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29th PODC 2010: Zurich, Switzerland
- Andréa W. Richa, Rachid Guerraoui:
Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, July 25-28, 2010. ACM 2010, ISBN 978-1-60558-888-9 - Hagit Attiya:
The inherent complexity of transactional memory and what to do about it. 1-5
Regular papers
- Nathan Grasso Bronson, Jared Casper, Hassan Chafi, Kunle Olukotun:
Transactional predication: high-performance concurrent sets and maps for STM. 6-15 - Dmitri Perelman, Rui Fan, Idit Keidar:
On maintaining multiple versions in STM. 16-25 - Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal:
The multiplicative power of consensus numbers. 26-35 - Robert Danek:
The k-bakery: local-spin k-exclusion using non-atomic reads and writes. 36-44 - Vibhor Bhatt, Chien-Chung Huang:
Group mutual exclusion in O(log n) RMR. 45-54 - Damien Imbs, Michel Raynal, Gadi Taubenfeld:
On asymmetric progress conditions. 55-64
Brief announcements
- Yehuda Afek, Adam Morrison, Moran Tzafrir:
Brief announcement: view transactions: transactional model with relaxed consistency checks. 65-66 - Hagit Attiya, Eshcar Hillel:
Brief announcement: single-version permissive STM. 67-68 - Kai Lu, Ruibo Wang, Xicheng Lu:
Brief announcement: NUMA-aware transactional memory. 69-70 - Annette Bieniusa, Arie Middelkoop, Peter Thiemann:
Brief announcement: actions in the twilight - concurrent irrevocable transactions and inconsistency repair. 71-72 - Bo Zhang, Binoy Ravindran:
Brief announcement: on enhancing concurrency in distributed transactional memory. 73-74 - Bo Zhang, Binoy Ravindran:
Brief announcement: queuing or priority queuing? on the design of cache-coherence protocols for distributed transactional memory. 75-76 - Paraschos Koutris, Aris Pagourtzis:
Brief announcement: k-shot distributed broadcasting in radio networks. 77-78 - Stefan Vijzelaar, Herbert Bos, Wan J. Fokkink:
Brief announcement: a shared disk on distributed storage. 79-80 - Eli Gafni, Petr Kuznetsov:
Brief announcement: on L-resilience, hitting sets, and colorless tasks. 81-82 - Roberto Cortiñas, Iratxe Soraluze Arriola, Alberto Lafuente, Mikel Larrea:
Brief announcement: an efficient failure detector for omission environments. 83-84
Regular papers
- Peter W. O'Hearn, Noam Rinetzky, Martin T. Vechev, Eran Yahav, Greta Yorsh:
Verifying linearizability with hindsight. 85-94 - Marco Serafini, Dan Dobre, Matthias Majuntke, Péter Bokor, Neeraj Suri:
Eventually linearizable shared objects. 95-104 - Maurice Herlihy, Sergio Rajsbaum:
The topology of shared-memory adversaries. 105-113
Brief announcements
- Andréa W. Richa, Jin Zhang, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid:
Brief announcement: towards robust medium access in multi-hop networks. 114-115 - Florian Huc, Aubin Jarry, Pierre Leone, José D. P. Rolim:
Brief announcement: routing with obstacle avoidance mechanism with constant approximation ratio. 116-117 - Spyros Sioutas, George Papaloukopoulos, Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Kostas Tsichlas, Yannis Manolopoulos, Peter Triantafillou:
Brief announcement: ART--sub-logarithmic decentralized range query processing with probabilistic guarantees. 118-119 - Matthew P. Johnson, Amotz Bar-Noy:
Brief announcement: pan and scan. 120-121 - Benito van der Zander, Egon Wanke, Wolfgang Kiess, Björn Scheuermann:
Brief announcement: complexity and solution of the send-receive correlation problem. 122-123 - Thomas Kesselheim, Berthold Vöcking:
Brief announcement: distributed contention resolution in wireless networks. 124-125 - Dmitry Basin, Ken Birman, Idit Keidar, Ymir Vigfusson:
Brief announcement: sources of instability in data center multicast. 126 - Bivas Mitra, Sujoy Ghose, Niloy Ganguly:
Brief announcement: superpeer formation amidst churn and rewiring. 127-128 - Stephan Holzer, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Jasmin Smula, Roger Wattenhofer:
Brief announcement: self-monitoring in dynamic wireless networks. 129-130
