nidal Nasser
, Hossam S. Hassanein
Optimal multi-class guard channel admission policy under hard handoff constraints. 53 - Melha Bitam, Hassane Alla:
Performance evaluation of a TCP/IP transmission using hybrid Petri nets. 54 - Mohamed Tekala, Róbert Szabó:
Evaluation of scalable TCP. 55 - Octavio Ramirez Rojas, Jalel Ben-Othman
, Safouane Sfar:
A new approach to manage roaming in IPv6. 56 - Yong Chen, S. H. Son:
A fault tolerant topology control in wireless sensor networks. 57 - Song Ci, Hamid Sharif:
Performance comparison of Kalman filter based approaches for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. 58 - Choong Hun Kim, Kyungseo Park, Jack Fu, Ramez Elmasri:
Architectures for streaming data processing in sensor networks. 59 - M. Sklira, Andreas S. Pomportsis:
On the design of hybrid prioritized multiple access protocols for bank data center LANs. 60 - Jalel Ben-Othman
, Hind Castel-Taleb, Lynda Mokdad:
Multi-services MAC protocol for wireless networks. 61 - Karim Seada, Ahmed Helmy
An overview of geographic protocols in ad hoc and sensor networks. 62 - Djamel Benazzouz:
Performance of a shuffle exchange network using Markov chains. 63 - Mahmoud H. Ismail
, Mustafa M. Matalgah:
Performance evaluation of the uplink of WCDMA in the TDD mode for wireless Internet services. 64 - Imad Jawhar, Jie Wu:
A dynamic range resource reservation protocol for QoS support in wireless networks. 65 - Karima Maâlaoui, Abdelfattah Belghith
, Jean-Marie Bonnin, M. Tezeghdanti:
Performance evaluation of QoS routing algorithms. 66 - G. Nacira, A. Abdelaziz:
Secured net-banking by θ-Vigenere in Syverson's protocol. 67 - Nayera M. Sadek
, Alireza Khotanzad:
Multi-scale network traffic prediction using k-factor Gegenbauer ARMA and MLP models. 68 - Amir Zeid, Sherif A. Gurguis:
Towards autonomic Web services. 69 - Yinghong Fan, Hossam S. Hassanein
, Patrick Martin:
Proactive control of distributed denial of service attacks with source router preferential dropping. 70 - Abdelilah Maach, Gregor von Bochmann, Hussein T. Mouftah:
An optimal shared protection scheme for optical networks. 71 - Eric Y. Chen, Akinori Yonezawa:
Practical techniques for defending against DDoS attacks. 72 - Bin Tang:
On multicast scheduling and routing in multistage Clos networks. 73 - Emad Eldin Mohamed, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab, Ibrahim Salama:
Multicast address management in the Internet: a study of the port blocking problem. 74 - N. B. Alimakni, Abdelfattah Belghith
Heterogeneous and dynamic multipoint service in ATM networks. 75 - Faiza Tabbana, Sami Tabbane, Mounir Frikha:
Fixed cellular network optimisation. 76 - Christos Basios, Manolis Solidakis:
Current trends and challenges towards wireless Internet. 77 - Jihad Qaddour, Raffique A. C. Barbour:
Evolution to 4G wireless: problems, solutions, and challenges. 78 - Cüneyt Bayilmis
, Ismail Erturk, Celal Ceken
Extending CAN segments with IEEE 802.11 WLAN. 79 - Sami J. Habib:
Simulated analysis of server placement on network topology designs. 80 - Krit Wongrujira, Tim Hsin-Ting Hu, Aruna Seneviratne
Incentive service model for P2P. 81 - Karsten Loesing, Guido Wirtz
An implementation of reliable group communication based on the peer-to-peer network JXTA. 82 - Mohamed Fathey Abel Fattah, Amr El-Kadi, Amir Zeid:
Towards an independent component model. 83 - Abdelhamid S. Abdelhamid, Ahmed A. Belal:
Secure transmission of sensitive data using multiple channels. 87 - Laith A. Al-Sulaiman, Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab:
Cooperative caching techniques for increasing the availability of MANET certificate authority services. 88 - Xinhua Zhang, Chunyan Jiang, Wanjun Huang, Christoph Meinel:
A XML format secure protocol - OpenSST. 89 - Raja' S. Alomari, Ahmed Al-Jaber:
A robust watermarking algorithm for copyright protection. 90 - Ramzi A. Haraty
, Hadi Otrok
, Abdul Nasser El-Kassar
Attacking ElGamal based cryptographic algorithms using Pollard's rho algorithm. 91 - S. M. Arafat:
An encryption algorithm based on alphabetic trees. 92 - L. Paola García-Perera, J. Carlos Mex-Perera
, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores
Multi-speaker voice cryptographic key generation. 93 - Salvador Mandujano, Arturo Galván, Juan Arturo Nolazco
An ontology-based multiagent approach to outbound intrusion detection. 94 - Sleiman Itani, Najwa Aaraj, Darine Abdelahad, Ayman I. Kayssi:
Neighbor stranger discrimination: a new defense mechanism against Internet DDOS attacks. 95 - Philippe Balbiani
A formal examination of roles and permissions in access control. 96 - James G. Dunham, Ming-Tan Sun, J. C. R. Tseng:
Classifying file type of stream ciphers in depth using neural networks. 97 - K. E. A. Negm:
Design, implementation and testing of mobile agent protection mechanism for MANETS. 98 - Sami Beydeda:
Research in testing COTS components - built-in testing approaches. 101 - Ines Hamdi, Imed Riadh Farah
, Mohmed B. Ahmed:
Analysing spatial-temporal data based on generic GIS. 102 - Jemal H. Abawajy, Meng-Jye Hu:
A new Internet meta-search engine and implementation. 103 - Susmit Bagchi
Memory estimation and allocation algorithms for MDVM system. 104 - Wegdan Abdelsalam, Yasser Ebrahim, Siu-Cheung Chau, Maher Ahmed:
A user modeling approach to improving estimation accuracy in location-tracking applications. 105 - Marcello Cinque
, Domenico Cotroneo, Cristiano di Flora, Armando Migliaccio, Stefano Russo
ESPERANTO: a middleware platform to achieve interoperability in nomadic computing domains. 106 - A. Neho:
An extensible framework for automatic negotiation in distributed online bargaining applications. 107 - Sylvanus A. Ehikioya
, B. Ola:
A comparative study of specification methods for electronic commerce systems. 108 - Laïd Kahloul
, Kamel Barkaoui, Zaïdi Sahnoun:
Using AUML to derive formal modeling agents interactions. 109 - Hassan Gomaa, Mazen Saleh
Software product line engineering for Web services and UML. 110 - Vitus S. W. Lam, Julian A. Padget
An integrated environment for communicating UML statechart diagrams. 111 - Kalaivani Appukkutty, Hany H. Ammar, K. G. Popstajanova:
Software requirement risk assessment using UML. 112 - Hany Loulou, Ahmed Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Jmaiel:
A formal model for mobile agent systems using Z. 113 - German Montejano, Robert Uzal, Daniel Riesco, Aristides Dasso, Ana Funes, Mario Peralta, Carlos Salgado, Narayan C. Debnath:
Integrating balanced scorecard domain formalization with underlying project plan formalization. 114 - Rami Rifaieh, Aïcha-Nabila Benharkat:
Studying semantic sharing problem within enterprise information systems. 115 - Sihem Ben Sassi
, Lamia Labed Jilani, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
COTS-based development process meta-modeling. 116 - Rajesh Gunnalan, Mark Shereshevsky, Hany H. Ammar:
Pseudo dynamic metrics [software metrics]. 117 - Narayan C. Debnath, Daniel Riesco, German Montejano, Robert Uzal, Lorena Baigorria, Aristides Dasso, Ana Funes:
A technique based on the OMG metamodel and OCL for the definition of object-oriented metrics applied to UML models. 118 - Hai Jin, Qionghua Hu, Xiaofei Liao, Hao Chen, Dafu Deng:
IMAC: an importance-level based adaptive CPU scheduling scheme for multimedia and non-real time applications. 119 - Gustavo Fortes Tondello, Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
