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NeuroImage, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, October 2005
- Angela Deutschländer, Esther Marx, Thomas Stephan, Eva Riedel, Martin Wiesmann, Marianne Dieterich, Thomas Brandt:
Asymmetric modulation of human visual cortex activity during 10° lateral gaze (fMRI study). 4-13 - Thien Thanh Dang-Vu
, Martin Desseilles
, Steven Laureys
, Christian Degueldre, Fabien Perrin
, Christophe Phillips
, Pierre Maquet
, Philippe Peigneux
Cerebral correlates of delta waves during non-REM sleep revisited. 14-21 - Sven Bestmann
, Jürgen Baudewig, Hartwig R. Siebner, John C. Rothwell
, Jens Frahm:
BOLD MRI responses to repetitive TMS over human dorsal premotor cortex. 22-29 - Alan N. Simmons
, Daniel A. Miller, Justin S. Feinstein, Terry E. Goldberg, Martin P. Paulus:
Left inferior prefrontal cortex activation during a semantic decision-making task predicts the degree of semantic organization. 30-38 - Greg Allen, Roderick W. McColl
, Holly Barnard, Wendy K. Ringe, James Fleckenstein, C. Munro Cullum
Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebellar-prefrontal and cerebellar-parietal functional connectivity. 39-48 - Christoph Mulert
, Lorenz Jäger, Sebastian Propp, Susanne Karch, Sylvère Störmann
, Oliver Pogarell, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Georg Juckel, Ulrich Hegerl
Sound level dependence of the primary auditory cortex: Simultaneous measurement with 61-channel EEG and fMRI. 49-58 - Huan Luo
, Fatima T. Husain, Barry Horwitz, David Poeppel:
Discrimination and categorization of speech and non-speech sounds in an MEG delayed-match-to-sample study. 59-71 - Franca Tecchio
, Filippo Zappasodi, Patrizio Pasqualetti
, Mario Tombini
, Carlo Salustri, Antonio Oliviero, Vittorio Pizzella
, Fabrizio Vernieri, Paolo Maria Rossini:
Rhythmic brain activity at rest from rolandic areas in acute mono-hemispheric stroke: A magnetoencephalographic study. 72-83 - Sung C. Jun, John S. George, E. Juliana Paré-Blagoev
, Sergey M. Plis
, Douglas M. Ranken, David M. Schmidt, C. C. Wood:
Spatiotemporal Bayesian inference dipole analysis for MEG neuroimaging data. 84-98 - Mingxiong Huang, Roland R. Lee, Gregory A. Miller, Robert J. Thoma, Faith M. Hanlon, Kim M. Paulson, Kimberly Martin, Deborah L. Harrington
, Michael P. Weisend, J. Christopher Edgar, José M. Cañive:
A parietal-frontal network studied by somatosensory oddball MEG responses, and its cross-modal consistency. 99-114 - Emmanuel A. Stamatakis
, William D. Marslen-Wilson
, Lorraine K. Tyler
, Paul C. Fletcher
Cingulate control of fronto-temporal integration reflects linguistic demands: A three-way interaction in functional connectivity. 115-121 - Kathrin Wagner
, Lars Frings
, Ansgar Quiske, Josef M. Unterrainer, Ralf Schwarzwald, Joachim Spreer, Ulrike Halsband, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage
The reliability of fMRI activations in the medial temporal lobes in a verbal episodic memory task. 122-131 - Aurélie Bidet-Caulet, Julien Voisin
, Olivier Bertrand
, Pierre Fonlupt:
Listening to a walking human activates the temporal biological motion area. 132-139 - Blaise Yvert, Catherine Fischer, Olivier Bertrand
, Jacques Pernier:
Localization of human supratemporal auditory areas from intracerebral auditory evoked potentials using distributed source models. 140-153 - Andrea Brovelli
, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Philippe Kahane, Driss Boussaoud
