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WSC 1999: Phoenix, Arizona, USA - Volume 1
- Phillip A. Farrington, Harriet Black Nembhard, David T. Sturrock, Gerald W. Evans:
Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation - a bridge to the future, WSC 1999, Phoenix, AZ, USA, December 05-8, 1999, Volume 1. WSC 1999, ISBN 0-7803-5780-9 - Jon Anton:
The use of simulation in call center optimization (keynote address). 3-4 - Jerry Banks:
Introduction to simulation. 7-13 - Lawrence Leemis:
Simulation input modeling. 14-23 - Susan M. Sanchez:
ABC's of output analysis. 24-32 - W. David Kelton:
Designing simulation experiments. 33-38 - Robert G. Sargent:
Validation and verification of simulation models. 39-48 - Charles R. Standridge:
A tutorial on simulation in health care: applications issues. 49-55 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
Simulation of manufacturing systems. 56-59 - Deborah A. Sadowski, Mark R. Grabau:
Tips for successful practice of simulation. 60-66 - Williard C. Hewitt, Eric E. Miller:
Applying simulation in a consulting environment - tips from airport planners. 67-71 - Thomas J. Schriber, Daniel T. Brunner:
Inside discrete-event simulation software: how it works and why it matters. 72-80 - David Goldsman, Barry L. Nelson, Tracy Opicka, A. Alan B. Pritsker:
A ranking and selection project: experiences from a university-industry collaboration. 83-92 - Farhad Azadivar:
Simulation optimization methodologies. 93-100 - James C. Spall:
Stochastic optimization and the simultaneous perturbation method. 101-109 - Bruce W. Schmeiser:
Advanced input modeling for simulation experimentation. 110-115 - Charles H. Reilly:
Input models for synthetic optimization problems. 116-121 - Richard Fujimoto:
Parallel and distributed simulation. 122-131 - Jeffrey A. Joines
, Stephen D. Roberts:
Simulation in an object-oriented world. 132-140 - Wayne J. Davis:
Simulation: technologies in the new millennium. 141-147 - James D. Arthur, Robert G. Sargent, James B. Dabney, Averill M. Law, John D. (Jack) Morrison:
Verification and validation: what impact should project size and complexity have on attendant V&V activities and supporting infrastructure? (panel). 148-155 - Deborah A. Sadowski, Vivek Bapat:
The Arena product family: enterprise modeling solutions. 159-166 - James O. Henriksen:
SLX: pyramid power. 167-175 - James O. Henriksen:
General-purpose concurrent and post-processed animation with Proof. 176-181 - Robert C. Crain, James O. Henriksen:
Simulation using GPSS/H. 182-187 - David Krahl:
Modeling with Extend. 188-195 - Jean J. O'Reilly, William R. Lilegdon:
Introduction to AweSim. 196-200 - Jean J. O'Reilly, William R. Lilegdon:
Introduction to FACTOR/AIM. 201-207 - Rochelle N. Price, Charles R. Harrell:
Simulation modeling and optimization using ProModel. 208-214 - Rochelle N. Price, Charles R. Harrell:
Healthcare simulation modeling and optimization using MedModel. 215-219 - Matthew W. Rohrer:
AutoMod product suite tutorial (AutoMod, Simulator, AutoStat) by AutoSimulations. 220-226 - D. Roger Hullinger:
Taylor Enterprise Dynamics. 227-229 - Arvind Mehta, Ian Rawles:
Business solutions using WITNESS. 230-233 - Brian Wood, Kerim Tumay:
MODSIM III and CACI's applications. 234-238 - Andrew J. Siprelle, David J. Parsons, Richard A. Phelps:
SDI Industry Pro: simulation for enterprise-wide problem solving. 241-248 - Herbert D. Schwetman:
"Model, then build": a modern approach to systems development using CSIM18. 249-254 - Fred W. Glover, James P. Kelly, Manuel Laguna:
New advances for wedding optimization and simulation. 255-260 - Averill M. Law, Michael G. McComas:
ExpertFit: total support for simulation input modeling. 261-266 - Kendra E. Moore, Jack C. Chiang, Scott D. Hammer:
ALPHA/Sim simulation software tutorial. 267-275 - Shreekanth Moorthy:
Integrating the CAD model with dynamic simulation: simulation data exchange. 276-280 - Scott Freedman:
An overview of fully integrated digital manufacturing technology. 281-285 - Wendy K. Bloechle, K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
