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PARCO 2013: Munich, Germany
- Michael Bader, Arndt Bode, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Michael Gerndt, Gerhard R. Joubert, Frans J. Peters:
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Computing, ParCo 2013, 10-13 September 2013, Garching (near Munich), Germany. Advances in Parallel Computing 25, IOS Press 2014, ISBN 978-1-61499-380-3
Invited Talks
- Sudip S. Dosanjh, Shane Canon, Jack Deslippe, Kjiersten Fagnan, Richard A. Gerber
, Lisa Gerhardt, Jason Hick, Douglas Jacobsen, David Skinner, Nicholas J. Wright
Extreme Data Science at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Center. 3-18 - Martin Schulz
, James F. Belak
, Abhinav Bhatele, Peer-Timo Bremer, Greg Bronevetsky, Marc Casas
, Todd Gamblin, Katherine E. Isaacs, Ignacio Laguna, Joshua A. Levine, Valerio Pascucci
, David F. Richards, Barry Rountree:
Performance Analysis Techniques for the Exascale Co-Design Process. 19-32
Parallel Programming Models
- Tomotake Nakamura, Mitsuhisa Sato:
XMP-IO function and its application to MapReduce on the K computer. 35-42 - Lutz Schubert
, Jan Kuper, José Gracia
POLCA - A Programming Model for Large Scale, Strongly Heterogeneous Infrastructures. 43-52 - Alexandru Tanase, Vahid Lari, Frank Hannig
, Jürgen Teich:
Exploitation of Quality/Throughput Tradeoffs in Image Processing through Invasive Computing. 53-62 - Ashkan Tousimojarad, Wim Vanderbauwhede:
An Efficient Thread Mapping Strategy for Multiprogramming on Manycore Processors. 63-71 - Steffen Ernsting, Herbert Kuchen:
A Scalable Farm Skeleton for Heterogeneous Parallel Programming. 72-81 - Clemens Grelck, Hraban Luyat:
Towards Truly Boolean Arrays in Data-Parallel Array Processing. 82-91 - Marco Danelutto
, Luca Deri, Daniele De Sensi
, Massimo Torquati
Deep Packet Inspection on Commodity Hardware using FastFlow. 92-99
Performance Analysis and Tools
- Shajulin Benedict
, Michael Gerndt, Diana-Mihaela Gudu:
Formalizing Bottlenecks in Task-Based OpenMP Applications. 103-112 - Paul F. Baumeister
, Hans Boettiger, Thorsten Hater, Michael Knobloch
, Thilo Maurer, Andrea Nobile, Dirk Pleiter, Nicolas Vandenbergen:
Characterizing Performance of Applications on Blue Gene/Q. 113-122 - Robert Mijakovic
, Antonio Pimenta Soto, Isaías A. Comprés Ureña, Michael Gerndt, Anna Sikora
, Eduardo César
Specification of Periscope Tuning Framework Plugins. 123-132
Parallel Numerical Linear Algebra
- Sergey V. Kuznetsov
On Using Speculative Computations for Parallel Reduction to Tridiagonal Form. 135-142 - Peter Benner
, Martin Köhler
, Jens Saak
Fast Approximate Solution of the Non-Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem on Multicore Architectures. 143-152 - Adrien Rémy, Marc Baboulin, Masha Sosonkina, Brigitte Rozoy:
Locality Optimization on a NUMA Architecture for Hybrid LU Factorization. 153-162 - Bruno Carpentieri, Jia Liao, Masha Sosonkina:
Variable Block Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solver (VBARMS) for Sparse Linear Systems. 163-172 - Seiji Fujino, Keiichi Murakami, Kosuke Iwasato:
A Proposal of a Single-Synchronized Solver Suited to Large Scale Linear Systems on Parallel Computers with Distributed Memory. 173-182 - Daniele Bertaccini
, Salvatore Filippone
Approximate Inverse Preconditioners for Krylov Methods on Heterogeneous Parallel Computers. 183-192 - Michele Martone
Cache and Energy Efficiency of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Different BLAS Numerical Types with the RSB Format. 193-202 - Valeria Cardellini
