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SERVICES 2010: Miami, Florida, USA
- 6th World Congress on Services, SERVICES 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, July 5-10, 2010. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4129-7
Information Management and Delivery
- Yu Chen Zhou, Xi Ning Wang, Xin Peng Liu, Liang Xue, Shuang Liang, Chang Hua Sun:
Enabling Integrated Information Framework as Cloud Services for Chemical and Petroleum Industry. 1-7 - Yu Chen Zhou, Liang Xue, Xin Peng Liu, Xi Ning Wang, Xiao Xing Liang, Chang Hua Sun:
Service Storm: A Self-Service Telecommunication Service Delivery Platform with Platform-as-a-Service Technology. 8-15 - Antonio Villegas, Antoni Olivé, Josep Vilalta:
Improving the Usability of HL7 Information Models by Automatic Filtering. 16-23
Modeling and Abstraction of Services
- Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Vikram Sorathia
, Luís Ferreira Pires
, Marten van Sinderen
An Approach to Dynamic Provisioning of Social and Computational Services. 24-31 - Syed Sibte Raza Abidi
, Ashraf Abusharekh, Ali Daniyal, Mei Kuan, Farrukh Mehdi, Samina Raza Abidi
, Faisal Abbas, Philip Yeo, Farhan Jamal, Reza Fathzadeh:
A Service Oriented E-Research Platform for Ocean Knowledge Management. 32-39 - Hong Cai, Ning Wang, Ming Jun Zhou:
A Transparent Approach of Enabling SaaS Multi-tenancy in the Cloud. 40-47
Services Security
- Francisco José Barreto Nunes, Arnaldo Dias Belchior, Adriano Bessa Albuquerque:
Security Engineering Approach to Support Software Security. 48-55 - Masoom Alam, Xinwen Zhang, Mohammad Nauman
, Sohail Khan
, Quratulain Alam:
MAuth: A Fine-Grained and User-centric Permission Delegation Framework for Multi-mashup Web Services. 56-63 - Luvai F. Motiwalla, Xiaobai (Bob) Li:
Value Added Privacy Services for Healthcare Data. 64-71
Services Education
- Liang-Jie Zhang
, Zhixiong Chen, Min Luo, Jia Zhang, Patrick C. K. Hung:
A Reference Model for Master of Science Program in Services Computing. 72-79 - Mohamed Adel Serhani, Rachida Dssouli:
Case Study: Master of Science in Service Computing (Msc SC). 80-83
- Wubin Li, Petter Svärd:
REST-Based SOA Application in the Cloud: A Text Correction Service Case Study. 84-90 - Jinhui Yao, Shiping Chen
, Chen Wang
, David Levy, John Zic
Accountability as a Service for the Cloud: From Concept to Implementation with BPEL. 91-98 - Sebastian Richly, Georg Pueschel, Dirk Habich, Sebastian Goetz
MapReduce for Scalable Neural Nets Training. 99-106 - Himanshu Vashishtha, Michael Smit
, Eleni Stroulia
Moving Text Analysis Tools to the Cloud. 107-114 - Michael Menzel, Robert Warschofsky, Ivonne Thomas, Christian Willems, Christoph Meinel:
The Service Security Lab: A Model-Driven Platform to Compose and Explore Service Security in the Cloud. 115-122
Ph.D. Symposium
- Tomasz Wiktor Wlodarczyk, Chunming Rong
, Baodong Jia, Laurentiu Cocanu, Csongor Nyulas, Mark A. Musen
DataStorm. 123-127 - Mitchell John Eccles, David J. Evans, Anthony J. Beaumont
True Real-Time Change Data Capture with Web Service Database Encapsulation. 128-131 - Iman Saleh:
Specification and Verification of Data-Centric Web Services. 132-135 - Ana Sasa:
A Model for Business Process Automation in Service Oriented Systems with Knowledge Management Technologies. 136-139 - Zhe Shan:
Integrated Service Adaptation. 140-143
SOA and Cloud Industry Summit