High gamma frequency oscillatory activity dissociates attention from intention in the human premotor cortex. 154-164 - Govind Nair
, Yusuke Tanahashi, Hoi Pang Low, Susan Billings-Gagliardi, William J. Schwartz, Timothy Q. Duong
Myelination and long diffusion times alter diffusion-tensor-imaging contrast in myelin-deficient shiverer mice. 165-174 - Vinod Menon
, Daniel J. Levitin:
The rewards of music listening: Response and physiological connectivity of the mesolimbic system. 175-184 - Achim Berthele, Stefan Platzer, Burkard Jochim, Henning Boecker
, Andreas Buettner, Bastian Conrad, Matthias Riemenschneider
, Thomas R. Tölle:
COMT Val108/158Met genotype affects the mu-opioid receptor system in the human brain: Evidence from ligand-binding, G-protein activation and preproenkephalin mRNA expression. 185-193 - Paula I. Martin, Margaret A. Naeser, Karl W. Doron, Andrew Bogdan, Errol Baker, Jacquie Kurland, Perry F. Renshaw, Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd:
Overt naming in aphasia studied with a functional MRI hemodynamic delay design. 194-204 - Bojana Stefanovic
, Jan M. Warnking, Eliane Kobayashi
, Andrew P. Bagshaw
, Colin Hawco, François Dubeau, Jean Gotman, G. Bruce Pike
Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to activation, deactivation and epileptic discharges. 205-215 - Suzanne J. Reeves
, Paul M. Grasby, Robert J. Howard
, R. Alexander Bantick, Marie-Claude Asselin, Mitul A. Mehta:
A positron emission tomography (PET) investigation of the role of striatal dopamine (D2) receptor availability in spatial cognition. 216-226 - Felice T. Sun, Lee M. Miller, Mark D'Esposito
Measuring temporal dynamics of functional networks using phase spectrum of fMRI data. 227-237 - Giampiero Giovacchini
, Lixin Lang, Ying Ma, Peter Herscovitch, William C. Eckelman, Richard E. Carson:
Differential effects of paroxetine on raphe and cortical 5-HT1A binding: A PET study in monkeys. 238-248 - Luiz Pessoa, Srikanth Padmala, Thomas M. Moerland:
Fate of unattended fearful faces in the amygdala is determined by both attentional resources and cognitive modulation. 249-255 - John A. King, Tom Hartley
, Hugo J. Spiers
, Eleanor A. Maguire, Neil Burgess
Anterior prefrontal involvement in episodic retrieval reflects contextual interference. 256-267 - Michael P. Ewbank
, Denis Schluppeck
, Timothy J. Andrews:
fMR-adaptation reveals a distributed representation of inanimate objects and places in human visual cortex. 268-279
- James M. Kilner
, Jérémie Mattout
, Richard N. Henson, Karl J. Friston
Hemodynamic correlates of EEG: A heuristic. 280-286
- Wellington Pham
, Bing-Qiao Zhao, Eng H. Lo, Zdravka Medarova, Bruce Rosen, Anna Moore:
Crossing the blood-brain barrier: A potential application of myristoylated polyarginine for in vivo neuroimaging. 287-292
Volume 28, Number 2, November 2005
- Rupali P. Dhond
, Thomas Witzel, Anders M. Dale, Eric Halgren:
Spatiotemporal brain maps of delayed word repetition and recognition. 293-304 - Tatia Mei-Chun Lee, Ho-Ling Liu, Chetwyn C. H. Chan
, Yen-Bee Ng, Peter T. Fox
, Jia-Hong Gao:
Neural correlates of feigned memory impairment. 305-313 - Peter J. Theuvenet, Bob W. van Dijk, Maria J. Peters, Jan M. van Ree, Fernando L. Lopes da Silva, Andrew C. N. Chen:
Whole-head MEG analysis of cortical spatial organization from unilateral stimulation of median nerve in both hands: No complete hemispheric homology. 314-325 - Lucas C. Parra, Clay D. Spence, Adam D. Gerson, Paul Sajda:
Recipes for the linear analysis of EEG. 326-341 - Adam D. Gerson, Lucas C. Parra, Paul Sajda:
Cortical origins of response time variability during rapid discrimination of visual objects. 342-353 - Rossitza Draganova, Hari Eswaran, Pamela Murphy, Minna Huotilainen
, Curtis Lowery, Hubert Preissl
Sound frequency change detection in fetuses and newborns, a magnetoencephalographic study. 354-361 - Filip Scheperjans
, Nicola Palomero-Gallagher
, Christian Grefkes
, Axel Schleicher, Karl Zilles
Transmitter receptors reveal segregation of cortical areas in the human superior parietal cortex: Relations to visual and somatosensory regions. 362-379 - Chien-Yuan Lin, Shu-Wei Sun, Chung-Yi Hong, Chen Chang:
Unsupervised identification of white matter tracts in a mouse brain using a directional correlation-based region growing (DCRG) algorithm. 380-388 - Ville Mäkinen, Patrick J. C. May, Hannu Tiitinen:
The use of stationarity and nonstationarity in the detection and analysis of neural oscillations. 389-400 - Su Xu, Jehoon Yang, Charles Q. Li, Wenjun Zhu, Jun Shen:
Metabolic alterations in focally activated primary somatosensory cortex of α-chloralose-anesthetized rats measured by 1H MRS at 11.7 T. 401-409 - Eun Yeon Joo, Seung Bong Hong, Woo Suk Tae, Jee Hyun Kim, Sun Jung Han, Yong Won Cho, Chang Ho Yoon
, Sung Ik Lee, Mann Hyung Lee, Kyung Han Lee, Myoung-Hee Kim, Byung Tae Kim, Leen Kim:
Cerebral perfusion abnormality in narcolepsy with cataplexy. 410-416 - Yunxia Tong, Jackson T. Gandour, Thomas M. Talavage
, Donald Wong, Mario Dzemidzic, Yisheng Xu, Xiaojian Li, Mark J. Lowe:
Neural circuitry underlying sentence-level linguistic prosody. 417-428 - Kerstin Konrad
, Susanne Neufang, Christiane M. Thiel
, Karsten Specht
, Charlotte Hanisch, Jin Fan, Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, Gereon R. Fink
Development of attentional networks: An fMRI study with children and adults. 429-439 - Zoe Kourtzi
, Elisabeth Huberle:
Spatiotemporal characteristics of form analysis in the human visual cortex revealed by rapid event-related fMRI adaptation. 440-452 - Antje Kraft, Mark M. Schira
, Herbert Hagendorf, Sein Schmidt
, Manuel Olma, Stephan A. Brandt:
fMRI localizer technique: Efficient acquisition and functional properties of single retinotopic positions in the human visual cortex. 453-463 - Carole Peyrin
, Sophie Schwartz, Mohamed L. Seghier
, Christoph M. Michel
, Theodor Landis, Patrik Vuilleumier
Hemispheric specialization of human inferior temporal cortex during coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse analysis of natural visual scenes. 464-473 - Martin Y. Villeneuve, Ron Kupers
, Albert Gjedde
, Maurice Ptito, Christian Casanova:
Pattern-motion selectivity in the human pulvinar. 474-480 - Friedemann Pulvermüller
, Olaf Hauk, Katrin Zohsel, Bettina Neininger, Bettina Mohr:
Therapy-related reorganization of language in both hemispheres of patients with chronic aphasia. 481-489 - Dave R. M. Langers, Pim van Dijk
, Walter H. Backes
Lateralization, connectivity and plasticity in the human central auditory system. 490-499
- Andrew B. Newberg
, Jiongjiong Wang
, Hengyi Rao, Randel L. Swanson, Nancy A. Wintering, Joel S. Karp, Abass Alavi, Joel H. Greenberg, John A. Detre:
Concurrent CBF and CMRGlc changes during human brain activation by combined fMRI-PET scanning. 500-506
- Akaysha C. Tang, Jingyu Liu
, Matthew T. Sutherland
Recovery of correlated neuronal sources from EEG: The good and bad ways of using SOBI. 507-519