Simulation interoperability using Micro Saint simulation software. 286-288 - Dursun Delen, Perakath C. Benjamin, Madhav Erraguntla:
An integrated toolkit for enterprise modeling and analysis. 289-297 - Henry Herper, Ingolf Ståhl:
Micro-GPSS on the Web and for Windows: a tool for introduction to simulation in high schools. 298-306 - Xinjie Chang:
Network simulations with OPNET. 307-314 - Stephen E. Chick:
Steps to implement Bayesian input distribution selection. 317-324 - Michael Freimer, Lee Schruben:
Using input process indicators for dynamic decision making. 325-329 - Russell C. H. Cheng:
Regression metamodeling in simulation using Bayesian methods. 330-335 - Hatem Ben Ameur, Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Christiane Lemieux:
Variance reduction of Monte Carlo and randomized quasi-Monte Carlo estimators for stochastic volatility models in finance. 336-343 - Athanassios N. Avramidis, Paul Hyden:
Efficiency improvements for pricing American options with a stochastic mesh. 344-350 - Paul Glasserman, Philip Heidelberger, Perwez Shahabuddin:
Stratification issues in estimating value-at-risk. 351-358 - Hsiao-Chang Chen, Chun-Hung Chen, Jianwu Lin, Enver Yücesan:
An asymptotic allocation for simultaneous simulation experiments. 359-366 - Shane G. Henderson, Peter W. Glynn:
Can the regenerative method be applied to discrete-event simulation? 367-373 - José R. Gallardo, Dimitrios Makrakis, Luis Orozco-Barbosa:
Fast simulation of broadband telecommunications networks carrying long-range dependent bursty traffic. 374-381 - David Goldsman, William S. Marshall:
Selection procedures with standardized time series variance estimators. 382-388 - Paul Hyden, Lee Schruben:
Designing simultaneous simulation experiments. 389-394 - Leyuan Shi, Chun-Hung Chen, Enver Yücesan:
Simultaneous simulation experiments and nested partition for discrete resource allocation in supply chain management. 395-401 - Zsolt Haraszti, J. Keith Townsend:
Rare event simulation of delay in packet switching networks using DPR-based splitting. 402-410 - Dirk P. Kroese, Victor F. Nicola:
Efficient simulation of a tandem Jackson network. 411-419 - Sandeep Juneja, Perwez Shahabuddin, Anurag Chandra:
Simulating heavy tailed processes using delayed hazard rate twisting. 420-427 - E. Jack Chen, W. David Kelton:
Simulation-based estimation of quantiles. 428-434 - Takayuki Tagaki, Naoto Miyoshi:
On the implementation of a smoothed perturbation analysis estimator for a single-server queue with multiple vacations. 435-441 - Natalie M. Steiger, James R. Wilson:
Improved batching for confidence interval construction in steady-state simulation. 442-451 - Donald Gross:
Sensitivity of output performance measures to input distribution shape in modeling queues - real data scenario. 452-457 - K. Preston White:
Simulating a nonstationary Poisson process using bivariate thinning: the case of "typical weekday" arrivals at a consumer electronics store. 458-461 - Michael E. Kuhl, Sun Ewe Lim:
Sensitivity analysis of simulation output to parameters of nonhomogeneous Poisson processes. 462-465 - László Gerencsér, Stacy D. Hill, Zsuzsanna Vágó:
Optimization over discrete sets via SPSA. 466-470 - Gül Gürkan, A. Yonca Özge, Stephen M. Robinson:
Solving stochastic optimization problems with stochastic constraints: an application in network design. 471-478 - Sigurdur Ólafsson:
Iterative ranking-and-selection for large-scale optimization. 479-485 - Leslie M. Moore, Bonnie K. Ray:
Statistical methods for sensitivity and performance analysis in computer experiments. 486-491 - James R. Swisher, Sheldon H. Jacobson:
A survey of ranking, selection, and multiple comparison procedures for discrete-event simulation. 492-501 - M. Isabel Reis dos Santos, Acácio M. O. Porta Nova:
The main issues in nonlinear simulation metamodel estimation. 502-509 - William E. Biles, Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
A Java-based simulation manager for optimization and response surface methodology in multiple-response parallel simulation. 513-517 - Simon J. E. Taylor