- Tony Shan, Winnie W. Hua:
FAST ROUTE to Cloudification. 144-145 - Matjaz B. Juric, Ana Sasa:
Version Management of BPEL Processes in SOA. 146-147 - Hakan Hacigümüs, Jun'ichi Tatemura, Wang-Pin Hsiung, Hyun Jin Moon, Oliver Po, Arsany Sawires, Yun Chi, Hojjat Jafarpour:
CloudDB: One Size Fits All Revived. 148-149 - Ana Sasa, Matjaz B. Juric:
Version Management of Service Interfaces in SOA. 150-151 - Hyun Jin Moon, Yun Chi, Hakan Hacigümüs:
SLA-Aware Profit Optimization in Cloud Services via Resource Scheduling. 152-153 - Shawn X. K. Hu, Tony C. Shan:
Designing Resource Oriented Architecture in UML. 154-155
Plenary Poster
- M. Brent Reynolds, Kenneth M. Hopkinson, Mark E. Oxley, Barry E. Mullins:
Iterative Configuration Method: An Effective and Efficient Heuristic for Service Oriented Infrastructure Resource Allocation. 156-157 - Hua Zou, Longchang Zhang, Fangchun Yang, Yao Zhao:
A Web Service Composition Algorithmic Method Based on TOPSIS Supporting Multiple Decision-Makers. 158-159 - Fan Jing Meng, Shun Xiang Yang, Peng Ji, Zhi Hu Wang:
Collaborative Strategy Consulting Services Model and Framework for Small and Medium Business in Emerging Market. 160-161 - Honghui Chen, JianWei Ma, Xianpeng Huangfu, Deke Guo, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
Process Reservation for Service-Oriented Applications. 162-163 - Waseem Roshen, Sham Vaidya, Sugandh Mehta:
Service Registry with Advanced Search Capability. 164-165 - Takatoshi Kitano, Keiichi Iguchi, Kazuya Koyama:
Generating Robust XPaths for Service Customization. 166-167 - Andre Lage Freitas
, Jean-Louis Pazat, Nikos Parlavantzas:
Ensuring Resource-Level Quality for Services on Grids. 168-169 - Zhi Yang, Junliang Chen, Budan Wu:
A New Ontology-Based Service Matching Algorithm. 170-171 - Elahe Najafi, Ahmad Baraani:
KASRA Framework: A Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture Framework (SOEAF). 172-173 - Xiao Xue, Tao Wang, Biqing Huang:
The Design and Implementation of Service System for Cluster Supply Chain. 174-175 - Le Duy Ngan, Markus Kirchberg, Rajaraman Kanagasabai:
Review of Semantic Web Service Discovery Methods. 176-177 - Gandhi Sivakumar, Faried Abrahams, Kerard Hogg, John Hartley:
SOI (Service Oriented Integration) and SIMM (Service Integration Maturity Model. 178-182 - Shuai Zhang, Jianling Sun, Dongming Lu, Yuanhong Shen, Aleksander J. Kavs:
Performance Optimization for Composite Services in Multiple Networks Environment. 183-184 - Abdelkader H. Ouda, David S. Allison, Miriam A. M. Capretz:
Security Protocols in Service-Oriented Architecture. 185-186 - Ali Bou Nassif
, Miriam A. M. Capretz:
Moving from SaaS Applications towards SOA Services. 187-188 - Zainab M. Aljazzaf, Mark Perry
, Miriam A. M. Capretz:
Trust in Web Services. 189-190 - Tyrone Grandison
, E. Michael Maximilien, Sean S. E. Thorpe, Alfredo Alba:
Towards a Formal Definition of a Computing Cloud. 191-192 - Knarig Arabshian, Ankit Mehta:
Distributed Service Composition and Execution Framework in GloServ. 193-194 - Polychronis Ypodimatopoulos, Maja Vukovic, Jim Laredo, Sriram Rajagopal:
Server Hunt: Using Enterprise Social Networks for Knowledge Discovery in IT Inventory Management. 195-196
- Fuyuki Ishikawa:
Description and Matching of Triggering Capabilities in Event-Driven Services. 197-204 - Anja Strunk:
