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16. Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021: Duisburg/Essen, Germany
- Innovation durch Informationssysteme - WI als zukunftsweisende Wissenschaft, 16. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2021), March 09-11, 2021, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany. AISeL 2021
Track 1: Methods, theories and ethics in business informatics
- Frederik Möller, Hendrik Haße, Can Azkan, Hendrik van der Valk, Boris Otto:
Design of Goal-Oriented Artifacts from Morphological Taxonomies: Progression from Descriptive to Prescriptive Design Knowledge. - Thiemo Wambsganss, Anne Höch, Naim Zierau, Matthias Söllner:
Ethical Design of Conversational Agents: Towards Principles for a Value-Sensitive Design. - Thorsten Schoormann, Dennis Behrens, Michael Fellmann, Ralf Knackstedt:
On Your Mark, Ready, Search: A Framework for Structuring Literature Search Strategies in Information Systems.
Track 2: General Track - Innovative, emerging and interdisciplinary topics
- Jakob Johannes Korbel:
Creating the Virtual: The Altered Role of 3D Models in the Product Development Process for Physical and Virtual Consumer Goods. - Inan Gür, Markus Spiekermann, Michael Arbter, Boris Otto:
Data Strategy Development: A Taxonomy for Data Strategy Tools and Methodologies in the Economy. - Tobias Prätori, Norman Pytel, Axel Winkelmann:
Designing a Decision Support Tool to Improve the Recylability of Plastic Products. - Thiemo Wambsganss, Florian Weber, Matthias Söllner:
Designing an Adaptive Empathy Learning Tool. - Timo Koppe:
Many Hands Make Light Work: The Influence of Organizational Culture on Idea Platform Implementation. - Carola Schauer, Hanno Schauer:
Opening the Minds of Upper Secondary School Students for Business Informatics: an Exploratory Study and an Outline for a Dedicated Teaching Program. - Laurell Popp, Melanie Schaller:
Towards IoT standards interoperability: A tool-assisted approach.
Track 3: Student Track
- Corinna Zarnescu, Sebastian Dunzer:
A Domain Ontology for Platform Ecosystems. - Frederik Wolf, Jens Brunk, Jörg Becker:
A Framework of Business Process Monitoring and Prediction Techniques. - Rebecca Lueg, Paul Drews:
Conceptualizing Role Development in Agile Transformations: Deriving Design Goals and Principles for Agile Roles. - Giulio Behringer, Marcel Hizli:
Data Governance: State-of-the-Art. - Céline Madeleine Aldenhoven, Dominik Korbinian Brosch, Barbara Prommegger, Helmut Krcmar:
Differences Between the Required Skills of Workers in Agile Positions in Germany and the US According to Current Job Offers. - Christoff Schaub, Matthias Hille, Johannes Schulze, Freimut Bodendorf:
Implementierung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für die Entwicklung von digitalen Dienstleistungen bei Zulieferunternehmen der Bauindustrie. - Anna Katharina Frische, Julia Felicitas Kirchner, Caroline Pawlowski, Sebastian Halsbenning, Jörg Becker:
Leave No One Behind: Design Principles for Public Warning Systems in Federalism. - Jan Abendroth, Lara Riefle, Carina Benz:
Opening the Black Box of Digital B2B Co-Creation Platforms: A Taxonomy. - Daniel Heinz, Fabian Hunke, Gregor Felix Breitschopf:
Organizing for Digital Innovation and Transformation: Bridging Between Organizational Resilience and Innovation Management. - Michael René Schulte, Lukas Walter Thiée, Jonas Scharfenberger, Burkhardt Funk:
Parking space management through deep learning - an approach for automated, low-cost and scalable real-time detection of parking space occupancy. - Maximilian Schulte, Mathias Eggert:
Predicting Hourly Bitcoin Prices Based on Long Short-term Memory Neural Networks. - Karolin Bosch, Linda Mosenthin, Christian Schieder:
Process digitalization in dental practices - status quo and directions for the German health care system. - Coralie Werkmeister, Thorsten Schoormann, Ralf Knackstedt:
Promoting Carpooling through Nudges: The Case of the University Hildesheim. - Sandy Schmidt, Marius Voß, Hendrik Wache, Sarah Hönigsberg, Barbara Dinter:
Replicating a Digital Transformation Case. - Cornelia Becker, Rhena Krause:
Szenarien für den Einsatz von Stammdatenmanagement im Kontext des Internet of Things (IoT). - Raphael Weidhaas, Stephan Schlögl, Veikko Halttunen, Teresa Spieß:
Watch this! The Influence of Recommender Systems and Social Factors on the Content Choices of Streaming Video on Demand Consumers.
