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Gang Chen 0014
Person information
- affiliation: Chongqing University, College of Automation, MOE Key Laboratory of Dependable Service Computing in Cyber Physical Society, China
- affiliation (PhD 2006): Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Other persons with the same name
- Gang Chen — disambiguation page
- Gang Chen 0001
— Zhejiang University, Database Laboratory, China
- Gang Chen 0002
(aka: Aaron Chen 0001) — Victoria University of Wellington, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0003 — Tsinghua University, Department of Automation, Beijing, China
- Gang Chen 0004 — Lingcore Lab (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0005 — Nanjing University, Department of Geographic Information Science, China
- Gang Chen 0006 — Ningbo University, Institute of DSP and Software Techniques, China
- Gang Chen 0007 — University of California Riverside, Department of Electrical Engineering, CA, USA (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0008
— National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
- Gang Chen 0009 — University of California Los Angeles, Speech Processing and Auditory Perception Laboratory, CA, USA
- Gang Chen 0010 — Central South University, Changsha, China
- Gang Chen 0011 — Huawei, Santa Clara, CA, USA (and 2 more)
- Gang Chen 0012 — Fudan University, China
- Gang Chen 0013 — Unilever R&D, Port Sunlight, UK
- Gang Chen 0015
— The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, NC, USA (and 2 more)
- Gang Chen 0016 — Chinese Academie of Sciences, National Space Science Center, China
- Gang Chen 0017 — Zhejiang University, State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, China
- Gang Chen 0018 — Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology, China
- Gang Chen 0019
— MIT, Mechanical Engineering Department, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Gang Chen 0020 (aka: Michael Gang Chen) — University of California Los Angeles, Magma Design Automation, CA, USA
- Gang Chen 0021 (aka: Gang (Jeff) Chen) — Medical College of Wisconsin, Department of Biophysics, Milwaukee, WI, USA
- Gang Chen 0022 — National University of Singapore, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Singapore
- Gang Chen 0023
— Sun Yat-sen University, School of Data and Computer Science, Guangzhou, China (and 2 more)
- Gang Chen 0024
— Nanyang Technological University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Singapore (and 2 more)
- Gang Chen 0025
— Sichuan University, School of Mathematics, Chengdu, China
- Gang Chen 0026
— Wuhan University, School of Electronics and Information, China (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0027 — University of California Riverside, Department of Electrical Engineering, CA, USA
- Gang Chen 0028
— Tianjin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China
- Gang Chen 0029
— Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Automation, China
- Gang Chen 0030 — Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
- Gang Chen 0031
— Fuzhou University, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, China
- Gang Chen 0032 — SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Computer Science, NY, USA
- Gang Chen 0033
— Nanjing University of Science and Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, China (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0034
— Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Electronic Engineering, China
- Gang Chen 0035
— State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Chengdu, China (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0036
— Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Mechanical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, China
- Gang Chen 0037
— Zhengzhou University, Computer and artificial intelligence school, China
- Gang Chen 0038
— Sun Yat-sen University, Business School, Guangzhou, China (and 1 more)
- Gang Chen 0039
— Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Natural Language Processing Group, China (and 1 more)
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2020 – today
- 2024
- [j40]Zhijun Guo, Gang Chen:
Corrigendum to "Distributed dynamic event-triggered and practical predefined-time resource allocation in cyber-physical systems" [Automatica 142 (2022) 110390]. Autom. 160: 111403 (2024) - [j39]Yaoyao Zhou, Gang Chen