An Algorithm to Predict the QoS-Reliability of Service Compositions. 205-212 - Jiuyun Xu, Wengong Yu, Kun Chen, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec
Web Services Feature Interaction Detection Based on Situation Calculus. 213-220 - Shao-chong Li, Haopeng Chen, Xi Chen:
A Mechanism for Web Service Selection and Recommendation Based on Multi-QoS Constraints. 221-228 - Andreas Schönberger, Guido Wirtz
, Christian Huemer
, Marco Zapletal:
A Composable, QoS-Aware and Web Services-Based Execution Model for ebXML BPSS Business Transactions. 229-236 - Yongbo Wang, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Shinichi Honiden:
Business Semantics Centric Reliability Testing for Web Services in BPEL. 237-244 - Alireza Khoshkbarforoushha, R. Tabein, Pooyan Jamshidi, Fereidoon Shams Aliee:
Towards a Metrics Suite for Measuring Composite Service Granularity Level Appropriateness. 245-252 - Zhixiong Chen, John Yoon:
IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing. 253-259 - Júlio Cezar Estrella, Rubens Kenji T. Toyohara, Bruno Tardiole Kuehne
, Thiago Caproni Tavares, Regina Helena Carlucci Santana, Marcos José Santana, Sarita Mazzini Bruschi
A Performance Evaluation for a QoS-Aware Service Oriented Architecture. 260-267
- Patricia Leite Brandao, Jose Avelino Victor, Álvaro Rocha
The Health Web Sites Importance as Justification for the Development of a Wide Evaluation Methodology of its Quality. 268-272 - Chiapin Wang, Hsin-Chi Lin, Hao-Kai Lo:
Adaptive Admission Control Algorithm in IEEE 802.16e Broadband Wireless Access Networks. 273-279 - Kyoji Kawagoe, Keisuke Kasai:
STRAC: Personal Information Access Control for Emergency Systems. 280-286 - Wilson Biancardi Coury, Luiz Ary Messina, José Luiz Ribeiro Filho, Nelson Simões:
Implementing RUTE. 287-290 - Hongbo Zhou, Qiang Cheng, Hong-Ju Yang, Haiyun Xu:
Weighted Kernel Density Estimation of the Prepulse Inhibition Test. 291-297 - Tetsuya Hirotomi, Yoshiyuki Katai:
Analysis of Involuntary Movements for Adapting Input Devices to People with Motor Impairments Based on 3-Axis Accelerometers. 298-301
- Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Byung Suk Lee, Anne E. Thessen
Ecosystems Monitoring: An Information Extraction and Event Processing Scientific Workflow. 302-305 - Paolo Missier
, Katy Wolstencroft
, Franck Tanoh, Peter Li, Sean Bechhofer
, Khalid Belhajjame, Steve Pettifer
, Carole A. Goble
Functional Units: Abstractions for Web Service Annotations. 306-313 - Kris West, Amit Kumar, Andrew Shirk, Guojun Zhu, J. Stephen Downie, Andreas F. Ehmann, Mert Bay:
The Networked Environment for Music Analysis (NEMA). 314-317 - Rudolf J. Strijkers, Mihai Cristea, Vladimir Korkhov
, Damien Marchal, Adam Belloum
, Cees de Laat, Robert J. Meijer:
Network Resource Control for Grid Workflow Management Systems. 318-325 - Aleksander Slominski
Flexible Creation and Adaptive Execution of Scientific Workflows in Cloud and Grid Environments by Using Web 2.0-Based Electronic Lab Notebook Metaphor. 326-327 - Ketan Maheshwari, Johan Montagnat:
Scientific Workflow Development Using Both Visual and Script-Based Representation. 328-335 - Ustun Yildiz, Pierre Mouallem, Mladen A. Vouk, Daniel Crawl, Ilkay Altintas:
Fault-Tolerance in Dataflow-Based Scientific Workflow Management. 336-343 - João Eduardo Ferreira
, Qinyi Wu, Simon Malkowski, Calton Pu:
Towards Flexible Event-Handling in Workflows through Data States. 344-351 - Ilkay Altintas, Abel W. Lin, Jing Chen, Chris Churas, Madhusudan Gujral, Shulei Sun, Weizhong Li, Ramil Manansala, Mayya Sedova
, Jeffrey S. Grethe
, Mark H. Ellisman:
CAMERA 2.0: A Data-centric Metagenomics Community Infrastructure Driven by Scientific Workflows. 352-359
- Liang Chen, Jian Wu, ShuiGuang Deng
, Ying Li:
Service Recommendation: Similarity-Based Representative Skyline. 360-366 - Stéphanie Chollet, Vincent Lestideau, Philippe Lalanda, Diana Moreno-Garcia, Pierre Colomb:
Heterogeneous Service Selection Based on Formal Concept Analysis. 367-374 - Xiaoyi Lu, Jian Lin
, Yongqiang Zou, Juan Peng, Xingwu Liu, Li Zha:
Investigating, Modeling, and Ranking Interface Complexity of Web Services on the World Wide Web. 375-382 - Ondrej Macek, Martin Necaský
An Extension of Business Process Model for XML Schema Modeling. 383-390 - Mohammad Kazem Haki, Maia Wentland Forte:
Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture Framework. 391-398 - Ruben Filipe de Sousa Pereira, Miguel Mira da Silva
A Maturity Model for Implementing ITIL v3. 399-406 - Fazilat Hojaji, Mohammad Reza Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi:
A Comprehensive SOA Governance Framework Based on COBIT. 407-414 - Chien-Cheng Lin, Fengyi Lin, Deron Liang:
An Analysis of Using State of the Art Technologies to Implement Real-Time Continuous Assurance. 415-422 - Marlon Dumas
, Yong Yang, Liang Zhang:
Towards a Formalization of Contracts for Service Substitution. 423-430 - David Bernstein, Deepak Vij:
Intercloud Directory and Exchange Protocol Detail Using XMPP and RDF. 431-438 - Terence J. Harmer, Peter Wright, Christina Cunningham, John Hawkins, Ronald H. Perrott:
An application-centric model for cloud management. 439-446
- Hironao Takahashi, Kinji Mori, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad
Autonomous Short Latency System for Web Application Layer Firewall. 447-452 - Albert Kavelar, Hannes Obweger, Josef Schiefer, Martin Suntinger:
Web-Based Decision Making for Complex Event Processing Systems. 453-458 - Shuo Liu, Gang Quan
, Shangping Ren:
On-Line Scheduling of Real-Time Services for Cloud Computing. 459-464 - Ionut David, Bojan Orlic, Rudolf H. Mak, Johan J. Lukkien:
Towards Resource-Aware Runtime Reconfigurable Component-Based Systems. 465-466 - Jicheng Fu, Wei Hao, Michael Tu, Biao Ma, Joshua Baldwin, Farokh B. Bastani:
Virtual Services in Cloud Computing. 467-472 - Wei-Tek Tsai, Qihong Shao, Xin Sun, Jay Elston:
Real-Time Service-Oriented Cloud Computing. 473-478 - Jian Huang, Yansheng Zhang, I-Ling Yen, John T. Carson, Mike F. Siok, Farokh B. Bastani, Yajing Zhao, Jing Dong:
Real-Time Service-Oriented Distributed Governance. 479-484 - Riyako Sakamoto, Khalid Mahmood
, Yuuya Kanamaru, Xiaodong Lu, Kinji Mori:
Autonomous Decentralized Community Construction and Reconstruction Technology for Service Assurance. 485-490
- Andreas Schönberger:
The CHORCH B2Bi Approach: Performing ebBP Choreographies as Distributed BPEL Orchestrations. 491-496 - Christian Pichler, Michael Strommer, Christian Huemer:
Size Matters!? Measuring the Complexity of XML Schema Mapping Models. 497-502
- Hongbing Wang, Xiaohui Guo:
An Adaptive Solution for Web Service Composition. 503-510 - Stefan Schulte
, Ulrich Lampe, Julian Eckert, Ralf Steinmetz
LOG4SWS.KOM: Self-Adapting Semantic Web Service Discovery for SAWSDL. 511-518 - Khaled Mahbub, George Spanoudakis:
Proactive SLA Negotiation for Service Based Systems. 519-526 - Michael Maurer, Ivona Brandic
, Vincent C. Emeakaroha
, Schahram Dustdar
Towards Knowledge Management in Self-Adaptable Clouds. 527-534
- Shih-Hsi Liu, Adam Cardenas, Xang Xiong, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeff Gray
A SOA Approach for Domain-Specific Language Implementation. 535-542 - Walid Chainbi
, Haithem Mezni
, Khaled Ghédira:
PECoDiM: An Agent Based Framework for Autonomic Web Services. 543-550 - Reinhold Kloos, Rainer Unland, Cherif Branki:
Service Discovery with Semantic Characteristics: ACTAS. 551-558
- Xianzhi Wang
, Zhongjie Wang, Xiaofei Xu, Alice Liu, Dian-Hui Chu:
A Service Composition Approach for the Fulfillment of Temporally Sequential Requirements. 559-565 - Chun'e Ma, Jing Zhang, Chenting Zhao, Yuan Ni, Jun Zhang, Li Yi, Xinsheng Mao:
Towards a More Effective Mashup Using Mashable Service Model. 566-573 - Massimo Maresca, Michele Stecca, Pierpaolo Baglietto:
An Approach to Event Driven Services and Composite Services. 574-581 - Xitong Kang, Xudong Liu, Hailong Sun, Yanjiu Huang, Chao Zhou:
Improving Performance for Decentralized Execution of Composite Web Services. 582-589 - Assel Zh. Akzhalova
, Iman Poernomo:
Model Driven Approach for Dynamic Service Composition Based on QoS Constraints. 590-597 - Daniel Szepielak, Przemyslaw Tumidajewicz, Lars Hagge:
Integrating Information Systems Using Web Oriented Integration Architecture and RESTful Web Services. 598-605 - Rui Wang, Sumedha Ganjoo, John A. Miller
, Eileen T. Kraemer:
Ranking-Based Suggestion Algorithms for Semantic Web Service Composition. 606-613 - Jantima Polpinij
, Aditya K. Ghose, Hoa Khanh Dam
Business Rules Discovery from Process Design Repositories. 614-620 - Christian Liebing, Ronny Mennerich, Alexander Schill:
A Pragmatic Approach for Matching UI Components on Web Service Operations. 621-628
- Christopher Alm, Roland Illig:
Translating High-Level Authorization Constraints to XACML. 629-636 - Juraj Somorovsky, Meiko Jensen, Jörg Schwenk:
Streaming-Based Verification of XML Signatures in SOAP Messages. 637-644 - Ralph Herkenhöner, Hermann de Meer, Meiko Jensen, Henrich Christopher Pöhls:
Towards Automated Processing of the Right of Access in Inter-organizational Web Service Compositions. 645-652
- Jianing Zou, Xudong Liu, Hailong Sun, Jin Zeng:
Live Instance Migration with Data Consistency in Composite Service Evolution. 653-656 - Hwai-Jung Hsu, Shang-Yu Wu, Feng-Jian Wang:
A Methodology to Developing Situation-Aware Pervasive Applications with Service Oriented Architecture. 657-660 - Thiranjith Weerasinghe, Ian Warren:
Odin: Context-Aware Middleware for Mobile Services. 661-666 - Apostolos Papageorgiou
, Jeremias Blendin, André Miede, Julian Eckert, Ralf Steinmetz
Study and Comparison of Adaptation Mechanisms for Performance Enhancements of Mobile Web Service Consumption. 667-670 - Tien Pham Van
, Tien Dung Nguyen
, Tuan Do Trong, Thanh Loan Nguyen, Quyet Vu Khac:
A Service-Oriented Design for Controlling Multimedia Sessions over Stand-Alone MANETs. 671-676 - Deshan Cooray, Sam Malek, Roshanak Roshandel:
Context-Driven Optimization of Mobile Service-Oriented Systems for Improving Their Resilience. 677-682 - Lukasz Juszczyk, Schahram Dustdar
Testbeds for Emulating Dependability Issues of Mobile Web Services. 683-686
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