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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 1975
- G. David Forney Jr.:
Our reviewers. 2-3 - William A. Gardner, Lewis E. Franks:
Characterization of cyclostationary random signal processes. 4-14 - Thomas Kailath, Howard L. Weinert:
An RKHS approach to detection and estimation problems-II: Gaussian signal detection. 15-23 - Jae-Kyoon Kim, Lee D. Davisson:
Adaptive linear estimation for stationary M-dependent processes. 23-31 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, Larry D. Hostetler:
The estimation of the gradient of a density function, with applications in pattern recognition. 32-40 - B. Chandrasekaran, Chun Lam:
A finite-memory deterministic algorithm for the symmetric hypothesis testing problem. 40-44 - Jack Koplowitz:
Necessary and sufficient memory size for m-hypothesis testing. 44-46 - Gerard J. Foschini:
Performance bound for maximum-likelihood reception of digital data. 47-50 - Ostap S. Kosovych, Raymond L. Pickholtz:
Automatic equalization using a successive overrelaxation iterative technique. 51-58 - Harry H. Tan, Kung Yao:
Evaluation of rate-distortion functions for a class of independent identically distributed sources under an absolute-magnitude criterion. 59-64 - Philippe Piret:
On a class of alternating cyclic convolutional codes. 64-69 - Robert T. Chien, David M. Choy:
Algebraic generalization of BCH-Goppa-Helgert codes. 70-79 - Kenneth S. Schneider, Richard S. Orr:
Aperiodic correlation constraints on large binary sequence sets. 79-84 - Eugene Wong:
Recursive filtering for two-dimensional random fields (Corresp.). 84-86 - Israel Bar-David:
Sample functions of a Gaussian process cannot be recovered from their zero crossings (Corresp.). 86-87 - Pratap N. Misra
, Harold W. Sorenson:
Parameter estimation in Poisson processes (Corresp.). 87-90 - D. Chazan, Moshe Zakai, Jacob Ziv:
Improved Lower Bounds on Signal Parameter Estimation. 90-93 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Bayes estimation with asymmetrical cost functions (Corresp.). 93-95 - Albert H. Nuttall:
Some integrals involving the QM function (Corresp.). 95-96 - David Middleton:
Correction to 'A Statistical Theory of Reverberation and Similar First-Order Scattered Fields-Part III, Waveform and Fields-Part IV. Statistical Models'. 97-99 - Godfried T. Toussaint:
Sharper lower bounds for discrimination information in terms of variation (Corresp.). 99-100 - N. Thomas Gaarder, Jack K. Wolf:
The capacity region of a multiple-access discrete memoryless channel can increase with feedback (Corresp.). 100-102 - Samar Singh, Nirmal Singh Kambo:
Kraft inequality for decoding with respect to non-balanced distortion measures (Corresp.). 102-104 - David C. van Voorhis:
Constructing codes with ordered codeword lengths (Corresp.). 105-106 - Arvind M. Patel:
Maximal q -nary linear codes with large minimum distance (Corresp.). 106-110 - David M. Mandelbaum:
On the derivation of Goppa codes (Corresp.). 110-111 - Charles T. Retter:
Decoding Goppa codes with a BCH decoder (Corresp.). 112 - Robert T. Chien, Spencer W. Ng:
Low-rate burst-correcting convolutional codes (Corresp.). 112-115 - Colin L. Mallows, Andrew M. Odlyzko, Neil J. A. Sloane:
An upper bound for self-dual codes (Corresp.). 115 - Bhu Dev Sharma, Bal Kishan Dass:
Correction to 'Extended Varshamov-Gilbert and Sphere-Packing bounds for Burst-Correcting Codes'. 115 - Staffan A. Fredricsson:
Pseudo-randomness properties of binary shift register sequences (Corresp.). 115-120
Volume 21, Number 2, March 1975
- Horace P. Yuen, Robert S. Kennedy, Melvin Lax:
Optimum testing of multiple hypotheses in quantum detection theory. 125-134 - Adrian Segall, Thomas Kailath:
The modeling of randomly modulated jump processes. 135-143 - Adrian Segall, Mark H. A. Davis, Thomas Kailath:
Nonlinear filtering with counting observations. 143-149 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Small-sample efficiencies of rank tests. 150-157 - Francisco J. Samaniego:
On testing simple hypotheses in finite time with Hellman-Cover automata. 157-162 - Aaron D. Wyner:
The common information of two dependent random variables. 163-179 - Edward C. van der Meulen:
Random coding theorems for the general discrete memoryless broadcast channel. 180-190 - John C. Kieffer:
On the optimum average distortion attainable by fixed-rate coding of a nonergodic source. 190-193 - Peter Elias:
Universal codeword sets and representations of the integers. 194-203 - Nicholas J. Patterson:
The algebraic decoding of Goppa codes. 203-207 - Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong:
The use of finite fields to compute convolutions. 208-213 - Raphael Rom:
On the cepstrum of two-dimensional functions (Corresp.). 214-217 - Izhak Rubin:
Optimal sequence estimators for statistically unknown binary sources and channels (Corresp.). 217-221 - David L. Neuhoff:
The Viterbi algorithm as an aid in text recognition (Corresp.). 222-226 - Thomas M. Cover:
A proof of the data compression theorem of Slepian and Wolf for ergodic sources (Corresp.). 226-228 - Robert G. Gallager, David C. van Voorhis:
Optimal source codes for geometrically distributed integer alphabets (Corresp.). 228-230 - David M. Mandelbaum:
On forward error correction with adaptive decoding (Corresp.). 230-233 - Y. L. Lee, M. C. Cheng:
Cyclic mappings of product codes (Corresp.). 233-235 - George I. Davida, J. Cowles:
A new error-locating polynomial for decoding of BCH codes (Corresp.). 235-236 - Carl-Erik W. Sundberg:
One-step majority-logic decoding with symbol reliability information (Corresp.). 236-242 - Bruce B. Barrow:
Review of 'Computer-Communication Networks' (Abramson, N., and Kuo, F. F., Eds.; 1973). 243-244 - Michael B. Pursley:
Coding theorems for non-ergodic sources and sources with unknown parameters (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 245 - Jerry John Ransom:
Discrete receiver structures for bit detection and synchronization of NRZ signals (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 245 - David L. Neuhoff:
Source coding and distance measures on random processes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 245
Volume 21, Number 3, May 1975
- James L. Massey:
Editorial. 249 - Frederick Jelinek, Lalit R. Bahl, Robert L. Mercer:
Design of a linguistic statistical decoder for the recognition of continuous speech. 250-256 - Dag Tjøstheim, John B. Thomas:
Some properties and examples of random processes that are almost wide sense stationary. 257-262 - R. Douglas Martin, C. Johan Masreliez:
Robust estimation via stochastic approximation. 263-271 - Robert A. Monzingo:
Discrete optimal linear smoothing for systems with uncertain observations. 271-275 - John A. Stuller:
Generalized likelihood signal resolution. 276-282 - Robert M. Gagliardi:
Noncoherent detection of periodic signals. 282-285 - Keinosuke Fukunaga, Larry D. Hostetler:
k-nearest-neighbor Bayes-risk estimation. 285-293 - Aaron D. Wyner:
On source coding with side information at the decoder. 294-300 - David J. Sakrison:
Worst sources and robust codes for difference distortion measures. 301-309 - Lee D. Davisson, Michael B. Pursley:
A direct proof of the coding theorem for discrete sources with memory. 310-317 - Frederick Jelinek:
Bootstrap trellis decoding. 318-325 - Israel Bar-David:
Minimum-mean-square-error estimation of photon pulse delay (Corresp.). 326-330 - David C. Rife, M. Goldstein, Robert R. Boorstyn:
A unification of Cramér-Rao type bounds (Corresp.). 330-332 - Reid G. Smith:
Cepstrum discrimination function (Corresp.). 332-334 - Robert F. Brammer:
A note on the use of Chandrasekhar equations for the calculation of the Kalman gain matrix (Corresp.). 334-336 - Thomas Kailath:
Author's Reply to 'A Note on the Use of Chandrasekhar Equations for the Calculation of the Kalman Gain Matrix'. 336-337 - J. W. Matthews:
On the Fourier coefficients for the phase-shift keyed phase density function (Corresp.). 337-338 - Lee D. Davisson, P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