Volume 28, Number 3, November 2005
- Kimihiro Nakamura, Tatsuhide Oga, Tomohisa Okada
, Norihiro Sadato
, Yoshihiro Takayama, Taeko Wydell
, Yoshiharu Yonekura, Hidenao Fukuyama:
Hemispheric asymmetry emerges at distinct parts of the occipitotemporal cortex for objects, logograms and phonograms: A functional MRI study. 521-528 - Terrence R. Oakes, Tom Johnstone
, K. S. Ores Walsh, Lawrence L. Greischar, Andrew L. Alexander, Andrew S. Fox, Richard J. Davidson
Comparison of fMRI motion correction software tools. 529-543 - T. William J. Moorhead, Dominic Edward Job
, Michael D. Spencer
, Heather C. Whalley
, Eve C. Johnstone, Stephen M. Lawrie:
Empirical comparison of maximal voxel and non-isotropic adjusted cluster extent results in a voxel-based morphometry study of comorbid learning disability with schizophrenia. 544-552 - Akiko M. Callan, Daniel E. Callan
, Shinobu Masaki:
When meaningless symbols become letters: Neural activity change in learning new phonograms. 553-562 - Ashish A. Rao, Thomas M. Talavage
Reliability of phase-encode mapping in the presence of spatial non-stationarity of response latency. 563-578 - Wendy W. P. Tham, Susan J. Rickard Liow
, Jagath C. Rajapakse
, Tan Choong Leong, Samuel E. S. Ng, Winston E. H. Lim, Lynn G. Ho:
Phonological processing in Chinese-English bilingual biscriptals: An fMRI study. 579-587 - Christian Dresel, Florian Castrop, Bernhard Haslinger, Afra M. Wohlschläger, Andreas Hennenlotter, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann:
The functional neuroanatomy of coordinated orofacial movements: Sparse sampling fMRI of whistling. 588-597 - Bernhard Haslinger, Karin Kalteis, Henning Boecker
, Francois Alesch, Andres O. Ceballos-Baumann:
Frequency-correlated decreases of motor cortex activity associated with subthalamic nucleus stimulation in Parkinson's disease. 598-606 - Faiza Admiraal-Behloul, D. M. J. van den Heuvel, Hans Olofsen, Matthias J. P. van Osch, Jeroen van der Grond
, Mark A. van Buchem
, Johan H. C. Reiber:
Fully automatic segmentation of white matter hyperintensities in MR images of the elderly. 607-617 - Leanne M. Williams, Matthew J. Barton, Andrew H. Kemp
, Belinda J. Liddell
, Anthony Peduto, Evian Gordon, Richard A. Bryant
Distinct amygdala-autonomic arousal profiles in response to fear signals in healthy males and females. 618-626 - Klaus Mathiak, Ingo Hertrich
, Mikhail Zvyagintsev
, Werner Lutzenberger, Hermann Ackermann:
Selective influences of cross-modal spatial-cues on preattentive auditory processing: A whole-head magnetoencephalography study. 627-634 - David C. Van Essen
A Population-Average, Landmark- and Surface-based (PALS) atlas of human cerebral cortex. 635-662 - Christos Davatzikos
, Kosha Ruparel, Yong Fan, Dinggang Shen, M. Acharyya, James Loughead, Ruben C. Gur, Daniel D. Langleben:
Classifying spatial patterns of brain activity with machine learning methods: Application to lie detection. 663-668 - Kenji Kansaku
, Shigeru Muraki, Shinji Umeyama, Yasunori Nishimori, Takanori Kochiyama
, Shigeru Yamane, Shigeru Kitazawa
Cortical activity in multiple motor areas during sequential finger movements: An application of independent component analysis. 669-681 - Lionel Thivard, Stéphane Lehéricy, Alexandre Krainik, Claude Adam, Didier Dormont, Jacques Chiras, Michel Baulac, Sophie Dupont:
Diffusion tensor imaging in medial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis. 682-690 - Holger Wiese
