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Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, January 2015
- B. Locke Welborn, Matthew D. Lieberman:
Person-specific Theory of Mind in Medial pFC. 1-12 - Lauren E. Kahn, Shannon J. Peake, Thomas J. Dishion, Elizabeth A. Stormshak, Jennifer H. Pfeifer
Learning to Play It Safe (or Not): Stable and Evolving Neural Responses during Adolescent Risky Decision-making. 13-25 - Aya S. Ihara, Takanori Mimura, Takahiro Soshi
, Shiro Yorifuji, Masayuki Hirata, Tetsu Goto, Toshiki Yoshinime, Hiroaki Umehara, Norio Fujimaki:
Facilitated Lexical Ambiguity Processing by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Left Inferior Frontal Cortex. 26-34 - Irina Simanova, Marcel A. J. van Gerven, Robert Oostenveld
, Peter Hagoort:
Predicting the Semantic Category of Internally Generated Words from Neuromagnetic Recordings. 35-45 - Gregory J. Christie, Ashley C. Livingstone, John J. McDonald:
Searching for Inefficiency in Visual Search. 46-56 - Louis Renoult
, Patrick S. R. Davidson
, Erika Schmitz, Lillian Park, Kenneth Campbell, Morris Moscovitch, Brian Levine
Autobiographically Significant Concepts: More Episodic than Semantic in Nature? An Electrophysiological Investigation of Overlapping Types of Memory. 57-72 - Robert S. Chavez
, Todd F. Heatherton:
Representational Similarity of Social and Valence Information in the Medial pFC. 73-82 - Christopher N. Cascio, Joshua Carp, Matthew Brook O'Donnell, Francis J. Tinney Jr., C. Raymond Bingham, Jean T. Shope, Marie Claude Ouimet, Anuj K. Pradhan
, Bruce G. Simons-Morton
, Emily B. Falk:
Buffering Social Influence: Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition Predict Driving Safety in the Presence of a Peer. 83-95 - Roland G. Benoit
, Justin C. Hulbert
, Ean Huddleston, Michael C. Anderson
Adaptive Top-Down Suppression of Hippocampal Activity and the Purging of Intrusive Memories from Consciousness. 96-111 - David A. O'Connor, Daniel J. Upton, Jennifer Moore, Robert Hester
Motivationally Significant Self-control: Enhanced Action Withholding Involves the Right Inferior Frontal Junction. 112-123 - Erika Skoe, Jennifer Krizman, Emily Spitzer, Nina Kraus:
Prior Experience Biases Subcortical Sensitivity to Sound Patterns. 124-140 - Chien-Te Wu
, Sébastien M. Crouzet, Simon J. Thorpe
, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe:
At 120 msec You Can Spot the Animal but You Don't Yet Know It's a Dog. 141-149 - Martha M. Shiell, François Champoux, Robert J. Zatorre:
Reorganization of Auditory Cortex in Early-deaf People: Functional Connectivity and Relationship to Hearing Aid Use. 150-163 - Aurélie Bouzerda-Wahlen, Louis Nahum
, Maria Chiara Liverani, Adrian G. Guggisberg
, Armin Schnider:
An Electrophysiological Dissociation between Orbitofrontal Reality Filtering and Context Source Monitoring. 164-174 - Jolien C. Francken, Peter Kok
, Peter Hagoort, Floris P. de Lange
The Behavioral and Neural Effects of Language on Motion Perception. 175-184 - Arnaud D'Argembeau
, Olivier Jeunehomme, Steve Majerus
, Christine Bastin
, Eric Salmon
The Neural Basis of Temporal Order Processing in Past and Future Thought. 185-197 - Zaifeng Gao
, Shlomo Bentin, Mowei Shen:
Rehearsing Biological Motion in Working Memory: An EEG Study. 198-209
Volume 27, Number 2, February 2015
- Liad Mudrik
, Uri Maoz:
"Me & My Brain": Exposing Neuroscience's Closet Dualism. 211-221
- Tim V. Salomons
, Robin Nusslock, Allison Detloff, Tom Johnstone
, Richard J. Davidson
Neural Emotion Regulation Circuitry Underlying Anxiolytic Effects of Perceived Control over Pain. 222-233 - Jim M. Monti, Gillian E. Cooke, Patrick D. Watson, Michelle W. Voss, Arthur F. Kramer
, Neal J. Cohen:
Relating Hippocampus to Relational Memory Processing across Domains and Delays. 234-245 - Caroline Whiting, Yury Shtyrov
, William D. Marslen-Wilson
Real-time Functional Architecture of Visual Word Recognition. 246-265 - Kamila Smigasiewicz, Dariusz Asanowicz
, Nicole Westphal, Rolf Verleger:
Bias for the Left Visual Field in Rapid Serial Visual Presentation: Effects of Additional Salient Cues Suggest a Critical Role of Attention. 266-279 - Sonja Schall, Stefan J. Kiebel
, Burkhard Maess
, Katharina von Kriegstein
Voice Identity Recognition: Functional Division of the Right STS and Its Behavioral Relevance. 280-291 - Christian Obermeier, Thomas C. Gunter:
Multisensory Integration: The Case of a Time Window of Gesture-Speech Integration. 292-307 - Janosch Linkersdörfer
, Alina Jurcoane
, Sven Lindberg, Jochen Kaiser, Marcus Hasselhorn, Christian J. Fiebach
, Jan Lonnemann
The Association between Gray Matter Volume and Reading Proficiency: A Longitudinal Study of Beginning Readers. 308-318 - A. Ross Otto
, Anya Skatova
, Seth Madlon-Kay, Nathaniel D. Daw
Cognitive Control Predicts Use of Model-based Reinforcement Learning. 319-333 - Marc Sato, Coriandre Vilain, Laurent Lamalle
, Krystyna Grabski:
Adaptive Coding of Orofacial and Speech Actions in Motor and Somatosensory Spaces with and without Overt Motor Behavior. 334-351 - Xing Tian, David Poeppel:
Dynamics of Self-monitoring and Error Detection in Speech Production: Evidence from Mental Imagery and MEG. 352-364 - Sven Bestmann
, Diane Ruge, John C. Rothwell
, Joseph M. Galea
The Role of Dopamine in Motor Flexibility. 365-376 - Dario Cazzoli
, René M. Müri
, Christopher Kennard, Clive R. Rosenthal:
The Role of the Right Posterior Parietal Cortex in Letter Migration between Words. 377-386 - Stephan Ripke, Thomas Hübner, Eva Mennigen
, Kathrin U. Müller, Shu-Chen Li
, Michael N. Smolka
Common Neural Correlates of Intertemporal Choices and Intelligence in Adolescents. 387-399 - Adam Tierney
, Nina Kraus:
Neural Entrainment to the Rhythmic Structure of Music. 400-408 - Alexander Soutschek
, Christine Stelzel
, Lena Paschke, Henrik Walter
, Torsten Schubert
Dissociable Effects of Motivation and Expectancy on Conflict Processing: An fMRI Study. 409-423
Volume 27, Number 3, March 2015
- Giovanni Mento
, Vincenza Tarantino
, Antonino Vallesi
, Patrizia Silvia Bisiacchi
Spatiotemporal Neurodynamics Underlying Internally and Externally Driven Temporal Prediction: A High Spatial Resolution ERP Study. 425-439 - Benjamin Baird, Matthew Cieslak, Jonathan Smallwood
, Scott T. Grafton, Jonathan W. Schooler:
Regional White Matter Variation Associated with Domain-specific Metacognitive Accuracy. 440-452 - Satoe Ichihara-Takeda, Shogo Yazawa, Takashi Murahara, Takanobu Toyoshima, Jun Shinozaki
, Masanori Ishiguro, Hideaki Shiraishi, Nozomu Ikeda, Kiyoji Matsuyama, Shintaro Funahashi, Takashi Nagamine:
Modulation of Alpha Activity in the Parieto-occipital Area by Distractors during a Visuospatial Working Memory Task: A Magnetoencephalographic Study. 453-463 - Robert S. Hurley, Borna Bonakdarpour, Xue Wang, M.-Marsel Mesulam:
Asymmetric Connectivity between the Anterior Temporal Lobe and the Language Network. 464-473 - Mayu Nishimura, K. Suzanne Scherf, Valentinos Zachariou
, Michael J. Tarr, Marlene Behrmann:
Size Precedes View: Developmental Emergence of Invariant Object Representations in Lateral Occipital Complex. 474-491 - Nicholas E. Myers
, Lena Walther, George Wallis, Mark G. Stokes, Anna Christina Nobre
Temporal Dynamics of Attention during Encoding versus Maintenance of Working Memory: Complementary Views from Event-related Potentials and Alpha-band Oscillations. 492-508 - Marissa A. Gorlick, Darrell A. Worthy
, Valerie S. Knopik
, John E. McGeary, Christopher G. Beevers
, W. Todd Maddox:
DRD4 Long Allele Carriers Show Heightened Attention to High-priority Items Relative to Low-priority Items. 509-521 - Nathan S. Rose
, Fergus I. M. Craik, Bradley R. Buchsbaum:
Levels of Processing in Working Memory: Differential Involvement of Frontotemporal Networks. 522-532 - Rebecca E. Millman
, Sam R. Johnson, Garreth Prendergast
The Role of Phase-locking to the Temporal Envelope of Speech in Auditory Perception and Speech Intelligibility. 533-545 - Kazutaka Maeda
, Hiroaki Ishida
, Katsumi Nakajima, Masahiko Inase, Akira Murata:
Functional Properties of Parietal Hand Manipulation-related Neurons and Mirror Neurons Responding to Vision of Own Hand Action. 560-572 - Daniel Zeller, Vladimir Litvak
, Karl J. Friston
, Joseph Classen
Sensory Processing and the Rubber Hand Illusion - An Evoked Potentials Study. 573-582 - Haiteng Jiang
, Marcel A. J. van Gerven, Ole Jensen
Modality-specific Alpha Modulations Facilitate Long-term Memory Encoding in the Presence of Distracters. 583-592 - Magdalena W. Sliwinska
, Alyson James, Joseph T. Devlin:
Inferior Parietal Lobule Contributions to Visual Word Recognition. 593-604 - Jennifer J. Heisz, Michelle Gould, Anthony Randal McIntosh
Age-related Shift in Neural Complexity Related to Task Performance and Physical Activity. 605-613 - Tirta Susilo
, Hua Yang, Zachary Potter