Track 4: Creating value through digital innovation in health care
- Carlo Stingl, Sebastian A. Günther, Thorsten Staake:
A Feedback Information System for Improving Hand Hygiene on a Personal and Organizational Level. - Emily Hickmann, Peggy Richter, Hannes Schlieter:
Let's Get Engaged: On the Evidence of Patient Engagement Tools and Their Integration in Patient Pathways. - Michael Burkard, Jannik Lockl, Tristan Zürl, Nicolas Ruhland:
Managing My Bladder Dictates My Daily Routines - A Model for Design and Adoption of mHealth in Chronic Disease Management. - Katharina Pflügner, Florijan Hrovat, Christian Maier:
Medical Teleconsulting Applications: An Empirical Study on Elderly Peoples' Satisfaction. - Paul Alpar, Thomas Driebe:
Patients' Attitudes toward Apps for Management of a Chronic Disease. - Tim Scheplitz:
Pfadunterstützende Health Information Systems: interdisziplinäre Zielintegration - ein Review. - Anna Auguste Penninger, Juho Lindman:
Third Party Venture Legitimizing Research Data Application in Healthcare Practice.
Track 5: Digitization and society - even in times of Corona
- Kristin Vogelsang, Sven Packmohr, Henning Brink:
Challenges of the Digital Transformation - Comparing Nonprofit and Industry Organizations. - Kristin Kutzner, Thorsten Schoormann, Claudia Roßkopf, Ralf Knackstedt:
Designing Online Platforms for Cultural Participation and Education: A Taxonomic Approach. - Jana Mattern, Simon Lansmann, Joschka Andreas Hüllmann:
It's not that bad! Perceived Stress of Knowledge Workers During Enforced Working From Home due to COVID-19. - Safa'a AbuJarour, Lama Jaghjougha, Mohammed AbuJarour:
The Impact of Digitizing Social Networks on Refugee Decision Making - The Journey to Germany. - Kirsten Hillebrand:
The Role of Fear and Trust when Disclosing Personal Data to Promote Public Health in a Pandemic Crisis. - Ludger Pöhler, Kevin Kus, Frank Teuteberg:
Understanding pandemic dashboard development: A multi-level analysis of success factors.
Track 6: Digital Retail
- Philipp zur Heiden, Daniel Winter:
Discovering Geographical Patterns of Retailers' Locations for Successful Retail in City Centers. - Cara Michelle Pfabe, Benjamin Barann, Ann-Kristin Cordes, Andreas Hermann, Torsten Gollhardt:
E-Service Touchpoints for Jewelry Retailers: Customers' Perceptions of a Digital Sales Desk. - Sören Bärsch, Lars Bollweg, Peter Weber, Tim Wittemund, Valerie Wulfhorst:
Local Retail Under Fire: Local Shopping Platforms Revisited Pre and During the Corona Crisis. - Dennis Hummel, Tobias Vogel, Alexander Maedche:
The Effect of Personality Traits and Gender Roles on Consumer Channel Choices. - Timo Phillip Böttcher, Lukas Rickling, Kristina Gmelch, Jörg Weking, Helmut Krcmar:
Towards the Digital Self-Renewal of Retail: The Generic Ecosystem of the Retail Industry.