, Philipp Stude, Katharina Nebel, Michael Forsting, Armin de Greiff:
Prefrontal cortex activity in self-initiated movements is condition-specific, but not movement-related. 691-697 - Quan Jiang, Zheng Gang Zhang, Guang Liang Ding
, Li Zhang, James R. Ewing, Lei Wang, RuiLan Zhang, Lian Li
, Mei Lu, He Meng, Ali S. Arbab, Jiani Hu, Qing Jiang Li, Siamak Pourabdollah-Nejad D, Hemanthkumar Athiraman, Michael Chopp:
Investigation of neural progenitor cell induced angiogenesis after embolic stroke in rat using MRI. 698-707 - Gian Domenico Iannetti
, Rami K. Niazy, Richard G. Wise, Peter Jezzard
, Jonathan C. W. Brooks
, L. Zambreanu, W. Vennart, Paul M. Matthews
, Irene Tracey
Simultaneous recording of laser-evoked brain potentials and continuous, high-field functional magnetic resonance imaging in humans. 708-719 - Rami K. Niazy, Christian F. Beckmann
, Gian Domenico Iannetti
, J. Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith
Removal of FMRI environment artifacts from EEG data using optimal basis sets. 720-737
- Cyril R. Pernet
, Pierre Celsis, Jean-François Démonet:
Selective response to letter categorization within the left fusiform gyrus. 738-744
Volume 28, Number 4, December 2005
- Matthew D. Lieberman:
Principles, processes, and puzzles of social cognition: An introduction for the special issue on social cognitive neuroscience. 745-756 - Jason P. Mitchell, Mahzarin R. Banaji, C. Neil Macrae:
General and specific contributions of the medial prefrontal cortex to knowledge about mental states. 757-762 - Lasana T. Harris
, Alexander Todorov, Susan T. Fiske:
Attributions on the brain: Neuro-imaging dispositional inferences, beyond theory of mind. 763-769 - Andrea S. Heberlein, Rebecca R. Saxe:
Dissociation between emotion and personality judgments: Convergent evidence from functional neuroimaging. 770-777 - Laurence Fiddick, Maria Vittoria Spampinato, Jordan Henry Grafman
Social contracts and precautions activate different neurological systems: An fMRI investigation of deontic reasoning. 778-786 - Hanneke E. M. den Ouden
, Uta Frith
, Christopher D. Frith
, Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Thinking about intentions. 787-796 - Kevin N. Ochsner, Jennifer S. Beer, Elaine R. Robertson, Jeffrey C. Cooper, John D. E. Gabrieli, John F. Kihsltrom, Mark D'Esposito
The neural correlates of direct and reflected self-knowledge. 797-814 - Jens C. Pruessner
, Mark W. Baldwin, Katarina Dedovic, Robert Renwick, Najmeh Khalili-Mahani
, Catherine Lord, Michael J. Meaney, Sonia J. Lupien:
Self-esteem, locus of control, hippocampal volume, and cortisol regulation in young and old adulthood. 815-826 - William A. Cunningham, Stacey D. Espinet
, Colin G. DeYoung, Philip David Zelazo:
Attitudes to the right- and left: Frontal ERP asymmetries associated with stimulus valence and processing goals. 827-834 - Omri Gillath
, Silvia A. Bunge, Phillip R. Shaver, Carter Wendelken, Mario Mikulincer
Attachment-style differences in the ability to suppress negative thoughts: Exploring the neural correlates. 835-847 - David Sander
, Didier Grandjean
, Gilles Pourtois
, Sophie Schwartz
, Mohamed L. Seghier
, Klaus R. Scherer, Patrik Vuilleumier
Emotion and attention interactions in social cognition: Brain regions involved in processing anger prosody. 848-858
- Peter H. Weiss
, Karl Zilles
, Gereon R. Fink
When visual perception causes feeling: Enhanced cross-modal processing in grapheme-color synesthesia. 859-868 - Lili Ju