, Rachel Robbins, Bradley Duchaine:
Normal Body Perception despite the Loss of Right Fusiform Gyrus. 614-622 - Lars Rogenmoser
, Stefan Elmer, Lutz Jäncke:
Absolute Pitch: Evidence for Early Cognitive Facilitation during Passive Listening as Revealed by Reduced P3a Amplitudes. 623-637
Volume 27, Number 4, April 2015
- Joaquín M. Fuster, Steven L. Bressler:
Past Makes Future: Role of pFC in Prediction. 639-654
- Daniel L. Ames, Christopher J. Honey, Michael A. Chow, Alexander Todorov, Uri Hasson
Contextual Alignment of Cognitive and Neural Dynamics. 655-664 - Long Sha, James V. Haxby, Hervé Abdi
, J. Swaroop Guntupalli
, Nikolaas N. Oosterhof
, Yaroslav O. Halchenko
, Andrew C. Connolly
The Animacy Continuum in the Human Ventral Vision Pathway. 665-678 - Erik A. Wing, Maureen Ritchey
, Roberto Cabeza:
Reinstatement of Individual Past Events Revealed by the Similarity of Distributed Activation Patterns during Encoding and Retrieval. 679-691 - Jérôme Prado
, Nicola Spotorno
, Eric Koun, Emily Hewitt, Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst, Dan Sperber, Ira A. Noveck:
Neural Interaction between Logical Reasoning and Pragmatic Processing in Narrative Discourse. 692-704 - Mark E. Wheeler, Sarah G. Woo, Tobin Ansel, Joshua J. Tremel, Amanda L. Collier, Katerina Velanova, Elisabeth J. Ploran, Tianming Yang
The Strength of Gradually Accruing Probabilistic Evidence Modulates Brain Activity during a Categorical Decision. 705-719 - Roberto Dell'Acqua
, Paul E. Dux
, Brad Wyble, Mattia Doro
, Paola Sessa
, Federica Meconi
, Pierre Jolicoeur:
The Attentional Blink Impairs Detection and Delays Encoding of Visual Information: Evidence from Human Electrophysiology. 720-735 - Ella Gabitov
, David Manor, Avi Karni:
Patterns of Modulation in the Activity and Connectivity of Motor Cortex during the Repeated Generation of Movement Sequences. 736-751 - Simandeep K. Poonian, Jessica McFadyen, Jessica Ogden, Ross Cunnington
Implicit Agency in Observed Actions: Evidence for N1 Suppression of Tones Caused by Self-made and Observed Actions. 752-764 - Russell A. Cohen Hoffing, Aaron R. Seitz:
Pupillometry as a Glimpse into the Neurochemical Basis of Human Memory Encoding. 765-774 - Erin Hawkins, Duncan E. Astle
, Kathleen Rastle:
Semantic Advantage for Learning New Phonological Form Representations. 775-786 - Matthias Guggenmos
, Marcus Rothkirch
, Klaus Obermayer, John-Dylan Haynes
, Philipp Sterzer
A Hippocampal Signature of Perceptual Learning in Object Recognition. 787-797 - Hao Tam Ho
, Erich Schröger
, Sonja A. Kotz:
Selective Attention Modulates Early Human Evoked Potentials during Emotional Face-Voice Processing. 798-818 - Jennifer A. Segawa, Jason A. Tourville
, Deryk S. Beal
, Frank H. Guenther:
The Neural Correlates of Speech Motor Sequence Learning. 819-831 - Amanda K. Robinson
, Judith Reinhard, Jason B. Mattingley
Olfaction Modulates Early Neural Responses to Matching Visual Objects. 832-841 - Paul E. Stillman, Jay J. Van Bavel, William A. Cunningham:
Valence Asymmetries in the Human Amygdala: Task Relevance Modulates Amygdala Responses to Positive More than Negative Affective Cues. 842-851
Volume 27, Number 5, May 2015
- Nash Unsworth, Keisuke Fukuda, Edward Awh
, Edward K. Vogel:
Working Memory Delay Activity Predicts Individual Differences in Cognitive Abilities. 853-865 - Brittany M. Christian, Carolyn Parkinson
, C. Neil Macrae, Lynden K. Miles
, Thalia Wheatley:
When Imagining Yourself in Pain, Visual Perspective Matters: The Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Simulated Sensory Experiences. 866-875 - Kane W. Elfman, Andrew P. Yonelinas
Recollection and Familiarity Exhibit Dissociable Similarity Gradients: A Test of the Complementary Learning Systems Model. 876-892 - Andrew S. Persichetti
, Geoffrey Karl Aguirre, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill:
Value Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Early Visual Cortex Codes Monetary Value of Objects during a Diverted Attention Task. 893-901 - Rebecca Nako, Tim J. Smith, Martin Eimer
Activation of New Attentional Templates for Real-world Objects in Visual Search. 902-912 - Eva M. Dundas, David C. Plaut, Marlene Behrmann
Variable Left-hemisphere Language and Orthographic Lateralization Reduces Right-hemisphere Face Lateralization. 913-925 - Diego Fernandez-Duque, Jessica Evans, Colton Christian, Sara D. Hodges:
Superfluous Neuroscience Information Makes Explanations of Psychological Phenomena More Appealing. 926-944 - Laura Dugué
, Philippe Marque, Rufin VanRullen
Theta Oscillations Modulate Attentional Search Performance Periodically. 945-958 - Teresa K. Pegors, Joseph W. Kable, Anjan Chatterjee, Russell A. Epstein:
Common and Unique Representations in pFC for Face and Place Attractiveness. 959-973 - Christian Gerlach
, Xun Zhu
, Jane E. Joseph
Structural Similarity Exerts Opposing Effects on Perceptual Differentiation and Categorization: An fMRI Study. 974-987 - Malte Wöstmann, Erich Schröger
, Jonas Obleser:
Acoustic Detail Guides Attention Allocation in a Selective Listening Task. 988-1000 - Ivo D. Popivanov, Jan Jastorff
, Wim Vanduffel, Rufin Vogels:
Tolerance of Macaque Middle STS Body Patch Neurons to Shape-preserving Stimulus Transformations. 1001-1016 - Paul Metzner, Titus von der Malsburg
, Shravan Vasishth
, Frank Rösler:
Brain Responses to World Knowledge Violations: A Comparison of Stimulus- and Fixation-triggered Event-related Potentials and Neural Oscillations. 1017-1028 - Erez Freud, Gideon Rosenthal, Tzvi Ganel
, Galia Avidan
Sensitivity to Object Impossibility in the Human Visual Cortex: Evidence from Functional Connectivity. 1029-1043 - Benjamin Rich Zendel, Charles-David Tremblay, Sylvie Belleville, Isabelle Peretz:
The Impact of Musicianship on the Cortical Mechanisms Related to Separating Speech from Background Noise. 1044-1059 - Nicole A. Folland, Blake E. Butler, Jennifer E. Payne, Laurel J. Trainor
Cortical Representations Sensitive to the Number of Perceived Auditory Objects Emerge between 2 and 4 Months of Age: Electrophysiological Evidence. 1060-1067
Volume 27, Number 6, June 2015
- Irena P. Ilieva, Cayce J. Hook, Martha J. Farah:
Prescription Stimulants' Effects on Healthy Inhibitory Control, Working Memory, and Episodic Memory: A Meta-analysis. 1069-1089
- Martín Graziano
, Lucas C. Parra, Mariano Sigman:
Neural Correlates of Perceived Confidence in a Partial Report Paradigm. 1090-1103 - Bram-Ernst Verhoef
, Pascal Michelet, Rufin Vogels, Peter Janssen:
Choice-related Activity in the Anterior Intraparietal Area during 3-D Structure Categorization. 1104-1115 - Robert P. Spunt, Meghan L. Meyer, Matthew D. Lieberman:
The Default Mode of Human Brain Function Primes the Intentional Stance. 1116-1124 - Nicolas Chevalier
, Shaina Bailey Martis, Tim Curran, Yuko Munakata
Metacognitive Processes in Executive Control Development: The Case of Reactive and Proactive Control. 1125-1136 - John M. Henderson, Wonil Choi:
Neural Correlates of Fixation Duration during Real-world Scene Viewing: Evidence from Fixation-related (FIRE) fMRI. 1137-1145 - Scott H. Frey, Marc Hansen, Noah Marchal
Grasping with the Press of a Button: Grasp-selective Responses in the Human Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus Depend on Nonarbitrary Causal Relationships between Hand Movements and End-effector Actions. 1146-1160 - Charlotte Willems, Atser Damsma
, Stefan M. Wierda, Niels Taatgen
, Sander Martens
Training-induced Changes in the Dynamics of Attention as Reflected in Pupil Dilation. 1161-1171 - Martin Paczynski, Adam M. Burton, Amishi P. Jha:
Brief Exposure to Aversive Stimuli Impairs Visual Selective Attention. 1172-1179 - Felix Bacigalupo
, Steven J. Luck:
The Allocation of Attention and Working Memory in Visual Crowding. 1180-1193 - Nanthia A. Suthana
, Markus Donix, David R. Wozny, Adam J. Bazih, Michael Jones, Robin M. Heidemann
, Robert Trampel, Arne D. Ekstrom, Maria Scharf, Barbara J. Knowlton, Robert Turner, Susan Y. Bookheimer
High-resolution 7T fMRI of Human Hippocampal Subfields during Associative Learning. 1194-1206 - Sarah A. Gerson
, Harold Bekkering, Sabine Hunnius:
Short-term Motor Training, but Not Observational Training, Alters Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Action Processing in Infancy. 1207-1214 - Giorgio Tommasi, Mirta Fiorio
, Jérôme Yelnik
, Paul Krack
, Francesca Sala, Emmanuelle Schmitt, Valérie Fraix, Laura Bertolasi, Jean-François Le Bas, Giuseppe Kenneth Ricciardi, Antonio Fiaschi, Jan Theeuwes
, Pierre Pollak, Leonardo Chelazzi
Disentangling the Role of Cortico-Basal Ganglia Loops in Top-Down and Bottom-Up Visual Attention: An Investigation of Attention Deficits in Parkinson Disease. 1215-1237 - Jong H. Yoon
, Paul S. Larson, Anthony Grandelis, Christian La
, Edward Cui, Cameron S. Carter, Michael J. Minzenberg:
Delay Period Activity of the Substantia Nigra during Proactive Control of Response Selection as Determined by a Novel fMRI Localization Method. 1238-1248 - Christian G. Habeck, Jason Steffener, Daniel Barulli, Yunglin Gazes, Qolamreza R. Razlighi, Danielle Shaked, Timothy Salthouse, Yaakov Stern
Making Cognitive Latent Variables Manifest: Distinct Neural Networks for Fluid Reasoning and Processing Speed. 1249-1258 - Chotiga Pattamadilok
, Luis Carlo Bulnes, Joseph T. Devlin, Mathieu Bourguignon
, José Morais, Serge Goldman, Régine Kolinsky:
How Early Does the Brain Distinguish between Regular Words, Irregular Words, and Pseudowords during the Reading Process? Evidence from Neurochronometric TMS. 1259-1274
Volume 27, Number 7, July 2015
- Alexa M. Morcom
, Wendy Johnson:
Neural Reorganization and Compensation in Aging. 1275-1285
- Iske Bakker, Atsuko Takashima
, Janet G. van Hell, Gabriele Janzen, James M. McQueen
Changes in Theta and Beta Oscillations as Signatures of Novel Word Consolidation. 1286-1297 - Yuranny Cabral-Calderin
, Carsten Schmidt-Samoa, Melanie Wilke:
Rhythmic Gamma Stimulation Affects Bistable Perception. 1298-1307 - Luba Daikhin, Merav Ahissar
Fast Learning of Simple Perceptual Discriminations Reduces Brain Activation in Working Memory and in High-level Auditory Regions. 1308-1321 - Annika C. Linke, Rhodri Cusack
Flexible Information Coding in Human Auditory Cortex during Perception, Imagery, and STM of Complex Sounds. 1322-1333 - Sylvia Kreutzer, Ralph Weidner
, Gereon R. Fink
Rescaling Retinal Size into Perceived Size: Evidence for an Occipital and Parietal Bottleneck. 1334-1343 - Sara Jahfari, Lourens J. Waldorp, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, H. Steven Scholte
Visual Information Shapes the Dynamics of Corticobasal Ganglia Pathways during Response Selection and Inhibition. 1344-1359 - Heida M. Sigurdardottir
, David L. Sheinberg:
The Effects of Short-term and Long-term Learning on the Responses of Lateral Intraparietal Neurons to Visually Presented Objects. 1360-1375 - Jessica Bulthé, Bert De Smedt
, Hans P. Op de Beeck
Visual Number Beats Abstract Numerical Magnitude: Format-dependent Representation of Arabic Digits and Dot Patterns in Human Parietal Cortex. 1376-1387 - Rebecca L. Jackson
, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph
, Gorana Pobric:
The Timing of Anterior Temporal Lobe Involvement in Semantic Processing. 1388-1396 - Marina Pavlovskaya, Nachum Soroker
, Yoram S. Bonneh
, Shaul Hochstein:
Computing an Average When Part of the Population Is Not Perceived. 1397-1411 - Sébastien Hélie, Jessica L. Roeder, Lauren Vucovich, Dennis Rünger, F. Gregory Ashby:
A Neurocomputational Model of Automatic Sequence Production. 1412-1426 - Erik C. Nook
, Jamil Zaki:
Social Norms Shift Behavioral and Neural Responses to Foods. 1412-1426 - Marius Catalin Iordan, Michelle R. Greene, Diane M. Beck
, Li Fei-Fei:
Basic Level Category Structure Emerges Gradually across Human Ventral Visual Cortex. 1427-1446 - Rossella Breveglieri
, Claudio Galletti
, Annalisa Bosco
, Michela Gamberini
, Patrizia Fattori
Object Affordance Modulates Visual Responses in the Macaque Medial Posterior Parietal Cortex. 1447-1455
Volume 27, Number 8, August 2015
- John D. Medaglia, Mary-Ellen Lynall
, Danielle S. Bassett:
Cognitive Network Neuroscience. 1471-1491
- Omri Perez, Roy Mukamel
, Ariel Tankus, Jonathan D. Rosenblatt, Yehezkel Yeshurun, Itzhak Fried:
Preconscious Prediction of a Driver's Decision Using Intracranial Recordings. 1492-1502 - Sunbin Song, Stephen J. Gotts, Eran Dayan
, Leonardo G. Cohen:
Practice Structure Improves Unconscious Transitional Memories by Increasing Synchrony in a Premotor Network. 1503-1512 - Echo E. Leaver
, Kathy A. Low, Assunta Di Vacri, Arcangelo Merla, Monica Fabiani
, Gabriele Gratton
The Devil Is in the Detail: Brain Dynamics in Preparation for a Global-Local Task. 1513-1527 - Vicky Tzuyin Lai, Roel M. Willems
, Peter Hagoort:
Feel between the Lines: Implied Emotion in Sentence Comprehension. 1528-1541 - Kristof Strijkers, Daisy Bertrand, Jonathan Grainger:
Seeing the Same Words Differently: The Time Course of Automaticity and Top-Down Intention in Reading. 1542-1551 - Dong-Youl Kim
, Seung-Schik Yoo, Marion Tegethoff, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Jong-Hwan Lee
