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European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 201
Volume 201, Number 1, February 2010
- Etienne de Klerk:
Exploiting special structure in semidefinite programming: A survey of theory and applications. 1-10
- César Gutiérrez
, Bienvenido Jiménez
, Vicente Novo
Optimality conditions via scalarization for a new epsilon-efficiency concept in vector optimization problems. 11-22 - Alejandro Balbás
, Raquel Balbás
, José Garrido
Extending pricing rules with general risk functions. 23-33 - Gregory A. Graman:
A partial-postponement decision cost model. 34-44
- Boris Detienne
, Eric Pinson, David Rivreau:
Lagrangian domain reductions for the single machine earliness-tardiness problem with release dates. 45-54 - Prahalad Venkateshan, Kamlesh Mathur, Ronald H. Ballou:
Locating and staffing service centers under service level constraints. 55-70 - Maria Albareda-Sambola
, Juan A. Díaz
, Elena Fernández
Lagrangean duals and exact solution to the capacitated p-center problem. 71-81 - Reza Zamani, Sim Kim Lau
Embedding learning capability in Lagrangean relaxation: An application to the travelling salesman problem. 82-88 - Fatih Safa Erenay
, Ihsan Sabuncuoglu, Aysegül Toptal, Manoj Kumar Tiwari:
New solution methods for single machine bicriteria scheduling problem: Minimization of average flowtime and number of tardy jobs. 89-98
- Lawrence D. Fredendall
, Divesh Ojha, J. Wayne Patterson:
Concerning the theory of workload control. 99-111 - L. Yang, C. T. Ng
, T. C. Edwin Cheng
Evaluating the effects of distribution centres on the performance of vendor-managed inventory systems. 112-122 - Zhe Song
, Andrew Kusiak:
Mining Pareto-optimal modules for delayed product differentiation. 123-128 - Fei Tao
, Dongming Zhao, Yefa Hu, Zude Zhou:
Correlation-aware resource service composition and optimal-selection in manufacturing grid. 129-143 - Mariano Gallo, Luca D'Acierno
, Bruno Montella
A meta-heuristic approach for solving the Urban Network Design Problem. 144-157 - Shib Sankar Sana
An economic production lot size model in an imperfect production system. 158-170 - Alan R. McKendall Jr.
, Artak Hakobyan:
Heuristics for the dynamic facility layout problem with unequal-area departments. 171-182 - Frederico R. B. Cruz
, Tom Van Woensel
, James MacGregor Smith, Kris Lieckens:
On the system optimum of traffic assignment in M/G/c/c state-dependent queueing networks. 183-193
- Athanasios L. Athanasenas:
Credit, income, and causality: A contemporary co-integration analysis. 194-205 - Piotr Nowak
, Maciej Romaniuk
Computing option price for Levy process with fuzzy parameters. 206-210 - Ricardo Josa-Fombellida
, Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero
Optimal asset allocation for aggregated defined benefit pension funds with stochastic interest rates. 211-221 - Toshikazu Kimura:
Valuing continuous-installment options. 222-230 - Roberto da Costa Quinino, Emerson C. Colin, Linda Lee Ho
Diagnostic errors and repetitive sequential classifications in on-line process control by attributes. 231-238 - Wenbin Wang:
A model for maintenance service contract design, negotiation and optimization. 239-246 - Nir Perel, Uri Yechiali:
Queues with slow servers and impatient customers. 247-258
- Harri Ehtamo, Kimmo Berg
, Mitri Kitti:
An adjustment scheme for nonlinear pricing problem with two buyers. 259-266 - Arthur Hau:
Comparative statics of changes in risk on monotonically and partially responsive kinked payoffs. 267-276 - Silvia Angilella
, Salvatore Greco
, Benedetto Matarazzo:
Non-additive robust ordinal regression: A multiple criteria decision model based on the Choquet integral. 277-288
- Domenico Conforti
, Francesca Guerriero
, Rosita Guido
Non-block scheduling with priority for radiotherapy treatments. 289-296 - Subhash C. Ray, Abhiman Das:
Distribution of cost and profit efficiency: Evidence from Indian banking. 297-307 - Jonathan P. Caulkins, Gustav Feichtinger, Gernot Tragler, Dagmar Wallner:
When in a drug epidemic should the policy objective switch from use reduction to harm reduction? 308-318
- Tarik Driouchi, David J. Bennett
, Gary Simpson:
A path-dependent contingent-claims approach to capacity investments. 319-323 - Mustafa Karakul, Lap Mui Ann Chan:
Joint pricing and procurement of substitutable products with random demands - A technical note. 324-328 - Michael Short
A note on 'Efficient scheduling of periodic information monitoring requests'. 329-335
- Rafael Pastor
, Carlos Andrés, Cristóbal Miralles:
Corrigendum to "Balancing and scheduling tasks in assembly lines with sequence-dependent setup" [European Journal of Operational Research 187 (2008) 1212-1223]. 336
