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PODC 2019: Toronto, ON, Canada
- Peter Robinson, Faith Ellen:
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, July 29 - August 2, 2019. ACM 2019, ISBN 978-1-4503-6217-7
- Lorenzo Alvisi, Shlomi Dolev, Faith Ellen, Idit Keidar, Fabian Kuhn, Jukka Suomela:
2019 Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing. 1 - Prasad Jayanti, Nancy A. Lynch, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Ulrich Schmid:
2019 Principles of Distributed Computing Doctoral Dissertation Award. 2
Keynote Lecture 1
- Ronitt Rubinfeld:
Local Computation Algorithms. 3
Session 1
- Jurek Czyzowicz, Leszek Gasieniec, Ryan Killick, Evangelos Kranakis:
Symmetry Breaking in the Plane: Rendezvous by Robots with Unknown Attributes. 4-13 - Eric E. Severson, David Haley, David Doty
Composable Computation in Discrete Chemical Reaction Networks. 14-23 - George Giakkoupis, Frederik Mallmann-Trenn, Hayk Saribekyan:
How to Spread a Rumor: Call Your Neighbors or Take a Walk? 24-33 - David Doty
, Mahsa Eftekhari
Efficient Size Estimation and Impossibility of Termination in Uniform Dense Population Protocols. 34-42 - Petra Berenbrink, Dominik Kaaser, Tomasz Radzik
On Counting the Population Size. 43-52 - Hsueh-Ping Chen, Ho-Lin Chen:
Self-Stabilizing Leader Election. 53-59 - Yuichi Sudo, Fukuhito Ooshita, Taisuke Izumi, Hirotsugu Kakugawa, Toshimitsu Masuzawa:
Logarithmic Expected-Time Leader Election in Population Protocol Model. 60-62 - Abhinav Aggarwal, G. Matthew Fricke
, Diksha Gupta, Melanie E. Moses:
On Site Fidelity and the Price of Ignorance in Swarm Robotic Central Place Foraging Algorithms. 63-65
Session 2
- Yi-Jun Chang
, Thatchaphol Saranurak
Improved Distributed Expander Decomposition and Nearly Optimal Triangle Enumeration. 66-73 - Keren Censor-Hillel, Michal Dory, Janne H. Korhonen, Dean Leitersdorf:
Fast Approximate Shortest Paths in the Congested Clique. 74-83 - Taisuke Izumi, François Le Gall:
Quantum Distributed Algorithm for the All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem in the CONGEST-CLIQUE Model. 84-93 - Janosch Deurer, Fabian Kuhn, Yannic Maus:
Deterministic Distributed Dominating Set Approximation in the CONGEST Model. 94-103 - Ran Ben-Basat, Guy Even, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Gregory Schwartzman:
Optimal Distributed Covering Algorithms. 104-106
Session 3
- Merav Parter, Eylon Yogev:
Secure Distributed Computing Made (Nearly) Optimal. 107-116 - Avery Miller
, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Will Rosenbaum
With Great Speed Come Small Buffers: Space-Bandwidth Tradeoffs for Routing. 117-126 - Magnús M. Halldórsson
, Tigran Tonoyan:
Plain SINR is Enough! 127-136 - Ran Gelles, Yael Tauman Kalai, Govind Ramnarayan:
Efficient Multiparty Interactive Coding for Insertions, Deletions, and Substitutions. 137-146 - Abhinav Aggarwal, Varsha Dani
, Thomas P. Hayes, Jared Saia:
Multiparty Interactive Communication with Private Channels. 147-149 - Songze Li, Saeid Sahraei, Mingchao Yu, Salman Avestimehr, Sreeram Kannan, Pramod Viswanath:
Coded State Machine - Scaling State Machine Execution under Byzantine Faults. 150-152 - Walter Hussak, Amitabh Trehan
On Termination of a Flooding Process. 153-155
Keynote Lecture 2
- Philipp Woelfel:
Towards a Theory of Randomized Shared Memory Algorithms. 156
Session 4
- Zahra Aghazadeh, Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal, Gadi Taubenfeld, Philipp Woelfel:
Optimal Memory-Anonymous Symmetric Deadlock-Free Mutual Exclusion. 157-166 - Prasad Jayanti, Siddhartha Jayanti:
Constant Amortized RMR Abortable Mutex for CC and DSM. 167-176 - Prasad Jayanti, Siddhartha V. Jayanti, Anup Joshi:
A Recoverable Mutex Algorithm with Sub-logarithmic RMR on Both CC and DSM. 177-186 - Siddhartha V. Jayanti, Robert E. Tarjan, Enric Boix-Adserà:
Randomized Concurrent Set Union and Generalized Wake-Up. 187-196 - Sean Ovens, Philipp Woelfel:
Strongly Linearizable Implementations of Snapshots and Other Types. 197-206 - Arik Rinberg, Alexander Spiegelman, Edward Bortnikov, Eshcar Hillel, Idit Keidar, Hadar Serviansky:
Fast Concurrent Data Sketches. 207-208 - Chryssis Georgiou, Oskar Lundström, Elad Michael Schiller:
Self-Stabilizing Snapshot Objects for Asynchronous Failure-Prone Networked Systems. 209-211 - Wojciech M. Golab:
The Recoverable Consensus Hierarchy. 212-214 - Soma Chaudhuri, Reginald Frank
, Jennifer L. Welch:
How Fast Reads Affect Multi-Valued Register Simulations. 215-217
Session 5
- Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid, Kyrill Winkler
Topological Characterization of Consensus under General Message Adversaries. 218-227 - Uri Meir, Dor Minzer, Rotem Oshman:
Can Distributed Uniformity Testing Be Local? 228-237 - Nir Bachrach, Keren Censor-Hillel, Michal Dory, Yuval Efron, Dean Leitersdorf, Ami Paz
Hardness of Distributed Optimization. 238-247 - Lijie Chen, Ofer Grossman:
Broadcast Congested Clique: Planted Cliques and Pseudorandom Generators. 248-255 - Shreyas Pai
, Sriram V. Pemmaraju:
Connectivity Lower Bounds in Broadcast Congested Clique. 256-258 - Klaus-Tycho Foerster
, Janne H. Korhonen, Joel Rybicki
, Stefan Schmid
Does Preprocessing Help under Congestion? 259-261
Session 6
- Alkida Balliu
, Sebastian Brandt
, Yi-Jun Chang
, Dennis Olivetti
, Mikaël Rabie, Jukka Suomela
The Distributed Complexity of Locally Checkable Problems on Paths is Decidable. 262-271 - Adrian Kosowski, Przemyslaw Uznanski
, Laurent Viennot:
Hardness of Exact Distance Queries in Sparse Graphs Through Hub Labeling. 272-279 - Philipp Bamberger, Mohsen Ghaffari, Fabian Kuhn, Yannic Maus, Jara Uitto
On the Complexity of Distributed Splitting Problems. 280-289 - Mohsen Ghaffari, Fabian Kuhn:
On the Use of Randomness in Local Distributed Graph Algorithms. 290-299 - Shimon Bitton, Yuval Emek, Taisuke Izumi, Shay Kutten:
Message Reduction in the LOCAL Model is a Free Lunch. 300-302 - Yannic Maus:
P-SLOCAL-Completeness of Maximum Independent Set Approximation. 303-305
Keynote Lecture 3
- Ilya Sergey:
Engineering Distributed Systems that We Can Trust (and Also Run). 306
Session 7
- Rachid Guerraoui
, Petr Kuznetsov, Matteo Monti
, Matej Pavlovic, Dragos-Adrian Seredinschi:
The Consensus Number of a Cryptocurrency. 307-316 - Ittai Abraham, T.-H. Hubert Chan, Danny Dolev, Kartik Nayak, Rafael Pass
, Ling Ren
, Elaine Shi:
Communication Complexity of Byzantine Agreement, Revisited. 317-326 - Muhammad Samir Khan, Syed Shalan Naqvi, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Exact Byzantine Consensus on Undirected Graphs under Local Broadcast Model. 327-336 - Ittai Abraham, Dahlia Malkhi, Alexander Spiegelman:
Asymptotically Optimal Validated Asynchronous Byzantine Agreement. 337-346 - Maofan Yin, Dahlia Malkhi, Michael K. Reiter
, Guy Golan-Gueta, Ittai Abraham:
HotStuff: BFT Consensus with Linearity and Responsiveness. 347-356 - Johannes Bund, Christoph Lenzen, Will Rosenbaum
Fault Tolerant Gradient Clock Synchronization. 357-365 - Abhinav Aggarwal, Mahnush Movahedi, Jared Saia, Mahdi Zamani:
Bootstrapping Public Blockchains Without a Trusted Setup. 366-368
Session 8
- Alkida Balliu
, Juho Hirvonen, Dennis Olivetti
, Jukka Suomela
Hardness of Minimal Symmetry Breaking in Distributed Computing. 369-378 - Sebastian Brandt
An Automatic Speedup Theorem for Distributed Problems. 379-388 - Sebastian Brandt
, Yannic Maus, Jara Uitto
A Sharp Threshold Phenomenon for the Distributed Complexity of the Lovász Local Lemma. 389-398
Session 9
- Manuel Bravo, Alexey Gotsman:
Reconfigurable Atomic Transaction Commit. 399-408 - Marcos K. Aguilera, Naama Ben-David, Rachid Guerraoui
, Virendra J. Marathe, Igor Zablotchi:
The Impact of RDMA on Agreement. 409-418 - Ruslan Nikolaev
, Binoy Ravindran
Hyaline: Fast and Transparent Lock-Free Memory Reclamation. 419-421 - Samuel Thomas, Hammurabi Mendes:
Layering Data Structures over Skip Graphs for Increased NUMA Locality. 422-424
Session 10
- Zhuolun Xiang, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Partially Replicated Causally Consistent Shared Memory: Lower Bounds and An Algorithm. 425-434 - Kunal Korgaonkar, Joseph Izraelevitz, Jishen Zhao, Steven Swanson
Vorpal: Vector Clock Ordering For Large Persistent Memory Systems. 435-444 - Zhaoguo Wang, Changgeng Zhao, Shuai Mu, Haibo Chen, Jinyang Li:
On the Parallels between Paxos and Raft, and how to Port Optimizations. 445-454 - Jan Skrzypczak
, Florian Schintke, Thorsten Schütt:
Linearizable State Machine Replication of State-Based CRDTs without Logs. 455-457 - Maciej Kokocinski, Tadeusz Kobus, Pawel T. Wojciechowski
On Mixing Eventual and Strong Consistency: Bayou Revisited. 458-460
Session 11
- Sepehr Assadi, Xiaorui Sun, Omri Weinstein:
Massively Parallel Algorithms for Finding Well-Connected Components in Sparse Graphs. 461-470 - Yi-Jun Chang
, Manuela Fischer, Mohsen Ghaffari, Jara Uitto
, Yufan Zheng:
The Complexity of (Δ+1) Coloring in Congested Clique, Massively Parallel Computation, and Centralized Local Computation. 471-480 - Soheil Behnezhad, Sebastian Brandt
, Mahsa Derakhshan, Manuela Fischer, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Richard M. Karp, Jara Uitto
Massively Parallel Computation of Matching and MIS in Sparse Graphs. 481-490 - Buddhima Gamlath, Sagar Kale
, Slobodan Mitrovic, Ola Svensson:
Weighted Matchings via Unweighted Augmentations. 491-500
Session 12
- Ittai Abraham, Danny Dolev, Ivan Geffner, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Implementing Mediators with Asynchronous Cheap Talk. 501-510 - Michael Dinitz
, Magnús M. Halldórsson
, Taisuke Izumi, Calvin Newport:
Distributed Minimum Degree Spanning Trees. 511-520 - Michal Dory, Mohsen Ghaffari:
Improved Distributed Approximations for Minimum-Weight Two-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraph. 521-530 - Michael Elkin, Shaked Matar:
Near-Additive Spanners In Low Polynomial Deterministic CONGEST Time. 531-540 - Greg Bodwin, Shyamal Patel:
A Trivial Yet Optimal Solution to Vertex Fault Tolerant Spanners. 541-543
- Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller:
From Classical to Blockchain Consensus: What Are the Exact Algorithms? 544-545 - Ethan Buchman:
Byzantine Fault Tolerant State Machine Replication in Any Programming Language. 546 - Klaus-Tycho Foerster:
Central Control over Distributed Asynchronous Systems: A Tutorial on Software-Defined Networks and Consistent Network Updates. 547-548 - Diego Cepeda, Sakib Chowdhury, Wojciech M. Golab:
Tutorial: Specifying, Implementing, and Verifying Algorithms for Persistent Memory. 549
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