, Monica K. Hurdal, Josh Stern, Kelly Rehm, Kirt Schaper, David A. Rottenberg:
Quantitative evaluation of three cortical surface flattening methods. 869-880 - Caterina Rosano, Howard Aizenstein
, J. Cochran, Judith A. Saxton, S. De Kosky, Anne B. Newman, Lewis H. Kuller, Oscar L. Lopez, Cameron S. Carter:
Functional neuroimaging indicators of successful executive control in the oldest old. 881-889 - Christopher J. Long
, Emery N. Brown, Christina Triantafyllou, I. Aharon, Lawrence L. Wald
, Victor Solo:
Nonstationary noise estimation in functional MRI. 890-903 - Peter R. Kufahl, Zhu Li, Robert Risinger, Charles Rainey, Gaohong Wu, Alan Bloom, Shi-Jiang Li:
Neural responses to acute cocaine administration in the human brain detected by fMRI. 904-914 - Juan Helen Zhou
, Jagath C. Rajapakse
Segmentation of subcortical brain structures using fuzzy templates. 915-924 - Ying Zheng, David Johnston, Jason Berwick, Danmei Chen, Stephen A. Billings, John E. W. Mayhew:
A three-compartment model of the hemodynamic response and oxygen delivery to brain. 925-939 - Julie Duque
, Friedhelm Hummel
, Pablo Celnik, Nagako Murase, Riccardo Mazzocchio
, Leonardo G. Cohen:
Transcallosal inhibition in chronic subcortical stroke. 940-946 - Egill Rostrup
, Henrik B. W. Larsson
, Alfred Peter Born, Gitte Moos Knudsen
, Olaf B. Paulson
Changes in BOLD and ADC weighted imaging in acute hypoxia during sea-level and altitude adapted states. 947-955 - Michael D. Fox
, Abraham Z. Snyder, Deanna M. Barch, Debra A. Gusnard, Marcus E. Raichle:
Transient BOLD responses at block transitions. 956-966 - Kirk I. Erickson
, Stanley J. Colcombe, Ruchika Wadhwa, Louis Bherer, Matthew S. Peterson, Paige E. Scalf, Arthur F. Kramer
Neural correlates of dual-task performance after minimizing task-preparation. 967-979 - Janaina Mourão Miranda, Arun L. W. Bokde, Christine Born, Harald Hampel, Martin Stetter:
Classifying brain states and determining the discriminating activation patterns: Support Vector Machine on functional MRI data. 980-995 - Christian Maihöfner, Hermann O. Handwerker:
Differential coding of hyperalgesia in the human brain: A functional MRI study. 996-1006 - Rogier B. Mars
, Michael G. H. Coles, Meike J. Grol, Clay B. Holroyd
, Sander Nieuwenhuis, Wouter Hulstijn, Ivan Toni:
Neural dynamics of error processing in medial frontal cortex. 1007-1013 - Kentaro Hirao, Takashi Ohnishi, Yoko Hirata, Fumio Yamashita, Takeyuki Mori, Yoshiya Moriguchi, Hiroshi Matsuda, Kiyotaka Nemoto, Etsuko Imabayashi
, Minoru Yamada, Toshihiko Iwamoto, Kunimasa Arima, Takashi Asada:
The prediction of rapid conversion to Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment using regional cerebral blood flow SPECT. 1014-1021 - Lars Kuchinke, Arthur M. Jacobs
, Claudia Grubich, Melissa Le-Hoa Vo
, Markus Conrad
, Manfred Herrmann
Incidental effects of emotional valence in single word processing: An fMRI study. 1022-1032 - Matthias J. Müller, Dirk Greverus, Paulo Roberto Dellani, Carsten Weibrich, Paulo Roberto Wille, Armin Scheurich, Peter Stoeter, Andreas Fellgiebel:
Functional implications of hippocampal volume and diffusivity in mild cognitive impairment. 1033-1042 - Steven J. Schiff, Timothy D. Sauer
, Rohit Kumar, Steven L. Weinstein:
Neuronal spatiotemporal pattern discrimination: The dynamical evolution of seizures. 1043-1055
- Keith J. Worsley:
An improved theoretical P value for SPMs based on discrete local maxima. 1056-1062
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