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Neural Computation, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, January 2011
- Jonathan W. Pillow
, Yashar Ahmadian, Liam Paninski:
Model-Based Decoding, Information Estimation, and Change-Point Detection Techniques for Multineuron Spike Trains. 1-45 - Yashar Ahmadian, Jonathan W. Pillow
, Liam Paninski:
Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Decoding Neural Spike Trains. 46-96
- Arta A. Jamshidi, Michael J. Kirby:
Modeling Multivariate Time Series on Manifolds with Skew Radial Basis Functions. 97-123 - Terry Elliott:
The Mean Time to Express Synaptic Plasticity in Integrate-and-Express, Stochastic Models of Synaptic Plasticity Induction. 124-159 - Suzanna Martens, Joris M. Mooij, N. Jeremy Hill, Jason Farquhar
, Bernhard Schölkopf:
A Graphical Model Framework for Decoding in the Visual ERP-Based BCI Speller. 160-182 - Marius Buibas, Gabriel A. Silva:
A Framework for Simulating and Estimating the State and Functional Topology of Complex Dynamic Geometric Networks. 183-214 - Chenhui Yang, Byron Olson, Jennie Si
A Multiscale Correlation of Wavelet Coefficients Approach to Spike Detection. 215-250 - Thomas Hannagan, Frédéric Dandurand, Jonathan Grainger:
Broken Symmetries in a Location-Invariant Word Recognition Network. 251-283 - Taiji Suzuki, Masashi Sugiyama:
Least-Squares Independent Component Analysis. 284-301
Volume 23, Number 2, February 2011
- Henning Sprekeler
, Laurenz Wiskott
A Theory of Slow Feature Analysis for Transformation-Based Input Signals with an Application to Complex Cells. 303-335 - Duncan Mortimer, Peter Dayan
, Kevin Burrage
, Geoffrey J. Goodhill
Bayes-Optimal Chemotaxis. 336-373 - Martin Raphan, Eero P. Simoncelli
Least Squares Estimation Without Priors or Supervision. 374-420
- Yi Dong
, Stefan Mihalas, Ernst Niebur:
Improved Integral Equation Solution for the First Passage Time of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons. 421-434
- Robert Mill, Martin Coath
, Thomas Wennekers, Susan L. Denham:
Abstract Stimulus-Specific Adaptation Models. 435-476 - K. N. Magdoom, Deepak Subramanian
, V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy
, Balaraman Ravindran
, Shun-ichi Amari, N. Meenakshisundaram:
Modeling Basal Ganglia for Understanding Parkinsonian Reaching Movements. 477-516 - Vasil Khalidov, Florence Forbes, Radu Horaud:
Conjugate Mixture Models for Clustering Multimodal Data. 517-557 - Maryam S. Mirian, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi, Babak Nadjar Araabi
, Roland Siegwart
Learning Active Fusion of Multiple Experts' Decisions: An Attention-Based Approach. 558-591
Volume 23, Number 3, March 2011
- Nicolas Le Roux, Nicolas Heess, Jamie Shotton, John M. Winn:
Learning a Generative Model of Images by Factoring Appearance and Shape. 593-650
- Sandro Romani
, Terrence J. Sejnowski, Misha Tsodyks
Intracellular Dynamics of Virtual Place Cells. 651-655 - Chris Christodoulou
, Aristodemos Cleanthous:
Does High Firing Irregularity Enhance Learning? 656-663 - Asja Fischer
, Christian Igel:
Bounding the Bias of Contrastive Divergence Learning. 664-673
- Terry Elliott:
Stability Against Fluctuations: Scaling, Bifurcations, and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Stochastic Models of Synaptic Plasticity. 674-734 - Ueli Rutishauser
, Rodney J. Douglas, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
Collective Stability of Networks of Winner-Take-All Circuits. 735-773 - James Bergstra, Yoshua Bengio, Jérôme Louradour:
Suitability of V1 Energy Models for Object Classification. 774-790 - Carmen Vidaurre
, Claudia Sannelli, Klaus-Robert Müller
, Benjamin Blankertz:
Machine-Learning-Based Coadaptive Calibration for Brain-Computer Interfaces. 791-816
Volume 23, Number 4, April 2011
- Rafal Bogacz
, Tobias Larsen:
Integration of Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Decision-Making Theories of the Basal Ganglia. 817-851