Regular papers
- Faith Ellen, Panagiota Fatourou, Eric Ruppert, Franck van Breugel:
Non-blocking binary search trees. 131-140 - Danny Hendler, Philipp Woelfel:
Adaptive randomized mutual exclusion in sub-logarithmic expected time. 141-150 - Ittay Eyal, Idit Keidar, Raphael Rom:
Distributed data classification in sensor networks. 151-160 - Keren Censor-Hillel, Hadas Shachnai:
Partial information spreading with application to distributed maximum coverage. 161-170 - Pierre Fraigniaud:
Distributed computational complexities: are you volvo-addicted or nascar-obsessed? 171-172 - Yongmin Tan, Xiaohui Gu, Haixun Wang:
Adaptive system anomaly prediction for large-scale hosting infrastructures. 173-182 - Yuval Emek, Amos Korman:
Efficient threshold detection in a distributed environment: extended abstract. 183-191 - Ittai Abraham, Shiri Chechik, Cyril Gavoille, David Peleg:
Forbidden-set distance labels for graphs of bounded doubling dimension. 192-200 - Atish Das Sarma, Danupon Nanongkai, Gopal Pandurangan, Prasad Tetali:
Efficient distributed random walks with applications. 201-210 - Zuzana Beerliová-Trubíniová, Martin Hirt, Jesper Buus Nielsen:
On the theoretical gap between synchronous and asynchronous MPC protocols. 211-218 - Christoph Lucas, Dominik Raub, Ueli M. Maurer:
Hybrid-secure MPC: trading information-theoretic robustness for computational privacy. 219-228
Brief announcements
- Lasse Kliemann:
Brief announcement: the price of anarchy for distributed network formation in an adversary model. 229-230 - Shlomi Dolev, Juan A. Garay, Niv Gilboa, Vladimir Kolesnikov:
Brief announcement: swarming secrets. 231-232 - Dmitriy Kuptsov, Andrei V. Gurtov, Oscar García Morchon, Klaus Wehrle:
Brief announcement: distributed trust management and revocation. 233-234 - Shailesh Vaya:
Brief announcement: realizing secure multiparty computation on incomplete networks. 235-236 - Michael Backes, Stefan Lorenz, Matteo Maffei, Kim Pecina:
Brief announcement: anonymity and trust in distributed systems. 237-238 - Mehrdad Nojoumian, Douglas R. Stinson:
Brief announcement: secret sharing based on the social behaviors of players. 239-240 - Dinh Nguyen Tran, Jinyang Li, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Sherman S. M. Chow:
Brief announcement: improving social-network-based sybil-resilient node admission control. 241-242 - Arpita Patra, C. Pandu Rangan:
Brief announcement: communication efficient asynchronous byzantine agreement. 243-244 - Arpita Patra, Ashish Choudhury, C. Pandu Rangan:
Brief announcement: perfectly secure message transmissiontolerating mobile mixed adversary with reduced phase complexity. 245-246
Regular papers
- Chryssis Georgiou, Seth Gilbert, Dariusz R. Kowalski:
Meeting the deadline: on the complexity of fault-tolerant continuous gossip. 247-256 - Johannes Schneider, Roger Wattenhofer:
A new technique for distributed symmetry breaking. 257-266 - Shantanu Das, Paola Flocchini, Nicola Santoro, Masafumi Yamashita:
On the computational power of oblivious robots: forming a series of geometric patterns. 267-276
Brief announcements
- Efthymia Tsamoura, Anastasios Gounaris, Yannis Manolopoulos:
Brief announcement: on the quest of optimal service ordering in decentralized queries. 277-278 - Kewei Sun, Ying Li, Jing Luo:
Brief announcement: network traffic can optimize consolidation during transformation to virtualization. 279-280 - Patrik Floréen, Petteri Kaski, Valentin Polishchuk, Jukka Suomela:
Brief announcement: distributed almost stable marriage. 281-282 - Mugurel Ionut Andreica, Andrei Dragus, Ana-Delia Sambotin, Nicolae Tapus:
Brief announcement: decentralized construction of multicast trees embedded into P2P overlay networks based on virtual geometric coordinates. 283-284 - Roy Friedman, Alex Kogan:
Brief announcement: deterministic dominating set construction in networks with bounded degree. 285-286 - Johannes Schneider, Roger Wattenhofer:
Brief announcement: tree decomposition for faster concurrent data structures. 287-288 - Johannes Schneider, Roger Wattenhofer:
Brief announcement: efficient graph algorithms without synchronization. 289-290 - Supriya Krishnamurthy, John Ardelius, Erik Aurell, Mads Dam, Rolf Stadler, Fetahi Zebenigus Wuhib:
Brief announcement: the accuracy of tree-based counting in dynamic networks. 291-292 - Bo Tan, Laurent Massoulié:
Brief announcement: adaptive content placement for peer-to-peer video-on-demand systems. 293-294 - Christoph Lenzen, Roger Wattenhofer:
Brief announcement: exponential speed-up of local algorithms using non-local communication. 295-296
Regular papers
- Amotz Bar-Noy, Panagiotis Cheilaris, Yi Feng, Asaf Levin:
Finding mobile data under delay constraints with searching costs. 297-304 - Joffroy Beauquier, Janna Burman, Julien Clément, Shay Kutten:
On utilizing speed in networks of mobile agents. 305-314 - Thomas Sauerwald:
Expansion and the cover time of parallel random walks. 315-324 - Saurav Pandit, Sriram V. Pemmaraju:
Rapid randomized pruning for fast greedy distributed algorithms. 325-334 - Eric A. Brewer:
A certain freedom: thoughts on the CAP theorem. 335 - Fabian Kuhn, Nancy A. Lynch, Calvin C. Newport, Rotem Oshman, Andréa W. Richa:
Broadcasting in unreliable radio networks. 336-345 - Robert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald:
Discrete load balancing is (almost) as easy as continuous load balancing. 346-354 - Nicolas Hanusse, David Ilcinkas, Adrian Kosowski, Nicolas Nisse:
Locating a target with an agent guided by unreliable local advice: how to beat the random walk when you have a clock? 355-364 - Jukka Suomela:
Distributed algorithms for edge dominating sets. 365-374 - Andrea Clementi, Angelo Monti, Riccardo Silvestri:
Fast flooding over Manhattan. 375-383 - Noga Alon, Yuval Emek, Michal Feldman, Moshe Tennenholtz:
Bayesian ignorance. 384-391
Brief announcements
- Rena Bakhshi, Jörg Endrullis, Wan J. Fokkink, Jun Pang:
Brief announcement: asynchronous bounded expected delay networks. 392-393 - Wojciech M. Golab:
Brief announcement: locally-accessible implementations for distributed shared memory multiprocessors. 394-395 - Guanfeng Liang, Nitin H. Vaidya:
Brief announcement: capacity of byzantine agreement with finite link capacity - complete characterization of four-node networks. 396-397 - Andrew Berns, Sukumar Ghosh, Sriram V. Pemmaraju:
Brief announcement: a framework for building self-stabilizing overlay networks. 398-399 - Alessandra Sala, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao, Sabrina Gaito, Gian Paolo Rossi:
Brief announcement: revisiting the power-law degree distribution for social graph analysis. 400-401 - Yoann Dieudonné, Franck Petit, Vincent Villain:
Brief announcement: leader election vs pattern formation. 404-405 - Yukiko Yamauchi, Sébastien Tixeuil:
Brief announcement: monotonic stabilization. 406-407 - Alexander Wieder, Pramod Bhatotia, Ansley Post, Rodrigo Rodrigues:
Brief announcement: modelling MapReduce for optimal execution in the cloud. 408-409
Best paper session
- Leonid Barenboim, Michael Elkin:
Deterministic distributed vertex coloring in polylogarithmic time. 410-419 - Valerie King, Jared Saia:
Breaking the O(n2) bit barrier: scalable byzantine agreement with an adaptive adversary. 420-429 - Fabian Kuhn, Christoph Lenzen, Thomas Locher, Rotem Oshman:
Optimal gradient clock synchronization in dynamic networks. 430-439 - Yuval Emek, Magnús M. Halldórsson, Yishay Mansour, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, Dror Rawitz:
Online set packing and competitive scheduling of multi-part tasks. 440-449 - Jurek Czyzowicz, Adrian Kosowski, Andrzej Pelc:
How to meet when you forget: log-space rendezvous in arbitrary graphs. 450-459 - James Aspnes:
A modular approach to shared-memory consensus, with applications to the probabilistic-write model. 460-467 - Vibhor Bhatt, Prasad Jayanti:
Constant RMR solutions to reader writer synchronization. 468-477
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