, Alessandro Fanfarillo
, Salvatore Filippone
Heterogeneous Sparse Matrix Computations on Hybrid GPU/CPU Platforms. 203-212
Parallel Algorithms
- Atanas Radenski, Boyana Norris
MapReduce Streaming Algorithms for Laplace Relaxation on the Cloud. 215-224 - Vladimir Janjic
, Christopher Brown
, Max Neunhöffer, Kevin Hammond
, Steve Linton, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl:
Space Exploration using Parallel Orbits: a Study in Parallel Symbolic Computing. 225-232 - Martin Schreiber, Tobias Weinzierl, Hans-Joachim Bungartz:
SFC-based Communication Metadata Encoding for Adaptive Mesh Refinement. 233-242 - Clement Vuchener, Aurélien Esnard:
Graph Repartitioning with both Dynamic Load and Dynamic Processor Allocation. 243-252 - Carsten Burstedde, Donna A. Calhoun
, Kyle T. Mandli
, Andy R. Terrel:
ForestClaw: Hybrid forest-of-octrees AMR for hyperbolic conservation laws. 253-262 - Robert Speck
, Daniel Ruprecht
, Matthew Emmett, Matthias Bolten
, Rolf Krause
A space-time parallel solver for the three-dimensional heat equation. 263-272 - Toshiya Takami
, Daiki Fukudome:
An Efficient Pipelined Implementation of Space-Time Parallel Applications. 273-281
GPU Computing and Applications
- Eric Shaffer, Zuofu Cheng, Raine Yeh, George Zagaris, Luke N. Olson:
Efficient GPU-based Optimization of Volume Meshes. 285-294 - Davide Barbieri, Valeria Cardellini
, Salvatore Filippone
Fast Uniform Grid Construction on GPGPUs Using Atomic Operations. 295-304 - Tilman Dannert, Andreas Marek, Markus Rampp:
Porting Large HPC Applications to GPU Clusters: The Codes GENE and VERTEX. 305-314 - Alexander A. Davydov, Evgeny V. Shilnikov:
Numerical Simulation of the Low Compressible Viscous Gas Flows on GPU-based Hybrid Supercomputers. 315-323 - Marina A. Trapeznikova, Natalia Gennadievna Churbanova, Anastasiya Lyupa
, Dmitry Morozov:
Simulation of Multiphase Flows in the Subsurface on GPU-based Supercomputers. 324-333 - Andrew D. Brown, Rob Mills, Jeffrey S. Reeve, Kier Dugan, Steve B. Furber
Atomic computing - a different perspective on massively parallel problems. 334-343
Parallelisation and Optimisation of Large-Scale Applications
- Alexander Breuer, Alexander Heinecke, Michael Bader, Christian Pelties:
Accelerating SeisSol by Generating Vectorized Code for Sparse Matrix Operators. 347-356 - Dirk Brömmel, Paul Gibbon
, Marta Garcia
, Víctor López
, Vladimir Marjanovic, Jesús Labarta
Experience with the MPI/STARSS programming model on a large production code. 357-366 - Peter Benner
, Pablo Ezzatti
, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
, Alfredo Remón:
Exploiting Data- and Task-Parallelism in the Solution of Riccati Equations on Multicore Servers and GPUs. 367-374 - Massimiliano Guarrasi, Ning Li, Sandro Frigio, Andrew P. J. Emerson
, Giovanni Erbacci:
Testing and Implementing Some New Algorithms Using the FFTW Library on Massively Parallel Supercomputers. 375-386 - Keiichiro Fukazawa, Takeshi Nanri, Takayuki Umeda
Performance Measurements of MHD Simulation for Planetary Magnetosphere on Peta-Scale Computer FX10. 387-394 - Kristina Pickl, Matthias Hofmann, Tobias Preclik, Harald Köstler
, Ana-Suncana Smith
, Ulrich Rüde
Parallel Simulations of Self-propelled Microorganisms. 395-404 - Christiane Pousa Ribeiro, Jürg Hutter, Joost VandeVondele:
Improving Communication Performance of Sparse Linear Algebra for an Atomistic Simulation Application. 405-414 - Tiago Ribeiro
, Matthieu Haefele
NEMORB's Fourier Filter and Distributed Matrix Transposition on Petaflop Systems. 415-426 - Susumu Yamada, Toshiyuki Imamura, Masahiko Machida:
Parallel Computing Design for Exact Diagonalization Scheme on Multi-band Hubbard Cluster Models. 427-436
ParCo PhD Symposium
- Josef Weidendorfer, Michael Bader:
ParCo 2013 PhD Symposium. 439-440 - Evdokia Golovchenko, Elizaveta Dorofeeva, Irina Gasilova
, Alexei S. Boldarev:
Numerical Experiments with New Algorithms for Parallel Decomposition of Large Computational Meshes. 441-450 - Samia Kouki, Mohamed Jemni
, Talel Ladhari
A distributed algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem - An empirical analysis. 451-460 - Lena Oden:
GPI2 for GPUs: A PGAS framework for efficient communication in hybrid clusters. 461-470 - Stefan Pauli, Manuel Kohler, Peter Arbenz
A fault tolerant implementation of Multi-Level Monte Carlo methods. 471-480 - Wim M. van Rees
, Diego Rossinelli, Panagiotis E. Hadjidoukas, Petros Koumoutsakos
High performance CPU/GPU multiresolution Poisson solver. 481-490
Mini-Symposium. Parallel Computing with FPGAs (ParaFPGA2013)
- Erik H. D'Hollander, Dirk Stroobandt, Abdellah Touhafi
ParaFPGA 2013: Harnessing Programs, Power and Performance in Parallel FPGA applications. 493-496 - Moritz Schmid, Frank Hannig
, Alexandru Tanase, Jürgen Teich:
High-Level Synthesis Revised - Generation of FPGA Accelerators from a Domain-Specific Language using the Polyhedron Model. 497-506 - Eva Burrows
Compiling a Dataflow-based Language Abstraction onto an FPGA. 507-514 - Tobias Strauch:
Timing Driven C-Slow Retiming on RTL for MultiCores on FPGAs. 515-522 - Bruno da Silva
, An Braeken
, Erik H. D'Hollander, Abdellah Touhafi
Performance and Resource Modeling for FPGAs using High-Level Synthesis tools. 523-531 - Daichi Kobori, Tsutomu Maruyama:
Interactive Graph Cuts using FPGA. 532-539 - Hisaaki Kurita, Tsutomu Maruyama:
An Image Filter System based on dynamic partial reconfiguration on FPGA. 540-547 - Khurram Shahzad, Bengt Oelmann:
Investigating Energy Consumption of an SRAM-based FPGA for Duty-Cycle Applications. 548-559
Mini-Symposium. High-Dimensional Meets Parallel - Algorithms and Applications
- Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Dirk Pflüger, Markus Hegland
High-Dimensional Meets Parallel: Algorithms and Applications. 563-563 - Philipp Hupp, Riko Jacob, Mario Heene, Dirk Pflüger, Markus Hegland
Global Communication Schemes for the Sparse Grid Combination Technique. 564-573 - Mario Heene, Christoph Kowitz, Dirk Pflüger:
Load Balancing for Massively Parallel Computations with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique. 574-583 - Brendan Harding
, Markus Hegland
A Parallel Fault Tolerant Combination Technique. 584-592 - Jay Walter Larson, Peter E. Strazdins, Markus Hegland
, Brendan Harding
, Stephen G. Roberts
, Linda Stals
, Alistair P. Rendell, Md. Mohsin Ali
, James Southern:
Managing Complexity in the Parallel Sparse Grid Combination Technique. 593-602 - Valeriy Khakhutskyy, Dirk Pflüger, Markus Hegland
Scalability and Fault Tolerance of the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Sparse Grids. 603-612
Mini-Symposium. Application Autotuning for HPC (Architectures)
- Siegfried Benkner, Matthias Brehm, Michael Gerndt, Wolfram Hesse, Anna Sikora
Mini-Symposium on Application Autotuning for HPC. 615-615 - Benjamin Eagan, Gilles Civario, Renato Miceli:
Investigating Performance Benefits from OpenACC Kernel Directives. 616-625 - Martin Peter Tillmann
, Thomas Karcher, Carsten Dachsbacher, Walter F. Tichy:
Application-independent Autotuning for GPUs. 626-635 - Enes Bajrovic, Siegfried Benkner, Jirí Dokulil