- Romain Brasselet, Roland S. Johansson
, Angelo Arleo
Quantifying Neurotransmission Reliability Through Metrics-Based Information Analysis. 852-881 - Antoine Coulon, Guillaume Beslon, Hédi Soula:
Enhanced Stimulus Encoding Capabilities with Spectral Selectivity in Inhibitory Circuits by STDP. 882-908 - Andrew Lulham, Rafal Bogacz
, Simon Vogt, Malcolm W. Brown:
An Infomax Algorithm Can Perform Both Familiarity Discrimination and Feature Extraction in a Single Network. 909-926 - Vladislav Volman, Richard C. Gerkin
Synaptic Scaling Stabilizes Persistent Activity Driven by Asynchronous Neurotransmitter Release. 927-957 - Osamu Hoshino:
Neuronal Responses Below Firing Threshold for Subthreshold Cross-Modal Enhancement. 958-983 - Ashwin Mohan, Sandeep Pendyam, Peter W. Kalivas, Satish S. Nair
Molecular Diffusion Model of Neurotransmitter Homeostasis Around Synapses Supporting Gradients. 984-1014 - José M. Medina:
Effects of Multiplicative Power Law Neural Noise in Visual Information Processing. 1015-1046 - Fabiano L. Ribeiro
, Manfred Opper:
Expectation Propagation with Factorizing Distributions: A Gaussian Approximation and Performance Results for Simple Models. 1047-1069
Volume 23, Number 5, May 2011
- G. Sean Escola, Alfredo Fontanini, Donald B. Katz
, Liam Paninski:
Hidden Markov Models for the Stimulus-Response Relationships of Multistate Neural Systems. 1071-1132 - Jin Seo Cho
, Isao Ishida, Halbert White:
Revisiting Tests for Neglected Nonlinearity Using Artificial Neural Networks. 1133-1186
- Mohamed Ghaith Kaabi, Arnaud Tonnelier, Dominique Martinez:
On the Performance of Voltage Stepping for the Simulation of Adaptive, Nonlinear Integrate-and-Fire Neuronal Networks. 1187-1204
- Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada:
Detection of Hidden Structures in Nonstationary Spike Trains. 1205-1233 - Joanna Pressley, Todd W. Troyer
The Dynamics of Integrate-and-Fire: Mean Versus Variance Modulations and Dependence on Baseline Parameters. 1234-1247 - Yao Lu, Yuzuru Sato, Shun-ichi Amari:
Traveling Bumps and Their Collisions in a Two-Dimensional Neural Field. 1248-1260 - Robert Rosenbaum
, Kresimir Josic:
Mechanisms That Modulate the Transfer of Spiking Correlations. 1261-1305 - Guido Montúfar
, Nihat Ay:
Refinements of Universal Approximation Results for Deep Belief Networks and Restricted Boltzmann Machines. 1306-1319 - Linqiang Pan
, Xiangxiang Zeng
, Xingyi Zhang:
Time-Free Spiking Neural P Systems. 1320-1342 - Thomas Villmann, Sven Haase:
Divergence-Based Vector Quantization. 1343-1392
Volume 23, Number 6, June 2011
- Andreas Knoblauch:
Neural Associative Memory with Optimal Bayesian Learning. 1393-1451
- Felipe Gerhard, Robert Haslinger, Gordon Pipa:
Applying the Multivariate Time-Rescaling Theorem to Neural Population Models. 1452-1483 - Jeffrey M. Beck, Vikranth R. Bejjanki, Alexandre Pouget
Insights from a Simple Expression for Linear Fisher Information in a Recurrently Connected Population of Spiking Neurons. 1484-1502 - Romain Brette
, Dan F. M. Goodman:
Vectorized Algorithms for Spiking Neural Network Simulation. 1503-1535 - Kris De Meyer
, Michael W. Spratling
Multiplicative Gain Modulation Arises Through Unsupervised Learning in a Predictive Coding Model of Cortical Function. 1536-1567 - Jianhong Wu, Hossein Zivari-Piran, John D. Hunter, John G. Milton:
Projective Clustering Using Neural Networks with Adaptive Delay and Signal Transmission Loss. 1568-1604 - Lingyan Ruan, Ming Yuan
, Hui Zou
Regularized Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional Gaussian Mixture Models. 1605-1622 - Yu Fujimoto
, Hideitsu Hino
, Noboru Murata
An Estimation of Generalized Bradley-Terry Models Based on the em Algorithm. 1623-1659
Volume 23, Number 7, July 2011
- Pascal Vincent:
A Connection Between Score Matching and Denoising Autoencoders. 1661-1674
- Lawrence Sirovich, Bruce W. Knight:
Spiking Neurons and the First Passage Problem. 1675-1703 - Jonathan Touboul:
On the Simulation of Nonlinear Bidimensional Spiking Neuron Models. 1704-1742 - Maria Teresa Giraudo
, Priscilla E. Greenwood, Laura Sacerdote
How Sample Paths of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Models Are Influenced by the Presence of a Firing Threshold. 1743-1767 - Román Rossi Pool
, Germán Mato
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity and Reliability Optimization: The Role of Neuron Dynamics. 1768-1789 - Roger Ratcliff, Yukako T. Hasegawa, Ryohei P. Hasegawa, Russ Childers, Philip L. Smith, Mark A. Segraves:
Inhibition in Superior Colliculus Neurons in a Brightness Discrimination Task? 1790-1820 - Vadim Y. Roschin, Alexander A. Frolov, Yves Burnod, Marc A. Maier:
A Neural Network Model for the Acquisition of a Spatial Body Scheme Through Sensorimotor Interaction. 1821-1834 - Junmei Zhu:
A Multifactor Winner-Take-All Dynamics. 1835-1861 - Nathan D. VanderKraats, Arunava Banerjee
A Finite-Sample, Distribution-Free, Probabilistic Lower Bound on Mutual Information. 1862-1898 - Etienne Barnard
Determination and the No-Free-Lunch Paradox. 1899-1909
Volume 23, Number 8, August 2011
- Terence D. Sanger:
Distributed Control of Uncertain Systems Using Superpositions of Linear Operators. 1911-1934
- Omri Barak
, Mattia Rigotti
A Simple Derivation of a Bound on the Perceptron Margin Using Singular Value Decomposition. 1935-1943
- Susanne Ditlevsen
, Petr Lánský
Firing Variability Is Higher than Deduced from the Empirical Coefficient of Variation. 1944-1966 - Andrew Zammit-Mangion
, Ke Yuan, Visakan Kadirkamanathan
, Mahesan Niranjan
, Guido Sanguinetti
Online Variational Inference for State-Space Models with Point-Process Observations. 1967-1999 - Philip L. Smith, Cameron R. L. McKenzie:
Diffusive Information Accumulation by Minimal Recurrent Neural Models of Decision Making. 2000-2031 - Dequan Jin, Jigen Peng, Bin Li:
A New Clustering Approach on the Basis of Dynamical Neural Field. 2032-2057 - Olivier Breuleux, Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Vincent:
Quickly Generating Representative Samples from an RBM-Derived Process. 2058-2073 - Ran He, Wei-Shi Zheng, Bao-Gang Hu
, Xiangwei Kong:
A Regularized Correntropy Framework for Robust Pattern Recognition. 2074-2100 - Tamas Jantvik, Lennart Gustafsson, Andrew P. Paplinski
A Self-Organized Artificial Neural Network Architecture for Sensory Integration with Applications to Letter-Phoneme Integration. 2101-2139 - Yan Yang, Jinwen Ma:
Asymptotic Convergence Properties of the EM Algorithm for Mixture of Experts. 2140-2168
Volume 23, Number 9, September 2011
- J. Vincent Toups, Jean-Marc Fellous, Peter J. Thomas
, Terrence J. Sejnowski, Paul H. E. Tiesinga:
Finding the Event Structure of Neuronal Spike Trains. 2169-2208
- Kyle Q. Lepage, Mark A. Kramer, Uri T. Eden
The Dependence of Spike Field Coherence on Expected Intensity. 2209-2241 - Christopher DiMattina, Kechen Zhang:
Active Data Collection for Efficient Estimation and Comparison of Nonlinear Neural Models. 2242-2288 - Mathias Franzius, Niko Wilbert, Laurenz Wiskott
Invariant Object Recognition and Pose Estimation with Slow Feature Analysis. 2289-2323 - Miles E. Hansard, Radu Horaud:
A Differential Model of the Complex Cell. 2324-2357 - Albert Kern, Ruedi Stoop:
Principles and Typical Computational Limitations of Sparse Speaker Separation Based on Deterministic Speech Features. 2358-2389 - Zhengdong Lu, Todd K. Leen, Jeffrey A. Kaye
Kernels for Longitudinal Data with Variable Sequence Length and Sampling Intervals. 2390-2420 - Cédric Févotte, Jérôme Idier:
Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the β-Divergence. 2421-2456
Volume 23, Number 10, October 2011
- Emre Neftci
, Elisabetta Chicca
, Giacomo Indiveri, Rodney J. Douglas:
A Systematic Method for Configuring VLSI Networks of Spiking Neurons. 2457-2497
- Eizaburo Doi
, Michael S. Lewicki:
Characterization of Minimum Error Linear Coding with Sensory and Neural Noise. 2498-2510
