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Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 20
Volume 20, Number 1, 15 January 2004
- Hai Zhuge:
Semantics, Resource and Grid. 1-5 - Maozhen Li, P. van Santen, David W. Walker
, Omer F. Rana
, Mark A. Baker:
SGrid: a service-oriented model for the Semantic Grid. 7-18 - Yuzhong Qu:
A predicate-ordered logic for knowledge representation on the web. 19-26 - Jun Shen
, Yun Yang:
Extending RDF in distributed knowledge-intensive applications. 27-46 - Hai Zhuge, Yanyan Li:
Semantic profile-based document logistics for cooperative research. 47-60 - Alexander V. Smirnov, Mikhail Pashkin, Nikolai Chilov
, Tatiana Levashova:
Knowledge logistics in information grid environment. 61-79 - Ying Dong, Mingshu Li:
HyO-XTM: a set of hyper-graph operations on XML Topic Map toward knowledge management. 81-100 - Hai Zhuge, Jie Liu:
A fuzzy collaborative assessment approach for Knowledge Grid. 101-111 - Guanying Bu, Zhiwei Xu:
Access control in semantic grid. 113-122 - Sheng Uei Guan, Sok-Seng Lim:
Modeling adaptable multimedia and self-modifying protocol execution. 123-143 - Yong Woo Lee:
A virtual server queueing network method for component based performance modelling of metacomputing. 145-155 - Jin B. Kwon, Heon Young Yeom:
Generalized data retrieval for pyramid-based periodic broadcasting of videos. 157-170 - Yi Zeng, Wentong Cai
, Stephen John Turner
, Suiping Zhou, Bu-Sung Lee
Characterization and delivery of directly coupled causal messages in distributed systems. 171-178
Volume 20, Number 2, 16 February 2004
- Youngsong Mun:
Modeling and simulation in supercomputing and telecommunications. 179-180 - Vladimir V. Shakhov
, Hyunseung Choo, Young-Cheol Bang:
Discord model for detecting unexpected demands in mobile networks. 181-188 - Intae Hwang, Taewon Jang, Min-goo Kang, Sangmin No, Jungyoung Son, Daesik Hong, Changeon Kang:
Performance analysis of adaptive modulation and coding combined with transmit diversity in next generation mobile communication systems. 189-196 - Seungmin Park, Daeyoung Kim, Gihwan Cho:
Improving prediction level of prefetching for location-aware mobile information service. 197-203 - Youngsong Mun, Youngyuk Kim:
A location management scheme to provide IP mobility over wireless ATM. 205-219 - Sangjoon Park, Jiyoung Song, Jongchan Lee
, Kwan-Joong Kim, Byunggi Kim:
A handover scheme in clustered cellular networks. 221-227 - Young-Chul Shim:
Performance evaluation of scheduling schemes for NOW with heterogeneous computing power. 229-236 - Eunmi Choi:
Performance test and analysis for an adaptive load balancing mechanism on distributed server cluster systems. 237-247 - Gyung-Leen Park:
Performance evaluation of a list scheduling algorithm in distributed memory multiprocessor systems. 249-256 - Eui-nam Huh, Youngsong Mun, Hyoung-Woo Park:
An efficient event publish technique for real-time monitor on real-time grid computing. 257-263 - Won Kim, Il-Ju Ko, Jin-Sung Yoon, Gye-Young Kim:
Inference of recommendation information on the internet using improved FAM. 265-273 - Byungoh Ahn, Seong-Jin Ahn, Jin-Wook Chung:
Topological-order based dynamic polling scheme using biconnected component computation. 275-282 - Beom-Hwan Chang, Dong-Soo Kim, Hyun-Ku Kim, Jung-Chan Na, Tai-Myoung Chung:
Active security management based on Secure Zone Cooperation. 283-293 - Jin Ok Kim, Woongjae Lee, Jun Hwang, Kyong Seok Baik, Chin Hyun Chung:
Lip print recognition for security systems by multi-resolution architecture. 295-301 - Byoung-Joon Min, Joong-Sup Choi:
An approach to intrusion tolerance for mission-critical services using adaptability and diverse replication. 303-313 - Wongoo Lee, Jaekwang Lee:
Design and implementation of secure e-mail system using elliptic curve cryptosystem. 315-326 - Chang-Doo Lee, Bong-Jun Choi, Kyoo-Seok Park:
Design and evaluation of a block encryption algorithm using dynamic-key mechanism. 327-338 - Bong-Hwan Lee, Il-Hong Jung, Chan-Hyun Youn:
Design and implementation of MPlambdaS network simulator. 339-347
Volume 20, Number 3, 1 April 2004
- Jack J. Dongarra, Kaj Madsen, Jerzy Wasniewski:
Selected numerical algorithms. 349-351 - Steffan Berridge, Johannes M. Schumacher
An irregular grid method for high-dimensional free-boundary problems in finance. 353-362 - Timo Betcke
, Heinrich Voss:
A Jacobi-Davidson-type projection method for nonlinear eigenvalue problems. 363-372 - Sanjukta Bhowmick, Padma Raghavan, Lois C. McInnes, Boyana Norris
Faster PDE-based simulations using robust composite linear solvers. 373-387 - Ravindra Boojhawon, Muddun Bhuruth
Restarted Simpler GMRES augmented with harmonic Ritz vectors. 389-397 - Raimondas Ciegis:
On a new class of splitting type iterative methods. 399-407 - Dennis D. Cox, Petr Kloucek, Daniel R. Reynolds
On the asymptotically stochastic computational modeling of microstructures. 409-424 - Dror Irony, Gil Shklarski, Sivan Toledo:
Parallel and fully recursive multifrontal sparse Cholesky. 425-440 - Madhuri Karnik, Bhaskar DasGupta, Vinayak Eswaran:
A comparative study of Dirichlet and Neumann conditions for path planning through harmonic functions. 441-452 - Roderick V. N. Melnik, Anthony H. Roberts:
Computational models for multi-scale coupled dynamic problems. 453-464 - R. Naidoo, S. Baboolal:
Application of the Kurganov-Levy semi-discrete numerical scheme to hyperbolic problems with nonlinear source terms. 465-473 - Olaf Schenk
, Klaus Gärtner:
Solving unsymmetric sparse systems of linear equations with PARDISO. 475-487 - Masha Sosonkina, Yousef Saad
, Xing Cai
Using the parallel algebraic recursive multilevel solver in modern physical applications. 489-500
Volume 20, Number 4, 3 May 2004
- Chengzhung Sun, Wanlei Zhou
, Andrzej M. Goscinski, Xue-bin Chi:
Advanced services for Clusters and Internet computing. 501-503 - Christine Morin, Pascal Gallard, Renaud Lottiaux, Geoffroy Vallée:
Towards an efficient single system image cluster operating system. 505-521 - Justin T. Rough
, Andrzej M. Goscinski:
The development of an efficient checkpointing facility exploiting operating systems services of the GENESIS cluster operating system. 523-538 - Michael Okun
, Amnon Barak:
Atomic Writes for data integrity and consistency in shared storage devices for clusters. 539-547 - Feng Zhou, Chao Jin, Yinghui Wu, Weimin Zheng:
TODS: cluster object storage platform designed for scalable services. 549-563 - Wanlei Zhou
, Li Wang, Weijia Jia:
An analysis of update ordering in distributed replication systems. 565-590 - Jiannong Cao
, Xianbing Wang, Sajal K. Das
A framework of using cooperating mobile agents to achieve load sharing in distributed web server groups. 591-603 - Haifeng Shen, Chengzheng Sun:
Improving real-time collaboration with highlighting. 605-625 - Sheng Uei Guan, Shu Zhang:
Pseudorandom number generation based on controllable cellular automata. 627-641 - Constantine Katsinis:
Merging, sorting and matrix operations on the SOME-Bus multiprocessor architecture. 643-661 - JinHo Ahn, Sung-Gi Min, Chong-Sun Hwang:
A causal message logging protocol for mobile nodes in mobile computing systems. 663-686 - Ning Kang, Jun Zhang, Eric S. Carlson:
Performance of ILU preconditioning techniques in simulating anisotropic diffusion in the human brain. 687-698 - Brian E. Moore, Sebastian Reich:
Erratum to: "Multi-symplectic integration methods for Hamiltonian PDEs" [Future Gen. Comput. Sys. 19 (2003) 395-402]. 699-700
Volume 20, Number 5, June 2004
- Antonio Laganà, Noelia Faginas Lago
Foreword. 701-702 - Osvaldo Gervasi
, Antonio Laganà:
SIMBEX: a portal for the a priori simulation of crossed beam experiments. 703-715 - Osvaldo Gervasi
, Antonio Riganelli, Leonardo Pacifici, Antonio Laganà:
VMSLab-G: a virtual laboratory prototype for molecular science on the Grid. 717-726 - Huabing Zhu, Tony Kai Yun Chan, Lizhe Wang
, Wentong Cai
, Simon See:
A prototype of distributed molecular visualization on computational grids. 727-737 - Leonardo Belpassi
, Loriano Storchi
, Francesco Tarantelli
, Antonio Sgamellotti, Harry M. Quiney:
Parallelization of a relativistic DFT code. 739-747 - Elena F. Sheka
Fullerenes as polyradicals. 749-762 - Francisco Torrens
Effect of size and deformation on polarizabilities of carbon nanotubes from atomic increments. 763-772 - Alexander A. Tulub
Coherent triplet and singlet states in tubulin dynamics. 773-780 - Giacomo Giorgi
, Filippo De Angelis, Nazzareno Re, Antonio Sgamellotti:
A theoretical investigation of the Chalk-Harrod and modified Chalk-Harrod mechanisms involved in hybrid integrated circuit building. 781-791 - Paola Belanzoni
, Marzio Rosi
, Antonio Sgamellotti:
A theoretical approach to molecular batteries: C---C bonds functioning as electron shuttles. 793-805 - Marco Di Stefano, Marzio Rosi
, Antonio Sgamellotti:
Phenylium and naphtylium cations in the interstellar medium: a density functional study on their reactivity towards D2 molecules. 807-819 - José-Vicente Pitarch Ruiz, Stefano Evangelisti, Daniel Maynau:
Local orbitals for excited states. 821-828 - Antonio Laganà, Leonardo Pacifici, Daniele Bellucci:
Parallelization strategies for quantum reactive scattering codes. 829-840 - Johann Dréo, Patrick Siarry:
Continuous interacting ant colony algorithm based on dense heterarchy. 841-856 - José María Sierra
, Julio César Hernández Castro
, Narayana Jayaram, Arturo Ribagorda:
Low computational cost integrity for block ciphers. 857-863 - Chien-Lung Hsu, Tzong-Sun Wu, Tzong-Chen Wu:
Group-oriented signature scheme with distinguished signing authoritie. 865-873 - Weng-Long Chang, Minyi Guo, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho:
Towards solution of the set-splitting problem on gel-based DNA computing. 875-885 - Shiang-Feng Tzeng, Cheng-Ying Yang, Min-Shiang Hwang:
A nonrepudiable threshold multi-proxy multi-signature scheme with shared verification. 887-893 - Sivarama P. Dandamudi, Zhengao Zhou:
Performance of adaptive space-sharing policies in dedicated heterogeneous cluster systems. 895-906
Volume 20, Number 6, August 2004
- Bastien Chopard, Alfons G. Hoekstra:
Computational science of lattice Boltzmann modelling. 907-908 - Abdel Monim Artoli, Drona Kandhai, Huub C. J. Hoefsloot, Alfons G. Hoekstra, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Lattice BGK simulations of flow in a symmetric bifurcation. 909-916 - Alfons G. Hoekstra, Jos van't Hoff, Abdel Monim Artoli, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Unsteady flow in a 2D elastic tube with the LBGK method. 917-924 - Miki Hirabayashi, Makoto Ohta
, Daniel A. Rüfenacht, Bastien Chopard:
A lattice Boltzmann study of blood flow in stented aneurism. 925-934 - Annunziata D'Orazio, Sauro Succi
Simulating two-dimensional thermal channel flows by means of a lattice Boltzmann method with new boundary conditions. 935-944 - Paulo Cesar Facin, Paulo Cesar Philippi
, Luís Orlando Emerich dos Santos
A non-linear lattice-Boltzmann model for ideal miscible fluids. 945-949 - Rodrigo Surmas, Luís Orlando Emerich dos Santos
, Paulo Cesar Philippi
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the flow interference in bluff body wakes. 951-958 - Takaji Inamuro, Takeshi Ogata, Fumimaru Ogino:
Numerical simulation of bubble flows by the lattice Boltzmann method. 959-964 - Ruud G. M. van der Sman:
Diffusion on unstructured triangular grids using Lattice Boltzmann. 965-971 - R. Argentini, A. F. Bakker, C. P. Lowe:
Efficiently using memory in lattice Boltzmann simulations. 973-980 - Hung Phi Nguyen, Bastien Chopard, Serge Stoll:
Hydrodynamic properties of fractal aggregates in 2D using Lattice Boltzmann simulation. 981-991 - Alexandre Dupuis, Julia M. Yeomans