On the automatic configuration of application-oriented operating systems. 120 - Maher Khemakhem
, Abdelfattah Belghith
A multipurpose multi-agent system based on a loosely coupled architecture to speedup the DTW algorithm for Arabic printed cursive OCR. 121 - Jian-Wei Wang, Chi-Cheng Li, Feng-Jian Wang:
Dynamic activities on an agent-based workflow management system. 122 - Amira Regayeg, Ahmed Hadj Kacem, Mohamed Jmaiel:
Towards a formal methodology for developing multi-agent applications using temporal Z. 123 - Walid Abdelmoez, Mark Shereshevsky, Rajesh Gunnalan, Hany H. Ammar, Bo Yu, S. Bogazzi, Mustafa Korkmaz, Ali Mili:
Quantifying software architectures: an analysis of change propagation probabilities. 124 - L. Pazzi, A. Malagoli:
An explicit modeling approach for wholes in the object-oriented development process. 125 - Ramzi A. Haraty
, Samer A. Khatib:
TREX: a temporal reference extractor for Arabic texts. 126 - Abdelkarim Elbaati
, Mohamed Adel Alimi
, Moncef Charfi, Abdel Ennaji:
Recovery of temporal information from off-line Arabic handwritten. 127 - Nikola Stojanovic:
The human genome project: software challenges and future directions. 128 - Salim Chitroub:
Contextual classifier combination by Markov random fields-Bayes formalism and evolutionary programming. Application: image classification enhancement. 129 - Walid Barhoumi
, Ezzeddine Zagrouba
Towards a standard approach for medical images segmentation. 130 - Amr R. Abdel-Dayem, Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, Aaron Fenster:
Watershed segmentation for carotid artery ultrasound images. 131 - Rabih Bashroush, Ivor T. A. Spence, Peter Kilpatrick, T. John Brown:
A generic reference software architecture for load balancing over mirrored Web servers: NaSr case study. 132 - Michael Mrissa
, Chirine Ghedira
, Djamal Benslimane, Zakaria Maamar, Jacques Fayolle:
A mediation framework for Web services in a peer-to-peer environment. 133 - Zakaria Maamar, Soraya Kouadri Mostéfaoui:
On specifying an environment of software agents and Web services. 134 - Reda Siblini
, Nashat Mansour:
Testing Web services. 135 - O. Al-Shara:
Usability tri-parametric artifacts: a knowledge reporting artifact for software development reusability. 136 - Ahmed Lehireche, Abdellatif Rahmoun
The EE-method, an evolutionary engineering developer tool: neural net character mapping. 137 - Nadia Bouassida, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
, Faïez Gargouri
, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou:
Towards a rigorous architectural reuse. 138 - R. B. Hajri, Lamia Labed Jilani, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala
An infrastructure to help development with reuse. 139 - Islam A. M. El-Maddah:
Component-based development of process control systems. 140 - Audrey Marchand, Maryline Silly-Chetto
QoS scheduling components based on firm real-time requirements. 141 - M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano:
Supporting several real-time applications on the Java platform. 142 - Abbas Tarhini
, Antoine Rollet, Hacène Fouchal
A pragmatic approach for testing robustness on real-time component based systems. 143 - A. Adly, L. Fattouh, M. Moustafa, A. A. Elmoneim:
Using GIS and knowledge-based system for agricultural land drainage planning. 144 - Mohamed Ben Ammar
, Mahmoud Neji, Adel M. Alimi
The integration of an emotional system in the intelligent system. 145 - Luis R. Salgado-Garza, Juan Arturo Nolazco-Flores
, P. D. Diaz-Lopez:
Spoken information retrieval for multimedia databases. 146 - Giovanni Aurino, Bruno Discepolo, Angelo Nutile, Giuliana Ramella
Automatic data management in architecture and engineering applications. 147 - Carlos Pérez Leguízamo, Dake Wang, Minoru Takaishi, Sotaro Kimura, Kinji Mori:
Autonomous decentralized database system restructuring for achieving timeliness. 148 - Iman I. Elghandour
, A. M. Hafez, Magdy H. Nagi, K. M. Nagi:
Performance analysis of locating files asynchronously in ad-hoc networks. 149 - Feng Ji, Ramez Elmasri, Yiming Zhang, B. Ritesh, Zoe Raja:
Incorporating concepts for bioingormatics data modeling into EER models. 189-192 - Adel Elsayed, Roger Hartley, Yongqiang Qiu:
Multimodal communication and articulation in e-learning. 829-833 - A. Choura, Anis Samet, Adel M. Alimi
Proman, a computer supported collective Learning environment through the project based learning. 834-839 - Edgar R. Weippl, A Min Tjoa
Privacy in E-learning: How to implement anonymity. 840-846 - Georgios A. Dafoulas, Lara A. Frumkin, Mike Mimirinis
, Alan Murphy:
Investigating computer-supported cooperative learning: Applications for flexible learning environments. 847-852 - Karel Kveton:
The role of standardization in eLOC development. 853-856 - Kristi Lindh, Lijuan Marko Gashi, Irmeli Aro:
Creation of an online e-learning community for intercultural learning: IntCultNet - A ladder of success. 857-862 - O. D. Alcantara:
Deploying multicommunicative and @prende projects at Anahuac del Sur University. 863-868 - Peter K. Oriogun:
Introducing a dedicated tool for facilitating a semi-structured approach to CMC messaging. 869-877 - Elli Georgiadou, Stylianos Hatzipanagos, Eleni Berki:
Resource-based learning and teaching-concerns, conflicts, consensus, community. 878-882 - Tanko Ishaya
Ontologies for semantic integration of multimedia e-learning services. 883-888 - V. Venson, S. Ramalingam
Standardising learning object descriptors: Focus on education value. 889-892 - Sherif Kamel
WebCT - Evaluating the use of technology, lessons learnt from the American University in Cairo. 893-896 - Sérgio Crisóstomo
, Susana Sargento
, Marek Natkaniec, Norbert Vicari:
A QoS architecture integrating mobile Ad-Hoc and infrastructure networks. 897-903 - Kemal Akkaya, Mohamed F. Younis
, Moustafa Youssef
Efficient aggregation of delay-constrained data in wireless sensor networks. 904-909 - Shahzad Malik, Muhammad Jaseemuddin, Govindan Ravindram, Hesham El-Sayed:
Improving thoughput and fairness of transport connections in IEEE 802.11 based wireless networks. 910-915 - Jing Liu, Jiandong Li, Guanghua Zhang:
Adaptive QoS-guarantee multiple access protocol in multimedia wireless network. 916-920 - V. Basto, V. Freitas:
A QoS distributed transport service. 921-926 - Jamal N. Al-Karaki, Ahmed E. Kamal:
Supporting quality of service in mobile Ad hoc networks. 927-934 - Abd-Elhamid M. Taha, Hossam S. Hassanein
, Hussein T. Mouftah:
On the integration of internet QoS paradigms and Ad-Hoc networks. 935-940 - Nuno Flores
, Ademar Aguiar
Reverse engineering of framework design using a meta-patterns-based approach. 941-946 - Imran A. Zualkernan
Stability of reusable learning objects. 947-949 - Reda A. Ammar, Amal Abdel-raouf
, Tahany A. Fergany:
Performance modeling and analysis of object oriented distributed software systems: A necessary step toward software performance stability. 950-953 - Islam A. M. El-Maddah:
Planning stable software applications using goal driving requirements analysis. 954-958 - Galal H. Galal-Edeen
Architectural modelling to understand system evolution. 959-964 - S. Jager, R. T. Mittermier:
Architecture pattern for a generic explanation component. 965-968 - Osama Mabrouk Khaled
, Hoda Mohammed Hosny:
Making efficient logging a common practice in software development. 969-972 - Haitham S. Hamza
, Mohamed E. Fayad:
A novel approach for managing and reusing business rules in business architectures. 973-978
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