Volume 201, Number 2, March 2010
- Francisco Jareño
, Eliseo Navarro
Stock interest rate risk and inflation shocks. 337-348
- Mei Yu, Satoru Takahashi, Hiroshi Inoue, Shouyang Wang
Dynamic portfolio optimization with risk control for absolute deviation model. 349-364 - Sissy da S. Souza, P. Roberto Oliveira, João Xavier da Cruz Neto, Antoine Soubeyran:
A proximal method with separable Bregman distances for quasiconvex minimization over the nonnegative orthant. 365-376 - Peng-Yeng Yin, Fred W. Glover, Manuel Laguna, Jia-Xian Zhu:
Cyber Swarm Algorithms - Improving particle swarm optimization using adaptive memory strategies. 377-389 - Vincent Charles
, A. Udhayakumar, V. Rhymend Uthariaraj:
An approach to find redundant objective function(s) and redundant constraint(s) in multi-objective nonlinear stochastic fractional programming problems. 390-398
- Jurij Mihelic
, Amine Mahjoub, Christophe Rapine
, Borut Robic:
Two-stage flexible-choice problems under uncertainty. 399-403 - Gur Mosheiov, Assaf Sarig
Minimum weighted number of tardy jobs on an m-machine flow-shop with a critical machine. 404-408 - Vincent Van Peteghem
, Mario Vanhoucke
A genetic algorithm for the preemptive and non-preemptive multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. 409-418
- Brigitte Werners
, Thomas Wülfing:
Robust optimization of internal transports at a parcel sorting center operated by Deutsche Post World Net. 419-426 - J. MacGregor Smith, Frederico R. B. Cruz
, Tom Van Woensel
Topological network design of general, finite, multi-server queueing networks. 427-441 - Onur Kaya
Incentive and production decisions for remanufacturing operations. 442-453 - Qi Fu, Kaijie Zhu:
Endogenous information acquisition in supply chain management. 454-462 - Xiaolei Guo
, Hai Yang
, Tian-Liang Liu:
Bounding the inefficiency of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium. 463-469
- Murat Köksalan, Tayyar Büyükbasaran, Özgür Özpeynirci, Jyrki Wallenius:
A flexible approach to ranking with an application to MBA Programs. 470-476 - Yu-Chiun Chiou, Lawrence W. Lan, Barbara T. H. Yen:
A joint measurement of efficiency and effectiveness for non-storable commodities: Integrated data envelopment analysis approaches. 477-489 - Giuseppe Paleologo, André Elisseeff, Gianluca Antonini:
Subagging for credit scoring models. 490-499 - Emilio Carrizosa
Unequal probability sampling from a finite population: A multicriteria approach. 500-504 - Carlo Alberto Magni
Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm. 505-519 - Ethem Çanakoglu
, Süleyman Özekici:
Portfolio selection in stochastic markets with HARA utility functions. 520-536 - Eduardo Conde
, María de la Paz Rivera Pérez:
A linear optimization problem to derive relative weights using an interval judgement matrix. 537-544 - Cyril Ryu, Raj Sharman, H. Raghav Rao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya:
Security protection design for deception and real system regimes: A model and analysis. 545-556
- Olivier Guyon
, Pierre Lemaire, Eric Pinson, David Rivreau:
Cut generation for an integrated employee timetabling and production scheduling problem. 557-567 - Mithun J. Sharma, Song Jin Yu:
Benchmark optimization and attribute identification for improvement of container terminals. 568-580 - Charles L. Munson
, Jianli Hu:
Incorporating quantity discounts and their inventory impacts into the centralized purchasing decision. 581-592 - G. Yazgi Tütüncü
An interactive GRAMPS algorithm for the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem with and without backhauls. 593-600 - Jhieh-Yu Shyng, How-Ming Shieh, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
, Shu-Huei Hsieh:
Using FSBT technique with Rough Set Theory for personal investment portfolio analysis. 601-607
- Rick L. Andrews, Michael J. Brusco, Imran S. Currim:
Amalgamation of partitions from multiple segmentation bases: A comparison of non-model-based and model-based methods. 608-618 - Liang-Hsuan Chen, Wen-Chang Ko:
Fuzzy linear programming models for NPD using a four-phase QFD activity process based on the means-end chain concept. 619-632 - Luiza Badin
, Cinzia Daraio, Léopold Simar:
Optimal bandwidth selection for conditional efficiency measures: A data-driven approach. 633-640
- Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu, Chia-Kuan Ting:
A note on "Determining the optimal run time for EPQ model with scrap, rework, and stochastic breakdowns". 641-643 - Emmett J. Lodree Jr., Christopher D. Geiger:
A note on the optimal sequence position for a rate-modifying activity under simple linear deterioration. 644-648 - Shiv Kumar Gupta, Navdeep Kailey