Linear Convergence of distributed estimation with constraints and communication delays. J. Frankl. Inst. 361(2): 834-851 (2024) - [j38]Qingchao Song
, Jiawei Chen
, Jie Chen
, Gang Chen:
Completely Decentralized Energy Management System for Fuel Cell-Battery-Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 71(1): 438-449 (2024) - [j37]Gang Chen
, Yaoyao Zhou
Dynamic Estimation Over Distributed Sensing Network With Communication Delays. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 20(4): 5449-5458 (2024) - [j36]Yaoyao Zhou
, Gang Chen
Event-Triggered Proximal Online Gradient Descent Algorithm for Parameter Estimation. IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 72: 2594-2606 (2024) - 2023
- [j35]Yaoyao Zhou
, Gang Chen
Online distributed detection of sensor networks with delayed information. J. Frankl. Inst. 360(15): 11000-11031 (2023) - [j34]Zhijun Guo
, Gang Chen:
Exponential Convergence of Distributed Optimal Coordination for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Under Directed Graphs. IEEE Trans. Control. Netw. Syst. 10(1): 182-193 (2023) - [c6]Gang Chen, Yaoyao Zhou:
Distributed Adaptive Tracking Control of Pure-Feedback Multi-Agent Systems with Full State and Control Input Constraints. CDC 2023: 2385-2390 - 2022
- [j33]Zhijun Guo, Gang Chen:
Distributed dynamic event-triggered and practical predefined-time resource allocation in cyber-physical systems. Autom. 142: 110390 (2022) - [j32]Zhiyong Li, Gang Chen
Distributed Adaptive Control Scheme for Islanded AC Microgrids With Tolerance to Uncertain Communication Links. IEEE Syst. J. 16(2): 2741-2752 (2022) - [j31]Gang Chen
, Qing Yang
, Yongduan Song
, Frank L. Lewis
Fixed-Time Projection Algorithm for Distributed Constrained Optimization on Time-Varying Digraphs. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 67(1): 390-397 (2022) - [j30]Zhijun Guo
, Gang Chen
Fully Distributed Optimal Position Control of Networked Uncertain Euler-Lagrange Systems Under Unbalanced Digraphs. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 52(10): 10592-10603 (2022) - [j29]Zhiyong Li, Gang Chen
Distributed Dynamic Weighted Average Consensus for Disturbed Multiagent Systems in Fixed Time. IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng. 9(6): 4277-4286 (2022) - [j28]Zhijun Guo
, Gang Chen
Predefined-Time Distributed Optimal Allocation of Resources: A Time-Base Generator Scheme. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 52(1): 438-447 (2022) - [j27]Gang Chen
, Zhijun Guo
Initialization-Free Distributed Fixed-Time Convergent Algorithms for Optimal Resource Allocation. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 52(2): 845-854 (2022) - 2021
- [j26]Yaoyao Zhou
, Gang Chen:
Non-fragile H∞ finite-time sliding mode control for stochastic Markovian jump systems with time delay. Appl. Math. Comput. 409: 126383 (2021) - [j25]Gang Chen, Zhiyong Li:
Distributed optimal resource allocation over strongly connected digraphs: A surplus-based approach. Autom. 125: 109459 (2021) - [j24]Zhongyuan Zhao, Gang Chen:
Event-triggered scheme for zero-gradient-sum optimisation under directed networks with time delay. Int. J. Syst. Sci. 52(1): 47-56 (2021) - 2020
- [j23]Qiutong Ji
, Gang Chen
, Qiurui He:
Neural Network-Based Distributed Finite-Time Tracking Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems With Full State Constraints. IEEE Access 8: 174365-174374 (2020) - [j22]Qing Yang, Gang Chen, Ting Wang:
ADMM-based distributed algorithm for economic dispatch in power systems with both packet drops and communication delays. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica 7(3): 842-852 (2020) - [j21]Zhijun Guo, Gang Chen
Event-triggered fixed-time cooperative tracking control for uncertain nonlinear second-order multi-agent systems under directed network topology. J. Frankl. Inst. 357(6): 3345-3364 (2020) - [j20]Gang Chen
, Zhongyuan Zhao:
Distributed algorithms for resource allocation in cyber-physical energy systems with uniform/nonuniform communication delays. J. Frankl. Inst. 357(7): 4363-4391 (2020) - [j19]Gang Chen
, Qing Yang
, Yongduan Song
, Frank L. Lewis
A Distributed Continuous-Time Algorithm for Nonsmooth Constrained Optimization. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control. 65(11): 4914-4921 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j18]Qing Yang, Gang Chen
