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Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 167
Volume 167, Number 1, August 2005
- Prasada Rao, Miguel Angel Medina
A multiple domain algorithm for modeling one-dimensional transient contaminant transport flows. 1-15 - Rafael Álvarez
, Joan-Josep Climent
, Leandro Tortosa
, Antonio Zamora
An efficient binary sequence generator with cryptographic applications. 16-27 - Mehdi Dehghan
Numerical approximations for solving a time-dependent partial differential equation with non-classical specification on four boundaries. 28-45 - Mehdi Dehghan
Quasi-implicit and two-level explicit finite-difference procedures for solving the one-dimensional advection equation. 46-67 - Dariush Shadman, Bahman Mehri:
A non-homogeneous Hill's equation. 68-75 - G. A. Afrouzi:
On positive mountain pass solutions for a semilinear elliptic boundary value problem. 76-80 - Yong Ding, Kwok-Wo Wong, Yu-Min Wang:
A w-NNAF method for the efficient computation of scalar multiplication in elliptic curve cryptography. 81-93 - Zhen-Jun Shi, Jie Shen:
Convergence of descent method without line search. 94-107 - Wu-Chuan Yang, Dah-Jyh Guan, Chi-Sung Laih:
Algorithm of asynchronous binary signed-digit recoding on fast multiexponentiation. 108-117 - Ming-Hsin Chang, Yi-Shiung Yeh:
Improving Lamport one-time signature scheme. 118-124 - Roberto Barrio
, Juan Manuel Peña
Evaluation of the derivative of a polynomial in Bernstein form. 125-142 - Zuhua Shao:
A new key authentication scheme for cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms. 143-152 - Tariq Aziz, Arshad Khan, Jalil Rashidinia
Spline methods for the solution of fourth-order parabolic partial differential equations. 153-166 - E. E. Ammar
On computational solution of vector maximum problem. 167-178 - S. H. Saker
Oscillation of continuous and discrete diffusive delay Nicholson's blowflies models. 179-197 - Alaeddin Malek, A. Yari:
Primal-dual solution for the linear programming problems using neural networks. 198-211 - Z. Merdan, M. Bayirli:
The effect of the increase of linear dimensions on exponents obtained by finite-size scaling relations for the six-dimensional Ising model on the Creutz cellular automaton. 212-224 - Rajesh K. Bawa:
Spline based computational technique for linear singularly perturbed boundary value problems. 225-236 - Hashem Saberi Najafi
, Sohrab Kordrostami
, M. Esmaeilzadeh:
Computational Quartic c3-spline and Quintic c2-spline algorithms for solving second-order initial value problems. 237-251 - Ying-Ming Wang, Jian-Bo Yang
, Dong-Ling Xu
Interval weight generation approaches based on consistency test and interval comparison matrices. 252-273 - Eun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo:
Improvement of Fan et al.'s deniable authentication protocol based on Diffie-Hellman algorithm. 274-280 - Shin-Jia Hwang, Hao-Chih Liao:
Security of Hsu-Wu's authenticated encryption scheme with (t, n) shared verification. 281-285 - Dragan Jukic, Rudolf Scitovski
Least squares fitting Gaussian type curve. 286-298 - Mohammad Y. Al-Rawwash:
Covariance matrix estimation using repeated measurements when data are incomplete. 299-315 - M. Tavassoli Kajani
, B. Asady, A. Hadi-Vencheh
An iterative method for solving dual fuzzy nonlinear equations. 316-323 - Yongkun Li, Linghong Lu:
Positive periodic solutions of discrete n-species food-chain systems. 324-344 - Andrés Barrea, Cristina Vilma Turner:
A numerical analysis of a model of growth tumor. 345-354 - Sung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim
, Kee-Young Yoo:
Efficient nonce-based remote user authentication scheme using smart cards. 355-361 - Yuan-Lung Yu, Tzer-Shyong Chen
An efficient threshold group signature scheme. 362-371 - Teresa Diogo
, John T. Edwards, Neville J. Ford
, Sophy M. Thomas:
Numerical analysis of a singular integral equation. 372-382 - Shan Zhao
, Guo-Wei Wei:
Option valuation by using discrete singular convolution. 383-418 - Luther W. White, Yiqi Luo:
Model-based data assessment for terrestrial carbon processes: implications for sampling strategy in FACE experiments. 419-434 - Saffet Ayasun, Chika O. Nwankpa, Harry G. Kwatny:
An efficient method to compute singularity induced bifurcations of decoupled parameter-dependent differential-algebraic power system model. 435-453 - Zhong-hua Yang, Qian Guo
Bifurcation analysis of delayed logistic equation. 454-476 - Blanca Pérez-Gladish
, Mar Arenas Parra
, Amelia Bilbao-Terol
, Maria Victoria Rodríguez Uría:
Management of surgical waiting lists through a Possibilistic Linear Multiobjective Programming problem. 477-495 - Mahmoud H. Alrefaei
A simulated annealing applied for optimizing a voice-multihop radio network. 496-507 - Ching-Ter Chang:
Fractional programming with absolute-value functions: a fuzzy goal programming approach. 508-515 - Roger M. Faye
, Salam Sawadogo, Félix Mora-Camino:
Flexible management of water resource systems. 516-527 - Margarita Fernández, Derek P. Atherton:
Analysis of insulin sensitivity estimates from linear models of glucose disappearance. 528-538 - George E. Tsekouras
A fuzzy vector quantization approach to image compression. 539-560 - Santanu Saha Ray, R. K. Bera:
An approximate solution of a nonlinear fractional differential equation by Adomian decomposition method. 561-571 - Da-Zhi Sun, Zhen-Fu Cao
, Yu Sun:
Remarks on a new key authentication scheme based on discrete logarithms. 572-575 - Lihong Feng:
Review of model order reduction methods for numerical simulation of nonlinear circuits. 576-591 - Tadeusz Platkowski, Joanna Stachowska-Pietka
ESSs in n-player mixed games. 592-606 - Ming Gen Cui, Li Hong Yang:
The exact solutions of a kind of nonlinear operator equations. 607-615 - E. Ahmed, Mahmoud El-Alem:
On multiobjective optimization in portfolio management. 616-621 - Zong-Yi Lee:
Applying the double side method of weighted residual to the solution of shell deformation problem. 622-634 - Patricia Mariela Morillas
Dykstra's algorithm with strategies for projecting onto certain polyhedral cones. 635-649 - Kyungsoo Kim
, Dokkyun Yi, Sungyun Lee:
Mortar method for nonconforming finite elements. 650-669 - Erdal Karaduman:
On determinants of matrices with general Fibonacci numbers entries. 670-676 - Pu-yan Nie
A filter method for solving nonlinear complementarity problems. 677-694 - Nurullah Ankaralioglu, Hüseyin Aydin, Inci Gültekin:
Computation of abstract groups S((d + 1)/2, d) and torus knots K(d, 2). 695-710 - Eun-Jun Yoon, Eun-Kyung Ryu, Kee-Young Yoo:
Improvement of Chien-Jan's authenticated multiple-key agreement protocol without using conventional one-way function. 711-715 - Shaohua Pan, Xingsi Li:
An efficient algorithm for the Euclidean r-centrum location problem. 716-728 - Yuh-Dauh Lyuu
, Ming-Luen Wu:
Cryptanalysis of and improvement on the Hwang-Chen multi-proxy multi-signature schemes. 729-739
Volume 167, Number 2, August 2005
- Jong-Wuu Wu, Wen-Chuan Lee, Sheau-Chiann Chen
Prediction intervals of future observation from one-parameter exponential distribution based on multiply type II censored samples. 741-806 - Jong-Wuu Wu, Chin-Chuan Wu, Mei-Huei Tsai:
Optimal parameter estimation of the two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution based on a type II right censored sample. 807-819 - Ya-Fen Chang, Chin-Chen Chang:
Authentication schemes with no verification table. 820-832 - Eun-Kyung Ryu, Jae-Yuel Im, Kee-Young Yoo:
Security of Tseng-Jan's conference key distribution system. 833-839 - Liao-Jun Pang
, Yu-Min Wang:
A new (t, n) multi-secret sharing scheme based on Shamir's secret sharing. 840-848 - Hassan N. A. Ismail, Kamal R. Raslan, Ghada S. E. Salem, Aziza A. Abd Rabboh:
Comparison study between restrictive Taylor, restrictive Padé approximations and Adomian decomposition method for the solitary wave solution of the General KdV equation. 849-869 - Ren-Junn Hwang, Chih-Hua Lai, Feng-Fu Su:
An efficient signcryption scheme with forward secrecy based on elliptic curve. 870-881 - Chien-Lung Hsu:
Cryptanalysis and improvement of the Tzeng-Hwang authenticated encryption scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. 882-890 - Tseng-Kuei Li:
Cycle embedding in star graphs with edge faults. 891-900 - Li-Hong Cui, Zheng-xing Cheng:
A method of construction for biorthogonal multiwavelets system with 2r multiplicity. 901-918 - Yong Chen, Qi Wang:
A new general algebraic method with symbolic computation to construct new doubly-periodic solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional dispersive long wave equation. 919-929 - Yong-Lin Chen, Xue-Yuan Tan:
Semiconvergence criteria of iterations and extrapolated iterations and constructive methods of semiconvergent iteration matrices. 930-956 - Caidi Zhao:
Algorithmization formula and mechanization to Cauchy problem of high dimensional wave equation. 957-963 - Afrah Saad Mahmood, Luis Casasús, Waleed Al-Hayani
The decomposition method for stiff systems of ordinary differential equations. 964-975 - Din-Yuen Chan, Cheng-Yuan Ku:
Finite-precision arithmetic coding via index-splitting and probability-fitting. 976-995 - Sung-Woon Lee, Hyun-Sung Kim
, Kee-Young Yoo:
Efficient verifier-based key agreement protocol for three parties without server's public key. 996-1003 - Yi-Qin Lin:
Implicitly restarted global FOM and GMRES for nonsymmetric matrix equations and Sylvester equations. 1004-1025 - Xianfu Zhang, Zhaolin Cheng:
Output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems with delays in the input. 1026-1040 - Ali Vahidian Kamyad
, Hamed Hashemi Mehne
, Akbar Hashemi Borzabadi:
The best linear approximation for nonlinear systems. 1041-1061 - Jingjun Zhao, Yang Xu, M. Z. Liu:
Stability analysis of numerical methods for linear neutral Volterra delay-integro-differential system. 1062-1079 - Abdollah Shidfar, M. Djalalvand, Morteza Garshasbi
A numerical scheme for solving special class of nonlinear diffusion-convection equation. 1080-1089 - M. Hadizadeh
, M. Asgary:
An efficient numerical approximation for the linear class of mixed integral equations. 1090-1100 - Kamal R. Raslan:
A computational method for the regularized long wave (RLW) equation. 1101-1118 - Yaghoub Mahmoudi:
Wavelet Galerkin method for numerical solution of nonlinear integral equation. 1119-1129 - Jinlin Shi, Aizhi Weng, Jiyang Chen:
The calculation for characteristic multiplier of Hill's equation in case q(t) < 0. 1130-1149 - Esmail Babolian, A. R. Vahidi, G. H. Asadi Cordshooli:
Solving differential equations by decomposition method. 1150-1155 - Abdalah A. Badr:
Numerical solution of Fredholm-Volterra integral equation in one dimension with time dependent. 1156-1161 - Abdul-Majid Wazwaz:
Generalized Boussinesq type of equations with compactons, solitons and periodic solutions. 1162-1178 - Abdul-Majid Wazwaz:
The tanh and the sine-cosine methods for compact and noncompact solutions of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. 1179-1195 - Abdul-Majid Wazwaz:
The tanh method: exact solutions of the sine-Gordon and the sinh-Gordon equations. 1196-1210 - Khaled M. Furati
, Nasser-eddine Tatar:
Uniform boundedness and stability for a viscoelastic problem. 1211-1220 - Mohamed Medjden, Nasser-eddine Tatar:
Asymptotic behavior for a viscoelastic problem with not necessarily decreasing kernel. 1221-1235 - Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan, V. Lakshmikantham, S. Leela:
Nonresonant singular boundary value problems with sign changing nonlinearities. 1236-1248 - Mahir Rasulov
Numerical solution of one dimensional filtration of three phase compressible fluid through porous medium in a class of discontinuous functions. 1249-1266 - Tuncay Candan
, Rajbir S. Dahiya:
Oscillation behavior of higher order neutral differential equations. 1267-1280 - K. L. Boey, Patricia J. Y. Wong
Two-point right focal eigenvalue problems on time scales. 1281-1303 - Mokhtar Kirane
, Y. Laskri:
Nonexistence of global solutions to a hyperbolic equation with a space-time fractional damping. 1304-1310 - Juan I. Ramos
Exponentially-fitted methods on layer-adapted meshes. 1311-1330 - Juan I. Ramos
Equivalence of C0 and C1 methods for ODE's. 1331-1338 - Salah M. El-Sayed, Dogan Kaya:
Exact and numerical traveling wave solutions of Whitham-Broer-Kaup equations. 1339-1349 - Weiming Wang:
An algorithm for solving DAEs with mechanization. 1350-1372 - Jianhong Zhang, Yumin Wang:
On the security of Miyaji et al. group signature scheme. 1373-1382 - Haibo Zhao
, Chuguang Zheng, Minghou Xu
Multi-Monte Carlo method for particle coagulation: description and validation. 1383-1399 - Rais Ahmad, Fabián Flores Bazán:
An iterative algorithm for random generalized nonlinear mixed variational inclusions for random fuzzy mappings. 1400-1411 - Ebrahim A. Youness:
Level set algorithm for solving convex multiplicative programming problems. 1412-1417 - Sedaghat Shahmorad:
Numerical solution of the general form linear Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equations by the Tau method with an error estimation. 1418-1429 - Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
, Ghasem Moslehi
, M. Vasei, Amir Azaron:
Optimal scheduling for a single machine to minimize the sum of maximum earliness and tardiness considering idle insert. 1430-1450 - Iwan M. Duursma, Hyang-Sook Lee:
A group key agreement protocol from pairings. 1451-1456 - Pradeep Kumar Gudla, Ranjan Ganguli
An automated hybrid genetic-conjugate gradient algorithm for multimodal optimization problems. 1457-1474
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