, Jon Saville, Rajeev Sudra:
Developing interest management techniques in distributed interactive simulation using Java. 518-523 - Anna L. Poplawski, David M. Nicol:
An investigation of out-of-core parallel discrete-event simulation. 524-530 - Susumu Morito, Jun Koida, Tsukasa Iwama, Masanori Sato, Yosiaki Tamura:
Simulation-based constraint generation with applications to optimization of logistic system design. 531-536 - Mahdi Nasereddin, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi:
The development of a methodology for the use of neural networks and simulation modeling in system design. 537-542 - Raymond R. Hill:
A Monte-Carlo study of genetic algorithm initial population generation methods. 543-547 - Michael Kantner:
Hierarchical modeling and multiresolution simulation. 548-552 - Ernest H. Page, Jeffrey M. Opper:
Observations on the complexity of composable simulation. 553-560 - Lars G. Randell, Lars G. Holst, Gunnar S. Bolmsjö:
Incremental system development of large discrete-event simulation models. 561-568 - Christopher W. Zobel, William T. Scherer:
SMG: a new simulation/optimization approach for large-scale problems. 569-572 - Ferenc Szidarovszky, Abdollah Eskandari:
A simulation aided solution to an MCDM problem. 573-577 - Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel
, Mahfoud Boudis:
An algorithm for goal-driven simulation. 578-585 - Thomas Weidemann:
Database oriented modeling with simulation microfunctions. 586-590 - Henk de Swaan Arons:
Knowledge-based modeling of discrete-event simulation systems. 591-597 - Charles R. Standridge:
Modular simulation environments: an object manager based architecture. 598-602 - Stephen E. Chick, Koichiro Inoue:
A decision-theoretic approach to screening and selection with common random numbers. 603-610 - Barry L. Nelson, Souvik Banerjee:
Evaluating the probability of a good selection. 611-617 - Douglas J. Morrice, John C. Butler, Peter W. Mullarkey, Srinagesh Gavirneni
Sensitivity analysis in ranking and selection for multiple performance measures. 618-624 - Stefan Wegenkittl:
Monkeys, gambling, and return times: assessing pseudorandomness. 625-631 - Pierre L'Ecuyer
, Christiane Lemieux:
Quasi-Monte Carlo via linear shift-register sequences. 632-639 - Theodora Ivanova, Linda C. Malone, Mansooreh Mollaghasemi:
Comparison of a two-stage group-screening design to a standard 2 k-p design for a whole-line semiconductor manufacturing simulation model. 640-646 - Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Validation of models: statistical techniques and data availability. 647-654 - James M. Calvin
, Peter W. Glynn, Marvin K. Nakayama:
On the small-sample optimality of multiple-regeneration estimators. 655-661 - Christopher W. Zobel, K. Preston White:
Determining a warm-up period for a telephone network routing simulation. 662-665 - Sigurdur Ólafsson, Leyuan Shi:
Optimization via adaptive sampling and regenerative simulation. 666-672 - James M. Calvin
Polynomial acceleration of Monte-Carlo global search. 673-677 - Young Hae Lee, Kyoung Jong Park, Tag Gon Kim:
An approach for finding discrete variable design alternatives using a simulation optimization method. 678-685 - Kurt G. Springfield, John D. Hall, Gregg W. Bell:
Analysis of electronics assembly operations: Longbow HELLFIRE Missile power supply. 689-693 - Arne Thesen, Akachai Jantayavichit:
Design and evaluation of a selective assembly station for high precision scroll compressor shells. 694-700 - Harriet Black Nembhard, Ming-Shu Kao, Gino Lim:
Integrating discrete-event simulation with statistical process control charts for transitions in a manufacturing environment. 701-708 - Manfred Mittler, Alexander K. Schömig:
Comparison of dispatching rules for semiconductor manufacturing using large facility models. 709-713 - Eric J. Koehler, Timbur M. Wulf, Alvin C. Bruska, Marvin S. Seppanen:
Evaluation of cluster tool throughput for thin film head production. 714-719 - Juergen Potoradi, Gerald Winz, Lee Weng Kam:
Determining optimal lot-size for a semiconductor back-end factory. 720-726 - Appa Iyer Sivakumar:
Optimization of a cycle time and utilization in semiconductor test manufacturing using simulation based, on-line, near-real-time scheduling system. 727-735 - Mark Kosfeld, Timothy D. Quinn:
Use of dynamic simulation to analyze storage and retrieval strategies. 736-741 - Edward G. Anderson Jr., Douglas J. Morrice:
A simulation model to study the dynamics in a service-oriented supply chain. 742-748 - Onur M. Ülgen, John E. Shore, Gene Coffman, David P. Sly, Matthew W. Rohrer, Demet C. Wood:
Increasing the power and value of manufacturing simulation via collaboration with other analytical tools: a panel discussion. 749-753 - Matt Hickie, John W. Fowler
Ancillary effects of simulation. 754-758 - Richard A. Reid, Elsa L. Koljonen:
Validating a manufacturing paradigm: a system dynamics modeling approach. 759-765 - Mel Adams, Paul Componation, Hank Czarnecki, Bernard J. Schroer:
Simulation as a tool for continuous process improvement. 766-773 - Siroos Sokhan-Sanj, Gabriel Gaxiola, Gerald T. Mackulak, Fredrick B. Malmgren:
A comparison of the exponential and the hyperexponential distributions for modeling move requests in a semiconductor fab. 774-778 - Igor Paprotny, Wendy Zhao, Gerald T. Mackulak:
Reducing model creation cycle time by automated conversion of a CAD AMHS layout design. 779-783 - Scott Wu, John Rayter, Igor Paprotny, Gerald T. Mackulak, Joakim Yngve:
Increasing first pass accuracy of AMHS simulation output using legacy data. 784-789 - Michael A. Berger, Jiuyi Hua, Paul T. Otis, Katrina S. Werpetinski, Vincent F. Johnston:
Development of a simulation model for an Army chemical munition disposal facility. 790-797 - Franz Auinger, Markus Vorderwinkler, Georg Buchtela:
Interface driven domain-independent modeling architecture for "soft-commissioning" and "reality in the loop". 798-805 - Marcos Ribeiro Pereira Barretto, Leonardo Chwif, Tillal Eldabi, Ray J. Paul:
Simulation optimization with the linear move and exchange move optimization algorithm. 806-811 - K. Ronald Laughery Jr.:
Using discrete-event simulation to model human performance in complex systems. 815-820 - Kevin M. Corker:
Human performance simulation in the analysis of advanced air traffic management. 821-828 - Deidra L. Donald, Nick Andreou, Jeffrey Abell, Robert J. Schreiber:
The new design: the changing role of industrial engineers in the design process through the use of simulation. 829-833 - Alexander K. Schömig:
On the corrupting influence of variability in semiconductor manufacturing. 837-842 - Navdeep S. Grewal, Alvin C. Bruska, Timbur M. Wulf, Jennifer K. Robinson:
Validating simulation model cycle times at Seagate Technology. 843-849 - Oliver Rose:
CONLOAD - a new lot release rule for semiconductor wafer fabs. 850-855 - Sungmin Park, John W. Fowler
, W. Matthew Carlyle, Matt Hickie:
Assessment of potential gains in productivity due to proactive reticle management using discrete event simulation. 856-864 - K. Preston White, Walter J. Trybula:
Operational simulation of an x-ray lithography cell: comparison of 200mm and 300mm wafers. 865-874 - Mathias A. Dümmler:
Using simulation and genetic algorithms to improve cluster tool performance. 875-879 - Jennifer K. Robinson, Richard Giglio:
Capacity planning for semiconductor wafer fabrication with time constraints between operations. 880-887 - Sanjay Jain, Chu-Cheow Lim, Boon-Ping Gan, Yoke-Hean Low
Criticality of detailed modeling in semiconductor supply chain simulation. 888-896 - Darius Rohan:
Machine dedication under product and process diversity. 897-902 - Chad D. DeJong, Thomas Jefferson:
Modeling lot routing software through discrete-event simulation. 903-908 - Philip L. Campbell, Darius Rohan, Edward A. MacNair:
A model of a 300mm wafer fabrication line. 909-911 - Jerry Weckman, Theron Colvin, Robert J. Gaskins, Gerald T. Mackulak:
Application of simulation and the Boehm spiral model to 300-mm logistics system risk reduction. 912-917
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