Track 7: Digital Services and Smart Product-Service Systems
- Timon Sengewald, Max Jalowski, Martin Schymanietz:
A Software Ecosystem for the Development of Digital Service Design Tools: A Conceptual Framework. - Björn Häckel, Rocco Huber, Bastian Stahl, Maximilian Stöter:
Becoming a Product-Service System Provider - A Maturity Model for Manufacturers. - Carina Benz, Lara Riefle, Christoph Schwarz:
Co-Creating Value in B2B Platform Ecosystems - Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Emergence and Nature of Actor Engagement. - Fabian Richter, Jürgen Anke:
Combining Methods for the Design of Digital Services in Practice: Experiences from a Predictive Costing Service. - Anna Osterbrink, Julia Bräker, Martin Semmann, Manuel Wiesche:
Requirements for Augmented Reality Solutions for Safety-Critical Services - The Case of Water Depth Management in a Maritime Logistics Hub.
Track 8: Smart City & E-Government
- Nijat Mehdiyev, Constantin Houy, Oliver Gutermuth, Lea Mayer, Peter Fettke:
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Supporting Public Administration Processes - On the Potential of XAI in Tax Audit Processes. - Babett Kühne, Kai Heidel:
How Could Smart Cities Use Data? - Towards a Taxonomy of Data-Driven Smart City Projects. - Gunnar Auth, Julian Christ, Frank Bensberg:
Kompetenzanforderungen zur Digitalisierung der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Eine empirische Analyse auf Basis von Stellenanzeigen. - Anja Schulte, Tim Wittemund, Peter Weber, Alexander Fink:
Preparing for an Uncertain Future: South Westphalia City Scenarios 2030. - Maximilian Heumann, Richard Pump, Michael H. Breitner, Arne Koschel, Volker Ahlers:
Towards Sustainable Transport: A Strategic Decision Support System for Urban Logistics Operations. - Julia Amend, Julian Kaiser, Lucas Uhlig, Nils Urbach, Fabiane Völter:
What Do We Really Need? A Systematic Literature Review of the Requirements for Blockchain-based E-government Services.
Track 9: Data Science & Business Analytics
- Can Kaymakci, Simon Wenninger, Alexander Sauer:
A Holistic Framework for AI Systems in Industrial Applications. - Nicolas Haubner, Thomas Setzer:
Hybrid Recommender Systems for Next Purchase Prediction Based on Optimal Combination Weights. - Felix Krieger, Paul Drews, Burkhardt Funk, Till Wobbe:
Information Extraction from Invoices: A Graph Neural Network Approach for Datasets with High Layout Variety. - Martin Kauschinger, Maximilian Schreieck, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Knowledge Sharing in Digital Platform Ecosystems - A Textual Analysis of SAP's Developer Community. - Henrik Kortum, Max Leimkühler, Oliver Thomas:
Leveraging Natural Language Processing to Analyze Scientific Content: Proposal of an NLP pipeline for the field of Computer Vision. - Tobias Benjamin Fahse, Viktora Huber, Benjamin van Giffen:
Managing Bias in Machine Learning Projects. - Elnaz Meydani, Christoph Düsing, Matthias Trier:
Towards a Trust-aware Item Recommendation System on a Graph Autoencoder with Attention Mechanism.