On the response of an RC filter-hard limiter- RC filter detector to nonzero-mean white Gaussian noise (Corresp.). 338-341 - John J. Knab, Morton I. Schwartz:
A system error bound for the self-truncating reconstructing filter class (Corresp.). 341-342 - Nezih C. Geçkinli:
Two Corollaries to the Huffman Coding Procedure. 342-344 - Jean-Louis Lassez:
A correspondence on strongly prefix codes (Corresp.). 344-345 - Carlos R. P. Hartmann, Ralph J. Longobardi:
Weight distributions of some classes of binary cyclic codes (Corresp.). 345-350 - Tai-Yang Hwang, Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
Correction to a proof in the coding literature (Corresp.). 351 - Keith S. Pennington:
Review of 'Optical Information Processing and Holography' (Cathey, W. T.; 1974). 352 - Robert F. Pawula, Neil J. Bershad:
Review of 'Random Differential Equations in Science and Engineering' (Soong, T. T.; 1973). 352-353
Volume 21, Number 4, July 1975
- Robert M. Gray:
Sliding-block source coding. 357-368 - Terrence L. Fine:
Uniformly reasonable source encoding is often practically impossible. 368-373 - Charles R. Davis, Martin E. Hellman:
On tree coding with a fidelity criterion. 373-378 - John B. Anderson, John B. Bodie:
Tree encoding of speech. 379-387 - Edward C. Posner:
Random coding strategies for minimum entropy. 388-391 - Peter Elias:
Distinguishable codeword sets for shared memory. 392-399 - Thomas M. Cover:
An achievable rate region for the broadcast channel. 399-404 - Lalit R. Bahl, Frederick Jelinek:
Decoding for channels with insertions, deletions, and substitutions with applications to speech recognition. 404-411 - E. J. Weldon Jr.:
Some results on the problem of constructing asymptotically good error-correcting codes. 412-417 - G. Robert Redinbo:
Generalized bandpass filters for decoding block codes. 417-422 - Lai-Wo Fung, King-Sun Fu:
Maximum-likelihood syntactic decoding. 423-430 - Saleem A. Kassam, John B. Thomas:
A class of nonparametric detectors for dependent input data. 431-437 - Terry J. Wagner:
Nonparametric estimates of probability densities. 438-440 - Rudolf de Buda:
The upper error bound of a new near-optimal code. 441-445 - David J. Clements, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A nonlinear fixed-lag smoother for finite-state Markov processes. 446-452 - John L. Brown Jr.:
Some cross correlation properties for distorted signals. 453-458 - T. Farago, László Györfi:
On the continuity of the error distortion function for multiple-hypothesis decisions (Corresp.). 458-460 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
Hybrid low autocorrelation sequences (Corresp.). 460-462 - Se June Hong, Douglas C. Bossen:
On some properties of self-reciprocal polynomials (Corresp.). 462-464 - Rolf Johannesson:
Robustly optimal rate one-half binary convolutional codes (Corresp.). 464-468 - Vasile V. Masgras:
A class of binoid single-error-correcting codes (Corresp.). 468-469 - Harry H. Tan:
Convergence of distortion for block coding of symmetric modular sources (Corresp.). 469-472 - Alan S. Willsky:
Estimation and detection of signals in multiplicative noise (Corresp.). 472-474 - John J. Knab:
System error bounds for Lagrange polynomial estimation of band-limited functions (Corresp.). 474-476 - Howell Tong:
Autoregressive model fitting with noisy data by Akaike's information criterion (Corresp.). 476-480 - Massih Hamidi, Judea Pearl:
On the residual correlation of finite-dimensional discrete Fourier transforms of stationary signals (Corresp.). 480-482 - Harvey S. Piper Jr.:
Bounds for truncation error in sampling expansions of finite energy band-limited signals (Corresp.). 482-485 - John I. Molinder, Courtney Coleman:
Result on the number of distinct binary sequence statistic vectors (Corresp.). 485-486 - Francis R. Magee Jr., John G. Proakis:
Correction to 'Adaptive Maximum-Likelihood Sequence Estimation for Digital Signaling in the Presence of Intersymbol Interference'. 486 - P. Papantoni-Kazakos:
Correction to 'Bayes Estimation with Asymmetrical Cost Functions'. 487 - Theodore William Benjamin:
Coding for a noisy channel with permutation errors (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 488 - Young Park:
Quantum linear recursive minimum mean-square-error estimation (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 488 - Kai-Ping Yiu:
A study of multifold Euclidean geometry codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 488 - Joel M. Morris:
Source encoding of a class of discrete-time signal sources by robust quantization (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 488-489
Volume 21, Number 5, September 1975
- Hans S. Witsenhausen, Aaron D. Wyner:
A conditional entropy bound for a pair of discrete random variables. 493-501 - Toby Berger:
Information-singular random processes. 502-511 - David L. Neuhoff, Robert M. Gray, Lee D. Davisson:
Fixed rate universal block source coding with a fidelity criterion. 511-523 - Robert M. Gray, David L. Neuhoff, Jim K. Omura:
Process definitions of distortion-rate functions and source coding theorems. 524-532 - Alexander S. Holevo:
Some statistical problems for quantum Gaussian states. 533-543 - Richard R. Anderson, Gerard J. Foschini:
The minimum distance for MLSE digital data systems of limited complexity. 544-551 - József Fritz:
Distribution-free exponential error bound for nearest neighbor pattern classification. 552-557 - Gianfranco L. Cariolaro, Silvano Pupolin
Moments of correlated digital signals for error probability evaluation. 558-568 - Aydano B. Carleial:
A case where interference does not reduce capacity (Corresp.). 569-570 - Daniel P. Petersen:
A proof of the separability of prefiltering and coding (Corresp.). 570-572 - Joseph A. Goguen, Lee Carlson:
Axioms for discrimination information (Corresp.). 572-574 - Philippe Delsarte:
On subfield subcodes of modified Reed-Solomon codes (Corresp.). 575-576 - Jørn Justesen:
An algebraic construction of rate 1/v -ary codes; algebraic construction (Corresp.). 577-580 - Yasuo Sugiyama, Masao Kasahara, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
Some efficient binary codes constructed using Srivastava codes (Corresp.). 581-582 - Masao Kasahara, Yasuo Sugiyama, Shigeichi Hirasawa, Toshihiko Namekawa:
A new class of binary codes constructed on the basis of BCH codes (Corresp.). 582-585 - Mushfiqur Rahman, Ian F. Blake:
Majority logic decoding using combinatorial designs (Corresp.). 585-587 - Y. Iwadare:
Random-error correcting capability of the Iwadare codes and the Berlekamp-Preparata-Massey codes (Corresp.). 587-588 - Jack M. Stein, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Equivalent rate 1/2 quasi-cyclic codes (Corresp.). 588-589 - Gérald E. Séguin:
On synchronizable binary cyclic codes (Corresp.). 589-592 - Martin Cohn, Abraham Lempel:
Difference codes with desirable spectral properties (Corresp.). 593-596 - Stephan R. Cavior:
An upper bound associated with errors in Gray code (Corresp.). 596 - Ernest T. Tsui, Eugene Wong:
A sequential approach to heart-beat interval classification (Corresp.). 596-599
Volume 21, Number 6, November 1975
- Gerard J. Foschini:
Maximally null partial response for an MLSE digital data system involving high loss coaxial cable. 601-604 - Ernst Pfaffelhuber:
Generalized harmonic analysis for distributions. 605-611 - Joos Vandewalle, Patrick M. Dewilde:
On the minimal spectral factorization of nonsingular positive rational matrices. 612-618 - H. I. Davies, Edward J. Wegman:
Sequential nonparametric density estimation. 619-628 - Rudolf Ahlswede, János Körner:
Source coding with side information and a converse for degraded broadcast channels. 629-637 - David Haccoun, Michael J. Ferguson:
Generalized stack algorithms for decoding convolutional codes. 638-651 - Martin E. Hellman:
Convolutional source encoding. 651-656 - Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong:
Complex integer convolutions over a direct sum of Galois fields. 657-661 - Dusan S. Zrnic:
Signal-to-noise ratio in the output of nonlinear devices (Corresp.). 662-663 - Stuart C. Schwartz:
Conditional mean estimates and Bayesian hypothesis testing (Corresp.). 663-665 - G. L. Ritter, Hugh B. Woodruff, Stephen R. Lowry, Thomas L. Isenhour:
An algorithm for a selective nearest neighbor decision rule (Corresp.). 665-669 - David L. Cohn, James L. Melsa:
The relationship between an adaptive quantizer and a variance estimator (Corresp.). 669-671 - Nelson M. Blachman:
Zero-crossing rate for the sum of two sinusoids or a signal plus noise (Corresp.). 671-675 - Franklin S. Weinstein:
Calculating the exact probability distribution of the pulse of a sine wave in narrow-band normal noise by means of infinite series (Corresp.). 675-679 - Richard A. Altes:
Wide-band systems and Gaussianity (Corresp.). 679-682 - John V. Murphy:
A simple approximation to intersymbol interference error rate for low SNR (Corresp.). 682-687 - Harvey S. Piper Jr.:
Best asymptotic bounds for truncation error in sampling expansions of band-limited signals (Corresp.). 687-690 - Gerald J. Bierman:
Fixed memory least squares filtering (Corresp.). 690-692 - Donald L. Snyder, Philip M. Fishman:
How to track a swarm of fireflies by observing their flashes (Corresp.). 692-695 - William S. Hodgkiss, Loren W. Nolte:
A note on the calculation of performance for likelihood ratio processors via computer simulation (Corresp.). 695-698 - William A. Gardner:
A series solution to smoothing, filtering, and prediction problems involving correlated signal and noise (Corresp.). 698-699 - David B. Cooper:
On some convergence properties of 'learning with a probabilistic teacher' algorithms (Corresp.). 699-702 - E. Shichor, Amnon Hammer:
An equivalence between two error criteria (Corresp.). 702-703 - Chris Hawkes, Simon Haykin:
Modeling of clutter for coherent pulsed radar (Corresp.). 703-707 - Thomas S. Huang:
Bounds on the bit rate of linear runlength codes (Corresp.). 707-708 - Jack M. Stein, Vijay K. Bhargava, Stafford E. Tavares:
Weight distribution of some 'best' (3m, 2m) binary quasi-cyclic codes (Corresp.). 708-711 - Giuliano Benelli, Carlo Bianciardi, Vito Cappellini:
Some burst-error-correcting binoid codes (Corresp.). 711-712 - Kenneth K. Tzeng, Kuno P. Zimmermann:
On extending Goppa codes to cyclic codes (Corresp.). 712-716 - Michael Willett:
Cycle representatives for minimal cyclic codes (Corresp.). 716-718 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
Notes on impulse equivalent pulse trains (Corresp.). 718-720 - William F. Hartman:
Arithmetic codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 720 - Farokh A. Marvasti:
Transmission and reconstruction of signals using functionally related zero crossings (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 720-721 - A. Elahi-Taleghani:
Distance properties of rate 1/2 convolutional codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 721 - Charles T. Retter:
Bounds on Goppa codes (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 721 - Arthur D. Spaulding:
Optimum reception in an impulsive interference environment (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 721 - David C. Farden:
Stochastic approximation with correlated data (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 721-722 - Roman J. Nawrocky:
A discrete time approach to signal and detector design in additive Gaussian and burst noise and intersymbol interference (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 722 - G. Pasternack:
Nonparametric classification using quadratic quantile statistics (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 722 - Marco V. Vaca:
A measure transformation approach to estimation and decision for observation derived from martingales (D.Sc. Thesis abstr.). 722 - Clifford A. Mohwinkel:
Data reduction and processing of massive tabular data by localized operations (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 722-723 - W. Bushnell:
The optimization and performance of detectors based on partition tests (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 723 - G. Soloway:
Suboptimal detection in the presence of intersymbol interference and burst noise (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 723
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