A note on multiobjective second-order symmetric duality. 649-651
Volume 201, Number 3, March 2010
- Pavlo A. Krokhmal, Policarpio Soberanis:
Risk optimization with p-order conic constraints: A linear programming approach. 653-671 - Manuel Arana-Jiménez
, Gabriel Ruiz Garzón
, Antonio Rufián-Lizana
, Rafaela Osuna Gómez
A necessary and sufficient condition for duality in multiobjective variational problems. 672-681 - Ya-Ping Fang, Nan-Jing Huang, Jen-Chih Yao:
Well-posedness by perturbations of mixed variational inequalities in Banach spaces. 682-692
- Ming Liu
, Chengbin Chu
, Yinfeng Xu, Feifeng Zheng:
An optimal online algorithm for single machine scheduling with bounded delivery times. 693-700 - Harald Reinertsen, Thomas W. M. Vossen:
The one-dimensional cutting stock problem with due dates. 701-711 - Gur Mosheiov, Assaf Sarig
Scheduling identical jobs and due-window on uniform machines. 712-719 - Marie E. Matta, Salah E. Elmaghraby:
Polynomial time algorithms for two special classes of the proportionate multiprocessor open shop. 720-728 - Marie-Christine Plateau, Yasmín Á. Ríos-Solís
Optimal solutions for unrelated parallel machines scheduling problems using convex quadratic reformulations. 729-736
- Jun Lin
, Yanjun Qian
, Wentian Cui, Zhanli Miao:
Overlapping and communication policies in product development. 737-750 - Guenther Fuellerer, Karl F. Doerner
, Richard F. Hartl
, Manuel Iori
Metaheuristics for vehicle routing problems with three-dimensional loading constraints. 751-759 - Jun Ru, Yunzeng Wang:
Consignment contracting: Who should control inventory in the supply chain? 760-769
- Mustafa Ç. Pinar, Aslihan Altay-Salih
, Ahmet Camci:
Expected gain-loss pricing and hedging of contingent claims in incomplete markets by linear programming. 770-785 - Gennadi Falin
A single-server batch arrival queue with returning customers. 786-790 - Sophie Hautphenne
, Benny Van Houdt:
On the link between Markovian trees and tree-structured Markov chains. 791-798 - Yanfeng Ouyang, Xiaopeng Li:
The bullwhip effect in supply chain networks. 799-810 - Gustavo Bergantiños
, Juan J. Vidal-Puga
Realizing fair outcomes in minimum cost spanning tree problems through non-cooperative mechanisms. 811-820 - Effie Papageorgiou, George Kokolakis:
Reliability analysis of a two-unit general parallel system with (n-2) warm standbys. 821-827
- Luis C. Dias
, Claude Lamboray:
Extensions of the prudence principle to exploit a valued outranking relation. 828-837 - Hong Sik Kim, So Young Sohn:
Support vector machines for default prediction of SMEs based on technology credit. 838-846 - Parag C. Pendharkar:
Valuing interdependent multi-stage IT investments: A real options approach. 847-859 - Jesús Marín-Solano
, Jorge Navas
Consumption and portfolio rules for time-inconsistent investors. 860-872
- Maria Psillaki
, Ioannis E. Tsolas, Dimitris Margaritis
Evaluation of credit risk based on firm performance. 873-881 - Masoumeh Kazemi Zanjani
, Daoud Ait-Kadi
, Mustapha Nourelfath
Robust production planning in a manufacturing environment with random yield: A case in sawmill production planning. 882-891 - Manuel Abellanas, M. Dolores López, Javier Rodrigo
Searching for equilibrium positions in a game of political competition with restrictions. 892-896 - Shaoxiang Chen
, Guillermo Gallego
, Michael Z. F. Li
, Bing Lin:
Optimal seat allocation for two-flight problems with a flexible demand segment. 897-908 - Carlos Manuel Ferreira Monteiro
, Sally Dibb, Luis Tadeu Almeida:
Revealing doctors' prescribing choice dimensions with multivariate tools: A perceptual mapping approach. 909-920 - Brecht Cardoen
, Erik Demeulemeester, Jeroen Beliën
Operating room planning and scheduling: A literature review. 921-932 - Kankana Mukherjee:
Measuring energy efficiency in the context of an emerging economy: The case of indian manufacturing. 933-941 - Suvankar Ghosh, Marvin D. Troutt, John H. Thornton, O. Felix Offodile:
An empirical method for assessing the research relevance gap. 942-948 - Xiu-Hao Ding
, Rui-Hua Huang:
Effects of knowledge spillover on inter-organizational resource sharing decision in collaborative knowledge creation. 949-959
- Kit-Nam Francis Leung
Some comments on "A simple method to compute economic order quantities". 960-961 - A. Hadi-Vencheh
An improvement to multiple criteria ABC inventory classification. 962-965 - Cheng He, Yixun Lin, Jinjiang Yuan:
A note on the single machine scheduling to minimize the number of tardy jobs with deadlines. 966-970
- Retraction notice to "Pricing Currency Option Based on Fuzzy Techniques" [EOR 193 (2009) 530-540]. 971
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