Primal-Dual Subgradient Algorithm for Distributed Constraint Optimization Over Unbalanced Digraphs. IEEE Access 7: 85190-85202 (2019) - [j17]Gang Chen
, Qing Yang:
Distributed constrained optimization for multi-agent networks with nonsmooth objective functions. Syst. Control. Lett. 124: 60-67 (2019) - [j16]Gang Chen
, Zhijun Guo
Distributed Secondary and Optimal Active Power Sharing Control for Islanded Microgrids With Communication Delays. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 10(2): 2002-2014 (2019) - [j15]Gang Chen
, Zhiyong Li, Zhongyuan Zhao
Event-Triggered Optimal Active Power Control in Islanded Microgrid With Variable Demand and Time-Varying Communication Topology. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 10(4): 4015-4025 (2019) - [c5]Qing Yang, Gang Chen, Jianghong Ren:
Continuous-Time Algorithm For Distributed Constrained Optimization Over Directed Graphs. ICCA 2019: 1020-1025 - 2018
- [j14]Gang Chen, Zhiyong Li:
A fixed-time convergent algorithm for distributed convex optimization in multi-agent systems. Autom. 95: 539-543 (2018) - [j13]Zhongyuan Zhao, Gang Chen, Mingxiang Dai:
Distributed event-triggered scheme for a convex optimization problem in multi-agent systems. Neurocomputing 284: 90-98 (2018) - [j12]Gang Chen
, Ya Zhao:
Distributed adaptive output-feedback tracking control of non-affine multi-agent systems with prescribed performance. J. Frankl. Inst. 355(13): 6087-6110 (2018) - [j11]Gang Chen
, Qing Yang:
An ADMM-Based Distributed Algorithm for Economic Dispatch in Islanded Microgrids. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 14(9): 3892-3903 (2018) - [j10]Gang Chen
, Zhongyuan Zhao
, Zhiyong Li:
Distributed Finite-Step Iterative Algorithm for Economic Dispatch of Generation. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 14(12): 5221-5232 (2018) - [j9]Gang Chen
, Yongduan Song
, Yanfeng Guan:
Terminal Sliding Mode-Based Consensus Tracking Control for Networked Uncertain Mechanical Systems on Digraphs. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst. 29(3): 749-756 (2018) - [c4]Zhongyuan Zhao, Gang Chen:
Distributed Event-based Algorithm for Economic Dispatch Problem over Digraph with Time delays. ICARCV 2018: 77-82 - 2017
- [j8]Gang Chen
, Yongduan Song, Frank L. Lewis:
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control of Networked Uncertain Euler-Lagrange Systems Under Actuator Faults. IEEE Trans. Cybern. 47(7): 1706-1718 (2017) - [j7]Gang Chen, Jianghong Ren, E. Ning Feng:
Distributed Finite-Time Economic Dispatch of a Network of Energy Resources. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid 8(2): 822-832 (2017) - 2016
- [c3]Gang Chen, Zhongyuan Zhao, Mingxiang Dai:
An optimal active power control strategy of islanded microgrid with diverse communication delays. ICARCV 2016: 1-6 - 2015
- [j6]Gang Chen, Yong-Duan Song:
Robust fault-tolerant cooperative control of multi-agent systems: A constructive design method. J. Frankl. Inst. 352(10): 4045-4066 (2015) - [j5]Gang Chen, Frank L. Lewis, E. Ning Feng, Yongduan Song:
Distributed Optimal Active Power Control of Multiple Generation Systems. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 62(11): 7079-7090 (2015) - 2014
- [j4]Gang Chen, Yong-Duan Song:
Cooperative Tracking Control of Nonlinear Multiagent Systems Using Self-Structuring Neural Networks. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst. 25(8): 1496-1507 (2014) - 2012
- [j3]Gang Chen, Frank L. Lewis:
Coordination of networked systems on digraphs with multiple leaders via pinning control. Int. J. Syst. Sci. 43(2): 368-384 (2012) - 2011
- [j2]Gang Chen, Frank L. Lewis, Lihua Xie:
Finite-time distributed consensus via binary control protocols. Autom. 47(9): 1962-1968 (2011) - [j1]Gang Chen, Frank L. Lewis:
Distributed Adaptive Tracking Control for Synchronization of Unknown Networked Lagrangian Systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part B 41(3): 805-816 (2011) - 2010
- [c2]Gang Chen, Frank L. Lewis:
Distributed adaptive controller design for the unknown networked Lagrangian systems. CDC 2010: 6698-6703
2000 – 2009
- 2006
- [c1]Gang Chen:
Adaptive Dynamic Surface Fuzzy Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems. FSKD 2006: 199-207
Coauthor Index
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