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CBMI 2008: London, UK
- Ebroul Izquierdo:
International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, CBMI 2008, London, UK, June 18-20, 2008. IEEE 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-2044-5
Music Indexing and Retrieval
- Zhongzhe Xiao, Emmanuel Dellandréa, Weibei Dou, Liming Chen:
What is the best segment duration for music mood analysis ? 17-24 - Bryan Duggan, Brendan O'Shea, Padraig Cunningham
A system for automatically annotating traditional Irish music field recordings. 25-32 - Johannes Reinhard, Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger
Enhancing chord classification through neighbourhood histograms. 33-40
Video Summarization and Segmentation
- Sergio Benini, Pierangelo Migliorati, Riccardo Leonardi
Retrieval of video story units by Markov entropy rate. 41-45 - Janko Calic, Marta Mrak
, Ahmet M. Kondoz:
Dynamic layout of visual summaries for scalable video. 46-50 - Efthymia Tsamoura, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris:
Video shot meta-segmentation based on multiple criteria for gradual transition detection. 51-57
MUSCLE Special Session I
- Ander García
, María Teresa Linaza, Imanol Arbulu, Isabel Torre, Yolanda Cobos:
A mobile platform for on-the-move user-generated tourist contents. 58-65 - Richard M. Jiang
, Abdul Hamid Sadka, Huiyu Zhou
Automatic human face detection for content-based image annotation. 66-69 - Claudio Andreatta:
Ontology based viso-semantic similarity for image retrieval. 70-76
MUSCLE Special Session II
- Paulo Villegas, Eduard Bru, Blanca Mayayo, Lola Carpio, Eduardo Alonso, Víctor José Ruiz:
Visual scene classification for image and video home content. 77-84 - Herwig Rehatschek, Robert Sorschag, Bernhard Rettenbacher, Herwig Zeiner
, Julien Nioche, Franciska de Jong, Roeland Ordelman
, David A. van Leeuwen:
Mediacampaign - A multimodal semantic analysis system for advertisement campaign detection. 85-92 - James Carmichael, Martha A. Larson, Jennifer Marlow, Eamonn Newman, Paul D. Clough, Johan Oomen, Sorin Sav:
Multimodal indexing of digital audio-visual documents: A case study for cultural heritage data. 93-100 - Rémi Mégret
, Dániel Szolgay, Jenny Benois-Pineau
, Philippe Joly, Julien Pinquier
, Jean-François Dartigues, Catherine Helmer
Wearable video monitoring of people with age Dementia : Video indexing at the service of helthcare. 101-108
COST292 Special Session
- Marcos Nieto
, Jon Arróspide Laborda, Luis Salgado
, Fernando Jaureguizar
On-board video based system for robust road modeling. 109-116 - Zoltán Szlávik, Levente Kovács, Laszlo Havasi, Csaba Benedek, István Petrás, Ákos Utasi, Attila Licsár, László Czúni, Tamás Szirányi
Behavior and event detection for annotation and surveillance. 117-124 - Alexandra Koutsia, Theodoros Semertzidis
, Kosmas Dimitropoulos
, Nikos Grammalidis
, Kyriakos Georgouleas:
Intelligent traffic monitoring and surveillance with multiple cameras. 125-132 - Philip Kelly, Noel E. O'Connor:
Vision-based analysis of pedestrian traffic data. 133-140 - Oytun Akman, A. Aydin Alatan, Tolga Çiloglu
Exploitation of multi-camera configurations for visual surveillance. 141-146 - Petros Kapsalas, Konstantinos Rapantzikos
, Natasa Sofou, Yannis Avrithis:
Regions of interest for accurate object detection. 147-154
Speech Analysis and Classification
- Katsuyuki Watanabe, Masahide Sugiyama:
Automatic correspondence calculation between text and speech for authoring digital talking book. 155-161 - Benjamin Bigot, Isabelle Ferrané, Zein Al Abidin Ibrahim:
Towards the detection and the characterization of conversational speech zones in audiovisual documents. 162-169 - Huiyu Zhou
, Abdul Hamid Sadka, Richard M. Jiang
Feature extraction for speech and music discrimination. 170-173
Image Classification and Indexing
- Arnar Ólafsson, Björn Þór Jónsson, Laurent Amsaleg:
Dynamic behavior of balanced NV-trees. 174-183 - Felipe Calderero, Ferran Marqués:
Object-based evaluation of hierarchical region-based representations based on information theory statistical measures. 184-191 - Wei-Chao Lin, Michael P. Oakes
, John Tait:
Real AdaBoost for large vocabulary image classification. 192-199 - Murat Birinci, Serkan Kiranyaz
, Moncef Gabbouj
Image color content description utilizing perceptual color correlogram. 200-207
Descriptors and Metrics
- Vasiliki Giannekou, Paraskevi K. Tzouveli
, Yannis Avrithis, Stefanos D. Kollias
Affine invariant curve matching using normalization and curvature scale-space. 208-215 - Hichem Sahbi, Jean-Yves Audibert, Jaonary Rabarisoa, Renaud Keriven:
Object recognition and retrieval by context dependent similarity kernels. 216-223 - Nguyen-Khang Pham, Annie Morin, Patrick Gros:
Boosting of factorial correspondence analysis for image retrieval. 224-229 - Paolo Piro, Sandrine Anthoine, Éric Debreuve, Michel Barlaud:
Image retrieval via Kullback-Leibler divergence of patches of multiscale coefficients in the KNN framework. 230-235 - Ersin Esen, Medeni Soysal
, Tugrul K. Ates, Ahmet Saracoglu, A. Aydin Alatan:
A fast method for animated TV logo detection. 236-241 - Muhammad Marwan Muhammad Fuad, Pierre-François Marteau:
The extended edit distance metric. 242-248
3D Content Retrieval
- Zheng Qin, Ji Jia, Jun Qin:
Content based 3D model retrieval: A survey. 249-256 - Stefano Berretti
, Alberto Del Bimbo
, Pietro Pala
Analysis and retrieval of 3D facial models using iso-geodesic stripes. 257-264 - Wolfgang Waizenegger, Ingo Feldmann, Oliver Schreer
Semantic annotation and retrieval of unedited video based on extraction of 3D camera motion. 265-271
MIR in Specific Application Domains
- Yolanda Cobos, Carlos Toro
, Cristina Sarasua, Javier Vaquero, María Teresa Linaza, Jorge Posada
An architecture for fast semantic retrieval in the film heritage domain. 272-279 - Vasileios Mezaris, Spyros Gidaros, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos, Walter Kasper, Roeland Ordelman
, Franciska de Jong, Ioannis Kompatsiaris:
Knowledge-assisted cross-media analysis of audio-visual content in the news domain. 280-287 - Annette A. Ward, Stephen J. McKenna
, Anna Buruma, Peter Taylor, Junwei Han:
Merging technology and users: Applying image browsing to the fashion industry for design inspiration. 288-295 - Paul Buitelaar, Thierry Declerck, Jan Nemrava, David A. Sadlier:
Cross-media semantic indexing in the soccer domain. 296-301
Fundamental Techniques
- Shirin Ghanbari, John C. Woods, Hamid R. Rabiee
, Simon M. Lucas
Wavelet domain binary partition trees for image segmentation. 302-307 - Rémi Trichet, Bernard Mérialdo:
A tracking repositioning algorithm using keypoint labeling. 308-314 - Giaime Ginesu, Tiziana Dessì, Luigi Atzori, Daniele D. Giusto:
Composite interpolation approach to super-resolution for image database browsing over the web. 315-322 - Donn Morrison, Stéphane Marchand-Maillet, Eric Bruno:
Semantic clustering of images using patterns of relevance feedback. 323-329 - Andrzej Wichert
Subspace indexing for extremely high-dimensional CBIR. 330-337
CBMI Poster Session I
- Thi-Lan Le
, Alain Boucher, Monique Thonnat, François Brémond:
A framework for surveillance video indexing and retrieval. 338-345 - Pavel Praks, Vojtech Svátek, Jindrich Cernohorský:
Linear algebra for vision-based surveillance in heavy industry - convergence behavior case study. 346-352 - Jia Jia, Jianmin Jiang, Dong Wang:
Recognition of hand gesture based on Gaussian Mixture Model. 353-356 - Jeong-Hyun Kim, Bae-Guen Kwon, Jin-Young Kim, Dong-Joong Kang:
Method to improve the performance of the adaboost algorithm by combining weak classifiers. 357-364 - Mahmoud Mejdoub
, Leonardo H. Fonteles, Chokri Ben Amar, Marc Antonini:
Fast indexing method for image retrieval using tree-structured lattices. 365-372 - Le Dong, Ebroul Izquierdo:
A topology synthesizing approach for classification of visual information. 373-380 - George Shih-Wen Ke, Michael P. Oakes
, Marco A. Palomino
, Yan Xu:
Comparison between SVM-Light, a search engine-based approach and the mediamill baselines for assigning concepts to video shot annotations. 381-387 - Hervé Goëau
, Olivier Buisson, Marie-Luce Viaud:
Image collection structuring based on evidential active learner. 388-395 - Cristian Perra, Daniele D. Giusto:
An image browsing application based on JPEG XR. 396-401 - Esra Acar, Serdar Arslan
, Adnan Yazici, Murat Koyuncu
Slim-tree and BitMatrix index structures in image retrieval system using MPEG-7 Descriptors. 402-409 - Farzad Zargari, Ali Mosleh, Mohammed Ghanbari
Compressed domain JPEG2000 image indexing method employing full packet header information. 410-416 - Claire Morand, Jenny Benois-Pineau
, Jean-Philippe Domenger
Scalable indexing of HD Video. 417-424 - Marco Paleari
, Benoit Huet
Toward emotion indexing of multimedia excerpts. 425-432 - Christian Kaes, Henri Nicolas:
Joint global motion estimation and coding for scalable H.264/SVC high-definition video streams. 433-438 - David Picard
, Arnaud Revel, Matthieu Cord:
Image retrieval over networks: Ant algorithm for long term active learning. 439-445 - David Novák, Michal Batko, Pavel Zezula:
Web-scale system for image similarity search: When the dreams are coming true. 446-453 - Nikos Achilleopoulos, Christos Theoharatos:
Designing a modular system for direct search of video & audio content: The DIVAS project. 454-461 - Constantinos Lalos, Anastasios D. Doulamis, Kleopatra Konstanteli, Pavlos Delias
, Theodora A. Varvarigou:
An innovative content-based indexing technique with linear response suitable for pervasive environments. 462-469 - Zhengmao Ye, Habib Mohamadian, Yongmao Ye:
Gray level image processing using contrast enhancement and watershed segmentation with quantitative evaluation. 470-475
CBMI Poster Session II
- Margaret Florian, María P. Trujillo:
MPEG-7 service oriented system - MPEG-7 SOS. 476-483 - Sergej Rinc:
Towards standard semantic image annotation and search. 484-488 - Farzad Zargari, Mahdi Mehrabi
, Mohammed Ghanbari
A robust compressed domain feature vector for texture based IMAGE retrieval. 489-495 - Nicolas Gengembre, Sid-Ahmed Berrani
, Patrick Lechat:
Adaptive similarity search in large databases - application to image/video copy detection. 496-503 - Balázs Enyedi, Lajos Konyha, Kalman Fazekas, Ján Turán:
Character localization in video sequences. 504-511 - Shijie Zhang, Fred Stentiford:
A saliency based object tracking method. 512-517 - Emilie Dumont, Bernard Mérialdo:
Automatic evaluation method for rushes summarization: Experimentation and analysis. 518-525 - Petra Bilane, Stéphane Bres, Hubert Emptoz:
Robust directional features for wordspotting in degraded Syriac manuscripts. 526-533 - Chufeng Chen, Michael P. Oakes
, John Tait:
A location data annotation system for personal photograph collections: Evaluation of a searching and browsing tool. 534-541 - Willemijn Heeren
, Roeland Ordelman
, Franciska de Jong:
Affordable access to multimedia by exploiting collateral data. 542-550 - Robert B. Vincelette, Claude Tameze, Vesna Zeljkovic, Ebroul Izquierdo:
Noise removal from polygonal shapes using combined inverse diffusion filter and triangle method. 551-555 - José A. Arias Aguilar, Régine André-Obrecht, Jérôme Farinas
Automatic low-dimensional analysis of audio databases. 556-559 - Michel Jansen, Willemijn Heeren
, Betsy van Dijk:
Videotrees: Improving video surrogate presentation using hierarchy. 560-567 - Wolfgang Müller, Markus Zech, Andreas Henrich, Daniel Blank:
Visualflamenco: Dependable, interactive image browsing based on visual properties. 568-575 - Adrian Popescu, Pierre-Alain Moëllic, Ioannis Kanellos:
ThemExplorer: Finding and browsing geo-referenced images. 576-583 - Arantza Bereciartua
, Carole Bouchard
, Jean-François Omhover, Marin Ferecatu, Hichem Houissa, Fabienne Gandon, Guillaume Logerot:
A new semantic text-image search engine for car designers. 584-591
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