Lattice Boltzmann modelling of droplets on chemically heterogeneous surfaces. 993-1001 - Jari Hyväluoma, Pasi Raiskinmäki, Ari Jäsberg, Antti Koponen
, Markku Kataja, Jussi Timonen:
Evaluation of a lattice-Boltzmann method for mercury intrusion porosimetry simulations. 1003-1011 - Ting Yi Chang, Chou Chen Yang, Min-Shiang Hwang:
A threshold signature scheme for group communications without a shared distribution center. 1013-1021 - Jonas Lätt, Bastien Chopard:
VLADYMIR--a C++ matrix library for data-parallel applications. 1023-1039 - Chunlin Li, Layuan Li:
Competitive proportional resource allocation policy for computational grid. 1041-1054 - Hamid Reza Naji
, B. Earl Wells, Letha H. Etzkorn:
Creating an adaptive embedded system by applying multi-agent techniques to reconfigurable hardware. 1055-1081 - Orhan Engin
, Alper Döyen:
A new approach to solve hybrid flow shop scheduling problems by artificial immune system. 1083-1095
Volume 20, Number 7, October 2004
- Yong Xue, Xiangyu Sheng, Narayana Jayaram:
Geocomputation. 1097-1099 - Bryan Raney
, Kai Nagel
Iterative route planning for large-scale modular transportation simulations. 1101-1118 - Zhengjun Liu, Aixia Liu, Changyao Wang, Zheng Niu:
Evolving neural network using real coded genetic algorithm (GA) for multispectral image classification. 1119-1129 - Yang-Lang Chang, Chin-Chuan Han, Fan-Di Jou, Kuo-Chin Fan, Kun-Shan Chen, Jeng-Horng Chang:
A modular eigen subspace scheme for high-dimensional data classification. 1131-1143 - Gian Paolo Lorenzetto, Amitava Datta
An almost linear-time algorithm for trapezoidation of GIS polygons. 1145-1155 - Bo Huang
, Shanzhen Yi, Weng Tat Chan
Spatio-temporal information integration in XML. 1157-1170 - Rebecca O. C. Tse, Christopher M. Gold:
TIN meets CAD--extending the TIN concept in GIS. 1171-1184 - Tianhong Li, Jinren Ni, W. X. Ju:
Land-use adjustment with a modified soil loss evaluation method supported by GIS. 1185-1195 - Hong Zheng, Jingxin Zhang
, Saeid Nahavandi:
Learning to detect texture objects by artificial immune approaches. 1197-1208 - Hongjian You, Yun Shao, Shukai Li:
Fast rectifying airborne infrared scanning image based on GPS and INS. 1209-1214 - Mahesh Pal
, Paul M. Mather:
Assessment of the effectiveness of support vector machines for hyperspectral data. 1215-1225 - Yong Xue, Min Sun, Ai-Nai Ma:
On the reconstruction of three-dimensional complex geological objects using Delaunay triangulation. 1227-1234
Volume 20, Number 8, November 2004
- Andrés Iglesias
Introduction. 1235-1239 - Deok-Soo Kim, Youngsong Cho, Hyun Kim:
Normal vector compression of 3D mesh model based on clustering and relative indexing. 1241-1250 - Pere-Pau Vázquez
, Mateu Sbert
Bandwidth reduction for remote navigation systems through view prediction and progressive transmission. 1251-1262 - Oscar Belmonte
, Inmaculada Remolar
, José Ribelles
, Miguel Chover
, Marcos Fernández
Efficiently using connectivity information between triangles in a mesh for real-time renderin. 1263-1273 - Imma Boada
An octree-based multiresolution hybrid framework. 1275-1284 - Claus-Peter Alberts:
Surface reconstruction from scan paths. 1285-1298 - Victor A. Debelov, Igor M. Sevastianov:
Light mesh: soft shadows as interpolation of visibility. 1299-1315 - Jian J. Zhang, Lihua You:
Analytical C2 smooth blending surfaces. 1317-1326 - Muhammad Sarfraz, M. A. Khan:
An automatic algorithm for approximating boundary of bitmap characters. 1327-1336 - Andrés Iglesias
, G. Echevarría, Akemi Gálvez
Functional networks for B-spline surface reconstruction. 1337-1353 - Andrés Iglesias
Computer graphics for water modeling and rendering: a survey. 1355-1374 - Manuel Pérez, Marcos Fernández
, Pedro Morillo
, Inmaculada Coma:
Locally constrained synthetic LoDs generation for natural terrain meshes. 1375-1387
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