The Inclusion of Functional Connectivity Information into fMRI-based Neurofeedback Improves Its Efficacy in the Reduction of Cigarette Cravings. 1552-1572 - Rosanne M. van Diepen, Michael X. Cohen, Damiaan Denys
, Ali Mazaheri
Attention and Temporal Expectations Modulate Power, Not Phase, of Ongoing Alpha Oscillations. 1573-1586 - Johannes Rennig
, Marc Himmelbach
, Elisabeth Huberle, Hans-Otto Karnath:
Involvement of the TPJ Area in Processing of Novel Global Forms. 1587-1600 - Kirsten C. S. Adam
, Irida Mance, Keisuke Fukuda, Edward K. Vogel:
The Contribution of Attentional Lapses to Individual Differences in Visual Working Memory Capacity. 1601-1616 - Ravi D. Mill, Ian Cavin, Akira R. O'Connor
Differentiating the Functional Contributions of Resting Connectivity Networks to Memory Decision-making: fMRI Support for Multistage Control Processes. 1617-1632 - Ben Deen, Rebecca Saxe, Marina Bedny:
Occipital Cortex of Blind Individuals Is Functionally Coupled with Executive Control Areas of Frontal Cortex. 1633-1647 - Dominik P. J. Heib
, Kerstin Hoedlmoser
, Peter Anderer, Georg Gruber, Josef Zeitlhofer, Manuel Schabus
Oscillatory Theta Activity during Memory Formation and Its Impact on Overnight Consolidation: A Missing Link? 1648-1658 - Valeria C. Caruso, Evan Balaban
Auditory Perceptual Category Formation Does Not Require Perceptual Warping. 1659-1673
Volume 27, Number 9, September 2015
- Marissa L. Gamble, Marty G. Woldorff
Rapid Context-based Identification of Target Sounds in an Auditory Scene. 1675-1684 - Eva H. Telzer
, Jessica Flannery, Kathryn L. Humphreys, Bonnie Goff, Laurel Gabard-Durman, Dylan G. Gee
, Nim Tottenham:
"The Cooties Effect": Amygdala Reactivity to Opposite- versus Same-sex Faces Declines from Childhood to Adolescence. 1685-1696 - Michael Schwartze
, Sonja A. Kotz:
The Timing of Regular Sequences: Production, Perception, and Covariation. 1697-1707 - Edward B. O'Neil
, Hilary C. Watson, Sonya Dhillon, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Andy C. H. Lee:
Multivariate fMRI and Eye Tracking Reveal Differential Effects of Visual Interference on Recognition Memory Judgments for Objects and Scenes. 1708-1722 - Chun-Yu Tse
, Gabriele Gratton
, Susan M. Garnsey, Michael A. Novak, Monica Fabiani
Read My Lips: Brain Dynamics Associated with Audiovisual Integration and Deviance Detection. 1723-1737 - Yuanyuan Chen, Matthew H. Davis, Friedemann Pulvermüller
, Olaf Hauk:
Early Visual Word Processing Is Flexible: Evidence from Spatiotemporal Brain Dynamics. 1738-1751 - Wouter De Baene
, Wouter Duyck
, Marcel Brass
, Manuel Carreiras
Brain Circuit for Cognitive Control Is Shared by Task and Language Switching. 1752-1765 - Matthew A. Scult
, Joey W. Trampush
, Fengyu Zheng, Emily Drabant Conley, Todd Lencz
, Anil K. Malhotra, Dwight Dickinson, Daniel R. Weinberger, Ahmad R. Hariri:
A Common Polymorphism in SCN2A Predicts General Cognitive Ability through Effects on PFC Physiology. 1766-1774 - Maria Kharitonova, Warren Winter, Margaret A. Sheridan
As Working Memory Grows: A Developmental Account of Neural Bases of Working Memory Capacity in 5- to 8-Year Old Children and Adults. 1775-1788 - Jason L. Chan, Aaron Kucyi, Joseph F. X. DeSouza
Stable Task Representations under Attentional Load Revealed with Multivariate Pattern Analysis of Human Brain Activity. 1789-1800 - Hugo Cesar Baggio
, Barbara Segura
, Carme Junque
, Marcel A. de Reus, Roser Sala-Llonch
, Martijn P. van den Heuvel
Rich Club Organization and Cognitive Performance in Healthy Older Participants. 1801-1810 - Sanne ten Oever
, Nienke van Atteveldt
, Alexander Thomas Sack
Increased Stimulus Expectancy Triggers Low-frequency Phase Reset during Restricted Vigilance. 1811-1822 - Matthew R. Johnson, Gregory McCarthy, Kathleen A. Muller, Samuel N. Brudner, Marcia K. Johnson:
Electrophysiological Correlates of Refreshing: Event-related Potentials Associated with Directing Reflective Attention to Face, Scene, or Word Representations. 1823-1839 - Janine Bijsterbosch, Stephen M. Smith
, Sonia J. Bishop
Functional Connectivity under Anticipation of Shock: Correlates of Trait Anxious Affect versus Induced Anxiety. 1840-1853 - Glyn W. Humphreys, Magdalena Chechlacz
A Neural Decomposition of Visual Search Using Voxel-based Morphometry. 1854-1869 - Stefanie Regel, Andreas Opitz
, Gereon Müller, Angela D. Friederici:
The Past Tense Debate Revisited: Electrophysiological Evidence for Subregularities of Irregular Verb Inflection. 1870-1885
Volume 27, Number 10, October 2015