, Martin Sandrieser:
Autotuning of Pattern Runtimes for Accelerated Parallel Systems. 636-645 - Prasanna Balaprakash
, Karl Rupp, Azamat Mametjanov
, Robert B. Gramacy, Paul D. Hovland
, Stefan M. Wild
Empirical performance modeling of GPU kernels using active learning. 646-655 - Abdul Wahid Memon, Grigori Fursin:
Crowdtuning: systematizing auto-tuning using predictive modeling and crowdsourcing. 656-667 - Robert Schöne
, Andreas Knüpfer, Daniel Molka:
Potentials and Limitations for Energy Efficiency Auto-Tuning. 678-687
Mini-Symposium. Extreme Scaling on SuperMUC
- Momme Allalen, Gurvan Bazin, Christoph Bernau, Arndt Bode, David Brayford, Matthias Brehm, Jürg Diemand, Klaus Dolag, Jan Engels, Nicolay Hammer, Herbert Huber, Ferdinand Jamitzky, Anupam Karmakar, Carsten Kutzner, Andreas Marek, Carmen B. Navarrete, Helmut Satzger, Wolfram Schmidt, Philipp Trisjono:
Extreme Scaling Workshop at the LRZ. 691-697 - David Brayford, Momme Allalen, Volker Weinberg:
Extreme Scaling of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics. 698-702 - Harald Klimach, Kartik Jain
, Sabine Roller:
End-to-end Parallel Simulations with APES. 703-711 - Andreas Marek, Markus Rampp, Florian Hanke, Hans-Thomas Janka:
Towards Petaflops Capability of the VERTEX Supernova Code. 712-721 - Carsten Kutzner, Rossen Apostolov, Berk Hess
, Helmut Grubmüller:
Scaling of the GROMACS 4.6 molecular dynamics code on SuperMUC. 722-727
Mini-Symposium. Parallel Programming for Heterogeneous Architectures
- Bettina Krammer, Hartmut Mix
, Markus Geimer
Parallel Programming for Heterogeneous Architectures. 731-732 - Jörg Dümmler, Gudula Rünger:
Execution Schemes for the NPB-MZ Benchmarks on Hybrid Architectures: A Comparative Study. 733-742 - Victor Lomüller, Sylvestre Ledru, Henri-Pierre Charles
Scilab on a hybrid platform. 743-752 - Loïc Thébault, Eric Petit, Marc Tchiboukdjian, Quang Dinh, William Jalby:
Divide and Conquer Parallelization of Finite Element Method Assembly. 753-762 - Thomas M. Baumann, José Gracia
Cudagrind: A Valgrind Extension for CUDA. 763-772 - Marc Schlütter, Peter Philippen, Laurent Morin, Markus Geimer, Bernd Mohr
Profiling Hybrid HMPP Applications with Score-P on Heterogeneous Hardware. 773-782 - Julien Jaeger, Peter Philippen, Eric Petit, Andres Charif Rubial, Christian Rössel
, William Jalby, Bernd Mohr
Binary Instrumentation for Scalable Performance Measurement of OpenMP Applications. 783-792 - Robert Dietrich, Frank Winkler, Thomas William, Jonas Stolle, Robert Henschel, Donald K. Berry:
A Case Study: Holistic Performance Analysis on Heterogeneous Architectures using the Vampir Toolchain. 793-802
Further Mini-Symposium Contributions
- Chris Johnson, Anastasia V. Bochenkova
, Alexander A. Granovsky, Peter J. Bond
, Teresa Paramo, Tristan Glatard, William A. Romero R.
, Denis Friboulet, Stefan J. Zasada, Peter V. Coveney:
PRACE DECI (Distributed European Computing Initiative) Minisymposium. 805-812 - Sebastian Kuckuk, Björn Gmeiner, Harald Köstler
, Ulrich Rüde
A Generic Prototype to Benchmark Algorithms and Data Structures for Hierarchical Hybrid Grids. 813-822 - Dirk Schmidl, Christian Iwainsky
, Christian Terboven
, Christian H. Bischof, Matthias S. Müller
Towards a Performance Engineering Workflow for OpenMP 4.0. 823-832 - Oliver Kunst, Jörn Behrens
Theoretical Measures of Cache Efficiency for Tetrahedral Adaptive Meshes - A Case Study with a Quasi Space-Filling Curve Order. 833-842
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