Track 10: Design, management and impact of AI-based systems
- Julian Schuir, René Brinkhege, Eduard Anton, Thuy Duong Oesterreich, Pascal Meier, Frank Teuteberg:
Augmenting Humans in the Loop: Towards an Augmented Reality Object Labeling Application for Crowdsourcing Communities. - Fabian Reinkemeier, Philipp Spreer, Waldemar Toporowski:
Conversational Agents im Voice Commerce: Der Einfluss von sozialen Reizen auf Vertrauen und Zufriedenheit. - Christian Engel, Philipp Ebel, Benjamin van Giffen:
Empirically Exploring the Cause-Effect Relationships of AI Characteristics, Project Management Challenges, and Organizational Change. - Kilian Kluge, Regina Eckhardt:
Explaining the Suspicion: Design of an XAI-based User-Focused Anti-Phishing Measure. - Christian Anschütz, Jan Henrik Ibisch, Katharina Ebner, Stefan Smolnik:
Gestaltung künstlicher neuronaler Netze zur Prognose des Verkehrsaufkommens im Kontext von Smart-Mobility-Lösungen. - Roland Graef:
Leveraging Text Classification by Co-training with Bidirectional Language Models - A Novel Hybrid Approach and its Application for a German Bank. - Raphael Meyer von Wolff, Sebastian Hobert, Matthias Schumann:
Sorry, I Can't Understand You! - Influencing Factors and Challenges of Chatbots at Digital Workplaces. - Jessica Ochmann, Sandra Zilker, Sven Laumer:
The evaluation of the black box problem for AI-based recommendations: An interview-based study. - Alexander Stohr, Jamie O'Rourke:
Through the Cognitive Functions Lens - A Socio-Technical Analysis of Predictive Maintenance. - Lara Riefle, Carina Benz:
User-specific Determinants of Conversational Agent Usage: A Review and Potential for Future Research.
Track 11: Human Computer Interaction
- Thiemo Wambsganss, Sebastian Guggisberg, Matthias Söllner:
ArgueBot: A Conversational Agent for Adaptive Argumentation Feedback. - Tobias Menzel, Timm Teubner:
Buy Online, Trust Local - The Use of Regional Imagery on Web Interfaces and its Effect on User Behavior. - Bastian Kordyaka, Björn Kruse:
Curing Toxicity - A Multi-Method Approach. - Johannes Bührke, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Sascha Lichtenberg, Stephan Diederich, Stefan Morana:
Do you Feel a Connection? How Human-like Design of Conversational Agents Influences Donation Behavior. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel, Andreas Janson:
Exploring the State-of-the-Art of Persuasive Design for Smart Personal Assistants. - Sascha Lichtenberg, Johannes Bührke, Alfred Benedikt Brendel, Simon Trang, Stephan Diederich, Stefan Morana:
Let us work Together' - Insights from an Experiment with Conversational Agents on the Relation of Anthropomorphic Design, Dialog Support, and Performance.
Track 12: Information Security, Privacy and Blockchain
- Frank Ebbers, Murat Karaboga:
Blockchain and Data Protection: An Evaluation of the Challenges and Solutions mentioned by German Stakeholders. - Tiago Espinha Gasiba, Ulrike Lechner, Maria Pinto-Albuquerque:
CyberSecurity Challenges for Software Developer Awareness Training in Industrial Environments. - Tom Biselli, Christian Reuter:
On the Relationship between IT Privacy and Security Behavior: A Survey among German Private Users. - Ernestine Dickhaut, Andreas Janson, Jan Marco Leimeister:
The Hidden Value of Patterns - Using Design Patterns to Whitebox Technology Development in Legal Assessments. - Hauke Precht, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Towards GDPR Enforcing Blockchain Systems. - Andreas Engelmann, Gerhard Schwabe:
Understanding Privacy Disclosure in the Online Market for Lemons: Insights and Requirements for Platform Providers.
Track 13: Social Media and Digital Work
- Sebastian Schötteler, Sven Laumer, Heidi Schuhbauer, Niklas Scheidthauer, Philipp Seeberger, Benedikt Miethsam:
A No-Code Platform for Tie Prediction Analysis in Social Media Networks. - Geeske von Thülen, Eva Hartl:
Challenges in Digital Work - Exploring Solutions to Improve Team Identification in Virtual Teams. - Steffen Bankamp, Nicole Neuss, Jan Muntermann:
Crowd Analysts vs. Institutional Analysts - A Comparative Study on Content and Opinion. - Ann-Kristin Cordes, Julia Weber:
Design Principles for Digital Upskilling in Organizations. - Alena Bermes, Clara-Lea Gromek:
Don't Want It Anymore? Resilience as a Shield Against Social Media-Induced Overloads.