- (Withdrawn) Visual Causality Judgments Correlate with the Phase of Alpha Oscillations. 1887-1894
- Alexandra Woolgar
, Soheil Afshar, Mark A. Williams
, Anina N. Rich
Flexible Coding of Task Rules in Frontoparietal Cortex: An Adaptive System for Flexible Cognitive Control. 1895-1911 - Joseph Fruchter, Tal Linzen, Masha Westerlund, Alec Marantz
Lexical Preactivation in Basic Linguistic Phrases. 1912-1935 - Stephanie K. Riès
, Douglas Fraser
, Katie L. McMahon, Greig I. de Zubicaray
Early and Late Electrophysiological Effects of Distractor Frequency in Picture Naming: Reconciling Input and Output Accounts. 1936-1947 - Jim Parkinson, Patrick Haggard
Choosing to Stop: Responses Evoked by Externally Triggered and Internally Generated Inhibition Identify a Neural Mechanism of Will. 1948-1956 - Wen-Jing Lin
, Aidan J. Horner
, James A. Bisby, Neil Burgess
Medial Prefrontal Cortex: Adding Value to Imagined Scenarios. 1957-1967 - Leila Chouiter, Athina Tzovara
, Sebastian Dieguez, Jean-Marie Annoni, David Magezi, Marzia De Lucia
, Lucas Spierer
Experience-based Auditory Predictions Modulate Brain Activity to Silence as Do Real Sounds. 1968-1980 - Lang Chen, Timothy T. Rogers:
A Model of Emergent Category-specific Activation in the Posterior Fusiform Gyrus of Sighted and Congenitally Blind Populations. 1981-1999 - Marie St-Laurent, Hervé Abdi
, Bradley R. Buchsbaum:
Distributed Patterns of Reactivation Predict Vividness of Recollection. 2000-2018 - George Wallis, Mark G. Stokes, Helena Cousijn
, Mark W. Woolrich
, Anna Christina Nobre
Frontoparietal and Cingulo-opercular Networks Play Dissociable Roles in Control of Working Memory. 2019-2034 - John Grogan
, Rafal Bogacz
, Demitra Tsivos, Alan L. Whone
, Elizabeth J. Coulthard
Dopamine and Consolidation of Episodic Memory: Timing Is Everything. 2035-2050 - Nan Lin
, Xiaoying Wang
, Ying Zhao
, Yanping Liu, Xingshan Li, Yanchao Bi:
Premotor Cortex Activation Elicited during Word Comprehension Relies on Access of Specific Action Concepts. 2051-2062 - Luisa Sartori
, Sonia Betti
, Chiara Perrone, Umberto Castiello
Congruent and Incongruent Corticospinal Activations at the Level of Multiple Effectors. 2063-2070 - Ellen Tedeschi, Jochen Weber
, Charlotte Prévost, Walter Mischel, Dean Mobbs:
Inferences of Others' Competence Reduces Anticipation of Pain When under Threat. 2071-2078 - Kelly G. Garner
, Natasha Matthews
, Roger W. Remington, Paul E. Dux:
Transferability of Training Benefits Differs across Neural Events: Evidence from ERPs. 2079-2094
Volume 27, Number 11, November 2015
- Marcel C. M. Bastiaansen
, Peter Hagoort:
Frequency-based Segregation of Syntactic and Semantic Unification during Online Sentence Level Language Comprehension. 2095-2107 - Liv J. Hoversten
, Trevor Brothers, Tamara Y. Swaab
, Matthew J. Traxler:
Language Membership Identification Precedes Semantic Access: Suppression during Bilingual Word Recognition. 2108-2116 - Reshanne R. Reeder
, Francesca Perini
, Marius V. Peelen
Preparatory Activity in Posterior Temporal Cortex Causally Contributes to Object Detection in Scenes. 2117-2125 - Roberta Sellaro
, Jelle W. R. van Leusden
, Klodiana-Daphne Tona, Bart Verkuil
, Sander Nieuwenhuis, Lorenza S. Colzato
Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances Post-error Slowing. 2126-2132 - Ariel Furstenberg, Assaf Breska
, Haim Sompolinsky, Leon Y. Deouell
Evidence of Change of Intention in Picking Situations. 2133-2146 - R. Nathan Spreng
, Kathy D. Gerlach, Gary R. Turner, Daniel L. Schacter:
Autobiographical Planning and the Brain: Activation and Its Modulation by Qualitative Features. 2147-2157 - J. Daniel McCarthy, Peter J. Kohler
, Peter U. Tse, Gideon Paul Caplovitz:
Extrastriate Visual Areas Integrate Form Features over Space and Time to Construct Representations of Stationary and Rigidly Rotating Objects. 2158-2173 - Amir Homayoun Javadi
, Angeliki Beyko, Vincent Walsh, Ryota Kanai
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Motor Cortex Biases Action Choice in a Perceptual Decision Task. 2174-2185 - Ada W. S. Leung, Pierre Jolicoeur, Claude Alain:
Attentional Capacity Limits Gap Detection during Concurrent Sound Segregation. 2186-2196 - Yulia Oganian, Markus Conrad
, Arash Aryani, Katharina Spalek
, Hauke R. Heekeren
Activation Patterns throughout the Word Processing Network of L1-dominant Bilinguals Reflect Language Similarity and Language Decisions. 2197-2214 - Mante S. Nieuwland:
The Truth Before and After: Brain Potentials Reveal Automatic Activation of Event Knowledge during Sentence Comprehension. 2215-2228 - Risa Sawaki, Steven J. Luck, Jane E. Raymond:
How Attention Changes in Response to Incentives. 2229-2239 - Michael A. Cohen, Ken Nakayama, Talia Konkle, Mirta Stantic
, George A. Alvarez:
Visual Awareness Is Limited by the Representational Architecture of the Visual System. 2240-2252 - Felix Ball, Fosco Bernasconi
, Niko A. Busch
Semantic Relations between Visual Objects Can Be Unconsciously Processed but Not Reported under Change Blindness. 2253-2268 - Joshua D. Davis, Piotr Winkielman
, Seana Coulson
Facial Action and Emotional Language: ERP Evidence that Blocking Facial Feedback Selectively Impairs Sentence Comprehension. 2269-2280 - Jennifer T. Coull
, Pom Charras, Maxime Donadieu, Sylvie Droit-Volet, Franck Vidal:
SMA Selectively Codes the Active Accumulation of Temporal, Not Spatial, Magnitude. 2281-2298 - Rachel Wu
, Rebecca Nako, Jared Band, Jacquelyne Pizzuto, Yalda Ghoreishi, Gaia Scerif
, Richard N. Aslin:
Rapid Attentional Selection of Non-native Stimuli despite Perceptual Narrowing. 2299-2307
Volume 27, Number 12, December 2015
- Megan A. Boudewyn, Debra L. Long, Matthew J. Traxler, Tyler A. Lesh
, Shruti Dave
, George R. Mangun, Cameron S. Carter, Tamara Y. Swaab
Sensitivity to Referential Ambiguity in Discourse: The Role of Attention, Working Memory, and Verbal Ability. 2309-2323 - Sarah H. Solomon
, Nicholas C. Hindy, Gerry T. M. Altmann, Sharon L. Thompson-Schill:
Competition between Mutually Exclusive Object States in Event Comprehension. 2324-2338 - Ahren B. Fitzroy
, Lisa D. Sanders
Musical Meter Modulates the Allocation of Attention across Time. 2339-2351 - David Peeters
, Mingyuan Chu, Judith Holler
, Peter Hagoort, Asli Özyürek:
Electrophysiological and Kinematic Correlates of Communicative Intent in the Planning and Production of Pointing Gestures and Speech. 2352-2368 - Amanda Elton
, Wei Gao:
Task-positive Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network Transcends Task Domain. 2369-2381 - (Withdrawn) Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over Left Dorsolateral pFC on the Attentional Blink Depend on Individual Baseline Performance. 2382-2393
- Louise Kauffmann, Jessica Bourgin
, Nathalie Guyader, Carole Peyrin
The Neural Bases of the Semantic Interference of Spatial Frequency-based Information in Scenes. 2394-2405 - Yifeng Wang, Gang-Shu Dai, Feng Liu
, Zhiliang Long, Jin H. Yan, Huafu Chen:
Steady-state BOLD Response to Higher-order Cognition Modulates Low-Frequency Neural Oscillations. 2406-2415 - João Castelhano
, Inês Bernardino
, José Rebola, Eugenio Rodríguez, Miguel Castelo-Branco
Oscillations or Synchrony? Disruption of Neural Synchrony despite Enhanced Gamma Oscillations in a Model of Disrupted Perceptual Coherence. 2416-2426 - Niki Katerina Vavatzanidis
, Dirk Mürbe, Angela D. Friederici, Anja Hahne
The Basis for Language Acquisition: Congenitally Deaf Infants Discriminate Vowel Length in the First Months after Cochlear Implantation. 2427-2441 - Valentinos Zachariou
, Christine V. Nikas, Zaid N. Safiullah, Marlene Behrmann, Roberta L. Klatzky, Leslie G. Ungerleider:
Common Dorsal Stream Substrates for the Mapping of Surface Texture to Object Parts and Visual Spatial Processing. 2442-2461 - Gary R. Turner, R. Nathan Spreng
Prefrontal Engagement and Reduced Default Network Suppression Co-occur and Are Dynamically Coupled in Older Adults: The Default-Executive Coupling Hypothesis of Aging. 2462-2476 - Annelinde R. E. Vandenbroucke, Ilja G. Sligte, Jade G. de Vries, Michael X. Cohen, Victor A. F. Lamme:
Neural Correlates of Visual Short-term Memory Dissociate between Fragile and Working Memory Representations. 2477-2490 - Leyla Y. Tarhan, Christine E. Watson
, Laurel J. Buxbaum
Shared and Distinct Neuroanatomic Regions Critical for Tool-related Action Production and Recognition: Evidence from 131 Left-hemisphere Stroke Patients. 2491-2511 - Catherine Stamoulis, Ross E. Vanderwert
, Charles H. Zeanah
, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson
Early Psychosocial Neglect Adversely Impacts Developmental Trajectories of Brain Oscillations and Their Interactions. 2512-2528 - Rachael L. Elward
, Michael D. Rugg:
Retrieval Goal Modulates Memory for Context. 2529-2540
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