- Vassilios N. Christopoulos, Paul R. Schrater:
An Optimal Feedback Control Framework for Grasping Objects with Position Uncertainty. 2511-2536 - Michael J. Prerau
, Uri T. Eden
A General Likelihood Framework for Characterizing the Time Course of Neural Activity. 2537-2566 - Sean Byrnes, Anthony N. Burkitt
, David B. Grayden, Hamish Meffin
Learning a Sparse Code for Temporal Sequences Using STDP and Sequence Compression. 2567-2598 - Laure Buhry, Filippo Grassia
, Audrey Giremus, Éric Grivel, Sylvie Renaud, Sylvain Saïghi
Automated Parameter Estimation of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model Using the Differential Evolution Algorithm: Application to Neuromimetic Analog Integrated Circuits. 2599-2625 - James Ting-Ho Lo:
A Low-Order Model of Biological Neural Networks. 2626-2682 - Lili Yao, Wenxin Jiang, Martin A. Tanner:
Predicting Panel Data Binary Choice with the Gibbs Posterior. 2683-2712 - Guohui Song, Haizhang Zhang
Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with the ℓ1 Norm II: Error Analysis for Regularized Least Square Regression. 2713-2729
Volume 23, Number 11, November 2011
- Sridevi V. Sarma, David P. Nguyen, Gabriela Czanner
, Sylvia Wirth
, Matthew A. Wilson, Wendy A. Suzuki, Emery N. Brown:
Computing Confidence Intervals for Point Process Models. 2731-2745
- Elizabeth M. Forbes
, Jonathan J. Hunt, Geoffrey J. Goodhill
The Combinatorics of Neurite Self-Avoidance. 2746-2769 - Urs Bergmann, Christoph von der Malsburg:
Self-Organization of Topographic Bilinear Networks for Invariant Recognition. 2770-2797 - Hirotaka Hachiya, Jan Peters
, Masashi Sugiyama:
Reward-Weighted Regression with Sample Reuse for Direct Policy Search in Reinforcement Learning. 2798-2832 - Yi Dong
, Stefan Mihalas, Alexander F. Russell, Ralph Etienne-Cummings
, Ernst Niebur:
Estimating Parameters of Generalized Integrate-and-Fire Neurons from the Maximum Likelihood of Spike Trains. 2833-2867 - Florian Raudies, Ennio Mingolla
, Heiko Neumann:
A Model of Motion Transparency Processing with Local Center-Surround Interactions and Feedback. 2868-2914 - Jake V. Bouvrie, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
Synchronization and Redundancy: Implications for Robustness of Neural Learning and Decision Making. 2915-2941 - Siwei Lyu:
Dependency Reduction with Divisive Normalization: Justification and Effectiveness. 2942-2973 - Claudio Carvalhaes, Patrick Suppes:
A Spline Framework for Estimating the EEG Surface Laplacian Using the Euclidean Metric. 2974-3000
Volume 23, Number 12, December 2011
- Pasha Parpia:
Reappraisal of the Somatosensory Homunculus and Its Discontinuities. 3001-3015
- Richard Naud
, Felipe Gerhard, Skander Mensi, Wulfram Gerstner
Improved Similarity Measures for Small Sets of Spike Trains. 3016-3069
- Ryota Kobayashi
, Shigeru Shinomoto
, Petr Lánský
Estimation of Time-Dependent Input from Neuronal Membrane Potential. 3070-3093 - Peter F. Rowat, Priscilla E. Greenwood:
Identification and Continuity of the Distributions of Burst-Length and Interspike Intervals in the Stochastic Morris-Lecar Neuron. 3094-3124 - Takahiro Omi, Shigeru Shinomoto
Optimizing Time Histograms for Non-Poissonian Spike Trains. 3125-3144 - Jian K. Liu
Learning Rule of Homeostatic Synaptic Scaling: Presynaptic Dependent or Not. 3145-3161 - Zheng Li, Joseph E. O'Doherty
, Mikhail A. Lebedev, Miguel A. L. Nicolelis:
Adaptive Decoding for Brain-Machine Interfaces Through Bayesian Parameter Updates. 3162-3204 - Osamu Hoshino:
Subthreshold Membrane Depolarization as Memory Trace for Perceptual Learning. 3205-3231 - Jonathan Touboul, Fabrice Wendling
, Patrick Chauvel
, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Neural Mass Activity, Bifurcations, and Epilepsy. 3232-3286 - Henning Sprekeler
On the Relation of Slow Feature Analysis and Laplacian Eigenmaps. 3287-3302
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