Track 14: Data management and data ecosystems
- Felix Kruse, Christoph Schröer, Jorge Marx Gómez:
Data Source Selection Support in the Big Data Integration Process - Towards a Taxonomy. - Christoph Schröer, Jonas Frischkorn:
Dezentrale und Microservice-orientierte Datenintegration am Beispiel externer Datenquellen. - Marco Röder, Peter Kowalczyk, Frédéric Thiesse:
Leveraging the Potentials of Federated AI Ecosystems. - Julius Möller, Sibylle B. Fröschle, Axel Hahn:
Permissioned Blockchain for Data Provenance in Scientific Data Management. - Barbara Stöckel, Simon Kloker, Christof Weinhardt, David Dann:
Quantity over Quality? - A Framework for Combining Mobile Crowd Sensing and High Quality Sensing.
Track 15: Digital Education & Capabilities
- Tobias Dreesbach, Matthias Berg, Henning Gösling, Tobias Walter, Oliver Thomas, Julia Knopf:
A Methodology to enhance Learning Processes with Augmented Reality Glasses. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel:
A Theory-Driven Design Science Research Agenda Towards Gamified Videos in Learning. - Ralf Plattfaut, Vincent Borghoff:
Developing Digitalization Mindset and Capabilities: Preliminary Results of an Action Research Study. - Elena Wolz, Matthias Gottlieb, Hans Pongratz:
Digital Credentials in Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. - Christin Karrenbauer, Claudia M. König, Michael H. Breitner:
Individual Digital Study Assistant for Higher Education Institutions: Status Quo Analysis and Further Research Agenda. - Caterina Baumgartner, Eva Hartl, Thomas Hess:
New Workplace, New Mindset: Empirical Case Studies on the Interplay between Digital Workplace and Organizational Culture. - Sebastian Halsbenning, Marco Niemann, Bettina Distel, Jörg Becker:
Playing (Government) Seriously: Design Principles for e-Government Simulation Game Platforms.
Track 16: Digital Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Daniel Kiefer, Clemens van Dinther, Julian Spitzmüller:
Digital Innovation Culture: A Systematic Literature Review. - Timo Phillip Böttcher, Valentin Bootz, Tetiana Zubko, Jörg Weking, Markus Böhm, Helmut Krcmar:
Enter the Shark Tank: The Impact of Business Models on Early Stage Financing. - Axel Hund, Viktoria Diel, Heinz-Theo Wagner:
Recombining layers of digital technology: How users create and capture value. - Christoph Buck, Timo Grueneke, Katharina Stelzl:
Structuring the Jungle of Capabilities Fostering Digital Innovation.
Track 17: Digital transformation & business models
- Julia Katharina Eberl, Paul Drews:
Digital Leadership ‒ Mountain or Molehill? A Literature Review. - Hannes Kurtz, Andre Hanelt, Lutz Maria Kolbe:
Exploring Strategic Orientations in the Age of Digital Transformation: A Longitudinal Analysis of Digital Business Model Patterns. - Mirheta Omerovic Smajlovic, Nihal Islam, Peter Buxmann:
How Challenging is the Development of Digital Services in an Automotive Environment? An Empirical Study of the Incongruences between Business and IT Experts. - Joschka Andreas Hüllmann, Simone Krebber, Patrick Troglauer:
The IT Artifact in People Analytics: Reviewing Tools to Understand a Nascent Field. - Tobias Enders, Carina Benz, Gerhard Satzger:
Untangling the Open Data Value Paradox: How Organizations Benefit from Revealing Data. - Philipp Barthel:
What is Meant by Digital Transformation Success? Investigating the Notion in IS Literature.
Track 18: Future of Digital Markets and Platforms
- Victoria Banken:
A Comparison of Crowd Types: Idea Selection Performance of Students and Amazon Mechanical Turks. - Dennis Mallon:
A Systematic Literature Review of Digital Platform Business Models. - Laurin Arnold, Jan Jöhnk, Florian Vogt, Nils Urbach:
A Taxonomy of Industrial IoT Platforms' Architectural Features. - Victoria Fast, Daniel Schnurr, Michael Wohlfarth:
Data-driven Competitive Advantages in Digital Markets: An Overview of Data Value and Facilitating Factors. - Christoph Rohde, Alexander Kupfer, Steffen Zimmermann:
Explaining Reviewing Effort: Existing Reviews as Potential Driver. - Tobias Moritz Guggenberger, Fabian Hunke, Frederik Möller, Anne-Catherine Eimer, Gerhard Satzger, Boris Otto:
How to Design IIoT-Platforms your Partners are Eager to Join: Learnings from an Emerging Ecosystem. - Marc Bourreau, Janina Hofmann, Jan Krämer:
Prominence-for-data schemes in digital platform ecosystems: Economic implications for platform bias and consumer data collection. - Marius Deilen, Manuel Wiesche:
The Role of Complementors in Platform Ecosystems. - Dimitri Petrik, Katharina Pantow, Patrick Zschech, Georg Herzwurm:
Tweeting in IIoT Ecosystems - Empirical Insights from Social Media Analytics about IIoT Platforms. - Anke Greif-Winzrieth, Christian Peukert, David Dann:
What Goes Around, Comes Around: The Effects of 360- Degree Experiences on Peer-To-Peer Platform Behavior.
Track 19: IT Strategy, Management & Transformation
- Thomas Haskamp, Annalena Lorson, Danielly F. O. de Paula, Falk Uebernickel:
Bridging the Gap - An Analysis of Requirements for Performance Measurement Systems in Digital Innovation Units. - Lena Kessel, Lorenz Graf-Vlachy:
Chief Digital Officers - Review and Research Agenda. - Hannes Kurtz, Andre Hanelt, Sebastian Firk:
Digital Business Strategy and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation. - Maren Gierlich-Joas:
Identifying and Overcoming Future Challenges in Leadership: The Role of IS in Facilitating Empowerment. - Sascha Fuchs, Roman Rietsche, Stephan Aier, Michael Rivera:
Is more always better? Simulating Feedback Exchange in Organizations. - Marie Godefroid, Ralf Plattfaut, Björn Niehaves:
IT outside of the IT Department: Reviewing Lightweight IT in Times of Shadow IT and IT Consumerization. - Lisa Gussek, Lisa Schned, Manuel Wiesche:
Obsolescence in IT Work: Causes, Consequences and Counter-Measures.
Track 20: Management of digital processes & architectures
- Vincent Borghoff, Ralf Plattfaut:
BPM Capability Configuration in Times of Crises: How to Adapt Processes when the Virus strikes? - Christoph Stoiber, Stefan Schönig:
Event-Driven Business Process Management enhancing IoT - a Systematic Literature Review and Development of Research Agendas. - Faisal Rashed, Paul Drews:
How does Enterprise Architecture support the Design and Realization of Data-Driven Business Models? An Empirical Study. - Nils Johann Tschoppe, Paul Drews:
Supporting the Development and Implementation of a Digitalization Strategy in SMEs through a Lightweight Architecture-based Method. - Sebastian Dunzer, Sandra Zilker, Emanuel Marx, Valentin Grundler, Martin Matzner:
The Status Quo of Process Mining in the Industrial Sector.
Track 21: Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Development
- Maren Stadtländer, Thorsten Schoormann, Ralf Knackstedt:
Capturing the Dynamics of Business Models: Towards the Integration of System Dynamics and Reference Modeling. - Falk Freese, André Ludwig:
How the Dimensions of Supply Chain are reflected by Digital Twins: A State-of-the-Art Survey. - Sybren de Kinderen, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß:
Making a Case for Multi-level Reference Modeling - A Comparison of Conventional and Multi-level Language Architectures for Reference Modeling Challenges. - Johannes Tenschert, Sebastian Dunzer, Martin Matzner:
Notation-agnostic Subprocess Modeling for Adaptive Case Management.
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